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Mozilla Firefox has relatively recent built-in visual bookmarks that allow you to instantly jump to important web pages. Read about how bookmark data is configured in the article.

Visual bookmarks implemented in Mozilla Firefox by default are not really a tool for working with bookmarks. bookmarks, just the same, will not be displayed in it. This option of visual bookmarks will allow you to always have at hand the top pages to which you most often refer.

How to customize visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox?

Create a new tab in Mozilla Firefox. The screen will display a window of visual bookmarks of the most frequently visited pages.

If you hover your mouse cursor over a visual bookmark, additional buttons will appear in the right and upper upper corners: the left one is responsible for pinning the tab in its place so that it always remains stationary, and the right one will delete the bookmark if you do not need this page in the list of visual bookmarks.

Bookmarks can be moved. To do this, hold down the visual bookmark with the mouse button and move it to a new position. The rest of the visual bookmarks will part, giving way to a new neighbor, only those that you have fixed with your own hand will remain motionless.

You can dilute the list of frequently visited pages by enabling the display of interesting sites according to Mozilla. In order to display the proposed sites, click in the upper right corner on the gear icon and in the menu that appears, check the box next to "Including suggested sites" .

These are all functions that allow you to customize the standard visual bookmarks for the Mozilla Firefox browser. If you are missing a stock set of functions, for example, you want to add your own bookmarks, customize the appearance, etc., then here you cannot do without using third-party add-ons that perform the functions of visual bookmarks.

Hello, friends! In today's article we will look at how to set visual bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser, dwell on those developed by Yandex and learn how to customize the panel with them in this web browser.

Unlike the Yandex and Opera browsers, they are not a built-in function in Mozile. Therefore, in order to install them in Mozilla, you need to download and install one of the suitable extensions in your browser.

Setting visual bookmarks

The installation principle of various browser extensions is the same. Accordingly, following the further recommendations, you can install any add-on in Mozilla Firefox, thus expanding the capabilities of your Internet browser. This can be, for example, a page translator or a weather and mail widget.

If you are interested, read the article by following the link.

You can install the extension of interest to us in Mozilla Firefox using the browser add-on manager. To do this, click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper right corner and select "Add-ons" from the drop-down list.

On the left side, go to the Get Add-ons tab.

To see all the search results, go down the list and click on the button "View 195 results" (maybe another number).

To find out more about the selected extension, click on the "Details" button next to it. To install the extension to the browser, click "Install", and then, in the window that appears, confirm the installation. After that, you may need to restart your browser.

After installing the selected add-on, its icon will appear to the right of the address bar. The most popular are Speed ​​Dial, Fast Dial, Atavi. More details can be found in another article on the site.

Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Now let's look at how to install them from Yandex in Mozilla Firefox. The required extension can be found in the list through the add-on manager, as described above. Then click "Add to Firefox".

Another way to add them to Mozilla is to search for "visual bookmarks for mozilla". Under the first link, click Install.

A new tab will open the Yandex Elements page, or, as they were called before, Yandex Bar. The item dataset also includes visual bookmarks. Scroll down the page and press the "Install" button.

We allow installation in the window that appears.

When everything is downloaded, click Install, then restart your browser.

Setting up visual bookmarks

After installing the selected extension in the browser, you need to configure it in Mozilla Firefox.

First, let's see where they are. Click on the button with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select "Add-ons". Next, go to the "Extensions" tab. Here you will see a list of all extensions that are installed in the browser. At the previous point, in addition to what we needed, two more components were installed, if they are not needed, remove them by clicking on the corresponding button.

Let's go to the settings. Let's consider this using the example of visual bookmarks from Yandex. Open a new tab in Mozile by clicking on the plus sign in the top line.

The Yandex search bar will be displayed at the top, below it there will be a panel with thumbnail images of the selected sites. By clicking on any of them, you will immediately go to the desired site. Below you will see buttons with which you can go to downloads, favorite sites, history, see recently closed tabs.

In order to add the desired page to the panel in Mozile, click on the "Add bookmark" button.

There are a huge number of browsers, so everyone can find one that will satisfy all the needs of a person as a user. Some are attracted by simplicity, while others are attracted by high speed. Let's talk about one of them, or rather its functions, such as visual bookmarks for This browser has many advantages, which will also be surely mentioned.

