Home Vegetables Herbal preparations for the nervous system. Soothing herbal teas are an effective way to combat stress. Bathing herbs

Herbal preparations for the nervous system. Soothing herbal teas are an effective way to combat stress. Bathing herbs

Are you familiar with wanton anxiety and irritability? Daily experiences keep you awake at night? These signs indicate that you are stressed or nervous. They can end in mental exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. How can you preserve your nerve cells?

Instead of over-the-counter medications that cause lethargy and lethargy, try calming herbs for nerves. They will help restore mental balance, normalize sleep and improve overall well-being. Read about which herbs have a calming effect in the article.

  • Herbs to Calm Nerves

    Problems in your personal life, conflicts at work, excessive mental stress? All this hits the nervous system hard. The situation is aggravated by seasonal vitamin deficiency, debilitating diets and lack of sleep. As a result, even the sweetest and most benevolent woman turns into an irritable touchy.

    Herbal medicine will help to avoid a nervous breakdown. Herbs from nerves are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, and are also added to relaxing baths.

    What plants will help you calm down quickly

    In the life of every person there are events that happen unexpectedly and unsettle. The illness of a loved one, betrayal, slander and other unpleasant moments can provoke a nervous shock. The following plants will help you calm down and come to your senses:

    • is the most famous herb for calming the nerves. Root tinctures are taken in small doses.
    • have a relaxing effect. Dill broth helps to quickly calm down and reduce the spike in blood pressure.
    • - Another effective herb for nerves. It helps to survive a nervous shock and cope with insomnia.
    • has a powerful soothing effect. Decoctions of the plant are recommended for people with increased nervous excitability and a tendency to hysteria.
    • used to quickly calm and heal neuroses. This herb is recommended for women to relieve premenstrual syndrome.
    • not only helps to calm down, but also relieves headaches.
    • used for hysteria, increased anxiety and sleep disorders.

    Interesting fact

    What plants will relieve stress

    Hard work, preparation for exams, family troubles drive us into stress day after day. Have you started to sleep badly and worry about every little thing? Is irritation and the urge to cry exactly what you are experiencing? Then you should seriously think about how to strengthen your nervous system.

    • restores mental balance during prolonged depression, relieves headaches, helps to improve sleep and wakefulness.
    • relieves stress, relieves physical and mental fatigue, eliminates headaches.
    • chamomile has a mild sedative effect on the body. Decoctions of the leaves and help to sleep. When taken as a course, chamomile helps to cope with stress.
    • contains essential oils that have a mild hypnotic effect. The herb helps to cope with bouts of irritability.
    • helps to restore the activity of the nervous system, restores normal sleep. The herb is recommended to drink for anxiety and panic attacks.
    • can be used for excessive fatigue and insomnia. They help improve heart rate and circulation.
    • helps to get out of depression. The plant gives vigor, improves mood, increases vitality.


    Under stressful conditions, jumps in blood pressure are sometimes noted. Hypertensive patients should not use leuzea and St. John's wort as a sedative!

    Herbs for nerves: folk recipes

    Now you know which herbs soothe the nerves. And how to use them correctly, we will tell you below.

    Tincture of cyanosis for neuroses

    Want to beat stress and insomnia? Then prepare a tincture of cyanosis blue. This herb can be purchased in our online store.

    Instructions for preparing the tincture:

    • put 3 tbsp in a glass jar. l. herbs;
    • pour in 150 ml of vodka;
    • remove the jar in a dark place;
    • insist for 2 weeks.

    Take 2 tsp daily. healing infusion.

    Useful advice

    Tincture of cyanosis is best taken before bedtime.

    Dill decoction for insomnia

    Many housewives have it. Check if they are still with you after the harvesting season? Dill broth will help you calm down after a hard day's work and fall asleep faster. Write down the recipe:

    • put 1 tbsp in the ladle. l. dill seeds;
    • add hot water (500 ml);
    • cook for 10 minutes in a water bath;
    • let the broth brew for 40 minutes.

    You can take this soothing broth for 5-7 days. Drink a glass of drink per day, dividing the liquid into 3 doses.

    Dill seeds slightly reduce blood pressure, so it is better not to use such a decoction for hypotonic patients!

    Soothing herbal bath

    At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that medicinal plants can be used to prepare herbal baths. They will help relieve not only emotional, but also physical stress. Want to calm down and relax? Then use our tips:

    • For the bath, use valerian root, watch leaves and chamomile flowers.
    • Take all medicinal herbs in equal amounts (15 g each) and put in a saucepan.
    • For 60 g of herbal mixture, you need 2 liters of water: pour over the dried plants and slowly bring to a boil, then turn off the heating.
    • Infuse the liquid for 90 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
    • Add the filtered infusion to the bath and adjust the water temperature (37 ± 2C).
    • Take a bath for 15 minutes.

    If you take these baths for a week, your stress symptoms will diminish.

    Medicinal plants will help you cope with increased nervous excitability, get rid of insomnia and even depression, so in most cases there is no need to take medication. We wish you health and peace of mind!

  • Almost every person living in the modern world, especially in big cities, is faced with the problems of stress, neuroses, insomnia and other disorders of the nervous system. A huge number of people use antidepressants and synthetic sedatives. Meanwhile, herbal medicine offers many effective natural remedies for improving the nervous system. Many people know about valerian, oregano, motherwort. ... However, among the medicinal plants there are also little-known, but surprising in their effectiveness and medicinal properties. Let's get to know some of them better! So, there are effective calming herbs for the nervous system.

