Home Berries The only advantage of this kind of emitters is. Accent rules. Lexical norms of the modern Russian language

The only advantage of this kind of emitters is. Accent rules. Lexical norms of the modern Russian language

Various means of protecting the path from snow drifts are used, which are classified according to their effect on the snow-wind flow, according to the nature of the connection with the earth's surface and according to the device.

According to the impact on the snow-wind flow, all protective equipment is divided into two main groups: snow-retaining and snow-blowing.

The first group includes protective forest plantations, permanent fences and shields.

The second group includes inclined oblique shields. With the help of such shields, which have a large gap in the lower part, conditions are created under which particles of snowstorm snow on the way are not deposited, but are blown out by the wind. Snow-blowing protective equipment works satisfactorily only with a head wind and a sufficiently high wind speed. Under conditions of variable snow and wind conditions, characterized by a change in wind speed and direction, they work poorly and therefore have not received wide practical application.

According to the nature of the location on the surface of the earth, snow protection means are divided into stationary and maneuverable.

Stationary include tree plantations along railways and permanent snow fences. Both those and others have a constant spatial orientation and therefore do not always interact with the wind flow in the most advantageous way.

Mobile means of protecting the track from snow drifts include portable lattice shields, snow-retaining walls and trenches arranged on a snow cover. These means of protection make it possible to maneuver their spatial arrangement depending on the change in the conditions of the track's snow cover during the winter.

Natural forests and special forest plantations, the length of which increases from year to year, have the largest share of all snow protection means. An increase in the length of protective afforestation makes it possible to more effectively solve the problem of preventing snow drifts, and to reduce labor and financial costs for this. According to the Main Directorate of the Way, the reduced costs for cultivation and operation 1 km protective afforestation is six to seven times less than the cost of fencing the same path with portable shields.

Natural forest is the most reliable way to protect the path from snow drifts. Snow falls on the path passing through the forest area only during snowfalls and general snowstorms. The intensity of accumulation of such snow is low and it is cleared by snow plows without much difficulty.

Due to the great protective value of forests for railways, cutting down the part of forests adjacent to the right of way with a width of up to 500 m prohibited.

As living protection plantations are used mainly from deciduous species, less often from spruces. Depending on the nature of invasion and soil conditions, the types of deciduous multi-row plantations are very diverse.

Along with protecting the track from snow, plantings along the roads reduce wind speed and thereby help to reduce the resistance to train movement, prevent blowing out of small ballast materials, protect the crushed stone ballast prism from clogging with dust during black storms, and improve the cultural and living conditions of railway workers.

The principle of operation of protective plantings is as follows. Encountering the resistance of trees and shrubs on its way, the wind loses its speed and, consequently, loses its ability to carry snow. As a result, snow particles fall out of the air flow and form snow deposits in the plantings. With the correct cultivation techniques and the appropriate selection of species, forest protection plantations enter into independent work very quickly. At the age of two or three, plantations already hold up to 40-60% of snowstorms, and at the age of four or five, they begin to work independently.

Protective forest plantations are a system of strips of various widths with gaps between them.

The number of lanes, their width, the size of the gaps between the lanes, the distance between individual trees in a row of each lane depend on the area where the road passes, the degree of snow coverage of the site, and the tree species.

In the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones, the following designs of protective plantations are used (Fig. 133):

1) single-lane - with snow content up to 150 m 3 on 1 linear m and the total width of stands from 10 to 50 m;

2) two-lane - with snow content up to 200 m 3 and the total width of the bands with an interval of 50 to 80 m;

3) three-lane - with snow content up to 400 m 3 and the total width of the bands with an interval of 80 to 130 m.

On the roads of the Urals, Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan, where the collection rate in winter exceeds 400 m 3 on 1 linear m, protective forest plantations are recommended to be grown from four or more strips. In the arid south-eastern regions of the country, protective plantations from three to nine lanes are used with a gap width between lanes from 10 to 30 m.

In areas of dry steppe and semi-desert, protections with a very large number of stripes are used, since here the vegetation has a lower height.

Plantings consist of alternating rows of shrubs (loch, wild rose, yellow acacia, Tatar maple, Magaleb cherry) with rows of main species, as well as accompanying and temporarily auxiliary species. Oak, ash, acacia, white irga are introduced as the main species in all areas of their natural growth. From the side of the road, it is introduced into the snow strips: apple, pear, sweet cherry, cherry, chestnut, walnut and other fruit and berry species.

The distance between individual rows of trees in each lane is from 1.5 to 3 m, and between individual trees in a row is not less than 0.75 m.

Protective strips are located parallel to the road at a distance of at least 20 m from the axis of the track, while there should be at least 5 m. The total width of forest plantations on each side of the path can be set according to the following relationship:

where AT- the width of plantings on one side of the entered place from the extreme row of the track edge to the extreme row of the field edge in m;

Q p is the design snow collection capacity of the protection corresponding to the design snow transfer, in m 3 / linear m;

h p - estimated working landing height in m, depending on forest conditions and tree species.

On powerful, leached and ordinary chernozems, as well as gray forest soils, the value h p is taken equal to 3 m, and on heavy loamy, podzolic and washed away, as well as weakly solonetzic southern soils - 2.5 m. In dry steppe regions with dark chestnut soils and solonetsous southern chernozems h p=2 m. On the soils of the chestnut-alkaline complex and brown soils of the dry steppe and semi-desert, where protective plantings are created mainly from shrubs, the working height of plantings is taken in the range from 1 to 1.5 m.

Wooden lattice portable shields on the roads of the USSR, about 20% of the length of the sections of track that are brought in are fenced off at hauls and stations.

As a result of experience and research on the snow collection capacity of various shield designs, three types of shields have been installed and used.

Shields of type I, size 2×1.5 m with an opening area of ​​47% of the total area, they are mainly used on the roads of the southern strip of the European part of the Union, where there are blizzards with wet snow.

Shields II type size 2×2 m with a gap area of ​​43% are used mostly in the northern and central regions of the Union.

Shields of type III, size 2×1.5 m with an opening area of ​​37% are provided mainly for the roads of Siberia, where a denser crate is required to retain dry and very mobile snow at high wind speeds.

The most widespread on all roads of the network were shields of type II (Fig. 134). When earning at 2/3 of the height, this shield has an average snow collection capacity of 20 m 3 snow for 1 linear m. The best results in snow retention are given by shields from a shield plank with a width of 120-130 mm. Shields I and III types, having a height of 1.5 m, delay 15 - 17 m 3 snow for 1 linear m.

The amount of snow collection of shield fences in m 3 / running m according to the research of the Central Research Institute can be established by the formula

Q u = 9 H 2 K

where H- shield height in m;

To- coefficient taking into account the size of the clearance ( h pr) between the shield planks and the surface of the earth.

At h pr equal to 10, 25, 50 cm, K, respectively, takes the values ​​1; 1.5; 2.5.

The lower clearance at the shields is created due to the increased height of the extreme shield planks or due to the filling of tubercles of compacted earth in the places where the stakes are driven.

Shields with increased bottom clearance, in addition to increasing snow collection, have other advantages. In their lower part, such air currents are formed that prevent the shield from being covered by snow. Thanks to this, the shields do not need to be dug out during rearrangements.

Recently, shields with a sparse lower part have become widespread. The increased clearance in such shields is provided by shortening (through one) the vertical strips by half. Thus, in these shields, the lower blowing is created not due to the clearance between the shield planks and the ground surface, but due to the greater rarefaction in the lower part of the shield.

In a conventional shield, the bottom blow can usually only be used when first installed with stakes. With further rearrangements, since the stakes remain in the frozen ground, it is impossible to ensure the operation of the shield with a lower blowdown. In the snow, they are installed overturned. Shields with a sparse lower part retain high efficiency also when rearranged on a snow bank.

Shield stakes (approx. 3 m) in the places I and II of categories are brought in, they are installed in the ground before the onset of frost in holes prepared in advance by a manual or mechanical drill with a depth of 40 - 60 cm.

Shields on the entered places of category III are installed without stakes directly into the snow as needed.

Shields are placed at such a distance from the path that by the end of winter the end of the snow shaft does not fall on the path. Typical shields are placed at a distance of 30 m from the edge of the slope of the excavation (at zero places - from the edge of the subgrade) in areas where no more than three rearrangements of shields are required per winter, and at a distance of 50 m with more permutations. The shield line is placed parallel to the axis of the path without sharp angles in plan. The top of the shield line should be a smooth line.

Driven crossings are fenced with the road diverted to the side and with the crossing blocked by installing the second row of shields at a distance of 12 - 17 m from the main line of the shield fence, as shown in fig. 135.

Along the recess, the shield line is placed parallel to the axis of the path, and against the recess it is bred in the form of "whiskers" (Fig. 136), which protect the entrances to the recess from drifting during oblique winds.

Lattice shield type II height 2 m with ground clearance 25 cm can collect about 35 snow m 3 on 1 linear m; the resulting shaft behind the shield and the deposition of snow in front of the shield and along the bottom of the shield line stop the further operation of the shields, and the snow-wind flow will carry snow over them; in this case, a rearrangement of the shields is required.

Therefore, as snow deposits form near snow shields up to 2/3 of their height (Fig. 137), the crest of the snow shaft is cut off along the entire length, and the shields' performance is restored for a while; if a snowstorm is expected in the near future, then the shields are immediately rearranged.

The first permutation of the shields is carried out towards the field at a distance of 20 m, and the following permutations - in the direction of the path to the top of the snow shaft (see Fig. 137). Before rearrangement, they break through a groove in the snow with a depth of 20 cm and the shields are placed close to its wall, located on the side of the path; when filling the groove, the snow is compacted. For greater stability, rearranged shields at their junctions are sprinkled with snow on both sides to a height of up to 30 cm. In order to pull out the shield, it is torn off from the snow on the field side. The unearthed shield is taken out with the help of a stake inserted through the shield under the upper bar.

In places with frequent and long blizzards, one row of shields is not a sufficiently reliable protection, since it may turn out to be fully earned when the blizzard has not yet ended. Rearranging shields during a heavy blizzard requires a large number of workers, is extremely slow, difficult and unsafe for workers, especially if the blizzard coincides with a severe frost. In such entered areas, two rows of shields are installed. An additional shield line is placed at a distance of 50 - 60 m from the main to the side of the field, which significantly increases the snow collection capacity of the entire protection. Shields for this line are used with a sparse lower part and are installed on stakes with a clearance at the bottom of 0.50 m. The initial snow bank behind such a shield line turns out to be wider and stretched. The snow collection capacity of double-row shield fences without rearranging the shields reaches 168 m 3 on 1 linear m protection.

The shield fences are constantly monitored, warped or fallen shields are corrected in time.

In the spring, during the first strong thaws, the shields standing on the snowy ramparts often fall. Fallen shields, if the period of snowstorms has still passed, are immediately put back in the snow or taken and installed to the shield stakes, since in the event of a resumption of snowstorms in the absence of a shield line, the path may turn out to be covered with snow.

At the end of the blizzard period, the shields are removed and sorted into serviceable ones, those in need of repair, and completely unusable. Useful shields are stored in stacks of 52 pieces, and stakes - 100 pieces each. Shields are being repaired during the summer period.

Permanent lattice snow fences are the best way to protect the path from drifts compared to portable shields. The snow collection capacity of the fences is equal to the snow collection capacity of the shields with 8 - 10-fold permutations. The existing permanent snow fences, depending on their height and the area of ​​​​the gaps, are divided into four constructive types. In turn, each type according to the design of the skin is divided into two options: with horizontal and vertical skins.

Recently, a new version of the snow protection fence has become widespread - with a combined sheathing, proposed by the snow control laboratory of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways (Fig. 138). The lower part of such fences is sheathed vertically with waste from sawmills or filled in the fall with portable shields. As the fences are built up, these shields are removed in the second half of winter in heavily covered areas and moved towards the field. The upper part of the fence is sheathed with boards horizontally. With this design of fences, the need for standard lumber is significantly reduced. In addition, the vertical sheathing in the lower part of the fence, compared with the horizontal one, is subjected to less damage during the precipitation of snow banks.

