Home perennial flowers Game preparation of basketball players - abstract. Material on physical education on the topic: Learning the sports game "The ball to the driver"

Game preparation of basketball players - abstract. Material on physical education on the topic: Learning the sports game "The ball to the driver"

Card file of outdoor games with a ball for children 6-7 years old


Target. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the command of the teacher, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.

Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task.


Target. Develop attention, dexterity, visual-motor coordination, touch.

Move. The players form a circle. The leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

An adult gives someone a ball (diameter 6-8 cm), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: “Hands!” - and the one who is being addressed must put forward both hands, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who has the ball starts to drive.

Rules: try to pass the ball behind your back so that the driver does not guess; to whom the driver is addressing must show his hands.


Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, fixation of the gaze, eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle, pass the ball from hand to hand, saying: One, two, three - take the ball soon!

Four, five, six - here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine - throw who knows how.

The last one to whom the ball hit says: “I!”, goes into the middle and throws the ball, trying to knock down the children running to the sides.

Rules: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words; the one who is stained by the ball misses one round of the game; throw the ball, aiming at the legs.


Target . Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination.

Move. They play together. Two players are located opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and throw the ball between them. The third one stands between them and tries to catch the ball or at least touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball. You can invite children to perform some movement before throwing: throw the ball up, down, catch it, dribble in place, etc.



Target. Build ball handling skills, agility, fine motor skills hands

Move. The children are on the playground. Everyone plays with the ball, performing actions of their choice: throws up and on the ground, hits the ball on the spot and in motion; throws the ball into the wall, into the basket. After the teacher's signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up.

Rules: play with the ball without interfering with comrades, find a free place on the court; A player who fails to pick up the ball at the signal receives a penalty point.


Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, eye.

Move. On the site (in the gym) a circle is indicated. The players are divided into two teams: "hunters" and "animals". The animals stand in a circle, and the hunters are distributed around the circle. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters “shoot” - they throw the ball at the animals (at the feet of the children). The animals in the circle dodge the ball (step aside, jump, etc.). Hunters catch the ball and continue to throw it at the animals. On a signal, the hunt stops and the number of animals caught is counted. Then the teams change places.

Rules: those animals who have been “shot down” step aside.


Target. Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. The players are divided into two teams. Teams are placed on different sides sites. A net or cord is stretched in the middle of the site. Each player has a ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls with their right and left hands over the net or cord. After the second signal, the throwing of balls stops and the number of balls on the playing field for both teams is counted. Whoever has fewer balls, that team won.

Rules: throw the balls over the top of the cord, after the signal, finish throwing the balls.


Target. Develop auditory attention, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. The players become in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle with a small ball. He tosses the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest scatter in different directions. As soon as the named child picks up the ball, he shouts: “Stop!”. All players must stop and stand still where the team found them. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball. The one to whom the ball is thrown can dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot. If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball again, and everyone scatters. Taking the ball, the driver again shouts: “Stop!” - and tries to overpower one of the players. Salted becomes the new driver, the game continues.

Rules: the one at whom the ball is thrown must dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot.


Target. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction to a signal.

move . Children walk or run around the playground. An adult holds a ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The named one must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. Throw the ball should not be too high and in the direction of the child, whose name is called.

Rules: listen to the signal.


Target . Develop attention, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children are united in 2-3 groups, each forms its own circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. In the center of each circle is a leader with a ball. At the signal of the teacher, the presenters alternately throw the ball to their players, trying not to drop it, and get it back.

When the ball goes around all the players in the circle, the leader lifts it up. The team that drops the ball the fewest times wins.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.


Target. Develop gross motor skills, visual attention, eye.

Move. Children become in a circle. An adult gives two children standing in different places, on the ball. Then he says: "The ball is in pursuit!" - and the children simultaneously begin to pass them on to their comrades. If one ball catches up with the other, that is, both are in the hands of one child, then he leaves the game for a while. The teacher gives the balls to other children and the game continues.

Rules: the ball is passed on a signal, without passing the players.


Target. Develop coordination skills, dexterity, eye.

Move. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from one another. For one of them, players become one by one in a column (5 - 6 people). Behind the other line, in front of them, the driver becomes. He throws the ball to the first child in the column; he, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and runs to the end of the column. At this time, the second child moves to the line and repeats the same movements. If the child standing in the column did not catch the ball, the driver throws the ball to him again until he catches it. When all the children throw the ball, a new driver is selected.

