Home Vegetables How to know if your hair color will go white. Beautiful blonde hair. A simple test that will let you know if it suits you to be a blonde. Choosing the right blonde hair tone

How to know if your hair color will go white. Beautiful blonde hair. A simple test that will let you know if it suits you to be a blonde. Choosing the right blonde hair tone

Erofeevskaya Natalia

For men, girls and women of all ages are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of famous branded dyes are voluminous and varied: blondes, chocolates, chestnuts, ash, black and copper tones - their number is approaching infinity, and the newly released collections are full of a variety of "tastes".

The easiest way to change a familiar and even slightly annoying way that a woman knows is with a haircut and / or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi hair lengths, but to change their color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

Hair color during dyeing forms the individuality of the person, but the procedure for choosing the appropriate option is complex and responsible

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists working with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: "cold" and "warm". In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach-toned skin, amber, green, or tea-colored eyes. Copper strands shine in the normally auburn shades. We will name Penelope Cruz as bright media representatives of the warm color type. "Warm" girls and women are recommended to use any warm shades that revive the natural hair color and perfectly harmonize with it - golden, red, hazel.

It is strongly not recommended to add cold tones to a warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for a fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash and classic blonde

Cold beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes in combination with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. Natural hair color ranges from ashy in varying degrees of saturation to raven. It will look spectacular, original and stylish on such women, platinum or black, and for those with dark and black hair color, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will do. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make an unhealthy greenish complexion, unfavorably shading it with their sunshine.

Cold color type - choose a paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, bypassing golden-red and nut tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and hairdressing masters approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very generalized color types, but four - two in each of the indicated: Spring and Autumn are warm, Winter and, oddly enough, Summer are cold. The principles remain the same, but the colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive, practically not tanning skin; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel-colored eyes; "Native hair" - light blond (always with an ash tint) or cold brown. Optimal tones for hair coloring - from cool blond with light brown undertone to nut-chocolate.
Winter - pale, even bluish skin; necessarily dark hair - from dark chestnut to bluish black; eyes of saturated bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring - a good tanning shade of ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheat-colored hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal shades for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber shades.
Autumn - native hair certainly casts gold or copper, skin from easily burned almost transparent to swarthy with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with glowing golden sparkles. Optimal tones for hair coloring: from golden copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and orientation on it in choosing a hair dye is the surest way not to get into a mess when changing the image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent of her color in it.

Skin condition

Few of those who want to change the natural hair color think about the factor that the result obtained after seemingly such a careful selection turns out to be far from ideal, because the skin of the face has played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne rashes, allergic rashes, skin irritations, liver and age spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice of hair dye, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial "charms" clearer and know better.

Poorly chosen hairstyle color will make unnecessary emphasis on problem skin.

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blondes, ashy, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all skin imperfections. If the skin is not entirely attractive, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from natural. Full head coloring is optional, but it will be somewhat more organic to perform color coloring with suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the main tone of the hairstyle will remain your own, dear, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has grown stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Introduce a subtle revival in the usual hairstyle in tones that are in harmony with the "native" color, perform coloring or radically transform from a brunette to a blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer dyeing your hair at home, then, having narrowed the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the beauty store in the department of hair dyeing and care products, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a ruler of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a "paint card" with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first digit in this number means the color depth, the second - its shade. In natural light conditions, determine the correspondence of the palette strand to your own "native" tone, and then (depending on whether you want to become darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that is different from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and the proposed shades, choose the one that is closer to the soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use the color palette that is developed by branded manufacturers.

Even with the help of a professional stylist it will not work to turn from a brunette to a blonde in one fell swoop: such an execution is beyond the power of even healthy and strong hair - global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will happily overlap the light one at a time.

The correct choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes - expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will highlight imperfections and shade the skin of the face with an unhealthy color.

April 27, 2014 12:51 pm

Indeed, men find it difficult to resist the charm of blondes. They have a special charm, and a light shade of hair, as a rule, speaks of a sophisticated nature with a soft character.

Fashion was introduced by the stunning Marilyn Monroe. And after the release of the film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" the title of "the most charming and attractive" was firmly entrenched in the fair-haired beauties.

At least once in her life, almost every girl tried to try on this image. It's good if the experiment with hair lightening was successful. But there are times when platinum hair is completely out of harmony with the exterior. If you decide to dye your hair blonde, do not repeat other people's mistakes, but evaluate whether this light shade will suit you.

Who are the blond curls good for?

