Home Vegetables Social networks without registration. Social networks in Russia (list)

Social networks without registration. Social networks in Russia (list)

Which occupy leading positions in the world ranking, experts have identified ten services that have managed to gather a record audience in their open spaces. In global projects, there are a variety of people living in different countries, professing different religions, differing from each other in terms of wealth, age, interests, etc.


For several years now, the fast and modern Facebook network has confidently taken the leading positions in all ratings. The site has already become the most popular and widespread project of this type in the world, but the number of users continues to increase every day, striving for the number of all owners of mobile devices. The quality of FB is also growing - new tools and capabilities are regularly introduced, work is accelerated, and integration with smartphones is improving.


It would be unacceptable not to include this one, which unites millions of Google account holders, in our list of social networks. Anyone who has registered an e-mail for themselves on the service of a popular search engine can easily connect to Google+. The project is constantly evolving, and now, in terms of the abundance of functions and capabilities, the service is practically not inferior to the leader - Facebook. So, more recently, developers have provided users with the ability to create group video chats.


It is not by chance that Twitter got into the list of the most popular social networks. After all, this is the most convenient service for publishing short messages. Twitter provides its users with tools for publishing photo and video materials, and almost everyone uses it, including influential politicians and world show business stars.


This is a real paradise for photography lovers. Not so long ago, Instagram was taken over by Facebook, but it still looks like an independent project. Every day millions of new photos appear on the pages of the site, processed with the help of beautiful bright filters. Users are happy to rate and comment on new publications.


Without Foursquare, the list of social networks would be incomplete. This service provides opportunities for communication with friends online, but its "trick" is not at all in this. By registering on the site, you register at a specific place on the map. And by adding friends, you get the opportunity to track their movements and meet if possible.


One of the fastest growing social networks on the Internet. She acts on the principle of a blog, which ensures her fast work and great popularity among users. You get the opportunity to maintain your own online journal, as well as view news and interesting publications of other participants.

What do we have?

So let's continue to put together a list of the best social media sites. In recent years, Russia has issued several promising projects at once, which have every chance of breaking into the world TOP. So, more and more records of attendance are beaten by the site "VKontakte". In addition to endless opportunities for communication (including via a webcam), VKontakte users have access to a huge number of communities of various topics and directions, the largest Russian Internet libraries of video and audio recordings. In addition, the Odnoklassniki and My World projects from Mail.ru are attracting attention with many interesting functions and ease of use.

Specialized social networks

A few pages would not be enough for us to even simply list all the social networks in the world. After all, in this case, the list would also contain thousands of not too large-scale, but interesting projects that allow people from a narrow circle to communicate with each other. For example, many researchers, scientists and those who are simply interested in science use Academia.edu with great pleasure. And, for example, the CafeMom service allows young mothers to communicate and find a lot of interesting and useful information. Christians also have their own social network, and it is called Cross.tv.

Every year more and more similar projects appear on the Internet, and therefore it is easier to find like-minded people or advertise your product to those who will be really interested in buying it these days than it has ever been.

Social network- an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the network participants themselves. The site is an automated social environment that allows a group of users united by a common interest to communicate. These include thematic forums, especially industry forums, which have been actively developing lately.

Communication is via a web service, internal mail or instant messaging.


And if LinkedIn was created with the aim of establishing / maintaining business contacts, then the owners of MySpace and Facebook relied primarily on satisfying the human need for self-expression. Indeed, in accordance with Maslow's pyramid, it is self-expression that is the highest human need, ahead of even recognition and communication. Social networks have become a kind of Internet haven where everyone can find a technical and social basis for creating their own virtual "I". At the same time, each user got the opportunity not only to communicate and create, but also to share the fruits of their creativity with the multimillion audience of a particular social network.

Largest networks

In different regions of the world, the popularity of different social networks varies. For example, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are more popular and widespread in North America;
Nexopia - in Canada;
Bebo - in the UK;
Facebook, Hi5, dol2day - in Germany;
Tagged.com ( English), XING and Skyrock - in different European countries;
Public Broadcasting Service, Orkut, Facebook and Hi5 in South and Central America (55% of Brazilian network users prefer Orkut);
Friendster, Multiply, Orkut, Xiaonei and Cyworld in Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore).