The game can be played with an element of competition. In this case, it is convenient for the players to stand in two columns and choose two leaders. Success depends on children's ability to throw and catch the ball. If the player drops the ball, the driver throws it again, but because of this, the column loses time and may lose.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.


Target. Strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, develop the speed of reaction to a signal, train visual concentration on a given subject.

Move. Children form several teams, each team chooses a captain. Teams stand in columns behind the start line. The captain of each team with the ball in his hands stands opposite his team at a distance of 1.5 - 2m from it.

At the signal of the teacher, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain in the same way passes the ball to the second, then to the third and all other players. Each player, after passing the ball to the captain, crouches. When the ball is passed to the captain by the last player, the captain lifts the ball up over his head and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that completes the task first wins. If the player did not catch the ball, then he is obliged to run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

strong throw

Teams stand in lines 20-30 meters apart. In the middle lies a large (basketball) ball. Players throw small balls (snowballs) into the big one and try to roll it to the opponent's side. The team that manages to do this wins.

Strong and dexterous

Two teams are arranged in a circle, teammates stand through one. Inside the circle - 8 chocks, in the center lies the ball. On a signal, the players, holding hands, try to push the opponent so that he knocks down the chock. The one who knocked it down takes the ball and, without leaving the circle, salutes one of the players of the other team who have fled in different directions. If he misses, his team receives two penalty points. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Don't give the ball to the driver

One of the players is the driver. The rest of the players are placed on the court in random order and, while running, throw a basketball to one another. The driver tries to take possession of the ball. From the place where he managed to catch the ball, he throws it at any player.

In the event of a hit, the player becomes the driver, and the former driver participates in the game on an equal basis with everyone. The players who have been the driver the fewest times win.

Fortification defense

Each of the playing teams forms its own circle, in the center of which is a fortification (several maces, a ball, a snowball, etc.). The fortification is defended by 2-5 players from the other team. Players try to hit the ball into the fortification, and the defenders prevent this. The team whose players are faster or more times destroy the fortification of the opponent.

Throwing the ball into the basket

(team competition for throwing accuracy)

Team players take turns throwing a basketball into the basket. various points: from the side from under the backboard, from the free throw line, etc. A player who hits the ball into the basket brings his team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Ball to the catcher (ball to the captain)

Two circles with a diameter of 1 m are drawn on different sides of the site, in which there are catchers. The players of the teams, dribbling and passing the ball to each other, as in basketball, try to pass it to their catcher. When this succeeds, the team is awarded two points. The other team prevents this by trying to intercept the ball and pass it to their catcher. The team that gets large quantity points.

Start for the ball

The leader with the ball in his hands stands between the two teams, whose players are calculated in order. Throwing the ball forward, the leader calls a number. Players under this number rush after the ball and try to get it into the basket. The one who succeeds earns his team two points. If the player who took possession of the ball did not hit the basket, then the struggle continues until the hit. In this case, one point is awarded per hit. The team with the most points wins.

Fight for the ball

Two teams are placed at the place of the game in random order. One of the players is given the ball. On a signal, the players try to complete 5-10 passes between their players. For this, the team gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

Pass protection

Two lines are drawn on the site, one has a team of attackers in a column, the other has a team of defenders. On a signal, the first attacker runs forward with the ball, and the defender comes out to meet him. The attacker tries to go around the defender and hit the ball on the ground behind the line of the defending team. Whoever succeeds, brings his team a point. The next pairs of players do the same, after which the teams change roles. The team with the most points wins.

Forward threes

The players of each team are divided into threes. On a signal, the first triples move to the mark (at a distance of 15-20 m) by passing the ball to each other through the middle one. From there, they pass the ball to the next threes of their team. The first team to complete the movement and make the fewest mistakes wins.

Circle game

The players of one team are placed outside the circle (square), and the players of the second team are placed inside it. Those standing outside the circle try to knock out all the opponent's players. Players inside the circle are allowed to catch the ball from the fly. After a certain time has elapsed or when all the players inside the circle are eliminated, the teams switch roles. The team that eliminates the players of the other team faster or more of them wins.

