Home Vegetables All-Russian Olympiad in biology assignments. In places of active plant growth, there are tissues. The core root system is typical for

All-Russian Olympiad in biology assignments. In places of active plant growth, there are tissues. The core root system is typical for

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology.

Municipal stage

2015-2016 academic year

7th grade

1. Part I. You are offered test tasks that require you to choose only one answer

out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 20

(1 point for each test task).

1.Organisms whose cells have a cell wall and a nucleoid are referred to as a kingdom

a) animals b) plants c) bacteria d) fungi

2.Risoids are typical for:

a) sphagnum b) spirogyra c) kelp d) white water lilies

a) flu and plague b) plague and cholera c) dysentery and smallpox d) cholera and dysentery

4) Mushrooms, like animals,

a) lead an attached lifestyle b) heterotrophic organisms

c) reproduce vegetatively d) reproduce by spores

5. The light-sensitive eye is characteristic for

a) common amoeba b) saccharine kelp c) malaria plasmodium

d) snow chlamydomonas

6. Hermaphroditism is not typical for

a) milky white planaria b) liver fluke c) beet nematode

d) wide tape

7. Name of the group of organisms corresponding to the class

a) chordate b) dicotyledonous c) nightshade d) bacteria

8. The educational tissue of plants includes

a) xylem b) phloem c) skin d) cambium

9. The smallest flowering plant

a) rape b) duckweed c) stellate d) wolfia

10. Venice stands on stilts from

a) larch b) chestnut c) pine d) oak

11.The science of plant compatibility is called

a) ecology b) phytogeorphy c) allelopathy d) floristry

12. Animals of the Protozoa type do not

a) metabolism b) organelles c) tissues d) exchange of genetic information

13. Indicate the correct characteristic of the type of Intestinal

a) herbivorous animals b) everyone leads an attached lifestyle

c) attack and defend with stinging cells

d) the nervous system is represented by a nerve chain

14.One of the most important features of the Arthropod type is

a) open circulatory system b) living in the above-ground air environment

c) chitinous integuments of the body and body structure d) gill respiration

15. Give an example of animal mimicry

a) non-poisonous flies are similar to wasps and bumblebees b) bright color of the snake

c) adopting a threatening pose d) coloring the zebra

16. The blood sucked out by the leech remains fresh in its intestines for

a) 1 year b) 1.5 years c) 2 years d) 0.5 years

17. The main owner of the bovine tapeworm

a) cattle b) sheep c) fish d) man

18. Infection with dysentery occurs:

a) throughinsect bite, disease carrier;

b) when eating poorly roasted meat of a sick animal;

c) by airborne droplets;

d) when swallowing dysentery amoeba cysts with food or water.

19. The belt on the body of the earthworm takes part in:

a) movement; b) mating; c) nutrition; d) regeneration.

20. A closed circulatory system is

a) roundworms b) annelids

c) arthropods d) molluscs

Part II. You are offered test items with one answer out of four

possible, but requiring a prior multiple choice. Maximum

the number of points that can be collected is 10 (2 points for each test task).

1. The common amoeba forms a cyst due to the fact that

1) she starts dividing

2) the amount of food increases

3) there is not enough oxygen in the aquatic environment

4) the reservoir in which she lives dries up

5) substances harmful to it appear in the water

6) the number of organisms that eat it has increased

A) 1.3.4

B) 2,3,4

B) 1.4.5

D) 3.4.5

2. Asexually reproduce

1) amoeba 2) angiosperms 3) roundworms 4) flatworms
5) coelenterates 6) molluscs

A) 1.2.5

B) 1.4.6

B) 2,3,5

D) 3.4.5

3. Signs of animals:

1) release oxygen 2) form organic matter from inorganic

3) storage substance of cells - glycogen 4) emit carbon dioxide

5) most of them actively move in space 6) there are conductive tissues

A) 2,3,6

B) 1.3.4

B) 3.4.5,

D) 4.5.6

4. The peculiarities of fertilization of angiosperms are

1) the participation of one sperm 2) the participation of two sperm 3) the egg is fertilized by one sperm 4) the eggs develop in female cones 5) the eggs develop in the ovules

A) 1.4.5

B) 2,3,5

B) 1.3.4

D) 1.3.5

5. Ferns, like mosses,

1) are higher spore plants

2) have vegetative and generative organs (flowers, fruits)

3) are perennials

4) in the process of photosynthesis, they form organic matter and s


5) do not need water for reproduction and development

6) do not contain chloroplasts and mitochondria in cells

A) 1,2,3

B) 1.3.5

B) 1.4.5

D) 1.3.4

Part 3. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the matrix of answers, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be collected is 10 (1 point for each test task).

