Home Vegetables The practice of cleansing the inner and outer world. Practices of cleansing from negativity. When is it required to clear the mind

The practice of cleansing the inner and outer world. Practices of cleansing from negativity. When is it required to clear the mind

Just over a month ago, the Russian media spread the news that “the head of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Affairs, a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) Archpriest Dimitri (Smirnov) advised to beat children "in the face" if they swear. So the priest answered the question of a pupil of the Moscow orphanage "Pavlin", how to wean someone from using obscene language. “It's very simple,- said the archpriest, and remembered how one of his wards boys once swore in front of him. - I gave him in the face, and now he has not swore for five years. In his opinion, swearing is the language spoken by "all drunkenness, thief, drug addicts." “I can help: kick in the face - and that's it, it heals instantly, he added. - Why say bad words when there are 500 thousand beautiful words in the Russian language - they were created for poetry "... At the same time, the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church added that "giving in the face" of the child is an effective method, but it is better to do without it.

Source: https://m.lenta.ru/news/2019/09/22/baams/amp/

Even if we assume that this was said by Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov in a half-joking manner, then taking this circumstance into account, we have an outrageous case of improper education of our children by a representative of the non-profit (non-profit ?!) organization Russian Orthodox Church.

But most of all, I was personally outraged by another recent incident related to a hiking trip to Moscow from Yakutia by the eccentric Alexander Gabyshev, who proclaimed himself a "shaman", who suddenly dreamed that "Putin is a demon and must be expelled from the Kremlin."

Priest Andrei Batashov, commenting on these events, told reporters on camera: “This is all gagging! Faith must be correct, and this is a bunch of people who do not understand what they are ... And then, so to speak, all authority is from God, right?!"

BBC NEWS journalist: "Is Russia a secular state?"

Priest Andrey Batashov: “Well, it’s clear that it’s secular! But in terms of spirituality, all authority is from God! That is, well, it means that if the Lord has appointed such a ruler, it means that this country needs it! ".

It remains only to sadly regret that our people have such teachers of morality and such preachers of spirituality!

As for "spiritual literacy", which both priests and believers draw from one officially approved written source - the Bible, I want to say right away that the statement: "All authority is from God!"- is, from the point of view of true Christianity, a kind of "understatement" that previously misled millions of people around the world and continues to do so today. What is a "understatement" in Russian is easy to understand using the example of the well-known proverb: "The old horse does not spoil the furrow!" Everything seems to be fine, an old experienced horse is no worse than a young one. No, no! The same "uncircumcised" proverb, that is, written or spoken in full, relieves us of illusions: "The old horse does not spoil the furrow, but does not plow deeply either!" There is a very significant difference between an old horse and a young one.

Similarly, with the statement "All authority is from God"... This is also an "understatement". In uncircumcised form, the meaning of this saying is completely different: “Any power (which does not resort to deceiving the people)- from God, but which keeps the people for a fool and promotes the prosperity of slave owners, usurers and swindlers - from the devil! ".

In the Bible there is a direct speech of Christ, which proves that not all authority is from God, and that which is "not from God", is "The power of darkness".

“But to the chief priests and the rulers of the temple and the elders who had gathered against Him, Jesus said: As if you came out against a robber with swords and stakes to take Me? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now your time and the power of darkness…» (Luke 22: 52-53).

Earlier, to the same audience, Christ said: “Why don't you understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My word. Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But since I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. Which one of you convicts Me of unrighteousness? If I speak the truth, why don't you believe Me? He who is from God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not listen is that you are not from God. On this Judeans answered and said to Him, Is it not true that we say that You are a Samaritan and that the demon is in You? " (John 8: 43-48).

What happened then, we all know ... The Jews brought Christ to the Roman procurator Pilate, who did not find any guilt in the arrested person, however, at the request of the Jewish “high priests” (ORDERS OF EVIL!), He was forced to put Christ to painful death.

Thus, the words of Christ: "Now is your time and the power of darkness ..." (Luke 22: 53) got 100% proof. The very death of the Savior then shouted: "People, remember forever what happened, but, most importantly, remember forever the face of the power of darkness, which dictates its will even to Rome!"

So, we now know how events developed then, and what Christ, the founder of true Christianity, the apostolic movement for the salvation of the oppressed, deceived by the authorities, legally enslaved and also sick people, managed to say to his disciples during his lifetime.

