Home Berries Effective diet after 50 years. Proper nutrition menu for women. Fractional nutrition rules

Effective diet after 50 years. Proper nutrition menu for women. Fractional nutrition rules

If on Friday you sadly find that you can't button up your favorite jeans because your belly is treacherously sticking out like you've eaten an elephant, then it's diet time. In order not to feel like a bloated ball, choose low-calorie foods that contain essential nutrients and beneficial bacteria that help digest food and keep you feeling light. The most economical in material terms, perhaps, can be a diet for 2-3 days. Today we will consider the main features of the diet for 2 days "minus 3 kg".

The main features of the diet for 2 days on kefir

Many of the representatives of the weaker sex, but with a strong character, say “NO” to cake and ice cream and choose a kefir diet for 2-3 days. Such a weekend diet is a great way to return a flat stomach to appetizingly rounded shapes for lovers of sweet desserts and buns. This result of a mono-diet based on kefir is due to the yeast-like fungi that are part of the fermented milk product, which speed up the process of digestion.

In addition, kefir contains calcium, which helps to get rid of the “lifebuoy at the waist” more intensively. The bacteria in kefir helps to change the chemical reaction in the intestines and thereby inhibit the development of those strains of bacteria that are responsible for the production of gases. The main condition is that you must treat the kefir diet without disgust. It is very difficult to limit yourself in food at the same time, choking on unpleasant food. Also prepare for the absence of a morning cup of coffee.

There are several varieties of kefir diet. Everyone here can choose something of their own. Sloths are offered to drink only one yogurt during the weekend. Or, as an option, the Valley diet, with enemas, restriction of food eaten strictly on schedule with the use of herbal tinctures before the obligatory glass of kefir.

Not everyone is able to overcome these rules, so there is a more simplified version called the kefir diet for 2 days or the 2 day diet - 3 kg of water.

  • such a diet for 2 days should be started on Friday evening and adhere to the planned diet until at least Sunday evening;
  • eat in small portions - often and slowly, to avoid swallowing air, which then inevitably accumulates in the intestines;
  • for this diet you will need kefir 1% fat. When buying it, pay attention to the expiration date of the expiration date - the shorter the better. You are not preparing to marinate it for the winter.
  • on the first day at your disposal for the diet of 1.5 liters of low-fat yogurt. It is drunk not in one gulp, but in 5-6 doses. During this diet option, any other foods are prohibited. Drinking regimen (plain water and herbal tea) is not limited.

The results of the kefir diet

Everyone who decides to try it will confirm that this diet - 2 days of kefir - is easily tolerated. Thanks to this miracle product and following the rules, a diet for 2-3 days helps to lose 2-3 kg. As you might guess, all this is consumed without salt and sugar. It is not forbidden to supplement with cleansing enemas.

The final result may be the loss of not only two to three kilograms, but a good skin color and regular bowel movements. The kefir diet for the weekend is designed specifically to prevent the rampage of flatulence.

The kefir technique is contraindicated for owners of high acidity and people who are lactose intolerant. With prolonged and frequent use, such a diet for 2-3 days can cause increased intestinal activity, indigestion.

The most popular diets are those that allow you to get noticeable results in a short period of time. Among them are many strict and unbalanced in nutritional value. But experts consider the best choice of diet, containing a complete diet and wholesome foods. These include a kefir diet for 14 days. It is quite balanced, kefir goes well with vegetables, fruits, and cereals. This method of losing weight can be followed for more than 10 days.


Kefir diet for 2 weeks is a good way to quickly get rid of excess weight, as well as normalize the digestive system.

The drink well removes toxins and toxic substances from the body. It is also very useful for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, as it is a source of potassium. By removing excess fluid from the body, it promotes the functioning of the liver and kidneys and rapid weight loss.

But the fermented milk drink must be of high quality. Only then the kefir diet for 14 days will show good results.The age of kefir should be 1-2 days. If you can't get it in the store, you can make it at home. Sourdough is added to boiled warm milk, and after 5-6 hours the resulting product can be drunk. Do not choose fat-free options. The optimal indicator is 1-2% fat.

Pros, cons and contraindications

To avoid negative consequences, it is better to choose diets that combine kefir and other products.

Kefir mono-diets slow down the metabolism, and discarded. A long period of weight loss can affect the psycho-emotional state.