Visual Bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

Before getting down to business, let's figure out what it is and what they are for. It should be noted that there are browsers that do not use visual bookmarks, at the same time they are popular with many users, but this is not about that now. First of all, this kind of function is aimed at comfort. Therefore, it is quite possible to do without it. But all of us have long been accustomed to the fact that it is very easy to use the Internet, and bookmarks are only help. So, after you start your browser, you will see the main window, there are several start pages on it. In fact, these are our visual bookmarks. They allow you to immediately go to the site that we need. Everything is done with one click of the mouse, which is extremely convenient. It is advisable to record there the sites that you visit every day. For some, it may be a social network, for others, news portals, and so on. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox require installation, configuration, and other activities.

Some general points

If for some reason something does not work out for you, then there are several ways out of the situation. So, it is advisable to install the latest version of the browser, you can also update it. If the visual bookmarks for suddenly disappeared, then it is quite possible that not everything is so bad and that the settings have gone astray. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that everything can be adjusted for yourself. For example, set 3 bookmarks, 5 or more. It all depends solely on your preferences. Windows can be of different sizes, they can be interchanged, signed in their own way and much more. If you need, then bookmarks can be removed altogether. This is as easy as putting them on. Well, now let's figure out how to install visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox, customize them for yourself, and, if necessary, remove them. To do this, we need a computer, preferably with an internet connection, and a little of your attention.

Setting visual bookmarks

Needless to say, unlike most other browsers, Mozilla has a few ingenious features. One of them is the lack of built-in visual bookmarks. To use them, you need to install the appropriate extension. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that it automatically becomes your home page. You can change the number of windows directly in the settings. As you can see, it is quite easy to set visual bookmarks for Yandex.Poisk, you can set it by default, which is extremely convenient. Without unnecessary operations, you can search for the information you need. As for the add-on itself, you can install it directly from the browser. To do this, you need to go to the "Applications" tab and download "Yandex Elements" from there. If you often use another search engine, for example Google, you can put visual bookmarks separately from Yandex.Bar. This will save space on your work page. Basically, visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox are very easy to install, and it doesn't take much time.

A little about customization

First, let's remove the Yandex elements from the start page. This is done in order to have more space, it is much more convenient to work this way. To do this, go to "Settings", and then find the line "Yandex.Bar" and uncheck the box opposite. And now let's move on directly to configuring the extension. There is a corresponding menu in the lower left corner of the browser screen. Here you can add a new background image. It can be downloaded from your computer or downloaded from the Internet. You can set up to 48 bookmarks. Moreover, there is a choice of quantity, both horizontally and vertically. If you have added several bookmarks, then you will immediately be prompted to edit them. There is nothing difficult here. You need to enter the site address, as well as the names, that is, what will be called your visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox. We figured out how to set up, but now let's figure out a few more interesting points.

General useful information

As noted above, visual bookmarks for have rather flexible settings. You can edit them whenever it is convenient for you. That is, change the site address. To do this, you need to click on the pencil in the upper right corner of the bookmark, which will open the window we need. Please note that Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox can be updated. This is done in order to save exactly the page that you need. For example, not the main page, but some section of the site, etc. It is advisable to give a name to the bookmarks, this will allow you to find the one you need an order of magnitude faster. This is especially true in cases where you use a large number of windows. Quite recently, minor changes were made, and now the latest version of the browser has built-in bookmarks, but their relevance is low due to the low level of settings. And now a little about typical problems.

What to do if visual bookmarks for

As practice shows, almost every third user encounters such a problem. There can be a lot of reasons for the occurrence. Starting from the unstable work of the operating system and ending with crashes directly in Mozilla. The same problem can occur after updating to a later version. The fact is that sometimes it is not enough to set new bookmarks, you want to have the ones that were before, with the necessary addresses, etc. Fortunately, the whole process does not take much time. The first thing we need to do is go to the "Tools" section and then to the "Settings" menu. Next, select "Extensions", and after "Add-ons". A window with visual tabs will appear in front of you, now we are interested in the "Settings" menu, where we go. We select the item "Yandex" and reload the visual bookmarks. After that, we need to restart the browser - and you will see that everything fell into place.

