Home Natural farming Features of the development of figurative speech in older preschool children. The development of speech in older preschool children in an organized pedagogical process

Features of the development of figurative speech in older preschool children. The development of speech in older preschool children in an organized pedagogical process


A person has an invaluable gift of speech and language ability. He masters speech in early childhood and throughout his life he improves it: learns to master voice, breathing, intonations, enriches the dictionary, instantly chooses an accurate and accurate word, freely builds a sentence and text, acquires reading and writing skills, i.e. goes from an oral (acoustic) language code to a graphic, alphabetic code.

The child accepts his native speech from close people, from parents, from the linguistic environment surrounding him, driven by the natural need for communication, and later - for self-expression. Communication with loved ones, and a little later - with oneself comes not only on the external, but also on the internal, mental level. A person uses the most complex mechanisms of speech, without thinking about them, practically masters them, but as they grow up, these processes are more and more aware, subject to self-control, become purposeful, regulated acts.

Our invaluable wealth is a language created and constantly improved by thousands of generations. Linguistic ability, language make us human: in the world of living beings, other code systems of communication have been developed, but they cannot be compared with human language and the mechanisms of its use, i.e. speech. It is not difficult to understand the desire of people to master this wealth to perfection: to know not only words and the rules for combining them, but also to master the most complex system of speech production, perception of someone else's speech and its understanding. From the babbling of a child to the freely flowing, welded logic and figurative, convincing speech of the orator, a person goes a long way of learning.

A person develops his speech throughout his life. In kindergarten, the child develops speech in various activities using a wide variety of techniques: in mathematics classes - by solving logical problems, in speech development classes - with the help vocabulary work, speech warm-up, reading and retelling of the text, description of pictures, objects, composition of fairy tales, etc.

The development of speech in the learning process leads to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, the mastery of the norms of the Russian literary language. The process of development of speech is long and is carried out throughout the years of education and upbringing in kindergarten.

How to teach children to speak correctly, pronounce words clearly, easily and freely connect them in the text, correctly, conclusively and accurately express their thoughts both orally and in writing? How to develop a "sense of language"?

Currently, in mass kindergartens there are children whose speech development lags behind the norm. Usually, children, being engaged in any activity, comment on it on their own initiative (they say what they are doing, note difficulties, are upset with failures, etc.). In pedagogical practice, we more and more often observe something different: older preschoolers do not so often resort to speech on their own initiative.

These questions remain "open" to this day and are of interest to all teachers involved in teaching children. Based on the urgency of this problem, we formulated the topic: "Features of speech development in older preschoolers."

Object of study - speech as a mental process.

Subject of study the process of developing speech in older preschool children.

Purpose of the study - to study the peculiarities of speech development in older preschool children.

In accordance with the object, problem, goal, subject of research, it was assumed that the following research objectives:

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Select methods for diagnostic examination.

3. Conduct a diagnostic examination.

The study used the following methods: theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem; study of materials on the activities of older preschool children; diagnostic examination of the speech of older preschool children.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the problem.

1.1. Characteristic of speech as mental process.

The word "speech", before becoming a scientific term, was used in everyday communication for many years. Therefore, starting to present the modern theory of speech, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts denoted by this word.

There are many definitions of this concept. In the pedagogical encyclopedia, speech is defined as a historically established form of communication between people through language. Language and speech complement each other, the differences between them are not contrasting. If language is a system of means of communication, then speech is the implementation of this system. Speech is created according to the rules of the language.

According to V.A. Krutetsky, speech is "the process of using language to communicate between people."

Defining speech as the second signaling system of reality, I.P. Pavlov noted that only speech provides the possibility of abstraction from reality and communication, which is human higher thinking.

According to SI Ozhegov, speech is "the ability to speak, speaking." The authors of the Big Explanatory Psychological Dictionary interpret the concept of "speech" as "conversation, utterance."

M.N. Dyachenko defines speech as the handicap of their communication, historically formed in the process of people's activity, mediated by language.

E.I. Gorokhova believes that speech is "a historically established form of communication between people through language."

The word "speech" has three meanings:

a) speech as a process, activity,

b) speech as a result, a product of speech activity

c) speech as a genre of oral, oratorical presentation.

Let's take a closer look at each value.

"Speech" in the first, procedural, meaning has synonyms: speech

activity, speech act. Mechanisms of speech - that's what they say about action

pronunciation organs. This is the meaning of the word.

definitions of speech given by psychologists:

Speech - it is communication, contact between people, the exchange of thoughts, feelings and


Speech Is a verbal, linguistic communication using linguistic sign

units: words, syntactic constructions, text, intonation, gestures,

facial expressions [ 27, p.].

· The second meaning of the term "speech" - "speech as a result" is synonymous with "text". We are accustomed to the fact that text is recorded speech. This understanding of the text is of an everyday nature. In the theory of speech, the text can be not only written, but also oral and even mental (when we mean inner speech).

· The third meaning of the term "speech" is speech as an oratorical genre or as a monologue in a work of fiction. This concept is associated with rhetoric and literary criticism.

Speech is closely related to thinking, since it is a means of expressing thoughts, therefore, the main mechanism of human thinking. And abstract higher thinking is impossible without speech. K. D. Ushinsky said that if you develop the gift of speech in children, then you develop logical thinking in them, but "it is impossible to develop speech separately from thought."

It is often said that speech and thinking are two sides of the same phenomenon. Speech

arbitrary - thought can be involuntary.

Thinking, relying on the means of language, has other possibilities. In this sense, ontogenetic development of thinking

a person relies not only on speech, but also on the active sphere, on observations, sensations, perceptions.

Linguistics also shows interest in thinking, it examines the relationship between words and concepts, sentences and judgments, the role of linguistic means in conveying meaning, the content of thought.

The theory of speech activity also explores thinking - those aspects of it that are aimed at operating with meanings, meaning, thoughts and the transition from one aspect to another.

If words and their meanings are not filled in the mind of the speaker or listener, this will lead to a separation of speech from thinking (or thinking from speech), to inaccuracy of mutual understanding, to idle talk, to a distortion of understanding, which is often observed in life. Let's name some of the reasons for this phenomenon:

a) acoustic interference, imprecise respect;

b) poor knowledge of the language - non-native and even native;

c) unsuccessful construction of the speech of the speaker (writer);

d) understanding the deep, hidden meaning of speech.

M.R. Lvov and V.G. Goretsky noted that speech is one of the types of communication that people need in their joint activities, in social life, in the exchange of information, in knowledge, education, it enriches a person spiritually, serves as an object of art. Speech is called communication with the help of language - a sign system that has been polished for centuries and is capable of conveying any shades of the most complex thought.

Speech is also related to language. In speech, all the riches of the language, all its expressive possibilities are realized. The language is enriched through speech, it includes new words, new shades of already known words, their meanings, new combinations, new phraseology.

Speech is communication itself, an expression of thought. Speech is verbal, linguistic, communication, self-expression. Language is an abstract system, but speech is material, it is perceived by hearing and sight. Speech tends to merge its units in the speech stream. Speech is the realization of language; language manifests itself only in speech.

Speech is a sequence of words, sentences. Speech is theoretically endless: the number of texts cannot be counted even theoretically.

Speech is dynamic, speech is variable, caused by the needs of life, depends on communicative expediency, which determines the choice of certain linguistic means.

As a means of implementing a language, speech performs such functions as:

Communication function - speech spoken or recorded serves as a means of organizing joint work in a team, a means of communication in society, in a country, a means of communication between generations; in this case, speech presupposes a communicator, i.e. the one who speaks or writes, and the percipient - the person who perceives the speech;

The message function is a unilateral act, in the absence feedback: registration of all the knowledge that people have accumulated in the process of their conscious activity;

Information preservation function - preservation of accumulated knowledge;

The function of expressing thoughts - in speech, a thought is not only formulated, but

and is formed: a person always thinks, with the exception of deep

Cognitive function - all human knowledge is contained in

speech forms: books, reports, magazines, lectures, notes;

Planning, or regulatory function - a person verbally, in writing or mentally plans his actions, analyzes and evaluates his own and other people's actions;

Emotive function - human speech behavior: expression of involuntary exclamation to the masterpieces of lyric poetry or vocal performance.

Some scientists also distinguish such functions of speech as influencing, or voluntative (impact on a person: request, order, demand), contact-establishing, or phatic ("communication for communication"), metalanguage (description of the language itself), aesthetic (influence on feelings by means of speech forms).

Speech as a way of realizing the potential functions of language ensures the life of society and every person. Speech, spoken or recorded, serves as a means of organizing joint work, the unity of the people, and communication between the generation.

Speech has the following properties:



Impact .

Understanding of speech is achieved by syntactically correct construction of sentences, using pauses in the appropriate places or highlighting words using logical stress.

The expressiveness of speech is associated with its emotional saturation; it can be bright, energetic, or, conversely, sluggish, pale.

The impact of speech lies in its influence on the thoughts, feelings and will of other people, their beliefs and behavior.

Speech can be unvoiced, or unwritten - it is internal, or mental (speech for oneself) and external (i.e. speech for others). External and internal speech serves as a means of forming a person's personality.

In turn, external speech, according to its characteristics and goals, is divided into oral and written, monologic and dialogical. According to the mechanisms, methods of coding, oral speech is divided into:

Speaking, i.e. sending of speech acoustic signals carrying information;

Hearing (listening), i.e. perception of acoustic speech signals and their understanding.

Written speech includes:

Letter, i.e. "Encryption" of speech signals using complexes

graphic signs;

Reading, i.e. "Decoding" of graphic signs, their complexes and

understanding their meanings.

Modern oral speech has significant advantages over written speech:

1. She can easily fit into the situation, into the flow of life. It is directly related to gestures, facial expressions, with everything around. Even when talking on the phone, people smile, gesticulate, but all this is in vain, the interlocutor does not see this, only picks up emotional intonations. With the help of intonation, a person can express their feelings, sensations. Intonation can be caught in communication, i.e. oral speech.

Written speech does not have adequate means of expression, only to a small extent compensates for this deficiency with font emphasis, punctuation marks, as well as a description of experiences actors in a given setting.

2. The advantage of oral speech is the speed of its flow, the possibility of quick reactions, feedback.

But oral speech also has disadvantages:

1) noise immunity: the distance between the speakers can interfere: any extraneous noise, defects in the speaker's individual pronunciation, hearing defects in the person who perceives speech;

2) instantaneous flow: oral speech disappears by itself, and even the speaker himself usually cannot repeat verbatim what he just said. Because of this, speech does not perform well the historical function - the connection between generations.

Let's note the advantages of written speech: it is a prepared, normalized speech. It is this kind of speech that serves as the basis of grammar, grammatical theory and culture of speech. Written speech in the form of books and various documents has been preserved for hundreds and even thousands of years, serves the cause of preserving cultural values.

Spoken language is presumed to have originated naturally at the dawn of the human mind to satisfy the need for live, direct communication of our distant ancestors.

Written speech has many codes: ideographic writing, hieroglyphic, sound-alphanumeric (phonemic) is known. The rules for naming phonemes with letters and their combinations are determined by the section of linguistics Graphics, the cases of their writing are regulated by Spelling, Punctuation helps to indicate intonation, pauses.

Oral speech is influenced by written speech, therefore it is increasingly defined as spoken written speech.

External, sounding speech is dialogical and monologic.

A dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons. Each individual statement depends on the replies of other interlocutors, on the situation. The dialogue does not need extended sentences, so there are many incomplete sentences in it. The dialogue syntax is simple.

In oral speech in general, and in dialogue, speech aids are especially used, transmitting what is difficult to express in words: facial expressions, gestures, intonation. All speech aids are included in the range of tasks of the methodology of speech development for children.

In kindergarten, an artificial form of dialogue is used - conversation. Usually this is a dialogue between the caregiver and the child. In contrast to the "spontaneous" dialogue, here, as a rule, are used full offers... In the course of the conversation, children learn the correct construction of sentences, statements, and become familiar with literary speech.

It is much more difficult to develop monologue speech, i.e. one person's speech - a story, a message, a retelling, a speech, an essay.

Unlike dialogue, monologue is more arbitrary, requires volitional effort, and sometimes significant preparatory work... So, the story of observations (message) is prepared by the child sometimes over several days. Monologue speech cannot be spontaneous, it is always organized. The speaker or writer plans the entire monologue in advance as a whole, draws up its plan (orally or in writing), speaks individual fragments, and uses certain linguistic means.

Unlike dialogue, a monologue is addressed not to one person, but to many.

One of the most difficult problems studied by philosophy, general linguistics and psychology is the relationship between language and consciousness, speech and thinking. Inner speech is mental speech.

External speech and internal speech are opposed to each other according to the following characteristics:

a) by purpose, by goals: external speech includes a person in the system of social interaction, internal speech reliably protects against outside interference, it is recognized only by the subject himself and lends itself only to his control;

b) external speech is encoded by its own codes available to other people; the code of internal speech is used along with the same language as in external speech, but outwardly its manifestation is hidden, does not lend itself to the perception of other people.

Inner speech is verbalized thinking. Internal speech, as it were, serves the external speech and all human actions. It is presented in the following situations: when solving various problems in the mind; with careful listening to the interlocutor - the listener not only repeats the speech being listened to, but also analyzes and even evaluates it from the point of view of truth, when reading to himself, when purposefully memorizing something and

remembering is the same.

One of the main roles of internal speech is the preparation of external speech, oral and written statements. In this role, she is the initial stage of the representing utterance, its internal programming.

Note that in ordinary life a person's external speech takes no more than two to three hours. Inner speech serves a person almost around the clock.

The question of the origin of internal speech is ambiguously resolved: it arises in a person either as a result of the "going deep into" the external, especially egocentric, speech of the child - talking with himself during the game (hypothesis of L.S. Vygotsky), or simultaneously with external speech, with speaking and listening as a result of the child's silent repetition of the words of adults addressed to him (the hypothesis of P.P. Blonsky). (15, 67)

Speech develops in different types of activities: in the classroom for familiarization with fiction, with the phenomena of the surrounding reality, literacy training, in all other classes, as well as outside of them - in play and artistic activities, in everyday life. However, only teaching the native language in special classes on the development of speech can give a lasting effect.

A person's speech is an indicator of his intelligence and culture. Psychologist N.I. Zhinkin believes that speech is a channel for the development of intelligence. The earlier the language is mastered, the easier and more fully the knowledge is assimilated. The more accurately and figuratively the speech expresses the thought, the more significant person as a person and the more valuable he is for society. (13.48)

The development of speech is considered one of the the most important directions in the work of the educator, as it ensures the timely mental development of the child. In the programs for the education and training of preschool children, the sections of the same name are devoted to this direction.

Speech does not arise by itself. It is an integral part of communication, which is combined with some other activity: practical, playful, cognitive, creative, etc. motive of speech.

In other words, to develop speech means to form certain speech skills, namely:

Ability to navigate in a communication situation, i.e. determine to whom, why, what I will talk about;

Ability to plan a statement, i.e. be aware of how I will speak (briefly or in detail, emotionally or in a businesslike manner), in what sequence I will express my thoughts;

The ability to bring your plan to life, i.e. speak strictly on the topic, developing thought, using various means of expression;

Ability to control speech.

All these skills children begin to master in older preschool age.

1.2. Features of speech development in older preschool children.

The child's speech has long attracted the attention of researchers (L. S. Vygotsky, E. I. Tikheeva, F. A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, R. O. Yakobson, D.B. Elkonina, A. N. Gvozdev, R. Levin, K.I. Chukovsky and others): the first words are the fact of awakening of consciousness. The entire path of a child's speech development is a complete mystery.

According to psychological periodization, the following age periods are distinguished, characterized by a certain speech development.

1. Infancy - up to one year.

The child has a reaction to the voices of loved ones. Smiles, laughter, babbling, gestures. The initial manifestations of the expressive function of speech. The entire period is associated with the need for communication - emotional and meaningful; striving to achieve a goal. Verbal speech is rare, by the end of the period - the first manifestations of the nominative function of speech, the naming of an object.