You should not use this method of losing weight for people:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity;
  • with acute kidney disease;
  • with disorders of their intestines;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The advantages of such weight loss include:

  • low calorie diet combined with a lot of useful properties;
  • getting rid of problems with the digestive system, feelings of heaviness and constipation;
  • cleansing the body of many harmful substances;
  • improvement of intestinal motility. Food begins to be digested faster and does not turn into adipose tissue;
  • lack of a constant feeling of hunger, since kefir saturates well;
  • acceleration of fat processing;
  • reduction of edema due to diuretic action.

Multiple diet options

According to nutritionists, the optimal duration of the kefir diet is 14 days. During this time, you will be able to achieve your goals in the fight against excess weight, but will not harm the body.

Option number 1

It is quite mild, but effective, helps to get rid of ten kilograms of weight in 2 weeks.The entire set of products that should be eaten per day should be divided into 5-6 doses.

The optimal distribution looks like this:

  • on the first day you need to eat vegetables and fruits (there are no restrictions on the number) and three boiled eggs;
  • on the second day, you need to eat half a kilogram of cottage cheese, you can add sour cream to it and drink the same amount of kefir;
  • on the third day, we return to vegetables and fruits again, but in addition to this, you need to drink a liter of natural fruit juice and the same amount of kefir;
  • on the fourth day, a liter of kefir will complement 500 grams of boiled turkey meat;
  • on the fifth day, you need to eat vegetables and fruits only raw;
  • on the sixth day, the diet will be 500 grams of cottage cheese and a liter of kefir;
  • The first week will be completed by a fruit and vegetable day. Foods again need to be eaten only raw;
  • the menu of the eighth day of the diet consists of boiled rabbit meat in the amount of 250 grams, one egg, vegetable salad and of course kefir (500 ml);
  • on the ninth day, 200 grams of boiled beef meat should be added to fruits and vegetables;
  • on the tenth day, boil a small portion of fish (150 grams), a vegetable salad will serve as a side dish. The list will be supplemented by a slice of rye bread, plus half a liter of kefir;
  • on the eleventh day in the diet of the previous day, a portion of fish must be replaced with any boiled meat, the rest is unchanged;
  • on the twelfth day, you can eat vegetables and fruits, and drink a liter of kefir;
  • on the thirteenth day, two eggs, a vegetable salad and a portion of chicken meat will be enough;
  • on the last day you can afford 400 grams, a liter of kefir and fresh fruit.

Option number 2

This version of the kefir diet for 2 weeks is more stringent, and involves several mandatory rules:

In general, before using this method of losing weight, you need to consult a doctor, as there are contraindications associated with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This version of the kefir diet will allow you to lose 14 kg, and if you stick to it for a week, you can lose up to 7 kg.

Actually, the main content is a seven-day diet, a two-week one is obtained by a simple repetition:

  • on the first day, it is allowed to drink half a liter of kefir and eat 300 grams of dried fruits (raisins are undesirable);
  • on the second day, baked potatoes in the amount of 400 grams are added to 500 ml of kefir;
  • on the third day, in addition to kefir, you need to eat 400 grams of fruit;
  • on the fifth day, chicken fillet is allowed, but not more than a kilogram, and unchanged 500 ml of kefir;
  • on the sixth day, a kilogram of fillet will replace a similar amount of cottage cheese and, of course, kefir;
  • on the seventh day you need to drink enough water, but not more than 2 liters, in addition to this, you need to eat 500 grams of fruit and drink half a liter of kefir.


After 14 days of the kefir diet, you need to switch to the regular menu smoothly, otherwise the body will experience stress. New foods should be introduced into the diet for 4-5 days. In the early days, it is better to do without them altogether.

The main diet should be low-calorie foods and meals. You can increase the portions, but not by much. For breakfast, it is appropriate to cook porridge on the water, baked potatoes for lunch, and continue drinking kefir for dinner.

From the second day, you can add coffee to the diet, for dinner you can cook heavier dishes, for example, meat stew. On the third and fourth days, you need to add to the menu a couple of products that were previously prohibited.

Then it will be easy and it will benefit. In the future, you can drink a glass of warm kefir before going to bed.

Note! After leaving the diet, the amount of water drunk per day should be one and a half to two liters, a glass of clean non-carbonated water should be drunk before each meal.