In terms of the number of users, the leaders are Facebook (750,000,000), MySpace (255,000,000), Twitter (200,000,000), Vkontakte (150,000,000), Windows Live Spaces (120,000,000), Habbo Hotel (121,000,000), Friendster (90,000,000), Hi5 (80,000,000), Tagged.com (70,000,000).

English-speaking Russian-speaking

  • My network
  • Connect (there is a Russian-language interface)
  • exSlife (there is a Russian-language interface)
  • On the Net (there is a Russian-language interface)
  • Hayland (there is a Russian and English interface)
  • Kuku (there is a Russian-language interface)
  • Draugiem.lv
  • ONE.LV


Service social networks allow users to unite online around their common interests, hobbies, or for various reasons. For example, some sites provide services through which users can share personal information needed to find partners. Examples: LinkedIn, Vkontakte.

Commercial social media is focused on supporting business transactions and building people's trust in brands by taking into account their views on the product, how to make it better, etc., thereby allowing consumers to participate in promoting the product and increasing their awareness.


For advertisers, social media provides unique opportunities for direct contact with consumers. Every day, millions of users conduct conversations about companies, their products and services, sharing their opinions and impressions. As a result, a single member of the network community can spoil (or vice versa) the reputation of a company with a multimillion-dollar turnover.

The volume of the social media advertising market is growing steadily. In 2007, according to the analyst firm eMarketer, it reached the $ 1.225 billion mark. When compiling the report, eMarketer experts took into account all types of advertising posted on social networks, including media, contextual and video advertising, as well as the costs of marketing projects in which marketers create profiles for their products and brands on social networks. In addition, for the first time, the forecasts take into account the costs of creating widgets and applications. According to a recent study by eMarketer, the total revenue of social media from advertising in 2011 will reach 5.54 billion dollars. According to forecasts, by 2013, the market for advertising in social networks will double.

Currently, companies from sectors such as consumer goods, spirits, automakers, and entertainment companies are showing the most interest in social media. Consumer brands have not aggressively advertised on the Internet until recently, but many have planned social media marketing budgets for 2009.

The rise of social media advertising is driving budget tugs. Such popular advertising platforms as search networks, websites of major newspapers and magazines, and online media are now forced to reduce advertising budgets or adapt to the realities of Web 2.0, optimizing their sites for social media functionality.


Many people do not understand that information posted on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including not necessarily with good intentions. Information about members of social networks can be found by their employers, parents, children, ex or current wives or husbands, debt collectors, criminals, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

For example, there is a known case when a criminal looked for women who looked like herself, killed them and sold their apartments.

There is a known case of manifestation of psychosomatic disorders based on dependence on communication in social networks. In Belgrade, user Svetlana Pavlović ended up in a psychiatric clinic after her Facebook post did not generate interest among her friends. The doctors of the clinic called this case "Svetlana's syndrome", explaining the patient's behavior as ordinary stress from the dissatisfaction of an individual's social need in the modern world.

Some employers prohibit the use of social networks - not only for the sake of economy, but also to prevent information leakage.

D. Boyd, based on polls in 16 US states, concluded that there are two main "fears" caused by social networks: sexual harassment and information confidentiality. Content analysis of periodicals in Denmark allowed M. Larsen to compile a list of the most frequently mentioned problems in connection with social networks, which include: sexual violence and pedophilia, intimidation and persecution, threats and violence, the spread of nationalist ideas. In the course of an online survey of German and Austrian students, K. Fuchs received the following list of risks: data confidentiality, the spread of spam, the possibility of losing personal information, creating a negative image, Internet addiction. S.V. Bondarenko, based on the study of virtual network communities in the south of Russia, concluded that there are the following forms of manifestation of deviate behavior: hacking, violation of the secrecy regime, defamation, cyber terrorism, computer pedophilia. A poll conducted on the SU-HSE portal showed that, according to respondents, networks “drag on” and take too much time ”, crowd out real communication, and provide“ redundancy of communication and information ”. “Privacy issues,” the report says, “are less of a concern for social media users. Basically, these fears are associated with the easy availability of contact information for spammers, and not with the work of special services. "


Social software is a wide range of software systems that enable users to interact and exchange data. This method of computer-mediated interaction has become popular with the emergence of such social sites as MySpace, Facebook, Odnoklassniki.ru, media sites Flickr and YouTube, and eBay commercial sites.