1. The only chromosome of bacteria is located directly in the cytoplasm.

2.Risoids of algae serve for the formation of minerals and anchoring in the soil.

3. All fungi are heterotrophic organisms.

4.Additional roots extend from the main root

5. A gametophyte develops from the fern spore.

6. Animals are brightly colored, well protected from predators.

9.The formation of the nervous system is associated with the emergence of mesoderm.

10. The circulatory system of roundworms is not closed.

Part 4. You are offered a test task that requires matching. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 8. Fill in the matrices

answers in accordance with the requirements of the assignments.


Fruit names

A) rank

B) rice

C) oats

D) tomato

D) potatoes

E) peas

F) currant

H) lingonberry

1) berry

2) weevil

3) bob

7th grade [ max 48 points]

Part 1 [20 points]:



Part 2 [10 points]:

Part 3 [10 points]:



Part 4 [8 points]:




















Answer matrix 7th grade

Part 1













Part 2






Part 3













Part 4





















municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology

2017-2018 academic year

6th grade

Dear Guys!

Congratulations on your participation in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology! When answering questions and completing tasks, do not rush, since the answers are not always obvious and require the use of not only biological knowledge, but also general erudition, logic and creativity. Success in your work!

Part 1. You are offered test tasks that require choosing only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 20 (1 point for each test task). Indicate the index of the answer that you think is correct in the matrix of answers.

1. Botany is the science that studies the kingdom:

A) Mushrooms

B) Animals

C) Plants

D) Bacteria

2. A shrub is a plant that has:

A) One lignified trunk

B) Several lignified trunks

C) One herbaceous stem

D) Several herbaceous stems

3. Biennial plants include:

A) Carrots

C) Cucumber

4. Name the cell organelles that are characteristic only of plants:

A) Mitochondria

B) Ribosomes

C) Chloroplasts

D) Vacuoles

5. The cell structure is semi-permeable:

A) Mitochondria

C) Vacuole

D) Cytoplasmic membrane

6. Name the structure of the cell in which the chromosomes are located:

A) Chloroplast

C) Mitochondria

D) Vacuole

7. In places of active plant growth, there are tissues:

A) Educational

B) Integumentary

C) Mechanical

D) Basic

8. Name the plant organs related to vegetative organs:

A) Flowers, fruits, seeds

B) Roots and shoots

C) Flowers and shoots

D) All of the above

9. The figure shows the internal structure of a wheat caryopsis. The number 5 on it indicates:

A) Cotyledon

B) Endosperm

C) Peel

D) The embryo

10. The root hair performs the function:

A) Suction

B) Protective

C) Covering

D) Conductive

11. The core root system is typical for:

A) Sunflower

C) Wheat

D) Plantain

12. Name the flowering plant that forms roots:

A) Potatoes

B) Dahlia

C) Beets

13. The body of the algae is called:

A) Mycelium

B) The fruiting body

C) Thallus

D) Escape

14. The bacteria shown in the figure belong to the group:

A) Bacilli

B) Spirilla

D) Vibrios

15. Chlorophyllic bacteria are:

A) Nodule

B) Soil

C) Lactic acid

D) Cyanobacteria

16. Fungal cells lack:

A) Lysosomes

B) Mitochondria

C) Plastids

D) Vacuoles

17. Mushrooms that do not form mycelium are:

A) Moldy

B) Predatory

D) Yeast

18. Deer moss refers to:

A) Lichens

C) Plaunam

D) Horsetails

19. Lichens are organisms that are symbiotic:

A) Virus and fungus

B) Algae and bacteria

C) Mushroom and algae

D) Bacteria and virus

20. The simplest does NOT include:

A) Infusoria

B) Radiolaria

C) Cladonia

D) Foraminifera

Part 2. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the matrix of answers, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be collected is 10 (1 point for each test task).

1. Bacteria can be unicellular or multicellular organisms.

2. The root in plants has only a conducting function.

3. The plant organism is formed only by living cells.

4. Plants are characterized by unlimited growth.

6. Animals are autotrophs.

7. Klest-spruce broods chicks in the middle of winter.

8. Viruses are single-celled organisms.

9. The main and smallest unit of classification is the species.

10. Black-headed tit and Brown-headed tit are different types of tits.

Part 3. You are offered a text with missing terms. When completing the task, insert the missing terms from the proposed list into the text, using numbers for this. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then write the resulting sequence of numbers (according to the text) into the matrix of answers. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 4 (1 point for each missed term).

Plastids are colored and colorless. The green color of plants is due to the presence of green plastids in their cells - _____ (A). These plastids contain a green pigment - _____ (B), with the help of which plant cells capture solar energy and create organic matter. Colorless plastids are called _____ (B). They store reserve nutrients. The red-orange plastids are called _____ (D). They are found in flowers and fruits.

