Home Vegetables The rules of the exam in literature. "What is the attitude of the lyric hero of the poem to the" great eternal army "of lovers?" or "What role does anaphora play in the poem?" Appointment of KIM USE

The rules of the exam in literature. "What is the attitude of the lyric hero of the poem to the" great eternal army "of lovers?" or "What role does anaphora play in the poem?" Appointment of KIM USE

The methodology for passing the exam changes every year. Experts invent new ways to determine the level of knowledge of students, develop a list of questions, update their topics, change the number of compulsory subjects. This state of affairs is extremely alarming and frightening for future graduates, because they also need to know what to prepare for and what to expect from an exam that is important for their life.

In our article we will tell you the main stages of the passage USE in literature 2017 year, and also announce possible changes that will affect this exam.

the date of the

There is not much time left before the main school exams. The time is not far off, when “we only dream of peace,” and mountains of textbooks on various subjects are gathering on the desk. Of course, preparing for the exam takes up a lot of free time, energy and nerves. The preliminary schedule of future exams has already been drawn up and looks like this:

  • The early stage is March 24, 2017. The reserve day for the early stage is April 3, 2017.
  • The main stage is June 13, 2017, and the reserve day is fixed for June 20, 2017.

Compulsory subjects taken out for the exam 2017

This is the most burning topic, rapidly passing from one student to another. Many schoolchildren are worried that the list of compulsory subjects will expand significantly and they will have to vegetate even more time for textbooks, instead of a well-deserved rest after classes.

To date, there is no final list of new compulsory subjects, because officials had several disciplines under consideration: from history to physics.

  • - is required for admission to any university in the country.
  • Mathematics - the exam is divided into two levels (basic and profile).

Unified State Exam in Literature: Possible Changes

Closer to 2018, the literature exam should be radically revised and some of its points will be radically changed. In particular, the specialists intend to completely remove tasks with short answers, leaving only small compositions and one complete one.

However, it is still too early to sound the alarm and fear the end of the year in panic - the USE in literature in 2017 will come according to the usual scheme:

  • 1 block - Semantic. Here, students are presented with a small passage from an epic or dramatic work with 7 questions (short) on its content. In addition, the graduate must write a couple of mini-essays on a given topic.
  • Block 2 - Lyric work with several questions to it, as well as two mini-compositions.
  • Block 3 - An extended essay on any of the three assigned topics.

However, small changes will still occur. They will relate to the construction of questions - they will make a bias on the knowledge of the realities of the text, and not on the knowledge of basic literary terms. It follows from this that it is not enough to have narrow knowledge in literature to pass the exam.

I would also like to focus on one more feature of the literature exam - poems. As a rule, students hope that in the forms they will find a poem by a certain author from the school curriculum.

Nevertheless, based on the KIM rules, if a poet was included in the codifier, then any of his works can be submitted for analysis on the exam. This is a fairly correct approach, because during the passing of the final test, the graduate must show in a mini-essay how correctly he can analyze without referring to the pages of textbooks.

Already in 2016, “non-school” poems could be found in many versions of KIMs, so in 2017 this move will definitely be repeated.

Final essay

For a good assessment on this block, it is not enough just to take and state your thoughts on paper. It is necessary to carefully consider each proposal, correctly formulate and express your opinion in an understandable and simple form. Spelling and punctuation errors attract the attention of reviewers, so they should be avoided.

In addition, each student should try to reveal the given topic in full, using not only his own life examples, but also arguments from the field of literature. The structure of the text should look like this: introduction, several arguments and examples, conclusion.

In order for the final essay to be of high quality, the graduate already has access to a list of works that have been submitted to the Unified State Examination in literature. After reading them, as well as familiarizing yourself with additional information about the author, the history of writing, key points and other details, you will definitely write a worthy work that deserves the highest praise.

Grading scale

In 2017, in order to pass the threshold for this exam, you need to score only 36 points. It is not so difficult to earn them - it is enough to solve 9 tasks (from 1 to 7, 10 and 11). On a five-point scale, the primary / test scores are as follows:

Preparation for the exam in literature

Any graduate would dream of seeing the coveted “Five” in the certificate, but not everyone can pass exams for high marks. Only those who do not spare their own efforts and time, spends them on preparation, endlessly leafing through auxiliary literature, has every chance of getting “Excellent”. Preparation for the exam can be done in different ways:

  • Pass the exam demo over and over again.
  • Get acquainted with the questions using tests that are similar to those that will be submitted to the exam.
  • Contact tutors.