Try to remember if you had blonde hair as a child? If the answer is yes, feel free to change your current color to blond. However, if you are born with dark hair, do not despair. Whether blond curls suit you can be determined by your type of appearance.

Swarthy ladies and beauties with a golden or peach skin tone are more suitable for wheat or amber hair colors. As a rule, girls of this warm type of appearance have brown or dark green eyes. Ash blonde will make the look less expressive and the appearance will lose its brightness, and therefore it is better to refuse it.

If you are the owner of light or pinkish skin, and your eyes are gray, blue, black or gray-green, then you belong to the cold type of appearance. The natural shade of curls for such girls varies from light brown to black. To look spectacular and natural, ladies should dye their hair in cold blond tones: ash, platinum or light blond with a silvery sheen. It is worth mentioning that such shades require perfectly clear skin, otherwise the existing acne and redness will become even more noticeable.

Blonde is hardly suitable for beauties and ladies with wide cheekbones. With light curls, these features will become even more noticeable.

How to choose a shade of blond by nature?

If you are a bright and cheerful person who can hardly imagine his life without a constant holiday, then you should give preference to a golden or platinum blonde. The color should be deep and rich. It will look especially impressive on long curled hair.

Ladies with refined and sophisticated taste, aristocratic manners can safely try on the image of the Hollywood diva Marilyn Monroe. Elegant and feminine outfits, coupled with a voluminous and golden shade of blonde in the spirit of the famous blonde film actress, will not leave you without the attention of others.

For energetic and unpredictable young ladies with a cheerful disposition, stylists suggest trying on the image of a playful, mischievous girl. A creative pixie haircut with a platinum blonde accent and deliberately simple outfits will transform you into a creative extraordinary personality.

Successful, bold, ambitious natures, for whom style is above all else, need to pay attention to the cool shades of blonde and still topical highlights.

1. Modified version of the photo 史嘉蕾 喬韓森 01 / Author 阿佐 田 哲 也 / Source https://www.flickr.com/photos/ [email protected]/ 3562600154 Photo courtesy of CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license: creativecommons.org
2. maroon dress face / Posted by Deirdre Boyer / Source flickr.com Photo courtesy of CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

The word "blonde" immediately introduces the American actress Marilyn Monroe from the movie "The Misfits" or Lyubov Orlova from the movie "Funny Guys". These beautiful blonde actresses are the standard of beauty for many women of any generation. And if a few years ago it was believed that men prefer blondes, then in the modern world they prefer smart women with a beautiful figure, regardless of their hair color. But some ladies still want to look cute, delicate blondes.

Modern women sometimes prefer to change their preferences in choosing a shade of hair. The difficulty lies in the fact that not every representative of the fair sex knows whether a light hair color suits her. It will be good if her "female intuition" helps her in this. And if not? We will try to help you - to understand this issue.

We decided all the pluses and minuses to expand on several points. If there are more advantages for you, in favor of the "Blonde" color, then you can undoubtedly become a "burning" blonde. Well, if not, then don't be upset.

Who can go blonde: spring, summer, fall or winter?

"Girl spring"

If your natural hair has light shades, blue or gray eyes are combined with fair skin, then your type of appearance is "spring girl". Natural tones will suit you: from light gold and honey to sandalwood. Light milling or dyeing using the modern sharusha technique will look charming.

"Girl - Summer"

"Girl - Summer" possesses noble features with a slight blush and ashy hair color burnt out in the hot sun. If you belong to this color type, then choose shades of wheat or ash brown - they will give your hair warmth and life.

"Girl - Autumn"

At the "girl - autumn" the hair is bright red or with a reddish tint, the white delicate skin is covered with small freckles, in the bright sun it quickly burns and turns red. Your best option is the warm tones of sandalwood.

"Girl - winter"

Girls like that are the owners of milky white skin combined with dark shades of hair, eyes of cold light shades. Becoming a blonde, in this case, is not advisable. You can lose not only color, but also expressiveness. But there are also some exceptions to the rule.

Age is not a hindrance for blondes

It has long been known that changing your hairstyle can change your character, and therefore your life. A new hair color can freshen up your face, make it look younger, or age or deprive it of color and expression. Modern stylists argue that with age, women need to switch to lighter shades, and hair dye can help them with this. If you decide to become a "natural blonde" in order to look younger, then take our advice:

Use natural blonde shades - this will give your hair a vibrant depth;

Very light tones will give your face a pale, unhealthy look;

Pros: if you, by nature, have light brown or light brown hair, then do not hesitate - "rejuvenate" by lightening your hair.

Cons: by turning into a "blonde" you will not be able to hide the gray hair if you were a brunette before.