2. Early age- 1 - 3 years.

A generalizing function of the word develops: the child names things, at the same time expands the vocabulary, develops thinking. There is a unity of communication and generalization. The syllable composition of the word is acquired before the sound one. Speech associates with practical activities child - play, cognition of surrounding objects, assimilation of ways to use them.

3. Younger preschool age

In the fourth year of life, children show a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. Children know well and correctly name the objects of the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, they begin to use more widely other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions.

The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In the speech of children, simple common sentences prevail.

Children use complex and complex sentences, but very rarely. Four-year-old children cannot independently isolate sounds in a word, but they easily notice inaccuracies in the sound of words in the speech of their peers. The speech of children is mainly situational in nature, it is not yet sufficiently accurate in the vocabulary and perfect in grammatical respect, it is not completely pure and correct in terms of pronunciation. With a little help from adults, a child can convey the content of a well-known fairy tale, recite a small poem by heart. The initiative in communication is increasingly coming from the child.

4. Middle preschool age

By the age of five, children show a sharp improvement in the pronunciation side of speech, for most of them the process of mastering sounds ends. Speech as a whole becomes clearer, clearer. The speech activity of children increases. Children begin to master monologue speech, but structurally it is not always perfect and most often has a situational character.

The growth of an active vocabulary, the use of sentences of a more complex structure (five-year-old children can form sentences of 10 or more words) are often one of the reasons for the increase in the number of grammatical errors.

Children begin to pay attention to the sound design of words, to indicate the presence of a familiar sound in words. Consider the period that fits the topic of our research - this is the senior preschool age.

5. Senior preschool age.

At this age stage, the improvement of all aspects of the child's speech continues.

Pronunciation is becoming cleaner, more detailed phrases, or rather statements. The child not only highlights essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish causal relationships between them, temporary and other relationships. Having a sufficiently developed active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that the listeners around him understand what he wants to say. Simultaneously with the development of a self-critical attitude towards his statement, the child also develops a more critical attitude towards the speech of his peers. When describing objects and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey his emotional attitude.

The enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary is carried out not only at the expense of nouns denoting objects, their properties and qualities, but also at the expense of the names of individual parts, details of objects, verbs, as well as suffixes and prefixes, which children begin to use widely. Increasingly, collective nouns, adjectives denoting material, properties, state of objects appear in the child's speech. Over the course of a year, the vocabulary increases by 1000-1200 words (compared to the previous age), although it is very difficult to practically establish the exact number of words learned over a given period. By the end of the sixth year, the child more subtly differentiates collective nouns, for example, not only calls the word animal, but can also indicate that a fox, bear, wolf are wild animals, and a cow, horse, cat are domestic animals. Children use abstract nouns in their speech, as well as adjectives, verbs. Many words from the passive vocabulary are transferred to the active vocabulary.

Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from free use of words. A good test and indicator of full-fledged mastery of the dictionary is the ability of children to select words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms) - nouns (input-output),

adjectives (good-bad), adverbs (fast-slow), verbs (speaks-is silent); select adjectives for nouns (What kind of rain can it be? - Cold, strong, mushroom, small, short-term) adverbs to verbs (How can a boy speak? - fast, good, slowly, clearly, quietly, loudly, etc.), close within the meaning of words-synonyms (walk-walk, walk, stomp, walk, etc.).

By offering children such tasks, it is easy to make sure that their vocabulary is still not rich in adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and they can pick up words that are close in meaning in an insufficient number and not always successfully. Errors in the use of words and when always successful. When a child puts the wrong meaning in a word. In the stories of children, sometimes inaccuracies in the use of conjunctions, prepositions (for example, instead of a preposition between words are used In the middle).

Improving coherent speech is impossible without mastering grammatically correct speech. In the sixth year, the child masters the grammatical structure and uses it quite freely.

Structurally speaking, speech is significantly complicated not only by simple common sentences, but also by complex ones; the volume of statements increases. Less and less often, the child makes mistakes in the coordination of words, in the case endings of nouns and adjectives; often correctly uses the genitive case of plural nouns ( windows, lamps, pencils)... He easily forms nouns and other parts of speech using suffixes (teaches children - teacher, reads books - reader, builds houses - builder), adjectives from nouns (key from iron - iron, glass jar - glass).

However, in the speech of children, it is increasingly common grammatical errors: incorrect agreement of nouns with adjectives in oblique

cases, malformed genitive plural some nouns (“pears” instead of pears), case change of non-declining nouns (“there is a clock on the“ piano ”).

The grammatical correctness of a child's speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to the mistakes of their children, correct them, giving the correct pattern.

In dialogic (colloquial) speech, the child, in accordance with the question and the topic of the conversation, uses both short and detailed answers.

A six-year-old child is improving a coherent, monologic speech. He can, without the help of an adult, convey the content of a small fairy tale, story, cartoon, describe certain events that he witnessed. In an effort to ensure that his statement was correctly understood, the child quite willingly explains the details of his story, specifically repeating its individual parts. He is able to tell not only about the events of the coming days, but also about those long past (for example, in winter he talks about how he spent a summer vacation at the dacha, how he and his grandfather gathered mushrooms, caught fish, swam in a pond, etc.).

At this age, the child is already able to independently reveal the content of the picture if it depicts objects that are familiar to him. But when drawing up a story from a picture, he often concentrates his attention mainly on the main details, and often omits minor, less important ones.

In older preschool age, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus have become sufficiently strong and children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. However, some children at this age are just finishing the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, sounds l, r. With their assimilation, children begin to pronounce words of varying complexity clearly and distinctly.

When communicating with peers and adults, children use a moderate voice volume, but as needed they are able to speak louder and quieter, that is, they can measure the loudness of speech, taking into account the distance to the listener, the nature of the statement. In everyday communication, children use a moderate pace, but when retelling their speech, their speech is often slowed down due to long unreasonable delays and pauses. However, in moments of emotional uplift, being impressed by the watched film, the read fairy tale, the child, in the process of speaking, is often unable to control his

speech and speaks louder and faster than usual.

Guided by the model, children are able to reproduce poetry in compliance with the intonation means of expression; they often use interrogative, narrative intonations correctly; can convey their feelings in relation to various objects and phenomena: joy, sadness, indignation, etc.

Exhalation becomes more prolonged. So, on one exhalation, children can pronounce the vowel sounds a, y, and for 4-8 s (with a free exhalation - for 4-6 s).

However, not all six-year-old children know the correct pronunciation of sounds: some may have delays in the assimilation of sounds, while others may have their incorrect formation: p - throat, one-hit, sounds w, w - lateral, s, h - interdental. Some children do not always clearly differentiate in words sibilant and hissing sounds, sounds l and p. Such a displacement of sounds is more often observed when pronouncing words and phrases that include both sounds simultaneously ("shushka" instead of drying), but there are almost no mistakes when pronouncing words in which there is only one of these sounds (dog, cat). Phrases saturated with such sounds are not always pronounced clearly by children.

Clarity, intelligibility of speech largely depends on how quickly the child speaks. Children who speak quickly tend to have less clear speech.

Children with accelerated speech often do not pronounce individual sounds in words, do not say the endings, "swallow" even individual words. Defects in the structure of the articulatory apparatus or its insufficient mobility can be the cause wrong pronunciation sounds, fuzzy speech. Change of milk teeth in 5-6 liters. on constant is often reflected on the pronunciation side of speech: sound pronunciation, diction deteriorate.

Additional classes should be organized with children with pronunciation deficiencies, which, depending on the severity, number and nature of the violations, are conducted either by an educator or (with extensive tongue-tied language) by a speech therapist. These classes (individual or with a group of 3-5 people) are organized at least 25 times a week and are aimed at developing the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic perception, at setting sounds or fixing them, and introducing them into speech.

So, by the end of the sixth year, the child in speech development reaches a fairly high level... He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, reproduces words distinctly and clearly, has the vocabulary necessary for free communication, correctly uses many grammatical forms and categories; his statements become more meaningful, expressive and more precise.

And by the time the child enters school, he masters the correct sound design of words, pronounces them clearly and clearly, has a certain vocabulary, mostly grammatically correct speech: he builds sentences of various construction, harmonizes words in gender, number, case, as if conjugating frequently used Verbs; freely uses monologue speech: he is able to tell about the events he has experienced, retell the content of a fairy tale, story, describe the surrounding objects, reveal the content of the picture, some phenomena of the surrounding reality. All this makes it possible for a child to successfully master the program material when entering school.

In preschool childhood, naturally, the process of mastering speech does not end for a child. And his speech as a whole, of course, is not always interesting, meaningful, grammatically correct. The enrichment of the vocabulary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the improvement of the ability to express one's thoughts with the help of speech, in an interesting and expressive manner, to convey the content of a work of art will continue in school years and throughout life.

The main feature of the development of speech in children in older preschool age is that the child moves on to the conscious mastery of speech.

Speech development is carried out using speech exercises... Developing these exercises, the teacher focuses on certain forms of the child's mental work: on analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, on highlighting essential features, on generalization and concretization, on identifying causal relationships between phenomena, on comparison, juxtaposition and opposition, on solving mental tasks.

1.3. Speech test of senior preschool children


The most important source of children's speech is life itself, children's own experience. In the experience of preschoolers, its purposeful, organized part, observation, is especially valuable. During observation, children learn to learn about the world around them, everything that can arouse interest in the child. The desire and ability to see, hear, perceive the world around - this is the way that, providing the basis for the development of speech and thinking in unity, will provide material for speech exercises. But the child thinks figuratively, he does not understand many words. Without speech design and expression, speech cannot exist.

In the modern socio-cultural situation, the value of personality development in the education system is becoming increasingly important. For those who are trying to see not only the outer side of the good and bad actions of children, but to understand the reasons for their appearance, it is clear that if you limit yourself to observations, even with great attention and love for the child, this is impossible to do. It is not just a diagnosis of the level of development of individual mental processes or a statement of deviations in the development of the child's personality that is important, the most important thing is to establish the relationship between individual features of the child's psyche. After all, individual characteristics, self-esteem or anxiety can affect not only the nature of communication, but also development cognitive processes in children. Therefore, it is so important to use a whole range of techniques when carrying out diagnostics, which will allow us to examine the personality of the child from different angles and form a holistic perception of his psyche. At the same time, it is necessary not only to choose the right methods, but also to conduct research in this way and in such an order that the child does not get tired, does not refuse to participate in the work. In order to properly develop and apply diagnostics, it is important to know what a diagnostics is.

One of the definitions of diagnostics is given in the work of scientists S.N. Glazachev and S.S. Kashlev: "Pedagogical diagnostics is the process of studying the state, changes in the state of participants in the pedagogical process, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction." (1, 89) The most convenient for teachers - practitioners, is the diagnosis of levels of three levels: high, medium and low. These steps show the level of development of the desired quality. Correct diagnosis is the first step in organizing the correction of mental disorders, it helps to identify the causes of disorders in mental development, to determine what qualities are formed the worst of all. Thus, based on the information received, a correction plan can be drawn up - from helping the child correct simple defects to compensating for complex defects.

According to T.S. Komarova, it is desirable to carry out diagnostics in the form of interesting game tasks. It is better to carry out diagnostic work, taking into account the state of the child: his good mood, calm emotional state and physical well-being. The child should not get the impression that he is being tested. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 30-40 minutes. In case of rapid fatigue of the child, it is necessary to make a physical education pause, to move. The examination is carried out at a children's table with a children's chair, the teacher must sit on the same level with the child, i.e. on a child's chair. It is better not to sit the preschooler facing the window so that what is happening outside the window does not distract him. There should be nothing nearby that could distract attention (interesting toys, bright, unusual objects).

The main components are distinguished in the structure of psychological readiness:

1) Personal readiness.

2) Volitional readiness.

3) Intellectual readiness.

Martsinkovskaya T.D. has developed several basic rules that need to be remembered, she believes that without them the work will not be successful.

1. To compile the psychological characteristics of a child, it is necessary to use at least 10-15 different tests.

2. Strictly follow the instructions given in each method.

3. Do not forget that each technique is designed for children of a certain age.

4. The results also cannot be equally significant for different ages. Therefore, they need to be checked against the results of children of a particular age. Remember that according to the data of only one method, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about "stupidity" or backwardness, as well as about giftedness.

5. To work on different methods a special “stimulus material” is needed; cards, texts, pictures that are offered to the child.

6. There are so-called subjective and objective methods, which often provide more complete data on the mental state of the child.

7. There is no need to try to work with the child through force, without his voluntary desire - you will get the wrong results. Do not tell your child that you are testing him. It is better to include the survey in any joint activity.

The main task when examining a child is to determine what needs to be investigated first, and then select the appropriate methods.

An integrated approach is also dictated by the real needs of pedagogical practice, which does not deal with a separate cognitive process or personal

a feature of a person, but with a living child placed in real conditions

family, school or kindergarten. It is in combination individual attitude to a child with an integrated approach to him is the meaning of both diagnostic and corrective work, the success of which largely depends on the correct diagnosis. The examination of the child begins with an analysis of his appearance and reaction to the examination situation. In this case, one should pay attention to how much the child is open to contact, whether he is active, or he is disinhibited. It should also be noted the manifestation of lethargy, tension, manifested by the child.

All these facts can be associated both with the psychodynamic (innate) characteristics of the child, and with such qualities of his personality as anxiety or demonstrativeness.

When examining, it is important to alternate methods so that the study of memory and speech follows the analysis of thinking, and the study of perception follows the study of creativity. It is recommended to start the diagnosis with drawing, giving the child time to enter the examination situation.

You can check the level of speech of children both orally and in writing. As a result of learning, the child must correctly master speech - speaking, correctly perceive and interpret it.

Studies of domestic and foreign psychologists (N. Chomsky, J. Piaget, D. Slobin, J. Bruner, K. Kazden, A.N. Gvozdev, A.A. relations underlying grammatical categories (subject-action-object; singularity-plurality, etc.), in the form of practical actions, in the process of subject-manipulative activity. Elementary operations with toys teach him to distinguish schemes of grammatical relations: one object - different actions, one action - different objects.

Subject practice and the cognitive that is formed in the course of it, cognitive development(sensorimotor intelligence, understanding of real relationships), as well as the emergence of a symbolic (substitute) function in a primitive game, act for the baby as a prerequisite for linguistic, grammatical development. In this case, the semantics (meaning) of the statement and its use (pragmatics) determine the grammatical structure. The thoughts, feelings, will of the child are expressed initially in communication with the help of non-verbal, non-verbal means of facial expressions, gestures, postures, eye contact, object-related actions (EI Isenina, MI Lisina).

According to D. Slobin, the order of mastering grammatical means by a child is determined by their semantics (comprehensibility) and structural "transparency". First of all, regular little-valued grammatical means are acquired. (13, 112) (These data were obtained when analyzing the speech development of children in forty languages ​​and are consistent with the results of A.N. Gvozdev's research on the Russian language). Initially, morphological forms are assimilated as an integral "gestalt" (A. N. Leont'ev), are borrowed from the speech of adults in the way they are heard. But in the future, the learned is subjected to analysis through experimentation, "manipulation", in the process of language games; the properties and limits of the use of the form are clarified. It turns out that a child cannot learn grammatical "correctness" without going through this stage of "incorrectness". The mechanism of such experimentation is linguistic communication and generalization (transfer) of generalization to new situations. This mechanism was first investigated in Russian psychology F.A.Sokhin, later T.N.Ushakova, A.M.Shakhnarovich, N.I. Lepskoy, S.M. Zeitlin. Consequently, "linguistic experiments" (R.O. Yakobson) are a natural phenomenon.

"The timely formation of the grammatical structure of the child's language is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development."

The idea of ​​self-development in the methodology of speech development belongs to E.I. Tikheeva. "The child learns the grammatical structure of the language on the basis of cognitive development in close connection with the development of objective actions." This study implements a communicative approach to the problem of the formation of the grammatical structure of the child's language, which is based on a complex impact on all aspects of the child's language in the process of developing his sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the means and methods of constructing a coherent statement in a variety of play situations.

