Home Fruit trees The largest size in men. The normal size of the penis. Statistical data. Penile measurement technology

The largest size in men. The normal size of the penis. Statistical data. Penile measurement technology

Penis size must be assessed in a state of erection, or when stretching, since even in the same person, penis length at rest can vary significantly during the day and depends on both external and internal factors: temperature of the external environment, emotional and hormonal background, structural features of the autonomic nervous systems. So, the penis increases 2-8 times during an erection. Measurements are taken by applying a ruler to the lateral surface of the phallus from the pubic bone to the tip of the head.

The size at birth is 2-5 cm. The phallus begins to grow actively from 13 to 17 years old. In the period from 17 to 25 years, there may be a slight increase in the penis. Normal size values are located in the range of 12-18 cm, the size of which is less than 12 cm. is small, more than 18 cm. - large, less than 8 cm. - micropenis. There are also some differences in average size among different races. The average size of the penis in the Negroid race is slightly larger than in Europeans, while in Asians it is slightly smaller.

Age norms for the length of the penis

  • The second column contains the average lengths.
  • The third column of the table is the very lowest size limit at which we can talk about insufficient length -.


Penis length, cm

Average penis size | mean deviation Average size minus (2.5 * average deviation)
Premature newborn babies . .
30 weeks 2.5+ 0.4 1.5
34 weeks 3.0+ 0.4 2.0
Full-term newborn babies 3.5+ 0.4 2.5
0-5 months 3.9+ 0.4 1.9
6-12 months 4.3+ 0.8 2.3
1-2 years 4.7+ 0.9 2.6
2-3 years 5.1+ 0.9 2.9
3-4 years 5.5+ 0.9 3.3
4-5 years old 5.7+ 0.9 3.5
5-6 years old 6.0+ 0.9 3.8
6-7 years old 6.1+ 0.9 3.9
7-8 years old 6.2+ 1.0 3.7
8-9 years old 6.3+ 1.0 3.8
9-10 years old 6.3+ 1.0 3.8
10-11 years old 6.4+ 1.1 3.7
Adults 13.3+ 1.6 9.3

Insufficient length of the penis can be associated with various factors: genetic diseases, hormonal disorders, underdevelopment of the corpora cavernosa. In some cases, it is not possible to identify the factor that led to the underdevelopment of the organ.

Penile thickness and circumference

Normally, the circumference of the penis is 10-16 cm. Below is a table that allows you to understand how many men have this or that thickness of the penis.

The size of the penis in men is determined according to its parameters, namely, according to the available data of its length and width, both at rest and in the position of sexual arousal. These parameters are of considerable importance both during intercourse and for a man's awareness of his own dignity.

The average normal size of the penis is due to fairly accurate indicators.

The average normal size of the penis is due to fairly accurate indicators

For example, according to available statistics, the average size of the penis in Russia is in the range from 14 to 17.8 cm.It will not be difficult for a man to determine what size the phallus is, you just need to have an idea of ​​the technology for measuring the penis and follow the rules prescribed in it. content.

Penile measurement technology

In order for the value of masculinity to be determined correctly, it is necessary to take all measurements in a comfortable environment, at room temperature, without any stress or excitement. The average size of the penis is determined using a ruler and in a state of maximum erection. Measurements should be started by applying a ruler to the pubic area and ending with the head of the phallus.

The average size of the penis is determined using a ruler and in a state of maximum erection

Important! If a man has a lot of weight, it means that there is an excess of subcutaneous fat, which affects the decrease in the functional dimensions of the organ.

In order to find out how long the penis is, it is necessary to deflect the male reproductive organ in such a way that its location is parallel to the floor, and only then attach a ruler to it. The width can be measured with a measuring tape-ruler, by wrapping it around the penis exactly in the middle.

To obtain a more accurate figure, it is recommended to take measurements in several steps 2-3 times a day. After that, the results must be added, thus obtaining the average value.

Average penis size, according to statistics

According to statistics, the normal size of the penis ranges from 12 to 22 cm, where the thickness of the male reproductive organ is greater than its length. So what is the average penis size?

Many men most often in young and middle age are interested in questions about the standard average sizes of the penis. And almost every man compares the normal, according to statistics, the size of the penis with his manhood.