Around the opponent

Two teams are playing. Two circles are drawn on opposite sides of the site (or hoops are placed). The team in possession of the ball tries to put it in the opponent's circle. For this, she gets a point, and the ball is passed to the other team. The team with the most points wins.


The players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. One of them (leader) receives a small ball and goes to the middle of the circle.

The driver hits the ball hard on the ground and calls someone's number. The called one runs after the ball, and the rest of the players scatter in different directions. The summoned, grabbing the ball, shouts “Stop!”, Everyone stops and stands motionless, where the team found them. The driver seeks to hit the nearest player with the ball, who can dodge the ball without leaving the spot (lean, squat, bounce, etc.). If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball, the rest scatter. Taking the ball, the driver shouts “Stop!” and throws the ball at one of the players. The player tagged with the ball becomes the new driver. The players surround him, and the game starts over.

The rules forbid anyone to move after the “Stop!” command, but as long as the ball is not in the hands of the driver, you can move around the court as you like.

ball school

In this game, exercises are performed in order of increasing difficulty. You need a small rubber ball. In the yard, you can set up a stand, which shows the sequence of exercises. Here is some of them:

- Throw the ball up and catch it first with both hands, then only with the right, then with the left.

- Throw the ball up, sit down, touch your toes with your fingers, then get up and catch the ball first with two hands, then with only one.

- Toss the ball over your head right hand to the left and back.

- Throw the ball high up, jump, turning in the air, and catch the ball with both hands.

Leaning forward, throw the ball between the legs and, straightening up, catch it in front.

- Throw the ball up, sit on the floor and catch it without getting up, throw the ball up again, stand up and catch it.

A number of exercises can be performed against the wall, if there is one in the yard.

- Throw the ball against the wall and catch with turns, squats, etc.

- The player hits the ball with a strong throw on the ground so that it hits the wall and bounces off it towards the player, who must catch the ball.

Football in a circle

The players stand in a circle at arm's length from each other. One of the players (by lot) goes into a circle, taking the ball with him. The driver, kicking the ball, seeks to knock it out of the circle. The players hold the ball with their feet, preventing it from flying out of the circle. They pass the delayed ball with their feet between themselves, without giving it to the driver. If the driver managed to knock the ball out of the circle (he must fly no higher than the knees of the players), then the player who missed the ball with right side Push. Therefore, each participant in the game tries to protect the gap between himself and his neighbor on the right.

By repeating the game, we can agree that each defends the gap to his left.

One of the options for the game provides for closer contact between the players, that is, those standing in a circle during the game hold hands and do not separate them when hitting and passing the ball.

Foot and head through the set

Two teams of 4 people each play in a volleyball field through a 100-110 cm high net. On the whistle, a player of one of the teams interrupts soccer ball foot (from the hands) through the net to the half of the opponent.

The task of the players on whose side the ball turned out is to transport it back over the net with no more than three kicks or head kicks. During the game, it is allowed to carry yoga over the net in the fight for the ball, but not touch it.

If one of the teams makes a mistake, the game stops. The team that makes the mistake loses one point or service. The score is kept like in volleyball. With a change of serve (after an error by the serving team), the players move clockwise on the court. During each set, it is allowed to make substitutions of players and take one 30-second break for the team.

Three games are played up to 10 points each. After each game, the players change sides of the court.

Ball to the captain

The players are divided into 2-3 teams and line up in a circle, in the center of each circle is one of the players (the captain). On a signal, the player standing in the center of the circle throws the ball to the players in turn and receives it back (the transfer is performed in a predetermined way). The game ends when the ball goes around all the players and the “captain”, having received the ball, raises it above his head.

Don't miss

The players stand in a circle. A line is drawn in front of the toes of their feet, and the leader goes to the middle of the circle.

Those standing in a circle throw the ball between themselves, waiting for the right moment to tarnish the driver. The latter must dodge all the time so that he is not taunted. The player who managed to tarnish the driver goes to the center of the circle, and the driver takes his place in the circle. If the player misses by throwing the ball at the driver, then he gets on one knee and in this position continues to catch and throw the ball. Having missed the second time, he gets on both knees and continues the game in this way. If the player, throwing the ball at the driver, missed the third time, then he leaves the game.

Conversely, if the player is hit by the ball, then he gets down on one knee again and continues to play. In the event of a secondary hit, he may continue the game while standing.