Many people who want to lose weight resort to various diets. Often, those who lose weight are interested in programs, the exit from which will not return the lost kilograms. The kefir diet, designed for two weeks, with proper observance, belongs to this type.

This fermented milk drink stimulates the process of losing excess weight. A diet based on it has practically no contraindications.

What is useful kefir diet

Kefir is one of the healthiest fermented milk products. It regulates the digestive processes, helps to maintain the intestinal microflora and cleanse the body of toxins. Therefore, many who follow this diet, note an improvement in skin condition. Improvement of nails and teeth was also noted.

Kefir is traditionally made by fermenting milk with a special starter containing lactic acid bacteria. During fermentation, millions of beneficial microorganisms are formed. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins and other nutrients.

This drink has always been famous for its antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor and immune-boosting properties.

Kefir diet is not much different from others in terms of requirements and principle of action. A person who wants to lose weight controls their diet by sticking to a specific diet plan. In the kefir diet, the amount of food is crushed both by day and by meal. But in order for the diet to bear fruit, kefir must be chosen 1% fat. You also need to pay attention to the expiration date.

The long shelf life of a fermented milk product should alert: it means that it contains a large amount of preservatives. And such "unnatural" yogurt may not bring the expected result. Purely theoretically, kefir can be replaced with any other fermented milk product: fermented baked milk, yogurt (paying attention to fat content), or by choosing ayran.

It is advisable that the doctor prescribe the diet. It is possible to independently resort to such measures only if a person can really control his own well-being. During the diet, you need to carefully monitor yourself. If a person who is losing weight experiences dizziness, pressure surges, darkening in the eyes, loss of strength or fainting, it is necessary to stop it and consult a doctor.

Kefir diet options

There are several options for such a diet, ranging from one day, which can rather be called a fasting day, and up to a month. 30 or even 21 days is not easy for everyone to master. Therefore, more often many prefer a two-week.

The kefir diet, as a rule, does not include a variety of products. If the diet seems too bland and monotonous to someone, then kefir days can be varied with greens, pieces of fruit (no more than 50 grams per serving) or dried fruits. If you wish, you can show your imagination and experiment here. Naturally, all supplements should be classified as diet food. It is not worth pouring kefir on grilled chicken.

Of the fruits, apples or bananas are the most popular. Vegetables include red beets or cucumbers.

The most popular cereal kefir diet is kefir-buckwheat. Some prefer to replace buckwheat with flax seeds.

There is also a more gentle version of this diet, designed for two weeks (if desired, you can extend it). There is no specific menu here. The essence of this diet is the alternation of days with the usual food and kefir days.

This diet is called striped. The basis, of course, is one percent kefir, the total daily volume of which must be divided into 5-6 doses.

As for the rest of the days, the diet must still be adjusted. Food must be of a dietary nature. It is advisable to exclude fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods.

For garnish, you can use pasta from higher grades of wheat, boiled cereals, such as rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and barley. You can include dietary meat in the main dish: chicken breast, turkey.

As a first course, vegetable soups are suitable. It is advisable to completely eliminate or at least limit the consumption of potatoes, white bread, sweets, muffins, mayonnaise and sauces based on it, butter and fatty meats. You should also abandon semi-finished products, giving preference to home-cooked dishes.

Throughout the entire period of dieting, the body may receive less vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for it. Accordingly, those who decide to lose weight should take care of taking additional vitamin complexes during this period.

Kefir diet menu for two weeks

The diet option below is designed for 2 weeks. This option is quite strict. Suitable for those who decide to lose a large number of kilograms in a short time. Subject to all the rules and strictly adhering to the menu plan, you can lose up to 12 kg of excess weight!

1 day. For the whole day, you need to eat 1/2 kg of boiled rice, divided into 5 meals of 100 grams. Add salt to food per day no more than five grams. You can drink green tea without sugar and water.

Day 2 All day you need to drink only one percent kefir (500 ml), dividing the total volume into 5 doses.

Day 3 For the day you need to eat 500 grams of white meat boiled or steamed. The amount of salt per day is not more than 5 grams. It is allowed to drink unsweetened herbal teas, green tea and water (still).

Day 4 Throughout the day, you need to drink only kefir of one percent fat content, dividing the total volume into 5 doses.