At the moment, the size of the penis in a state of erection is determined by the following concepts:

  • Micropenis. An organ reaching no more than 2 cm in length;
  • Small genital organ. The male reproductive organ, reaching a length of no more than 9.5 cm;
  • Standard penis. The average size of the penis is from 9.5 cm or more.

Large penis - a giant can measure from 24 cm or more

The male penis has some difference in its shape, which can be:

  • Cylindrical - this is when the body of the penis itself has the same volume as its head;
  • Pointed appearance;
  • Mushroom-shaped - the penis has a narrow base and a wide head.

Also, the penis has differences in the length of the organ itself:

  • Large penis - a giant can measure from 24 cm or more;
  • The standard male genital organ is indicated by sizes ranging from 16 to 22 cm;
  • Strong, such organs can be considered as penises, whose sizes range from 8 to 6 cm.

The available statistics indicate the existence of both huge members reaching a length of 25 cm or more, and completely small ones less than 2.5 cm long.

Recent research

Researchers at the Academy of Surgery of the same name in France came to the conclusion that it is necessary to determine the norms and optimal size of the penis in a man. Based on the results of the studies, the following conclusions were made: the average length of the penis in men at rest should be equal to 9.5 cm, reaching in girth, the same value, and with the existing diameter 10.5 cm.

What is the ideal size of the penis

Also, the scientists, the minds of the Academy, came to the conclusion that it is inexpedient to carry out a surgical operation to enlarge the penis in a man, due to its unfoundedness. Since what should be the penis is decided mainly by men who believe that their penis does not correspond to the size of the existing norm. Although, in principle, the male reproductive organ corresponds to the normal anatomical size of a man.

According to statistics of this kind of requests, it is 85% of the total number of men who wanted to change the size of their penis.

Ideal physiological dimensions of a man's penis

So what is the ideal penis size? Physiologists believe that the length of the penis is related to the growth of a man. So what is the ideal size for a penis? This proportion has a ratio of 1/10. For example, if a man is 175 cm tall, then the length of his reproductive organ should be about 17-18 cm. Of course, such a penis rate is considered rather arbitrary, since many factors influence the size of the penis. Namely:

  • Genetic predisposition. If you compare, then the race of African peoples has the greatest masculine dignity, but Asians, especially the Japanese, are below average in size;
  • Features of development at the time of active growth of the penis. For example, any hormonal disorders can affect the growth and future size of the penis;
  • The set of this or that man. The visible dimensions of the penis in obese men are hidden by a layer of fat in the pubic region. Every few kilograms of excess weight hides an entire centimeter of the length of the penis.

The visible dimensions of the penis in obese men are hidden by a layer of fat in the pubic region.

In addition, when answering the question about the ideal dimensions of a male organ, it is necessary to clarify for what needs this ideal size is needed.

A man's penis is defined by three main functions. It serves as a tool for removing urine from the body, has a fertile function and helps to get sexual pleasure during sexual intercourse.

For the first two functions, the dimensions of manhood are not important, but for the third, where a woman takes part, both the length and volume of the penis are of great importance.

Women's preferences

Many men incorrectly assume that the larger their organ is, the more pleasure a woman will get. But the truth of things lies elsewhere. A large penis can cause pain for a woman, discomfort, and even be involved in the onset of certain diseases.

What is the optimal penis size, sexier and best for women?

According to numerous studies, a woman can feel quite comfortable with a man whose penis in a state of arousal exceeds the capacity of the vagina by no more than 4 centimeters. According to the available statistics, with the dimensions of the female vagina within 8-10 cm, the optimal size of the male genital organ should be 14-16 cm.

In addition, women pay more attention not to the length of the penis, but to its thickness. And all because a thicker penis acts as the best stimulant for the clitoris, creating a feeling of some fullness and greater excitability, which manifests itself in the process of intercourse.

Therefore, to get an unambiguous answer to the question of what size of the penis is the best will not work. Since everything here will depend on the individuality of the partners and the art of mutual understanding.

Are you having serious POTENTIAL problems?

Have you tried a lot of tools and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't use drastic methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how the experts recommend treating ...

Probably every second woman in her life thought about the importance of the size of manhood. At first glance, it seems to us that the size does not matter at all, that "he will endure falling in love, only he was a good, kind family man." But in reality, the picture shows that this is not so.