The game lasts 15-20 minutes. The winner is the boy or girl who stays inside the circle the longest and who spends the whole game standing.

Best Defender

The players stand in a circle at arm's length or wider. A circle is drawn in front of their toes. In the middle of the circle, a fortification of three sticks tied at the top is placed. A leader is chosen, who becomes in the center of the circle to protect the fortification. Those standing in a circle volleyball.

On a signal, the players throw the ball to each other, and then one of them throws the ball to the center, trying to knock down the tripod. The defender covers the goal by hitting the ball with his hands and feet. The one who manages to bring down the fortification changes place with the defender.

are playing set time. In conclusion, the best defenders are noted, who defended the fortification longer than the rest, as well as the most accurate guys, whose throws hit the target.

The rules forbid, throwing the ball, go over the line, and the defenders hold the fortification with their hands. If the ball hit the fortification and moved it, but did not knock it down, the game continues. If the defender himself knocked down the fortification, his place is taken by another driver (he becomes the one who had the ball in his hands).

living target

The players stand in a circle at arm's length. A circle is drawn in front of their toes. Choose a driver who goes to the middle of the circle. One of the people standing in a circle picks up a volleyball. The players throw the ball and try to hit the driver, who, escaping the ball, runs, jumps and dodges in a circle. The one who hit the driver with the ball without going beyond the line changes place with him.

According to the rules of the game, a hit from the ground, as well as to the head of the driver, does not count.

One of the variants of the game is called "Protect a Comrade". The formation of the players is the same, only two drivers go to the middle of the circle. One of them protects the other, standing behind his back, from being hit by the ball. Protects arms, legs and entire body. If he still fails to protect and they hit the driver, then they change with the one who got into the driver, and with the one he chooses as his defenders.

Ball to the target

A volleyball is placed in the middle of the court, and those playing with tennis (rubber) balls in their hands stand 10 steps from it beyond the line. The winner is the one who did not miss and who, after hitting the volleyball, rolled further.

In the second option, players with tennis balls in their hands stand in a circle. The driver throws the volleyball up, the players throw their balls, trying to hit the flying target. A point is awarded for each hit. The winner is the one who scored more points in 8-10 attempts.

They play near a blank wall or near a basketball backboard. The players alternately throw a tennis ball into the wall (shield), whose bounces further, he is the winner. Throws can be made from a place and from a running start.

In another version of the game, the ball hits the ground with force and rises up. After the hit, everyone together starts counting from one until the ball touches the ground. Whoever hits harder, his ball will last longer in the air.

The fastest

Two teams play, the players of each are calculated in order and remember their numbers. They become in general circle(through one) facing the center. In the middle of the circle lies the ball (mace). The leader calls any number. Players with this number from both teams run around the circle outside (both run in the same direction, which is agreed upon in advance), and when they reach the place where they stood before, they run to the ball to take possession of it. Whoever does this first earns their team a winning point.

Ball race in a circle

All players stand in a circle and count on the first or second. The first numbers - one team, the second - another. Two nearby players are captains, they each have the ball in their hands.

After the signal, the balls are passed in a circle in different directions through one to the players of their team. Each team strives to pass the ball as quickly as possible so that it returns to the captain as soon as possible. If the balls collide, they are picked up and the game continues from the place where they fell.

The second version of the game is that the balls are on different sides of the circle and are passed (on a signal) in the same direction (to the right or to the left). The task of the team is to make passes faster so that one ball catches up with the other.

Ball race in a square

Four teams are located on the sides of a square court half the size of a volleyball court. The players line up in columns, the first in the hands of the balls.

On a signal, the players dribble the ball to the right by hitting the ground, while trying to catch up with the one in front and touch him throughout the circle, they dribble the ball the second round until luck comes to one of the teams. The player who has lost the ball picks it up and continues to dribble. So that the players do not cut off the corners of the site, you can put flags or racks on the turns, put visible objects (colored plastic cubes, skittles, stuffed balls). After the first numbers, the second ones enter the fight, then the third ones, etc.

25 gears

Spend two lines at a distance of 8-10 steps from one another. Four pairs of players stand behind the lines opposite each other (the first against the second, the third against the fourth).