It is a troublesome and expensive pleasure to paint in chic blonde tones. It is better not to do this at home. Many have experienced this for themselves - having received burnt yellow strands, and even with unpainted areas. Constant tinting of regrown roots every 1-1.5 months and regular care for dry damaged hair - this is what awaits our "blondes". But if you stop at nothing to achieve your desired goal, then you will become the owner of gorgeous blonde hair. And such a woman cannot be ignored by men, and many women will envy you.

Pros: beautiful hair, delight of men, open envy of all women.
Cons: troublesome and costly.

Hair condition and desire to become a "natural blonde"

Hair care - this is the lot not only of blondes, but also of other representatives of the fair sex. But you are a blonde, so to create the look of well-groomed hair you will have to spend a lot more time and a lot more money. Otherwise, your hair will not look well-groomed and sloppy, and for such an effect, it was hardly worth bothering yourself like that. Women with "fair-haired" heredity will be much easier in this matter. but brunettes will have to try to achieve an excellent result. Light hair is much thinner and is easily dyed, but dark hair is dyed with difficulty.

Men can argue about female attractiveness endlessly. After all, there is still no way to decide who is better - blondes or brunettes? Each man has his own woman, and her hair color does not really matter. Or has it? Let's figure it out.

Women with what hair are most attractive to men?

Who is better - blondes or brunettes? This question has always been an edge for the strong half of humanity. For a long time, Greek girls, who were considered the standard of beauty, began to dye their hair. For some reason, lovely ladies were not satisfied with the natural dark shade. Therefore, today there are so many legends in which, for the heart of a golden-haired beauty, the ancient Greek performed feats and even went to crimes. Why did the girls try with all their might to change the appearance given to them by nature? The answer lies on the surface. Men are drawn to everything new and unusual. And if the beloved is surrounded by brunettes, then you urgently need to become a blonde. This simple method was used by women in the past and are adopting it today. It is clear that men began to turn their attention to blondes, because they stood out so much from the crowd of their competitors. How is it now? Who do men value more? Let's turn to statistics. As before, and now, men prefer blondes. But in the capacity of whom? As a mistress and an easily accessible girl. That is why a man in 70% of cases will approach a blonde in a cafe. As wives, the same 70% of the stronger sex want to see brunettes. It seems to them that these ladies are more suitable for the role of mother and keeper of the hearth.

The opinion of the girls

If men are more or less constant in their views on life, then women are no different. Therefore, the vote "Who is better - blondes or brunettes?" can be considered relevant for six months until the fashion changes. Today, dark hair color is relevant. And not because it reveals some deep feminine essence or emphasizes status. Hair color is as trendy as, say, fur vests or cropped jeans. For some girls, these fashionable attributes sink into the soul, and they do not part with them. Other ladies will throw out boring things at the moment when designers announce a list of trendy things.

At the moment, based on the collected statistics, we can say that 80% of girls consider brunettes more attractive to men. In fairness, it should be noted that all these women are owners of dark hair.

Expert opinion

Experts on relationships and family life unanimously state that hair color does not greatly affect men's taste preferences. But still, experienced people confirm the fact that many men prefer fashion trends. If only brunettes appear on the covers and in the lead roles of films, a man, albeit subconsciously, notices it. The notion that the most beautiful girls should have dark hair is imposed by marketers.

Who is better: blondes or brunettes? Psychologists believe that if hair color does not have a big influence on a man, then he can change female behavior. Some moody and eccentric ladies may justify their silly antics by the fact that they are blondes. In this case, men will only be touched by them. But a brunette who does not understand what may not deserve the same indulgence. The world is ruled by stereotypes, and some women prefer to take advantage of it.

Who is better in the photo

It is difficult to answer this question. After all, not everything depends on the color of the hair. Photogenicity is formed from pleasant features of appearance, slimness of figure, length of legs, etc. But still, answering the question of who is better - blondes or brunettes - are obtained in the photo, one can say this: in winter - brunettes, in summer - blondes. In the cold season, girls with golden hair practically merge with the snow-white environment, while dark-haired beauties contrast with the surrounding nature. But in the summer the situation changes. A wise woman will always carefully choose a background for a photograph so that it does not merge with her.

Men love to look at beautiful pictures, so a photo of a well-groomed girl involuntarily attracts their attention. Which is better - a photo of a blonde or a brunette? Everyone decides for himself, and the hair color here does not play a major role. A good figure and long legs are sometimes enough to conquer a man.

Does hair color affect relationships?