At first we do not pay attention to dissatisfaction, then we tolerate it, and, in the end, this state turns into depression. It seems to us that our life is incomplete and we begin to think about another man with a different penis size, suitable for you. After all, if everything is fine in intimate life, then there will be no problems in everyday relationships. But not the other way around.

The female orgasm largely depends on the location of the sensitive areas inside the vagina, and if the male penis does not touch these points, then the woman will not get a vaginal orgasm. For most women, these points are deep.

So how do you know your penis size before first sex?

Is it possible to determine the length of manhood by the external characteristics of a man? Science says yes

Korean doctors conducted a secret study among men. To do this, during anesthesia,
before planned operations, the doctors pulled back the penis, measured its length and recorded the size in the table. They did the same with the fingers. It turned out that the size of the penis depends on the size of the ring finger. If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then the penis is impressive in size. The greater the difference, the larger the size. It turns out that the only way to determine the size of manhood is by stretching out your hand for a handshake. The man will spread his palm, and all the fingers will be clearly visible.

To date, this is the only confirmed way to determine the size of the penis in men by external appearance.

There are many common ways to recognize the size of an intimate organ upon meeting, but they are confirmed only by guesses, inventions and intuition:

  1. First guess- the size of the penis depends on the size of the man's legs. The longer and wider the foot, the larger the size of the penis.
  2. Second guess- The size of the penis depends on the size of the man's nose. If the nose is long, then the penis is long and thin. If the nose is a potato, then the penis is thicker than usual and shorter in length.
  3. Third guess- the size of the penis depends on the length of the man's thigh. It is said that if the length of the thigh is greater than the length of the leg from the knee to the foot, then the penis is of a staggering size.
  4. Fourth guess- the size of intimate dignity depends on the hairiness of men. The more hair on the body, legs and arms, the thicker and longer the size of the penis.
  5. Fifth guess- The size of the male genital organ depends on the plumpness of the lips. If the lips are thin, then the penis is thin and short, if the lips are thick, then the penis is thick and long.

There is a belief that black men have pronounced genitals, while men of Asian descent are the opposite.

I would like to note that it is not always possible to please a woman with a large sex unit. If inexperienced, a man can bring pain or discomfort to a woman during sex. And with a small size, on the contrary, to deliver a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.

For the “wrong size,” try exploring suitable sex positions that move the genitals further or closer, with deep or shallow penetration. Adjust to your partner and do not hesitate to talk about problems in sex.

P.S. Best regards, site administration.

The average length of a man's dignity (regardless of a man's nationality) is about 13.1 cm. The average girth or circumference of the penis is about 11.91 cm (almost 12 cm). At the same time, the average length of a non-erect penis is approximately 9.16 cm. These measurements correspond to a study conducted by the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI).

The countries with the largest average male organ size - 18.03 cm - are Sudan and DR Congo. The country with the smallest average size - 9.43 cm at the time of erection - Thailand (Faculty of Medicine. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2013).

American Jonah Falcon has a record size of manhood. The length of his penis is 34.29 cm during arousal and 20.32 cm at rest. Its cock is so long that it was once mistaken by the Transportation Security Administration for a bomb. The length of his genital organ is equal to the length of three iPhone 4s, located one after the other.

Another owner of the "largest penis" is a man from Mexico who was not born with outstanding size, but enlarged his organ himself (more about it in the video above).


According to the Presidential hospital of Russia (Moscow) for 2015, the average size of a man's manhood in Russians was 9.6 cm at rest in length with a girth of 9.4 cm.At the moment of erection, the length is 14.16 cm with a girth of 11.73 cm. Herbenick D., Reece M. Schick V., Sanders SA shows that Americans have almost the same parameters.

According to 2011 data (Journal of Urology) in Belarus, the length of the penis in men is 11.2 cm in a resting state (coverage 9.1), and with an erection - 13.98 cm (coverage 11.38).

A survey by the Irish University showed that the average length of the penis of Ukrainian men is 13.97 cm. Data from another 2015 survey, where respondents themselves determined the size of their dignity, say that the length of the penis in a resting state in Ukrainians is 9.7 cm, the girth is 9.8 cm, and when excited, the length is 14.2 cm with a girth of 12.28 cm.

The results of the Genital size measure survey of 2015 showed that the average penis length in men in Kazakhstan is 9.3 cm (volume 9.1), and in an erect state - 13.46 cm with a thickness of 11.34. Men in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have practically the same indicators.