On a signal, the first numbers pass the ball to the second numbers standing opposite, those to the third, and the third to the fourth. Those who received the ball return it back to the third numbers, those to the second, etc. The dropped ball is put into play by the player who did not catch it from the place allotted for the transfer. It is agreed in advance how the players in fours pass the ball between themselves (from the chest, from behind the head, by hitting the ground).

The four with 25 passes first wins.

Guard the captain

The players are divided into two teams, each of which has one captain, three or four attackers and the same number of defenders. It’s good if the players of one of the teams put paper or cloth caps on their heads, and the other starts playing without them. Then the game will have fewer errors when passing the ball.

The site is divided in half by a line. The captains and defenders remain in their half of the court, while the attackers go to the opponent's field.

After the ball has been played from the center, the team that has taken possession of the ball tries to get closer to the opposing captain by dribbling and passing and knocking him down. This is countered by defenders who seek to intercept the ball and, in turn, send it to the opponent's field to their attackers.

For hitting the captain with the ball (he moves only in his own half of the court), the team receives one point.

The rules do not allow defenders to cross the middle line (to help their attackers), and the attackers to return to their own half to help the defenders. For violation of the rules of the team are punished by the loss of the ball. The game lasts 10-15 minutes.

The team with the most points wins.

To your catcher

The game is similar to basketball. Participants are divided into two teams and play on a rectangular area bounded by lines. Each team tries to get hold of the ball and throw it at the goal. However, this goal is not the basket, but its own player (catcher), standing in a circle (or triangle) drawn on the ground. Catchers are located at opposite ends of the site. To catch the ball, the catcher can bounce, but has no right to step into the neutral zone that encircles the circle (width 70-90 cm). Field players of both teams are not allowed to enter this area either. For this and other technical violations, the ball is transferred to the opposing team. A foul play is awarded a free throw from a distance of six paces from a standing catcher. The thrower can only be hindered by one interceptor, located near the neutral zone in front of the catcher.

It can be agreed that the player will throw the ball to the catcher only after crossing the middle line of the court or having previously made at least 3 passes between his players. Each well-aimed throw brings the team 1 point. After that, the ball is put into play by the losing team with a throw from behind the front (short) line of its court. Two halves are played for 8-10 minutes.

More gear

They play on a rectangular area bounded by lines. The game is similar to basketball or handball, but without throwing at the goal. The ball is put into play by one of the teams by lot. The players of the team in possession of the ball try (skillfully maneuvering, avoiding interference from the opponent) to make 10 passes between their players in a row without giving the ball to the opponent. After that, the game stops (the team is awarded 1 point), and the ball is injected from the side by the player of the injured team.

The duration of the game is 10-15 minutes. The team with the most points during this time wins.

In the game, it is important to observe the following conditions. If the ball is intercepted by an opponent, the accumulated number of passes is canceled and a new pass count is kept by the team that has the ball. The head of the game counts the passes aloud and loudly enough.

If the ball is knocked over the sideline by the opponent or the latter played rough, the ball is thrown in from behind the sideline with the continuation of the count of passes. The team keeping the score of passes, if the rule is violated, loses the ball, and the accumulated number of passes is cancelled.

Physical Culture

Topic: Outdoor games.

Lesson objectives:

    Evaluate the physical activity of students in the lesson.

    Conduct outdoor games “Do not give the ball to the driver”, “Ball over your head”.

    Develop power qualities(flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position).

    Raise interest in physical activity.

Planned results.

Subject Results:

know/understand - role physical education in the formation healthy lifestyle life.

Be able to - perform exercises morning exercises, follow the rules of safety when performing physical


Personal Outcomes - fostering a sense of responsibility.

System-activity results - develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity.

Interdisciplinary connections: Knowledge of the world, Russian language and literature.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory: volleyballs.


methodical instructions

Organizational decree nia

Introductory part

Construction. Reporting lesson objectives.

Turns in place.


On the outside of the
py, hands on the belt;

On the inside
feet, hands on the belt;

On toes, hands up;

On the heels, hands to the side

Balanced run.


ORU in place.


1 minute


30 s

3 min

30 s


Emphasize on appearance. Perform on 2 accounts.

Follow your posture.

Make sure that students do not pile on each other.

Follow your breath. Restore breathing. Individual instructions.

Check posture, alignment.

The distance is two paces. Do not fail, do not overtake.

The students stand in a circle.

Mobile game "Day and night".