In many cases, more durable reinforced concrete prefabricated elements are arranged instead of wooden fences.

The nature of the work of lattice fences and deposits of snow near them is the same as that of portable shields. In areas where, according to local conditions, the strength of snowstorms is such that it is possible to earn fences, they put double rows of them, or use a combination of permanent fences and an additional shield line in front of them from the side of the field.

The height of the fence is chosen depending on the size of the snow deposits in the most snowy winter. Between the deposit area F and height H lattice fence there is a dependency

F=8H 2

According to this dependence, the height of the fence is set H


The height of typical fences is taken from 3 to 6.8 m. The distance of the fences from the edge of the slope of the protected excavation (10÷12) H.

If we take into account the initial cost of the cost of installing various protections, their service life, the size of the annual costs of labor and maintenance materials, it turns out that live plantations are the most economical type of protection. Therefore, this type of protection is widely used.

From now on, until the widespread installation of live protections, it is advisable to use double or single permanent fences.

Mechanized snow retention- a new way to protect the path from snow drifts. With this method, snow on the approaches to the path is delayed by snow walls and trenches, which are arranged by riggers, bulldozers, brush cutters and other mechanisms.

Studies by the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways have shown that the combined snow retention by existing stationary snow protection facilities (landings, fences, shields) in combination with maneuverable ones, created mechanically as needed, reliably protects railways from snow drifts. At the same time, the rearrangement of shields is sharply reduced, snow does not accumulate on the slopes of the recesses, and the number of runs of snowplows that hamper the movement of trains decreases.

The use of mechanized snow retention is especially effective in heavily covered areas where afforestations or permanent fences have insufficient snow collection and it is often necessary to rearrange the shields, as well as where the direction of the snow and wind flow is subject to great variability.

They rushed after him, fascinated. Then the forest rustled again, shaking its peaks in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the clatter of running people. Everyone ran quickly and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart. And now they were dying, but they were dying without complaints and tears. But Danko was still ahead, and his heart was burning, burning!

And then suddenly the forest parted before him, parted and remained behind, dense and dumb, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into a sea of ​​sunlight and clean air, washed by rain. There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain and the river was sparkling with gold ... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that beat with a hot stream from Danko's torn chest.

(Gorky M. Old woman Izergil. Collected works in 16 volumes.

T. 1. - M., 1985. - S. 70-71)

3. The current state of society is characterized by the exacerbation of a number of interrelated key problems that determine its further development, including economic, energy, environmental crises, social and national conflicts, and a decline in the level of spirituality and culture. Many scientists see the solution to these problems in improving education. All over the world there is an active search for new educational systems - more democratic, more flexible, more universal both from the standpoint of an individual and society as a whole.

The reform of higher education that has begun in our country involves a change in the educational paradigm and a reorientation of attitudes from narrow professional training of specialists to comprehensive education, to achieving a high level of general culture, to the development of intelligence and personal cognitive interests that allow the individual to adapt to the dynamics of social crises.

Within the framework of this educational paradigm, theories are developed aimed at bridging the gap between the natural sciences and the humanities. Moreover, the range of these theories is quite wide.

(Smirnov S.A. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, technology systems. - M., 2000. - P. 82)

Exercise 80. Find examples of functional-semantic types of speech in any textbook and in any newspaper.

BASICS OF SPEECH CULTURE Norms of pronunciation

Exercise 81*. Mark the correct statements.

(!) Orthoepy - a set of norms of the national language, ensuring the unity of its sound design.

(2) Orthoepy - a set of norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of morphemes, words, phrases.

(3) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform design for spelling words.

(4) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation.

(5) The orthoepic norm regulates pronunciation.

(6) The orthoepic norm regulates word usage.

(7) The orthoepic norm regulates stress.

(8) Orthoepic norms are reflected in orthoepic dictionaries.

(9) Orthoepic norms are reflected in etymological dictionaries.

(10) In orthoepic dictionaries, pronunciation options that are outside the literary norm are not indicated.

Exercise 82. Pronounce the following words correctly. Remember: in place of the letter “o” in the first unstressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [a] and [o], in the remaining unstressed syllables - the middle one between short [o] and short [s].

the water of my houses is yours to come

I ask again to surround the window correctly

need to win cold milk young

Exercise 83*. What sound is pronounced in place of the letter "a" after hard shi-



Exercise 84*. Read the following words, paying attention to the need to pronounce in an unstressed position after solid consonants in place of the letter “e” sounds [s e] or [b].

six hundredth

dance wish


workshop cruelty


in the capital

Exercise 85*. Do you pronounce the underlined words the same way?

(7) cleanliness of the room - vibration frequency; (2) try on a dress - reconcile opponents; (3) the flag is flying - the child is developing; (4) shine a flashlight - dedicate a poem to the hero of the day; (5) to see a fox - to fade in the forest

Exercise 86*. Write down the words in which the sound [e] is pronounced under stress.

screams like an articulated worthless settled connected hopeless


past year



modern faded

bled out


Exercise 88*. Divide these words into two groups: with a hard and soft pronunciation of the consonant before the letter "e". Compare your pronunciation with the normative one indicated in the key to the task.

atelier, swimming pool, businessman, child prodigy, genetics, grotesque, debut, detective, depot, interval, code, museum, model, hotel, pate, claim, session, tennis, therapist, term, flannel, masterpiece, overcoat, energy, aesthetics

Exercise 89*. Determine in which cases the sound denoted by the letter "I" is pronounced as [r] - explosive; [g] - fricative; [to]; [X]; [in].

(1) proud, mountain, long, leg, boots, sad

(2) friend, long, cottage cheese, foray, noggy, cut your hair

(3) light, soft, light, soften, lightest

(4) Lord, grace, to God

(5) accountant, uh huh, uh

(6) distant, quiet, big, yours, first

Exercise 90*. What combinatorial processes affect the pronunciation of consonants in the following words:

(1) birch, path, smile, partition, trick, yesterday, guess

(2) do, run away, please, threshing, station, football

(3) steppe, carry, fear, umbrella, racer, candidate

(4) silently, without a cap, from mine, burn, lifeless, from tin

Exercise 91. Read the words, taking into account the pronunciation of consonant combinations.

(1) Motherland, report, speaker, pilot, translator, architect

(2) storyteller, mover, defector, man, count, clear, happiness

(3) yeast, reins, burns, buzzes, rains

(4) twenty, father, soldier, see each other, correspond, laugh

Exercise 92 The hard pronunciation is wrong.

fraction shoes steppe seven

eight seventy eighty congratulations

pour leave add get ready meet

paying attention to combinations of three and

travel card




journalistic late






tourist late





militaristic holiday








amount of aggression





terrace alley




terror applique


manna (heavenly)

Exercise 96. Check if you pronounce the following words correctly.

Capital letters highlight the part of the word where a mistake is often made.



compromise competitive




Accentological norms Exercise 97*. Place the stress on the words. In difficult cases, refer to dictionaries. Remember the place of stress in these words.

august alphabet analogue watermelon pamper tow bureaucracy janitor religion genesis corrugated caterpillar hyphen denim booty contract call call call leisure shaft enviably long frost sparkle seal seal rust clog significant ringing iconography industry gradually from time immemorial catalog cough up costumed beautiful flint cooking kitchen lubok muscular for a short time thinking meager provision facilitate at the same time wholesale inquire uncork partly mindful mold seal up anticipate compel to add angle dispersal symmetry potion notify solicit christian cement chassis

Exercise 98*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

(7) shell (2) rust (3) silo (4) dusk

(5) custom (6) sleek (7) chain (8) gypsy

(9) scoop (70) expert

Exercise 99*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

(7) cedar (2) prettier (3) parterre (4) beetroot

(5) plum (6) carpenter (7) hardening (8) intercessor

cleaner (70) sorrel

Exercise 100*. Mark the word numbers with the stress on the last syllable.

alcohol (2) tow (3) air duct (4) dispensary (5) blinds 6) half step (7) reward (8) deepen

(9) aggravate (70) phenomenon

Exercise 101. Determine the meanings of the following words. Make suggestions with them.

atlas - atlas, armor - armor, bundle - bundle, busy - busy, iris - iris, clubs - clubs, around - around, images - images, language - language.

Exercise 102. Say phrases, paying attention to the place of stress.

characteristic features, lucky witticism, windy day, planted father, figurative meaning, laurel grove, chaos in the head, draft age, characteristic role, transitional bridge, chicken pox, bay leaf, mobile child, portable microphone, planted shrub, soar legs, draft cry, visual acuity, language sense, transitional age, coal pool, malocclusion, soar in the clouds.

Exercise 103. Form a short form of masculine, feminine, neuter and plural form of adjectives. Put emphasis.

to rosh - to horn - to horn - to rosh - to horn

cheerful faithful tall deep hungry distant friendly young old wide

Exercise 104*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the last syllable.

cheap (2) right (3) light (4) rare

(5) pale (6) long (7) close (8) bitter

Exercise 105

started - started - started - started - started

called taken busy lived sold

Exercise 106*. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable.

taken (2) given (3) started (4) sold

(5) accepted (6) distributed (7) distributed (8) created

Exercise 107*. Form the past tense of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender and the plural form of these verbs. Put emphasis. Pay attention to verbs that have a fixed stress on the stem.

take - took - took - took - took

choose - chose - chose - chose - chose

be, turn on, give out, give, live, call, wait, drink, dial, collect, elect, give, twist, pluck, pass for, sail, lie, put, pull

Exercise 108*. Mark those verbs in the feminine form of the past tense in which the stress is incorrectly placed.

(7) lived (2) spun (3) forked (4) gave (5) called

(6) saw (7) drove (8) poured (9) took (70) waited

Lexical norms

Exercise 109*. Comment on and correct errors related to inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the highlighted words.

(1) The conference addressed the issue of the most effective teaching methods. (2) We must not forget that our goods are imported. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the standard of living. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were well founded. (5) At the end of the academic year, everyone was given lists of recommended literature. (6) The accounting department must pay the employees money. (7) The train tickets were paid in advance. (8) The student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople witnessed a concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change their route to stock up on produce.

Exercise 110. Find and eliminate errors due to inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to dictionaries.

(1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered a new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great merit of this work is its expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead, and then answer. (7) The coat is made by a good craftsman. (<5) Вся публика была уже в триумфе. (9) Зал аплодировал и ска­нировал: «Браво!» (10) Он нарочито не пришел на субботник.

Exercise 111 Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them.

school course area

rise substantial

Exercise 112

Exercise 113

petty owner, petty dishes, petty river, petty worries

lump of clay, curl up in a lump, rolled up to the throat throw accusation, throw stones, throw reinforcements

Exercise 114*. Find in the sentences words that are used in a figurative sense. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on?

(1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The audience applauds. (3) The first violin entered the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier.

(5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times.

(6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. (7) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a slight frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape with a good brush.

Exercise 115*. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer.

(1) Note to. Folder with notes. Diplomatic note. Hysterical notes in the voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Strength of character. Fortress of metal. Armed fortress. Solution strength.

(3) Mow the grass. The epidemic decimated people. Mow on the left eye. The dress squints on the side. (4) Bridges were raised on the Neva. The court divorced the spouses. Guests should be escorted home. Tourists lit a fire. (5) The boat swam into the bay. The geese were covered in fat. The candle burned with wax. The pond swam with mud.

Exercise 116. Explain the meanings of homonyms using explanatory dictionaries and the Russian Homonym Dictionary Make suggestions.

action, shaft, view, vulture, hail, dacha, class, interfere

Exercise 117. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings.

(1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of certain plants" - "the embryonic state of man." (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone."

Exercise 118*. Select the dominant in the synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity.

flare up - ignite - engage - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite

(1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion

(2) independent, independent, free

(3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle

(4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, tiny

(5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby

(6) immense, exorbitant, gigantic, great, large, gigantic

(7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair

(5) superiority, superiority, dominance, dominance, dominance

Exercise 119. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words.

limitless, polite, loud, proof, multitude, constant, acquire, enduring

Exercise 120*. From these synonymous series, exclude the words characteristic of colloquial speech.