African men have the largest penises in the world. The leaders are Sudan (17.95) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (17.93). The top three also include representatives of South America, the average size of male dignity in Ecuador is about 17.59 cm. The top ten owners of large penises also include men from another Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Ghana, Venezuela, Lebanon, Colombia, Cameroon. Jamaica. These men are leading in terms of the length of erect male dignity (from 17.95 to 16.30 cm).

The smallest penises are in men from Thailand, North Korea, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Korea and the Philippines. The average size of their masculine qualities at the moment of arousal does not exceed 9.43‒10.85 cm.

Average male dignity: table by country (according to another source)

Sudan 18.034
Congo 18.034
Ecuador 17.526
Belgium 16.256
France 16.002
Egypt 15.748
Brazil 15.748
Italy 15.748
Denmark 15.24
Netherlands 14.986
Sweden 14.732
Greece 14.732
Scotland 14.732
Chile 14.478
Israel 14.478
Germany 14.478
Norway 14.224
Turkey 13.97
England 13.97
Canada 13.97
Spain 13.97
Australia 13.208
Japan 13.208
Russia 13.208
USA 12.954
Ireland 12.7
China 10.922
India 10.16
North Korea 9.398


It is sometimes argued that you can guess the length of a man's dignity by the hand, leg, height, nose and even the ear of a man. However, according to a 2006 study, there is no link between penis size and physical condition. In several other observations, experts have deduced the relationship between the size of the buttocks and the penis, but this looks unconvincing.

Does height affect the size of manhood?

Scientists have not found a connection between these two parameters. Most likely, a man's height does not in any way affect the length and thickness of his penis. For example, the owner of the world's largest penis, Jonah Falcon, is only 175 cm tall.

Watch the video: Elena Malysheva on male dignity (program "Living Healthy")


The BJUI review used data from 17 studies with 15,000 male participants. Scientists have found that only 5 out of 100 men have a penis longer than 16 cm. Similarly, only 5 out of 100 have an erect penis length shorter than 10 cm. Other studies have shown similar results.

A review published in the Journal of Urology also showed that resting male length does not affect penis size at the time of erection. In other words, different men may have the same length of erect penises, but the size of their organs in a resting state will differ.

On average, women consider the size of male dignity equal to 13.8 cm to be normal, and 15.8 cm is called the ideal length.For men, according to surveys, the average length of the penis is 14.1 cm, and the ideal organ is 16.6 cm.

The Journal of Urology calls a penis length less than 4 cm at rest and less than 7.62 cm at the time of arousal as a deviation from the norm. With such parameters, after consultation with a urologist, a man can be recommended.


According to BJUI magazine, women are more focused on the appearance and personality of a man; penis size is not a priority for them. Many men whose masculinity is 12–13 cm or less when they are aroused begin to doubt their size. This is a common belief that can lead to problems with self-esteem and feelings of insecurity. 12‒13 cm are the average indicators of male dignity, which are not a deviation from the norm.

In addition, length is not so important: according to two studies, almost 90% of women prefer a penis with a larger girth than a longer one.

Does the size of man's dignity matter: the opinion of girls

However, a poll from the University of California showed that 68% of women whose men have a penis size below the national average or below the national average want their partners to be larger in male dignity. At the same time, the majority of female respondents in the study (85%) said they were still satisfied with their partner's penis size.

In the same study, men were asked to rate their own dignity for themselves. More than half of the respondents (66%) rated their penises as average. 22% thought their penises were large, the remaining 12% thought their penises were small. Men who rated their reproductive organs as large also tend to view their overall appearance as more attractive. This could mean that penis size affects a man's confidence in his own attractiveness.

The opinion of women about the size of manhood was also studied in the Mister Poll survey. 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would refuse a very attractive man with a small penis and would prefer a man with an ordinary appearance, but a large body. In the same survey, 75% of respondents considered penis girth and length to be very important. In addition, 61% of them admitted that they would refuse to communicate with a man if the size of his penis did not meet their expectations and turned out to be smaller.

More than a thousand men also took part in the survey. They were asked how they feel after reading women's responses regarding penis size. The results showed the following:

  • 44% are confident that their penis size is normal,
  • 19% are absolutely sure that their manhood can satisfy the majority of women,
  • 17% are not sure about their size
  • 9% are not sure about the size of their penis, but believe they can satisfy a woman,
  • 8% are absolutely sure both of the size and that they can satisfy their partner.