Whichever of the proposed options you choose, you must remember that without a certain baggage of knowledge, none of them will work. Read more, analyze, try to compose essays, and then you are guaranteed a successful exam.

Video news

USE 2017 Literature Typical test items Erokhin

M .: 2017 .-- 72 p.

Typical test tasks for literature contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CMM in literature, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The collection provides answers to all test options and provides the execution of all tasks of one of the options. In addition, there are samples of forms used on the exam for recording answers and decisions. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the literature exam, and for high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: pdf

The size: 1.6 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Option 1
Part 1 7
Part 2 12
Option 2
Part 1 13
Part 2 18
Option 3
Part 1 19
Part 2 23
Option 4
Part 1 24
Part 2 29
Option 5
Part 1 30
Part 2 35
Option 6
Part 1 36
Part 2 42
Option 7
Part 1 43
Part 2 47
Option 8
Part 1 48
Part 2 53
Option 9
Part 1 54
Part 2 59
Option 10
Part 1 60
Part 2 64
Commentary on option 6 65
Part 1 65
Part 2 68
Answers 70

The exam paper on literature consists of 2 parts, which include 17 tasks. 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allocated for the examination work on literature.
Part 1 includes two sets of tasks. The first set of tasks refers to a fragment of an epic, or lyroepic, or dramatic work: 7 tasks with a short answer (1-7) and 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences (8, 9).
The second set of tasks relates to the analysis of a lyric work: 5 tasks with a short answer (10-14) and 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences (15, 16).
The answer to tasks 1-7 and 10-14 is a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase). Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work without spaces, commas and other additional characters, and then transfer it to the answer form No. 1.
Part 2 includes 3 tasks (17.1-17.3), of which you need to choose only ONE and give a detailed reasoned answer to it in the genre of an essay on a literary topic of at least 200 words.
We recommend that you devote no more than 2 hours to completing the tasks of part 1, and the rest of the time to completing the tasks of part 2.
All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. The use of gel, capillary or fountain pens is allowed.
When completing assignments, you can use the draft. Draft entries do not count towards grading work.
The points you received for the completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

The methodology for passing the exam changes every year. Experts invent new ways to determine the level of knowledge of students, develop a list of questions, update their topics, change the number of compulsory subjects. This state of affairs is extremely alarming and frightening for future graduates, because they also need to know what to prepare for and what to expect from an exam that is important for their life.

In our article we will tell you the main stages of the passage USE in literature 2017 year, and also announce possible changes that will affect this exam.

the date of the

There is not much time left before the main school exams. The time is not far off, when “we can only dream of peace,” and mountains of textbooks on various subjects are gathering on the desk. Of course, preparing for the exam takes up a lot of free time, energy and nerves. The preliminary schedule of future exams has already been drawn up and looks like this:

  • The early stage is March 24, 2017. The reserve day for the early stage is April 3, 2017.
  • The main stage is June 13, 2017, and the reserve day is fixed for June 20, 2017.

Compulsory subjects taken out for the exam 2017

This is the most burning topic, rapidly passing from one student to another. Many schoolchildren are worried that the list of compulsory subjects will expand significantly and they will have to vegetate even more time for textbooks, instead of a well-deserved rest after classes.

To date, there is no final list of new compulsory subjects, because officials had several disciplines under consideration: from history to physics.

  • Russian language is required for admission to any university in the country.
  • Mathematics - the exam is divided into two levels (basic and profile).

Unified State Exam in Literature: Possible Changes

Closer to 2018, the literature exam should be radically revised and some of its points will be radically changed. In particular, the specialists intend to completely remove tasks with short answers, leaving only small compositions and one complete one.

However, it is still too early to sound the alarm and fear the end of the year in panic - the USE in literature in 2017 will come according to the usual scheme:

  • 1 block - Semantic. Here, students are presented with a small passage from an epic or dramatic work with 7 questions (short) on its content. In addition, the graduate must write a couple of mini-essays on a given topic.
  • Block 2 - Lyric work with several questions to it, as well as two mini-compositions.
  • Block 3 - An extended essay on any of the three assigned topics.