(1) ancient, ancient, immemorial, ancient, ancient

(2) think, contemplate, brainstorm

(3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, pot-bellied

(4) to intercede, to beg, to beg, to beg, to beg

(5) outdo, overtake, overtake, overtake, outshine

(6) to study, to study, to master, to pass, to comprehend

(7) hide, hide, hide, take cover, hide

Exercise 121. Compare the scope of the following synonyms: amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors

road - highway jaundice - hepatitis

good - cool drugs - potions

steering wheel - steering wheel

Exercise 122

(1) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss

(2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander

(3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense

Exercise 123. Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words.

thick thick fog (dense) thick sour cream (saturated) thick hair (lush) thick voice (full-sounding)

go, open, old, light, dark

Exercise 124. Compose phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets.

(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) implement, execute (program, work); (4) hold, keep (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, authentic, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (5) long, long, long, long-term, continuous (loan, path, impact, period, fees).

Exercise 125*. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power so that (future, future) generations do not (know, know
li) her nightmares. (2) If tension has arisen in the team, it must be (discharged, repaid, weakened, amortized).

(3) Sportsman(exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his(predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per(previous, previous) year the company has become(profitable, profitable, profitable). (5) From telephone exchange(received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new tariff increases.(in) The party's election campaign contained(actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks.(7)The guests were provided(courteous, amiable, gracious, courteous) reception.(8)The play had(colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success.

Exercise 126. Find and correct errors in the following sentences related to the incorrect use of synonyms.

(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. (2) The only advantage of radiators of this kind is the simplicity of construction. (3) This unit can significantly reduce the bonding temperature of materials.

(4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production.

(5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (c) Growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to compete. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.

Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.









world view annul









exchange antagonism










rally handle





millennium deviation

security guard





Exercise 128





friendly talented




frugal sincere





Exercise 129. . Choose the words for the following words: with opposite value to the next
without high in a dream seriously
hot coming per healthy
to fall asleep short buy love
False light soft maximum
find above put on tenderness
wholesale from refuse straight
benefit against With agreement
weaken light sleep happiness
get dark tired smart jokingly
Exercise 130 *. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.
freckled enter armed you
for a long time wood wrap up inveterate
sound winter cry large
doll lamp logical left bank
rejuvenate above ceiling cry
myself stadium straw modesty
terrace tiger thick fly away
ha ha ha poison to frown four southwest

32 II. Practical part

Exercise 131. Choose antonyms for different meanings of words.

light backpack - heavy backpack easy task - difficult task light breakfast - heavy breakfast light tan - deep tan

hot, shallow, fresh, old

Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Specify the type of antonymy.

(1) I lent this book to a friend. I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light - blow out the candle. - Yesterday, a new blast furnace was blown out at the plant. (3) The new device was put into mass production. - The student completely started studying.

Exercise 133

(1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the stairs. (4) No availability of textbooks. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry.

Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language.

master - learn heroic - heroic
put on - dress a creature - essence
ironic - ironic ironic - relating to irony as a stylistic device (used in terminological phrases), ironic device, ironic poem, stanza ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of mockery, ironic look, tone, approach

The book The Language Police has been published in the United States. It includes 500 words and expressions that never appear in American school and university textbooks. The list is amazing. It would seem that there can be reprehensible in such words as "God", "hell", "blind", "old man", "barbarian", "housewife", "owl", "bibliophile", "golf player"? It turns out that they were all considered “politically incorrect”.

The author of the sensational book is a well-known expert in the field of education, New York University professor Diana Ravich. She previously worked for the Department of Education, and prior to that, as a consultant to the Clinton administration. Now he writes books. The latter, available online for just $24, promises to be a bestseller.

It seemed that American political correctness, including in the field of education, had time to "apply" to everyone and sundry. But Ravich managed to surprise. The results of Diana's content analysis of American textbooks are shocking. As it turned out, authors, publishers, local commissions involved in the control of educational literature, school councils subject textbooks to ruthless censorship.

“I specifically studied the “exceptions” from textbooks - the vocabulary that is either not used at all, or it is extremely small. The so-called “Commission on Bias and Scrupulousness” classified many of these exceptions as “biased” and “biased,” Diana Ravich tells Izvestia. - Actually words against which the commission protested, the majority of people would never apprehend as "biased". I can give you an example: from a book for high school, a story was extracted dating back to the middle of the 19th century - about a woman and her daughter who sewed a blanket for a dowry. The members of the commission considered this story "infringing on the rights of women", since the mother and daughter in it are shown as "weak" and "submissive". Meanwhile, the story is absolutely reliable and does not at all belittle the dignity of women. Another example: the story about peanuts was excluded under the pretext that there are people who are allergic to peanuts. But no one calls for eating peanuts. Can’t you even read about him?!”

According to the unwritten rules, it is impossible to mention everything that can in any way infringe on the rights of one or another category of Americans. This means that “yacht” and “playing polo” automatically fall into the list of prohibited words (as degrading those who do not belong to the elite). “Pretty woman” will cause discontent among feminists, “deaf” and “lame” humiliate the disabled. Owls were blacklisted solely because of the Navajo Indians living in the United States: for them, any mention of birds is a taboo.

There is no need to talk about God and paradise at all - after all, books can fall into the hands of atheists or adherents of religions who do not recognize these concepts. If this logic is followed, Ravich argues, there will be nothing left of Ernest Hemingway's famous The Old Man and the Sea. The "old man" is a clear prejudice against the age group, and the "sea" will warp those who live in the interior of the continent. The last example may be an exaggeration, but the fact remains: if the American politically correct censors do not stop, sooner or later books will have to be abandoned altogether.

“Of course, all these initiatives come from the government,” Ravich says. - The administration asks not to use certain words, themes, images and links. But this applies only to gender, age stereotypes, infringement of the rights of ethnic minorities. Publishers are engaged in self-censorship, fearing a decrease in circulation. The total amount of profit from the publication of textbooks in the United States is 4 billion dollars. And publishers are afraid of losing at least one of them if the content of the books does not appeal to buyers.

“Do not offend anyone - that's the main principle. The result is boring books devoid of illustrative examples and often of historical accuracy. At the same time, censorship concerns mainly books on literature and history. And what can be literature without "The Old Man and the Sea"? What can be the story if dictators are called dictators years after their death? - asks a rhetorical question Ravich.

The desire for political correctness can play a cruel joke on American democracy. “That's why I wrote the book,” Ravich admits. - Now self-censorship of publishers is widely practiced, but people do not know anything about it. I want to make these facts public, to force publishers and officials to explain what principles they are guided by, deleting certain pieces from the texts.

Exercise 60*. Read the interview. Determine the type: interview ^ questioning, interview - exchange of opinions, interview-portrait. Prove that the topic of conversation affects the choice of speech means. Note the syntactic and compositional features of this genre.

1. Happy birthday, "Komsomolskaya Pravda"!

The most famous pop musician of our time, Paul McCartney, told the KP journalist why it was important for him to perform on Red Square, spoke about his relationship with other celebrities and congratulated our newspaper on his birthday.

Tell me, why was it so important for you to perform on Red Square?

You see, it was generally important for me to come to Russia. It is a beautiful country with a rich history and so on. I know there are a lot of Beatles fans here and mine in particular. And getting permission to perform on Red Square... For me, this is a symbol of the new freedom that people in Russia have. We in the West associated Red Square with military parades, we were only told about this. And then such a gesture of goodwill on the part of the people. It's as if people decide to return Red Square to themselves for one evening and have real fun there. This may be good for East-West relations. And it's definitely good for me. In addition, this is a beautiful place for a performance, I have always admired the architecture of Red Square.

Of course, you have heard that there were attempts to first ban your Moscow concert, and then move it from Red Square to another place?

Yes, as far as I understand, someone in the government decided that this was not a good idea. Of course, such people exist in the world, but they are becoming less and less. Earlier in the USSR they banned the Beatles, but now they don't. I am honored to have been invited to play in Red Square and I like to think that this is a very important moment for world peace. And all this is much more important than the protests of a few people.

And now open, please, one secret regarding the upcoming concert. Will you open it with Backin the USSR?

No. It has always been my goal to sing Back in the USSR in Moscow. A lot of different rock performers who come to you sing this song. Of course, we will also sing, which pleases me and, I think, my fans, but not at the very beginning of the performance.

Are you going to record this concert?

Of course, we will shoot this show for history. It will certainly be a very interesting event. By the way, our conversation is already being filmed.

Do you feel uneasy when you hear a new band being called the "new Beatles"?

No, I'm terribly sorry for them. For them, this is such a responsibility. Over the years, many have been called "the new Beatles". Moreover, the musicians themselves basically do not want to be called that. It's like a stone around your neck. Now they have to make better music than the Beatles.

Okay, let's round up. I know it's hard to imagine, but let's try. Here you met a man who did not hear anything about either the Beatles or Paul McCartney. And you have to introduce yourself somehow. You start saying, "I'm a person who..." And then what?

I am a person who, along with three musicians from Liverpool, got into the Beatles. Things were going well for us, we composed a lot of music. Here it is all on this CD. Go home, listen, and then come back and tell me if you liked the Beatles.

2. White nights extended by a physicist

The laser show, which took place during the days (or rather, during the white nights) of the anniversary of St. Petersburg in the Neva, was visited by one and a half million people. According to opinion polls, the majority of St. Petersburg residents were satisfied with what they saw: with the help of laser beams, special films and mirrors, optical artist Hiro Yamagato painted incorrect abstractions that turned old views of St. Petersburg bridges and towers into elements of modern visual art. Yamagato is known for his projects at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, as well as for his global lighting work on the Eiffel Tower, which is celebrating its centenary.

started in Paris a few years ago. Before leaving for his homeland, the artist-scientist revealed the secrets of unique technologies.

Mr. Yamagato, it was said that in St. Petersburg you used new, never before used devices and technologies...

I'm afraid we've been misunderstood a bit - naturally I composed the original visual composition for this show. I used these devices and technologies before; just as an artist draws with a brush and pencil, so I use my system to create new images.

Did your performance have any plot, plot?

It is difficult to talk about the plot in my case: I synchronized the music by Eduard Artemyev, written especially for the anniversary of St. Petersburg, and my own conceptual light numbers. I'm an abstract artist: I don't deal with holograms, photographically accurate drawing of objects in the air - this is the lot of applied designers working on pop shows. All my shows are really a feast of abstraction, only instead of a brush I have lasers and reflectors, and instead of a canvas I have natural or artificial surfaces. With the same success, one could look for a plot in Edward's work.

You are called a follower of Jean-Michel Jarre...

It is not right. Firstly, Jarre not only puts on a light show, he also writes music. For me, music has an applied meaning - it is either abstract sound pictures that serve as a background for my “visualizations”, or the result of synthesis, as in the case of Artemiev.

They say about you that you are an "artist-scientist", "physicist and artist"... How do you feel about such definitions?

You know, it's like soul and body. There are separate concepts, but it is impossible to see the soul without the body. So for me there is no particular difference between physics and art - they are soldered together for me. The results that can be achieved by doing laser physics serve to develop new expressive means. Therefore, the place where I work is not called a "studio", but a "laboratory".

Where are the roots of your creativity? In the Sino-Japanese "fireworks" tradition?

I'm listening to you now and I understand that I should slightly correct my previous answer: I'm probably still more of a scientist than an artist. I have never been tempted to “fit” into some tradition, to attribute myself to some galaxy or school, this is not about me. I experiment with particles and rays, and in the course of these experiments certain abstract images are born. I am not a figure of the “art process”, I am moving in some parallel dimension, borderline between science and “art”. And even more so, I don’t feel tied to national roots: I studied in Paris, worked in Europe, live and experiment in America. And what I do is absolutely cosmopolitan in its meaning.

Exercise 61*. Read the essay. Reveal in it a combination of journalistic and artistic styles. Find elements of narrative, description, reasoning. Briefly state the position of the author. By what means of speech is it expressed?