It should be understood that a man lives with a woman, not with a doll. Therefore, hair color does not matter for a relationship. If a girl has a terrible temper, no one will tolerate her just because she has gorgeous curls. Justifying your actions with hair color is stupid. Blondes, brunettes and redheads - all women in our world can be wise, just many do not want to. But then you should not be offended by your beloved for finding another. It is worth reproaching yourself for being cold, stupid, or indecent. And the fact that a man found a girl with a different hair color should play the least role.

Often in a cafe or on the street, you can see how cute the blonde and the brunette talk to each other. Best friends don't care about hair color. They see in each other only a set of positive qualities, hidden in an attractive shell.

The nature of the blonde

When it comes to a girl with blonde hair, many people think of a character from anecdotes. A kind of young lady with pumped-up breasts and lips, who can hardly count up to 10. It is not entirely clear how this stereotype developed. Most likely, it arose because there are few natural blondes in the world. Therefore, if a woman has blonde hair, then she dyes it. And if she paints them, then she wants to seem prettier, therefore, she is frivolous, since she pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Of course, this is not always the case. It's just that some girls really suit light hair color. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be beautiful. It is impossible to say for sure which ones are brunettes or blondes, but there is a scientifically proven fact that women with blond hair are softer-hearted, more groovy and naive than their dark-haired girlfriends.

The nature of the brunette

Girls with dark hair are considered smart, assertive, and successful. Men do not perceive them as a glossy picture. It is customary to idolize such girls and wear them on their hands. This is the opinion of the site "ASK". Who is better - blondes or brunettes? The popular vote was divided equally.

In fact, it is impossible to say with certainty that women with dark hair are more successful than their blonde girlfriends, but you can say that men take them seriously. Moreover, both in work and in personal life.

The nature of the redhead

Girls, whose hair color has a copper tint, according to the proverbs, are sorceresses. Most likely, this belief has deep roots. Indeed, in our country, red-haired girls are a rarity, therefore, it was to them that the attention of men was paid in the first place.

Red-haired girls are stubborn, purposeful and smart. Girls with sun-colored hair always attract attention to their person, so they are often selfish and arrogant. But these character traits are more attractive than scaring away. There are no exact statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, or redheads, but we can say that few women in our country decide to dye their hair with henna. This is a daring act that will inevitably attract increased attention to them, and many are ashamed of this. Often red-haired girls are creative personalities. They choose the profession of painters, sculptors, poetesses or writers.

Character of girls with variegated hair

We examined the main natural colors in which girls are painted. But today, not only naturalness is in fashion, but also brightness. Blue, green and purple hair is not uncommon anymore. What are the girls trying to convey to those around them, who choose such flashy colors? Of course, most of them will say that this is how they express themselves. In fact, this girl is weak-willed and highly dependent on the opinions of others. She needs to be in the center of attention all the time, she wants to be admired. And if this cannot be achieved with bright hair, tomorrow it will not be difficult for her to become bald. Such a girl can do anything to get noticed.

Is it possible to change fate by changing your hairstyle

As you know, you can't run away from yourself. Therefore, if a girl decided to radically change her fate with the help of a new hairstyle, the idea, let's say right away, is frankly stupid. You cannot dye your hair and become a different person. Collecting statistics on who is better - blondes or brunettes, scientists come to the conclusion that everyone is good in their own way. If it were not for the infantile, he would be boring, and if there were no prudent girls, then the balance in the world would be shaken. If a girl wants to change something in life, then she must start with herself. By changing your character and views on this world, you can change your destiny. With a new hairstyle, a girl can become more interesting, but only for one evening. Then others will understand that behind the new attractive picture there is an old personality, perhaps a gray mouse.

We select hair color according to the color type of appearance

Today the girl has the opportunity to paint in absolutely any color. She can do it on her own decision and even on a dispute. After all, many crazy actions are the result of a dispute about who is cooler. So who is better - blonde or brunette? Each woman and man decides this for themselves.

If a girl decides to change her image, she should first of all be guided not by fashion trends, but by her own color type of appearance. If a woman has fair skin, eyebrows and eyelashes, then she should not wear makeup in a brunette. A burning beauty will not come out of her; rather, she will look like a dead heroine from a horror movie. Such girls should not go against nature and spend all their free time in a solarium so that their skin becomes at least a little dark. It is better to opt for a blonde or copper shade of hair color.

If the girl is a mulatto or mestizo, then she does not need to become a blonde. Dark eyebrows and eyelashes will create dissonance with her hair, which together will not look attractive.

But the owners of light brown hair can carry out experiments at least every six months! Girls with neutral skin tones and gray hair can experiment and become blondes, brunettes and redheads.

