Home Vegetables Statuses with meaning: clever statements about life, people and love. Wise sayings about life

Statuses with meaning: clever statements about life, people and love. Wise sayings about life

Strange people ... They do nasty things to each other, and ask for forgiveness from GOD ...

Prayers should always remain unanswered. If they were fulfilled, they would not be prayers, but business negotiations.

A person has the right to look down at another just to help him get back on his feet.

We speak the most important words in life in silence ...

In everyone's soul there is a quiet corner where we do not allow anyone ... .. and at the same time ... we anxiously dream that someone would cross the threshold there!

And I closed my gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... I am often told that I am beautiful ... I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

The past is history ... The future is a mystery ... The present is a gift ...

There are people who believe in miracles, there are people who do not believe in miracles ... and there are people who do not know what it is, but they do it.

The doors of happiness are not locked for anyone, it is just that some do not understand which way they open.

Each person is a programmer of his own happiness and a hacker of someone else's.

Having given a woman a son, God gives her the opportunity to try to raise a real man herself, capable of not only giving compliments, but also doing things.

Great happiness does not happen right away ... You need to earn everything in this world ... Then only seeds of happiness sprout when you know how to value small things ...!

By your actions you can see ... how appreciated you are. On calls ... as you are needed. And only time will tell - to whom you are really dear !!!

You can live next to ... Meet every day ... Only here is a stranger, stay forever ... You can live far away, and when you feel tight, then hundreds of miles away, feel each other.)

Do you want me to reveal to You the Secret ... One such tiny secret ... Know, people do not meet by chance ... There are no accidents, believe me in my life ... Don't you believe? Well then listen ... Do not be afraid: I will not deceive You ... Imagine that there are souls ... Tuned to one string ... Like stars in the infinity of the Universe ... They wander hundreds of roads ... To meet sometime without fail ... But only when God wants. ...

They do not cry over the leaves, fallen trees ... Spring will give them new leaves ... To be able not to regret ... this is truly happiness ... Not to cry about what is gone forever ...

I have a God, for which to thank - with me are those who are most dear to all, and there is someone to love! I was lucky in my life, may you be lucky too!

Love those who are just around, who do not dare to change, who warms with a warm, gentle look - who just helps to live. It is not the view that is more important in life - it is often deceptive, it is not that beautiful that glitters - that is beautiful that warms ....

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not grown.

Today I'm glad ... just like that. And why? I do not know. But life is beautiful is a fact! And I adore this fact ..

Whoever was beaten will achieve more. Having eaten a pood of salt, he appreciates honey more. He who shed tears laughs sincerely. He who has died knows that he lives.

What am I dreaming about? Yes, just live ... Breathe, love and know that I am loved! And appreciate every moment ... Because our life is unique!

There would be something to be silent about, and what to say - there will always be.

Life is something that exists, that each time starts all over again and goes on its own course, this flowering and growth, withering and death, this wealth and poverty, love and hate, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases touch upon the widest range of facets of human existence, make you think.

It doesn't matter how you were born - think about how you will die.

Short-term failure is not terrible - short-term luck is much more unpleasant. (Farage).

Memories are like islands in a sea of ​​emptiness. (Shishkin).

Soup is not eaten as hot as it was cooked. (French proverb).

Anger is transient insanity. (Horace).

In the morning you start to envy the unemployed.

There are more lucky ones than truly talented ones. (L. Vovenargue).

Luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Werber).

We strive for a bright future, which means that real life is not very beautiful.

You will not make up your mind today, you will be late tomorrow.

Days fly by instantly: I just woke up, I was already late for work.

The thoughts that come during the day are our life. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise sayings about Life and Love

  1. Envy is sadness about the well-being of another person. (Princess).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is the father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky who is confident in their own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. You feel - this is yours, dare to risk it!
  6. Hatred is nobler than indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the surrounding nature.
  8. Eternity is only a unit of time. (Stanislav Lec).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. The longer you live, you will see more.
  11. Trouble is like luck, it doesn't come alone. (Romain Rolland).

Short sayings about Life

It is difficult for a person who has decided to agitate the tsar for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually, a refusal is followed by an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (S. Friedrich).

The snake will not bite the snake. (Pliny).

No matter how the rake is taught, the heart wants a miracle ...

Talk to the person about himself. He will agree to listen for days. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness cannot be measured by money, but crying in a Mercedes is better than in the subway.

The thief of opportunity is indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time on.

Sowing thorns will not harvest grapes.