I remember back in the 60s, when I heard about government awards to agricultural workers who grew a good corn crop, I was tormented by the thought: why didn’t the US government award the order to farmer Gareth, who grew a record corn crop on his farm?

But why give him an order? I tried, I got decent money for my corn. What else? And then the conclusion came out by itself: awarding orders and medals for honest, good work, the government, as it were, officially confirms that it does not pay extra to the workers! Moreover, by giving awards to the foremost workers, it inspires the working masses with the idea that honest, conscientious work is such heroism, such a feat that only a few heroes can do it, and honest work cannot be demanded of ordinary people!

This discouraging discovery haunted me for a long time, until quite by chance I found the answer in Suetonius' Life of the Twelve Caesars. It turns out that King Augustus was very stingy with honorary state awards. For services, he always tried to pay with money. And only when the service could not be valued in money, he grumblingly agreed to give such a person a honor, triumph, badge of honor or other state award. When Augustus was asked why he was so stingy with awards, he replied that money can always be found, but if the reputation of a state award falls, then nothing can restore it.

That's the problem! That is why government awards should not be given for honest, high-quality, conscientious work, for which you can pay with money. Rewards should be given for such deeds, for such services to the state, by performing which a person puts his name, reputation, family, health, life itself at stake.

For many years I considered these arguments indisputable. But now I suddenly realized: no, they are not absolute! They are just when the state prospers and prospers. But when the Fatherland is in danger and the state has no funds for a fair pay, it has the right to give government awards for labor as recognition of services that cannot be expressed in monetary terms. That is why I now look at old people with new eyes when I see a modest medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” on their jackets and sweatshirts.

(G. Smirnov // Sat. texts to prepare for the exam. -

M., 2003. - S. 32)

Exercise 62. Write a note, article or essay (choose your own topic and genre) in the student newspaper. Think over the main idea, composition, argumentation system, language techniques.

Exercise 63. Prepare for an interview with an interesting person.

Think over the questions, the form of address to the interlocutor, your behavior. Tape the interview.

Exercise 64*. Read the headlines of newspaper articles. Describe their structural-syntactic, lexical and stylistic features. Which of the headlines are, in your opinion, successful and which are unsuccessful?

(1) High calm (Disagreements between the countries of the "big

eight" did not spill out).

(2) Window to Europe (On visa-free entry of Russian citizens to

EU countries).

(3) The race for the leader (Leading sociological agencies

(4) An army that does not shoot (In Switzerland, conscription is

holiday, and war is a game).

(5) Take an overcoat in rubles (Decision of the Ministry of Defense on

payment of debts to military personnel for non-received uniforms).

(6) A step towards forgiveness (the State Duma adopted a resolution on

nistii in Chechnya).

(7) How to get your paycheck? (Articles from the Labor Code

Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations).

(8) Do you have a heart? (Chief cardiac surgeon of the country ut

claims that evil people get sick more often).

(9) Image - nothing? Image is everything! (The academy was created in Russia

mission of imageology).

(10) The stars protected the animals (Artists spent a good

rhyming concert; Proceeds from the event will go to animal shelters.

(11) Songs of the Kulikovo field (Festival ended near Tula

(12) Tired couple (The reason for the dismantling of the monument "Work

whose and the collective farmer "was the corrosion of the metal).

Exercise 65. Find examples of good and bad headlines in newspapers. Motivate your choice.

Exercise 66. Find examples of quotes in newspapers. Make a conclusion about the prevalence of the phenomenon of citation in modern newspapers.

Exercise 67. Select a journalistic text on your own. Note its genre and stylistic features. Describe the vocabulary, phraseology, the use of morphological forms and syntactic constructions.


Exercise 68*. Name the styles and genres in which: (1) the use of colloquial elements is unacceptable; (2) colloquial elements are generally not used; (3) colloquial elements may or may not be used; (4) conversational elements, although they do not form the basis of speech tissue, are necessarily presented; (5) conversational elements form the basis of speech fabric.

Exercise 69*. Write down the words related to the colloquial vocabulary.




often good-natured



flop leader


condensed milk


often a politician



Exercise 70*. Give phraseological units with colloquial stylistic coloring, having the following meanings.

(1) run fast; (2) very far; (3) not to work, to do nothing; (4) to be sad, to be sad; (5) take offense; (6) talk a lot and in vain.

Exercise 71*. Find words that relate to book vocabulary. Explain whether it is always appropriate to use them in colloquial speech.

(1) She works as a laboratory assistant. (2) We went to visit my brother-in-law, he is a patient in the hospital. (3) No need to agitate me, I won’t go skiing in such a cold anyway. (4) He entered the technical school on the basis of a ten-year period, and therefore will study for three years. (5) All the inhabitants of the house were called upon to clean the yard.

(6) If the child is indulged, it will enter the system, then you will be tormented. (7) We gathered for a hike, gathered potatoes to bake, meat for barbecue. (S) There was a fair on Sunday, right on the square, so I made a purchase.

Exercise 72 Do the above passages prove that colloquial speech is a common means of communication between native speakers of a literary language in certain extralinguistic conditions (the sphere of easy communication)?

1. (talking in archive)

A. This manuscript / seventeenth century //

B. It can't be /

D. Here you can’t //

2. (on a hike)

A. Come on guys //

B. Now I'll finish my smoke and let's go //

J.I. (jokingly) Now I'll lie down and let's go //

A. Well, you were stunned, we won’t reach darkness //

B. Possibly //

A. What is possible / And where to spend the night //

J.I. Here we will spend the night //

3. (after exam)

E. What exam was / girls //

A. and B. (simultaneously) Algebra // Algebra //

D. Written //

D. It's all right / Pyaterochka //

B. Noooo / I have four //

E. And the next / which one //

A. Physics / the worst //.

Exercise 73*. Analyze the syntactic features of colloquial speech.

(1) To the people - you will not push through. (2) Garlic is healthy.

(3) Bring something to pour the juice into. (4) Cold, wind because.

(5) Let's order another coffee. (6) Look in the library. (7) Let's go to the store, I need felt-tip pens. (6) Take it to the room where the TV is. (9) Behind me in glasses and a woman with a child. (10) Entered honey. (11) Not a word to anyone! It's clear. (12) Will you come to visit? From what?

Exercise 74. In the passage, find the means of colloquial speech (from V. Shukshin's story "Space, the nervous system and the shmat of fat").

In the morning they talk by the stove.

Still want to learn?

Hunting. I will be a surgeon.

How many pieces?

Eight. Because in the medical - six, not five, as in the rest.

Stretch your legs until you reach the surgeon. Where does she, mother, get money from sestol?

For a scholarship. The guys are studying... Two of us from the village are studying like this.

The old man is silent, looking at the fire. Apparently, he remembered his children.

What is it that draws you to the city so strongly?

Learn ... "What pulls." And then you can work as a surgeon in the village. I even look more in the village.

What, they get a lot of helluva lot, what?

Who? Surgeons?

On the contrary, they are paid little. Least of all. Now they added it, it's true, but still ...

Duck, why the jester then pull the veins out of himself for so many years? Learn to be a driver and work. They're kicking ass! Yes, where he will throw a wood to someone, where he will bring hay from the state farm - money. And I would help my mother. She has three isho in her arms.

Yuri is silent for a while. The mention of mother and younger brothers hurts the heart. Of course, it's hard for a mother... Annoyance boils up against the old man.

Let's live, - he says sharply. - No one cares about that.

(. Shukshin V. Selected works in two volumes.

Volume one. - M., 1975. - S. 50-51)

Exercise 75

We arrived here on the 20th, of course, we were met. Not the way we wanted, in general. Well, I understand that it is difficult in all construction teams, there are difficulties. There were all kinds of downtime, of course, insignificant, because of building materials, because of the tools were. But gradually it all somehow ... the issue was settled, just now the chief engineer was coming, we were promised a scope of work, and from today it is clear that the promise was not in vain. Because before, as if there was no work front all the time, we literally walked right next to the excavator.

Exercise 76. The same phenomenon in different styles of speech is described using various speech means. A scientific description of rain as a natural phenomenon is given: “Rain is liquid atmospheric precipitation falling from clouds. Droplet diameter from 6-7 to 0.5 mm; at a smaller amount, precipitation is called drizzle. (Sov. encyclopedic dictionary).

Prepare an artistic description of the rain and a conversational monologue on the topic “Rain”. Prove that you belong to one or another style.

Exercise 77. Make up dialogues that clearly reflect the relationship and speech characteristics of the interlocutors in an informal setting: (a) representatives of the older generation;

(b) representatives of different generations; (c) representatives of the younger generation.

1. Celebration of Victory Day.

2. Sports match.

3. Any of your choice.

Exercise 78. Analyze the lexical, grammatical, stylistic features of these passages. Make a conclusion about their stylistic relevance.

1. Everyone is standing in the lobby / no one is walking on the street / Everyone gathered there around me / They started asking / What is she like / What does she look like / I say / I have no idea // In general / I was afraid / that I would not recognize her // But interesting / everyone has already passed / but she’s gone // Then I look at her // Later than everyone else // I recognized her / She didn’t know me right away ... // .

2. Student card

A student card is issued to each student upon his enrollment for the duration of his stay in a higher educational institution.

(2) . When a student leaves the university, the ticket and the record book are handed over to the dean's office and attached to his educational card for transfer to a personal file. (3). On the front inside of the ticket above the words "Student card number" the name of the higher educational institution is affixed. On the right inner side of the ticket, it is annually noted in which academic year and in which course the student is studying. The signature of the dean of the faculty is certified by the seal of the faculty. A note is made about the form of training. (four). A photographic card of its owner must be pasted on the student card. The student card is secured with the signature of the vice-rector and the seal of the higher education institution, which must cover part of the photographic card. (5). In case of loss of a student card, the rector of the university, on the recommendation of the dean of the faculty, may impose a disciplinary sanction on the student and instruct him to issue a new ticket marked “duplicate” to him. The duplicate retains the number of the lost ticket.

(The system of organization of the educational process at the university. -

M., 2001. S. 9)

3. The essence of social partnership is that trade unions and entrepreneurs through social conflicts (strikes) align relations with each other, while the state creates conditions for the civilized course of these conflicts, intervening in them only if they are illegal. For example, in the market economies of the West, partnerships are formed as a system independent of the state, based on the complete independence of entrepreneurs and workers in decision-making and the search for mutual

fit conventions and capable of maintaining social harmony without direct government intervention. Only the functions of controlling the behavior of workers and employers within the boundaries of their rights and freedoms, determined by the constitution and legislative norms, and suppressing actions that go beyond national values ​​remain for the state.

(Zaitsev A.K. social conflict. - M., 2001. S. 159)

4. There is now a colossal overproduction of economists and lawyers in Russia. At the same time, there was a serious shortage of personnel in new enterprises that are switching to modern technologies. In particular, there is a shortage of programmers and engineers.

Last year, in 2002, according to the results of entrance exams to Russian universities, the most popular specialty among applicants was jurisprudence. Depending on the university, from 4 to 15 people applied for one place.

Such specialties as linguistics (8-13 people per place), history (3-13), psychology (3-9), political science (2-7) were also in high demand.

For the first time in many years, the demand for applied mathematicians almost doubled, the competition for universities was from 3 to 7 people per place.

2-5 people applied for each place in the specialty "Finance and Credit", and 2-4 people in the specialty "Management".

Functional-semantic types of speech

Exercise 79*. What functional-semantic type of speech do the following texts refer to? Prove whether they contain constantly or simultaneously present signs of something, successive actions or events, an explanation of the causes and consequences of events and phenomena, assessments.

1. Reading aloud at home is very close. When the whole family reads the same book together for several evenings in a row, this involuntarily entails an exchange of thoughts. If this book is large and read for a long time, it turns into a family friend, its characters come to life and enter our house.

When I look at the books that are on our shelves, I can mentally divide them into several sections: real tomes, classics, modern books, reference books, dictionaries, textbooks, and so on. But I can mentally collect together on a special shelf the books that we read together and aloud. We know, remember, love them like no other.