Further, it will be easy for us to understand why it was on the territory of Rome that a parody of true Christianity - "Paulianism" arose. the founder of which was a certain Jew Saul (Shaul), who allegedly believed in Christ and therefore called himself "the Apostle Paul." For what purpose this Jew became a false Christian and headed the pseudo-Christian movement he created, these are his words explain: “Let every soul be submissive to the highest authorities, for there is no power not from God; the existing authorities from God are established. Therefore, the one who resists the authority opposes God's ordinance. And those who oppose themselves will incur condemnation ... "(Rom. 13: 1-2).

This is nothing more than disinformation calls for people to continue to be submissive to any authority ... even if it is the authority of Adolf Hitler, the real incarnation of the devil!

So, on the basis of the above, we can conclude: if today the so-called “Russian Orthodox Church” preaches, like the “Apostle Paul”, that “all power is from God!”, Then this is, firstly, a lie, and secondly, this is not Christianity, but "Paulianism"! And whoever claims this is a false Christian.

More than a century ago, in 1907, “Paulianism” as a pseudo-Christianity was exposed by our great Russian thinker Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, who personally translated all four canonical Gospels from Greek into Russian. Count Leo Tolstoy then wrote a detailed story on the topic: "Why are Christian peoples in general, and especially Russian, are now in a dire situation"... His story is relevant today, because as then Russia had Roman "Paulianism" instead of true Christianity, and now it has it!

This fact is confirmed by the statements of another priest from the ROC, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin: “The main problem of modern Orthodoxy and, in fact, Russia (because Russia does not exist without Orthodoxy) is that we have forgotten how to be slaves. Christianity is a religion of conscious and voluntary slavery. Slave psychology is not some hidden subtext, but the norm of the worldview for an Orthodox Christian ... ".

My personal opinion: the word "mug" does not suit children in any way, but it even suits the faces of such priests!

I started my article with the news: "Archpriest Dimitri (Smirnov) advised to beat children" in the face "if they swear", and I want to end it with a reminder that all of Christ's disciples were taught not only to admonish the unreasonable with the Word, but also to heal various ailments of people with the Holy Spirit!

That would be for today's priests to acquire such worldly wisdom and begin such a medical practice! Otherwise, it is not clear what their "priesthood" is ?! Where is their possession by the power of the Holy Spirit? What is passed on to them through the rite of "ordination"? "The power of darkness"?

You just need to take a shower, or just wash your hands, while imagining that the water washes away the negative (the negative can be thought of as something black, viscous, or whatever is associated with it). At the same time, it is desirable that the negative manifests itself in your imagination with a minimum of effort, and when it ceases to appear, it means that you are pure. If it doesn’t work, then just visualize, putting the necessary meaning into visualization (representation in the form of an image).

The second technique is to send to the Earth (grounding)

You need to stand (if there is a possibility, then with bare feet) on the Earth, "ask" it to suck the negative out of you. Just imagine how the Earth sucks out your negativity, how bad energy flows from you. Send it mentally to the ground (if you can, then, as in the first practice, just feel it, and if not, visualize it). Energy is not only outside, but also inside. If some amount of "good" energy gets into the Earth, then it is not scary - the movement of energy is always useful. You can also use trees (preferably vampire trees, you can read about them on the Internet). You need to lean against a tree and ask to pick up the negative.

Technique three - incineration

You can "throw" the negative into the fire, or you can hold a candle fire over the body (so as not to burn yourself) with the intention of purifying yourself.

Technique four - breathing

You breathe out negativity - it can look like thick, unpleasant smoke, come up with images, and instead breathe in a blue and / or golden glow. This technique will not only cleanse, but also energize you. The fuller and broader the representation - the better - that is, you need to imagine how the glow spreads throughout the body, absorbs into you, and so on, and, accordingly, feel the heaviness and perniciousness of the negative that you breathe out.

Fifth technique - meditative

You do not need physical contact with the elements to purify yourself. Meditation can be used. First, enter a state of relaxation, then visualize in detail how the stream of water washes you, absorbing and carrying away everything bad. It is also possible with other elements - for example, to imagine that you are engulfed in fire that does not burn your body (there may be a side effect in the form of heat and a slight deterioration in well-being, but there is an effect).

You can also visualize the clearing of the negative in other ways: the main thing is your imagination and a reasonable approach (for example, try to prevent the negative from falling on people and thickening in space).

High meditations

In addition, you can use high-frequency energies - cosmic energy, spiritual, egregorial (in some cases), love energy, light, flow, and so on, but these are more complex techniques. For now, use the ones I've described and choose the best one. Remember that these techniques are very useful, but they will not solve all your problems and will not be able to completely cleanse you; more serious and difficult work is going on at deeper levels.

