Home Vegetables Whether the lamp shade is a light source. Preserving sight: the right light. Make a statement with your lampshade, or don't make it at all

Whether the lamp shade is a light source. Preserving sight: the right light. Make a statement with your lampshade, or don't make it at all

Eye health, or Choosing a table lamp

Table lamps have become part of our life. Their light makes the atmosphere in the room cozier and the work at the table more comfortable. It's no secret that a lack of light during work not only causes discomfort and fatigue, but also impairs vision. Therefore, experts recommend that you seriously approach the choice of this piece of furniture.

First of all, of course, it is worth deciding what functional load the lamp will carry. If you need a decorative lamp, then the technical characteristics do not play an important role, the main requirement for it is compliance with the interior design of your room. And here there are no limits to the fantasies of manufacturers. Such a lamp can be of any color and size.

The main decorative load will be carried by the lampshade and the lamp leg. They can be made in the style of other indoor lamps, or they can correspond to the design of the furniture. Such a lamp should create a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. And if, for example, your room is designed in warm colors, then you can choose a lamp with a cool light tint to add some sense of freshness.

If we are talking about a lamp as a working tool, then we should pay attention to the following details.

Plafond (lampshade)

There are not so many requirements for a table lamp shade. First, the size. The plafond must completely cover the light bulb. If the light bulb protrudes beyond the edges of the lampshade, then the bright light will dazzle your eyes. Also, the light bulb should not touch the walls of the plafond.

Secondly, the form. The best option for working at a desk would be a prism, cone, trapezoid or sphere shaped shade (that is, the base of the shade should be narrower than its edges). Then, reflected from the inner surface of the lampshade, the rays of light will be scattered, which is favorable for vision.

Thirdly, the color of the shade and the material from which it is made. These details are worth paying special attention to if you are choosing a lamp for a student. The most common materials are metal and plastic. The plastic must be heat-resistant so that during prolonged use it does not melt and cause a fire.

Metal shades can get very hot from the light bulb, increasing the risk of getting your hand burned. To avoid this trouble, it is better to choose a lamp, on the lampshade of which there is a special knob for adjusting the angle of inclination of the lamp.

As for the color of the plafond, it can be, in principle, anything. When choosing a desk lamp for a student, remember that bright colors will distract his attention and cause eye fatigue. Therefore, it is better to choose lamps in pastel colors.

Lamp size and weight

The lamp should be sized to fit the table. This is due not only to the aesthetics of the appearance of the workplace, but also to the ease of use of the lamp. If any elements of the lamp go beyond the boundaries of the table, then careless movement can touch and drop the lamp. However, a large working area must be illuminated as much as possible, so a small lamp, even if it is very powerful, may not cope with its task. In addition, it must be borne in mind that in addition to the lamp, other items necessary for work must also fit on the desktop.

Typically, the heaviest part in a lamp is its base (if present). This is necessary for greater stability of the luminaire. If you plan to constantly move the lamp, then it is better to choose the one that is lighter.

Fixation method

There are lamps that are mounted on a tabletop (or on some other surface) using a clothespin or a special mount. This method of fixing is convenient in that you can not be afraid to overturn the lamp, and there will be more free space on the desktop. Lamps with fasteners are not so mobile, they take some time to install and dismantle. Clip-on lamps can be attached to any protruding surface. But, as a rule, small lamps have a clothespin, which are suitable only for illuminating a small workplace.


Note the tripod of the table lamp. Remember that for comfortable illumination, the lamp shade (lamp shade) must be at the same level with the eyes. For maximum height adjustment, the tripods can be equipped with fold-out and extendable mechanisms, or they can be made of flexible materials. The latter is best for children because it will be easier for the child to independently adjust the height and tilt of the gooseneck lamp.


And, of course, pay attention to where the on / off button of the device is located. The switch located on the cord or on the plafond itself is not very convenient to use. The best option is to locate the switch on the base of the luminaire.

Types of bulbs

A very important issue for eye health is the question of choosing a light bulb for a table lamp.

Most often, incandescent lamps are used. However, they have significant drawbacks: such bulbs consume too much energy and can heat up the luminaire plafond very much. If you plan to use this particular type of light bulbs, you should pay attention to such characteristics as power. The power of an incandescent lamp for a table lamp recommended by ophthalmologists is 40-60 W, the optimal power is 60 W. It is especially important to consider this characteristic if you are choosing a lamp for a school child. This is due to the fact that when the power of the light bulb is more than 60 W, the brightness of the light reflected from the paper will dazzle the eyes.