How to choose a time so that several family members can immediately gather at the table? Don't pick a time? It is located in order to watch TV together! Don't we sit in front of him sometimes for hours, even when nothing special is shown? The page of the book is a huge screen that the best TV never dreamed of!

I advise you, I beg you, I persuade you - try it! Try reading at home together and out loud! There was something like that in joint home reading, if people of different generations remember it with excitement and gratitude.

When a book is read aloud by someone from the family, what happens on its pages is reflected on the faces of everyone who has gathered at the table. All feelings are intensified and sharpened. And the one who has already read this book before, reading it now to his relatives, feels joy, introducing them to what is dear to him, sharing what belonged to him alone and what he now bestows on others.

In short, try it, and I hope, I'm sure you won't regret it.

(Lvov S. j j Sat. texts to prepare for the exam. -

M., 2003. - S. 32-33)

2. - What will I do for people?! Danko shouted louder than thunder.

And suddenly he tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head.

It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this flame of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, astonished, stood like stones.

Let's go! Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people.

They rushed after him, fascinated. Then the forest rustled again, shaking its peaks in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the clatter of running people. Everyone ran quickly and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart. And now they were dying, but they were dying without complaints and tears. But Danko was still ahead, and his heart was burning, burning!

And then suddenly the forest parted before him, parted and remained behind, dense and dumb, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into a sea of ​​sunlight and clean air, washed by rain. There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain and the river was sparkling with gold ... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that beat with a hot stream from Danko's torn chest.

(Gorky M. Old woman Izergil. Collected works in 16 volumes.

T. 1. - M., 1985. - S. 70-71)

3. The current state of society is characterized by the exacerbation of a number of interrelated key problems that determine its further development, including economic, energy, environmental crises, social and national conflicts, and a decline in the level of spirituality and culture. Many scientists see the solution to these problems in improving education. All over the world there is an active search for new educational systems - more democratic, more flexible, more universal both from the standpoint of an individual and society as a whole.

The reform of higher education that has begun in our country involves a change in the educational paradigm and a reorientation of attitudes from narrow professional training of specialists to comprehensive education, to achieving a high level of general culture, to the development of intelligence and personal cognitive interests that allow the individual to adapt to the dynamics of social crises.

Within the framework of this educational paradigm, theories are developed aimed at bridging the gap between the natural sciences and the humanities. Moreover, the range of these theories is quite wide.

(Smirnov S.A. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, technology systems. - M., 2000. - P. 82)

Exercise 80. Find examples of functional-semantic types of speech in any textbook and in any newspaper.

BASICS OF SPEECH CULTURE Norms of pronunciation

Exercise 81*. Mark the correct statements.

(!) Orthoepy - a set of norms of the national language, ensuring the unity of its sound design.

(2) Orthoepy - a set of norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of morphemes, words, phrases.

(3) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform design for spelling words.

(4) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation.

(5) The orthoepic norm regulates pronunciation.

(6) The orthoepic norm regulates word usage.

(7) The orthoepic norm regulates stress.

(8) Orthoepic norms are reflected in orthoepic dictionaries.

(9) Orthoepic norms are reflected in etymological dictionaries.

(10) In orthoepic dictionaries, pronunciation options that are outside the literary norm are not indicated.

Exercise 82. Pronounce the following words correctly. Remember: in place of the letter “o” in the first unstressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [a] and [o], in the remaining unstressed syllables - the middle one between short [o] and short [s].

the water of my houses is yours to come

I ask again to surround the window correctly

need to win cold milk young

Exercise 83*. What sound is pronounced in place of the letter "a" after hard shi-



Exercise 84*. Read the following words, paying attention to the need to pronounce in an unstressed position after solid consonants in place of the letter “e” sounds [s e] or [b].

six hundredth

dance wish


workshop cruelty


in the capital

Exercise 85*. Do you pronounce the underlined words the same way?

(7) cleanliness of the room - vibration frequency; (2) try on a dress - reconcile opponents; (3) the flag is flying - the child is developing; (4) shine a flashlight - dedicate a poem to the hero of the day; (5) to see a fox - to fade in the forest

Exercise 86*. Write down the words in which the sound [e] is pronounced under stress.

screams like an articulated worthless settled connected hopeless


past year



modern faded

bled out


Exercise 88*. Divide these words into two groups: with a hard and soft pronunciation of the consonant before the letter "e". Compare your pronunciation with the normative one indicated in the key to the task.

atelier, swimming pool, businessman, child prodigy, genetics, grotesque, debut, detective, depot, interval, code, museum, model, hotel, pate, claim, session, tennis, therapist, term, flannel, masterpiece, overcoat, energy, aesthetics

Exercise 89*. Determine in which cases the sound denoted by the letter "I" is pronounced as [r] - explosive; [g] - fricative; [to]; [X]; [in].

(1) proud, mountain, long, leg, boots, sad

(2) friend, long, cottage cheese, foray, noggy, cut your hair

(3) light, soft, light, soften, lightest

(4) Lord, grace, to God

(5) accountant, uh huh, uh

(6) distant, quiet, big, yours, first

Exercise 90*. What combinatorial processes affect the pronunciation of consonants in the following words:

(1) birch, path, smile, partition, trick, yesterday, guess

(2) do, run away, please, threshing, station, football

(3) steppe, carry, fear, umbrella, racer, candidate

(4) silently, without a cap, from mine, burn, lifeless, from tin

Exercise 91. Read the words, taking into account the pronunciation of consonant combinations.

(1) Motherland, report, speaker, pilot, translator, architect

(2) storyteller, mover, defector, man, count, clear, happiness

(3) yeast, reins, burns, buzzes, rains

(4) twenty, father, soldier, see each other, correspond, laugh

Exercise 92 The hard pronunciation is wrong.

fraction shoes steppe seven

eight seventy eighty congratulations

pour leave add get ready meet




amount of aggression





terrace alley




terror applique


manna (heavenly)

Exercise 96. Check if you pronounce the following words correctly.

Capital letters highlight the part of the word where a mistake is often made.



compromise competitive




Accentological norms Exercise 97*. Place the stress on the words. In difficult cases, refer to dictionaries. Remember the place of stress in these words.

august alphabet analogue watermelon pamper tow bureaucracy janitor religion genesis corrugated caterpillar hyphen denim booty contract call call call leisure shaft enviably long frost sparkle seal seal rust clog significant ringing iconography industry gradually from time immemorial catalog cough up costumed beautiful flint cooking kitchen lubok muscular for a short time thinking meager provision facilitate at the same time wholesale inquire uncork partly mindful mold seal up anticipate compel to add angle dispersal symmetry potion notify solicit christian cement chassis

Exercise 98*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

(7) shell (2) rust (3) silo (4) dusk

(5) custom (6) sleek (7) chain (8) gypsy

(9) scoop (70) expert

Exercise 99*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

(7) cedar (2) prettier (3) parterre (4) beetroot

(5) plum (6) carpenter (7) hardening (8) intercessor

cleaner (70) sorrel

Exercise 100*. Mark the word numbers with the stress on the last syllable.

alcohol (2) tow (3) air duct (4) dispensary (5) blinds 6) half step (7) reward (8) deepen

(9) aggravate (70) phenomenon

Exercise 101. Determine the meanings of the following words. Make suggestions with them.

atlas - atlas, armor - armor, bundle - bundle, busy - busy, iris - iris, clubs - clubs, around - around, images - images, language - language.

Exercise 102. Say phrases, paying attention to the place of stress.

characteristic features, lucky witticism, windy day, planted father, figurative meaning, laurel grove, chaos in the head, draft age, characteristic role, transitional bridge, chicken pox, bay leaf, mobile child, portable microphone, planted shrub, soar legs, draft cry, visual acuity, language sense, transitional age, coal pool, malocclusion, soar in the clouds.

Exercise 103. Form a short form of masculine, feminine, neuter and plural form of adjectives. Put emphasis.

to rosh - to horn - to horn - to rosh - to horn

cheerful faithful tall deep hungry distant friendly young old wide

Exercise 104*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the last syllable.

cheap (2) right (3) light (4) rare

(5) pale (6) long (7) close (8) bitter

Exercise 105

started - started - started - started - started

called taken busy lived sold

Exercise 106*. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable.

taken (2) given (3) started (4) sold

(5) accepted (6) distributed (7) distributed (8) created

Exercise 107*. Form the past tense of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender and the plural form of these verbs. Put emphasis. Pay attention to verbs that have a fixed stress on the stem.

take - took - took - took - took

choose - chose - chose - chose - chose

be, turn on, give out, give, live, call, wait, drink, dial, collect, elect, give, twist, pluck, pass for, sail, lie, put, pull

Exercise 108*. Mark those verbs in the feminine form of the past tense in which the stress is incorrectly placed.

(7) lived (2) spun (3) forked (4) gave (5) called

(6) saw (7) drove (8) poured (9) took (70) waited

Lexical norms

Exercise 109*. Comment on and correct errors related to inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the highlighted words.

(1) The conference addressed the issue of the most effective teaching methods. (2) We must not forget that our goods are imported. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the standard of living. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were well founded. (5) At the end of the academic year, everyone was given lists of recommended literature. (6) The accounting department must pay the employees money. (7) The train tickets were paid in advance. (8) The student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople witnessed a concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change their route to stock up on produce.

Exercise 110. Find and eliminate errors due to inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to dictionaries.

(1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered a new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great merit of this work is its expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead, and then answer. (7) The coat is made by a good craftsman. (<5) Вся публика была уже в триумфе. (9) Зал аплодировал и ска­нировал: «Браво!» (10) Он нарочито не пришел на субботник.

Exercise 111 Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them.

school course area

rise substantial

Exercise 112

Exercise 113

petty owner, petty dishes, petty river, petty worries

lump of clay, curl up in a lump, rolled up to the throat throw accusation, throw stones, throw reinforcements

Exercise 114*. Find in the sentences words that are used in a figurative sense. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on?

(1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The audience applauds. (3) The first violin entered the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier.

(5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times.

(6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. (7) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a slight frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape with a good brush.

Exercise 115*. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer.

(1) Note to. Folder with notes. Diplomatic note. Hysterical notes in the voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Strength of character. Fortress of metal. Armed fortress. Solution strength.

(3) Mow the grass. The epidemic decimated people. Mow on the left eye. The dress squints on the side. (4) Bridges were raised on the Neva. The court divorced the spouses. Guests should be escorted home. Tourists lit a fire. (5) The boat swam into the bay. The geese were covered in fat. The candle burned with wax. The pond swam with mud.

Exercise 116. Explain the meanings of homonyms using explanatory dictionaries and the Russian Homonym Dictionary Make suggestions.

action, shaft, view, vulture, hail, dacha, class, interfere

Exercise 117. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings.

(1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of certain plants" - "the embryonic state of man." (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone."

Exercise 118*. Select the dominant in the synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity.

flare up - ignite - engage - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite

(1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion

(2) independent, independent, free

(3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle

(4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, tiny

(5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby

(6) immense, exorbitant, gigantic, great, large, gigantic

(7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair

(5) superiority, superiority, dominance, dominance, dominance

Exercise 119. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words.

limitless, polite, loud, proof, multitude, constant, acquire, enduring

Exercise 120*. From these synonymous series, exclude the words characteristic of colloquial speech.

(1) ancient, ancient, immemorial, ancient, ancient

(2) think, contemplate, brainstorm

(3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, pot-bellied

(4) to intercede, to beg, to beg, to beg, to beg

(5) outdo, overtake, overtake, overtake, outshine

(6) to study, to study, to master, to pass, to comprehend

(7) hide, hide, hide, take cover, hide

Exercise 121. Compare the scope of the following synonyms: amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors

road - highway jaundice - hepatitis

good - cool drugs - potions

steering wheel - steering wheel

Exercise 122

(1) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss

(2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander

(3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense

Exercise 123. Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words.

thick thick fog (dense) thick sour cream (saturated) thick hair (lush) thick voice (full-sounding)

go, open, old, light, dark

Exercise 124. Compose phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets.