The developed methodology implements the position of Vygotsky. He believed that in working with older preschoolers, an adult increasingly directs the child's activity in the direction he has planned, subordinating it to didactic tasks. But the success will depend on how much the adult manages to establish co-creation with the child, to interest him, to involve him in speech and verbal creativity. "Formation of a child's grammatical language is a spontaneous process." (16.76)

The sixth and seventh years of life are already the stage of mastering the methods of structuring a detailed coherent statement, active mastering of complex syntax with an arbitrary construction of a monologue, methods of comprehending a sentence, word, sound, the stage of forming correct speech - grammatical, phonemic, figurative. Successful mastering and interconnection of these aspects of speech is an important condition for the formation of coherent speech.

By the older preschool age, significant individual differences appear in the level of speech of children. The speech of children of the same age can differ significantly in the richness of vocabulary, in the level of coherence and

grammatical correctness, according to the ability of children to be creative. V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva identified and deduced the main directions in the development of speech in older preschool children:

Development of speech creativity, expressiveness of speech;

Development of individual abilities for speech activity;

Preparing for reading, reading.

Speech is not an innate ability of a person, it is formed gradually. For the normal formation of speech, it is necessary that the cerebral cortex reaches a certain maturity and the child's senses - hearing, sight, smell, touch - are also sufficiently developed. The development of speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers is especially important for the formation of speech. All of this is highly dependent on the environment.

Conclusions for chapter 1.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion what speech is.

Speech Is a historically established formula for people to communicate through language.

Speech is in close connection with thinking and serves as an integral part of labor, everyday life, cognitive and other types of human activity.

By speech, they judge the degree of language proficiency, as well as the intellectual development of a person.

Language and speech are interconnected, but not identical, the language system is realized in the process of its functioning, i.e. in speech.

As a means of language use, speech performs communicative, emotive, voluntary, planning, cognitive and other functions.

Speech is divided into internal and external, oral and written, dialogical and monologic; each type of speech has its own characteristics.

Human speech development goes through several stages, at each of which there is an enrichment of the language and the improvement of speech skills.

The development of speech is carried out on different stages classes using a variety of tasks, exercises.

In preschool childhood, the process of mastering speech does not end.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the problem.

2.1. Tasks, criteria and levels of speech development.

The objectives of this section are:

· To determine the criteria for the formation of speech development;

· Select and describe methods for determining the level of speech development in older preschoolers.

The preschool education program provides for the development of all aspects of the child's speech, therefore the general goal is: the formation of the correct oral speech of children on the basis of their mastery of the literary language of their people; education of love and respect for the native word.

When diagnosing a speech examination of older preschool children, T.S. Komarova and O.A. Solomennikova identify the following specific tasks:

· Teach the correct pronunciation and correct understanding of the speech addressed to the child.

· Increase children's vocabulary 3000 - 3500 words from the main vocabulary of the native language.

· To teach children to use vocabulary widely, to quickly find the right word that most accurately expresses the child's thought.

· Form the habit of speaking grammatically correctly.

· Teach children to pronounce correctly the sounds of their native language, to distinguish and correctly use similar sounds.

· To form the ability to understand and retell complex fairy tales and stories.

· Facilitate the transition of the child's situational speech into a coherent one, and then into an explanatory one.

· To form in children the ability to speak slowly, loudly, without tension, expressively.

Improve verbal and non-verbal means communication and the ability to relate them.

· Use the potential of preschoolers in improving oral speech.

· To acquaint with the most common oral speech genres.

Promote the development of speech creation and speech independence of the child.

Consider the concept of criterion:

Criterion (from the Greek. Kriterion) - a measure for evaluating something - a means of testing a statement, hypothesis, theoretical construction - such a definition of the concept “we find a criterion in the philosophical dictionary.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, criteria are understood as, ... a sign on the basis of which an assessment, definition or classification of something is made; measure of assessment ”What do we mean by a feature? The sign in the explanatory dictionary of SI Ozhegov is considered “... an indicator, a sign, signs by which one can recognize, define something. The indicator is “… that which can be judged about the development and course of something.

Since we need to determine the indicators of the level of speech development, we have chosen the norms of the following criteria:

Consistency of speech , her mental basis. The term thought has two meanings thought as a process, or thinking; thought in its meaningful

measurement, thought test, thought content, weighty and meaningful.

Logic as a science with the correct structure of thought presents several own requirements:

1 to express a thought, i.e. structure thought at the mental stages of a speech act;

2 speech should have some values;

3 present your thought in such a way that it is clear to the listener.

The basic laws of logic must be observed:

1. The law of identity.

2. The law of sufficient reason

3. The law of contradiction.

4.the law of the excluded third.

With all this, it must be remembered that evidence may be inappropriate in a casual friendly conversation.

Construction, composition of the statement. The statement always precedes the plan. If not written, then oral or mental: it guides the sequence of the content of speech, and also provides anticipation in its construction, in part - its result.

A well-thought-out composition of an utterance is an undeniable sign of a culture of speech and even skill. It can be expressed in discourses.

Discourse is speech in the stream of life, in an eventful, situational aspect. Discourse theory provides for the conditions of speech perception - factors that distract the listener's attention.

Possession of the mechanisms of speech. Fluency in the pronunciation organs is also a culture of speech.

Free speech, perfect articulation of sounds, mastery of speech movement and voice, free construction of syntactic structures -

the result of developed synthesis, the speed of speech reactions, i.e. quick response to the interlocutor's remark in the dialogue. This also includes the length of breathing, facial expressions, gestures, postures, wit.

Correctness of speech , compliance with the norms of the literary language.

Language norm Is a set of stable

traditional implementations of the language system, selected and fixed in the process of speech.

Expressiveness - this is imagery, the use of means comprehended: rhythm, paths, winged words;

14 is the transition from skill to mastery, it is the self-expression of the individual, the solution beyond the task.

The expressiveness of speech can be shown by facial expressions, gestures.

It is not enough for an educator to know the theory according to the methodology of speech development; it is also necessary to know the conditions for organizing one or another activity.

We have identified conditions that contribute to the more effective development of speech, the most important of which is need to speak , increase speech motivation , desire to express your thoughts, feelings.

Based on the criteria and conditions, we selected special tasks that help to identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, such as:

"Pick up the pictures", "Put them in order", "Let's get to know each other", "We compose a fairy tale", "Find out which fairy tale, which hero."

To generalize the level of speech development, we identified the following parameters:

High level

Average level

Low level

Each level has its own criteria.

In the course of the work carried out, we have developed the levels of speech development

older children based on program requirements.


Uses different parts of speech exactly according to the meaning. Uses synonyms, antonyms, nouns with a generalizing meaning in speech. Fluent in dialogical and monologic speech. It independently, expressively, without repetitions conveys the content of literary texts. Composes stories about a subject, a painting, a series of plot pictures, small stories from personal experience, stories of a creative nature and small fairy tales.

Average (age norm)

He rarely uses synonyms in speech. Antonyms and generalizing words. He is fluent in dialogical speech, but uses monologue speech inactively. Composes stories with a little help from an adult about a subject, a picture, a series of plot pictures. Speech-making is poorly developed. In communication, he does not always show initiative. Expressiveness of speech is insufficient.


The active vocabulary is poor. He tries to use different parts of speech, but makes mistakes and does not realize it himself. Has difficulty composing stories, needs help from an adult. Rarely uses synonyms, antonyms and generalizing words in speech. Does not show speech activity in communication. He finds it difficult to independently compose stories about an object, a picture; he does not perceive a series of plot pictures as a single story. Errors in word formation. Poorly fluent in dialogical and monologic speech.

2.2 Results of experimental work.

The objectives of this section are to describe the experimental work and its results. The work was carried out in three stages.

Speech comprehension survey

This is one of the essential stages in the study of the impressive side of speech. A full understanding of words can only be if there is a sufficiently developed phonemic perception in the child and a strong connection between a stable sound complex and an object, action and quality.

8 pictures were laid out in front of the children; at the request of an adult, the child had to show 2-3 objects in sequence. A.R. Luria recommends using multiple repetitions of words or a group of words: for example: show a glass, a book, a pencil, a glass, a book. (19, 90)

To identify the understanding of the action, the children were presented with pairs of pictures. For example: one picture shows a child reading a book, the other shows a book.

The adult names the word "reads" - the child must show the corresponding picture.

The following types of tasks, involving the choice of words of various lexical types: synonyms, antonyms, polysemous words.

Appendix No. 1

Speech Comprehension Survey Results

Based on the data obtained, we can draw the following conclusion: 26% of the children of the older group coped poorly with the tasks, we note that they have insufficient perception of the nominative side of the word, speech underdevelopment. A common mistake was the substitution of an antonym by a word associated with the one presented.

Sentence Comprehension Survey

To understand sentences of varying complexity requires awareness of various grammatical relations and the ability to keep a series of words in speech - auditory memory (A.R. Luria).

One of the most common methods of examining speech understanding is the implementation of verbal instructions of varying complexity presented by ear.

The child is asked to perform a series of actions, first single, and then a series of them: for example, "open the door", "clap your hands", "show how to comb your hair"

Correct the sentences: (Appendix No. 2)

Sentence Comprehension Survey Results

Analyzing the performance of such tasks, it was noted that 35% of children in the older group perfectly perceive the entire volume of information received, quickly and correctly cope with all tasks, and have reading skills.

39% of children showed compliance with the age norm. Unfortunately, 26% of children had various difficulties in performing certain tasks, made mistakes, tried to just guess, or performed only simple tasks.

In those cases when, in the process of preliminary examination, it is revealed that the child, to one degree or another, is fluent in the lexical means of the language, it becomes necessary to determine the level of their formation and compliance with age norms.

Use a set of techniques for a special examination.

· Naming of objects, actions, qualities according to specially selected pictures.

With the help of this technique, we reveal the child's knowledge of a specific vocabulary.

(pedagogical bank)

· Complete the row with the corresponding picture

· Name all the listed items in one word

· Make a sentence using pictures

Processing of examination results

Each type of technique offered to the child is recorded in the protocol.

Protocol diagram.

Protocols (see Appendix No. 3)

By comparing the results obtained in the process of using different techniques, we were able to obtain data from a survey of the vocabulary of each child. In the quantitative analysis of the survey results, attention was paid primarily to the words that the child called correctly. In this case, the ratio was derived the total presented words and correct answers. So, having processed all the protocols, we came to the following conclusion:

· A ratio of close 3/3 has 61% of children - age norm

· A ratio of close 3/2 has 17% of children - just below the age norm

22% of children have a ratio close to 3/1 - these children did not master the vocabulary to the degree corresponding to their age

Using the following scheme, we were able to analyze all the words named by the child, which are considered from the point of view of which basic lexical and grammatical categories are used in the child's active speech.

(see Appendix # 4)

Results of diagnostics of the volume of the active dictionary

Summarizing the research results, based on the analysis of correctly named words, an idea is created about the volume of the child's active vocabulary. For a more complete qualitative description of the vocabulary of the language of children, it is important to analyze the erroneous answers recorded both when presented with pictures of specific objects, and when performing tests. It is very important, in my opinion, to analyze why the name of one subject is used by them to explain another.

This problem has been widely studied by such researchers: as (R.E. Levina, 1961.1968; N.A.Nikashina, 1968; L.F.Spirova, 1959.1962) based on:

Sound proximity of words (bush - bunch of grapes)

Identification of a visual situation - replacing the name of an object with an outwardly similar (sundress - dress), similar purpose (plate - fork)

Situational connection of objects with each other (flower bed - flowers; stamp - envelope)

· Designation instead of the subject of the entire situation. (shower - water is pouring from the tap)

Expansion of semantic content (a turtle is walking - walking on the sand)

Narrowing of semantic content (sews up a seamstress - sews up a dress)

Examination of coherent speech

In order to reveal the child's level of comprehension of the content of a particular situation, I invite the child to look at and explain a series of plot pictures and pictures - nonsense.

Methodology :

· Episode 1 "Tell me what's going on here"

· Episode 2 "Tell me what's funny here"

Evaluation of results :

Episode 1

3 points - makes coherent stories with elements of fantasy.

2 points - makes coherent stories, often uses simple sentences.

1 point - finds it difficult to compose a coherent story, names individual subjects

or the phenomena depicted in the picture.

Episode 2

3 points - when analyzing fables, the child develops an adequate emotional

reaction, he determines what is funny in the picture, explains why it is

the image can be called a fable.

2 points - when analyzing absurdities, a child develops a weak emotional reaction

(slight smile) he calls the picture absurd, but he cannot explain

why it can be called that.

1 point - when analyzing absurdities, a child develops an inadequate emotional

reaction (tense, constrained), although he shows a funny picture, but does not name

and does not explain why it makes you laugh.

The results of the examination of coherent speech

Studying a child's speech

Considering any pictures - illustrations for fairy tales, I invite the child to come up with a new fairy tale, using different characters from different fairy tales, or tell a fairy tale known to him, introducing any new character.

Evaluation of results:

3 points - invented and told a new fairy tale consistently, expressively and


2 points - invented and told a new fairy tale, but in speech he uses simple


1 point - he finds it difficult to tell himself, answers only questions.

Results of a survey of children's speech production

Analysis of examination results

As a result of a diagnostic examination of the speech of older preschool children, three subgroups of children were identified.

1 subgroup - children with a high level of speech development - 38%

2 subgroup - children whose speech is in accordance with the age

the norm - 32%

3 subgroup - children with a low level of speech development - 30%

In this subgroup of children, we distinguish general underdevelopment speech, in which they somehow violated the normative assimilation of all the main components of the language system.

Conclusions on chapter 2

Studying the development of speech and its essence, we determined:

· Criteria for the formation of speech development.

· Selected and described methods for determining the level of speech of older preschoolers (high, medium and low levels).

After analyzing the results obtained according to the methods we have chosen, we can conclude that the problem posed by us is correct, in kindergarten the child develops speech in various activities using a wide variety of techniques: in mathematics classes - by solving logical problems, in speech development classes - with the help vocabulary work, speech warm-up, reading and retelling of text, describing pictures, objects, composing fairy tales, etc., but the development process of each child is individual and requires an appropriate individual approach. Different pace of activity, hereditary traits and characteristics of the type nervous activity, character traits and much more imposes certain difficulties in mastering speech skills to the full. It is necessary to systematically and comprehensively develop the speech sphere of each child, and for those children who fall into group 3 (low level), introduce correctional and developmental exercises. For groups 1 and 2 of children whose speech development corresponds to the age norm, it is necessary to intensify work using various techniques: games - dramatization, staging, creative and plot-based role-playing games, dialogue. Through dialogue, children learn to be equal, free, uninhibited. Dialogue with peers is an exciting new area of ​​self-development education.


The development of speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language. Sometimes people, communicating with each other, incorrectly, indistinctly express their thoughts. And children do not know the correct speech, therefore it is necessary to improve it at each lesson. But the speech of preschoolers should be both internal and external, so the teacher should use various exercises, for example, composing stories, retelling, detailed answers to questions, notes on observations, memorizing, creative tasks etc.

Speech development is not delayed if the child receives new, vivid impressions and an environment is created in which he has a desire to speak and enter into verbal communication. One of the main criteria for the development of a child is the development of speech. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing reality, the more actively his mental development takes place.

Having studied the literature, observing the independent play activity of children, theatricalization, I came to the conclusion that it is the theatrical activity that is the necessary bridge to the formation of the correct correct speech of the child.

The child's speech is formed in communication with the adults and peers around him. Mastering speech allows the child to perceive phenomena more consciously and voluntarily. The great Russian teacher KD Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge.

Therefore, it is important to take care of the timely development of children's speech, pay attention to its purity and correctness.


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4. Belobrykina O. A. Speech and communication - I: Development Academy 1998.

5. Borodich A.M. Speech development technique

6. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speaking. - M: Education, - 1934. - p. 279.

7.Venger A.A. Psychology M. 1996

8. Grebenchenko L.V. Types of tasks for the formation of coherent speech //

Primary School. - 2001 - No. 9 - p.100.

9. Geishin M.G. Education of correct speech in preschoolers M. 1998.

10. Golovin B.N. How to speak correctly B; 1997

11.Gvozdev A.N. Questions of the study of children's speech. C-P; 1998

12. Gorbushina L.A. Expressive Reading for Preschool Children

13. Dal V. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. // volume 4. - M:

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14.Efimenko L.I. Correction of oral and written speech B; 1996

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1987 - p. 440, p. 134-153.