The ideal option for work is a lamp with a power regulator. Such a lamp, of course, will cost more, but how much convenience: when working with paper, you can reduce the lamp power, and when working at a computer, increase it.

Energy-saving light bulbs, universally recommended for use (belong to the type of fluorescent), do not heat up as much as incandescent bulbs, have a long service life, and consume less energy. However, energy saving light bulbs, like all fluorescent bulbs, can distort colors, so be sure to pay attention to the acronym. If you work with graphic images, then for better color rendering, use light bulbs with the letter Ts in the marking. And for working with paper (in particular, this applies to schoolchildren), choose warm white lamps (LTB).

The good thing about a halogen lamp is that it gives a natural spectrum of radiation, the light from it is softer and more diffused. It, like a fluorescent lamp, has a longer service life and consumes less energy than an incandescent lamp.


  1. When choosing a table lamp, pay attention to all the little things: from the shade to the location of the switch button.
  2. Do not hesitate to ask sellers about the quality of the material from which the lamp is made.
  3. Focus primarily on the fact that working with the lamp is comfortable and does not harm your health.
  4. When using a table lamp, remember that it should not be the only light source in the room, as a sudden change in the level of illumination causes eye strain and, as a result, fatigue. And when writing, place the lamp to your left if you are right-handed, and to the right if you are left-handed, so that the shadow from the hand does not interfere with you.

A school-age child needs careful organization of the workplace at home, in particular, the choice of a table lamp. After all, the student has to spend a lot of time preparing lessons, and daylight, unfortunately, is available for a short period of time. Therefore, the task of parents is to choose the most suitable lamp model that fits into the budget as much as possible.

6 rules for lighting the workplace

The best light for the eyes is natural

70% of vision problems at school age are caused by inappropriate lighting of the child's workplace.

In order for the child-schoolchild to be comfortable studying, while the vision does not deteriorate and the posture does not deteriorate, it is important to choose the right lighting. It must meet a number of requirements:

  1. The light should be even, without glare.
  2. The light of a table lamp in the dark should be accompanied by overhead lighting.
  3. It is better to choose curtains made of lightweight fabrics that will not block natural light.
  4. It is advisable to wash the windows in the room once every two weeks.
  5. It is undesirable to put flowers on the windowsill, as they refract the light rays of daylight.
  6. It is impossible to place light sources behind and in front of the baby's workplace.

Table lamp selection criteria

The desk lamp should illuminate as much of the desk area as possible

A table lamp, like any piece of furniture, should not only fit aesthetically into the room, but also be functional. To do this, when choosing a lighting device, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The simpler the design, the better. Wise spirals or arcs with bizarre shades look original, but are extremely inconvenient to use, as they strongly refract light. Therefore, it is optimal to choose a model with a flexible leg. It can be a lamp with hinges or a clothespin. The mobility of these structures allows, without rearranging the lighting device, to illuminate the desired areas of the working surface.
  • You need to place the lamp on the table based on which hand your child writes with: if he is right-handed, then the light should be on the left, if left-handed - vice versa. Then the shadow will not interfere with writing or reading. But you can also put the lamp in the middle if the space on the table allows it.
  • It is better to choose lamps for a desk lighting device with a white coating (it practically imitates natural light) or LED lamps with a rheostat that regulates the power of the outgoing light - this way it is easier to choose the most comfortable lighting for a particular child. But it is better not to use energy-saving lamps, since mercury compounds are used in their production, the vapors of which are dangerous to the health of the baby. Moreover, the colder white light that they emit is harmful to the eyes.
  • The color of the light emission should be marked LTP (warm white), which, unlike LD (daytime) and LHB (cold white), is as similar as possible to daylight.
  • The power of a table lamp depends on the area of ​​the working surface of the table (if the table is small, a 60 W light bulb is enough, if medium or large, then 100 W is better).

Compliance with these parameters is also reflected in the price of luminaires. The choice is yours: you can buy an inexpensive model for 900 rubles, or you can buy a perfectly thin one made of high-quality plastic for 6000 rubles. It all depends on the type of construction and the material from which the plafond is made.