Do you often feel unwell, but cannot say for sure what it is connected with? Or maybe you have health problems that prevent you from living a fulfilling lifestyle? Nowadays, feeling unwell at the height of the working day - when a person finds himself as if taken apart in parts - has already become the norm. Many of us have long forgotten what it means to be full of strength and energy and have given up trying to return to this state. It is necessary to recognize the fact that today people's attention is focused not on maintaining health, but on the desire to get rid of existing diseases. Focusing on modern diagnostic methods, treating symptoms, rather than striving for a healthy lifestyle, as well as increased media attention to new diseases and viruses, reduces awareness in society and the ability of each of us to listen to our inner voices. This becomes the reason that people ignore the "first calls" that their own body sends them. In a sense, malaise can be seen as an invitation to get rid of the imbalance in the body at an early stage of the disease without much effort. And even if you are feeling great, wouldn't you like it to be so in the future?

Yoga is the best way to achieve the most positive results in restoring and maintaining human health. The ancient yogic sources "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" and "Geranda Samhita" describe 6 basic cleansing procedures that remove all manifestations of tamas energy in the body, and, therefore, get rid of the disease itself and return us vitality without using any whatsoever. medicines.

With the help of yoga, a deep cleansing of the internal organs takes place. Organs, which accumulate a lot of toxins, require cleansing with the help of suddhikriyas (kriyas - a complex, a sequence of exercises). Internal organs that come into contact with the external environment must also be cleaned regularly. The trachea is constantly in contact with air that enters the body from the outside, the organs of the digestive system come into contact with food, and consciousness - with information from the outside world.

In fact, cleansing is not part of your daily routine. When there is a need for purification, the kriyas can be practiced every day, but when there is no such need, the kriyas are not practiced. Below you will find a detailed description of each suddhikriya, but it must be remembered that the main ones are not practiced in the same way as asanas and pranayama in everyday life, which can be practiced every day. While these ancient methods may seem strange, they are an effective way to cleanse and detoxify the body from the inside.

The following symptoms and signs often indicate that your body needs a cleanse:

White coating on the tongue in the morning

After the main meal, you feel tired, there is a desire to take a nap

Any problems with digestion, as well as bloating, flatulence, especially after the main meal

Constipation, loose or irregular bowel movements

Intense craving for salty, sweet, or spicy foods

You are not listening to the needs of your body (sleep, food, rest, exercise, etc.)

· You feel a lack of energy and inspiration; you are morally exhausted, there are no fresh thoughts and new ideas

You have a heightened sense of anxiety and react easily to stress

Difficulty falling asleep, having a hard time waking up in the morning

Scattered attention, it is difficult to focus on one thing

· You experience a feeling of discomfort; you feel like you don't feel as good as you might have felt (or as good as before)

As a yoga teacher and person who has practiced yoga for many years, I can say that these techniques are quite organic and have great value. For example, we are used to treating vomiting as a symptom of a disease or digestive upset, but vomiting on the other hand is a vital tool. Once, while traveling in Europe, I felt unwell after having lunch at one of the local cafes. I was camping and I remember lying on my bed in a state of fever with acute pain in my stomach, feeling hot all over my body. Then I remembered about kunjala or "cleansing the tiger" - a special cleaning for the abdomen. I crawled out into the street, drank several glasses of water in one gulp and deliberately induced vomiting. I was amazed at the result. Within a few minutes the pain disappeared and soon I felt completely recovered and returned to my journey in the Alps. I don't know how long it would take for my digestive system to digest stale food, and what would be the consequences of this for my body, but I know for sure that this method worked instantly and served me well. Another kriya that I use all the time is hrid dhauti or purification of the tongue. Since ancient times, yogis have used palm twigs and used them to scrub the tongue with them to remove plaque and food debris. In combination with brushing your teeth, hrid dhauti gives you fresh breath and cleanliness of the oral cavity.

Although, in addition to the main six cleansing practices described in the texts on hatha yoga, there are many others, those kriyas that we will consider below are basic and can be useful not only for yogis, but also for modern people.

Hrid dhauti and danta dhauti - cleansing the oral cavity

Hrid Dhauti is the cleansing of the tongue and Danta Dhauti is the cleansing of the teeth. Since ancient times, yogis have traditionally used the flexible branches of the neem tree as a toothbrush. The idea of ​​brushing your tongue, however, may seem unusual to many people. The tongue is like a thick, long pile carpet that traps food debris and bacteria. To get rid of them, special steel scrapers are used. Such a scraper can be ordered online for home delivery. If this is not possible, you can use a spoon or a modern toothbrush (however, the scraper works much better). The cleaning technique with a scraper is quite simple: gently remove plaque from the tongue. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Neti - cleansing the nasal cavity

There are two types of neti: jala neti and sutra neti.