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20. Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of the theory of speech. M: Academy - 2000

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28. OV Uzorova Practical guide on the development of speech. M: "Aquarium", -

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Magnitogorsk State University

Faculty of Preschool Education

Department of Education Management

Features of speech development in older preschoolers

Coursework in Psychology

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… p.3

Chapter 1 Theoretical Foundations of the Problem

1.1. Characteristics of speech as a mental process …………………… ..s.6

1.2. Features of speech development in older children

preschool age ………………………………………………… ..p.17

1.3. Examination of the speech of older preschool children ............ p. 24

Conclusions on Chapter 1 …………………………………………………………… p.30

Chapter 2 Experimental Study of the Problem

2.1. The task, criteria and levels of speech development ……………………………… p.31

2.2 Results of experimental work ………………………………… p.36

Conclusions on Chapter 2 …………………………………………………………… p. 46

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… .p.47

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………… p. 48


Reception designation

Child's answers


Full name __________________________________________________________________

Date ____________________ age ______________________ group ____________

Reception designation

List of submitted material

Child's answers


Full name __________________________________________________________________

Full name __________________________________________________________________

Date ____________________ age ________________ group __________________

preschooler pedagogical speech consciousness

The most important condition for full-fledged mental development is the timely correct mastery of speech by the child.

In a preschool institution, the development of children's speech is carried out by teachers in various types of activities: in direct educational activities, as well as exercises are carried out, the purpose of which is to develop the sound side of speech and enrich the vocabulary of children; games and exercises are held to develop the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.

Educators use the opportunity to correctly and clearly name the object, parts of the object, to characterize its signs, qualities in different types of activity (on a walk, in a group, during various regime processes, in the game). At the same time, educators clearly form the task, accurately pose questions. This allows you to maintain the relationship of understanding and use of words, which in turn improves the ability of children to accurately and fully express a thought, and increases the efficiency of verbal communication.

In order to maximally activate the speech of children, teachers conduct games, the purpose of which is to involve children in a conversation on a specific topic and allow them to express their views on a number of questions that an adult poses. In games, children take on some roles, but do not play them, but pronounce them. Teachers achieve the implementation of such qualities of speech as accuracy, correctness, coherence, expressiveness. Pay special attention to the development of speech understanding in children, exercising in the implementation of verbal instructions. Children show great interest in how they say: “... a child is not alien to curiosity in relation to the physiology of pronunciation. He asks himself what organs are involved in pronunciation, and is even ready to experiment in this direction ”(AN Gvozdev).

Teachers are active participants and organizers of speech communication between older children. They invite the child to tell other children about their news, draw the attention of children to the questions and statements of other children, encouraging them to respond to them and speak out.

In a conversation with a child, educators pay attention to the content and form of the message, delicately correct grammatical errors. In their free time, teachers are individually engaged with the child, developing the side of speech development that causes difficulties for the child. Educators provide children with the opportunity to tell about what they saw during a walk, on the way to kindergarten, using questions of motivation, observation, actively respond to the manifestation of word creation, the child's play with the word, because this allows you to develop figurative speech.

Teachers try to give children samples of correct literary speech, try to make speech clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct, expressive, laconic. Include a variety of patterns in speech speech etiquette... “Speak with children slowly, in an accessible, understandable language, avoiding difficult, incomprehensible expressions, but in an impeccably correct and literary language, by no means imitating a sweet, but always incorrect manner of children's speech” (EI Tikheeva).

Using, with the help of adults, proverbs and sayings in their speech, children of senior preschool age learn to clearly, concisely, expressively express their thoughts and feelings, intonationally coloring their speech, they develop the ability to creatively use a word, the ability to figuratively describe an object, and give it a vivid characteristic.

Guessing and thinking up riddles also affects the versatile development of the speech of an older preschooler. The use of various means of expressiveness to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (the technique of personification, the use of the ambiguity of a word, definitions, epithets, comparisons, a special rhythmic organization) contribute to the formation of the imagery of speech of the older preschooler.

Riddles enrich the children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help to see the secondary meanings of words, and form ideas about the figurative meaning of a word. They help to master the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing, to focus on the linguistic form and analyze it, which is confirmed in the studies of F.A. Sokhina.

The riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, inferences, the ability to clearly highlight the most characteristic, expressive signs of an object or phenomenon, the ability to brightly and concisely convey images of objects, develops a poetic view of reality in children.

Using riddles in working with children helps to develop their skills of speech - proof and speech - description. To be able to prove is not only to be able to think correctly, logically, but also to correctly express your thought, putting it into an exact verbal form. Speech - proof requires special, different from description and narration speech turns, grammatical structures, special composition. Usually preschoolers do not use this in their speech, but it is necessary to create conditions for their understanding and mastering.

In order for preschoolers to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is recommended to draw their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle, to learn to notice the beauty and originality artistic image, understand what speech means it is created to develop a taste for a precise and figurative word.

So, through the riddle, preschoolers develop sensitivity to language, they learn to use various means, select the right words and gradually master the figurative system of the language.

Lullabies also develop the speech of an older preschooler, enrich their speech due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to the experience of people and attract with their appearance. The grammatical variety of lullabies contributes to the development of the grammatical structure of speech, forms phonetic perception. Lullabies allow you to memorize words and forms of words, phrases, to master the lexical side of speech.

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, pestushki are also excellent speech material that can be used in speech development classes. With their help, you can develop phonemic hearing.

In a preschool institution, the development of diction is also an urgent task of speech development in senior preschool age. It is known that in children, the organs of the speech - the motor apparatus are not yet sufficiently coordinated and clearly work. Excessive haste, vague pronunciation of words, “swallowing endings” are inherent in some children. Another extreme is observed: an unnecessarily slow, stretched manner of pronouncing words. Special exercises help children overcome such difficulties, improving their diction.

For diction exercises, proverbs, sayings, songs, riddles, tongue twisters are indispensable material. Small forms of folklore are laconic and clear in form, deep and rhythmic. With their help, children in preschool institutions learn clear and sonorous pronunciation, go through a school of artistic phonetics. According to the apt definition of K.D. Ushinsky, proverbs and sayings help "break the child's language into the Russian way."

The purpose of diction exercises is diverse. They can be used to develop the flexibility and mobility of the child's speech apparatus, to form the correct pronunciation of speech sounds, to master the pronunciation of difficult-to-combine sounds and words, to master the child's intonational riches and different tempo of speech. All this can be found in folk pedagogy. For example, with the help of small forms of folklore, children learn to express one or another intonation: grief, tenderness and affection, surprise, warning.

It is important that when performing diction exercises, reality is behind each spoken word. Only in this case the child's speech will sound natural and expressive.

Nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings are the richest material for the development of the sound culture of speech. By developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme, we prepare the child for the further perception of poetic speech and form the intonational expressiveness of his speech.

According to A.P. Usova "verbal Russian folk art contains poetic values." Its influence on the development of children's speech is undeniable. With the help of small forms of folklore, it is possible to solve almost all the problems of the speech development methodology and, along with the main methods and techniques of speech development for older preschoolers, this richest material of the verbal creativity of the people can and should be used. Therefore, preschool institutions in the system of work on the development of the speech of the older preschooler pay special attention to the forms of small folklore.

Work theme:

The development of speech in older preschool children in an organized pedagogical process





The relevance of research:

A child's speech is influenced by the speech of adults and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on education and training, which begins from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis - the individual development of the organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life.) In parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his general development. A child's assimilation of his native language takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends.

Russian pedagogy has long-standing traditions of upbringing and teaching in the native language. The ideas about the need to teach the native language in the first years of life are contained in the works of many famous teachers, writers, philosophers.

The works of Efim Aronovich Arkin (1873 - 1948) were widely known. He considered the verbal communication of children with adults as a source of knowledge of the world around a small child. In the monograph "Child from one to four years" (1931), as well as in a number of articles, Arkin traces changes in the vocabulary and grammatical forms of children's speech; based on the works of I.P. Pavlova, V.M. Ankylosing spondylitis, explains the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech, the nature of the first vocal reactions, shows the relationship between the development of speech and intelligence, rhythmic fluctuations in the development of speech.

The activities of Elizaveta Ivanovna Tikheeva (1867 - 1944), a well-known public figure in the field of preschool education, had a great influence on the content and methods of work on the development of speech.

She identified the main tasks (sections) of work on the development of the speech of children in kindergarten:

    development of the speech apparatus in children, its flexibility, clarity, development of speech hearing;

    accumulation of speech content;

    work on the form of speech, its structure.

E.I. Tikheeva showed the ways of solving these problems. A harmonious system of work on the word is presented in her writings.

Preschool age is one of the main stages in the development of speech.

At preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio broadcasts, etc. Therefore, preschool pedagogy considers vocabulary development in children as one of important tasks development of speech.

One of the principles of enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers is the connection between the content of vocabulary work and the gradually developing possibilities of the child's cognition of the world around him. Thus, the content of vocabulary work becomes more complicated from one age group to another.

In order for the development and enrichment of the children's vocabulary to proceed successfully, they use a variety of methods and techniques of work. So, adults, reading small stories and fairy tales to a child, provide him with new information.

As a result, speech reflects not only what the child already knows from his own experience, but also reveals what he does not yet know, introduces him into a wide range of facts and events that are new to him. He himself begins to tell, sometimes fantasizing and very often distracted from the real situation.

Object of study: speech of older preschool children.

Subject of study: organization of work on the development of speech in older preschool children in the pedagogical process.

Purpose of the study: consider the features of the study and development of speech in older preschool children in the pedagogical process.

Research objectives:

    Describe the features of speech. To characterize the speech development of older preschool children.

    To reveal the tasks of speech development in the senior group of the kindergarten.

    Describe the conditions for the development of speech in older preschool children.

    Conduct a study of the level of vocabulary development in older preschool children.

    Draw conclusions.

1. Research of the problem of speech development of a senior preschool child

1.1 Speech. Characteristics of speech development in older preschool children

The work of such researchers as M.S. Soloveichik, A.A. Leontiev, M.R. Lvov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, Zhinkin N.I., S.L. Rubinstein and others.

S.L. Rubinstein says that speech is the activity of communication - expression, impact, communication - through language, speech is language in action. Speech, both one with language and different from it, is the unity of a certain activity - communication - and a certain content, which denotes and, denoting, reflects being. More precisely, speech is a form of existence of consciousness (thoughts, feelings, experiences) for another, serving as a means of communication with him, and a form of generalized reflection of reality, or a form of the existence of thinking.

On the basis of communicative relations between people, the cognitive function turns into a specific designating function.

Speech as a means of expression is included in the totality of expressive movements - along with gesture, facial expressions, etc.

Two main functions of speech - communicative and significative, thanks to which speech is a means of communication and a form of existence of thought, consciousness, are formed one through the other and function one in the other. The social character of speech as a means of communication and its designating character are inextricably linked. In speech, in unity and internal interpenetration, the social nature of man and his inherent consciousness are presented.

There are different types of speech: gesture speech and speech speech, written and oral speech, external speech and internal speech.

Modern speech is predominantly sound speech, but gesture plays a certain role in predominantly sound speech of a modern person. In the form, for example, pointing gesture he often supplements with a reference to a situation that which is not stated or is not unambiguously defined in the context of sound speech; in the form of an expressive gesture, he can give a special expression to a word or even add a new shade to the semantic content of sound speech.

Thus, in sound speech there is a certain interconnection and complementarity of sound and gesture, the semantic context of sound speech and a more or less visual and expressive situation into which the gesture introduces us; the word and the situation in it usually complement each other, forming, as it were, a single whole.

However, at present, the language of gestures (facial expressions and pantomime) is only, as it were, an accompaniment to the main text of sound speech: a gesture in our speech has only an auxiliary, secondary meaning.

The development of thinking in humans is significantly associated with the development of articulate sound speech. Since the relationship of the word and the signified in sound speech is more abstract than the relationship of a gesture to what it depicts or to what it indicates, sound speech presupposes a higher development of thinking; on the other hand, more generalized and abstract thinking, in turn, needs sound speech for its expression. Thus, they are interconnected and in the process of historical development were interdependent.

Oral speech (as spoken language, speech-conversation in conditions of direct contact with the interlocutor) and written speech are also significantly different from each other.

Written and spoken speech is usually performed different functions... Oral speech for the most part functions as spoken speech in a conversation situation, written speech as business, scientific, more impersonal speech, intended not for the directly present interlocutor. At the same time, written speech is aimed primarily at conveying more abstract content, while oral, colloquial speech for the most part is born from direct experience. Hence, there are a number of differences in the structure of written and oral speech and in the means that each of them uses.

Neither spoken nor written speech is a homogeneous whole.

There are different types of both oral and written speech. Oral speech can be, on the one hand, colloquial speech, speech-conversation, on the other - speech, public speaking, report, lecture. There are also different types of written speech: the letter will be in nature, in style, differ significantly from the speech of a scientific treatise; epistolary style is a special style; it is much closer to the style and general character of oral speech. On the other hand, speech, public speaking, lecture, report by their nature in some respects are much closer to written speech.

Significantly different from each other, and moreover also in their relation to thinking, are external, loud oral speech and internal speech, which we mainly use when, thinking to ourselves, we cast our thoughts into verbal formulations.

Internal speech differs from external not only in the external sign that it is not accompanied by loud sounds, that it is "speech minus sound." Internal speech is different from external and in its function. Performing a function different from that of external speech, it also differs from it in some respects in its structure; proceeding under different conditions, it as a whole undergoes some transformation.

Inner speech is also social in its content. The statement that inner speech is speech with oneself is not entirely accurate. And inner speech is mostly addressed to the interlocutor. Sometimes it is a specific, individual interlocutor. “I catch myself on the fact, - I read in one letter, - that I have been conducting an endless internal conversation with you for hours on end”; inner speech can be inner conversation.

S.L. Rubinstein says that it would be wrong to fully intellectualize inner speech. Internal speech-conversation (with an imaginary interlocutor) is often emotionally saturated. But there is no doubt that thinking is especially closely connected with inner speech. Therefore, thinking and inner speech were repeatedly identified. It is precisely in connection with inner speech, because of this, the question of the relationship between speech and thinking in its general, principled form arises with particular urgency.

Preschool stage

This period is characterized by the most intensive speech development of children. Quite often there is a qualitative leap in the expansion of vocabulary. The child begins to actively use all parts of speech, word formation skills are gradually formed.

The process of language acquisition is so dynamic that after three years, children with good level speech development freely communicate not only with the help of grammatically correct simple sentences, but also of many types complex sentences, using conjunctions and union words (so that, because, if, that ... which, etc.):

- I will paint Tamusya with brilliant green, because she gets sick all the time.

- Near the ears, my hairs will be long, since these are my enticements.

- We will all turn into icicles if an angry and angry wind blows.

At this time, the active vocabulary of children reaches 3-4 words, a more differentiated use of words is formed in accordance with their meanings, the processes of inflection are improved.

At the age of five to six years, the statements of children are quite lengthy, a certain logic of presentation is caught. Often, elements of fantasy appear in their stories, a desire to come up with episodes that did not exist in reality.

In the preschool period, there is a fairly active formation of the phonetic side of speech, the ability to reproduce with a layer of different syllable structure and sound filling. If any of the children have mistakes, they relate to the most difficult, little used and most often unfamiliar words.

At the same time, it is enough to correct the child, give a sample answer and "teach" him to pronounce this word correctly, and he will quickly introduce this new word into independent speech.

Developing listening skills help you control your own pronunciation and hear mistakes in the speech of others. During this period, a linguistic flair is formed, which ensures the confident use of all grammatical categories in independent statements. If at this age the child admits persistent agrammatism (I play batik - I play with my brother; my mother was in a store - we were in the store with my mother; the ball fell and toy - the ball fell off the table, etc.), reduction and rearrangement of syllables and sounds, assimilation syllables, their substitutions and omission - this is an important and convincing symptom, indicating a pronounced underdevelopment of speech function. Such children need systematic speech therapy classes before they enter school.

Thus, by the end of the preschool period, children should master a detailed phrasal speech, phonetically, lexically and grammatically correct.