    Cyanosis blue

    The sedative properties of cyanosis are several times stronger than that of valerian! The root is effective for insomnia and sleep disorders, depression, nervous disorders, epilepsy. Cyanosis root has a pronounced sedative effect and reduces the excitability of the central nervous system. It is even used in psychiatric practice (with increased nervous excitability). Cyanosis has an extremely beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, helps with cardiac neuroses, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and other vascular problems. Cyanosis is also used for epilepsy.

    In addition, in folk medicine, cyanosis is used as an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract, especially for chronic bronchitis. The plant reduces catarrhal symptoms in the lungs, relieves cough, reduces pain, promotes mucus elimination.

    Means based on cyanosis (tinctures or decoctions) remove toxins and toxins from the body, strengthen sleep, lower cholesterol levels, improve overall well-being and increase immunity. A remarkable feature of this plant is also that it is low toxic and rarely causes side effects.

    To enhance the therapeutic effect, cyanosis is often combined with other herbs. For example, in case of vascular disorders, headaches, atherosclerosis, after a stroke, joint intake of cyanosis and , ... Collection of cyanosis, woolly panzeria, Baikal skullcap will be an excellent soothing and restorative remedy. With an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, a good effect is given by the joint intake of cyanosis and creeper.

    Panzeria woolly

    - the most effective sedative, antihypertensive and vasodilator. It has medicinal properties for vegetative and cardiovascular neuroses, hypertension (at an early stage), myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, angina pectoris, Meniere's syndrome, in the mild stage of thyrotoxicosis, with Graves' disease. Panzeria (also called panzerina) has a pronounced vasodilator, adrenolytic and sedative effect (3-4 times higher than the sedative effect of valerian). Promotes a small but persistent decrease in blood pressure, improves well-being in hypertensive patients.

    In addition, panzeria has a diuretic, anti-toxic, vasodilating, analgesic, sedative, tonic, tonic, immunostimulating effect. Stimulates more rapid elimination of toxic products from the body due to the diuretic effect associated with the expansion of renal vessels. Infusions of this plant are also used as a diuretic, antirheumatic and decongestant. The content of vitamin C in the panzeria helps to strengthen the immune system, gives the body energy and vigor.

    Peony evading (Maryin root)

    Another natural sedative is the root. Like other soothing herbs, it is effective for various neuroses, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, vascular dystonia, headache, and has an anticonvulsant effect. Maryin root helps to normalize sleep, reduce headaches, and increase efficiency.

    It is also used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea), to improve appetite and digestion, and jaundice. In addition, Maryin root has proven itself well in the treatment of female diseases (in particular, cervical erosion). Topically used for dermatitis and other skin diseases, for the treatment of dandruff.


    It is an excellent natural soothing agent. It is effective for migraines, insomnia, neurasthenia, neuroses, nervous disorders, as well as for palpitations, cardiovascular diseases. Lavender preparations are used for neuralgic pain and inflammation of the middle ear, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tachycardia, to reduce cranial pressure.

    In addition, lavender has a diuretic, anticonvulsant, strong antiseptic and bactericidal effect, is an antispastic and unique wound healing agent. In folk medicine, decoctions of herbs and lavender flowers are also used for diseases of the kidneys (including kidney stones), adrenal glands, inflammation of the bladder and renal pelvis. Due to its soothing and antibacterial properties, lavender has a beneficial effect on sore throat, hoarseness and bronchitis. Lavender improves intestinal tone, increases the acidity of gastric juice, dilutes bile, helps with flatulence, pronounced fermentation-putrefactive processes in the intestines, gastrointestinal colic. The unique healing properties of lavender make it a good remedy for burns - the plant promotes complete regeneration of epidermal cells.

    Fortified with the same properties, but in a much higher concentration is lavender essential oil.

    Meadowsweet (meadowsweet)

    has excellent sedative properties, normalizes sleep, is a mild but effective sedative. In addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effect (therefore, it is used for acute respiratory infections, influenza, herpes). The range of medicinal action of meadowsweet is very wide. Tavolga relieves headaches of various nature, as well as rheumatic joint pains. The plant has astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antispasmodic, sedative, tonic, antitoxic effect.

    In addition to its health-improving properties, meadowsweet has a pleasant taste and honey aroma, due to which it will enrich the taste of any herbal drink. It is often included in the composition of soothing and strengthening preparations (such soothing herbs are combined with meadowsweet, such as fireweed, oregano, motherwort, etc.)

    Baikal skullcap

    effective as a sedative and antihypertensive agent for disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular neuroses, insomnia, headache, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

    Scutellaria flavonoids have vasodilating properties, help to normalize the heart rate, have an anti-inflammatory effect in myocarditis, normalize sleep and blood pressure. Skullcap improves the state of the nervous system in patients with cardiovascular neuroses, has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, normalizes capillary circulation and nutrition of the heart and brain, and significantly reduces headaches. Skullcap has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver function, eliminating dysbiosis, providing a choleretic and mild laxative effect. With its antitoxic effect, skullcap significantly improves overall well-being. In addition, the antitumor, anticonvulsant, antipyretic, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory properties of skullcap are known.


    Thanks to its pronounced calming effect (or ataman herb), it helps to relieve emotional and nervous tension, anxiety and anxiety. At the same time, alfredia is a good tonic, stimulates mental activity and improves memory. It has a strengthening, antioxidant, analgesic, diuretic effect, increases the body's resistance to stress.