(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) implement, execute (program, work); (4) hold, keep (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, authentic, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (5) long, long, long, long-term, continuous (loan, path, impact, period, fees).

Exercise 125*. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power so that (future, future) generations do not (know, know
li) her nightmares. (2) If tension has arisen in the team, it must be (discharged, repaid, weakened, amortized).

(3) Sportsman(exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his(predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per(previous, previous) year the company has become(profitable, profitable, profitable). (5) From telephone exchange(received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new tariff increases.(in) The party's election campaign contained(actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks.(7)The guests were provided(courteous, amiable, gracious, courteous) reception.(8)The play had(colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success.

Exercise 126. Find and correct errors in the following sentences related to the incorrect use of synonyms.

(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. (2) The only advantage of radiators of this kind is the simplicity of construction. (3) This unit can significantly reduce the bonding temperature of materials.

(4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production.

(5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (c) Growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to compete. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.

Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.









world view annul









exchange antagonism










rally handle





millennium deviation

security guard





Exercise 128





friendly talented




frugal sincere





Exercise 129. . Choose the words for the following words: with opposite value to the next
without high in a dream seriously
hot coming per healthy
to fall asleep short buy love
False light soft maximum
find above put on tenderness
wholesale from refuse straight
benefit against With agreement
weaken light sleep happiness
get dark tired smart jokingly
Exercise 130 *. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.
freckled enter armed you
for a long time wood wrap up inveterate
sound winter cry large
doll lamp logical left bank
rejuvenate above ceiling cry
myself stadium straw modesty
terrace tiger thick fly away
ha ha ha poison to frown four southwest

32 II. Practical part

Exercise 131. Choose antonyms for different meanings of words.

light backpack - heavy backpack easy task - difficult task light breakfast - heavy breakfast light tan - deep tan

hot, shallow, fresh, old

Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Specify the type of antonymy.

(1) I lent this book to a friend. I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light - blow out the candle. - Yesterday, a new blast furnace was blown out at the plant. (3) The new device was put into mass production. - The student completely started studying.

Exercise 133

(1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the stairs. (4) No availability of textbooks. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry.

Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language.

master - learn heroic - heroic
put on - dress a creature - essence
ironic - ironic ironic - relating to irony as a stylistic device (used in terminological phrases), ironic device, ironic poem, stanza ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of mockery, ironic look, tone, approach

seconded - business trip - unbearable - intolerant

elective - selective adviser - adviser

health resort - toast introduce yourself - repose

Exercise 135*. Answer the questions. Justify your answer.

(1) What is the name of a person who does not know something: ignorant or ignorant?

(2) How will you say, leading a meeting: I give or I present to you the floor?

(3) How would you characterize the joke: successful or successful?

(4) What is the name of the sender of the letter: addressee or addressee?

(5) How would you respond to an evasive answer: diplomatic or diplomatic?

(6) For how long a person is hired: probationary or probationary?

(7) What is the name of the farm where they breed fish: fish or fish?

(6) How is a high-class professional characterized: a skilled craftsman or an artificial craftsman?

(9) How would you call the manifestation of frugality: economics or economy?

(10) How is a person who hides something characterized: hidden or secretive?

Exercise 136. Determine the meaning of the following paronyms. What words and phrases can be combined with the indicated paronyms? Are there among paronymic pairs such that the same propagating words are possible?

subscriber - subscription

double - dual friendly - friendly main - capital effective - effective color - color

Exercise 137*. Choose from the suggested paronyms the one that makes the most sense.

(1) Any (act, misdemeanor) deserves condemnation.

(2) We live in the same house, but on (different, different) floors.

(3) In the new quarters of the city, (high, high-rise) houses appeared. (4) The apartment needs (carry out, make) repairs.

(5) The artist painted with (oil, oiled) paints. (6) In the morning, the hotel offered a (full, hearty) breakfast. (7) Everything around is attractive: both (near, near) and (far, far) hills.

(6) (Marsh, swampy) silt is an excellent fertilizer.

(9) On a hot day, it is pleasant to walk along the (shady, shady) alleys. (10) In his life, this event was the most (memorable, memorable).

Exercise 138*. Correct the errors resulting from the indistinguishability of paronyms (use explanatory dictionaries).

(1) The leader urged subordinates to observe executive discipline. (2) Some of our films are receiving recognition overseas. (3) He earned respect and good reputation as an innovator, as a man of creative thought. (4) Bathing areas must be equipped with life-saving appliances.

(5) He put on overalls and went to the shop. (6) The essence of this book is in its nationality. (7) The metro turns out to be more convenient than overground transport in terms of the speed of movement in it and the absence of “traffic jams”. (6) Fertilizing the fields improves yields. (9) Your attention is given a report on the work of V. Nabokov. (10) Glory to the actor Karachentsov brought the title role in the play “Juno” and “Avos”, where he played the image of Count Rezanov.

Exercise 139. Compose lexical phrases.

Home > Document

Lexical norms

Exercise 109* (!) At the conference, the question of the most effective teaching methods was considered. (2) We must not forget that our products go to import. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the standard of living. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were founded. (5) Lists were distributed to everyone at the end of the school year. advisory literature. (6) Accounting must pay employees money. ( 7) Train tickets were in advance paid. (8) Diploma student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople became witnesses concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change itinerary to stock up products. Exercise 110. Find and eliminate errors caused by inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to the words-ryam. (1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered a new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great advantage of this work is the expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead and then answer. (7) The coat is sewn by a good master. (8) The whole audience was already in triumph. (9) The audience applauded and scanned: "Bravo!" (10) He deliberately did not come to Saturday. Exercise 111. Set different meanings of the following words according to the 4-volume academic "Dictionary of the Russian Language" or "Dictionary of the Russian Language" SI. Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them. school course area rise essential Exercise 112. Give examples of single-valued words-terms from the field of science in which you are engaged. Exercise 113. Set the direct and figurative meanings of words in these phrases. Thin string, subtle nature, subtle hearing. A bright future, a bright room, a bright dress, a bright memory. Small proprietor, small dishes, small river, small worries. A lump of clay, curl up in a lump, a lump rolled up to the throat. Throw an accusation, throw stones, throw reinforcements. Exercise 114 *. Find in the sentences words used in a figurative sense. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on? (1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The hall applauds. (3) The first violin took the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier. (5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times. (6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. (7) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a light frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape of a good brush. Exercise 115*. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer. (1) Note to. Folder with notes. Diplomatic note. Hysterical notes in the voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Strength of character. Fortress of metal. Armed fortress. Solution strength. (3) Mow the grass. The epidemic decimated people. Mow on the left eye. The dress squints on the side. (4) Bridges were raised on the Neva. The court divorced the spouses, The guests must be taken home. Tourists bred kos-ter. (5) The boat swam into the bay. The geese were covered in fat. The candle swam with wax. The pond swam with mud. Exercise 116 Make suggestions. Action, shaft, view, neck, hail, dacha, class, interfere. Exercise 117. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings. (1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of some plants" - "the embryonic state of man." (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone." Exercise 118* . Select the dominant in the synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity. Sample: flare up - ignite - engage - blaze - ignite - ignite - light up; ignite - to light up - to catch fire - to engage - to flare up - to ignite - to blaze. (1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion (2) independent, independent, free (3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle (4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, miniature (5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby (6) immense, exorbitant, huge, large, large, gigantic, gigantic ( 7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair (8) advantage, superiority, predominance, superiority, superiority Exercise 119. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words. Boundless, polite, loud, proof, multitude, constant, acquire, durable. Exercise 120 *. From these synonymous series, exclude the words that are characteristic of colloquial speech. (1) ancient, ancient, immemorial, ancient, ancient (2) think, contemplate, think 3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, paunchy (4) solicit, ask, pray, moan, bother (5) surpass, overtake, get ahead of, furnish, outshine (6) study, work out, master, pass, comprehend (7) hide, bury, hide, hide, hide Exercise 121 . Compare the scope of use of the following synonyms: amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors road - highway jaundice - good hepatitis - cool medicines - drugs steering wheel - steering wheel Exercise 122. Determine the stylistic coloring of the words that form synonymous series (refer to dictionaries): (1) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss (2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander (3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense Exercise 123 . Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words. Sample: thick thick fog (dense) thick sour cream (saturated) thick hair (lush) thick voice (full-sounding) Go, open, old, light, dark. Exercise 124. Make up phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets. (1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) to carry out, to carry out (program, work); (4) hold, save (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, authentic, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (8) long, long, long-term, long-term, long-term (loan, path, impact, period, fees). Exercise 125 *. Choose the right word from those in brackets. (1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power to (upcoming, future) generations are not (knew, you know) her nightmares. (2) If there is tension in the team, it must be (discharge, repay, weaken, amortize). (3) Sportsman (exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his (predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per (previous, previous) year the company has become (profitable, profitable, profitable).(5) From telephone exchange (received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new rate increase. (6) The election campaign of the party contained (actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks. (7) The guests were provided (please consider, amiable, hospitable, courteous) reception, (8) The play had (colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success. Exercise 126. Find and correct in the sentences below the errors associated with the incorrect use of synonyms. (1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. (2) The only advantage of emitters of this kind is the simplicity of design. ( 3) This unit allows you to impressively reduce the temperature of the connection of materials. (4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production. (5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (6) Plant growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to participate in the competition. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most diverse activities. Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.
adequate cancel antagonism
appeal agrarian barter
volunteer deviation dividend
image consolidate credo
millennium presentable restoration
security fiesta the final
fix force function
sample evolution equivalent
exclusive recovery volunteer
land exceptional the end
outlook exchange image
sample address deviations
cancel note security guard
holiday representative transformation
profit contradiction work
equivalent development corresponding
pull together millennium accelerated
Exercise 128. Choose antonyms for the words:
useful talented sincere
attentive truthful frank
generous hostile wasteful
secretive false scattered
harmful mediocre hypocritical
illustrious thrifty stingy
Exercise 129 . Choose words with the opposite meaning to the following words:
without high in a dream seriously
hot coming per healthy
to fall asleep short buy love
False light soft maximum
find above put on tenderness
wholesale from refuse straight
benefit against With agreement
weaken light sleep happiness
get dark tired smart jokingly
Exercise 130*. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.
freckled enter armed you
for a long time wood wrap up inveterate
sound winter cry large
doll lamp logical left bank
rejuvenate above ceiling cry
myself stadium straw modesty
terrace tiger thick fly away
ha ha ha poison to frown four southwest
Exercise 131. Pick up antonyms for different meanings of words. Pattern: light light backpack - heavy backpack easy task - difficult task light breakfast - heavy breakfast light tan - deep tan Hot, shallow, fresh, old. Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate the type of antonymy. (1) I borrowed this book for a friend. - I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light blow out candle. - Yesterday at the plant blew out new domain. (3) New device launched into mass production. - Student at all launched study. Exercise 133 (1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the stairs. (4) There are no textbooks available. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as the wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry. Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language. Sample: ironic - ironic Ironic - referring to irony as a stylistic device (used in phrases of a terminological nature). Ironic technique, ironic poem, stanza. Ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of ridicule. Ironic look, tone, approach. To put on - to dress to master - to assimilate Being - the essence of a heroic - heroicCommanded - travel unbearable - intolerant Elected - selective adviser - adviser Health resort - toast introduce yourself - die Exercise 135 *. Answer the questions. Justify your answer. (1) What is the name of a person who does not know something: ignorant or ignorant? (2) As you lead a meeting, how do you say, I give or present the floor to you? (3) How would you describe the joke: lucky or lucky? (4) What is the name of the sender of the letter: addressee or addressee?
  1. Academic discipline (module) Name of the discipline (module) Stylistics of the main language being studied Recommended for the direction of training

    Sample program

    comprehension of the system and usage of the modern language, which is necessary for the rational use of linguistic phenomena in certain areas of communicative activity,

  2. Fundamentals of Russian literature. From Word to Literature


    The desire that has emerged in recent years to bring the teaching of the Russian language and literature closer together, to show literary works as works of verbal art, to see and reveal their richest content and artistic perfection

  3. The curriculum of the discipline discipline: Stylistics of the English language Enlarged group: 030000 Humanities

    discipline program

    compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for the enlarged group 03 "Humanities" specialty 031202 Translation and translation studies

Exercise 97 *. Place the stress in the words. In difficult cases, refer to dictionaries. Remember the place of stress in these words.