However, small changes will still occur. They will relate to the construction of questions - in the USE 2017, the bias will be made on knowledge of the realities of the text, and not on knowledge of basic literary terms. It follows from this that it is not enough to have narrow knowledge in literature to pass the exam.

I would also like to focus on one more feature of the literature exam - poems. As a rule, students hope that in the forms they will find a poem by a certain author from the school curriculum.

Nevertheless, based on the KIM rules, if a poet was included in the codifier, then any of his works can be submitted for analysis on the exam. This is a fairly correct approach, because during the passing of the final test, the graduate must show in a mini-essay how correctly he can analyze without referring to the pages of textbooks.

Already in 2016, “non-school” poems could be found in many versions of KIMs, so in 2017 this move will definitely be repeated.

Final essay

For a good assessment on this block, it is not enough just to take and state your thoughts on paper. It is necessary to carefully consider each proposal, correctly formulate and express your opinion in an understandable and simple form. Spelling and punctuation errors attract the attention of reviewers, so they should be avoided.

In addition, each student should try to reveal the given topic in full, using not only his own life examples, but also arguments from the field of literature. The structure of the text should look like this: introduction, several arguments and examples, conclusion.

In order for the final essay to be of high quality, the graduate already has access to a list of works that have been submitted to the Unified State Examination in literature. After reading them, as well as familiarizing yourself with additional information about the author, the history of writing, key points and other details, you will definitely write a worthy work that deserves the highest praise.

Grading scale

In 2017, in order to pass the threshold for this exam, you need to score only 36 points. It is not so difficult to earn them - it is enough to solve 9 tasks (from 1 to 7, 10 and 11). On a five-point scale, the primary / test scores are as follows:

Preparation for the exam in literature

Any graduate would dream of seeing the coveted “Five” in the certificate, but not everyone can pass exams for high marks. Only those who do not spare their own efforts and time, spends them on preparation, endlessly leafing through auxiliary literature, has every chance of getting “Excellent”. Preparation for the exam can be done in different ways:

  • Pass the exam demo over and over again.
  • Get acquainted with the questions using tests that are similar to those that will be submitted to the exam.
  • Contact tutors.

Whichever of the proposed options you choose, you must remember that without a certain baggage of knowledge, none of them will work. Read more, analyze, try to compose essays, and then you are guaranteed a successful exam.

control measuring materials
to conduct a unified state exam in 2017
on literature

1. Appointment of KIM USE

The Unified State Exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered educational programs of secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The Unified State Exam is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of mastering by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in literature, basic and specialized levels.

The results of the unified state examination in literature are recognized by educational organizations of secondary vocational education and educational organizations of higher
vocational education as the results of entrance examinations in literature.

2. Documents defining the content of the KIM USE

The content of the examination paper is determined on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089). Some positions of this document are concretized based on the Mandatory Minimums of the content of basic general and secondary (complete) general education in literature, approved by orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1236 and dated June 30, 1999 No. 56 (the rationale is given in the explanatory note to the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general educational organizations for conducting a single
state examination in literature).

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The principles for selecting the content and developing the structure of the CIM USE for literature correspond to the goal of obtaining objective and reliable information about the graduate's readiness to continue education in humanitarian specialties in organizations of secondary and higher professional education.

The long-term improvement of the CIM USE in literature went in the direction of finding the optimal structure of the examination work, creating a reliable system for assessing it, ensuring the objectivity of the exam results. The number of tasks testing the knowledge of particular literary facts was reduced (in 2007, items with a choice of answer were removed from the examination model: the experiment showed their ineffectiveness, "foreignness" in relation to literature); an increase in the number of tasks with a detailed answer related to the moral problems of works of art; a typology of assignments of different content was developed; the evaluation criteria were refined; the optimal ratio of tasks of various types in the structure of the examination work was determined, etc.

Each version of CMM includes tasks that are different both in the form of presentation and in the level of complexity, the implementation of which reveals the level of mastering by the participants of the Unified State Examination of the main elements of the content of various sections of the course, the degree of formation of subject competencies and general educational skills.

Thus, when passing the USE in literature, the examinee is required to activate the most significant types of educational activities for the subject: analytical comprehension of a literary text, its interpretation, search for grounds for comparing literary phenomena and facts, writing a reasoned answer to a problem question, etc.

4. The structure of the KIM USE

In the examination work, two parts are highlighted and the end-to-end numbering of tasks is adopted. KIM includes 17 tasks, differing in form and level of complexity.