Choosing a table lamp shade

A plafond for a table lamp can be decorated with your own hands

An important criterion for choosing a table lamp is its shade. The main requirements, in addition to appearance, are:

  • the opacity of the material from which it is made;
  • focus on the tabletop, and not the eyes of the person sitting at the table;
  • the presence of a reflector that will scatter light.

The parameters for choosing the optimal plafond model are:

  • the form;
  • Colour;
  • material;
  • size and height.

It is best if the shape of the lamp resembles a trapezoid (narrow base for the base and open wide edges), since this way the lamp will illuminate a large area of ​​the table. Spherical or cone-shaped lamps project light in one beam, which is very harmful to visual perception.

As for the color, it is better to choose a pastel shade - it will not distract the child from the main task - learning. A great idea is a green shade. The shades of this spectrum give the eye muscles the necessary rest.

Shade material, as a rule, is of several types:

  • plastic;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • textile.

The ideal option for a desk lamp is thick, opaque, durable plastic to keep the light from dazzling your eyes. Plastic shades of the lamp are dangerous because they can ignite with a prolonged period of operation. And the metal ones get too hot. Considering that the table lamp is selected for a child, there may be options for an accidental burn due to careless handling of the device. Glass has recently been very popular as a material for the manufacture of lamps, however, it is more likely to perform a decorative function than a practical one, as it can break. Textiles perfectly diffuse the light beam, making the lighting soft and pleasant to the eye. However, the fabric collects dust and therefore such table lamps are contraindicated for children's rooms, and especially if the child is allergic.

Table lamp models

A classic cabinet version on a stable platform A lamp in the form of a floor lamp is suitable for an Empire-style room. A high-tech lamp. You can choose a lamp with a built-in clock.
The model on a clothespin is very functional

Every room in your home can be made even better with light and illumination, which comes from both natural light, such as sunlight, and artificial sources such as lamps and lamps. Have you ever wondered what kind of lampshade would look best in your room interior? Here are some simple tips for choosing the perfect lampshade for your home, from hanging over your dining table to a floor lamp that favorably decorates your favorite reading chair.

1. Choose a lampshade that best matches the color scheme of your room.

When choosing a lampshade color, treat your living room, bedroom, or any other room that requires lighting as a whole. If the lamp needs to be the center of the room, then you should opt for bold, bright colors that stand out from the background of the entire interior. For a more subtle approach, use neutral tones in your lampshade color.

2. Choose a lampshade that matches the base correctly

When looking for the perfect lampshade, consider pairing it with a base. And here the choice will primarily depend on what the base is, high and narrow, or low and wide. The shade should be low enough to cover the switch, but just enough so as not to interfere with free access to the latter.

3. Decide how the lampshade will fit into your interior

Before you focus on the appearance of the lampshade, be sure to look at the space around it. So, the lampshade on your bedside table should have a smaller profile if the table is small or if there is not enough space for free access to the bed. At the same time, a larger lampshade may be suitable for a floor lamp next to the back of the chair.

4. Determine what you need a lampshade for: for decor, functionality, or for both at the same time

Every lampshade in your home doesn't have to be just for functionality. Of course, it's good when a lampshade perfectly diffuses the light from the lamp and creates a relaxing atmosphere, but colors also play a big role. Using white colors in your home interiors, especially lampshades, will give you maximum illumination.

5. Choose a hanging lampshade that fits perfectly into the room.

Hanging lampshades have come a long way in interior design. It was time for bold colors, large prints and wide lampshades that were very popular in the 60s and 70s. Bring these elements into your dining room, making sure that the dining table matches the style you choose.

6. Place lampshades in "unconventional" spaces in your home

In search of the optimal lampshade, remember that they can equally well be used to decorate such “unconventional” rooms in this context as a bathroom, basement or laundry room. In many modern homes, designers often use hanging lampshades mounted directly above a freestanding bathtub to accentuate it. If your laundry has a table, why not put a small lamp in there?

7. Focus on your lampshades, or don't make them stand out at all

Before you install a lampshade, take a look at your room and determine if you want to focus on it or if you want it to blend in with the overall interior. Colors and fabrics used in furniture can complement and emphasize lampshades, realized in the same color scheme as wallpaper, carpets and pillows.