List of terms:

1. Xanthophyll

2. Leukoplasts

3. Starch

4. Chlorophyll

5. Chromoplasts

6. Lycopene

7. Anthocyanin

8. Chloroplasts

Part 4. You are offered a cross-sectional drawing of one of the organs of the plant. Look closely at the drawing and answer the questions. Write down the answers (word, phrase, numbers) in the matrix of answers. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 6 (1 point for each answer).

1. What plant organ is shown in the picture?

2. What is the name of the zone marked with number 4?

3. What is the name of the outgrowth of the outer cell of this zone?

4. What plant tissue is in the zone marked with number 1?

5. What protects the cells of the division zone from damage?

6. What number in the figure indicates the growth zone?


on the tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology

2017-2018 academic year

6th grade

The maximum number of points is 40

Part 1 (max. 20 points - 1 point for each correct answer). Total: _____

Part 2 (max. 10 points - 1 point for each correct answer). Total: _____

Part 3 (max. 4 points - 1 point for each correct answer). Total: _____

Part 4 (6 points - 1 point for each correct answer). Total: _____

Checked ____________________ / ______________________________

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 TASKS of the municipal stage of the XXIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology. Moscow region uch. year 8 grade Part I. You are offered test tasks that require the choice of only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 30 (1 point for each test task). Indicate the index of the answer that you consider the most complete and correct in the matrix of answers. 1. The figure shows an example of the manifestation of an important vital property: a) development; b) reproduction; in motion; d) growth. 2. The object of biological research, shown in the figure on the right, refers to: a) bacteria; b) mushrooms; c) plants; d) animals. 3. The antibiotic penicillin was first obtained from: a) cap fungus; b) yeast; c) mold fungus; d) ergot pathogen. 4. The sexual generation of the fern develops from: a) spores; b) zygotes; c) sperm; d) eggs. 5. Variety of body coloration of algae is caused by: a) peculiarities of reproduction; b) disguise; c) the need to attract animals; d) an adaptation to photosynthesis. 6. The conditions necessary for seed germination are: a) air, light, heat; b) heat, water, air; c) light, air, water; d) light, heat, water. 7. The figure shows a diagram of a flower, which corresponds to the formula: a) H 5 L (5) T P 1; b) H 5 L (5) TP; c) .. h 5 L 5 T P 1; d) H 5 L 5 T P.

2 Biology, ME_MO 2013, grade 8 2 8. Cork refers to tissue: a) conductive; b) integumentary; c) educational; d) storage. 9. The fruit of a watermelon is: a) polystyrene; b) berry; c) polyspermous box; d) pumpkin. 10. The figure shows an effective agricultural technique: a) pinching; b) mulching; c) picking; d) tying. 11. When stored in a warm room, potatoes wrinkle quickly, because in it: a) the process of photosynthesis takes place; b) organic matter accumulates; c) the breathing process is intensively carried out; d) the poisonous substance solanine and hormones are formed in it. 12. As part of the root system of an adult potato plant by origin, you can find roots: 1 - main, 2 - lateral, 3 - adventitious: a) only 1, 2; b) only 1, 3; c) only 2, 3; d) 1, 2, Flower formula Ok 6 T 6 P 1 is typical for the family: a) nightshade; b) cereals; c) lily; d) moth (legumes). 14. A common feature of gymnosperms and angiosperms is: a) development from spores; b) the presence of a flower; c) development from seed; d) reduction of the sporophyte. 15. Flatworms (Plathelminthes) have musculature: a) only longitudinal; b) longitudinal and annular; c) only annular; d) longitudinal, circular and diagonal. 16. Undigested food debris in flat ciliary worms (class Turbellaria) are excreted through: a) anus; b) mouth opening; c) powder; d) nephridia. 17. The siphon is a tubular organ that performs various functions and is found in aquatic molluscs: a) bivalves; b) gastropods;

3 Biology, ME_MO 2013, grade 8 3 c) cephalopods; d) all the groups listed above. 18. Among the listed mollusks, the filter feeding method is: a) grape snail; b) rapana; c) tridacna; d) cuttlefish. 19. Among arachnids (class Arachnoidea) viviparity occurs in some: a) spiders; b) solpug; c) scorpions; d) ticks. 20. Caterpillars of butterflies have: a) three pairs of breast legs; b) three pairs of thoracic legs and five pairs of abdominal false legs; c) eight pairs of false legs; d) limbs are missing. 21. The figure shows various representatives of arachnids. The number of pairs of walking legs for a haymaker is equal to: a) 3; b) 4; at 6; d) It is not a characteristic feature for arthropods: a) articulated limbs with joints; b) chitinous cover; c) breathing with the entire surface of the body; d) segmental body structure. 23. The larval stage of development is always absent in molluscs: a) cephalopods; b) bivalve; c) gastropods; d) armored. 24. In vertebrates, the following moves along the vessels: a) hemolymph; b) interstitial fluid; c) blood; d) water with substances dissolved in it. 25. The heart of a crocodile in its structure: a) three-chambered with an incomplete septum in the ventricle; b) three-chambered;