    Alfredia is used for various nervous disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, neurasthenia, with frequent dizziness, panic attacks. As part of herbal preparations with other medicinal plants, it is used for schizophrenia and epilepsy. It is also effective for enuresis, gastric neuralgia.


    traditionally used to restore the nervous system and vitality in case of overwork, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, loss of strength, nervous exhaustion. Broths of shiksha help relieve fatigue, relieve headaches, are used for nervous disorders and nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders, migraines, as well as in the complex therapy of mental disorders (including schizophrenia). It is considered one of the most effective treatments for epilepsy, effective for seizures, nerve damage and peripheral paralysis.

    In addition, shiksha is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, edema, dropsy, difficulty urinating, metabolic disorders in the body, diarrhea, colitis. It has a sedative, hypotensive, diuretic, choleretic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, wound healing, antiscorbutic effect. Externally, decoctions of herbs are used to treat acne, ulcers, wounds, rashes, stomatitis to strengthen hair. Shiksha contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, tannins, trace elements important for the body, is a general tonic.

    Lumbago (sleep-grass)

    (sleep-herb) has hypotensive, sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, antifungal, anesthetic properties. It is used as a sedative and hypnotic, including for nervous and mental illnesses, as well as for the treatment of hypertension. The lumbago slows down the heart rate (used for rapid heartbeat). Sleep-herb relieves nervous excitement and the associated headache, helps with insomnia, hysteria, convulsions, dysmenorrhea. It has an antispasmodic effect on migraine, bronchitis. Outwardly, lumbago is used for fungal skin lesions and articular rheumatic pains.

    Motley slipper

    used as a sedative for various neuropsychiatric disorders. The plant has sedative, analgesic, blood-purifying, hypotensive properties. Effective for insomnia, headache, dizziness, fright, sleepwalking, birth trauma, mental illness (hysteria, schizophrenia, neurasthenia), convulsions, fainting, epileptic seizures.

    In addition, the motley slipper has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: it helps with gastritis, normalizes appetite. In folk medicine, the motley slipper is also used for malignant tumors.


    Many sedative herbs are hypotensive and therefore are not suitable for hypotensive patients. With low blood pressure and loss of strength, you should pay attention to the medicinal properties of rosemary. per recommended itself as a good tonic and stimulant with a calming effect on the nervous system. It is used to normalize the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body, with neuroses of the heart, dizziness, loss of strength, weakening of memory. Infusion of rosemary leaves enhances heart contractions, increases blood pressure for a short time, has a tonic effect, improves cerebral circulation, strengthens memory and activates mental activity, is a natural antidepressant.

    Infusion of rosemary leaves is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and asthma, as well as for gargling with inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and larynx. It is used as a remedy for colds and headaches, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of female diseases (in violation of the menstrual cycle, nervous disorders in menopause). It has a choleretic and diuretic effect.


    Due to the content of coumarin, it has the ability to depress the nervous system. Melilot is used as a natural sedative to reduce the excitability of the nervous system in neurasthenia, cardiospasm, hysteria, migraine and insomnia, as well as in menopause. The plant is also effective for angina pectoris and atherosclerosis; as an expectorant for respiratory diseases; with dysmenorrhea and inflammation of the ovaries. Melilot thins blood well and slightly increases blood pressure, prevents convulsions, improves blood circulation in the brain.

    Of course, we have not listed all the effective soothing herbs. Other sedative medicinal plants include , - they have the same properties as the plants from which they are made, only more pronounced. We'll cover soothing essential oils and how to use them in a separate article.

    Due to the active pace of life and lack of communication with nature, modern man quickly loses strength, and his nervous system is depleted. To restore the functioning of the central nervous system, it is sometimes necessary to take soothing herbs and balms. Natural remedies have many more pros than cons. However, side effects can also occur with the use of weakly acting sedatives, therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it.

    Treatment of the nervous system with folk remedies

    Effective herbal sedatives are known to all older people who have been struggling with stress even before the pharmaceutical network existed. Pharmacies have prescriptions for everyone and for all occasions. However, synthetic remedies have more side effects than benefits, while natural gifts only strengthen our body.

    Use natural remedies to combat stress and fatigue. Sedative folk remedies will allow you to maintain your ability to work for a long time and a cheerful, optimistic outlook on life.

    to calm the nervous system and restore its performance, you can take herbs that have a sedative effect

    Why should an adult take sedative herbs?

    Working beyond measure and not giving themselves rest, adults try to show children an example of hard work. But such efforts often lead to negative results. Taking on more than the body can tolerate, people provoke the onset of nerve diseases. A person begins to make mistakes in the workplace more often, experiences anxiety, and all these factors eventually lead to neurosis and loss of performance. Exhaustion of the nervous system is a direct indication for taking sedatives.

    All body systems must work properly. If the vegetative system malfunctions, you cannot be treated on your own. You need to go to a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medicine. In most cases, 1-2 courses of valerian or motherwort helps. But the cases are different.

    the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of sedative medications

    Pharmacy preparations based on herbs

    Valerian extract or tincture is always sold in pharmacies. They are used for excessive irritability, nervousness, fussiness, internal tensions that interfere with sleep at night, hysteria and nervous breakdowns.

    In addition to valerian, the following herbal medicines are available in pharmacies:

    • Herbion;
    • Persen;
    • Peony tincture;
    • Afobazole;
    • Phytosedan;
    • Novo-Passit.

    All these substances are contraindicated in pregnancy and young children.

