Home Vegetables Schedule of the day in a kindergarten nursery group. Day regimen in kindergarten. What should it be? Approximate daily routine in a typical preschool educational institution

Schedule of the day in a kindergarten nursery group. Day regimen in kindergarten. What should it be? Approximate daily routine in a typical preschool educational institution

A distinctive feature of every preschool is the routine. The daily routine in kindergarten is compiled according to a clear schedule, down to minutes. Any delay can lead to the fact that the child is knocked out of the established schedule. Many parents may doubt the advisability of such a strict adherence to the procedure, considering this to be a kind of restriction of freedom for the baby, however, experts, including pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists, insist on the obvious benefits of such a regime, backing up their position with various facts.

Classes in kindergarten are conducted strictly according to the schedule

Why should you follow the regimen?

According to doctors, the regime in kindergarten, which consists in the daily repetition of actions at the same time, contributes to the formation of stable mental and physiological health in children. For example, one of the main reasons with which doctors associate the appearance of rickets or scarlet fever is just a violation of the regime. A broken schedule, in turn, leads to deviations in the course of metabolic processes in the body and to a decrease in its resistance to infections.

All mothers are familiar with the situation when the child does not want to go to bed during the day. However, such a skip of daytime rest can provoke all sorts of nervous disorders. While the baby is sleeping, the cells of his brain are restored, the perception of new information improves. If the baby did not get enough sleep, but he was loaded with lessons or a bright emotional incident happened to him, all this can cause the development of hyperactivity and various tics.

In addition, nutritionists and nutritionists at the University of Chicago have concluded that obesity is fraught with obesity if the sequence and timing of activities is not followed in kindergarten and at home. As a result, due to lack of sleep, hormones such as ghrelin and leptin are inappropriately distributed, which increases the child's appetite.

The only specialists who are not supporters of the daily routine in a kindergarten institution are psychologists. In their opinion, if you force and impose someone else's will on a child, this will only suppress his individuality.

Scientists have concluded that lack of sleep and lack of daily regimen provokes obesity in children

However, from a psychological point of view, one can find facts in favor of the regime. For example, thanks to its observance, the child is systematized and taught to order, which helps him quickly adapt in kindergarten. When a child finds himself in new conditions for himself, then performing the same actions according to the schedule, he is liberated, because he knows that after lunch there will be a dream, for him classes, after which one of the relatives will come.

Features of the regime in kindergarten

Naturally, children do not manage to immediately rebuild to the unusual regime that they adhere to in kindergarten, therefore, parents are advised to teach the baby to follow the appropriate schedule even before entering the chosen institution. You can get acquainted with it on the website of the future preschool educational institution or in its educational program. The standard schedule of all preschool educational institutions is calculated for 12 hours that the child spends in a preschool. Sometimes the manager can make certain small adjustments to the schedule in accordance with geographic location and climate. However, the main provisions regarding the time limits of sleep, exercise and wakefulness remain the same as they are indicated in the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN - 10.

The main nuances of the schedule in kindergartens are listed below:

  • Taking into account the age characteristics of children for their harmonious development. The vigorous activity of babies aged 3 to 7 years should not exceed 5.5-6 hours in duration, up to 3 years - according to medical prescriptions.

The period of activity in the kindergarten corresponds to the age norms of children
  • The permissible educational load per week for preschoolers, which also includes additional classes: for younger groups attended by children under 4 years of age - the volume is a maximum of 11 lessons, in middle groups with toddlers up to 5 years old - 12, in older groups with five-year-olds - 15, and in preparatory groups with children under 7 years old - 17 lessons.
  • Season. There are two separate modes for the warm and cold seasons. The main difference between the two is that when it's warm outside, caregivers greet babies in the fresh air rather than indoors, and most of the wakefulness and physical activity is also outside.

Diet in the garden

The kindergarten workers who are responsible for the meal schedule are faced with the following task: preparing food, arranging plates with hot dishes in advance so that they cool down, and then serving the second and third without delay.