The procrastinator with the decision has already made it: do not change anything.

How do they speak about Happiness and Life?

  1. It seems to people: they want the truth. Having learned the truth, they want to forget about many things. (Dm. Greenberg).
  2. Talk about troubles: "I cannot change this, I would rather benefit." (Schopenhauer).
  3. Change happens when you go against your habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, the wounded animal behaves unpredictably. A person with an emotional wound does the same. (Gangor).
  5. Do not believe people who say bad things about others, but say good things about you. (L. Tolstoy).

Sayings of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Those who did not live as they wanted, lost. (D. Schomberg).

When you give a person a fish, you will feed him only once. Having learned to fish, he will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, plans will remain only dreams. (Zacchaeus.)

Seeing things differently will change the future. (Yukio Mishima)

Life is a wheel: what was below recently will be above tomorrow. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. A person's goal is to give it meaning. (Osho).

A person who consciously follows the path of creation, and not mindless consumption, fills existence with meaning. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life is a matchbox. Treating him seriously is ridiculous, frivolous is dangerous. (Ryunosuke)

A life lived with mistakes is better, more rewarding than time spent doing nothing. (B. Shaw).

Any illness should be viewed as a signal: you have something wrong with the world. If you do not hear the signals, Life will intensify the impact. (Sviyash).

Success lies in mastering the ability to control pain and pleasure. Having achieved this, you will be able to control life. (E. Robbins).

A banal step - to choose a goal and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reed).

Life is tragic when seen in close-up. Observe from afar - it will seem like a comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your move is decisive. A person has several opportunities for change during the day. Success loves whoever uses them effectively. (André Maurois).

Sayings about life in English with translation

Truths differ little among different peoples of the world - you can be convinced of this by reading quotes in English:

Politics are come from the words poly (a lot of) & the word ticks (bloodsucking parasites).

The word "politics" comes from the words poly (many), ticks (bloodsuckers). Means insects that suck blood.

Love is conflict between reflexes and dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every human like an angel with one wing. We can fly only in embracing one another.

Man is a one-winged angel. We will be able to fly hugging each other.

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life. 100

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself. 125

The surest way to a person's heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else. 119

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better. 61

The world is boring for boring people. 111

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 127

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has completed his task in our life, and we - in his. In their place, new people come to teach us something else. 159

The most difficult thing is given to a person that is not given to him. 61 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and even this cannot be sure. Marcel Ashar 61

If you once regret that you didn’t say, then you will regret a hundred times that you didn’t keep silent. 59

You want to live better, but you have to have more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich 27

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 4

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 68

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected. 61

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life. 44

Life only has a price because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 14

If you do not have time for something, then you should not have time, then you need to waste time on something else. 54

You can't forbid living having fun, but you can make it so that you don't want to laugh. 27

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 21

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. och. Famous phrase) 13

People are not tortured with a hot iron these days. There are noble metals. 29

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 33

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how your brain begins to move. 40

To understand is to feel. 83

It's that simple: you have to live until you die 17

Philosophy does not answer the question about the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 32

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 42

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. One should not be afraid of the dead, but pity them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. Web of lies 39

We do not know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. (p.s. oh, how true!) A. France 23

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. 57

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of the men, you can drown any of them. Oleg Roy, novel: The man in the opposite window 31 (1)

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses registered in their name, cars with the right of the owner, their own companies and spouses, chained with a stamp in their passports. Oleg Roy. Web of lies 29

Everyone already has the Internet, but there is still no happiness ... 46

This section contains wise words about life, various great famous people. After all, many are wondering about the meaning of life. Read meditate!

“Everything returns to its normal circles; how much and how it arrives, so much will decrease, a holy place is never empty, and for every strength ... there is ... an even greater strength "(Russian folk wisdom).

“Everything goes on as usual, each thing has its place, each vegetable has its own time” (Russian folk wisdom).

“There is a time for everything, and a time for every thing under the sky. Time to be born, and time to die ... "(Ecclisiastes)

“Everything that has a beginning has an end; how many rope does not twist, there will be a tip ”(Russian folk wisdom).

“For everyone around us, we create only rules, but for ourselves, only exceptions” (Lemel)

"Nothing passes without a trace, something always remains" (Russian folk wisdom).

“Life is what happens when you make completely different plans” (J. Lennon)

"It is worth living your life in such a way that later in old age it would not be offensive for the uselessly spent years." (Maksim Gorky)

Wealth is not at all what fur coat you wear, what car you drive, and what a cool phone you have in your hands ...