The teacher suddenly says: "Day" or "Night." The corresponding team - quickly runs away to their house, and the other catches up with her. Then everyone gets back to their original places, and the teacher or | assistants

26-28" 4-5 times

Rules of the game: 1) you cannot start running before the signal; the player who breaks this rule is out of the game;

Two teams stand in the middle of the court with their backs to each other at a distance of 1.5-2 m. One team "Day",

the other is "Night".

Main part

count the players caught. The game repeats ( teams run away and catch up not in turn, but on the "call of the teacher", always unexpected. The team that catches more opponents wins.

Mobile game "Do not give the ball to the driver." Players throw the ball in different directions. The driver tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he succeeds, then the player who has last time was the ball, and the former driver takes his place.

Mobile game "Ball over the head".

On a signal from the teacher, the children quickly pass the ball around the circle. The driver runs in a circle in the same direction where the ball is being passed and tries to overtake him before the ball hits the player who started the pass. If he succeeds, a new driver is selected and the game continues. "Flies - does not fly." The teacher calls various items. If the object flies (for example, an airplane, a bird), then the children should raise their arms to the sides and flap them like wings. If the object does not fly, then they should not raise their hands.

6-8 min

5-6 min

Monitor compliance

rules of the game: everyone stands in his place, the ball is not


The ball must

be in the hands of every player.

The one who raised his hands incorrectly is considered the loser and performs 12 push-ups.

Each team has a house on its side of the court.

All players form 2 circles. One of the participants stands in the middle of the circle.

Players stand in a circle (facing inwards). One of the players has a ball. Behind him, behind the circle, the driver.

Final part.


Summing up the lesson


5 minutes

1 minute

1 minute

1 minute

2 minutes

Posture check.

Mark the best.

D / s: exercises for the strength of the hands.


Organizational care in the classroom.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Lugansk Construction College of Transport



in physical education

on the topic:

"Game training for young basketball players"


student gr. 2 BO - 181

Golub Darina


Serbina Natalya Semyonovna

Lugansk 2006

The educational value of outdoor games

The importance of outdoor games in the development of physical qualities necessary for playing basketball: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, the ability to play in a team. Moreover, in outdoor games, all these qualities are developed in a complex. Most outdoor games require participants you were fast (run away faster, catch up, instantly respond to sound, visual, tactile signals).

The constantly changing environment in the game, requiring the participants to quickly move from one action to another, contributes to the education dexterity .

Games with a speed-strength orientation educate strength.

Games with frequent repetitions of intense movements, with continuous motor activity associated with a significant expenditure of strength and energy, develop endurance.

So, preparatory basketball games

No. 1. "Don't give the ball to the driver"

Training . The players stand in a circle at arm's length. A line is drawn in front of their socks. Choose 2 - 4 drivers who stand in the middle of the circle. If no more than 15 people play, then one driver is chosen. Those standing in a circle receive the ball.

Description of the game. The players throw the ball through the air or pass it on the ground so that the drivers cannot touch it. Drivers, running in a circle, tend to touch the ball. If someone succeeds, then the player who throws the ball was touched by the driver, or the one whose ball was touched in his hands, takes his place. The driver takes his place.

Play for a set time. In conclusion, players are noted who have never been drivers.

Rules 1. The ball can be thrown through the air, bounced off the ground, and rolled on the ground. 2 . If the ball flew out of the circle, then the players must pick it up as quickly as possible and, returning to their places, continue the game. 3. The driver has the right to touch the ball if it is in someone's hands, on the ground, in the air, and also outside the circle if it flew there.

No. 2. "Hunters and Ducks"

Training. On the floor (ground) draw as much as possible big circle. If the game is played in a narrow hall, then two lines are drawn in the middle across the hall at a distance of 7 - 10 meters from one another.

The players are divided into 2 teams - "hunters" and "ducks". Hunters line up in a circle from its outside, and ducks line up from the inside, that is, inside the circle.

One of the hunters has a ball (volleyball or basketball) in his hands.

Description of the game. At the signal of the leader, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions, without entering the circle (or rectangle), try to taunt them (“shoot”) the ducks. A dead duck is out of the game. Ducks, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. Hunters, throwing the ball, suddenly throw it at the ducks. When all the ducks are killed, the leader notes how long it took the hunters to "kill" all the ducks. The players change places. The game continues.