The table shows what the meal schedule looks like in most preschool establishments:

Food in the kindergarten compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals, its energy value is precisely calculated

Approximate daily routine in a typical preschool educational institution

The daily routine in kindergarten consists of:

  • diet, namely, the time and number of meals;
  • daytime sleep;
  • walks;
  • time of reception of children;
  • games and activities.

Educators take children to the kindergarten from the moment it starts working until 8 o'clock in the morning. The period while the reception lasts is the time for independent games in the group's premises or on the court during the warm season. Before breakfast, the time from 8.00 to 8.20 / 8.30 is set aside for morning exercises with a teacher or physical worker and for preparing for breakfast.

Classes in the morning

Starting from 9.00, classes are held for children aimed at ensuring that they learn about the world around them, develop their speech skills and get acquainted with the basics of mathematics. Educators are responsible for conducting classes. They have to prescribe a plan of activities in advance in order to meet the allotted time. In addition to the educator, a music worker and a sportsman can also work with kids.

In the morning, children may have music lessons or physical exercise.

In addition to the usual group activities, children can visit the pool 2 times a week, if there is one. In senior and preparatory groups, additional classes with a speech therapy bias are also organized, in which children train their speech. Only a speech therapist is obliged to conduct them.

The duration and number of classes depends on age indicators. For younger preschoolers, 2 lessons are held a day, one before bedtime, the other after. In the middle group, the teacher works with the kids twice a day for a total of 10 hours. For older preschoolers, the number of classes increases to three, and their duration also increases.

Compulsory breaks should be provided between classes, when the children are resting and moving. This is the only way to keep the child active and cognitive throughout the day.

Walking and daytime sleep

After classes are over and the children have had their lunch, it’s time for a walk. In the manger, the walk begins earlier than in other groups, and therefore, also ends earlier, the children in them, respectively, are the very first to dine. Since children go to the nursery group at 2-3 years old, taking into account the peculiarities of a small organism, the wakefulness time is reduced, and the daytime sleep, on the contrary, becomes longer.

With age, the period of activity in the child grows, thereby the body of the crumbs gradually prepares for school and the regime in it. In the middle group, walks usually last until 11.30-11.50, and in the preparatory group - up to 12.15-12.30. After returning from the street, the children will have lunch and a nap. The room where the children sleep should be ventilated in advance, and the cribs should be prepared for bed. The smallest go to bed at 12.30, the oldest at 13.00-13.15.

Daytime sleep helps to restore the strength of the child


The wake-up time in kindergarten is the same in all groups. Children are woken up at 15.00, followed by their washing, changing clothes and afternoon tea. In the younger groups, after that, a second general educational lesson is held, in the middle and older groups, the time for independent games, reading, cartoons or visiting circles that are available in the institution comes for the children.

Evening meals may vary depending on the set schedule. After dinner, the kids usually go for a walk on the street again, where parents gradually begin to come for them. In winter, the second walk does not last long, so the children are taken home in the group's premises.

The parents are faced with a difficult task - to prepare the baby for the kindergarten. It will be much easier for the child to adapt if, despite the unusual environment for him, the daily routine will be natural for him. On a note to parents, we give an approximate schedule of the day and the menu in the nursery group of the kindergarten.

Mode for in a nursery group for children (1.5-2 years old)

8:00 morning exercises (running, jumping, games).

8:10-8:40 breakfast, for which the children are offered curd soufflés and casseroles (1-2 times a week) milk cakes, a steam omelet or egg porridge with a salad of fresh vegetables, a warm drink.

9: 10-9: 20 and 9: 20-9: 30 classes aimed at the versatile development of the child: music, physical education, dancing, sensing with elements of mathematics, drawing, modeling, knowledge of the world around, development of speech. Moreover, the two activities should not overlap or repeat each other, so as not to tire the child. It is optimal when classes for the development of thinking, imagination, speech are replaced by fast and active games, dances, physical exercises.

9:30-11:30 stroll. Outdoor games in the fresh air.