4 Biology, ME_MO 2013, grade 8 4 c) four-chamber; d) four-chambered with an opening in the septum between the ventricles. 26. The laid eggs Australian weed chickens: a) incubate themselves; b) put in nests of other types; c) buried in a pile of rotting leaves; d) left on a surface heated by the sun. 27. Among reptiles, the tympanic membrane is absent in: a) crocodiles; b) a snake; c) turtles; d) lizards. 28. Does the lancelet have a skull and brain? a) there is a skull, no brain; b) there is no skull, no brain; c) there is no skull, there is a brain; d) the larvae do not, but the adult animals have both. 29. The variety of sizes and shapes of cells of the human body can be explained by: a) the variety of chemical elements that form their structure; b) a variety of organic substances that make up their composition; c) the specifics of their functions in a multicellular organism; d) the specifics of placement in the structures of organs. 30. Type of tissue, which is characterized by the minimum content of intercellular substance: a) epithelial; b) connecting; c) muscular; d) nervous. Part II. You are offered test items with one answer out of four possible, but requiring multiple prior choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (2 points for each test task). Indicate the index of the answer that you consider the most complete and correct in the matrix of answers. 1. Brown algae include 1) kelp, 2) anfelcia, 3) fucus, 4) cladophora, 5) porphyry: a) 1, 3; b) 2, 3, 4; c) 1, 5; d) 2, 3, 4, 5; e) 1, 2, 3, 4, Shoot modifications include 1) potato tubers, 2) dahlia tubers, 3) Jerusalem artichoke tubers, 4) sweet potato tubers, 5) lily bulbs: a) 1, 2, 4; b) 1, 3, 5; c) 2, 3, 5; d) 2, 3, 4, 5; e) 1, 2, 3, 4, Insects of the order Lepidoptera (Lepidóptera) at different stages of development are characterized by a mouth apparatus 1) gnawing, 2) sucking, 3) licking, 4) piercing-sucking, 5) lapping: a) only 1 , 2; b) only 2, 3;

5 Biology, ME_MO 2013, grade 8 5 c) only 1, 3, 4; d) only 2, 4, 5; e) 1, 2, 4, Halterans, present in Diptera insects (order Diptera), are an organ of 1) hearing, 2) spatial orientation, 3) sound communication, 4) balance, 5) touch: a) 1, 2, 3 ; b) 1, 2, 4; c) 2, 3, 4; d) 2, 3, 5; e) 3, 4, The following signs are characteristic of amphibians 1) there is only pulmonary respiration, 2) the presence of a bladder, 3) the product of excretion is uric acid, 4) molting is characteristic for adults, 5) the absence of a chest: a) 1, 2, 5; b) 2, 3, 4; c) only 2, 5; d) only 3, 4; e) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Part 3. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the matrix of answers, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be scored is 10 (1 point for each test task). 1. Bacteria can be unicellular or multicellular organisms. 2.Lichens absorb water with the help of their roots. 3. The main reserves of water in plant cells are in the plastids. 4. Falling off, the outer scales of the kidney leave renal rings. 5. In marine unicellular organisms, the excretory vacuole is reduced more often than in freshwater ones. 6. The structure of the eye in cephalopods is similar to the structure of the eye in vertebrates. 7. The neural tube in chordates is always located above the notochord. 8. Crocodiles and turtles do not molt. 9. Birds have a well-developed forebrain and cerebellum. 10. It is better to exclude cholesterol from the human diet, since no regulatory compounds are synthesized from it.

6 Biology, ME_MO 2013, grade 8 6 Part 4. You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5.5. Fill in the answer matrices according to the requirements of the assignments. Task 1. [max. 3 points] Consider the picture, which depicts plants characteristic of coniferous (A) and broadleaf forests (B): 1 broadleaf bell, 2 oak anemone, 3 common creeper, 4 officinalis, 5 oxalis, 6 perennial forested. Match each plant to the type of forest in which it can be found. Plants Forest type Task 2. [max. 2.5 points] Determine the correct sequence of root zones in the direction from apex to its base: A division zone; B zone of differentiation; In the zone of conduction and branching; G suction zone; D zone of active growth or elongation: Sequence Indices

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Code Olympiad in biology Grade 7 School stage Part 1. (1 point for each correct answer) 1. Living organisms differ from bodies of inanimate nature: a) the composition of atoms c) low water content b) cellular

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Explanatory note Thematic planning in the subject Biology, grade 7, compiled in the amount of 2 hours per week, 68 hours per year in accordance with the school's curriculum and curriculum for the subject.