Many of these applications share characteristics such as open APIs, service-oriented design, and the ability to host data and media remotely. Such applications are commonly referred to as Web 2.0 systems.

Within social software, two groups of software tools can be distinguished: communication and interactive.

Communication tools are used to record, store and present communication data, most often in text form, but increasingly in audio and video formats.

Interactive tools are used to support data-mediated (different media formats) interactions between individuals and their groups. Unlike communication tools, the emphasis is on maintaining user connectivity and communication mechanisms between them. In contrast to communication tools, which are usually asynchronous, interactive tools are predominantly synchronous, allowing users to interact in real time (as in the case of Internet telephony, video chats, etc.) or almost synchronously (instant messaging services, text chats, etc.) . NS.).

The following examples of software systems that relate to social software can be named:

  • Instant messaging systems (IM - Instant messaging) allow you to communicate with another user over the network in real time (in a relatively secure mode). The most popular of them are Skype, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Miranda IM. Business-oriented systems include IBM Lotus Sametime, Microsoft Messenger, and Jabber.
  • Internet Relay Chat (IRC) allows multiple users to communicate in real time at the same time.
  • Internet forums have replaced electronic conferences (which arose before the WWW). A forum user can create a new "topic" available to others. Other users can view the topic and leave their comments in sequential recording mode.
  • Web blogs, or blogs for short, can be thought of as the personal online journals of individual users. The blog owner can post to his journal, while other users (readers) can leave their comments to them.
  • Wikis (wikis), or simply wikis, are essentially websites whose content can be edited by site visitors. The most famous example is Wikipedia.

IDC predicts that the market for social media marketing and business applications will grow in the coming years. “Social media is growing in popularity and there are multi-purpose applications that will help this market grow,” said Rachel Happe, research manager at IDC. "We expect to see the popularity of applications for various marketing companies and firms, as well as enterprise applications, will soon become popular."

In addition, the report says that the growth of the market for social networking applications will slow only by 2011.

see also

Notes (edit)

Broadcasting Access Services

Communication on social networks has long become commonplace for modern Internet users. On the vastness of the global web, people solve many issues, share their experiences, demonstrate joyful moments, follow the events taking place in the lives of relatives and friends. This demand for social networks has not gone unnoticed by software developers. It is not surprising, because everyone wants to promote their product, get a decent profit and universal recognition.

We present the rating of the most popular social networks that have a large audience of users in the world for 2017. In the ranking, I refer mainly to the statistics gs.statcounter.com, which tracks sites such as: Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, StumbleUpon, YouTube, Twitter, reddit, Digg, MySpace, NowPublic, iWiW, orkut, Fark, Delicious, VKontakte, Hi5, Yahoo! Buzz, Vimeo, Mixx, FriendFeed, Hyves, Bebo, Tuenti, Kaboodle, Odnoklassniki. To learn more about their methodology, go to.

Since some sites (for example Odnoklassniki), taking into account their methodology, do not fall into the charts, the article will also use statistics for the Runet gs.seo-auditor.com.ru. Attention! Their statistics vary greatly. This is due to a different methodology. The former measure social media usage based on page views (not unique visitors).

The second graph shows the numbers as of June 2017:

We see that the Vkontakte indicator has dropped significantly. Interestingly, according to these statistics, Twitter took its place. How the statistics have changed during the year, see.

  • Ukrainians.co
  • Nimses.com
  • WEUA.info

TOP popular social platforms in Russia

As of June 2017:

According to gs.seo-auditor.com.ru, the methodology of which is different, the popularity figures as a percentage are:

The most popular social networks in Belarus

There are also two leaders in Belarus: Vkontakte and Facebook.

Moreover, at the end of the year, VK lost to FB and they swapped places.