Accuracy of research and measurements

Despite careful study, there is still a huge margin of error when measuring penis size, especially when measured by men themselves. In addition, several factors can affect an erection: ambient temperature, mood, age, mental state.


How to measure your penis correctly?

There are two ways to measure. The first method is measurement at the moment of arousal. The second is measurement in a calm state. The results of both approaches will have a difference of several millimeters.

Use a ruler to find out the length of your penis. Place one end of it in the area of ​​the bone above the penis. Be sure to press down on the ruler until you feel the bone. This is necessary so that the pubic hair and fat layer do not interfere with the measurement. Measure the length from the bone to the tip of the penis.

A measuring tape can be used to obtain girth data. Wrap it around the thickest part of your penis; it can be the middle or the bottom. If there is no tape measure, but there is a ruler, you can measure the length of manhood with a strip of paper, marking the girth on it, and then attaching the paper to the ruler.


An experienced doctor can perform the operation and increase the thickness and length of the penis. Pills, and other home remedies advertised on the internet, will not work at best. You can also lengthen the inverter with or, but you will have to use them regularly and for at least a year.

If the size of a man's dignity is close to average values, perhaps a more positive outlook on things will help him get rid of complexes and avoid unnecessary surgery.

  • Focus on the characteristics and body parts that you like about yourself. For example, broad shoulders or a pleasant smile.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and incorporate strength training into your weekly exercise program. If you feel healthy, then the inner feeling will improve.
  • Penis size is really not that important in order to satisfy a partner.
  • Don't compare yourself to celebrities, models, athletes, or even more porn actors. Their artificially created images are exaggerated and unrealistic.

The average values ​​of the length of the penis in men with sexual arousal vary between 13-16 cm. The greatest influence on the size of the penis is exerted by race, as well as individual characteristics: genetic inheritance, endocrine disorders and some pathologies of the genitourinary system. Studies have shown that most men overestimate the optimal penis length, while women's preferences are in line with the average.

Average sizes

The collection of statistics for men has been carried out by many researchers, and their results are mixed:

The sexual organ in men begins to actively increase during puberty, and by the age of 15-18 it reaches its maximum size. The average penis size by age is shown in the table:

For four years, from 1998 to 2002, the Russian sociologist and sexologist Igor Kon surveyed 8267 men over the age of 18 about the length of an erect penis. The data obtained in the form of the distribution of sizes by their prevalence as a percentage are summarized in the table:

Penis size (percentage of men surveyed)

It can be concluded that nThe most common (average) length of the penis in men in Russia is 15 cm.

The collected information of foreign researchers (LifeStiles Condomz) correlates with the data of domestic doctors:

Based on the generalization of the obtained data of world statistics, it can be established that the normal length of an erect penis is the range of 13.8-16.6 cm, and the circumference of its trunk is 11.4 cm. Most studies of the size of the penis were carried out in an erect state, since this is most important for both men and women.

The degree of swelling of the genitals during sex varies among people. In many men with a long penis at rest, the increase in size during an erection does not exceed 2 cm, and in those who have a short penis, it can increase 2-3 times.

The woman's vagina also changes in different ways. With strong excitement, the sizes can differ by a factor of 2.

Possible deviations

The size of the penis of 40-50 cm is observed in rare cases, with endocrine diseases or elephantiasis - a violation of the lymphatic flow, as a result of which edema of the organ occurs.

The longest officially recorded penis length in a healthy man is 34.5 cm in an erect state and 24 cm in a relaxed state.

An undersized penis is a common problem. In surgical practice, there is another criterion for assessing the optimal length of manhood. The lower limit of the normal size is 9.5 cm, since with a smaller size, full sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

In this regard, two concepts are also used in medicine:

  • small penis, the length of which is in the range of 2-9.5 cm;
  • micropenis: size less than 1.5-2 cm, diameter - up to 1 cm. If the pathology is caused by endocrine disorders, then the use of hormonal therapy contributes to normal. If such treatment is ineffective, an operation is performed to change the sex to the female.