State of the art phonemic hearing allows them to master skills sound analysis and synthesis, which is a prerequisite for mastering literacy during the school period. As noted by A.N. Gvozdev, by the age of seven, the child masters speech as a full-fledged means of communication (provided that the speech apparatus is preserved, if there are no deviations in mental and intellectual development, if the child is brought up in a normal speech and social environment).

Consider what are features of speech development in older preschoolers.

A.G. Arushanova says that a vivid characteristic of the speech of an older preschooler is his active mastery of the construction of different types of texts. The child masters the form of a monologue. Speech becomes contextual, independent of the visually presented communication situation. The improvement of the grammatical structure occurs in connection with the development of coherent speech.

In the sixth year, the mastery of the language system is basically completed, but many individual traditional forms are still not mastered. The word-creation process is still actively proceeding, the number of innovations is even growing in comparison with the previous age group - there are grammatical brute-force, "groping" the shape: eyebrow, eyebrow, eyebrow; numerous cases of incorrect emphasis. Innovations indicate that the child does not reproduce the finished form, but actively independently forms it.

Formation of sentence structure

In the process of mastering coherent speech and storytelling, children begin to actively use formal compositional communication. (For example: Then one time, they ran up ... And under a log, and everyone slipped and fell.) The proportion of simple common sentences, complex and complex, is increasing. Direct speech is widely used. Sentences are connected using words and, here, then, through synonymous substitution, lexical repetition.

In connection with the expansion of the sphere of communication, the content of cognitive activity, in connection with the increasing contextual nature of speech, syntax errors begin to prevail over other errors. They account for up to 70% of the total number of grammatical errors in coherent speech. To improve the structure of utterances, the teaching of coherent speech and storytelling, which can have a playful form, plays an important role.

In the sixth year of life, as before, the assimilation of a number of morphological means (the plural forms of the nominative and genitive cases of nouns, the imperative mood of verbs, the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs) is actively taking place. The child masters new areas of reality, a new vocabulary and, accordingly, the forms of grammatical changes in new words.

A.G. Arushanova says that in the sixth year of life, as before, the assimilation of a number of morphological means (the plural forms of the nominative and genitive cases of nouns, the imperative mood of verbs, the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs) is actively taking place.

The child masters new areas of reality, a new vocabulary and, accordingly, the forms of grammatical changes in new words.

In the sixth year of life, the development of word formation methods is very active. This is manifested in the mastery of a large number of derived words, in the intensity of word creation. Innovations cover the main parts of speech: noun (weasel, swallowtail, stork, baby stork, skvoryatki, skvorchatka, skvorenki), adjective (koshennaya, diligent, angry, offended, lunch, long-eared), verb (gag, rolled, stuck).

At this age, word creation is observed in almost all children. This is the heyday of word creation. It now takes the form of a language game, which is manifested in the child's special emotional attitude to experiments with words.

The fifth year of life is marked by the formation of speech arbitrariness, the formation of phonemic perception, the awareness of the simplest linguistic patterns, which manifests itself, in particular, in the abundance of language games with grammatical content (word creation, "grammatical search").

The sixth and seventh years of life are the stage of mastering the ways of grammatical correct construction detailed coherent statements, active mastering of complex syntax with arbitrary construction of a monologue, the stage of forming grammatically and phonetically correct speech, mastering the methods of isolating sentences, words, sound from speech (awareness). In senior preschool age, a coordinated dialogue with peers is also formed, the development of subjectivity and initiative in dialogue with an adult.

Thus, the following can be distinguished as general patterns of the development of a child's speech in senior preschool age:

The emergence of a word as a component of a situation, adjacent to its other properties. Here one cannot yet speak of the formation of a semiotic function;

Separation of a word from a situation, the beginning of its functioning according to the laws inherent in sign-symbolic systems. Objective emergence and development of semiotic function while maintaining orientation to the objective content of the word (symbolic function);

The emergence of reflection on the division of plans, which further extends to all other components of the sign situation that make up the semiotic function.

1.2 Tasks of speech development in the senior group of kindergarten

In the program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by A.M. Vasilyeva speaks about the following tasks of speech development of children in the senior group of kindergarten.

Developing speech environment

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Expand children's ideas about the diversity of the world around them. Offer for viewing items of folk crafts, mini-collections (postcards, stamps, coins, sets of toys made of a certain material), illustrated books (including familiar fairy tales with drawings of various bad things) Kniks), postcards, photographs with the sights of the native land, Moscow, reproductions of paintings (including from the life of pre-revolutionary Russia).

Encourage the child's attempts to share a variety of impressions with the teacher and other children, to clarify the source of the information received (TV broadcast, the story of a loved one, visiting an exhibition, children's play, etc.).

In everyday life, in games, suggest to children forms of expression of politeness (ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment). Teach children to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts through speech: persuade, prove, explain.

Formation of the dictionary

Enrich the speech of children with nouns denoting objects of everyday life; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting the relationship of people, their attitude to work.

Exercise children in the selection of nouns for an adjective (white - snow, sa.har, chalk), words with a similar meaning (mischievous - mischievous - nokaznik), with the opposite meaning (weak - strong, gloomy - sunny).

Help children use words in exact accordance with the meaning.

Sound culture of speech

Reinforce the correct, distinct pronunciation of sounds. To learn to distinguish by ear and clearly pronounce consonant sounds similar in articulation and sound: s-s, s-c, w-w, h - gu, s-w, w-3, l-r.

Continue to develop phonemic hearing. Learn to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Practice intonational expressiveness of speech.

Grammatical structure of speech

Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences: nouns with numerals (nyat pears, three children) and adjectives with nouns (frog-green belly). Help children notice the wrong stress in a word, an error in the alternation of consonants, provide an opportunity to correct it on their own.

To acquaint with different ways of forming words (sugar bowl, bread box; butter dish, salt shaker; educator, teacher, builder).

Exercise in the formation of single-root words (bear-bear-bear cub, bear), including verbs with prefixes (ran - ran out - ran). Help children use plural nouns correctly in the nominative and accusative cases; imperative verbs; comparative adjectives and adverbs; non-declining nouns.

Learn how to model simple and complex sentences. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Coherent speech

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Improve the dialogical form of speech. Encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend's answer.

Develop a monologue form of speech.

To teach coherently, consistently and expressively retelling small fairy tales, stories.

To teach (according to the plan and model) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, to compose a story based on pictures with a consistently developing action. Develop the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, come up with your own endings to fairy tales.

To form the ability to compose short stories of a tior nature on a topic proposed by the teacher.

By the end of the year, children should be able to

Participate in the conversation.

Arguably and benevolently evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer.

To compose stories based on a plot picture, according to a set of pictures; to retell small literary works consistently, without significant omissions.

Determine the place of sound in a word.

Select several adjectives for nouns; replace a word with another word with a similar meaning.

1.3 Conditions for the development of speech in older preschool children

Speech is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people for knowledge, self-organization, self-development, for building their personality, their inner world through dialogue with other personalities, other worlds, other cultures.

Dialogue, creativity, cognition, self-development - these are the fundamental components that are involved in the sphere of attention of the teacher when he turns to the problem of speech development of a preschooler. These are the foundations on which modern preschool didactics in general is built and which constitute the foundation of the basic program for the development of a preschool child.

Education of clear speech in preschool children is a big task public interest, and both parents and teachers should be aware of its seriousness.

Communicative competence is considered as a basic characteristic of a preschooler's personality, as the most important prerequisite for well-being in social and intellectual development, in the development of specifically children's activities - collective games, construction, children's artistic creativity, etc.

In order for the process of speech development of children to proceed in a timely manner and correctly, certain conditions are necessary. So, the child must: be mentally and somatically healthy; have normal mental capacity; have normal hearing and vision; have sufficient mental activity; have the need for verbal communication; have a full-fledged speech environment.

The normal (timely and correct) speech development of the child allows him to constantly assimilate new concepts, expand the stock of knowledge and ideas about the environment.

Thus, speech and its development are closely related to the development of thinking.

The methods of psychological development of speech in preschool children are: communication with adults; communication with peers; didactic games and exercises; staging games; observation lessons; nature; material culture; pedagogically grounded didactic setting; excursions; social environment; play and work.

So, we will consider all the psychological methods for the development of speech in older preschool children.

An indispensable condition for the all-round development of a child is his communication with adults. Adults are the keepers of the experience accumulated by humanity, knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience can be transmitted only with the help of language. Language - " essential tool human communication ".

Among the many important tasks of upbringing and teaching preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language, the development of speech, verbal communication is one of the main ones. This common task consists of a number of special, particular tasks: education of the sound culture of speech, enrichment, consolidation and activation of the vocabulary, improvement of the grammatical correctness of speech, the formation of colloquial (dialogical) speech, the development of coherent speech, education of interest in the artistic word, preparation for teaching literacy.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, mastering their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - understanding of speech and active speech - develops gradually.

A child's speech communication with an adult is preceded by emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development - in the first year of life.

The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to an affectionate conversation with him. He seems to be infected by the emotional state of an adult, his smile, laughter, gentle tone of voice. This is precisely emotional communication, not verbal communication, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced and understandable words.

V common system speech work in kindergarten vocabulary enrichment, its consolidation and: activation take a very large place. And this is natural. The word is the basic unit of language, and the improvement of verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child's vocabulary. At the same time, cognitive development, the development of conceptual thinking is impossible without the assimilation of new words that express the concepts assimilated by the child, reinforcing the new knowledge and ideas he receives. Therefore, vocabulary work in kindergarten is closely related to cognitive development.

"The program of education in kindergarten" in the range of tasks of developing speech and teaching the mother tongue in the preparatory group for school includes a new special task, the solution of which ensures the preparation of children for learning to read and write: "In the preparatory group, speech becomes a subject of study for children for the first time. their attitude to oral speech as a linguistic reality; he brings them to the sound analysis of words. " It provides for teaching children to compose sentences of 2-4 words, dividing sentences of such a composition into words, as well as dividing words into syllables and composing them from syllables.

"WITH psychological point vision, - writes OI Solovyova, - the initial period of learning to read and write is the formation of a new attitude to speech. The subject of consciousness becomes speech itself, its external sound side, while earlier children's cognition was directed to objects designated in speech. ”Further OI Solovieva notes that the subject of consciousness, along with the sound side of the word, becomes the verbal composition of speech; children practically get to know with a sentence, a word, a part of a word - a syllable, with a sound.

In the development of children's speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the educator - in kindergarten, parents and loved ones - in the family. From the culture of speech of adults, from how they speak with the child, how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, the success of the preschooler in mastering the language largely depends.

It is necessary that the teacher's speech conforms to the standards of the literary language, literary colloquial speech and in relation to the sound side (pronunciation of sounds and words, diction, tempo, etc.), and in relation to the richness of the vocabulary, accuracy of word use, grammatical correctness, coherence.

Special attention should be paid to the sound side of speech, since its shortcomings are overcome by the speaker himself worse than, for example, the shortcomings of word usage.

In senior preschool age, one of the most important periods of a person's life (and, perhaps, the most important), his first "university", ends. But unlike a student of a real university, the child is engaged in all faculties at once. He comprehends (of course, within the limits accessible to him) the secrets of living nature and inanimate nature, learns the basics of mathematics. He also undergoes an elementary course in oratory, learning to express his thoughts logically and expressively. He also joins the philological sciences, acquiring the ability not only to emotionally perceive a work of fiction, to empathize with its heroes, but also to feel and understand the simplest forms of linguistic means of artistic expression. He also becomes a little linguist, because he acquires the ability not only to correctly pronounce words and build sentences, but also to realize what sounds a word consists of, what words a sentence consists of. All this is necessary for successful learning at school, for the all-round development of the child's personality6.

Classes with older preschoolers also widely use didactic games and exercises, are based on communicative and play motivation, have elements of entertainment, and include plastic exercises (physical exercises). But they clearly apply teaching techniques, especially when mastering the means and methods of constructing a coherent statement.

At the same time, the teacher's communication with children is democratic. Lesson is an effective form of teaching the mother tongue in senior preschool age. The effectiveness of training depends not so much on the form as on the content, methods used and the style of communication between the teacher and the children. Systematic classes teach children to work with linguistic information, foster interest in solving problem speech problems, a linguistic attitude to the word.

In the fifth year of life, special attention is paid to the promotion of word formation, word creation; in the sixth year - an elementary analysis of the structure of the sentence, the formation of grammatical correctness (in inflection); in the seventh year - an elementary awareness of grammatical connections between derived words, speech creativity, arbitrary construction of complex syntactic structures.

Individual and group work with children, as a rule, is organized on the same program content as compulsory collective classes, and has the goal of consolidating what has been learned, taking into account individual characteristics. At the same time, sometimes games and exercises should be carried out on material that will only be included in the collective lesson. In such cases, two goals can be pursued: to prepare individual children for the upcoming work, so that they feel more confident in class, and to gradually lead pupils to new forms of work for them.

In order for preschoolers to gain experience of speech creativity, games should include such material that, being familiar to children, has not yet entered their active vocabulary.

Staging games based on fairy tales and literary works contribute to the improvement of the syntactic side of speech. Older preschoolers willingly play fairy tales "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster," "The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox", "Fly-tsokotukha", "Geese-Swans". They also like children's fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "The Turnip", "Kolobok". Children borrow figurative expressions, apt words, turns of speech from a fairy tale. Guessing and guessing riddles, interpretation of proverbs and sayings, folk games "Geese-swans", "Turnip", "Paints", "Where we were, we will not tell", etc. adjoin this cycle of means.

Enrichment of speech with complex syntactic structures, overcoming formal creative connection contributes to the situation of "written speech" in which the child dictates his composition, and the adult writes it down. Such dictation can be used in the manufacture of children's books, an album of children's creativity, and for correspondence.

The methodology puts forward the so-called observation lessons as the basis for the development of children's speech in connection with the development of the world of their ideas. Their basic principle is as follows: each newly assimilated idea must be directly attached to the corresponding word, enriching its active vocabulary. Word and giving are indivisible: they must never be parted.

Observation lessons, understood in the sense of systematically conducted techniques tending to the development of children's observation and speech, should take place already in the first years of their life, when their speech begins to form. The external world invades the child's inner world mainly through the organs of sight and hearing. It largely depends on the mother, on adults, so that the ideas that this world evokes are formed in that sequence, in that qualitative and quantitative selection that favors the clarity and assimilation of the image,

corresponds to the age, interests and psyche of the child.

The furnishings are material as richest source educational material should, in turn, be used by the teacher from three sides:

1) nature,

2) material culture and

3) pedagogically grounded didactic setting.

Nature is the most natural and powerful environment in its educational influence. It hardens the health and strength of the child, heals, refines the organs of perception, develops conditions for perfect visibility, enriches ideas and knowledge, provides everything necessary for the manifestation of creative collective activity of children in play and work, that is, it develops all conditions for both children and the teacher. that are conducive to the enrichment and development of the language of children.

Raising a child in close proximity to nature is the best way to develop his feelings, strengths and abilities. Children should be brought closer to nature, if possible include it in accordance with the interests of one or another age, and nature should be brought closer to children. Objects of living nature should not be concentrated in one corner of nature, but should be scattered throughout the institution, be presented in every room. Simplified conditions are required for observing children. It is often difficult to create them in a complex environment of open nature, but indoors it is always possible.

The work of children in the air, in the garden and in the garden, the gradual acquaintance with the world of animals, plants, insects, with all types of industries and human labor, excursions and everything that they put forward should serve the same way to expand the world of children's perception, increase their stock of knowledge and systematizing the latter, as well as developing and enriching their language.

Finally, a deliberately created pedagogical and didactic environment is distinguished by the fact that it is entirely the product of the teacher himself, subordinated to his pedagogical goals and the requirements of the pedagogical process.

Educators should take care to replenish the rooms in which children live with pedagogically sound material content. First of all, we will introduce objects of living nature into them. Children most of all love everything living, moving. We will do our best to create corners of nature in the immediate vicinity of the children's home, within the walls of the latter. Children need toys, without which the joy of childhood fades; they need a wide variety of manuals, materials, tools for games and work. We need special didactic material. Children must not only be supplied with objects, but also to arrange objects so that the use of the latter is easy, convenient and expedient.