Day 5 For the whole day, you need to use a pound of boiled buckwheat, divided into 5 meals of 100 grams. The amount of salt per day is not more than 5 grams. You can drink green tea and water.

Day 6 During the day, drink only one percent kefir, splitting the total volume into 5 servings.

Day 7 You can only eat apples with green tea without sugar or mineral water.

Day 8 All day you need to drink only kefir, dividing the total volume equally into 5 doses.

Day 9 Repetition of the third day. It is necessary to eat 0.5 kg of white meat boiled or steamed. You can drink sugar-free herbal teas, green tea and water.

Day 10 Throughout the day, you need to drink only one percent kefir, dividing the total volume into 5-6 doses.

Day 11 You can only eat green apples with unsweetened green tea or mineral water.

Day 12 Repetition of the first day. It is necessary to divide a pound of cooked rice into five equal portions of 100 grams. You can drink green tea and water without sugar.

Day 13 All day you need to drink only kefir of the lowest fat content, dividing the total volume into 5-6 doses.

Day 14 On the last day, it is also necessary to drink only 1% kefir, dividing the total volume into 5-6 doses.

Pros and cons of the kefir diet

Of course, the kefir diet, like any other, has its pros and cons. Its benefits include cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. Kefir also has a diuretic effect, so it will help those who suffer from edema. The body receives a complete protein. Such a program is considered one of the most effective, especially in combination with physical activity, it will give stunning results.

But the disadvantages cannot be ignored. Prolonged compliance may cause bloating and intestinal discomfort. People with stomach problems, such as gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, should not sit on it. This program is not recommended for teenagers.

Way out of the kefir diet

You can not discount the correct way out of the diet. Most diets, according to the people who followed them, turned out to be ineffective. If the weight went off quickly, then it also quickly returned. And all because the exit from the diet is an important part of it.

If you have problems with being overweight, then most likely you need a complete review of your entire diet. Many, dropping extra pounds, after the diet returned to their previous lifestyle. Naturally, the results will be very small, and the body will experience only stress.

When exiting any diet program, portion sizes and calories should be monitored and increased gradually.

In general, the kefir diet is one of the easiest to follow and beneficial for the whole body.

Do you want to lose weight quickly, in a short time? Then the kefir diet is exactly what you need. There are several options for kefir diets, but not all of them are effective, and if you decide to lose weight with this diet, then you should choose the one that is perfect for you. After all, we are all different people, someone has willpower, someone does not. Someone has 5 extra pounds, and someone 50 or more. Some people have a slow metabolism, some don't. So that the time spent on the kefir diet is not wasted, and the extra pounds are gone, the choice of diet should be approached thoroughly. I will offer the 5 most effective kefir diets, write about the features of each diet, as well as reviews of people who have tried this diet on themselves, but you just have to choose the perfect kefir diet for yourself. Before you go on a kefir diet, do not forget to read the contraindications of this diet, which I will describe at the end of the article.

1. Diet on kefir for 3 days

This diet is also called the express diet. As a rule, it is used before any significant day, if you urgently need to lose 3-4 kilograms. You will not be able to lose more than 3-4 kilograms of excess weight on this express diet. Well, you can still fit into clothes of a smaller size.

Daily it is allowed to drink from 1 liter to 1.5 fresh yogurt, naturally without sugar. It is desirable to drink this amount in 5-6 doses, at regular intervals.

This diet is designed for people who have willpower, because not everyone can eat only kefir for 3 days. But after a diet, the volume of your stomach will decrease, and you will eat less.

2. Diet on kefir with fruits

This diet, like the previous one, is designed for 3 days. Many use it as a fast diet. With it, you can lose 2-3 kg. in 3 days. This is somewhat less than on the previous diet, but it is not so strict and it is much easier to follow.

Daily it is allowed to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of fresh fat-free kefir, of course, without sugar. It is desirable to drink this amount in 5-6 doses, at regular intervals. Also, during this diet, it is allowed to eat fruits, everything except bananas, since bananas are very high in calories.

As a rule, this kefir diet is combined with apples, because the effect with apples is better than with other fruits. However, for a change, you can eat other fruits. Many more use the menu of this kefir diet as a fasting day. You can lose up to 1 kg per day.