The small size of the penis in children and adolescents can be due to several reasons:

  • lack of growth hormone or gonadotropic hormones produced in the human pituitary gland;
  • insensitivity of the genitals to male steroid hormones;
  • congenital dysfunctions of the adrenal cortex;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • pathology of the central nervous system: absence of part or all of the pituitary gland, its underdevelopment, brain tumors, hydrocephalus;
  • deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone due to a lack of 5-alpha reductase.

The development of this pathology is influenced by the intake of certain medications by the mother during pregnancy: hydantoids (Diphenin, Phenytoin, used in the treatment of seizures), estrogen- and progesterone-containing drugs, as well as unfavorable environmental factors leading to endocrine disorders.

The most active growth of the penis in guys occurs at 12-14 years old. According to statistics, dissatisfaction with the size of the penis in men often occurs at a more mature age. Several factors affect the length of an erect penis:

  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • elasticity of tissues;
  • stubbornness of the tunica albuginea;
  • connection with surrounding tissues.

The extensibility of the penis depends on the content of elastic and collagen fibers in the tunica albuginea and corpora cavernosa. Over the years, their flexibility and resilience decreases. in length is observed with the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • trauma;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • congenital or acquired erectile deformity.

Factors affecting penis size

In addition to pathological abnormalities, there are other factors that affect the size of the penis: race and anthropometric characteristics. The taller a man is, the longer his penis, and the more weight, the shorter it is. Other types of relationships (the size of the feet, nose, fingers) with the length of the penis have not received official confirmation.

Penis thickness at rest is directly related to height, but not related to body weight. In obese men, the length may seem shorter due to the fatty fold on the pubis hanging over the penis, although in reality its size remains the same. This phenomenon in andrology is called the hidden penis.

Some males underestimate the size of the penis because of the angle obtained when looking down at it, or because of the wrong measurement technique. The results are also influenced by the ambient temperature and the general health of the man.

There are medical studies showing that penis size is dependent on race. In black men, the length in a calm state is on average 1-3 cm longer than in white-skinned men, and in erect values ​​are practically the same.

The smallest size of the penis in Asian men is in Cambodia, India, Thailand and Japan. The average length of the penis during erection is 11-12 cm. The statistical data obtained are taken into account when selling condoms and making phalloprostheses in these regions.

Women's preferences

According to an anonymous survey, over 70% of women would prefer a man with large genitals. Other studies show that 85% of girls are satisfied with the size of their partner's penis, and 6% consider it below average. In men, this indicator is much lower - 55% of satisfaction with the length of their penis, and 45% would like to increase it.

Most women value the width of the penis, not its length. This is because the larger diameter penis stimulates the clitoris more effectively. A genital organ that is too thick causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. There are no sensitive areas deep in the vagina, so length is not that important.

As statistics show, women consider the ideal sizes of the penis to be at the upper level of the average: length 16 cm and 12 cm in girth. Contrary to popular belief, the main role in obtaining sexual satisfaction is played not by the size of the body, but by the introductory caresses and attention from the partner.

How to enlarge your penis?

You can increase the size of the penis using several techniques:

  • Vacuum. A hand pump creates a vacuum around the soft tissue of the penis. The procedure is carried out within half an hour every day. The average is 3 cm in 3-6 months.
  • Traction, based on the principle of tissue stretching under the influence of constant prolonged physical impact. Stretching is performed using tourniquet, strap or vacuum extenders. The optimal wearing time is 6-8 hours a day for 2-4 approaches. The result is achieved within six months (on average, an elongation of 3 cm).
  • Surgical. It allows not only to make the penis longer, but also thicker. The most versatile method of lengthening is ligamentotomy - the transection of the supporting ligament and the release of the corpus cavernosum to the level of the arteries. After dissection, the corpora cavernosa are fixed in a new position. The operation allows you to enlarge the penis by 3-5 cm.


The standard result of surgical lengthening is 2.5-3 cm. There are no effective and reliable surgical techniques. The state may be minimal or completely absent.

Produced in the following ways:

  • The introduction of synthetic gels or alloderm - specially processed human adipose tissue extracted from corpses - under the skin of the penis.
  • Transplantation (subcutaneous wrapping) of a fragment of the muscles of the chest, back or rectus abdominis taken from the patient.
  • Subcutaneous injection of implanted adipose tissue extracted from the suprapubic region.
  • Transplantation of a skin and fat flap cut from the gluteal or inguinal folds.

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