8. When choosing a lampshade, first of all think about safety.

Once you've decided on your lampshade, make sure it's a safe distance from the lamp and other heat sources. The lampshade can be adjusted with metal rods that extend from the holder and serve to support the lampshade. Another way to adjust the position of the lampshade is to use special mounts of different sizes installed above the lamp in order to prevent the lampshade from catching fire.

9. Choosing the right lampshade shape to match the lamp

If you want to replace your lampshade with a different one, keep in mind that there are many different shapes: cylindrical, floor-standing, empire and coolie styles, and traditional bell-style. Most lamp manufacturers will be able to advise on which base and shape of the lampshade you should use.

Text: Olga Danilkina

Light in an apartment often becomes the most underestimated interior detail. Nevertheless, it directly affects not only our physiology and feeling of comfort, but also the perception of living space in general. The Village found out from lighting designers Natalya and Valery Ipatovs how to “read” packaging correctly and why a crystal chandelier is “killed” by opaque light bulbs.

The main criteria for choosing lamps are the physiological perception of a particular person and the size of the budget. Many people habitually love incandescent bulbs, and they are closest to sunlight by nature. LED bulbs are energy efficient and have an ultraviolet spectrum, which is beneficial for indoor plants.

It is important to consider that LEDs have a different nature of light. It is believed that LEDs are harmful, but so far numerous studies have not proven this. One of the most troublesome LEDs is flickering, but its degree depends on the quality of the lamp. There is a simple way to tell if a lamp is good or bad: point your smartphone camera at a switched on light bulb - the more noticeable its flickering, the worse the lamp.

Compared to incandescent lamps, LEDs are more expensive, but they consume less electricity: an incandescent lamp costs 25–35 rubles, and an LED - 150–200 rubles, while an analogue of a 40 watt incandescent lamp will be a 5 watt LED.

Light flow

The first question that arises when we choose a lamp: how much it suits our specific needs, how much light it will give. We are used to equating the amount of light, or luminous flux, with the power of a lamp - how much energy it consumes. This is wrong, just like measuring the quality of gasoline on a speedometer. Watt is a measure of the amount of electricity that a lamp consumes, it depends on the luminous flux and the type of lamp. Luminous flux is measured in lumens (Lm / Lm); to understand how much light a light bulb will give, you need to look at this indicator.

For example, if a chandelier has 12 5-watt LED lamps, this will add up to 60 watts, which is equal to one 60-watt incandescent lamp. However, one 5-watt LED bulb produces 460 lumens, and one 60-watt incandescent bulb gives approximately 660 lumens. To compare the wattage (watts) and luminous flux (lumens) of different lamps, you can use the wattage tables for simplicity.

Too much luminous flux, that is, a very bright light that is unpleasant for the eye, can cause a dazzling effect. It is important to consider this and leave the amount of light in the room that is comfortable for you. If a designer works with an apartment, he should calculate the optimal light based on your needs, and not select a chandelier just by design. In order to save energy, it is often recommended to install a dimmer - a device that allows you to adjust the brightness of the light. In fact, this does not give any savings: your light may be dim, but in fact the light bulb consumes the same amount of energy stably. It means that the difference in electricity consumption will be insignificant - at best, less by 3-4%, which in terms of money will not give tangible savings.

Light temperature

The second important characteristic on the packaging - the temperature of the light - is most often indicated not only by a number, but also by words that are understandable to the layman: "warm", "cold", "daylight" and so on. Cold light gives vigor, and warm light gives relaxation. The temperature of light is measured in Kelvin (K) and can range from 2,700 to 6,000 K. The higher the number, the colder the light: 4,000 K is neutral light and 6,000 K is cold daytime white.

The optimal range for a residential interior in our latitudes is considered to be a range from 2,700 to 3,000 K - this is a warm white color. At the same time, “cool” lamps (4,500–5,000 K) are in demand in the southern regions: due to the visual impression, the body adjusts itself to the fact that it is light and cool in such a room.

It is important to make sure that the light of approximately the same temperature is turned on at the same time in the same room being viewed. A "rainbow" of different temperatures forces the eye to constantly rebuild - because of this, you get tired by the end of the day. For different purposes, there may be several levels of lighting, which are switched on in turn: you are having a party or you want to put your child to bed - its functional purpose depends on the level of light.