The environment of material culture also offers ample opportunities for a culture of observation of children and the development of their speech. A city in all the variety of material values ​​presented in it, a village, any corner of the earth, where the creative hand of a person creates these values, generously provides us with the educational material we need.

Social environment as the development of speech of a preschooler

Articulate speech is the main attribute of the social essence of a person and develops exclusively in a social environment. Its development depends on what this environment is like and to what extent it contributes to this development.

We have already talked about the influence that the speech of others has on the formation of the language of children. Children are great masters in imitation, and the manifestations and features of adult speech quickly become features of children's speech. This should not be forgotten by teachers and educators. Often they do not understand that, before embarking on the responsible business of developing the speech of their pupils, they should take care of the development and ordering of their own speech.

Excursions as a method of developing children's speech

How to develop in children the precious ability to observe, to teach them to use their senses, their motor apparatus for the consistent accumulation of practical experience and the images, ideas and speech skills conditioned by it? There is only one way for this - the organized acquaintance of children with the concrete reality around them and the provision of systematic assistance to them in using it in the interests of their development. The external world, presented consciously, rationally and systematically in front of children, is the arena on which the building of their perception is erected. Facilitating the slender growth of this building is the primary goal of observation classes and excursions.

The second, no less important goal of them should be the reflection of this world of perceptions in speech. The presentation must precede the word, but the word must follow the presentation. A representation that is not embodied in a clear, meaningful word loses a significant part of its value. The things and phenomena we cognize have the color of human speech, human concepts expressed by the word. A person who is alone with himself clarifies his thoughts with a word.

Observation exercises should be conducted in such a way that the word accompanies and reinforces what is being observed. This is one of the types of training. We know what a huge role self-education plays in the development of a child in the early period of his life. The self-education of the infant already needs the help of an adult. As the child progresses through the age levels, the role of the adult guiding his learning becomes more and more significant.

There are two ways to methodically use the content of the environment in the interests of the development of children: the subject, which is included in pedagogical work as educational material, approaches the children, is presented to them. But this is not always possible. There are objects and phenomena that cannot be brought closer to children. In this case, the second path is inevitable - bringing children closer to the object, to the phenomenon. This second path is transformed into a method known as excursions. Excursions with children are conducted outside the institution. But even in the institution itself, you can conduct a kind of sightseeing tour, because in any apartment, even a room, there may be objects that cannot be brought closer to the children, but to which the children themselves must be close.

Play and work as the development of children's speech

Language and thinking were and continue to be inextricably linked with labor processes, with human activities.

The community in the life of a child is the collective of children in which he lives and develops. His main activity is play.

The child accumulates significant experience in the game. From his play experience, the child draws representations that he associates with the word. Play and work are the strongest stimuli for the manifestation of children's initiative in the field of language; they should be primarily used in the interests of children's speech development.

With the objects presented in the game, the child comes into frequent repeated communication, as a result of which they are easily perceived and imprinted in memory. Each object has its own name, each action has its own verb.

The word is part of reality for the child. It follows from this how important it is in the interests of stimulating the activity of children and the development of their language to thoughtfully organize their play environment, to provide them in an appropriate selection with objects, toys, and tools that will feed this activity and develop their language on the basis of an enriched stock of specific ideas.

We know what a great role adults play in the development of the language of children. The participation of the teacher in the free games of children cannot be limited to the organization of the environment, the selection game material... She should show interest in the very process of the game, give children new words and expressions associated with new situations; talking to them about the essence of their games, influence the enrichment of their language. By guiding the observations of children when familiarizing them with the environment, the teacher should help ensure that the life observed by the children stimulates them to reproduce in the game, and therefore in the language, their positive, best sides.

Today it is customary to distinguish four main tasks:

1. Enrichment of the dictionary with new words, the assimilation of previously unknown words by children, as well as new meanings of a number of words already available in their vocabulary. The enrichment of the vocabulary occurs, first of all, due to the common vocabulary.

2. Consolidation and refinement of the dictionary.

This task is due to the fact that in children the word is not always associated with the idea of ​​the object. They often do not know the exact names of the items. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the understanding of already known words, fill them with specific content, on the basis of an accurate correlation with objects of the real world, further mastery of the generalization that is expressed in them, the development of the ability to use commonly used words.

3. Dictionary activation.

Words learned by children are divided into two categories: passive dictionary and active dictionary. When working with children, it is important that the new word be included in the active vocabulary. This happens if it is fixed and reproduced by them in speech.

Elimination of non-literary words from the speech of children. This is especially necessary when children are in a dysfunctional language environment.

First of all, children learn:

    household dictionary: names of body parts, face; names of toys, dishes, furniture, clothes, toilet items, food, premises;

    natural history dictionary: names of phenomena of inanimate nature, plants, animals;

    social science dictionary: words denoting the phenomena of social life;

    emotional and evaluative vocabulary: words denoting emotions, experiences, feelings;

    vocabulary denoting time, space, quantity.

Throughout preschool childhood, in different age groups, the content of vocabulary work becomes more complicated in several directions. IN AND. Loginova identified three such areas:

    expansion of the vocabulary based on familiarization with the constantly growing range of subject and phenomena;

    mastering the word on the basis of deepening knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

    the introduction of words denoting elementary concepts on the basis of distinguishing and generalizing objects according to essential characteristics.

MM. Alekseeva identifies the following methods of vocabulary work

I. Introduction of new words into the dictionary

1. Direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary.

2. Examination and examination of objects.

3. Observation of animals, plants; for the activities of adults.

These three methods are used in all age groups.

4. Inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks.

5. Excursions (social environment, nature).

The last two methods are used starting with the middle group.

II. Mediated acquaintance with others and enrichment of the vocabulary

1. Display of paintings with unfamiliar (unfamiliar) content.

This method is mainly used in older groups.

2. Reading and telling literary works.

3. Display of dia-, film and video films, viewing of television programs.

Two latest methods used in all age groups.

III. Fixing and activating the dictionary.

1. Examination of toys.

2. Examining pictures of familiar content.

3. Didactic games with toys, objects and pictures.

These methods are used in all age groups.

4. Word games are used in middle and senior groups

5. Lexical (vocabulary) exercises are used in all age groups, more often in older ones.

6. Guessing and guessing riddles is used in all age groups.

7. Telling children (different types of coherent statements on different material) is used mainly in middle and senior groups

In older preschool age, the task of the educator is to fill the words that children have with concrete content, clarify their meaning, and activate them in speech. Children are taught to use antonyms for size, color (big - small, long - short, light - dark); continue to develop understanding and skills in the use of words expressing species and role concepts, form the ability to use generalizing words (vegetables, dishes, furniture, toys, clothes). In the senior preschool age, vocabulary enrichment, the acquisition of new words is on a practical level. Of course, if there was no such speech experience, it would be impossible to talk about the further speech development of children at a higher level. But for the successful further education of the child at school, it is necessary that the child promptly switches to "theoretical" positions regarding speech reality, so that the system of the native language, its elements act as an object of his conscious activity. Awareness of linguistic phenomena provides the ability to translate speech skills and abilities into an arbitrary plan.

Methods for enriching the vocabulary of children in special classes are practical. Most often, when conducting lexical exercises, the method of didactic play is used, in particular, playing with "didactic" (that is, specially equipped) puppets. Used also didactic game known as "The Miracle Bag" (children put their hands in a bag filled with small objects, and they recognize and name them by touch). But, of course, with the help of only dolls and other toys, children cannot "absorb" the poetic essence of their native word. Children need to be introduced to others and explained lexical meaning words are simply an indication of a real object, action, sign. Thus, the work of an educator on the development of speech in preschool children should be based on several stages: studying children, clearly identifying a violation, drawing up a work plan, using individual and group forms of work. In this case, the work on the development of the speech of children will be successful.

2. Study of the level of vocabulary development in older preschool children

2.1 Description of the process of studying the development of speech in older preschool children

Purpose of the ascertaining experiment: examination of the vocabulary of older preschool children.

Objectives of the ascertaining experiment:

    Define two groups of children (control and experimental)

    Choose methods for examining the vocabulary of older preschool children.

    Determine the criteria for the development of the vocabulary of older preschool children.

    Conduct a survey of the vocabulary of older preschool children.

In total, 10 children of senior preschool age (from 5 to 6 years old) took part in the study. The children were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group.

Experimental group:

V. Liza (5.5 y.)

S. Slava (5.8 g.)

R. Cyril (5.6 g.)

M. Anya (5.7 g.)

L. Olya (6.2 g.)

Control group:

Z. Vanya (6, 3 y.)

G. Vova (5, 5)

K. Lena (5, 10)

S. Julia (5.9 g.)

D. Oleg (6.1 g.)

To determine the level of development of the vocabulary of older preschool children in children of the experimental and control groups, three methods were proposed.

When checking the level of vocabulary development, the main attention is paid to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the vocabulary, understanding the meaning of a word, the degree of its generalization, the ability to use expressive means of the language and use them in coherent speech.

In the first technique of F.G.Daskalova there were the following tasks:

Children were offered tasks to determine - "What is ...?" and "What does the word mean?"

In the second technique, V.I. Yashina "Diagnostics of lexical development" children were offered three tasks:

For the convenience of calculations, points are transferred as follows:

1 point - low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points - a high level of vocabulary development.

In the third technique N.I. Gutkina "Checking vocabulary (at the level of words)" children were asked to remember all kinds of clothing.

For the convenience of calculations, points are transferred as follows:

1 point - low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points - a high level of vocabulary development.

Appendix 1 presents diagnostic material with the help of which the dictionary of older preschool children was examined according to the methods of F.G. Daskalova, V.I. Yashina and N.I. Gutkina.

2.2 Analysis of the results of the study of speech development in older preschool children

In the process of examining the vocabulary of children in the ascertaining experiment, all criteria were taken into account, according to which the levels of development of the vocabulary of children in the experimental and control groups were subsequently assessed.

Table 1 shows the results of a survey of the vocabulary of children in the experimental group.

Table 1 The results of the examination of the experimental group on the ascertaining experiment



1st method

2nd method

3rd method

Total score by methods

Vocabulary level


2 b.

2 b.

2 b.

6 b.



3 b.

2 b.

3 b.

8 b.



1 b.

2 b.

2 b.

5 B.



1 b.

1 b.

1 b.

3 b.



1 b.

1 b.

2 b.

4 b.


Table 2 presents the results of a survey of the vocabulary of children in the control group.

Table 2 The results of the examination of the control group on the ascertaining experiment



1st method

2nd method

3rd method

Total score by methods

Vocabulary level


1 b.

1 b.

1 b.

3 b.



3 b.

3 b.

3 b.

9 b.




1 b.

2 b.

2 b.

5 B.



2 b.

2 b.

1 b.

5 B.



1 b.

1 b.

2 b.

4 b.


At diagnostic examination children of the experimental and control groups, it was seen that preschoolers have problems in vocabulary.

When working according to the first method, many children found it difficult to define such concepts as: heart, work, freedom, driving, death, satisfaction, love, hunger.

That is, they had problems naming abstract nouns.

When working on the second methodology, the first task (classification of concepts) and the second task (selection of synonyms) caused the greatest difficulty.

When classifying concepts, children could not always correctly give a detailed definition of concepts and select the appropriate pictures.

And when choosing synonyms, problems arose with the words: gloomy, cowardly, laugh, old.

The objectives of the formative experiment:

Write class notes.

Define lessons on theatrical activities with an experimental group to enrich the vocabulary of older preschool children.

The types of work related to theatrical activities were selected for the development of the vocabulary of older preschool children. For this, a calendar-thematic plan for four weeks was drawn up.

The thematic work plan for the development of the vocabulary of older children in the process of theatrical activity is given in Table 3.

Table 3 Thematic plan


Lesson name

Purpose of the lesson

Lesson number 1.

"Learning to portray"

Development of dialogical and monologue speech. Enriching the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 2.

"Transformations and theatrical play"

Development of imagination. Development and enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 3.

"In the world of fairy tales"

Development of creative activity. Enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 4.

"We play the theater"

Development of emotions. Enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 5.

"Learning to portray animals"

Make children happy emotional attitude; develop basic skills of facial expressions and gestures;

Lesson number 6.

"Let's imagine"

To ensure the further development of versatile ideas about theatrical activities; develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 7.

"In the world of magic"

Continue teaching children to improvise to music; develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 8.

"Playing with imaginary objects"

To form the child's ability to work with an imaginary object; develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

The work was planned taking into account the study of the vocabulary of children, carried out in the ascertaining experiment.

The following objectives of the lessons were formulated:

Lesson number 1. "Learning to portray"

Lesson objectives:

    Development of dialogical and monologue speech.

    Enriching the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 2. "Transformations and theatrical play"

Lesson objectives:

    Development of imagination.

    Development and enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 3. "In the world of fairy tales"

Lesson objectives:

    Development of creative activity.

    Enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 4. "Playing the theater"

Lesson objectives:

    Development of emotions.

    Enrichment of the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 5. Learning to portray animals "

Lesson objectives:

    Encourage children to feel joyful and emotional.

    Develop basic skills in facial expressions and gestures.

    Develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 6. "Let's imagine"

Lesson objectives:

    To ensure the further development of versatile ideas about theatrical performance.

    Develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 7. "In the world of magic"

Lesson objectives:

    Continue teaching children to improvise to music.

    Develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.

Lesson number 8. "Playing with imaginary objects"

Lesson objectives:

    To form the child's ability to work with an imaginary object.

    Develop and enrich the vocabulary of children.


Based on the results of the ascertaining experiment, it was concluded that the vocabulary of M. Ani and L. Olya is least developed, and there are also gaps in the vocabulary of V. Liza, R. Kirill.

Thus, there should be an enrichment and development of the vocabulary of the children of the experimental group in the process of their participation in theatrical activities.

Each new type of work is explained to the children and repeated until the children acquire the necessary words and their meanings. This is facilitated by such types of work as "Compose a story", playing the study "School of Animals", exercise "Path of fairy tales"; theatrical play "Kolobok", staging various sketches and fairy tales under the guidance of a teacher.

Data and similar activities on theatrical activities are used to enrich the vocabulary of older children.

Speech function plays an important role in the mental development of the child, in the process of which the formation of cognitive activity, the ability to conceptual thinking occurs. Full-fledged verbal communication is a prerequisite for the implementation of normal social human contacts, and this, in turn, expands the child's ideas about the life around him. A child's mastery of speech to a certain extent regulates his behavior, helps to plan adequate participation in various forms of collective activity.


The following conclusions can be drawn from the work.

There are the following principles of vocabulary work in kindergarten.

    The unity of vocabulary development with the development of cognitive processes (perception, representation, thinking).

    Purposeful organization of speech and cognitive activity of children during the lesson.

    The presence of visibility as the basis for the organization of speech and cognitive activity.

    The unity of the implementation of all tasks of vocabulary work in each lesson.

Vocabulary work in the classroom is based on the isolation of the qualities and properties of objects, so the teacher must be able to organize their thorough sensory examination. The methods of examination are formed in children in the process of learning in the same classes.

The formation of examination methods requires precise instructions from the educator for the use of an examination action adequate to the isolated quality (for example, press - to highlight hardness, smooth - to highlight smoothness, surface roughness, doubt - to highlight softness, etc.).

Visual material is provided for active survey actions for each child, in order to ensure the mastery of words denoting the qualities and properties of objects, based on their selection and perception.

We call qualities those features of an object that are perceived by the sense organs without violating the integrity of the object, for example: hard, soft, smooth, cold, flexible, etc.

The isolation of each quality and property, its separation from the accompanying ones is most effectively achieved by comparing it with the opposite. For example, such a quality as hard is given in comparison with soft, heavy - with light, transparent - with opaque, etc. .d.

In order for the qualities and properties of objects to be recognized by children and mastered, it is necessary to make them meaningful, that is, to include them in an effective, meaningful activity, the success of which depends on taking this quality into account. This requires the child to isolate the desired quality or property and take it into account in order to achieve results.