    There are other sedatives on the market based on bromine and medicinal herbs:

    • Valocordin, based on the potent substance phenobarbital;
    • Valemidine - contains hawthorn fruit, valerian tincture, mint and some chemicals;
    • Corvalol - with phenobarbital and peppermint extract;
    • Valoserdin - phenobarbital, oregano and mint oil.

    Bromine products are highly sedative and addictive faster. However, with neuroses and neurasthenia, you cannot do without them.

    sedative herbs have fewer side effects and are not addictive

    Sedative herbs. Folk recipes and cooking methods

    Natural medicines do not cause kidney or liver disease, and the risk of addiction from their use is minimal.

    The following herbs are sedatives:

    • St. John's wort;
    • mint;
    • Melissa;
    • valerian;
    • chamomile;
    • motherwort.

    There are different forms of sedatives in pharmacies. Before taking this or that remedy, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since an allergy may appear to some of the components:

    • alcoholic infusions and drops;
    • herbal teas;
    • dry fees;
    • balms;
    • oils with plant components.

    If you have your own summer cottage, then you can grow mint and chamomile there and prepare dry soothing preparations for the winter. At home, you can make a fresh herbal infusion, in which there are definitely no preservatives and harmful substances.

    decoctions with chamomile will have a powerful calming and sedative effect on the nervous system

    Chamomile soothes the nerves - tea with it is the most commonly used sedative. In addition, among sedatives of plant origin, infusions of lemon balm, St. John's wort are in the first place, oregano and angelica are popular:

    1. Hypericum tinctures. 10 tbsp. l. dry grass is filled with alcohol (0.5 l) and infused for 14 days. On day 15, strain the drink and pour it into a glass bottle or jar. Reception - 40 drops 3 times / day.
    2. Lemon balm infusion. 10 g of dry raw materials requires 100 ml of vodka. Insist - 1 week. After straining, drink 15 drops 1-2 times a day.
    3. Hop infusion. For 100 ml of vodka or alcohol, 25 g of hop cones are required. Insist in a jar with a closed lid for 2 weeks. Take 110 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
    4. Soothing of calendula, tansy and oregano, which is good for relaxing. Mix all 3 herbs in equal proportions, pour boiling water over and leave for 30 minutes. It is drunk like everyone else's usual tea.
    5. Angelica infusion. Take 10 g of the root of the plant and 30 g of the ground part of the angelica. All this is grinded and white wine (100 g) is added. Infuse for 24 hours. Reception - 30-50 g per day.
    6. Anti-stress drink made from dried leaves and roots of Eleutherococcus. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the infusion is simmered in a water bath for a little over half an hour. Store this broth in the refrigerator for 3 days; taken as tea.

    In folk medicine, these sleep and tranquility herbs are prized as relaxing and relieving anxiety.

    oregano tea will help to relax and eliminate nervous overexcitement


    All nerve-calming herbs help to deal with internal nervous tension, relax muscles and reduce excitement in the cerebral cortex. Then the person behaves more calmly, emotional outbursts cease to torment him, it is easier for him to fall asleep.

    However, to cope with the cause that led to emotional outbursts - folk remedies for nerves and stress will not help here. This is the task of psychotherapists.

    Indications for use

    It is recommended to use tinctures in folk medicine that soothe the human mind for such diseases and behavioral disorders:

    • irritability;
    • increased emotional excitability;
    • anxiety;
    • neurasthenia and neuroses;
    • cardiopsychoneurosis;
    • hysterical manifestations;
    • nervous exhaustion due to exposure to stress factors for a long time.

    Melissa and chamomile are good herbs for the nervous system of an adult, but they will not help with depression and breakdowns. Taking a sedative for stress 1-2 times is allowed without a doctor's prescription. Especially if it's just herbal tea with 1-2 ingredients. If a person regularly uses tinctures, he needs to consult a doctor who is well aware of the properties of herbs and medicines.

    herbs, like any drug, have contraindications that must be observed

    Contraindications and side effects

    Contraindications to the use of tinctures to calm the nervous system:

    • hypertension;
    • intolerance to certain substances;
    • mental problems.

    Side effects of taking sedatives:

    • headache;
    • pressure surges;
    • rash;
    • attention disorders;
    • general lethargy;
    • diarrhea.

    After the onset of at least 1 of the listed symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

    Best Herbs for Calming the Nervous System

    In order not to harm yourself, you need to know which decoctions are suitable for what.

    For sedation, decoctions are recognized as the best means:

    • linden;
    • chamomile;
    • passionflower;
    • ginseng;
    • fireweed;
    • eleutherococcus;
    • linden;
    • valerian;
    • motherwort.

    A good herbalist will tell you what to drink, but chamomile and mint help everyone.

    teas with soothing herbs will have a good sedative effect and are safe for health

    Relaxing teas have a mild effect and are well digested by the body without causing any significant side effects. When used correctly, they are safe for the kidneys and liver (unlike synthetic drugs).

    If a one-time intake of a calming herb for sleep did not help, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for sleeping pills, because these powerful drugs can only be drunk on the advice of a doctor.

    For men

    Some sedative tinctures significantly lower testosterone levels, so most sedatives are not recommended for men. Herbs such as lemon balm and valerian are completely contraindicated, as they contain phytoestrogens - female sex hormones. Men can drink motherwort or linden flowers brewed like tea. Many pharmaceutical preparations contain motherwort, which contains glycosides, tannins, saponins - these are excellent remedies for adult men.

    It is necessary to take herbs only in courses, not constantly. If you are experiencing prolonged stress or suffering from disturbed sleep, then you need to see a doctor who will prescribe more effective medications and tell you how to take them. But this will only help for a while. In order to sleep well again, you need to completely remove the stress factor from your life, or increase your personal stress resistance.