After two games, it is noted which team of hunters will shoot all the ducks. She is considered the winner.

You can play the game for a time: 3 min. shoot some hunters, then 3 min. - other. It is noted who shot more ducks during this time.

Rules. one. When throwing the ball at the ducks, the hunter must not cross the circle line, the hit is not counted. 2. A duck is considered tagged if the ball touches any part of the body except for the head. 3. If a ball bounced off the floor or from another duck hit the duck, it is not considered tagged. 4. If the duck, dodging the ball, ran out of the circle, it is considered tagged. 5. Shot ducks do not participate in the game before the change of teams.

No. 3. "Circular lapta"

The construction is the same as in the previous game, but the roles of the players are different: those outside the circle (rectangle) are the leaders, in the circle are the players of the field. Drivers try to hit the ball with the players, who, dodging, can catch it. A player tagged with the ball is temporarily out of the game. The player who caught the ball is not considered tagged and may release one of the "dropped out" players. They play for a certain time, then the retired players are counted. The teams change places. The team that pissed off more field players wins.

No. 4. "Shootout"

Training. A line is drawn in the middle of the site (at least 6 by 12 m in size). On two opposite sides of the site, lines of "captivity" are drawn parallel to the center line at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from the wall or from the front line, forming a corridor of captivity. From the middle line, the corridor of captivity is located at a distance of 6 - 10 m. The entire playing area is limited by lines.

If the game is played in the hall, then the front side of the site will be the walls.

The players are divided into two equal teams, and each is freely placed on its field from the middle line to the line of captivity. Teams choose captains.

Description of the game. The leader tosses the ball over the middle line between the captains. Each of them tries to hit the ball to his players. Having received the ball, the player seeks to hit the opponent with it without going beyond the middle line. The opponent dodges the ball and, in turn, tries to hit the opposing player with the ball. The salted player goes beyond the line of captivity to the opposite team and stays there until his players throw the ball into his hands. After that, he returns to his team and continues the game on a par with others.

They play for 10 - 15 minutes, after which the prisoners in each team are counted. The team with the most prisoners wins.

No. 5. "Relay with dribbling and throwing in the basket "

Training . The game is played on a basketball court. The players are divided into two equal teams and line up one against the other at the sidelines in the right corner. The starting line is the front line. Players in front stand at the starting line and receive the ball. The rest stand on the side of them behind the sideline. At the command of the leader, the first players run forward, hitting the ball on the floor, reach the shields on the opposite side, throw the ball into the basket, come back, also leading the ball to the middle of the field, from where they pass the ball to the next player. The next players in the teams go to the starting line and, having caught the ball, perform the same task.

The team that finishes the game the fastest and makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Rules. 1. The first players are not allowed to run from the starting line before the signal, and the next - before catching the ball from the previous one. 2. You can't run with the ball. It must be driven by hitting the floor. 3. Returning back, the player can pass the ball to the player of his team only from the established place. 4. Penalty points for mistakes made are calculated at the end of the game.

Relay tasks with elements of basketball can be very different. For example, maces are placed in the path of a runner; The player must hit the floor to circle the ball around them and then throw it into the basket or backboard. See relay diagram below.

No. 6. "The ball to the captain"

2 opposite circles are drawn in the hall and drawn parallel to the lines, forming corridors near each corner - neutral zones. A circle is drawn in the middle of the court to start the game.

The players are divided into 2 teams, in each they choose a captain and a catcher - a driver. One team differs from another in armbands. Catchers stand in the corners of the hall. Players from different teams are placed in pairs around the court randomly. The captains stand at the central circle, each facing his catcher.

Description of the game. The head, having gone to the middle of the site, throws the ball up between the captains. Everyone tries to fight him off towards his team. Each player, having caught the ball, seeks to bring the ball as close as possible to his catcher by passing, so that he catches it on the fly. Opponents interfere with this and try to intercept the ball and pass it to their catcher. The players prevent the catcher from catching the ball. In this case, neither the players nor the catcher have the right to enter the neutral zone. The players of each team are divided into defenders and attackers. Both move around the field, but the defenders stay closer to their catcher, protecting him, and the attackers - closer to the opponents' catcher.

When the catcher catches the ball, the game starts from the center of the court, and the team receives a point for catching the ball. One team plays 10 - 15 minutes, then the teams change places. The team with the most points wins.