Social web popularity statistics in Kazakhstan

Most of the pastime of users of Kazakhstan falls on Facebook:

Moreover, Vkontakte here also lost a little position at the end of the year:

Kazakh Internet users are consistently loyal to the video aggregator Youtube.

Figures and trends in the world

The irreplaceable leader of the world in statistics gs.statcounter.com is Facebook again:

Pinterst ranks second and is actively gaining popularity, primarily due to its new feature.

Twitter is positively stable as always. Although his news feed is much more attractive now.

According to the table c, the number of network users around the world per month is:

Social network Monthly Visitors
Facebook 2,000,000,000
Youtube 1,000,000,000
Instagram 700,000,000
Twitter 313,000,000
Reddit 250,000,000
Vine (In January 2017, The Vine became the Vine Camera) 200,000,000
Pinterest 150,000,000
Ask.fm 160,000,000
Tumblr 115,000,000
Flickr 112,000,000
Google+ 111,000,000
LinkedIn 106,000,000
VK 90,000,000
ClassMates 57,000,000
Meetup 30,300,000

As you can see, the leaders have a big lead.


Nearly 2 billion monthly visitors.

The social network, founded by a young businessman Mark Zuckerberg, is confidently leading among similar services. Every month, about two billion people from different parts of the world use this resource for various purposes. Such demand among the world's population obliges Facebook to adapt to each user. Therefore, today there are more than 60 language versions of this web resource so that people from different countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Despite all the vicissitudes and financial crises, Facebook is successfully developing, attracting an increasing number of subscribers. And the founder of the Internet network, taking advantage of the growing popularity of his brainchild, does not get tired of donating the received funds to charity, thereby winning the love of Internet users even more.


(more than 300 million visits per month)

Interest in Twitter is due to the ease of use of this service, as well as the speed of displaying messages. There is nothing easier than registering on a social network page and immediately get into the thick of things, find out the latest news, share your opinion with other people, etc. Twitter was founded two years later than Facebook, but it is already confidently breathing in the back of the recognized leader. This social network is popular in many countries of the world, not only in the vastness of the post-Soviet states, but also far beyond their borders.


(more than 100 million users per month)

This web-based system is especially in demand among businessmen. This love of entrepreneurs from all over the world can be explained quite simply: using this Internet resource, you can successfully promote your business, make useful contacts, look for employees in different parts of the world, and also receive orders from partners living far from themselves. Here you can easily post your resume or vacancy announcement, find companies whose job profile matches your interests, and much more.


(approximately 150,000,000 monthly)

In the ranking of world leaders under consideration, Pinterest takes a worthy position. Although, in terms of the number of users, Pinterest is 7 in the table, it is rapidly gaining popularity. And most likely, residents of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries will soon include this social network in the leading list, since it has sufficient potential.


700 million visitors visit Instagram every month.

The Instagram resource gained popularity thanks to the thoughtful management of the Facebook owners. It was they who bought the rights to this social network and brought it to the favorites.

In addition to those already mentioned, I would like to pay special attention to other social services, which are included in some of the lists of the most popular social networks. We are talking about the web resource Youtube (one billion registered users), which is in second place. In addition, it is worth mentioning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the most popular communication platforms used by residents of the CIS countries. Now Ukraine is no longer included in their list, since the mentioned social networks are blocked on the territory of the state by providers, such a decree was signed by the President of the country.

It is also worth mentioning Viber, WhatsApps, Telegram and other social resources that are present in various ratings.

A large selection of all kinds of social networks makes their owners constantly evolve, and users only benefit from such rivalry. The main thing is that the competition is fair and healthy, using only open (and legal) methods of fighting for a place in the sun. And consumers will decide for themselves which social network they prefer.

First, you will see a presentation with graphs and tables, and below I will add additional statistics that I managed to get hold of. I admit that collecting information together on all social. networks in a particular country is quite difficult. Official sources are reluctant to share statistics, and statistical agencies use different methodologies for collecting information and calculations, so I did not interfere with the numbers regarding social. networks so as not to distort the overall picture. For this reason, several graphs in the presentation show similar information, but in my opinion they are still interesting. See and decide for yourself 🙂

By the way, if you need statistics around the world, then see this article:

Review of the most popular social media networks in Russia

Here I will give only brief information. See the presentation below for all details and figures.