    On an ongoing basis, men can drink soothing herbal preparations from fireweed (ivan tea) and angelica.

    sedative herbs will help a woman relax and relieve psycho-emotional stress

    For women

    In women, due to hormonal surges, there are often emotional outbursts or depression.

    For depression and neurasthenia, infusions of mint, linden or motherwort are taken. For those who have trouble falling asleep, it is recommended to drink passionflower infusions. Motherwort soothes, while Valerian lowers the heart rate and relieves muscle spasms.

    Linden and mint teas are suitable for all women. Also, in stressful situations, it is recommended to drink glycine with a course of amino acid, which therapists often prescribe to children. This is a safe substance, an amino acid is broken down in the body to glucose.

    Pregnant women with herbs need to be careful. Herbs save the nervous system from nerves and stress, but at the same time, they can cause pressure surges, which is bad for the fetus. Some drugs are contraindicated because they cause miscarriage. These herbs include tansy, sage, wild rosemary.

    You can not drink during gestation and oregano, because it affects the production of estrogen. It is also forbidden to drink all those herbs that contain any essential oils.

    For a child

    Herbs with a calming effect are brewed fresh and served as a tea. Honey is added instead of sugar. Most of the herbs that are prescribed for adults are suitable for children from 2 years of age: wormwood, mint, adonis, linden, yarrow.

    In modern pharmacies there are already ready-made products, but they have specific reception features. The instructions should be studied in detail before giving the drug to a child. For example, it is better not to give medicines containing hawthorn fruits to children, as this plant can cause heart rhythm disturbances.

    If a child has stomach problems, some remedies will also be contraindicated for him. It is possible that there are strong side effects from one or another herbal drug, such as rashes, diarrhea, and others.

    Buy the following sedatives:

    • Glycine;
    • Pantogam;
    • Hipp;
    • Bunny (syrup).

    Parents add soothing herbs for children to a warm bath, which promotes sound sleep.

    It is forbidden to prescribe strong sedative herbs, syrups or tablets to your children on their own. The child may have a hot-tempered emotional temperament. A child psychologist or neurologist should decide on the need for sedatives.

    to obtain a positive result, you should follow the rules of admission and dosage

    Rules for taking herbs for stress

    Even mild and safe folk sedatives must be taken by following the rules. The human psyche is labile, and the uncontrolled use of psychotic drugs, even weak ones, can greatly change the chemical balance in the neural network of the brain and lead to changes in the psyche.

    So, the basic rules for admission are as follows:

    1. The average time for taking herbs is 1-1.5 months. After completing 1 course, you should stop using the infusion. And natural medicines are addictive when taken consistently.
    2. Nootropics are used only with a doctor's prescription for lingering neurosis or chronic sleep problems.
    3. If, after taking the herbal infusion, headaches or other side effects begin, you need to replace the remedy.
    4. It is necessary to take herbs for nerves and stress every day and strictly at the same time.
    5. Fears and anxieties do not need to be constantly drowned out by sedatives.
    6. You cannot increase the dose of the sedative, even if you still cannot fall asleep. Better to take a book to read or turn on meditative relaxing music.

    Thoughts "include" neurotic reactions and nervous diseases. Therefore, you need to calm down first of all your psyche. The body will calm down over time.

    A person always strives to do everything and this makes him vulnerable to mental stress. Quarrels in the family, dissatisfaction with work, their housing or financial situation can also become the cause of nervous disorders.

    Today's life delays with its rhythm, not everyone is able to abandon this state of affairs or look at the world through rose-colored glasses. But it is not worth starting the problem, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences. There are many drugs that calm the nerves and prevent depression, the safest of which are herbs.

    Soothing herbs are effective and do not induce habituation, the most popular among them are:

    • chamomile - has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves muscle block;
    • St. John's wort - has a calming effect, relieves anxiety and fear;
    • valerian - copes with nervousness and excitement;
    • wormwood - helps to get rid of hysterical fits and insomnia;
    • linden - along with lemon balm, relieves excessive irritability;
    • mint - relieves internal tension, brings sleep back to normal;
    • creeping thyme - has a mild hypnotic and calming effect;
    • fireweed - has a calming effect, helps to get rid of headaches and insomnia;
    • adonis - calms the nerves, increases vitality;
    • Yarrow - Used to treat nervous breakdowns.

    List of soothing herbs for making tea

    In our country, there are a lot of wild and cultivated plants that have a calming effect. Consider a list of the most popular herbs used in alternative medicine for medicinal drinks:

    • chamomile medicinal;
    • creeping thyme;
    • peppermint
    • zhgun herb;
    • motherwort ordinary;
    • cat grass;
    • blue cyanosis;
    • marsh dryweed;
    • hawthorn blood red;
    • oregano;
    • small-leaved linden.

    The strongest of this list is cyanosis, which is almost 10 times stronger than the effect of pharmacy valerian. Motherwort is 4 times more effective than valerian, and therefore it is given the second place. Almost all of the above plants have a repulsive specific smell, which makes it difficult to use them for daily tea drinking.
    It should be noted that in the herbal list there are no plants with potent sedative properties, since they cannot be taken on their own, without a medical recommendation.