The success of solving vocabulary problems in classes of this kind also depends on the selection of visual material. It is important to choose for the lesson such objects in which the isolated qualities would be clearly represented, and the distracting qualities (bright coloring, the presence of moving parts, playfulness, etc.) would be as few as possible.

Selection of items for comparison. They must have a sufficient number of comparable characteristics: both signs of difference and commonality (color, shape, size, parts, details, purpose, material, etc.); and instructions from the educator helping children: a) build consistently

Planned comparison. The teacher guides, consistently leads the children from comparing objects as a whole (by purpose, color, shape, size) to isolating and comparing parts, details, first in terms of difference, and then similarity. The comparison ends with a generalization, where the distinctive features of each subject are highlighted;

Selection of teaching methods. The main teaching methods in such classes are questions

a) comparison;

b) see those features that children themselves do not notice;

c) most accurately formulate the answer and choose the right word;

The ratio of the speech activity of the educator and the children.

The lesson is based on visual material. Sets of objects should include objects of the same type, differing in insignificant characteristics, and objects of similar types, for example: cups, different in color, shape, size, as well as a glass, glass, etc., from which children should distinguish cups.

The child is faced with the need to choose an object from a group of similar ones. He must motivate his decision by highlighting the feature underlying the choice.

The need for choice should be clear to the child. In this regard, the task of choice is included in an activity that is interesting for the child, most often in play.

Timely vocabulary development is one of the important factors in preparing for schooling. Children who do not have a sufficient vocabulary have great learning difficulties, not finding suitable words to express their thoughts. Teachers note that students with rich vocabulary are better at solving arithmetic problems, it is easier to master the skill of reading, grammar, more actively in mental work in the classroom.

Conducting vocabulary work, we simultaneously solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education. Morality and behavioral skills are formed through the word. In the domestic method of teaching the Russian language, work on the word is considered not only in the narrow, pragmatic aspect(formation of speech skills). In her tradition, the lessons of the native language are lessons in the education of morality and citizenship (KD Ushinsky, VA Sukhomlinsky and others). The educational potential of vocabulary, which helps to develop moral guidelines, is of great importance.

The peculiarity of vocabulary work in a preschool institution is that it is associated with all educational work with children. Enrichment of vocabulary occurs in the process of familiarization with the surrounding world, in all types of children's activities, everyday life, communication. Working on the word clarifies the child's ideas, deepens his feelings, organizes social experience. All this is of particular importance in preschool age, since it is here that the foundations for the development of thinking and speech are laid, the formation of social contacts takes place, and the personality is formed.

Thus, the role of the word as the most important unit of language and speech, its significance in the mental development of the child determine the place of vocabulary work in the general system of work on the development of children's speech in kindergarten.


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1. Methodology of FG Daskalova.

To test the concepts of the meaning of the word, children are offered tasks to determine - "What is ...?" and "What does the word mean?" When diagnosing, a special test dictionary is used, consisting of four subtests for children of three, four, five and six years old. It includes nouns of two types - concrete and abstract. The number of abstract words increases in tests designed for older children. Lists of words are compiled on the basis of data on 1000 words most often used in active speech by preschool children, and 1000 nouns from the Semantic Atlas of C. Osgood.

List of words included in the test dictionary



Fairy tale

A fish

The game




Fishing rod



A meeting





























The correct answer to each question is conventionally estimated at 1 point. Maximum amount points for three-year-old children - 20, four-year-old - 40, five-year-old - 60, six-year-old - 80. If necessary, you can calculate the estimated coefficient through the ratio between the number of points and the number of all given words. If the estimated coefficient approaches 1, this indicates both the richness of the vocabulary and the success of mastering the conceptual meaning of words.

For the convenience of calculations, points are transferred as follows:

1 point - low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points - a high level of vocabulary development.

2. Diagnostics of lexical development.

Task number 1. Classification of concepts

Material: 30 pictures depicting animals, clothes, fruits, vegetables, vehicles, toys. The teacher names a concept that denotes a group of pictures, asks the subject to give a detailed definition of the concept, and then select the appropriate pictures, for example, with the image of animals. In each task, the number of correct choices of pictures is counted, each correct choice is evaluated by one point. The highest mark is 30 points.

Task number 2. Selection of synonyms

It is carried out in the form of a game "Say it differently". The child is invited to play with words and find a word close in meaning to the named word. A total of 10 words are presented (gloomy, funny, old, big, cowardly; walk, run, talk, laugh, cry).

The highest mark is 10 points.

1 point - if the selected word is synonymous with the named one;

0 points - if the selected word does not correspond to the semantic field of the given one.

Task number 3. Selection of definitions

It is carried out in the form of a word game. It is proposed to come up with as many definitions as possible for the named word. 5 words are presented: dress, birch, girl, apple, fox ("Dress. What is it? How can you say about it? What can it be?").

The highest mark is 10 points.

2 points - if more than 3 words are invented.

1 point - if less than 3 words are invented.

0 points - if the answer is absent or does not correspond to the semantic field of the presented word.

After completing all three tasks, the total score is calculated.

The highest mark - 50 points - corresponds to a high level.

32-49 points - to the eldest.

Less than 32 points - a low level of lexical development of children.

For the convenience of calculations, points are transferred as follows:

1 point - low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points - a high level of vocabulary development.

3. Vocabulary check (at the word level)

Instructions to the subject: "We will now remember all kinds of clothing. Let's think about what we can wear. Think carefully. Name what men, women and children can wear - in summer and winter - day and night - from the head to the feet."

The first part of the instruction is pronounced normally, and starting with the words "name what they can wear ..." the articulation becomes very clear. The experimenter speaks slowly, emphasizes the selected words with a voice (dashes correspond to short pauses). When pronouncing the last words, the adult makes a movement with his hand, pointing first to the head, then to the body and legs.

If the child does not begin to speak, then you can repeat the request: "Name what they can wear ..." When the subject makes a longer pause when listing items of clothing, because he does not know more words, the experimenter helps him with the question: "What else are they wearing? " What else is especially good at motivating a child. You can also repeat the words: men, women and children, and after a while, in summer and winter, etc. If necessary, the task can be repeated again after 1.5-3 minutes.

The subject is given 3 minutes to list the words. The experimenter records everything the child says. All items of clothing named by the child are taken into account in the assessment. Words repeated and not related to the topic "Clothes" (wardrobe, tablecloth, etc.) are not taken into account when calculating the total number of the named words. But they indicate the peculiarities of development: frequent repetitions may indicate insufficient concentration; inadequate words that are not related to the topic indicate that the child cannot concentrate in order to build an associative array (logic is broken).

If a child first calls the word hat, and then a hat with earflaps, then this is considered two different words. How one word is assessed if the child says a red hat, a blue hat. In some cases, the child speaks top and bottom clothes and then is silent. Then the experimenter asks: "What applies to outerwear and underwear?" Some children cannot name a single item of clothing, and begin to tell, for example, the following: "Mom bought me shoes, and then we went to eat ice cream" or: "I have short pants and long blue ones and also brown ones." In this case, the experimenter stops the child and in a friendly manner addresses him with the words: "Tell me quickly everything that you can put on." Sometimes, when listing items of clothing, a child names completely inappropriate items, such as a car. And in this case, the adult repeats to the child that he should only name the items of clothing.

Vocabulary is assessed as follows. For children of the senior group of kindergarten, the result is considered unsatisfactory if 8 or fewer words are named. For first graders, an unsatisfactory result with 11 or less words.

When assessing, it is necessary to take into account different age guys within the same group. So, if in the senior group of kindergarten a child at the age of 5 years 4 months names 10 items of clothing, then this result is assessed higher than the same result in a child of the same group, but at the age of 6 years 1 month.

For the convenience of calculations, points are transferred as follows:

1 point - low level of vocabulary development;

2 points - average level of vocabulary development;

3 points - a high level of vocabulary development.

Features of speech development in older preschool children

The consultation was prepared by: Ye.B. Gorokhova

The development of the speech of preschoolers proceeds according to its own laws and successively goes through a number of stages. In older preschool age, she reaches a certain level of development, which allows the child to continue to study at school without any problems.
In the seventh year of life, the child continues to develop the skills of sound analysis (highlighting certain sounds, syllables and stress in words or phrases). Familiarization with the phonetic structure of a word has a serious impact on the education of interest in linguistic phenomena. Children inventing riddles and stories about words and sounds is an indicator of their linguistic thinking.
There is a further development of the intonation side of speech, its elements such as melody, rhythm, timbre, voice strength, tempo. The child's ability to consciously and correctly use these elements develops with the help of special exercises, as well as through constant control over the speech of children by an adult. By the end of the seventh year of life, under favorable conditions, the preschooler correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, easily distinguishes them in speech.
At this age, the enrichment of the vocabulary continues. In connection with the expansion of the child's experience, his opportunities for mastering new words, different parts of speech, which help him to enrich his statements, increase. There is also a consolidation of already learned words, a child of this age uses familiar words in his speech, modifying them. At the same time, serious work is underway to clarify in the child's dictionary the meanings of synonyms and antonyms already known to him and especially polysemantic words with both direct and figurative meaning.
One of the most important achievements of this age is the formation of skills in the exact choice of a word when formulating thoughts and its correct use in any context. Children of the seventh year of life learn to choose the most suitable word from the synonymous series (hot day - sultry; heated argument - agitated), to understand figurative meanings of words, depending on oppositions and combinations.
At this age, children begin to understand quite well the meaning of sayings and proverbs that adults introduce them to. When using proverbs and sayings, children's ideas about antonyms are reinforced.
Acquaintance with polysemantic words leads a child of the seventh year of life to understand the figurative meaning of words, to accurately convey the creative intention in independent compositions.
At the same age, the child's speech is enriched with various grammatical forms and structures, the formation of linguistic generalizations.
Children are exercising in the coordination of nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, but now the degree of freedom of the child is increasing, which allows him to independently find the correct form. Children practice the use of non-declining words, the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives, changing the meanings of words, giving them a different semantic shade with the help of suffixes, etc.
Children begin to pay attention to how, when forming new nouns, a word-formation pair is selected (clean floor, clean, rag), how, using the same suffix, words are formed that indicate a person (school - a student, a garden - a gardener) or an object (tea - teapot, starling - birdhouse). The ability to form the names of baby animals is strengthened ("A fox has a fox, a horse has a foal, and a giraffe has a rhino7"), the names of tableware (sugar bowl, but a salt shaker).
Children learn the skill of matching words with one root and constructing derived words in context.
At this age, children easily interpret words, and each interpretation shows how deeply the children began to understand the meaning of the word - both direct and figurative. This awareness is especially deeply manifested when performing a task that reveals the development of coherent speech.
A variety of complex sentences (complex and complex) appear in the speech of children. There is a development of self-control, the use of synonymous syntactic constructions, which is very important for the further mastery of written speech.
Qualitative changes also occur in the development of coherent speech.
In dialogical speech, children use, depending on the context, a short or expanded form of expression. They are no longer limited to a simple naming of an object or phenomenon, but, as a rule, highlight characteristic features and properties, give a fairly detailed and complete analysis of them. The ability to select the right content and find an appropriate form of its expression in a coherent narrative develops.
Interest in the inner world of people, the peculiarities of their relationships determines the new prevailing type of communication. Communication becomes a way of determining the mood and emotional state of a person, a way of knowing your own inner world. Children of this age are characterized by a critical, evaluative attitude to the speech of others and the development of control over the accuracy of their utterances.
The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of the seventh year is the active development of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of developing coherent speech, children begin to actively use various types of connection of words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of an utterance, while observing its structure.
When constructing their own statements or when familiarizing themselves with the stories of others, children begin to meaningfully analyze the structure of any statement proposed to them: is there a beginning (beginning), how the action (event, plot) develops, is there a completion (end). In this regard, they are already able to give an elementary assessment of what they have heard.
Here we can say that the development of skills to clearly build a storyline in a story, use means of communication between semantic parts utterances form an elementary awareness of the structural organization of the text, affect the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking of children of this age group.
Children themselves analyze and evaluate stories in terms of their content, structure, coherence. At this age, children develop an elementary awareness of the originality of the content and form of descriptions, narratives and reasoning.
Children of the seventh year of life may be aware of a variety of speech genres. An elementary understanding of when it is necessary to use this or that type of utterance will help the child to use this knowledge in any speech situation in the future.
A child of the seventh year of life is fully prepared for drawing up creative statements. This is due to the fact that his mental activity becomes more complicated, the arbitrariness and purposefulness of the imagination, its stability and activity increase. At this age, the preschooler discovers the ability for a simple, logically reasoned combination of ideas and images.
The desire of older preschool children to attract the attention of interlocutors is expressed in attempts to make their speech expressive, expressive. At this age, the child not only can use speech intonation means, but is also able to master the means of expressiveness typical of the language, such as an epithet, comparison, metaphor.
By the older preschool age, significant individual differences appear in the level of speech of children. The speech of children of the same age can differ significantly in the richness of vocabulary, in the level of coherence and grammatical correctness, in the ability of children to creative speech manifestations.
At the same time, the following features can be noted in the speech of older preschoolers.
Some children do not pronounce all the sounds of their native language correctly, they do not know how to use intonation means of expressiveness, and they do not know how to adjust the speed and volume of speech depending on the situation. Errors are also encountered in the formation of different grammatical forms (again the genitive case of the plural of nouns, the coordination of nouns with adjectives, different ways of word formation). And of course, for a number of children it is difficult to build complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect combination of words in a sentence, a violation of the connection between sentences in a coherent statement.
Some children still do not fully possess the ability to build a description and a narrative: they violate the structure, sequence, do not have the ability to connect sentences and parts of a statement.
Thus, the development of speech in the seventh year of life reaches a fairly high level of awareness. Qualitative changes are taking place in all its aspects: lexical, grammatical, syntactic. Children easily cope with tasks for composing stories of different genres (description, narration, reasoning, creative storytelling). The achieved level of speech development, in the future, will allow a child of the seventh year of life to successfully study at school.

Parents' meeting: "Speech development of senior preschool children."

What is special in the speech of older preschoolers 5-6 years old?

In the sixth year of life, all aspects of speech are improved: vocabulary, grammatical structure, speech hearing and the skills of sound analysis, coherent speech, intonational expressiveness. The level of speech development reflects the features of visual-figurative thinking of a preschooler. The child has a sufficiently developed active speech, uses detailed phrases in the course of communication, answers questions accurately and clearly, is able to tell about the events he witnessed. The preschooler not only identifies essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish causal, temporal, conditional, comparative and other relationships. In this regard, speech becomes more complex structurally: the volume of utterances increases, various types of complex sentences are used.

In the sixth year, the child completely masters the grammatical structure of speech and uses it quite freely. The grammatical correctness of a child's speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to his mistakes, correct them, show the correct pattern. (Example). A lot of bullfinches, tit sparrows flew to the feeder. A lot of snowflakes, sparrows, tits flew to the feeding trough. Word formation. Game "What, what, what" Cabbage pie or what kind of pie, carrot juice or what kind of juice, cottage cheese casserole or what kind of casserole. Form new words from the word - came, entered, left, etc. The coordination of nouns with numerals suffers in children of this age. For example: let's count the bullfinches.

In colloquial speech, the preschooler, in accordance with the topic of the conversation, uses both short and detailed answers. Adequate vocabulary allows you to participate in a conversation, to maintain a conversation. For a year, the stock of words used by a child in communication increases by 1000-1200 words in comparison with the previous age and reaches 3000 words. Children actively use nouns with generalizing, as well as with a specific meaning, adjectives denoting material, properties, qualities, state of objects; verbs with various prefixes and suffixes are widely used. Children learn to use opposite words in speech. Antonyms: friend - enemy, high - low, good - bad, speak - be silent; words that are close in meaning are synonyms: walk - walk, walk; sad - sad, joyless.

But, despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from free use of words: there are shortcomings and sometimes errors in the use of words and in the construction of phrases when retelling fairy tales, stories, during a conversation.

When communicating with peers, children consciously change the strength and pitch of their voices, use different intonations: interrogative, exclamatory, narrative. The child masters the word in the unity of its meaning and sound, learns to use words in exact accordance with the meaning, to pronounce them correctly. Usually, by the age of 5-6, the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, does not make mistakes in stress. At this age, work should continue to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, the exact pronunciation of polysyllabic words. Sounds that appear in speech later than others require special attention. These are the sounds: [c], [h], [w], [u], [g], [l], [p].