Color rendering index

The third parameter describes how colors are perceived under artificial light, because light can distort them. This is important not only for the designer to work with color, but also in order to accurately see the color of clothes and makeup in the mirror. For example, if you have lamps with a distorted color rendition, then the blouse that was burgundy in the store will turn out to be red and scarlet at home, or blondes will have a greenish tint in their hair.

The color rendering index can be specified in two ways: Ra and CRI (color rendering index). The figure in this case is a percentage: so, 100% is the sun, and the lamps are now capable of a maximum of 95%. For correct color reproduction, an indicator of at least 80 Ra / CRI is optimal. Unfortunately, Chinese manufacturers may indicate incorrectly these data, so if you do not want to miscalculate, it is better to use lamps of well-known brands. If this index is not on the packaging, this clearly indicates an unreliable manufacturer - you can buy a pig in a poke.

Lampshade effect

When choosing a lamp, consider what kind of lampshade you have, what material it is from, that is, how transparent, and what color. After all, a lampshade is a filter. For example, if there is a 2700K lamp in a yellow lampshade, you will get an excessively warm light. For crystal or transparent chandeliers and lamps, it makes sense to choose only transparent lamps, because the essence of their decor is a play of light rays, and a matte lamp does not give direct rays. But for an almost imperceptible lampshade, a matte lamp is suitable - it will competently scatter the light and remove the glare effects in places where the lamp is visible.

Safety regulations

The power of the lamp must be matched to the capabilities of the luminaire. This threshold is usually written on the cartridges, it cannot be exceeded, otherwise the lamp may "leak", and the lampshade may melt or completely ignite due to a short circuit.

There is also an indicator of moisture protection of the lamp: the usual degree of protection is indicated by the abbreviation IP 20, for bathtubs, lamps with markings from IP 44 to IP 55 are needed, the highest is IP 68.

When installing, it is critically important to calculate how much weight the chandelier will support the ceiling mount.

Also, luminaires have an indicator of the amount of current conducted - these are volts (V / V). A level of 12 or 24 volts is safe for humans, and 220 volts are already fraught with consequences, especially in the bathroom.

It is important to take into account that gas-discharge and fluorescent lamps are not recommended in residential interiors, and halogen lamps get very hot.

Shopping in a store

Before going to the store, find the most comfortable lighting in your home that you want to build on. Unscrew the lamp and make a recipe for your light according to its indicators: see which characteristics suit you and which ones do not, and how much you want to improve them. For example, you like the color of the light, but you want 30% more brightness, which means that the lumen value should be 30% higher.

Next, with this cheat sheet, go to the store and see what lamps are in stock. It is better not to count on the seller's help, he will hardly tell you more than what is written on the box, except for the quality of the brand as a whole. If in doubt, you can agree with the manager or the seller that you will make a test purchase and try the lamps at home, and hand over those that do not fit.

When experimenting at home, remember that light affects the look of the interior. Take a table lamp, screw in different bulbs and watch how your perception of colors and textures of walls and furniture changes. The same can be done with lamps: many shops give them for fitting on bail.

Choose the most suitable for your interior floor lamp- this is real science. This lighting fixture is designed to bring additional comfort and harmony to the room. Today, the choice of all kinds of floor lamps with a variety of lampshades is so great that it is very difficult to give preference to a particular model. In order not to succumb to the temptation to buy a beautiful but useless item, it is necessary to accurately determine its main function, style of execution and size. We understand what types of floor lamps are, what a lampshade for a floor lamp can be, and what is important to consider when choosing a floor lamp.

1. The concept of "floor lamp" and the benefits of its use

it floor lamp on a small base with a high leg, which ends with a lampshade. Lampshades are cylindrical, conical, spherical or irregular and can be made from various materials. Leg can have different heights and diameters. The whole set of floor lamps, regardless of the material of manufacture, can be divided into two large groups:

Advantages this lighting fixture in front of other types of fixtures is obvious:

2. Types of floor lamps

Depending on the shape and material from which the plafond is made, a distinction is made between Several variants possible luminous flux:

It is better to choose a floor lamp depending on from desired light effect and the functionality of the device. A floor lamp with a directional luminous flux and the ability to adjust - an excellent option for organizing the place for reading. And you can highlight your favorite painting or collection of figurines by reflecting light from the wall, a little lower or higher.