In part 1, it is proposed to complete tasks that include questions for the analysis of literary works. The ability of graduates to determine the main elements of the content and artistic structure of the studied works (topics and problems, heroes and events, artistic techniques, various types of tropes, etc.) is tested, as well as to consider specific literary works in conjunction with the course material.

Part 1 includes two sets of tasks.

The first set of tasks refers to a fragment of an epic, or lyroepic, or dramatic work: 7 tasks with a short answer (1-7) that require writing a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers, and 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences ( 8, 9).

The second set of tasks refers to a lyrical work: 5 tasks with a short answer (10-14) and 2 tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences (15.16).

The general structure of part 1 is subordinated to the task of wide content coverage of literary material. Literary texts offered for analysis allow you to check not only the knowledge of specific works by graduates, but also the ability to analyze the text, taking into account its genre: 2 tasks involve entering a wide literary context (substantiation of the connection of this literary text with other works according to the aspects of comparison indicated in the tasks ). Thus, the reliance on the intra-subject connections of the studied course allows you to provide additional coverage of the content of the tested literary material.

Following the proposed work algorithm allows the examinees to identify the place and role of the episode (sienna) in the general structure of the work (fragment analysis), to reveal the plot and compositional ones. figurative-thematic and stylistic features of the analyzed text, to generalize their observations with access to the literary context.

Part 2 work requires USE participants to write a full-length, detailed essay on a literary topic (thus, one more substantial component of the tested course is added to the literary material worked out in part 1). The graduate is offered 3 questions (17.1-17.3). covering the most important milestones in the national historical and literary process: 17.1 - based on the works of Old Russian literature, classics of the 18th century. and the first half of the 19th century: 17.2 - based on the works of the second half of the 19th century: 17.3 - based on the works of the 20th century. The graduate chooses only one of the questions and answers it in the form of an essay, justifying his judgments by referring to the work (from memory). This type of work gives the graduate the opportunity to show his attitude to problems. lifted by the writer. understanding of the artistic originality of the work. Writing an essay requires a large measure of cognitive independence and to the greatest extent meets the specifics of literature as a form of art and an academic discipline, which sets as its goals the formation of a qualified reader with a developed aesthetic taste and the need for spiritual, moral and cultural development.
Below is a table showing the distribution of tasks by parts of the examination work.

You can familiarize yourself with the changes in the KIM USE 2018 in literature in comparison with 2017 in the demo version published on the FIPI official website.

The principles for selecting the content and developing the structure of the KIM USE 2018 for literature correspond to the goal of obtaining objective and reliable information about the graduate's readiness to continue education in humanitarian specialties in organizations of secondary and higher professional education.

The long-term improvement of the CIM USE in literature went in the direction of finding the optimal structure of the examination work, creating a reliable system for assessing it, ensuring the objectivity of the exam results. The number of tasks testing the knowledge of particular literary facts was reduced (in 2007, items with a choice of answer were removed from the examination model: the experiment showed their ineffectiveness, "foreignness" in relation to literature); an increase in the number of tasks with a detailed answer related to the moral problems of works of art; a typology of assignments of different content was developed; the evaluation criteria were refined; the optimal ratio of tasks of various types in the structure of the examination work was determined, etc.

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 in literature

1. The criteria for assessing detailed answers have been improved and brought closer to the OGE.

2. Simplified algorithm of expert actions when evaluating detailed answers of different types; ensured greater transparency in the formation of marks for individual tasks and work in general (for the expert and the examinee). The changes are aimed at increasing the objectivity of the assessment of examination work and at strengthening the continuity between the forms of final control at different levels of school education.

3. Strengthened control over the quality of the examinee's speech (speech is assessed in the answers to all tasks).

4. The requirements for the performance of comparative tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified: there is no requirement in the instructions for them to justify the choice of an example for comparison, which is reflected in the criteria for their assessment.

5. Introduced the fourth task in part 2 (the themes of the essays vary, taking into account the genre and generic diversity of literary material and the literary era).

6. The maximum score for all work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

7. The procedure for appointing expert 3 has been clarified.

8. Instructions for work and individual tasks have been improved (they more fully, consistently and clearly reflect the requirements of the criteria, give a clear idea of ​​what actions and in what logic the examinee should perform).

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