Removing visual bookmarks

If you have concluded for yourself that this extension is unnecessary for you and only interferes, and you have already installed it, then do not despair, at any time you can get rid of it. Removing it is as easy as installing it. To do this, press the shortcut key combination Ctrl + Shift + A. Thus, you will open the required window. You can also go to "Settings" and then to the "Extensions" menu. When you open the appropriate section, you will see that all extensions are located in this exact location. Accordingly, opposite each of the add-ons there are several buttons. One is shutdown, the other is deletion. If you just need to turn off this or that extension, then you can easily do it. So, click "delete" and wait for the process to complete, then restart the browser. If you change your mind at the last moment, it is possible to mark all actions. Now let's talk about what problems users face and how they need to be addressed.

Common problems and solutions

Of course, any browser has its drawbacks, and Mozilla Firefox has them too, where bookmarks (visual) also have several bugs. For example, an extension has the ability to periodically update. Most users find this extremely inconvenient. But this minus is solved quite simply. To do this, go to "Settings" and disable automatic updates for installed extensions. Many are also interested in where recently closed or viewed pages are located, that is, bookmarks. To find them, you need to find "Bookmarks" in the upper right corner and select "Show recently closed" there, and that's it - the problem is solved. The Speed ​​Dial extension is extremely convenient and popular, which, in fact, is an analogue of Yandex.Bar, but only an order of magnitude more convenient and much faster, as well as somewhat more functional.

Several important points

I would like to note that the "Add-ons" tab has a huge number of similar extensions. That is, the choice of visual bookmarks is extremely large. You just have to decide. Basically, if you have the needs of an average user, then visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox from Yandex will be fine for you. Moreover, we have already figured out their configuration and installation, as well as the solution of common problems. This extension does not affect the speed of your computer or laptop in any way. However, it is not recommended to install too many third-party applications on the browser, as this can directly affect the speed of its operation, as well as comfort. Again, it's worth paying attention to the fact that you can customize the number of windows that you need. The optimal one can be considered about 12 pieces. But if this is not enough for you, then with the help of Speed ​​Dial you can install more than a hundred of them.


So we figured out all the subtleties and nuances of this issue. Now you know Mozilla FireFox, and you might point out that it's extremely simple. The main goal of this add-on is to make working on a computer more convenient and pleasant, as well as to provide high-speed performance. Of course, at any time you can remove the extension and use the usual bookmarks. They can be found by going to "Settings", "Bookmarks" menu. If all previously saved sites have disappeared, then there is no need to panic. Use the instructions on how to restore them, which was described above. That, perhaps, is all that can be said about what visual bookmarks are for Mozilla Firefox. Installing such an extension is, first of all, the convenience and comfort of using the browser.

Visual bookmarks are thumbnail images of sites that a user has added to their favorites. They are sorted on the home page of the browser. The number of bookmarks can be changed if necessary.

In Mozilla (as the Mozilla Firefox browser is usually called), you can modify visual bookmarks using standard browser functionality. As an example, let's try to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla and analyze the main nuances of this.

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Browser settings

To set up visual bookmarks (relevant for the new version of the browser), you need to open Firefox and follow the further instructions:

  • Open a new tab (Ctrl + T);
  • In the lower right corner, click "Settings";
  • In the menu that opens, make all the necessary changes: edit the number of bookmarks (up to 48), background image (can be downloaded from the desktop);
  • To add a site to visual bookmarks, click on the transparent rectangular window and enter the address of the web page in the field.

In this section, you can change bookmarks in places, add new ones and delete unnecessary ones.

start page

Visual bookmarks can be made the browser's start page (that is, when Mozila is opened, the bookmarks bar will be loaded first of all). To do this, you need to use the browser settings:

  • In the "Settings" section, open "Other options";
  • Check the box next to the line "Set as home page".

In the old version of the browser, the settings look different:

  • In the "Settings" section (press "Alt" so that the menu appears at the top) open the "General" tab;
  • In the "Home" field enter: "yafd: tabs" and click "OK".

Additional plugins

You can update, customize and connect visual bookmarks using additional extensions. Let's consider the main points of setting up bookmarks with the "Speed ​​Dial" extension:

  • Open "Tools" and in the "Add-ons" section in the search bar enter "speed dial";
  • When the add-on is checked, click "Add to Firefox";
  • Then restart your browser;
  • Go to "Add-ons" again and open "Extensions";
  • In the list next to the desired add-on, click "Settings";
  • Now edit the add-on according to convenient criteria.

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