At the age of 5-6 years, the child learns to distinguish sounds by ear, to carry out elementary sound analysis: to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end), the sequence and number of sounds. Basic sound analysis skills are required to master reading and writing. I will not dwell on this for a long time. I suggest you take home memos with games for the development of phonemic hearing. A well-developed phonemic hearing further contributes to successful learning to read and write. It is at this age that children show interest in the sounds of speech and letters.

Adults need to pay attention to the expressiveness of the child's speech, his ability to use different intonations, breathing, voice. Very fast, emotional speech is a common disadvantage. Special exercises will help normalize speech rhythm and tempo, improve diction. The pronunciation of six-year-old children differs little from that of adults.

Thus, by the end of the sixth year of life, the child in speech development reaches a fairly high level. He owns the correct sound pronunciation, expressive and emotional speech, has the vocabulary and grammatical forms necessary for free communication with adults and peers. His statements become more meaningful, more precisely, more expressive.

Formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech, which makes it possible for verbal communication and prepares for learning at school, is one of the important tasks in the general system of work on teaching a child in preschool institutions and the family. Baby with good developed speech easily communicates with others, can clearly express their thoughts, desires, ask questions, negotiate with peers about a joint game. Conversely, a child's slurred speech complicates his relationship with people and often leaves an imprint on his character. By the age of 6-7 years, children with speech pathology begin to realize the defects of their speech, painfully experience them, become silent, shy, irritable.

To educate a full-fledged speech, it is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the free communication of the child with the team and with adults. Therefore, the main task of the parents. Pay attention in time to various violations of the oral speech of your child in order to start speech therapy work with him before school, preventing difficulties in communication in a team and academic failure comprehensive school... The earlier the correction is started, the better its result.

"Why do speech disorders occur?" Speech therapist at the introductory parent meeting.
"Why do speech disorders occur?" Speech therapist at the introductory parent meeting

Hello dear parents.

My name is. I am working speech therapist in the group... My work schedule is daily from 8 to 12.

Now I would like to draw your attention to all the specialists who will deal with your children and help to overcome problems in development:


Speech therapist

Physical instructor:

Musical director:



Each of them will contribute a grain to the development of a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality.

Please tell me which group you are in? (in a group with speech impairment, with OHR, children who have all components of speech activity are impaired: poor dictionary, violations lexico - grammatical structure of speech / n- R: cucumber-gherkin /, impaired sound pronunciation, coherent speech)

But! Many parents are wrong when they think that having sent a child to a group with a delay speech development, they get rid of or partially get rid of existing problems. All the same, you yourself will become the main assistant to your child, if you take my words very seriously. You must remember that any speech impairment:

1. Gesturing instead of pronunciation;

2. Active vocabulary is very poor;

3. The child speaks a lot, but his speech is not understandable to others

All this, to one degree or another, will affect the development and behavior of the child.

Underestimating timely fix speech deficiencies in children leads subsequently to difficulties in mastering writing and reading. That threatens to lag behind in school. The child's fault will not be here. Only to blame parents who believed that the baby would grow up and "Speak out". Speech disorders in older preschool age and subsequently lead to complexes, self-doubt (which is important in our time).

Some parents very scared when they speak "delayspeech development » DON'T GET A PANIC! Such a conclusion in no way means a child's mental disability. Systematic exercises will help to overcome all difficulties. (specialists andparents ) ... That is, an unreasonable absence from the school is not permissible to correct certain deficiencies.

You probably wondered more than once a question: "Awhy my child has speech impairment » ... The reasons are many and varied. But according to statistics, 85% of children with speech disorders have a burdened history. H- R:

At 7 weeks - toxicosis;

At 14 weeks - anemia;

At 21 weeks - infection of the placenta;

At 23 weeks - ARI;

At 25 weeks - the threat of interruption;

At 31 weeks - pressure.

It is very important how the childbirth:

o What were they


o What were the waters

o What grade did you get according to Apgar

Examination of newborns. Apgar scale

The main task of the first examination of a child immediately after birth is to assess his adaptation to extrauterine conditions of coexistence. It is carried out on the Apgar scale within the first minute after birth according to five main clinical signs.

Depending on the severity of each function, scores are given and the resulting numbers are added. An Apgar score of 9-10 points is considered normal. If the score is slightly reduced and corresponds to 7-8 points, then this indicates residual encephalopathy or mild fetal asphyxia, which further leads to minimal cerebral dysfunction and cerebrasthenic syndrome. A score of 7 points and higher on the Apgar scale indicates a good prognosis both in terms of the child's vitality and his neuropsychic development. Low scores, especially below 5 points, are attributed to risk factors for mortality and the development of neurological violations.

When starting to examine a newborn, it should be borne in mind that some unconditioned reflexes quickly disappear, so it is important to fix them in a timely manner. Damage to the nervous system will help to identify the main dysembryogenetic stigmas. General inspection is important

o Was the umbilical cord entwined around the neck (asphyxia)

In most cases, children with delayed speech development requires consultation with a neurologist. After all, one of the most common diagnoses today is PEP. (perinatal encephalopathy)... This concept unites brain lesions of various origins before, during or after childbirth. Again, this diagnosis does not mean inferiority of the child and should not be very frightening. But you can't leave everything as it is. You need to monitor the child and follow all the recommendations of a doctor - a neurologist. Often AED, especially untreated AED, causes speech disorders.

Not the last role in speech defects play hereditary

Now I would like to dwell on what difficulties occur to parents studying at home with children:

o Unwillingness to study - you need to interest the child. It is important to remember that the main activity of children is play. You can go on a trip to the Fairy Kingdom or visit a kolobok. You may need to follow your baby around the room showing him pictures.

o Not systematic training - to achieve results, you need to practice every day. Daily conduct:

Games for the development of fine motor skills;

Articulation gymnastics;

Games for the development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing;

Games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

o Fatigue of the baby - start classes from 3-5 minutes. per day, gradually increasing the time to 15 minutes.

o Difficulty assimilating the perceived material - you need to use visual material, since it is difficult for children to perceive a word torn from the image.

o Frequent use of the word "not right"- you need to support all the beginnings of the baby, praise even minor successes.

o Poor communication - speak clearly, facing the child. Let him see the movements of your lips, memorize them.

o Requirement of correct pronunciation right away - this is not necessary. If the child called the train tu - tu, confirm his answer with two options: "Yes, this is a train, tu-tu"

o The desire to learn right away, to repeat everything - at home you need to study on the lexical topic that goes to school. You can see the vocabulary topic of the week in the corner speech therapist.

o Didn't take the folder - every Thursday I give out the interaction folder speech therapist with parents to be returned on Monday.

Its performance I wanted to end up with what I had to bring to classes:

Bandage 45/29 - in the package;

Sterile wipes;


Speech at the parents' meeting in the senior group "Readiness of the speech sphere for teaching at school."

By the time of admission to school a child should know and be able to do a lot.

Must have a good, clear pronunciation of sounds (i.e., pronounce correctly and clearly all the sounds of the Russian language, not to confuse or mix them in independent speech). This is the most visible factor. speech development of the child... By the age of 6-7, as a rule, the child himself masters the skill of correct sound pronunciation. If the sound pronunciation is not formed independently, then a special correction is necessary, carried out by a speech therapist. We will talk about this a little later.

I must hear and distinguish between the correct and incorrect pronunciation of both other people's and their own sounds, since this is the basis of self-control over speech, which is extremely necessary when forming a letter in the initial school... Younger schoolboy writes like this as he speaks and hears himself. And this is directly related to the formation of adequate self-esteem. The child needs to be praised, noting the good in the child's activities and behavior. But it is also necessary to note something that has not yet turned out well enough. V school first graders will definitely require discipline, obedience and self-control.

Must be able to determine the presence or absence of a given sound in a word; determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end); determine the order of sounds in a word and count their number. Such work is regularly carried out in kindergarten by educators within the framework of preparing a child to learn to read and write. Parents can also participate in this process. Encourage your child to sound words. "R"; name the first sound in words (stork, water, door) or the last sound in words (cat, fox, fence); determine where the sound is "L" in the words Paw, stick, stoL)

Must have a rich store of information about the world around (about yourself, about the family, about nature, about the seasons, about the time of day, about animals, birds, insects, etc.); understand the cause-and-effect relationships of the phenomena surrounding the child and correctly formulate this in speech. To solve this problem, it is necessary, while talking with the child, to draw his attention to objects, their color, shape, quantity, purpose. you need to talk more, talk more with children, put problematic questions: "why?", "why?", "how?", "what is this for?".

Should be able to use a widespread common phrase, that is, answer the question with a complete answer; correctly and clearly pronounce the endings of words in a phrase. Be able to independently retell unfamiliar text and compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. To develop such skills, you need to read to children as much as possible, and then talk about what you read; ask questions, encourage him to ask questions. And the child's question should be answered in an accessible way, in simple words that the child can understand, in sufficient detail. And it is necessary to constantly remember that the speech of an adult is a role model for a child.

Speech therapy assistance to a child is offered in the following forms:

Speech therapy group or specialized kindergarten

in this form, speech therapy assistance is provided to children with severe speech impairments. such children, having received a referral from the city PMPK, must queue up in an institution of such specialization, wait for their turn and enter a special group... The main specialist in group - speech therapist... Main program - correction speech deficiencies.

Speech therapist at the polyclinic.

This form of speech therapy is chosen independently parents and takes place according to the principle of visiting a doctor in a polyclinic. They examine you, give you a prescription-task and send you home on your own to try to achieve the desired result. This is followed by a new visit to the outpatient speech therapist.

Speech point in kindergarten

This form of speech therapy assumes the presence of one speech therapist for the entire kindergarten. Speech therapist examines, analyzes the condition speech development of all children in kindergarten. She plans the time needed for speech correction, children in need of such help.

And carries out the correction speech violations by the time the child enters school... Classes with this form of speech therapy influence are conducted with children. senior and preparatory groups.

Anyone in need of speech correction preschoolers the necessary speech therapy assistance will be provided.

I would like to note the importance and need for participation parents in the correctional process. You should know what they are doing with your child, control the formation, consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, monitor the use of good pronunciation skills at home, outside of speech therapy classes. To do this, you will be offered a number of homework assignments. Your participation in the correction process and your control over the application obtained in speech therapy correction skills will provide invaluable assistance to your child in the path of mastering full-fledged speech.

Speech at a parent meeting in the senior speech therapy group

on the topic: "Speech of a child 5-6 years old: features of speech development and communication."

The most important acquisition in preschool age is his mastery of speech as a means for knowing what surrounds him and those who are with him. Preschool age is the most suitable period for the enrichment and development of speech, since if by the age of 6-7 years of life the child has not reached a certain level of speech development, then it will be difficult for him, and, first of all, when entering school and studying at primary grades, because communication, both with other children, classmates, and with teachers and other adults will also be very difficult. At an older age, mastery of speech, as practice shows, is less successful. And since communication is an indispensable condition for the development of older preschool children in general, the formation of this mental process must be given especially great attention... The kindergarten provides various programs and technologies for teaching children, including those aimed at developing the speech and vocabulary of the preschooler, especially teaching the native language. These are, perhaps, the obvious features of teaching in a preschool institution, which also affect communication. In kindergarten, children develop a sound culture of speech, enrich, consolidate and activate the spoken vocabulary of a preschooler. Correct speech in the field of grammar is also significantly improved.

Communication with a preschooler - a future first grader, expands, the features of dialogical and coherent monologue speech are manifested. In preschool educational institutions, children of senior preschool age master the most important form of speech communication - oral speech. The development of speech in preschoolers helps to expand the circle of communication of older preschool children. They talk a lot with family and close adults. Their speech becomes more expressive, has its own characteristics. And also their communication with unfamiliar adults develops. With the help of speech, older preschool children are actively involved in communication with other children while playing and independent activity ... The child's speech is often accompanied by substantive actions. For example, a child takes a toy and begins to comment on his actions. Such a statement and such communication may seem like just a statement of the child's action. But this form of speech plays a huge role in the formation of a child's thinking. This shows that the speech communication of the preschooler is expanding, the baby begins to think, reflect with the help of words and phrases. Speech in this case shows the formation of the thinking of a senior preschool child. Older preschoolers are interested in the speech and expressions of adults. They listen carefully, note not only statements about themselves, not only the speech that is addressed directly to them, but also listen with interest when adults talk with other children and with each other. Verbal communication in older preschool children with adults and children expands and deepens the world of the baby. In the course of playing with peers, the child acquires the skills of dialogical speech. Until the end of the visit to the preschool educational institution, speech communication of a preschooler of senior preschool age can remain at the level of situational communication. In most cases, children of older preschool age have not developed verbal communication on personal topics at all. And thus, they communicate purely emotionally and directly, which by and large characterizes the peculiarities of communication between very young children. In behavior, preschoolers, of course, do not look like babies, but they like it more when an adult simply strokes, caresses them, and in verbal communication they are often embarrassed, withdrawn into themselves, or even refuse to communicate. This is natural for a baby up to one year old, but when this form of communication persists up to 5 years old, then this should be alarming, this indicates a lag in development, shows the lack of formation of speech. Most children of older preschool age have speech development disorders. Children can comment on their actions during certain activities, but most often only when asked. Children often do not show their own initiative in speech. What can be said about the components of speech activity? M.R. Lvova noted that the components of speech activity include: the speed of manifestation of speech reactions during a dialogue, the selection of games in which the use of speech components is required, the speed of choice of words, and peculiarities of utterances. And the conditions under which the speech of children is activated include: mastering the language system at a certain speech level of development, the need and features of communication in children, the inclusion of preschoolers in activities that are available for a specific age stage. At the age of 5, the child begins to use all the basic parts of speech in communication. He has a gradual formation and development of word formation of preschoolers. The kids are in the process of activating the vocabulary, children begin to use words meaningfully. Inflection is being improved in preschoolers. At the age of 5-6 years, children's statements become more extensive, the logic of presentation is manifested in speech. Telling something, children begin to fantasize, come up with various scenes that do not exist in reality. 5-6 years - the period of active formation of the phonetic side of speech. Children are already characterized by the ability to divide words into syllables, fill words with sounds. Errors are allowed only in words unfamiliar to children. Building the structure of sentences Mastering coherent speech and storytelling, preschoolers 5-6 years old actively use compositional speech. In communication, the number of simple common sentences, complex and complex, which children willingly use in their speech, is increasing. Expanding the sphere of communication, it is advisable to improve the structure of the statements of children. This can be successfully accomplished in the course of play activities. At the 6th year of life, the process of assimilating the morphological properties of sentences is actively proceeding. The child learns new words, his vocabulary and the forms of grammatical change of new words also change. At this age, the development of various methods of word formation actively takes place, which is significantly facilitated by the child's word creation. First of all, this applies to the main parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs. The process of word creation at the age of 6 can be observed in almost all children. This is the period when word creation is actively developing. It has the form of a language game, and it is especially attractive to the child. The fifth - sixth year of life is characterized by the formation of speech arbitrariness. Phonemic perception is formed in preschoolers. They are aware of the simplest linguistic patterns, which can often be observed in play activities, rich in linguistic communication of preschoolers. As for the age of 6-7 years, then children continue to master the methods of grammatically correct construction of coherent statements. Children begin to build descriptive monologues. Speech changes, becomes even more grammatically and phonetically correct. Dialogue speech of preschoolers The dialogue of an older preschooler with peers is carried out involuntarily and proactively. In the process of dialogue, children are taught to use antonyms, continue to develop the skills of using words in different forms, and form the ability to generalize words. Thanks to this, the dictionary is significantly enriched. The methods, thanks to which, the speech of the preschooler is enriched, expanded and activated its features. One of the most effective methods is the didactic game, which is always filled with objects. Children recognize them, can describe their quality, tell about the purpose of the subject.

Before the start of schooling, the child must acquire speech skills and abilities, master the grammatical structure of speech. This is the age when the child naturally learns the syntactic and morphological order.

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