CALENDAR - THEME PLANNING p / p Lesson topic Measuring devices Terms Content Requirements for the level of preparation Introduction (3 hours) 1 The world of living organisms. Levels of organization of the living. 2 C. Darwin and origins

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WORKING PROGRAM In biology for the 7th grade Duration of the program (for the 2016-2017 academic year) Basic level The work program is based on the author's program for biology textbooks for grade 7

Tasks for the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in biology in the 2015/2016 academic year

Grade 11

Part I. You are offered test tasks that require you to choose only one answer out of four possible. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 60 (1 point for each test task). Indicate the index of the answer that you consider the most complete and correct in the matrix of answers.

  1. You can study the three-dimensional surface of a cell using the method:
    a) scanning electron microscopy;
    b) transmission electron microscopy;
    c) ultraviolet microscopy;
    interferential microscopy.
  2. The subcellular level of organization of living matter is:

a) organoid
b) molecular species;

c) cellular;

d) tissue.

  1. A molecule whose functional activity depends on the presence of magnesium ions in it:
    a) hemoglobin;
    b) insulin;
    c) chlorophyll;
    d) thyroxine.
  2. When the pH in the cell decreases against the norm, reactions are turned on, aimed at its restoration:
    a) НСО 3 - = СО 3 –2 + Н +

b) Н 2 РО 3 - = НРО 3 –2 + Н +
c) HCO 3 - + H + = H 2 CO 3
d) H + + OH - = H 2 O

  1. In test tubes with H 2 O 2 placed pieces of bread, carrots, eggs, boiled meat. Oxygen was released in a test tube with:

a) sausage;
b) bread;
c) carrots;
d) an egg.

  1. The cell is the unit of development for all organisms. This provision was formulated:

a) R. Virkhov

b) K. Baer

c) T. Schwan

d) M. Schleiden

  1. Ultramicroscopic cell organelles:
    a) cell center, microtubules
    b) ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum
    c) lysosomes, mitochondria
    d) neurofibrils, myofibrils
  2. Organelles-symbionts of eukaryotic cells are:

a) Golgi complex, chromoplasts

b) mitochondria, leukoplasts

c) ribosomes, cell center

d) plastids, lysosomes

  1. In the process of spiralization, chromatids thicken into:

a) 500 times

b) 1000 times

c) 1500 times

d) 2000 times

  1. In the process of virus reproduction, the following sequence of stages is established:
    a) adsorption - injection - lysis - replication - self-organization;
    b) adsorption - lysis - injection - replication - self-organization;
    c) injection - lysis - replication - self-organization - adsorption;
    d) adsorption - injection - replication - self-organization - lysis.
  2. The intensity of photosynthesis processes largely depends on the energy of light rays:
    a) red and blue
    b) yellow and green
    c) green and red
    d) blue and purple
  3. The relationship between plastic and energy metabolism is that:
    a) plastic metabolism supplies organic substances for energy
    b) energy metabolism supplies oxygen for plastic
    c) plastic metabolism supplies minerals for energy
    d) plastic exchange supplies ATP molecules for energy
  4. The chemotropic type of nutrition was discovered:
    a) D.I. Ivanovsky

b) S.N. Vinogradsky
c) K.A. Timiryazev
d) N.I. Vavilov.+

  1. A source of hydrogen for CO reduction 2 in the process of photosynthesis is:
    a) water

b) oligosaccharides
c) polysaccharides
G) monoses.

  1. The oxidation of pyruvic acid with the release of energy occurs in:
    a) ribosomes
    b) the nucleolus;
    c) lysosomes;
    d) mitochondria.
  2. Transcription of genetic information from the RNA of the virus to the DNA of the host cell is provided by:
    a) polymerase;
    b) DNA polymerase
    c) revertase
    d) nuclease
  3. The growth of cereals in length occurs due to division and growth:
    a) cells of the lateral meristem;
    b) cells of the apical meristem;
    c) intercalary meristem;
    stem base cells.
  4. The level of biological organization of the plant stem:
    a) cellular;
    b) tissue;
    c) organ;
    d) organismic.
  5. Lycan gametophyte:

a) capable of photosynthesis

b) capable of chemosynthesis

c) has chlorophyll

d) colorless.