11:30-12:00 dinner. At this time, for children, pureed vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes (meatballs, cutlets) or boiled fish, side dishes in the form of cereal dishes or mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salads (daily). On the third course, children receive daily fortified drinks (compote, jelly).

daytime sleep.

gradual rise, carrying out hygienic and health-improving measures (light warm-up).

15:30-15:45 An afternoon snack, which may consist of a drink (milk, kefir, barley coffee drink0 and flour products (loaf with butter or jam, waffles, cookies).

15:45-16:45 time of active wakefulness. During this period, classes are held on the versatile development of the child, but they in no way repeat the morning ones. For example, if in the morning there was drawing and dancing, then in the evening you can sing songs or do modeling.

16:45-17:15 dinner. For which children are offered milk porridge, mashed vegetable dishes, egg omelet with fresh vegetable salad, etc.

17:15 a walk, active games, reading fairy tales and just chatting in a pleasant and friendly company.

At the same time, dinner in the kindergarten should by no means be the last meal in the baby's daily diet, and in the evening ( 19:00-20:00 ) at home, the child must be fed with a homemade dinner. It is best if vegetable dishes act as an evening meal: stew from a mixture of vegetables, stewed cabbage, carrot or beetroot caviar, vegetable casserole, curd soufflés and puddings or milk porridge. Fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk), fresh fruits and juices will perfectly complement this healthy meal, the abundance of which, unfortunately, the kindergarten menu cannot boast of.

Practice shows that the set of "favorite" dishes in kindergartens can differ markedly. However, do not be intimidated, because tomato and cucumber salad, mashed potatoes, vegetarian borscht and meat steamed cutlet, to which your little one is used to at home, take a worthy place in the menu of almost all kindergartens.

In the kindergarten, absolutely all the activities of children and teachers are subject to a certain routine. And this has a positive impact on the development of every child.

Such a periodicity allows for optimal physical activity, good rest, the necessary balance of sleep and wakefulness, which contributes to the normal growth of the baby. What does the daily routine in an ordinary public kindergarten consist of? Based on the established norms of SanPiN and the age of the pupils, each preschool institution establishes its own daily routine.

It is a carefully designed alternation of various regime moments - eating, playing, resting, developing activities. Such a systematic approach helps kids not only to gain new skills and knowledge, but also to have a proper rest.

Kindergarten day regimen - an approximate diagram

In most kindergartens, a 12-hour working regime is approved - from seven in the morning to seven in the evening.

Such a length of the day allows mums and dads to free up time for work, and for preschoolers to get full development and preparation for school.


  1. Reception of children. The school day in the kindergarten begins with the reception of pupils. This period is extremely important for creating the emotional mood of the entire group. The teacher meets parents and children, finds out in what mood each child came, which allows you to build correct communication with preschoolers.
  2. Charger. Warm-up with musical accompaniment is a good start for further physical activity of preschoolers. It increases the body's stamina and resistance to infections. Regular physical activity contributes to the optimal development of the musculoskeletal system. Children grow up strong and hardy.
  3. Breakfast. Breakfast time is also strictly regulated. It usually includes casseroles, milk porridge, tea or cocoa, and a buttered sandwich. If the kids just wait for the teacher and the nanny to look after them, then the older children help set the table.
  4. Teachers conduct classes in a playful way so that preschoolers can better assimilate the material and acquire the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge in play. Lessons for preschoolers are held in the morning and in the afternoon, they last from 10 to 25 minutes. Their duration depends on the age of the babies.

In the day mode of the garden, the following areas of activity are encountered:

  • speech development;
  • physical Culture;
  • music and choreography (depends on the institution);
  • art (drawing, modeling and applique);
  • math, etc.