"As green leaves on a dense tree - some fall, while others grow, so the race of flesh and blood - one dies, and the other is born." (Bible)

"God is not in power, but in truth" (the saying is traditionally attributed to Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky)

a lot of people die without saying a single smart word and not doing a single really good deed in their entire long life. And yet they still complain about the short life span! (Ali Apsheroni)

As long as we put off life, it passes. (Seneca)

3A dawn always sets in.

Wealth is your living parents, healthy children, reliable friends and the strong shoulder of a loved one!

Truly, a person's life lasts for an instant, so live and do what you want.

It is foolish to live in this dream-like world, face troubles every day and only do what you don't like. (Hagakura)

Lifetime is a chance to express your stay here in the most risky, most creative way that is available to your imagination.

All people make big plans for how many years ahead. But none of us can know whether he will live to see tomorrow morning or not. (Author - Lev Tolstoy)

Everything that happens to us is contrary to logic and wise foresight. (Sarah Bernhardt)
If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness itself will find you.

Life - you go up the mountain slowly, you go down quickly. (Guy de Maupassant)

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered. (P.A. Pavlenko)

Life is a moment. It cannot be lived at first on a draft, and then copied into a white paper. (A.P. Chekhov)

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is creating yourself. (Bernard Show)

Life is a fabric of good and bad threads. (William Shakespeie)

Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living. (V.O.Klyuchevsky)

Life consists of what a person thinks throughout the day. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Life's truths are experienced, not taught. Life needs to be lived. (Ali Apsheroni)

To live is to think.

Do you know what's the worst thing in life? - Do not have time.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

The world is a mirror, and it returns to everyone his own image. Frown - and he, in turn, will look at you sourly; laugh at him and together with him - and he will become your cheerful, dear companion. (William Thackeray)

Wise - who knows what is needed, and not much.

The wisdom of life is always deeper and broader than the wisdom of people.

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you will not be in time.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities will become limitless.

Surround yourself with those who will lift higher. The world is already full of those who want to drag you down.

The foundation of all wisdom is patience.

The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - and who needs it? "

According to Leibniz, wisdom is "knowledge of the highest good"

Everyone has their own hell - it doesn't have to be fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life!

To be able to enjoy a life you have lived means to live twice. (Martial)

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

"... it's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself." (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Life is the art of deriving significant benefits from insignificant circumstances.

Wisdom tends to open its eyes, and stupidity tends to open its mouth.

This section contains the wisest words about life. These quotes will help you answer many questions. Read and reflect!

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life.

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself.

The surest way to a person's heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else.

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better.

The world is boring for boring people.

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone.

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has completed his task in our life, and we - in his. In their place, new people come to teach us something else.

The most difficult thing is given to a person that is not given to him.

You only live once, and even this cannot be sure. Marcel Ashar

If you once regret that you didn’t say, then you will regret a hundred times that you didn’t keep silent.

You want to live better, but you have to live more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves.

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected.

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life.

Life only has a price because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer)

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand

If you do not have time for something, then you should not have time, then you need to waste time on something else.

You can't forbid living having fun, but you can make it so that you don't want to laugh.

To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately means not to live badly, but to die slowly.

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. och. Famous phrase)

People are not tortured with a hot iron these days. There are noble metals.

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues.

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how your brain begins to move.

To understand is to feel.

It's that simple: you have to live until you die

Philosophy does not answer the question about the meaning of life, but only complicates it.

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident.

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. One should not be afraid of the dead, but pity them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. Web of lies

We do not know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. A. France

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward.

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of the men, you can drown any of them. Oleg Roy, novel: The man in the window opposite 1

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses registered in their name, cars with the right of the owner, their own companies and spouses, chained with a stamp in their passports. Oleg Roy. Web of lies

If you do not pay attention to the difficulties, then they will be offended and leave ...

No one can make a lock without a key, nor can life give a problem without a solution.

It is difficult to lead to good by moral teachings, it is easy by example.

Plan ahead! After all, there was no rain when Noah was building the ark.

When we stumble upon a closed door, another door opens to us. Unfortunately, we have been looking at the closed door for so long that we do not notice the one that is open for us.

Life is a weariness growing with every step.

Life is like a bath, then boiling water, then ice water.

And only with age do you begin to realizeHOW to turn the tap correctly, but the soul is already scalded, and the body is almost frozen.