August alphabet analogue watermelon pamper tow bureaucracy janitor religion genesis corrugated caterpillar hyphen denim booty contract call get through leisure shaft enviably long frosty sparkle seal up rust clog up significant ringing iconography industry gradually from time immemorial catalog cough costumed beautiful flint cookery kitchen lubok short-term muscular for a short time thinking meager intention provision facilitate at the same time wholesale inquire uncork partly mindful mold seal up anticipate compel to add angle dispersal symmetry potion notify solicit christian cement chassis

Exercise 98 *. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

(1) shell (2) rust (3) silage (4) twilight

(5) custom (b) sleek (7) chain (8) Gypsy

(9) scoop (10) expert

Exercise 99 *. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

(1) cedar (2) more beautiful (3) parterre (4) beet

(5) plum (b) carpenter (7) hardening (8) intercessor

(9) sweeper (10) sorrel

Exercise 100 *. Mark the numbers of words with stress on the last syllable.

(1) alcohol (2) tow (3) air line (4) dispensary

(5) blinds 6) half step (7) (8) deepen

(9) exacerbate (10) phenomenon

Exercise 101. Determine the meanings of the following words. Make suggestions with them.

BUT tlas - atl a s, br about nya - bron I, in I zanca - elm a nka, s a busy - busy about th, and rice - ir and s, cl at would - club s, cr at gom - circle about m, about brazy - image a, languages about th - language about out.

Exercise 102. Say phrases, paying attention to the place of stress.

Characteristic features, lucky witticism, windy day, planted father, figurative meaning, laurel grove, chaos in the head, draft age, characteristic role, transitional bridge, chicken pox, bay leaf, mobile child, portable microphone, planted shrub, soar legs, draft cry, visual acuity, language sense, transitional age, coal pool, malocclusion, soar in the clouds.

Exercise 103. Form a short form of masculine, feminine, neuter and plural form of adjectives. Put emphasis.

Sample: expensive - d about horn - dear a- d about horny - d about horns.

Cheerful faithful tall deep hungry distant friendly young old wide.

Exercise 104 *. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress falls on the last syllable.

(1) cheap (2) right (3) light (4) rare

(5) pale (6) long (7) close (8) bitter

Exercise 105

Sample: started - started - started - started - started.

Convened taken busy lived sold.

Exercise 106 *. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable.

(1) taken (2) given (3) started (4) sold

(5) accepted (b) distributed (7) distributed (8) created

Exercise 107*. Form the past tense of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender and the plural form of these verbs. Put emphasis. Pay attention to verbs that have a fixed stress on the stem.

take - took - took - took - took

choose - chose - chose - chose - chose

be, turn on, give out, give, live, call, wait, drink, dial, collect, elect, give, twist, pluck, pass for, sail, lie, put, pull

Exercise 108*. Mark those verbs in the feminine form of the past tense in which the stress is incorrectly placed.

(7) lived a(2) pr I la (3) in and la (4) gave a(5) sv a la

(6) p and la (7) drove a (8) poured a(9) vz I la (10) waited a

Lexical norms

Exercise 109*

(!) At the conference the issue of the most effective methods of teaching was considered. (2) We must not forget that our products go to import. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the standard of living. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were founded. (5) Lists were distributed to everyone at the end of the school year. advisory literature. (6) Accounting must pay employees money. ( 7) Train tickets were in advance paid. (8) Diploma student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople became witnesses concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change itinerary to stock up products.

Exercise 110. Find and eliminate errors due to inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to dictionaries.

(1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered a new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great advantage of this work is the expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead and then answer. (7) The coat is sewn by a good master. (8) The whole audience was already in triumph. (9) The audience applauded and scanned: "Bravo!" (10) He deliberately did not come to Saturday.

Exercise 111. Set different meanings of the following words according to the 4-volume academic "Dictionary of the Russian Language" or "Dictionary of the Russian Language" SI. Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them.

school course area

rise substantial

Exercise 112

Exercise 113. Set the direct and figurative meanings of words in these phrases.

Thin string, subtle nature, subtle hearing.

A bright future, a bright room, a bright dress, a bright memory.

Small owner, small dishes, small river, small worries.

A lump of clay, curl up in a lump, a lump rolled up to the throat.

Throw blame, throw rocks, throw reinforcements.

Exercise 114 *. Find in the sentences the words used in a figurative sense. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on?

(1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The hall applauds. (3) The first violin took the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier. (5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times. (6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. (7) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a slight frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape of a good brush.

Exercise 115*. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer.

(1) Note to. Folder with notes. Diplomatic note. Hysterical notes in the voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Strength of character. Fortress of metal. Armed fortress. Solution strength. (3) Mow the grass. The epidemic decimated people. Mow on the left eye. The dress squints on the side. (4) Bridges were raised on the Neva. The court divorced the spouses, The guests must be taken home. Tourists lit a fire. (5) The boat swam into the bay. The geese were covered in fat. The candle burned with wax. The pond swam with mud.

Exercise 116. Explain the meanings of homonyms using explanatory dictionaries and the Russian Homonym Dictionary. Make suggestions.

Action, shaft, view, neck, hail, dacha, class, interfere.

Exercise 117. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings.

(1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of some plants" - "the embryonic state of man". (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone."

Exercise 118* . Select the dominant in the synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity.

Sample: flare up - ignite - engage - blaze - ignite - ignite - light up;

ignite - to light up - to catch fire - to engage - to flare up - to ignite - to blaze.

(1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion

(2) independent, independent, free

(3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle

(4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, tiny

(5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby

(6) immense, exorbitant, gigantic, great, large, gigantic

(7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair

(8) superiority, superiority, dominance, dominance, dominance

Exercise 119. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words.

Boundless, polite, loud, proof, plenty, constant, acquire, enduring.

Exercise 120 *. From these synonymous series, exclude the words characteristic of colloquial speech.

(1) ancient, ancient, immemorial, ancient, ancient

(2) think, contemplate, brainstorm

(3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, pot-bellied

(4) to intercede, to beg, to beg, to beg, to beg

(5) surpass, overtake, surpass, beat, outshine

(6) study, work through, master, pass, comprehend

(7) hide, bury, lie low, hide, lurk

Exercise 121 . Compare the scope of the following synonyms:

amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors

road - highway jaundice - hepatitis

good - cool drugs - potions

steering wheel - steering wheel

Exercise 122

(1) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss

(2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander

(3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense

Exercise 123 . Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words.

Sample: thick

thick fog (dense)

thick sour cream (rich)

Go, open, old, light, dark.

Exercise 124. Compose phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets.

(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) to carry out, to carry out (program, work); (4) keep, save (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, authentic, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (8) long, long, long-term, long-term, long-term (loan, path, impact, period, fees).

Exercise 125 *. Choose the right word from those in brackets.

(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power to (upcoming, future) generations are not (knew, you know) her nightmares. (2) If there is tension in the team, it must be (discharge, repay, weaken, amortize). (3) Sportsman (exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his (predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per (previous, previous) year the company has become (profitable, profitable, profitable).(5) From telephone exchange (received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new rate increase. (6) The party's election campaign contained (actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks. (7) The guests were provided (courteous, amiable, gracious, courteous) reception, (8) The play had (colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success.

Exercise 126. Find and correct in the sentences below the errors associated with the incorrect use of synonyms.

(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. (2) The only advantage of emitters of this kind is the simplicity of design. ( 3) This unit allows you to impressively reduce the temperature of the connection of materials. (4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production. (5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (6) Plant growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to participate in the competition. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.

Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.

adequate cancel antagonism
appeal agrarian barter
volunteer deviation dividend
image consolidate credo
millennium presentable restoration
security fiesta the final
fix force function
sample evolution equivalent
exclusive recovery volunteer
land exceptional the end
outlook exchange image
sample address deviations
cancel note security guard
holiday representative transformation
profit contradiction work
equivalent development corresponding
pull together millennium accelerated

Exercise 128. Choose antonyms for the words:

Exercise 129 . Find words with opposite meanings to the following words:

Exercise 130*. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.

Exercise 131. Pick up antonyms for different meanings of words.

Pattern: light

light backpack - heavy backpack

easy task - difficult task

light breakfast - hearty breakfast

light tan - strong tan

Hot, small, fresh, old.

Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Specify the type of antonymy.

(1) I borrowed this book for a friend. - I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light blow out candle. - Yesterday at the plant blew out new domain. (3) New device launched into mass production. - Student at all launched study.

Exercise 133

(1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the stairs. (4) There are no textbooks available. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as the wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry.

Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language.

Sample: ironic - ironic

Ironic - relating to irony as a stylistic device (used in phrases of a terminological nature).

Ironic technique, ironic poem, stanza.

Ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of ridicule.

Ironic look, tone, approach.

To put on - to put on to master - to assimilate

creature – entity heroic – heroic

Seconded - travel unbearable - intolerant

Elected - selective adviser - adviser

Health resort - toast to introduce yourself - to repose

Exercise 135 *. Answer the questions. Justify your answer.

(1) What is the name of a person who does not know something: ignorant or ignorant?

(2) How will you say, leading a meeting: I give or I present to you the floor?

(3) How would you characterize the joke: successful or successful?

(4) What is the name of the sender of the letter: addressee or addressee?

(5) How would you respond to an evasive answer: diplomatic or diplomatic?

(6) For what period a person is hired: probationary or probationary?

(7) What is the name of the farm where they breed fish: fish or fish?

(8) How is a high-class professional characterized: a skilled craftsman or an artificial craftsman?

(9) How would you call the manifestation of frugality: economics or economy?

(10) How is a person who hides something characterized: hidden or secretive?

Exercise 136. Determine the meanings of the following paronyms. What words and phrases can be combined with the indicated paronyms? Are there among paronymic pairs such that the same propagating words are possible?

Subscription - a subscriber (library, theatrical, accurate).

Double - dual (union, feeling, work, benefit, frame).

Friendly - friendly (connections, country, contacts, visit).

Main - capital (trainer, role, word, sentence member, task).

Spectacular - effective (work, woman, result, performance).

Color - color (contrasts, image, threads, paints, film).

Exercise 137*. Choose from the suggested paronyms the one that makes the most sense.

(1) Any (deed, deed) deserves condemnation. (2) We live in the same house, but (different, various) floors. (3) In the new quarters of the city appeared (high, high-rise) at home. (4) The apartment requires (carry out, produce) repair. (5) The artist wrote (oily, oily) paints. (6) In the morning the hotel offered (satiated, satiated) breakfast. (7) Everything around is attractive: and (close, close) and (distant, distant) hills. (8) (Swampy, swampy) sludge is an excellent fertilizer. (9) Nice to walk on a hot day (shady, shady) alleys. (10) In his life, this event was the most (memorable, memorable).

Exercise 138*. Correct the errors resulting from the indistinguishability of paronyms (use explanatory dictionaries).

(1) The head urged subordinates to observe executive discipline. (2) Some of our films receive recognition abroad. ( 3) He earned respect and good reputation as an innovator, as a man of creative thought. (4) Bathing areas should be equipped with life-saving appliances. (5) He put on overalls and went to the workshop. (6) The essence of this book is in its nationality. (7) The metro turns out to be more convenient than overground transport in terms of the speed of movement in it and the absence of “traffic jams”. (8) Applying fertilizers to the fields helps to increase the yield. (9) Your attention is given a report on the work of V. Nabokov. (10) Glory to the actor Karachentsov brought the title role in the play "Juno" and "Avos", where he played the image of Count Rezanov.

Exercise 139. Make up lexical phrases:

Exercise 140 *. Underline the phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. From the ratio of which normalized expressions a speech error arose.