  1. The main factor determining a decrease in metabolism in free-living forms of protozoa in a cyst state is:
    a) changes in environmental conditions;
    b) deterioration of oxygen access;
    c) dehydration;
    d) termination of the feeding process.
  2. Compared to Flatworms, Roundworms have:
    a) sexual dimorphism;
    b) the excretory system;
    c) secondary cavity;
    d) the nervous system.
  3. Leeches are representatives of biocenoses in the following conditions:
    a) fresh water;
    b) sea waters;
    c) sushi;
    d) all specified habitats.
  4. Scorpios and crayfish include:
    a) to one unit;
    b) different units of the same class;
    c) different classes of the same type;
    d) different types.
  5. For silver carp, the process is characteristic:
    a) haploid parthenogenesis;
    b) diploid parthenogenesis;
    c) androgenesis;
    d) gynogenesis.
  6. In reptiles, in contrast to amphibians:
    a) inconsistent body temperature;
    b) only the right aortic arch;
    c) only the left aortic arch;
    d) pelvic kidneys.
  7. The supporting function in the human body is performed by the tissue:
    a) epithelial;
    b) nervous;
    c) muscular;
    d) connecting.
  8. A person with anemia is observed:

a) increased blood sugar;
b) immunodeficiency;
c) a decrease in the number of red blood cells;
d) an increase in blood cholesterol.

  1. The complex polysaccharide, which is a reserve nutrient in fungi, is:
    a) starch;
    b) glycogen;
    c) heparin;
    d) glycolipid.
  2. The morphofunctional unit of the pelvic kidney is:
    a) nephron;
    b) protonephridia;
    c) metanephridia;
    d) nephridia.
  3. In the process of breathing in a person, the minimum partial pressure of O 2 observed in:
    a) alveolar air;
    b) in tissues;
    c) the composition of venous blood;
    d) as part of arterial blood. ...
  4. In infectious diseases, high doses of vitamin C are needed, since it:
    a) destroys the poisons of infectious agents;
    b) is necessary for the synthesis of anti-inflammatory hormones;
    c) is part of antibodies;
    d) improves blood circulation.
  5. In humans, cobalt deficiency causes deficit :

a) B1
b) B2;
c) B6
d) B12

  1. In the life cycle of sphagnum is dominated by:
    a) bisexual gametophyte;
    b) dioecious gametophyte;
    c) bisexual sporophyte;
    d) dioecious sporophyte.
  2. A prerequisite for sustainable development of the biosphere is :

a) reduction in the number of heterotrophs;
b) the creation of agrocenoses;
c) protection of rare and endangered species;
d) development of production taking into account environmental laws.

  1. The use of living organisms and their biological processes underlies:

a) cell engineering;
b) cellular technologies;
c) genetic engineering;
d) biotechnology.

  1. A strain of microorganisms should be considered as:
    a) one family;
    b) one genus;
    c) natural populations;
    d) artificial populations.
  2. The action of only social factors can explain the occurrence in a person:
    a) the occurrence of diaphragmatic breathing;
    b) the arch of the foot;
    c) bends of the spine;
    d) the second signaling system.
  3. The ancestors of chordates are:
    a) annelids;
    b) flatworms
    c) round worms;
    d) cranial.
  4. Chordates are characterized by body symmetry:
    a) spherical
    b) radial
    c) bilateral
    d) asymmetry
  5. The presence of a variety of orders of insects should be considered as an example:
    a) homology;
    b) parallelism;
    c) convergence;
    d) divergence.
  6. Hymenoptera insects are characterized by:
    a) artificial parthenogenesis;
    b) cyclic parthenogenesis;
    c) optional;
    d) obligate.
  7. The formation of organs in a multicellular organism is based on the process:
    a) meiosis;
    b) mitosis; +
    c) fertilization;
    d) conjugation
  8. The external skeleton is the main feature:
    a) chordates;
    b) arthropods;
    c) molluscs;
    d) coelenterates.
  9. In reptiles, compared to other vertebrates:
    a) one aortic arch;
    b) two aortic arches

c) only the left aortic arch;
d) only the right aortic arch.

  1. In one body of water live - crucian carp, ruff, pike, carp, and in another - roach, perch, pike, gudgeon. The number of fish populations that make up the third trophic level of two lakes:
    a) 4;
    b) 2;
    at 3;
    d) 5.
  2. Indicate the scientist whose discovery revealed the cosmic role of plants:
    a) S.G. Navashin;
    b) K.A. Timiryazev;
    view. Chistyakov;
    d) J. Priestley.
  3. The synthesis of polysaccharides occurs:

a) in the grana's thillakoid;
b) in the stroma of the chloroplast;
c) on the inner surface of the thylakoid;
d) on the outer surface of the thylakoid.