Abortion is protected exclusively by people who are already born themselves. Ronald Reagan

Watch out for the young doctor and the old hairdresser. Benjamin Franklin

... "Of two evils, I always choose the one that I have never tried before." Benedict Cumberbatch

He who cannot change his views cannot change anything. Bernard Show

You can earn a living with a diploma. Self-education will do you. Jim Rohn

It is better to keep quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and completely dispel doubts. Abraham Lincoln

Patience has more power than strength.

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.

Only molecules and assholes move chaotically.

Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.

I do not live in order to eat, but I eat in order to live. Quintilian

The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving. Oliver Holmes

Say only good things about yourself: the source will be forgotten, but the hearing will remain.

If you want to avoid criticism, don't do anything, don't say anything and be nothing.

The only moment in life when a person tells himself the truth is the moment before death.

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

A woman should not look defiant, but inviting ...

A person gets used to everything, even to the hang-up ... Twitches, twitches and stops ...

Do not waste time in vain - this is the material from which life is woven

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

It is better to talk with a full mouth than to be silent with a full muzzle.

Striving to the top, remember that it may not be Olympus, but Vesuvius. Emile Ogier

Life is so short that you barely have time to ruin it.

We owe all the best in ourselves to the absence of the worst.

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify.

We live only once, but to the end.

Life Leaves in English - Without Saying Goodbye

Impudence is the second happiness of those who do not have the first.

Old age begins when instead of "tasty / tasteless" you start talking

"useful / harmful"

He who knows how to control himself can command others. J. Voltaire

Whoever wants to live for others should not neglect his own life. Hugo

The biggest mistake is trying to correct someone else's mistake.

Money and worries cannot be hidden. (Lope de Vega)

Nothing promotes peace of mind like a complete lack of one's own opinion. (Lichtenberg)

You have to live so as not to be afraid to sell your parrot to the biggest gossip girl in the city. - Yu Tuwim

The great science of living happily is to live only in the present. Pythagoras

Half of our lives are ruined by our parents, and the other half by our children. Darrow

Apparently, there is nothing in the world that could not happen. M. Twain

The number of years does not yet indicate the length of life. A person's life is measured by what he has done and felt in it. S. Smiles

Most people spend half of their lives making the other half unhappy. J. La Bruyere

It is foolish to make plans for life without being the master of even tomorrow. Seneca

The measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you have used it. - M. Montaigne

Life is what people most of all strive to preserve and least of all cherish. - J. La Bruyere

Stress is not what happened to you, but how you perceive it. Hans Selye

The main thing in the goals is that you have them. Jeffrey Albert

The most important component of the formula for success is getting along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Don't take life so seriously. You still can't get out of it alive.

Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

I was looking for leaders, but I realized that leadership is to act first.

Try it, give at least one chance to the impossible. Have you ever wondered how it is, this impossible, tired, how it needs us.

Every new day we make plans for the future. But the future has its own plans.

Loneliness is not just like that ... It is so that there was time to think ...

Do not be afraid of changes - most often they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.

The strong do what they want, and the weak suffer as they should.

One day you will find that you have only one problem left - yourself.

Everything must be experienced in this world, Everything must be experienced and appreciated ... Misfortune, pain, betrayal, grief, gossip - Everything must be passed through the heart. And only then, getting up at dawn, will you be able to laugh and love ...

The most difficult thing in life is to appreciate everything that you have and at the same time not to get attached to anything. Excessive attachment to something or someone gives rise to a constant anxiety to lose it.

Don't think about what you asked, but about what - for what? You will guess - for what, then you will understand how to answer. Maksim Gorky

The lack of good people is not a reason to cling to just anyone.

A person will never be able to write a new page in his life if he constantly turns over and re-reads the old ones.

A man must be stubborn and firm in life. But soft and empathetic with his woman.

One cannot expect from a person that which is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to make tomato juice.

Everything as usual. Fear pulls back, curiosity pushes forward, pride stops. And only common sense is nervously marking time and swearing.

The one who comes to the rescue when he is not even asked is important.

If you have the courage to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. (Paulo Coelho)

It's easier for me to communicate with a person in private, because only in private he becomes a person.

I don't give a damn about those who leave my life. I will find a replacement for everyone. But those who stayed, I love more than life!

Even the sharpest fangs of an animal will never hurt the one they love, and people can kill with one phrase ...

I prefer to do what I love in my life. And not what is fashionable, prestigious or appropriate. (Moscow does not believe in tears)

Embrace the present moment with joy. If you understand that you cannot change anything now, just relax and watch how everything just happens without any effort on your part.

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