3. The style of the floor lamp

A stylish and beautiful floor lamp will always look appropriate in any interior. Choose a model that suits your room, and be sure to Consider the style. After all, not all materials and colors of the lampshade are capable of complementing, but do not spoil environment.

It so happens that the room does not have a clearly expressed stylistic feature. In this case, give preference to a luminaire with classic form lampshade and neutral color gamut and you will not go wrong. it the best option, which will complement any room favorably.

4. Accommodation options depending on the room

Each room has either a seating area or a work zone or another functional place that is uniquely needs v lighting. It is necessary not only to install a floor lamp next to this area, but also to choose correct his accommodation in relation to a person, so that the light does not blind the eyes or the seated person does not create a shadow for himself.

  • V living room the room is rational with a directional light to organize the reading space. He must settle down Little behind and from the side of the seated one. To organize a TV area or an area for receiving guests, it is better to give preference to lamps with diffused light, creating a calm atmosphere. In general, in the living room, a floor lamp can be located in anywhere the main thing is that it does not block the view and does not clutter up the space. The lamp fits perfectly into an empty corner, and a pair of identical models can be placed on either side of a bookcase or.
  • V bedroom floor lamps perform the function bedside lamp. Place a small lamp on one side of the bed and a medium-sized lamp on the other. Its power is enough to illuminate the entire room. You can read your favorite book and watch your favorite show, and you will not have the need to use it.
  • a dim, calm light source is essential, especially when the child is still very young and wakes up at night. In order not to scare him, get a small floor lamp with diffused light. It is advisable to choose a lampshade from shatterproof materials. If the child is older, you can buy a lamp in the form of cartoon characters, a flower, the sun, or just neutral tones.
  • V dining room very good look arched lamps aimed at lighting the dining area. Color spectrum should include warm shades such as peach, muted pink, or orange.

Looks very advantageous tandem of several the same lighting devices. Arranged symmetrically and at the same level, they will create a sense of order in your room. And if you supplement them with wall lamps and a chandelier from the same collection, then you will have a unique light composition. It is very easy to find such rulers in any specialized or online store. If you want to increase the amount of light in the room and visually highlight the floor lamp, you should install it in front of a large floor or wall mirror.

5. Optimal lamp shade material for a floor lamp

Universal it is customary to consider plafonds of neutral tones - white, gray, beige. But many people consider such things rather boring and, on the contrary, they want to emphasize using color. This method is worth resorting to only if you are well versed in color matching. If not, then choose a color based on the overall color scheme of the interior or its individual parts, but one or three shades lighter or darker. For example, to, bedspreads, pillows. Material selection must also be justified. A fringed textile lamp is unlikely to look suitable in a loft-style room.

  • Glass The shade will suit almost all interior styles. Glass can be either transparent or frosted or tinted. Such a lampshade, letting light through itself, makes it softer. The only one flaw Is its fragility. Give it credit crystal shades, which will perfectly complement the crystal chandelier.
  • Metal used for shades of directional luminous flux. It's cold and durable material, which will perfectly complement the loft, modern and high-tech style. Such shades can be chrome-plated, covered with matte powder paint, or be painted with various patterns.
  • Textile ideal for classic style and provides romantic, diffused light. Most suitable for placement in the bedroom and living room. A wide variety of colors and textures of fabric will allow you to choose the perfect lamp for any interior.
  • Paper less strong and durable than textiles, although it has similar properties. Rice the paper used for shades mimics Chinese lanterns and can have the most various forms.
  • Plastic, although it is one of budgetary options, but it can look very stylish and interesting. Plastic lampshade floor lamp is different durability, a variety of colors and is mainly used for luminaires with a directional luminous flux, since plastic is very poor at transmitting light.

Wood will greatly emphasize the naturalness of eco-style and ethnic styles. Such lampshades meet enough rarely and are mostly made to order. Why are they very high cost. But they can be considered a real work of art.

Remember that in order for it to match the style and design idea as much as possible.

6. Additional functions

Modern manufacturers do not stop only at achieving an attractive appearance of floor lamps by releasing author's models. They try endow the model as much as possible convenient functionality.

Of course, models equipped with such amenities are more expensive but this is a very controversial issue. After all, buying a separate table and a floor lamp is often more expensive than a combined item.

There are a number technical characteristics, which you should pay special attention to when choosing a floor lamp.

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