So, we are convinced of the benefits of outdoor games. Of course, with proper guidance, they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and other body systems.

Outdoor games increase functional activity, involve various large and small muscles of the body in a variety of dynamic work, increase mobility in the joints. Even Karl Marx pointed out that a person is a social being and lives in a society of his own kind. Outdoor games help children communicate and bring up indispensable qualities: the ability to help a friend, worry about your team, strive to win together.

It is especially valuable that the above games are an excellent incentive for the development of those necessary and valuable qualities that improve the quality of the game of basketball. This is a kind of training that helps the child grow up as a full-fledged person and, perhaps, even in the future, a real champion. Although, of course, strength, agility, endurance, team spirit are important for every child. They are needed for harmonious development personality.

Thus, outdoor games also have, in addition to hygienic and health-improving, educational, educational, pedagogical and social significance.

Used Books

L. V. Byleeva, I. M. Korotkov "Mobile games"

T. S. Morozov "Children's games with an educational character."

Number of players: up to 10 people.

Location and equipment: hall, playground; big ball.

Training. The players form a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. 2-3 leaders become in the center of the circle. One of the people standing in a circle is given a ball.

Description. On a signal, the players begin to pass the ball to each other. Drivers try to intercept the ball or touch it. If they succeed, then the player who made the mistake takes the place of the driver, who moves into the circle.

Rules: 1) the driver has the right to touch the ball not only in the air, but also in the hands of the players; 2) you can not run with the ball in your hands; 3) it is not allowed to throw the ball over the head of the drivers.

Methodical instructions. It is necessary to draw the attention of the players to the importance of using distracting movements with the ball and the coordination of the actions of the drivers. To teach the players to keep their place, you can arrange them in a drawn circle.

Pedagogical value. The game is one of the preparatory for basketball, handball. In it, students master the skills of technology and tactics of these games.

"Rooster Fight"

Place: hall, playground.

Training. Players are divided into pairs according to their abilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other on one leg, bending the other leg, hands behind their backs.

Description. On a signal, the players seek to unbalance the “opponent” with a push of the shoulder, forcing him to stand on two legs. 3a each successful attempt is worth one point. The one with the most points wins.

Rules: 1) you can not push with your hands; 2) you can not change the leg without a command.

Methodical instructions. The playing field must be level, free of holes and potholes. Crowding of players in the hall should not be allowed, which can lead to injury.

Pedagogical value. The game is used mainly in the introductory part of the lesson. It contributes to the development of strength, agility, speed of reaction.

"Class, be quiet".

Place: hall, playground.

Training. The players line up in one line.

Description. The leader gives various commands. It is necessary to fulfill those of them, before which the word "class" will be said. Those who make mistakes take a step forward, but continue to play. At the end of the game, the most inattentive are marked.

Rule: the player who did not execute the command with a preliminary word, as well as the one who executes the command without a preliminary word, takes a step forward.

Methodical instructions. You need to pause between successive commands. The game does not have to be played standing still.

Pedagogical value. The game helps to learn combat commands and rebuilding, brings up attention and speed of reaction.

Games for students in grades 5-9 "Fight in the squares"

Place: hall, playground.

Training. Three squares of the same size are drawn in the middle of the hall.

10X 10 m and two - 5X5m. All players stand in a large square.

Description. At the signal, the fight begins. Everyone strives to stay in the big square. Those who are behind the lines go to the next square. After a certain time, at the signal of the leader, the fight stops. Those who have passed to the next square are preparing to continue the struggle there. Those who manage to stay in the big square win.

Rules: 1) during the fight it is allowed to grab the "opponent" only by the arms and torso; 2) you can not attack the player from behind; 3) the one who crosses the boundary lines with both feet is considered to be eliminated.

Methodical instructions. The game is recommended for boys only. The time of struggle must be strictly dosed (no more than 1 minute). This is followed by a break for explanations and transitions. Each square must have its own judge. It is necessary to demand from the players a fair fight, excluding an attack from behind and two against one.

Option: alternately call one or two pairs into the square. For a win in a pair, the team receives a point.

Pedagogical value. In the game martial arts skills are improved, strength, agility, speed of reaction and orientation are developed, perseverance, determination, courage, collectivism are brought up.

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