3. Diet on kefir - unloading

This diet is used not only for weight loss, but also for cleansing the body after the holidays or a large and delicious feast. The advantage of this diet after a hearty meal is that it allows the body to relax after a feast, and also does not allow the habit of overeating to develop. But, as we already know, the main problem of obesity is overeating. Just one such fasting day on kefir is enough so that food after the holiday does not affect your figure.

Breakfast: A glass of yogurt and 1 slice of black rye bread.
Afternoon snack: 2 apples and a glass of kefir.
Dinner: Vegetable salad or sauerkraut.
Lunch: A glass of kefir and 1 apple.
Dinner: A piece of cheese and 2 apples.
For the night: A glass of kefir.

Staying on this diet is not easy, especially after a hearty meal. However, if you want to have a beautiful figure and lose weight, then such unloading kefir days must be arranged after all festive dinners and lunches. In general, it is ideal if you eat 1 time per week according to this menu. You will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse your body.

4. Diet on kefir and apples

This diet is designed for 1 week, during which time you will lose weight by 5-9 kilograms. It all depends on your body, as well as the more excess weight you have, the more it will go away. It is not recommended to sit on this kefir diet for longer than 1 week, because it can adversely affect health. In 1 week you will cleanse your body and lose a sufficient amount of kilograms.

The first 2 days of the diet: drink 1.5 liters of fat-free fresh kefir per day.
Second 2 days: eat 1.5 kilograms of apples a day.
Last 3 days: drink 1.5 liters of fat-free fresh kefir per day.

It is very difficult to resist and not break loose on this diet, you will always want to eat, especially the first 2 days. During this kefir diet, it is advisable to drink multivitamins, because during the week the food will be monotonous.

5. Diet on kefir and cottage cheese

This diet is often used as an express diet if you need to lose a few pounds in a couple of days. The diet is designed for 2 days, after which you will lose 2-4 kilograms. The diet is quite difficult for people who do not have willpower, but patient people achieve good results even in a couple of days.

1 day diet (kefir): On this day, it is allowed to drink from 1 liter to 1.5 fresh kefir in 5-6 doses.
Day 2 of the diet (kefir-curd): On this day, you can eat 300g of low-fat cottage cheese and drink 750 ml. kefir. These products must be divided into 5-6 doses.

This kefir diet is very effective because kefir and cottage cheese activate the metabolism. The body begins to actively spend energy and begins to lose weight.

Contraindications diet on kefir:

Like any diet, the kefir diet has contraindications. Before you go on a diet, check out the list of diseases in which the kefir diet is contraindicated. After all, the most important thing for a person is health and it’s not worth risking it for the sake of beauty, it’s better to choose the diet that is right for you. The kefir diet will not work for you if:
- you have high cholesterol
- you have kidney stones
- you have high stomach acid or gastritis
- you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer

Diet on kefir - reviews

Review 1“With the help of a kefir diet designed for 3 days, I lost 4 kilograms and put on my favorite dress for MCH's birthday. Of course, it is difficult to endure, but when there is a goal, then everything is possible.
Review 2“I love fruits, so the kefir diet with fruits was given to me without problems and feelings of hunger. As a result, it took 2 kilograms in 3 days. ”
Review 3“After an unloading diet on kefir, I feel like a feather, it becomes very easy for the body. I have been suffering from the problem of excess weight for more than 5 years, if I eat something wrong, then the extra kilos come out right there. I save myself by unloading on kefir, if I allow myself to eat something forbidden, then the day of the unloading diet and everything is ok.
Review 4“In a week I lost 7 kilograms while on a diet of kefir and apples, and additionally went to water aerobics in the pool. The state of health was disgusting and I constantly wanted to eat, but I set a goal to lose 20 kilograms, thanks to this diet I mastered the first 7. ”
Review 5“I use a diet on kefir and cottage cheese systematically, even a doctor prescribed it to me during pregnancy. With the help of it, I lose 1-2 kilograms in 2 days, the most interesting thing is that the stomach goes away. Therefore, before the holiday, this diet is super.”

A diet on kefir helps to easily reduce weight to the desired figure. The basic principle is to take 1.5 liters of fresh fat-free kefir. Divide it into portions and take the whole day. It is recommended to drink filtered water so that the body cleanses faster. Strong tea, salt, coffee and sweet dishes are excluded from the diet. The results will be noticeable immediately if you follow the basic principles.