Jala neti

How to do it:

    • Fill a neti pot - neti pot - with warm salt water. The water temperature should be 38-40 ° C, the proportion of salt and water should be 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Tilt your head over the sink and gently insert the neti sweat spout into your right nostril (this will close the nostril with the neti sweat spout). Tilt your head slightly forward and at the same time turn it to the left so that water flows out of the left nostril. Breathing is carried out through the mouth. Pour about half of the contents of the neti sweat through the right nostril.
    • Then gently insert the nose of the neti sweat into the left nostril and turn your head to the right so that the water flows out of the right nostril. At the end, it is necessary to blow out the remaining water from the nose using the "Kapala Bhati" technique from pranayama.
    • To end the nose cleansing practice, breathe out 3-5 vigorously through each nostril while pinching the opposite nostril (as if blowing your nose). It is very important that the mouth remains open during the procedure so that water does not enter the ears.

This procedure can be used as needed. When you feel like your nasal passages need to be cleared, you can use this procedure.

Benefit: has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all the senses, which are located above the neck. Improves vision, relieves eye fatigue (for example, after working at a computer for a long time). Relieves headaches. Improves memory and concentration. Treats diseases of the nasal cavity. Prevention of sinusitis and colds. With regular use, it relieves allergies. It removes mucus from the body, reduces the manifestations of kapha, slows down the aging process.

Contraindications: Do not practice for colds, ear problems, if there are polyps in the nasal cavity.

Sutra Neti

This type of neti is done with a twisted cotton thread covered with beeswax. You can also use a soft rubber probe. For the first time, this type of cleansing can only be practiced under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Just like jala neti, sutra neti provides a thorough cleansing of the nasal cavity. The massage effect, which is achieved by touching the rubber probe, is even more effective than rinsing the nose with salt water. This method is suitable for people with respiratory problems and for those with narrow nostrils. If you follow all safety rules, this method can be used every day or every other day.

Nauli - movement of the abdominal muscles

There is a rule in yoga that says: every muscle must make at least one movement a day. This is to release tension and allow energy to flow unhindered. Energy is like water. Stagnant water becomes dirty and odorless. Water that flows freely, in turn, remains always clean. That is why it is necessary to give work to the muscles of the abdominal cavity and intestines every day. Nauli has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion and elimination of waste from the body.

How to do it: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale fully through your mouth. With your knees bent slightly, place your hands on the sides of your pelvis. Straighten your arms. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead. Let your abdominal muscles relax. Now, without breathing, quickly and intensively draw in and inflate your stomach 10-15 times. Inhale through your nose and straighten up. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Benefit: Agnisara Kriya activates the Manipura chakra and awakens the “digestive fire”. This practice improves metabolism, boosts immunity, and helps with diabetes.

Contraindications: Do not perform during pregnancy, during menstruation, or after any abdominal surgery. Consult your doctor before performing this kriya for gastrointestinal and pancreatic conditions. Practice on an empty stomach.

Agnisara Kriya is practiced for several weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles. After such preparation, you can perform the "Nauli" technique.


How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth and bend forward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your hips. Pull in your lateral abdominal muscles while contracting the muscles that run parallel to each other in the center of your abdomen (rectus abdominis). Thanks to these actions, a vacuum effect is created in the abdominal cavity. When you feel the urge to breathe in, straighten up and breathe in. Repeat 5-6 times. You can do it as many times as you have enough strength and until you feel tired in the abdomen. After doing this practice for some time, you can move on to the exercise, when the rectus abdominis muscle moves from right to left and left to right, and then to the movement of the muscle in a circle.


    • Strengthens the abdominal muscles. During this practice, the intestines and organs of the upper abdomen and lower abdomen are massaged. This kriya regulates blood pressure and prevents diabetes. Helps with heartburn and skin diseases (acne). Improves intestinal motility and liver function.
    • One of the best exercises for human health. It stimulates and regulates the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. Many diseases arise from problems with the digestive system: headaches, skin diseases, and even cancer. Toxins and waste products of the body, which were not excreted in time, settle inside the body, which is the cause of the above troubles.

Contraindications: Do not perform if you are pregnant or if you have kidney stones or gallbladder stones. Practice on an empty stomach. The best time to do this is early in the morning.

Dhauti - cleansing the esophagus and stomach

This practice is also called Gaj Karn. Gaj means elephant. When an elephant is unwell and feels nauseous, the animal plunges its trunk deep into the esophagus and thus draws out the contents of the stomach. This technique was taught to people by nature itself.