User survey data

  • This year, as in the past, the first places in the rating of social networks in terms of popularity among Russian users go to Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki... These sites are still confidently leading in Russia, and, according to an audience survey, 39% and 32% of respondents said that they have accounts in these social networks. networks and use them. A bit off topic, but I would like to add that the average user already has as many as 7 social accounts. networks!
  • As for the giant of the global social community Facebook, it still remains in third place (24%), although it added in growth rates compared to previous years.
  • In fourth place we have Skype... This, of course, is not a social network, but due to the unprecedented popularity of messaging services around the world, such sites and applications are now included in official statistics, as they more and more draw users' attention to themselves.
  • Gradually dying social. network Google+ still remains on the list and occupies an honorable fifth place among the Russians. If we talk about world statistics, then Google+ does not participate at all in the ratings due to its low popularity.
  • 6 and 7 lines in the social chart. networks got WhatsApp and Viber, accounts in which 15% of surveyed users have. Viber is still quite popular among Russian-speaking users, but at the global level it is very much inferior to the WhatsApp application, which already has a monthly audience.
  • Next we have Instagram, which was placed on the 8th place in the list and is now ahead of Twitter... Interestingly, Instagram and Twitter compete very jealously for a global audience. Although Twitter does not want to admit it yet, Instagram has managed to shift it one position, both in the world and in Russia.
  • Closing our top ten is another brainchild of Facebook -. Whatever one may say, messengers continue to win the hearts of users who are already tired of the informative assault on social. networks and try to communicate with friends in a more private environment. This year, there are three messengers on the list. It will be very curious to see how the situation will change this 2016 ?! Will there be new players on the list? Wait and see! =)

Age of social media users networks

This year, we do not have data on Odnoklassniki and Instagram, therefore, in the first graph, only VK, Facebook, My World and Live Journal are considered. Based on these data, Vkontakte still boasts the youngest audience. This social. networks have the largest number of users under 24 years old. Although, if we look at the statistics in detail, then Brand Analytics in their study did not calculate the audience of 12-17 years old for Facebook and LJ. For this reason, I added an additional graph with a breakdown of the Facebook audience, where you can see that there is still a young audience there (see slide 10), and the age group 20-29 is the most numerous (among Facebook users).

The very same adult social. the network turned out to be My World, the indicators of which are the highest for users 45+, in comparison with other social networks. networks.

Gender of social media users networks

I want to note right away that the gender of users is not the most accurate statistics, since the amount of accurate data varies for different social media. networks.

This year, as in the past, women are a little more active in social media. networks than men. In terms of the number of women, Instagram and My World are still in the lead - 75.7% and 60.3%, respectively. Interestingly, compared to last year, the female Instagram audience has grown by a few more percent. Apparently, our men will not yet fall in love with Instagram 🙂 Judging by the numbers, LJ and Twitter are the most “male” social networks in Russia, where the male audience exceeds 50%: 56.4% and 50.6%, respectively.

In contact with


According to the statistics service LiveInternet for April 2016, the daily audience of the Odnoklassniki website is 46.9 million visitors (according to official OK data), and per month OK visit about 73 million users... Note that this is the general audience, and how many Russians are there for this figure is difficult to say, because the social. the network is popular in other CIS countries as well.

Also, according to the press service, for December 2015, the monthly mobile audience of social. network accounts for 64% of the total number of active users. According to comScore statistics as of November 2015, the average user spends 41 minutes a day on the site.

Throw in some more interesting data: Odnoklassniki is the second site in the Russian Internet in terms of video views (according to comScore), on which about 300 million videos are viewed per day!

My world

According to a study for April 2016, conducted by the TNS agency (takes into account the entire population of Russia aged 12-64), the audience of the social network Moi Mir totals 16.1 million people per month.

Well, guys, this is all that I wanted to tell you about the situation with social networks in Russia.

I wish you successful promotion!

VKontakte is perhaps the largest network not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. Its creator, Pavel Durov, originally planned in 2006 to create a place for students to communicate. But after some time it began to gain popularity and was already intended not only for a specific category of the population.

