Home Berries Didactic game where is whose house the wild animals are. Educational game "Whose house?" Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Home”

Didactic game where is whose house the wild animals are. Educational game "Whose house?" Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Home”

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Home”


Teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of “high” and “low”.
Strengthen the ability to count to three, compare “one-many” sets.
Form spatial imaginative thinking.
Introduce geometric figure"square".
Practice clear pronunciation of sounds and onomatopoeia.
To develop children's understanding and use of prepositions in speech: on, in, under, from.
Teach children to agree numerals with nouns.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving a print in the right place; sculpt from plasticine using the “direct rolling” technique; stick the image details in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Background picture “sky and earth”, figures of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Pictures depicting one and two houses, cards with numbers “1” and “2”.
Background picture with an image of a crane, details in the form of blocks with a door and windows, a roof; glue sticks
Paired pictures depicting houses.
One-, two- and three-story houses built from a designer.
Wooden spatulas. Multi-colored clothespins.
Large construction material, various attributes for the obstacle course.
Picture-diagram of a house, details of these houses are made of colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint.
Sheet of paper with two drawn vertical lines, plasticine.
Educational game “Pick up the key to the lock.”
A picture depicting three houses. Figures of giraffes, hippos and snakes.
Audio recordings: “There is a house made of logs in the forest,” “I want to build a house.”

Finger game “New House”

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!
Take the hammer my friend!
(Children hit fist on fist, alternating hands)

We will build new house,
(There is a window in the house.
The thumbs are folded into a shelf, the rest are connected by a “roof”)

There is another one, higher.
(Raise your hands up without changing the position of your fingers)

There is a pipe up on the roof.
(Raises a clenched fist with the index finger extended upward)

The house is ready, we invite guests:
Come quickly!
(Show an inviting hand gesture)

Didactic game "House on the Mountain"

The picture shows the sky and the earth.

Show me the sky. Show me the land. Pick up the house and attach it to the picture. In which part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Let's put the sun and clouds in the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
Let houses grow around us beautiful flowers. Where will you place the flowers? Around the house, on the grass.

How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sunshine. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Didactic game “How many houses?”

Count the houses in the picture and label them with numbers.

Application "Let's build a house"

He is taller than everyone else!
He put a roof on the house.
He also built the walls!
That's it - the house is built!

Let's build a house. Lay out the first floor with a door. Lay out the second floor with windows on top. Place the roof even higher. It turned out to be a new house, how many doors (windows, floors) are there in it?

Paired pictures “Houses”

The pictures are lost. Find the exact same picture. (Children find exactly the same picture as theirs. The pictures are laid out on the carpet, and their pairs are distributed to the children).

Didactic exercise “High-low house”

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. Take a closer look, which of the houses is the tallest? Which one is the lowest? Count how many floors are there in the tallest house? How many floors are there in the lowest house? How many floors are there in an average house?

Now I will cover all three houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which scarf is the lowest house hidden? Highest? Average house?

Game with clothespins “Beautiful fence”

Here are the planks, and here are the clothespins. Let's make a beautiful fence out of them for our houses.

Dynamic pause “At a construction site”

We need to transport building material to the construction site. Can you help?

Children carry large building materials from one place to another, overcoming obstacles (stumps, puddles, etc.)

Construction "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of a house that you will lay out and build yourself. Take the parts and place them in the right place on the diagram. Where the triangular roof is drawn, attach a colored triangle there, and where the square window is located, attach a square.

(In the archive with the activity there are pictures with a similar task for the youngest children, there are one-story houses).

Exercise “What sounds do you hear at home?”

How does the kettle whistle? Ssss.
How does the alarm clock ring? Z-z-z.
How does water drip from a tap? Drip-drip-drip.
How does dad work with a drill? F-f-f.
How does the vacuum cleaner hum? Oooh.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting “Light the lights in the windows of the houses”

Evening came and it became dark. You need to turn on the light and then the windows in your houses will light up with bright light. Dip your finger into the yellow paint and place it on the window.

(For the little ones there is a simplified picture in the archive).

Musical finger game “There is a house made of logs in the forest”

(Conducted with audio recording).

Manual labor “Staircase”

We need to fix an old staircase whose steps have broken. Take plasticine. Roll out two thin sausages, place them next to each other and attach steps (matches) to them.

We walk up the stairs
Let's count all the steps:
Lots of fun counting!
One two three four five -
It's a lot of fun to walk!

Didactic game “Pick up the key to the lock”

Children match keys to locks of the same color and open them.

House on the meadow
All doors are locked.
We'll pick up all the keys
And we’ll unlock the hut.

Didactic game “Whose house?”

The picture shows three houses - high, lower and low. Children are given three figures - a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a snake.

Children, think about who lives in which house? What house does the giraffe live in? In the highest house. Why did you decide so? What house does the hippopotamus live in? The hippopotamus lives in the lower house. Why? Now think and tell me - which house is suitable for a snake? The lowest house is suitable for a snake. And why?