    For swimming

    Baths based on soothing herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve fatigue, stress, give calmness and normal sleep. Baths with:

    • valerian rhizome (relieve nervous excitement, relieve insomnia);
    • cut grass, hops and hawthorn (protect against cardiac neurosis);
    • coniferous branches and cones (relieve irritability);
    • celandine and horsetail (soothe, relax and help restore strength);
    • greens of yavera (successfully used in the treatment of neuroses);
    • peppermint, wormwood and linden (soothes the nerves).

    Soothing decoction recipes

    1. Mint broth. Add 25 g to 200 ml of boiling water. mint, boil for 5 minutes. Take after lunch in 100 ml. Peppermint is good for calming the nerves and promoting sound and restful sleep.
    2. Motherwort infusion. Pour 5 gr. motherwort herbs 100 ml of hot water. You need to take the infusion for a long time, but in small portions, 1-2 times a day. This broth has a very sharp, unpleasant, bitter taste, but it quickly puts the nervous system in order and helps to fall asleep faster.
    3. Oregano decoction. 10 gr. herbs pour 50 ml of boiling water. The result is a soft, aromatic drink that needs to be drunk in small portions of about 100 ml throughout the day. In addition, this broth can be used to wash your face before going to bed. Oregano calms the nerves well, promotes sound sleep, relieves insomnia.
    4. Chamomile with honey. 10 gr. chamomile and 1 tsp. honey comb pour 200 ml of boiling water. This infusion can be drunk instead of black tea, at any time of the day.

    Collection of sedative herbs

    1. 2 parts mint leaves, 2 parts water trefoil leaves, 1 part valerian rhizomes and 1 part hop cones. Stir the ingredients together, measure out 2 tbsp. this mixture and fill them with boiled water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. The herbal collection has a good sedative effect, relieves irritability, relieves insomnia.
    2. Catnip, Baikal skullcap and valerian in equal proportions. 2 tbsp the mixture must be poured with boiling water and insisted for 25-30 minutes. Then strain and drink. The collection of herbs has a good calming effect, relieves insomnia.
    3. 3 parts valerian rhizomes, 3 parts mint leaves, 4 parts water trefoil leaves. Mix all these components together, measure out 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. The herbal tea has a good sedative effect, relieves irritability and insomnia.
    4. Stir valerian roots with motherwort, fennel and thyme in equal proportions. Measure out 2 tablespoons. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, it will need to be filtered. The medicine helps with increased irritability and nervous excitability.
    5. 2 parts of valerian roots, 3 parts of chamomile and 5 parts of thyme fruit. Stir, measure out 2 tablespoons. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Soak for 30 minutes and strain. The broth helps with sleep disorders, increased nervous excitement and irritability.

    Herbal preparations to calm the nerves

    In order to cure excessive excitability and nervousness, the modern pharmaceutical industry produces drugs that have a calming effect on the nervous system. These include:

    Novopassit- a combined drug with a calming and anti-anxiety effect. It contains: lemon balm, valerian rhizomes, elder flowers, hawthorn, passion flower, St. John's wort, hops and guaifenesin.

    Corvalol- an affordable and effective drug that relieves spasms and calms the nerves. It is prescribed for various forms of neurosis, insomnia, increased heart rate, high blood pressure.

    Means "Soothing Herbs" from Leovit

    The effective remedy "Calming Herbs" from the trade mark "Leovit" not only reduces the excitability of the nervous system, but also strengthens the immune system. It contains: nutmeg, valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm and coriander.

    The medicine is available in the form of tablets and is recommended for use from the age of 12. It is drunk in courses lasting 2 weeks. Contraindications include individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy and lactation.

    Valerian tablets

    Each valerian tablet consists of a complex of chemical active substances: essential oil, valepotriates, glycosides, alkaloids, polysaccharides, resins, organic acids, etc. These substances act on the brain, as a result of which the increased heart rate decreases and the blood vessels expand.

    Valerian has a suppressive effect on the nervous system, reduces its activity, and normalizes sleep. To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, the drug must be drunk in a course.

    What herbs can be used for pregnant women and children

    Valerian and motherwort are in the first place among all the recommended soothing herbs during pregnancy. They come in pill and herbal forms. The first ones are drunk with the course and taken according to the instructions, and the herbs are brewed as a soothing tea. Recommended proportions: ½ tsp valerian and ½ tsp. motherwort for one cup. And since the herb does not have a pleasant smell and taste, it is added to ready-made black or green tea. You can add a spoonful of honey or sugar to the drink for a more pleasant tea drinking.

    Lemon balm, chamomile and mint are in second place among the medicinal herbs used to calm the nerves. They are also added to a regular teapot for brewing.

    The following types of herbs are used for children's bathing:

    • chamomile;
    • plantain;
    • mint;
    • valerian;
    • motherwort;
    • thyme;
    • calendula.

    All of these herbs are allowed for bathing young children. To the question: whether to give herbal tea in the form of tea? - the pediatrician will answer best of all.

    It is necessary to brew herbs for bathing right before the bathing procedure itself. 3-4 tablespoons herbs or collection pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 40-50 minutes, strain, and only then add to the bath. This volume is designed for 10 liters of water. If you need less water, then the calculation of the broth must be done in accordance with this condition. Unclaimed infusion can be refrigerated until the next day, after closing the jar with a lid.

    Soothing decoctions are also used to wipe off the baby's body. For these purposes, you need to moisten a soft napkin in the infusion and blot the irritated areas. Then wipe dry with a towel.

    Video: a pillow with herbs for a good sleep

    Among the many ways to normalize your sleep, one of the most enjoyable, beneficial and safe is the herbal pillow, which helps to gently and caringly cope with depression, fatigue, excessive irritability and overwork. Everyone can sew such a pillow. This is a very simple process and shouldn't take you much time. And in order to make sure of this, we suggest watching the following video.