  1. The similarity between mitochondria and chloroplasts lies in what happens in them:
    a) oxidation of organic substances;
    b) protein synthesis;
    c) one-membrane organelles;
    d) recovery of carbon dioxide.
  2. Matrix synthesis reactions include:
    a) the polymerization reaction;
    b) lipid synthesis;
    c) synthesis of t-RNA;
    d) the formation of high-energy connections.
  3. The formation of lactic acid in eukaryotes occurs:
    a) in the preparatory stage
    b) in the process of anaerobic respiration;
    c) in the process of aerobic respiration;
    d) with oxygen deficiency.
  4. Indicate the scientist whose discovery showed that the cell is a unit of reproduction:
    a) R. Virkhov;
    b) R. Brown;
    c) K. Baer;
    d) T. Schwann
  5. O the bottom of the chromatid is the structure of the hereditary apparatus, consisting of:
    a) nucleotides;
    b) chains of nucleotides;
    c) DNA molecules;
    d) DNP molecules.
  6. The species-specificity of DNA molecules is evidenced by:
    a) about the role of DNA in the storage and implementation of hereditary information;
    b) about the double-stranded helical structure of DNA;
    c) about the identity of the DNA composition in individuals of the same species.
    d) the presence of DNA in cells in all individuals of the species.
  7. The integrity of the genotype is result :
    a) gene interactions
    b) evolutionary development
    c) driving selection
    d) combinative variability
  8. Improving milk production in cows through improved diets is an example of variability:
    a) mutational
    b) combinative
    c) modification
    d) relative.
  9. The frequency of linkage disorders between genes depends on:
    a) structures of chromatids
    b) the number of clutch groups
    c) the strength of adhesion between genes
    d) environmental factors
  10. The reason for the manifestation of gigantism in humans:

a) modification variability;
b) gene mutation;

c) genomic mutation;

d) chromosomal mutation;

  1. Closely related crossing is used to produce offspring:

a) resilient

b) hybrid

c) heterozygous

d) homozygous

  1. Earlobe hairiness is inherited in humans:
    a) regardless of gender
    b) linked to the X chromosome;
    v) linked to the Y chromosome
    d) by the type of complementary interaction
  2. Indicate the genotype of an organism that is both heterozygous and hemizygous:

a) AaBv;
b) aaX B Y;

c) AaX B X c;

d) AaX B U.

Part II. You are offered test items with one answer out of four possible, but requiring multiple prior choice. The maximum number of points that can be collected is 30 (2 points for each test task). Indicate the index of the answer that you consider the most complete and correct in the matrix of answers.

  1. The transpiration process in plants:

I ... increases turgor in leaf cells

II ... provides a descending flow of substances
III ... protects the plant from overheating
IV ... ensures the absorption of water by the roots
V ... increases osmotic pressure in leaves
a) II, IV;
b) I, IV, V;
c) II, III, V;
d) III, IV, V.

  1. The features of the genetic criterion of the species are:
    I ... quantitative set of chromosomes in gametes
    II ... qualitative features of the karyotype
    III ... the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules
    IV ... ratio of purine and pyrimidine bases
    V ... ploidy of the hereditary apparatus
    a) II, IV;
    b) I, IV, V;
    c) I, II, IV;
    d) II, III, IV, V.
  2. Mechanisms for the formation of combinative variability:
    I ... cross chromosome

II ... mutagenesis

III ... allelic gene exchange
IV ... insemination process
V ... fertilization process
a) I, II, III, V
b) I, II, IV
c) I, III, V
d) II, IV, V.

  1. In the evolutionary aspect, grasses are the most progressive group of flowering plants, since they are characterized by:

I ... rapid generational change
II ... short life cycle
III ... double fertilization
IV ... the ability to modify vegetative organs
V ... independence of fertilization from water
a) I, II, III
b) I, II, IV

c) III, IV, V

D) I, II, III, IV, V.

  1. Osteochondral include :
    I ... stellate sturgeon
    II ... stingrays +
    III ... sterlet
    IV ... beluga +
    V ... anchovy
    a) I, II, III, IV
    b) I, III, V
    c) II, III, V
    d) II, IV, V. +
  2. General degeneration of animals is characterized by:
  1. The movement of blood through the vessels of the lower body depends on :
    I ... blood plasma viscosity
    II ... myocardial contraction forces
    III ... pressure differences in the chest and abdominal cavity
    IV ... force of contraction of the diaphragm
    V ... skeletal muscle contractions
    a) I, II, III, V;
    b) III, IV, V;
    c) I, III, V;
    d) I, II, III, IV, V
  2. The features of the synthetic period in the life cycle of a cell are
    I ... low content of proteins and ribosomes
    II ... activation of the synthesis of RNA molecules +
    III ... energy deficit
    IV ... DNA replication +
    V ... activation of histone synthesis

a) II, III, IV;
b) II, IV; V;
c) I, II, III, IV;
d) II, III, IV, V.