Beauty and some tips below.

Color matching methods before painting

You can clearly see how this or that hair color will look in two ways. The first one was announced: visit a virtual beauty salon, without leaving home. You just need to upload a photo and enjoy a huge selection of hairstyles and color palette.

Choose a photo that has the most open face and ears. A passport photo is ideal. If there is no such photo, do not be discouraged. The color matching result will not get worse, but the combination of hairstyles and head will be asymmetrical.

The second option looks somewhat hooligan: it involves going to the store with wigs and trying on the latter. Why bully, you ask? Measuring a bunch of goods and not buying anything is not the most desirable option for a store seller. Therefore, we recommend staying on the first option, and while drinking tea in home slippers, choose the appropriate option.

Choosing a color based on the color type

If before that you referred yourself to the category of completely unique people, then you will have to upset you. All people in the world are divided into only four color types, named after the seasons: winter summer Spring Autumn... There are two subtypes dividing color types into contrasting and non-contrasting types. Consider the features of the definitions adopted in the beauty industry.


Winter is characterized by typical parameters: boiling white skin, which tends to quickly injure in direct sunlight... In order not to confuse this color type with a summer counterpart, you will have to inflict several injuries on the hand: pinch the area of ​​skin between your fingers and turn sharply. The remaining blue trail will indicate that your color type is winter, red is summer.

For this type of appearance, a bluish-black hair color is suitable. Any manifestations of red and brown are contraindicated.- completely alien colors will not decorate you, but will age for a couple of years. From warm and light shades, choose a wheat or honey shade without reddishness. Ash gray will do.


Appearance is characterized cold shades of eyes and hair. A pronounced difference in contrasts indicates a subtype of contrasting and non-contrasting summer. In the first case, the color of the skin and hair has a sharp combination of the opposite: light skin and dark hair. In the second: a soft combination of light or dark tones of the elements of the exterior.

It's easy to understand which hair color is suitable if you belong to a contrasting summer - it will always have golden notes. The non-contrasting subtype will emphasize chestnut shades, which have prevailing red notes in the spectrum.


Spring is presented in delicate sensual blondes with light eyes and eyebrows whose skin has a milky hue and often light age spots. If you recognize yourself in the description, pay attention to honey colors, all shades of light brown and light red.


Natural red hair, freckled skin with a pinkish sheen- typical representatives of the autumn color type. Global experiments with appearance are not recommended, only natural hair color is suitable... It can be lighter or darker, differ in shade, but the base must certainly be associated with red and yellow pigments.

You can determine the color type through online tests, in the plural presented on the Internet. Answer a few simple questions honestly, and the computer will respond to your request. It is worth noting that the accuracy of such a test is questionable: you can carry it out after you determine the color type by your external physical characteristics and compare the result.

Become a blonde, brunette or brown-haired woman: who is contraindicated

The desire to coolly change the color of your hair, and with it the usual life, is quite understandable. However, you should not trust the momentary impulse - unsuitable hair color will have to be displayed for a long time and painfully. In addition, hair health after such risky procedures will deteriorate. Consider the pitfalls that various types carry:

  • Blonde
    You can become a blonde if you are sure that your face is perfect. White hair will accentuate all facial skin imperfections. Wounds, pimples - everything will be striking. However, with white hair, you will get a defenseless, delicate and dreamy look. It is recommended for full girls, as it visually lengthens the face.
  • Brunette
    If nature has not rewarded you with a dark hair color, and you really want it, we recommend that you double-check your compatibility several times. You should not paint black if you are over forty years old: alas, but you will look forty-five, or even more. But at a young age, it is enough to have expressive eyes and dark skin for black hair to turn you into a queen. A dark shade on the hair is highly discouraged for girls who are overweight.: it will highlight the imperfection of the forms.
  • Brown-haired woman
    The chestnut shade on the hair is very successful and fits most color types. It will fit in case if the original color was not much lighter than desired. Blondes who go auburn will look older.
  • Redhead
    Red is not suitable for young girls with fair hair and transparent skin. If you are of this type, do not make mistakes - leave this color for the ladies for whom it suits. Also, do not repaint bright brunettes in red.
  • Red, purple
    These shades look artificial and are suitable for a very small number of girls and women. Use these colors as a second color scheme to complement your original hair color.

Be attentive to your appearance and do not allow rash decisions to become a reason for changing it for the worse. Choose hair color according to your color type and avoid forbidden shades. How to understand which hair color suits you, we found out in the article: use the recommendations above and you will always be irresistible.

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