    We all live in an age of anxiety and stress. Problems, difficulties, conflict situations, worries and worries about ourselves and our loved ones are constant companions of our life. Stress follows us everywhere: at work, on the road, in public places and even at home, where, it would seem, should be calm, comfortable and cozy. The expression “living under constant pressure” has become popular.

    To preserve and restore your psychoemotional state, it is important to be able to relax, discard everything negative from oneself, and switch. But very few people have such skills. Some become self-absorbed, dwelling on the negative.

    As a result, stress becomes constant and leads to ailments such as insomnia, headaches, depression, neuroses, etc. Constant stressful conditions can also lead to serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach and other organs.

    The mainstream medicine widely uses sedative herbs for the nervous system in therapy. The pharmaceutical industry also produces a wide range of herbal nerve sedatives. The advantages of using herbal medicine for this group of diseases is a mild but effective effect on the nervous system and the absence of side effects.

    What nerve diseases are treated with herbs

    Herbs for nerves and stress have worked well for the treatment of this group of diseases in initial and moderate severity. A good effect is given by the prophylactic intake of calming herbs for the nervous system in the form of teas, as a substitute for the usual evening black tea. Such drinks:

    • relieve irritability;
    • eliminate anxiety, fears and worries;
    • have a calming effect,
    • relieve vascular spasms,
    • normalize blood pressure,
    • improve mood,
    • have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract,
    • promote rapid falling asleep and deep, restful sleep.

    What you should pay attention to

    Despite the effective effect of nerve calming herbs, before you start taking them, it should be borne in mind that some constantly recurring symptoms can signal the presence of serious diseases that require the advice of an experienced specialist and the appointment of a medication regimen.

    An example of such symptoms is persistent headaches, which are also indicative of high blood pressure or a brain tumor. Also, mental changes in the elderly, such as irritability, moods, unreasonable outbursts of anger, etc., can signal degrading processes in the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease.

    In addition, no matter how harmless medicinal plants may seem, they are also drugs, many of which are potent, toxic and even poisonous. Many people, especially the elderly, have a number of chronic diseases. All these points, as well as dosage, impact strength, possible side effects, can only be taken into account by a doctor, preferably a phytotherapist, after passing the examination and making a diagnosis.

    In particular, specialist advice is necessary when using sedative herbs for the baby's nervous system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    Herbs for the nervous system

    Often when stressful situations arise, people ask themselves the question: what herb to drink from the nerves? The best herbs for nerves are: lemon (fruit with peel), potato (including decoction), coriander / cilantro (whole plant), willow tea (herb), valerian (root), dandelion (juice from leaves and roots), lemon balm (herb), elecampane (root), motherwort (grass), blue cyanosis (root), evading peony (root), oregano (grass), thyme / thyme (grass), meadowsweet / meadowsweet (grass), hawthorn ( berries, flowers), lovage (root), nettle (leaves), mint (leaves), chamomile (grass and flowers), hops (cones), marshmallow (root), sweet clover (grass), St. John's wort (grass and flowers ), raspberries (stems, leaves), raisins, walnuts (fruits), red wine, centaury umbrella, cucumber herb (herb, flowers), passionflower incarnate, ginseng (root), lemon verbena / aloisia three-leafed (leaves), basil ( grass), linden (color), golden mustache (leaves), white mistletoe, lavender, spring primrose, strawberries (grass, berries), viburnum (bark, berries), etc.

    Calming herbs for nerves with neurosis

    Neuroses - a number of functional neuropsychic diseases (neurasthenia, hysteria, psychasthenia, etc.) - arise as a result of prolonged mental, emotional or mental stress. Also, infections and other diseases can be the cause.

    Symptoms of neuroses are: increased excitability and irritability, touchiness, tearfulness, fatigue, appetite, sleep disorders, etc.

    Herbal recipes to calm the nerves

    Recipe 1

    1 tbsp pour 200 ml of hawthorn fruit. water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, wrap and insist until warm. Grind the fruits with a spoon, mix the liquid and squeeze. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume with boiled water.

    Take 1 / 2-1 / 3 tbsp. 2-3 times daily before meals.

    Recipe 2

    1 tsp primroses (grass, roots) pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid, insulate and insist until it cools. Strain.

    Drink half a glass twice a day.

    The infusion is also used for headaches and as a mild sleeping pill.


    Recipe 1

    Grind the roots of the Manchurian aralia and pour in high-quality vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 15 days, remembering to stir occasionally. Strain, squeeze the raw material. The tincture is amber in color.

    Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day with meals.

    For depression, the tincture is taken 10-15 drops 2 times a day.

    Recipe 2

    30 gr. Pour half a liter of white wine into the crushed roots of Angelica officinalis. Close the container tightly with a lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks, remembering to shake it periodically. Strain, squeeze the raw material.

    Take 1-2 tbsp. 2 times a day.

    The tincture is also used as a herbal nerve medicine for insomnia.

    Herbs to Calm Nerves for Depression

    Depression is a mental state that occurs as a result of prolonged emotional stress, prolonged periods of intense excitement, tension, and deep emotional turmoil. Situations that can lead to illness can be the death of a loved one or relative, deep disappointment in the family, etc.

    The symptoms of the disease are different: fatigue, deterioration of health, apathy, feelings of loss of control, hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, etc.

    Prolonged depression, especially in the absence of serious causes, can be a sign of a mental illness that requires specialist advice.