  1. Walk. An obligatory element of the daily routine is a walk. Being in the fresh air hardens the body, strengthens health and stimulates cognitive and physical activity. Walking should be done in any weather. The exception is unfavorable weather conditions (severe frost, heavy rain, etc.). In light rain, children walk on the verandas, sheltered from wind and precipitation, playing calm games.
  2. Dinner. After a long walk, which lasts up to one and a half hours, the children have lunch. Lunch is the main meal of the day in preschool. To restore the energy spent during the day, the child must eat the first, second, third dishes and salad. For the first, they give various soups - borsch, cabbage soup, pickle. For the second, the chefs prepare a side dish (buckwheat porridge, pasta) and meat dishes (goulash, cutlets, etc.). The third dish is jelly, compotes or fresh juice. By the way, kindergarten recipes can also be used in the home menu. This will help the child to quickly adapt to the conditions of the kindergarten.
  3. Sleep. Children need a break to fully relax and prepare for their evening classes. In the day mode of the kindergarten, a certain time is allocated for this - sleep. It can last from 1.5 to three hours, depending on the child's age. Experienced teachers organize quiet games and read books before rest. All this calms the little ones and sets them up for a sound, long sleep.


  1. Afternoon snack. The child woke up, stretched and ready for new achievements. And so that he does not feel hunger before the arrival of his parents, an afternoon snack is planned in the kindergarten. The most common snacks include rolls, pies, yogurt, or fermented baked milk.
  2. Educational activities. In the evening, teachers work with kindergarteners according to a lightweight program - role-playing games, construction, reading books, etc. Also, time is allocated for independent play activities. Children are happy to collect puzzles, play with cars and dolls.
  3. Dinner and a walk. Usually the last meal in preschool is at 17.00. Then, if the weather and season permits, preschoolers go for a walk, where their parents pick them up.

Day regimen in kindergarten for younger children

The daily routine for younger preschoolers has its own characteristics and includes the following components:

  • basic self-care skills (dressing, undressing, washing);
  • regime moments (food, sleep, walk, developmental activities);
  • free games.

At such a young age, more time is devoted specifically to teaching children cultural and hygienic skills than other types of activity.

Teachers teach kindergarteners to eat on their own, dress and undress, wash, put away toys.

By the way, overprotected children learn these skills much later than their more independent peers.

Day regimen in older groups

With age, the duration and the level of complexity of classes increases. The older the preschoolers are, the more emphasis is placed on mental and creative development.

This happens by reducing the time for daytime sleep and walking. What else is the difference between the educational activities of older preschool children?

  1. Developmental activities that require mental exertion, caregivers plan in the morning of the school day, most often in the middle of the week. The rest of the exercises are carried out in the evening. To avoid overwork, cognitive work is replaced by music and physical education.
  2. And yet, the main activity of preschoolers of any age is, of course, the game... Children play role-playing, didactic, theatrical games that contribute to the development of communication skills.
  3. Purposeful preparation for school... However, the main goal of kindergarten is not to teach reading and writing, but to create a base for mastering these skills. This is facilitated by the expansion of vocabulary, the improvement of fine motor skills, and the development of speech.

When developing a daily routine in a preschool institution, teachers take into account the time of the year. For example, in the summer period, the number of activities decreases, and accordingly the duration of games and the stay of children in the fresh air increases.

So, the daily routine is of great importance for the balanced development of preschoolers.

The alternation of regime moments, their constancy, as well as the coordination of the actions of the kindergarten and the parents will definitely help mothers and fathers to raise their baby healthy, disciplined and independent.

Most kindergartens have a 12-hour day schedule (from seven in the morning to seven in the evening). This allows parents to free up time for work and for children to receive full-fledged preschool training.

The daily routine is a thoughtful alternation of such regime moments as food, play activities, rest, educational activities. This alternation gives the children an opportunity not only to gain new knowledge, but also to have a rest in time.


The day in kindergarten begins with the admission of children. It is the morning time that is important for the general mood of the group. The task of the teacher in the morning is to find out in what mood the children came to the kindergarten. For quick monitoring, so-called "mood screens" can be used. This will allow the teacher to understand exactly how to build communication with this or that child.

Exercise is an essential element of physical activity. It usually takes place before breakfast. Thanks to charging, the body of babies prepares for daytime activities. The obligatory musical accompaniment also contributes to this.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day in kindergarten. From 4 years old, children help at the table. This promotes the development of self-service skills and responsibility.