Musical and rhythmic exercise “I want to build a house”

Children choose for themselves musical instruments and with their help they “play along” with the sounding music. (Conducted with an audio recording of the same name).


This section contains material on the same topic, but designed in the form of activities for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. Many (but not all) games from this thematic selection are used there, and there are also some other, non-thematic elements of the lesson (greeting, etc.).

Here is a game for children preschool age, with the help of which kids will be able to acquire knowledge about various plants and fruits that grow on them.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you will have 72 cards.
1 option
Distribute the plant cards equally among the children. Then show cards with fruits one by one. Children take cards that suit them. Then each child names his plants and their fruits.
Option 2
You can give children cards with fruits, and match them with cards with plants.
Option 3
Invite the children to sort the cards into groups: vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, shrubs.
Option 4
Lay out several cards in front of your child and ask him to remember them. Then ask them to turn away and swap cards or remove 1-2. Invite your child to say what is missing and what has changed.

Educational game about animals and their homes. The game contains paired cards depicting animals and their houses.
Help every animal, insect, bird and fish find its home. Collect the necessary pictures in pairs.
A bear lives in a den, and a bee lives in a hive.
The dog lives in a kennel, and the cat lives in a basket.
The squirrel lives in a hollow tree, and the mole in a hole in the ground.
The fox lives in a hole, and the ant lives in an anthill.
The bird lives in a nest, and the fish lives in an aquarium.

The game "Opposites" develops speech, attention, figurative and semantic memory, and lays the foundations of logical thinking.
Funny, bright pictures will help with this.
Contents: 6 sheets of cut cards.
Before you begin, cut the sheets of paper into cards along the dotted lines.

Here is a game for children 3-6 years old, with the help of which kids will be able to develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, memory and coherent speech.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you will have 72 cards.
The goal of the game is to find all the differences between the cards of the same group. First, you can ask your child to simply sort similar pictures, and only then look for how the images in each group differ.
Game options: see continuation...

Board game"What is what?" consists of 20 cardboard cards, cut into 2 elements using Puzzle technology. There are 40 elements in total. They depict various items, plants and animals. All images form logical pairs based on shared use or purpose.

Board game “Whose baby?” is a didactic mosaic for kids. It consists of eight cards big size, cut into 2 elements using Puzzie technology. Some halves of the cards depict animals familiar to kids, and the other half show their babies.
The game develops a child's observation, attention and analytical skills.

Purpose of the game: To acquaint the child with the names and characteristics of animals, their habitats.
How to play: Lay out the cards face up. Separately put 5 cards with plot drawings.
Ask your child to find a picture of some animal, ask where he lives,
Which of the 5 story cards can it be attached to? Invite your child to collect all the chains from the cards.
The file contains 5 A4 sheets, cut out the puzzles and preferably laminate them with wide tape.

Target. Development of observation skills. Consolidation of the ideas “higher - lower”, “more - less”, “longer - shorter”, “lighter - heavier”.

Game material. Figures.

Rules of the game. Look carefully at Figure 1. It shows a zoo, a sea and a forest. An elephant and a bear live in the zoo, fish swim in the sea, and a squirrel sits on a tree in the forest. Let's call the zoo, sea and forest “homes”.

Take from the set: green and yellow circles, yellow triangle, red square, green and red rectangles and place them near the animals where they are drawn (Figure 2).

Go back to Figure 1 and place each animal where it might live. For example, a fox can be placed in both a zoo and a forest.

When the animals are placed, count how many animals fit in each “house.”

Answer the questions: who is taller: a giraffe or a bear; elephant or fox; bear or hedgehog? Who is longer: a lion or a fox; bear or hedgehog; elephant or bear? Who is heavier: an elephant or a penguin; giraffe or fox; bear or squirrel? Who is lighter: an elephant or a giraffe; giraffe or penguin; hedgehog or bear?

Didactic game"Cosmonauts"

Target. Coding practical actions with numbers.

Game material. Polygon, triangles, astronaut figures.

Rules of the game. The game is played in several stages.

1. Glue the cut out polygon onto thick cardboard. Pierce a hole in the center and insert a pointed stick or match. By rotating the resulting top, we make sure that it lands on the edge where 1 or 2 is written, or on the black or red edge where nothing is written.

2. The game involves two astronauts. They take turns spinning the top. Rolling a 1 means going up one step; roll 2 – rise

two steps; the red edge falls out - an ascent of three steps, the black edge falls out - a descent of two steps (the astronaut forgot

take something and must return).

3. Instead of an astronaut, you can take small red and black triangles and move them along the steps in accordance with the number of points rolled.

4. First, the astronauts are located on the main platform and take turns spinning the top. If an astronaut was standing on the launch pad and gets a black edge, then he remains in place.

5. There are six steps from the main platform to the first rest area, and more steps from the first rest area to the second rest area.

six steps; from the second rest area to the launch pad there are four more steps. To get from the main site to the starting site, you need to score 16 points.

6. When the astronaut reaches the launch pad, he needs to score four points before the rocket launches. The one who flies away on the rocket wins.

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