    Often, when depressive conditions, “decline” of mood occur, people are interested in how to help themselves, what herbs to drink from nerves and stress. Traditional medicine has an extensive set of recipes in this area, for example the following:

    Herbal Recipes for the Nervous System of an Adult

    Recipe 1

    1 tbsp pour 250 ml of aster chamomile flowers. boiling water. Cover, wrap and leave to cool. Strain.

    Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

    Infusion strengthens the nervous system well.

    Recipe 2

    1/2 tablespoon mint pour 250 ml. water, bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, insulate and insist until warm. Strain. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume with boiled water.

    Take warm in 1 / 2-1 / 3 tbsp. in 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day: the first time in the morning and before bedtime.

    Collecting herbs from nerves

    Collection 1

    Motherwort (grass), dried cress (grass), hawthorn (flowers), chamomile (flowers) chop and mix in equal amounts (by weight).

    1 tbsp collection pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid, insulate and insist until it cools. Strain.

    Take half a glass three times a day one hour after meals.

    The infusion is also used for nervous disorders, heart weakness in combination with suffocation and headache.

    Collection 2

    1 tbsp motherwort (grass) pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover, wrap and leave to cool. Strain.

    Take 1/3 tbsp., Adding 20 drops of lily of the valley tincture, twice a day, one hour before meals.

    What herbs heal nerves for insomnia

    Insomnia is a painful condition that manifests itself in a complete or partial lack of sleep. It is characterized by late falling asleep or inability to fall asleep, waking up much earlier than usual, sleep during the night is interrupted several times for a long time, a decrease in the depth of sleep.

    The causes of insomnia can be various, including significant, including mental, overwork, mental agitation, stress, intense excitement, experience, anxiety, resentment, bitterness, anger, indignation, etc. In addition, frequent insomnia can signal the presence of a serious illness.

    Herbal Recipes for the Nervous System and Sleep

    Recipe 1

    2 tbsp oregano pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid, insulate and insist until warm. Strain.

    Take half a glass in 15 minutes. before meals 2 times a day, the last time before bedtime. You can add honey to taste, which is also a good remedy to help you fall asleep quickly and promote deep restful sleep.

    Recipe 2

    5 tbsp alfalfa (grass) pour 250 ml. water, bring to a boil and boil on very low heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, insulate and leave for 2 hours. Strain. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume with boiled water.

    Take 100 ml. 3 times a day, the last time before bedtime.

    Tincture of the herb for sleeping and calming the nervous system

    Chop the hop cones and pour in high-quality vodka in a ratio of 1: 4. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 12 days, remembering to stir from time to time. Strain, squeeze the raw material.

    Take 5 drops in a tablespoon of water before meals twice a day, the second time at night.

    Collecting herbs for the nervous system of an adult

    Make a collection: lemon balm (herb) - 20 gr., Motherwort (herb) - 30 gr., Valerian (root) - 30 gr.

    1 tbsp collection pour 250 ml. water. Bring to a boil and boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, insulate and insist until cool. Strain, squeeze the raw material.

    Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

    Also, the broth helps with neurosis, palpitations, as a sedative.

    Herbs for strengthening the nervous system

    Without a doubt, it is better not to allow your health to go to extreme, painful conditions. To this end, the use of natural natural remedies for preventive purposes will be of great benefit. What are the best herbs to calm and strengthen the nervous system? For example, the following.

    Recipe 1

    Wash 10 medium-sized lemons well under running water, rinse with boiling water to remove the wax coating and mince. Pour boiling water over the shell of 5 eggs, dry and grind with a coffee grinder.

    Pour half a liter of high-quality vodka over lemons and shells. Close the container tightly with a lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 7 days, remembering to stir occasionally.

    Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

    Recipe 2

    5 gr. elecampane and angelica roots and 10 grams each. Herbs Hypericum perforatum and centaury umbrella grind and pour 2 liters of natural red wine. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days, remembering to shake it periodically. Strain, squeeze the raw material.

    Take 20 ml. infusion 3 times a day, half an hour after meals.

    The infusion is used as a sedative for the nervous system on herbs, in depressive and stressful conditions, as well as as a prophylaxis to strengthen the nervous system.

    Recipe 3

    2 tbsp lemon balm (herb), 2 pcs. cloves (seasoning), a pinch of ground nutmeg and coriander, chopped peel of one lemon, 0.5 tsp. chopped elecampane (root) pour half a liter of quality vodka.

    It is best to use a dark glass container to prepare the tincture. If there is none, then a black nylon stocking or golf is put on a glass jar.

    The container is tightly closed with a lid and insisted in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks, not forgetting to stir periodically. Strain, squeeze the raw material.

    Take 1 tsp. tincture in 30 ml. water 3 times a day half an hour after meals.

    Balm is an emergency aid for any stressful situation, nervous tension, overwork. Acts quickly and efficiently. As a prophylactic agent, it has a strengthening and healing effect on the heart, blood vessels and the nervous system.

    Recipe 4

    Potatoes are a source of B vitamins, mineral salts, including potassium - everything that is so necessary for a healthy and strong nervous system. But all these substances are water-soluble, and if you cook potatoes in a peeled form, they turn into a liquid, which most housewives simply pour out.

    To treat and improve the heart, liver, nervous system and normalize blood pressure, potatoes are peeled and boiled until tender. Potatoes can be used for cooking, for example, lunch, and the broth is drunk at 1 tbsp. at least 3 times a week. You can also use potato peelings to prepare the broth.

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