  1. In an oak forest, as a deciduous forest ecosystem:
    I ... short food chains
    II ... the soil is rich in humus
    III ... high biological productivity
    IV ... variety of species
    V ... deficiency of reducers
    a) I, II, III, V;
    b) I, III, V
    c) II, III, IV
    d) III, IV, V
  2. According to the law of gamete purity
    I ... gametes are hybrid
    II ... gametes contain only the dominant allele
    III ... gametes contain only the recessive allele
    IV ... gametes contain only one allele
    V ... heredity is discrete
    a) I, II, V;
    b) I, IV, V;
    c) II, III, V;
    d) IV, V.
  3. The idioadaptation of birds should include :
    I . warm-bloodedness +
    II . the presence of feathers
    III ... presence of tarsus
    IV . keel +
    V ... ovarian reduction
    a) I, II, IV; +
    b) I, II, III, IV;
    c) II, IV, V;
    d) II, III, IV, V.
  4. Bacterial DNA is characterized by :
    I . contact with the plasma membrane

II ... cyclic form
III . chromatin complex with proteins
IV . few genes
V . the presence of regulatory sites that control structural genes
a) III, IV, V;
b) I, II, IV
c) III, V
d) II, III, V.

IV ... consumers
V ... reducers
a) II, III, IV, V;
b) I, IV;
c) I, II, III, V;
d) I, II, III, IV, V.

Part III . You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the matrix of answers, indicate the answer option "yes" or "no". The maximum number of points that can be collected is 25.

    The inheritance of cytoplasmic genes does not obey Mendel's laws.

    Growth is one of the signs of life and is a reversible process.

    Haploid gametophytes and gametes of seed plants are formed during mitosis.

    The bacteria that form spores are called bacilli.

    In representatives of the type of coelenterates, only cavity digestion is observed.

  1. All types of gametogamy are observed in lower plants.
  2. The submembrane complex consists of a glycocalyx.
  3. Sweat glands are located in the epidermis of the skin.
  4. Heterochromatin are genetically inactive regions of chromatin.
  5. In marine coelenterates, there is an alternation of polyploid (sexual) and medusoid (asexual) generations. +
  6. The emergence of warm-bloodedness is the most important aromorphosis of the Permian period of the Paleozoic.

    Vitamins B 6 and B 12 are formed in the cells of the human intestine.

    The biochemical unity of living organisms is the result of stabilizing selection.

    Light and dark processes of photosynthesis are spatially separated in the cell.

    The first division of meiosis is equalizing, the second is reduction.

    Polyembryony is characteristic of humans. +

    Foraminifera are an integral part of plankton and benthos in freshwater bodies.

    Cloning provides genetic identification of offspring.

    The varietal variety of cabbage is the result of natural selection.

    Gene activity can be regulated by chromatin compaction.

    The main systematic criteria for different flowering families are differences in the structure of vegetative organs.

    Tropism is a directed growth movement of plant organs caused by the unilateral action of any stimulus.

    In the development cycle of the malaria plasmodium, only multiple division occurs.

    The smooth muscle sphincters are involuntary.

    The redox function of living matter is realized in the process of respiration, chemosynthesis, photosynthesis.

Part IV . You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 13. Fill in the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

  1. These orders of insects include the following representatives:


3. midges



6. horsefly A. Diptera

B. Orthoptera.

B. Hymenoptera

    1. . Establish the correspondence between the laws (1-5) and the scientists who established them (A-D).

2. The law of homologous series

3. The law of irreversibility of evolution

4. The law of alternation of phases of evolution

5. Law of complications of the organization of organisms A. Severtsev A.N.

B. Rulier K.F ..

V. Vavilov N.I.

G. Dollo L.

D. Vernadsky V.I.

    1. Establish a correspondence between the outer integument and representatives of the vertebrate classes.

2. Horny scales

3. Bone scales

4. Horny feathers

5. Hairline A. Straus

B. Lizard

V. Bear

G. Karp

D. Skaty

      Establish the sequence of stages of geographic speciation (1 - 5)

      Establish a correspondence between aromorphoses (1 - 5) and the emergence of new systematic groups of organisms in evolution (A - D).

2. The emergence of archegonia and antheridium

3. The emergence of halogen endosperm

4. The emergence of tissues

5. The emergence of triploid endosperm A. Division Gymnosperms

B. Department of Angiosperms

V. Odel Moshi

D. Subkingdom Lower Plants

E. Subkingdom of higher plants


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Answers to tasks of the municipal stage
All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology.

2015/16 academic year year. Grade 11

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wrong "no"

Task 4.

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