There are 2 types of dhauti: Jala Dhauti or Kunjala Kriya

How to do it: Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in two liters of warm water (40 ° C). Stand up straight and drink the water quickly, glass by glass. Lean forward slightly, press down on your lower abdomen with your left hand, and place your straightened index and middle fingers of your right hand in your throat. At the same time, point your tongue downward to induce nausea. All the water you just drank will come out in half a minute.

This cleansing can be done 1-2 times a week. This is best done early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefit: helps with acidity, food allergies and asthma. Eliminates bad breath. Harmonizes Kapha and Pitta.

Contraindications: This exercise is not performed for high blood pressure and glaucoma.

Dhauti sutra

How to do it: This type of stomach cleansing requires a strip of cotton cloth 3 meters long and 10 centimeters wide. For the first time, this exercise should be done under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor.

Benefit: Like jala dhauti, this exercise cleanses the stomach and helps with acidity. The upper respiratory tract is also cleared, providing relief from asthma and allergies to dust and pollen. Harmonizes Kapha and Pitta.

Trataka - concentration on one point

This kriya is performed to purify consciousness. Trataka is stopping your gaze at one point without blinking until tears come out.

How to do it:

Sit in a meditation posture in front of a lighted candle at arm's length so that the flame is at chest level. If you put the candle too high, there will be tension in the eyebrow center or a burning sensation in the eyes. The flame should be calm and not sway from a draft. Close your eyes. You can repeat your favorite mantra to yourself, as during meditation.

Open your eyes and look at the flame without blinking. The flame can be divided into three color zones. The bottom is reddish, the middle is bright white, and the tip is the color of smoke. Concentrate on the top of the flame, where it shines brightest.

Close your eyes again. If you close your eyes and an image of fire appears in front of you, gently concentrate on this image without creating any tension. Try not to cling to the image, otherwise it will disappear.

Repeat three times.

Extend the exercise gradually. At the very beginning, look at the flame for no more than 10-15 seconds. You need to increase the time so that after a year you can look at the flame for 1 minute, and then concentrate on the inner image with your eyes closed for about 4 minutes.

you can also practice trataka by keeping your gaze on a white dot drawn on black paper or a black dot drawn on white paper. When a person concentrates on a white point, closing his eyes, he sees a black point, and vice versa, if he concentrates on a black point with open eyes, then the image of a white point appears before him with closed eyes.

Benefit: Cleans eyes, strengthens eye muscles, improves vision and memory. Improves sleep, eliminates enuresis. It teaches concentration and therefore it is recommended to practice for schoolchildren. Develops intuition, the ability to visualize and willpower. Relieves tension in the eyes, headaches, myopia, helps in the early stages of cataract development. Eye color becomes brighter. Trataka has a beneficial effect on the brain, improves memory, develops mental abilities and the ability to concentrate. Useful for depression, insomnia.

Contraindications: This exercise is not suitable for people with mental health problems. For schizophrenia and hallucinations

Exercise "Waterfall"

Do this exercise every day to cleanse shallow energy mud.
  1. Just get up and relax. Imagine yourself standing under a waterfall and a river flowing under your feet, which is carried away.
  2. Feel the waterfall, washing away all negative emotions, distracting thoughts, other people's energies that have gathered around you during the day. Feel with your head, shoulders, chest and back the spray of water hitting your feet and flying into a stream that blows the psychic mud away.
  3. Do this exercise slowly, paying careful attention to each part of your body. After you complete, do the exercise again.
When you are done, you will experience a feeling of lightness and relaxation. You can imagine "Waterfall" while taking a shower.

Exercise "Clearing"

This practice should be done during meditation. Set aside a time when nobody and nothing will distract you, sit comfortably and relax.
  1. Close your eyes, breathe evenly. Imagine yourself in a clean, forest clearing. Around you can imagine trees, a river, a lake, green grass, flowers.
  2. Then imagine your life energy - everything that has accumulated over the past day and recently in general. Imagine all negative emotions in the form of garbage, dirt around you, in your meadow. And now you need to mentally remove all this!
  3. Arm yourself with any imaginary cleaning tool - rags, mops, vacuum cleaner. Take away all this rubbish, making your meadow cleaner and cleaner. You can support your "cleaning" with mental positive statements: Every day my life is getting better and better!
If a lot of negativity has accumulated, do this practice for some time, ideally - 21 days. In the future, you can apply this technique as needed.

Do not forget that your energy radiation is one of the most important components of success and the realization of your desires.

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