Educational activity takes place in kids in the form of classes. Depending on the age, they last from 7 to 25 minutes. The game form allows you to learn new knowledge well. Classes are held in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after afternoon tea.

Kindergarten teachers integrate teaching material into other activities. Thus, preschoolers learn the material better and acquire new skills.


A walk is a mandatory regime moment in kindergarten. Outdoor activities give the kids a rest. In addition, various types of outdoor games are held during the walk, which enriches the physical activity of children.

After a day's walk, which lasts 1-1.5 hours, preschoolers have lunch. For lunch, children are offered salad, first, second and third courses. A full lunch allows the child's body to restore the calories spent in the first half of the day.

An important regime moment in the daily routine in kindergarten is sleep. Children are put to bed from 13.00. Rise - at 15.00. This break helps the children to rest and prepare for their evening activities.

If the child does not sleep during sleep, the caregivers offer him to lie quietly in the crib. It also allows the body to rest.


After a nap of the day, the children receive an afternoon snack. A light snack keeps kids from feeling hungry until dinner. In addition, during an afternoon snack, the body of children finally wakes up.

The educational block in the evening consists of light-weight classes (construction, reading fiction, etc.). The advantage of the game form of holding remains.

Dinner is served at 17.00. After that, parents can pick up their kids from kindergarten. Those children, whose parents work longer, stay with the caregivers until 19.00.

In order for the adaptation of the child in kindergarten to be quick and painless, parents should prepare their baby some time before the start of visits to the preschool educational institution. The daily routine plays a huge influence on how the child will feel in the new environment. It is known that every kindergarten has a daily routine. Sleep, play, meals, and kindergarten activities take place at specific times. Before sending a baby to kindergarten, parents should arrange the daily routine at home so that the time for sleeping and eating falls on the same hours as in kindergarten. To do this, dads and moms need to know what the daily routine is in kindergarten.

The organization of the work schedule in the kindergarten is carried out in such a way that children, depending on their age, have enough time for active games, classes and rest. The regime for a child in kindergarten may be different, but each preschool educational institution adheres to the same general rules.

Approximate kindergarten regimen:

  • from 7:00 to 8:00 - admission of children to a group, free activity;
  • from 8:00 to 8:20 - breakfast;
  • from 8:20 to 8:30 - free activity;
  • from 8:30 to 9:00 - classes with children in groups;
  • from 9:00 to 9:20 - preparation for the walk;
  • from 9:20 to 11:20 am - walk in the fresh air;
  • from 11:20 to 11:45 - returning from a walk, free activity;
  • from 11:45 to 12:20 - lunchtime;
  • from 12:20 to 12:45 - quiet games, preparation for naps;
  • from 12:45 to 15:00 - quiet hour;
  • from 15:00 to 15:30 - rise, afternoon tea;
  • from 15:30 to 15:45 - free activities;
  • from 15:45 to 16:15 - classes with children in groups;
  • from 16:15 to 16:30 - preparation for an evening walk;
  • from 16:30 - walk in the fresh air.

Free time during the day in kindergarten is provided for independent play. Also, children play with each other while walking in the fresh air. If the weather is bad outside, then instead of walking, the children spend time in a group. Summer mode in kindergarten somewhat different from other periods - at this time children go on excursions, visit theaters, a zoo and other interesting places.

The meal times are the same in almost all kindergartens. Some changes are found in a private kindergarten - in addition to breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, there is a second breakfast and dinner. The second breakfast, as a rule, consists of fruits, fortified dishes and sweets. Children have dinner between 18:30 and 19:00.

Of great importance in the daily routine in kindergarten is not only the meal time, but also the composition of the dishes. An approximate menu must necessarily include: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products, bread. Parents can ask in advance what the children are fed in a particular kindergarten.

During the quiet hour, all children have a rest. Even if the child does not want to sleep during the day, he just lies on the bed. Typically, daytime sleep is 2 to 3 hours.

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