Every year the site has been changing according to modern trends. Free music gradually faded away due to subscriptions and various bans. Online broadcasts, advertisements and even a money transfer service began to appear.

A new stage in the company's development led to the departure of Pavel Durov, the founder of the Network. Most of the majority shareholding passed to MailGroup in 2014. And although many did not like the changes: design, accessibility of music and much more, the network continues to remain at its peak of popularity today. More than 80 million people visit it every day.

Network capabilities:

Classmates appeared in the same year as the giant VK. And they began to gain immense popularity. At that time, only there it was possible to find old friends and classmates from all over the world. Therefore, such a domain name was chosen for the site.

After the jump in popularity of VK, classmates began to be considered a social network for the older generation. Indeed, according to statistics, about 56% of users are people from 25 to 46 years old. In total, the site is visited every day by about 42 million users.

Paid registration was implemented from 2008 to 2010. The account could have been accidentally deleted and you would have to pay money to register. This caused a massive outflow of users to other social networks, including VKontakte. But by 2010, this practice was abandoned and returned to the free regime.

Odnoklassniki moved to a more laconic OK domain by analogy with VK. The site is owned by the same MailGroup.


  • Sending messages between users, adding to contacts.
  • Creation of forums and groups, participation in them.
  • Money transfers.
  • Search for people by specific parameters.
  • Live broadcasts.
  • Messenger OK Messages.

The portal appeared much earlier than its competitors, but could not gain popularity. To date, only 18 million people are registered in it.

Belongs to the company "Cyril and Methodius", which produces multimedia educational products, textbooks and various reference books. Over the course of her work, she has changed three domain names: classmate.km.ru in 2003, odnoklassniki.km.ru in 2007 and vkrugudruzei.ru in 2008.

Due to the use of the word "classmates", the owners of the company had to sue representatives of the OK website. Some users expected the two services to merge into one, but the merger never happened.

The site positioned itself as a service for finding old acquaintances and classmates. It does not have any special features in comparison with popular social networks.

[email protected] is a 2007 development of the MailGroup company. Originally meant as a service that would unite many Mail projects under a single interface. But very quickly, in just a few months, the development grew into its own social network.

Almost every year, new functions were added to the interface that corresponded to trends: listening to music, microblogging, news comments, messaging. Obviously, the company focused primarily on the giants of the industry - VK and OK.

The fifth most popular site in Russia and the first in Kazakhstan. According to statistics, the only service where the female audience exceeds the male one.

The project appeared on the open spaces of the network back in 2006. At the moment it unites 16 million users throughout Russia. It is a social media platform where you can communicate with people, create websites through the constructor and share news.

The site is owned by the Olanola company. They own all 100% of the block of shares.

Initially, the service was created with the idea of ​​finding classmates and old acquaintances. The idea was the same as that of other social networks. But the project did not gain popularity, since the creators did not pay due attention to its development.

As a result, the World is Small changed the concept of the site twice. In 2008, they reoriented to the geolocation principle. Now each member of the network could be found on the general map of the Google service. But the maps were not worked out, and the site did not have its own system.

Since 2012, a new development idea has come up - to implement a recommendation network, where each user can create his own website. And even make money from it.


  • Self-learning recommendation service Neuron.
  • Built-in website builder.
  • Earnings on the site, subject to its popularity.
  • Maintaining a thematic blog.

Since the service is a dating site, in addition to the social network, you can find many paid services here: various casual games. The emphasis is on uploading photos. The user can create entire galleries for viewing. Basically, this is what attracts the Photostrana of many users.


  • Dating service.
  • Casual games.
  • Photo galleries.

The service has been developed since 2007. And first appeared on the Web in 2008. It is a simple social network for students, teachers and parents. The purpose of the service is to modernize education for the better.

The emphasis is on education. Here you can lay out the schedule of classes, homework and monitor its implementation. Teachers can write messages to students, send schedules and homework assignments. Children - share news with each other, make their own schedule, do homework. Well, for parents - to monitor the success of their child.

At the moment, more than half of Russian schools have joined the project and register students without fail.

New on the site


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