(1) The gold medal plays a big role.

(2) We must boldly put our demands.

(3) The main emphasis is placed on knowledge of the theory of the question.

(4) The lion's share of the work has already been done.

(5) Advertising has a great influence on young people.

Exercise 141. Identify errors in word compatibility. Correct the suggestions.

(1) After the war, it was necessary to build a destroyed economy. (2) The Taganka Theater released the play "Hamlet". (3) This important issue was given serious attention. (4) He spends most of his free time on the tennis court. (5) We must daily increase the rate of fodder harvesting. (6) It is necessary to constantly exercise care and attention about the maintenance of preschool institutions. (7) The sudden departure of the witness alerted the judges. (8) A private enterprise successfully carries out its products. (9) The book of this writer is of interest to the reader. (10) Many patients who have been treated with this remedy have seen great improvement and even recovery.

Exercise 142

(1) Life has prepared many new people for the entry into a new life. (2) One of the main characters in L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is the image of Andrei Bolkonsky. (3) Being a realist, the writer comprehensively and realistically showed the life of the peasants of that time. (4) At about nine o'clock the commission went to the area. (5) The tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that there is no way out of this tragedy, and if someone finds it, it will be the greatest tragedy. (6) It has been published many times in the press that the army must be made professional and mercenary. ( 7) I received a small, small surprise: a song was played for me on the radio. (8) We must now spend a lot of money on textbooks, but they are very, very expensive. (9) The disadvantages of the manual include an insufficient number of illustrations. (10) A distinction should be made between different approaches to this problem.

Exercise 143. Mark pleonasms in the given texts. Correct speech errors.

(1) Last year they graduated from the university and received higher education. (2) We have achieved such high good results. (3) Folklore works were performed at the festival. (4) Construction is a huge colossus that we have to master. (5) The press is highly positive about the past elections. (6) A very meager part of the budget is allocated for training. ( 7) There were subtle shades of nuances in the playing of the orchestra. (8) Everyone was in a very good mood. (9) I personally cannot answer this question. (10) The move required a huge amount of trouble and a lot of money.

Exercise 144. Eliminate speech redundancy in the following sentences.

(1) The appearance of the hotel, however, by no means guarantees adequate service. (2) In summary, we can briefly summarize: the event was a success. (3) When analyzing the character of this person, traits characteristic of people of his generation are revealed. (4) Clarity of purpose allows you to purposefully achieve what you have planned. (5) The new television program regularly acquaints viewers with new literature on a monthly basis. (6) Judging by the found findings, there is already evidence in favor of the hypothesis being proved. (7) The first debut of the young actor was successful, successful and attracted the attention of the public. (8) The student has to cherish every minute of time and count every few rubles of money. (9) The future prospect of going to the countryside did not please all the graduates of the agricultural technical school. (10) The success of the performance largely depends on the interest of the students, their initiative and the quality of the rehearsals conducted by each team.

Exercise 145 *. Determine which of the following combinations: (a) fixed in the language; (b) contrary to the literary norm:

Exercise 146

(1) The machine in question is long gone. (2) To improve planning, all workers involved in economic issues should be united. (3) Lawyers and economists are now selected by competition. (4) The plant received four wagons of cement and three bricks.(5) Problems on which negotiations will not be resolved immediately. (6) The student team will work at the hostel in the summer. (7) We intend to sell shares not only to residents of the capital, but also to other cities. (8) Most of the harvested vegetables were wasted.

Exercise 147. I.Are you familiar with the following words? Translate them, trying to do without dictionaries (in case of difficulty, use the Dictionary of Foreign Words):

accessories underground announcement outsider
biker bucks ATM barter
baseball best-seller body-building brand
boutique hamburger digest default
dividends DJ display dealer
impeachment inauguration investments establishment
cartridge consensus photocopy laminate
lunch lobby marketing marker
management monitoring scanner scotch
speaker speech supermarket thriller
organizer publicity pager PR
Printer rating rocker file

II. Try to group the above words into lexico-semantic groups, for example: (a) person (specific or collective); (b) specific subject; (in) abstract object, action, process, direction; (d) sport. You can refine the classification.

Exercise 148. In the following sentences, indicate cases of unjustified use of foreign words. Make, where necessary, synonymous substitutions.

(7) Parents often face a dilemma: where to study for their child. (2) On Youth Day, a laser show was organized on the central avenue of this provincial town. (3) There was a disco in the village club, and the natives were friendly to the townspeople. (4) The trolleybus ran along a given trajectory. (5) In the last round of the competition, a group of athletes failed. (6) There are serious defects in the repair of the house. (7) Among the protesters, people of retirement age prevailed. (8) In the newspaper "Pervoe september" the experience of leading innovative teachers is well promoted. (9) The reviewer noted that the article was written on a non-radical topic of today's life. (10) Freshmen quickly adapt to higher education if the team has a good climate, if they do not oppose each other.

Exercise 149 *. In the above excerpts from the works of A.S. Pushkin find obsolete words. Set their variety: historicisms(obsolete objects and phenomena) and archaisms(obsolete names of existing objects and phenomena). Use explanatory and historical dictionaries.

1 . Arise, prophet, and see, and listen,

Fulfill my will

And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn people's hearts with the verb.


2 . Meanwhile, they drove up to the yard. Many long sledges, old carriages, and gilded carriages were already standing in the meadow. At the porch crowded coachmen in livery, runners, shining with tinsel, in feathers and with maces, hussars, pages; retinue, necessary according to the concepts of the boyars of that time. At the sight of Ibrahim, a common whisper arose between them: “Arap, arap, royal arap!”

("Arap of Peter the Great")

Exercise 150 archaisms synonyms:

scolding barber eyelids eastern
vyya gloomily dennitsa right hand
hand friendship stomach zane
komon cheeks nonsense lzya
eighteen finger softer therefore
civilian calmly thief forehead
finger horse because palm
life civilian eighteen So
how hand dawn forehead
thief spicy Maybe neck
peace battle the beauty the hairdresser
can that's why friendship eyelids
cheeks forehead

Exercise 151*. Set values historicisms, selecting the appropriate definitions from the second column.

I. (1) altyn; (2) arshin; (3) freemen; (4) zipun; (5) chain mail; (6) publican; (7) quitrent; (8) ax; (9) stink; (10) kisser; (11) servants.

II. (1) Russian measure of length, equal to 0.71 m; (2) clothes of a Russian peasant: a caftan made of coarse thick cloth without a collar; (3) a wine merchant in drinking establishments; (4) tax collector; (5) type of edged weapons: an ax on a long handle; (6) under serfdom: a forced tax in kind from the peasants, collected by the landowner or the state; (7) a coin of three kopecks; (8) in Ancient Russia: peasant farmer; (9) in the old days: groups of the population, mainly from those who fled from the difficult conditions of serf life, who settled on the outskirts of the Russian state; (10) yard servants; (11) a sleeveless jacket made of small steel strips fastened with rings.

Exercise 152 Correct the suggestions.

(1) To adjust the machines, we ask you to send a worker who is knowledgeable in the matter. (2) When answering an exam, the student raises his eyes and, putting his finger to his forehead, thinks ... (3) A series of days flew by unnoticed. (4) Upon receipt of this order, you will be sent a confirmation. (5) Surplus living space, which you have, must be paid in excess. (6) Again, I did not get a ticket to the healer. (7) A galaxy of schoolchildren filled the stadium. (8) A host of statesmen began to vote on the issue indicated on the agenda. Some questions were left unanswered.

Exercise 153*. Check which of the following words in modern language can be considered neologisms? How long does a word remain a neologism?

nuclear-powered asphalt paver biosphere

vernissage waterworks zombify

clipmaker pantyhose cosmodrome

loggia motel modem

neutron nonsense pizzeria

populism missile carrier retro

region summit thermal converter

tomograph fax fryer

felt-tip pen virgin cheburechnaya

chip barbecue hit

Exercise 154 *. Write out from the sentences dialectisms. If their meaning is not explained in the context, refer to the dictionary of dialectisms.

(1) The inn, or, in the local language, umet, was located aside in the steppe ... (Pushkin). (2) The road went along the bank of a small river, which at that time was playing, i.e. was in flood (L. Tolstoy). (3) We went to the forest, or, as we say, to the "order" (Turgenev), (4) A lonely, gloomy person (Turgenev) is called Biryuk in the Oryol province. (5) Near the stern on the boat there is a small canopy from the rain, a “fence” (Prishvin). (6) Oh what a house it was! There were only four living quarters in it: a winter hut, a summer hut, a tower with a carved balcony, and a side room. And besides them there was also a bright passage with a ladder to the porch, yes, a crate, yes, lead ... (Soloukhin). (7) It smells of loose drachens // At the threshold in a bowl of kvass ... (Yesenin). (8) “Maybe we’ll plant it at once? There is a roar in the bottom of the barrel, ”Ignatenok (Sholokhov), drunk with joy, suggested.

Exercise 155. Replace colloquial and colloquial words with literary synonyms.

(1) There was a stack of hay in the middle of the clearing. (2) They all plunged into the water at once. (3) We have these apples to the devil. (4) You're late for work back. (5) The huntsman was buried in the bushes. (6) The children wandered through the forest for a long time before they came to the river. (7) Thus, any useful deed can be slandered. (8) A mistake was made, and the bureaucratic machine immediately started working. (9) Leaders are looking for a "switchman" to dump all the responsibility on him. (10) The detainee got so worked up that he resisted the police.

Exercise 156 phraseological units:

Exercise 157*. Replace the following phraseological units with similar words or phrases:

(1) perk; (2) does not fit in the head; (3) lose your temper; (4) line of sight; (5) one day; (6) sound the alarm; (7) beat the buckets; (8) go uphill; (9) pay tribute to; (10) seven spans in the forehead; (11) wave your hand; (12) after the rain on Thursday.

Exercise 158 *. Replace the following phrases with phraseological units:

(1) become more prudent, more reasonable; (2) express surprise, incomprehension; (3) communicate what everyone has long known; (4) shut up, stop talking in mid-sentence; (5) to attract someone's attention, to be noticeable; (6) completely sincere; (7) fast, easy to understand, assimilate; (8) persistently put into practice any of its principles; (9) identical, similar to each other; (10) eliminate differences; (77) begin to act energetically, decisively; (12) expression of hope for the best.

Exercise 159. Work with phraseological dictionaries. Pay attention to: (a) the meaning of phraseological units; (b) sources of origin of phraseological units; (in) their stylistic affiliation; (d) their expression, expressiveness; (e) text illustrations showing their use.

Exercise 160 speech expression headlines in newspapers and magazine articles. Name the phraseological units that served as the basis for puns and jokes.

(7) "Good examples are contagious." (2) "A fisherman's pirate sees from afar." (3) "Gingerbread in the bosom." (4) "Seven years one answer." (5) "For those in space." (6) "The word is not a sparrow." (7) "Chicken blindness". (8) "A lot of noise and ... nothing." (9) "Scape goat". (10) "Do not take dirty linen out of the team."

Exercise 161

(1) The opening of the championship is within easy reach, and the athletes have more than enough worries. (2) In some types of programs, the reins of power have been in the hands of novice sports couples. (3) It remains a mystery how such a colossus could be erected by four people, even if they were seven spans in their foreheads and oblique fathoms in their shoulders. (4) Having assumed such obligations, we must work tirelessly. (5) In politics, one must not rush, otherwise one can chop firewood. (6) If you give all the sisters an earring, then the distribution of electricity will be unfair. (7) The issue of fuel is complex, and you can’t just throw hats on it. (8) It's a sin to hide here, money sent by mail takes a long time. (9) Commercial stores are now a dime a dozen. (10) In Russian, this union has a lot of weight. (11) Many pensioners are now just dragging out the webbing. (12) We are behind our director, like behind a stone wall. (13) The representative of the traffic police said that the drivers just climb on the rampage, not thinking about the consequences. (14) The state of affairs remains very bad. (15) Each new expedition contributes to the further study of Antarctica for the benefit of science and progress.

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