Kefir diet for quick weight loss is quite effective. The dairy product cleanses the body, restores the functions of the gastrointestinal system. Fresh kefir contains different types of bacteria and calcium. Even during a period of limited nutrition, the intestines work efficiently. Thanks to vegetables and fruits, the body receives an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

The lack of a dietary menu in the scarcity of the diet. Due to the rejection of other food, the body is deprived of nutrients. Weakness, dizziness and indigestion may occur with prolonged adherence to the diet menu. The transition to the previous diet should be smooth, otherwise the excess weight will return after a while.


There are different duration diets. To lose excess weight quickly, follow the diet menu from 1 to 5 days. At this time, you have to satisfy the feeling of hunger with kefir and infringe on food. Kefir diet for 7 days allows you to gradually lose weight, because, in addition to the dairy product, others are introduced into the diet. Diet food for a month and a nine-day program are considered the most correct and balanced.

For 1 day

The diet for 1 day is quite simple. Kefir with a volume of 1.5 liters is consumed every 3 hours. A product made from whole milk has a diuretic effect, so from 1 to 3 kg is lost per day.

For 3 days

During this period, it is allowed to drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and plain water. The interval between doses is a couple of hours. If there is an important event ahead, then a kefir diet for 3 days will help you quickly lose weight up to 4 kg.

For 5 days

A fermented milk product remains a daily drink. Additionally, the diet contains 3 apples, 3-4 prunes and 1 kg of vegetables. It is allowed to combine products and make salads without oil. Kefir diet for 5 days excludes salty and sweet foods.

For 7 days

Seven-day nutrition helps to lose weight quickly, if you adhere to the basic principles. Kefir remains the main ingredient in the diet. Products for 1 day: 5 boiled potatoes and a fermented milk drink.

Every day they add in strict sequence:

  • 2 day - 250 g of chicken meat;
  • Day 3 - 200 g of beef;
  • Day 4 - 170 g of fish;
  • Day 5 - 5 medium apples or vegetable salad.

Diet for the last 2 days - filtered water. In the diet menu for a week, all products are boiled before use. Nutrition helps to lose extra 5 kg. A more strict menu contains 5 apples and a fermented milk drink. If you play sports additionally, you can lose 10 kg of weight.

For 9 days

The menu is quite strict and monotonous. Kefir and apples are consumed according to a certain pattern. The first 3 days they drink such an amount of 2% kefir to satisfy the unpleasant feeling in the stomach (1.5-2 liters). Drinking still water is a must. From 4 to 6 days inclusive choose one of the proposed products. It can be 1 kg of apple vegetables or 300 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Make up the optimal menu for yourself and follow it throughout the entire period. From 7 to 9 days, they return to the use of low-fat kefir and purified water. If you strictly follow the recommendations, a kefir diet for 9 days will allow you to lose 8-9 kg.

For 2 week

Diet food is based on the use of a fermented milk drink and other products. One position is added daily, and from the second week they start over:

  • 10 dried fruits;
  • potatoes baked in the oven - 6 pcs;
  • any fruit - 5 pcs;
  • chicken fillet - 850 g;
  • skim cheese;
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 5 pieces of any fruit.

You need to take food in equal portions, only until 6 pm. In addition to the diet, it is necessary to clean the intestines with laxatives or enemas. If you stick to the menu, you will be able to improve the condition of the skin and lose weight by 10-14 kg in 2 weeks.

For a month

To gradually lose weight, you need to balance your diet. The nutrition system for a month is to follow some rules:

  • Daily intake of 1 liter of kefir.
  • It is allowed to drink no more than 1 liter of other liquid.
  • Add salt in small amounts to ready meals.
  • Bread and sweet foods are excluded from the diet.
  • Fried and fatty foods are replaced with boiled meat and fish.

Kefir diet for weight loss of the abdomen will not harm a healthy person, but will benefit. If you follow the diet for a month, the figure will become slim and the body healthy.

Diet Options

Nutritionists offer several diets based on kefir. They differ in duration and degree of rigidity. If during the period of the diet the body is severely limited, it means that less time is allotted for it. The most gentle - kefir diet for 7 days or more. It contains low-calorie foods, so the body can easily switch to a regular diet.


The diet is quite simple and does not require a strict restriction in food intake. Buckwheat and kefir are consumed simultaneously. Calculated kefir diet for 3 days. The basic principle of dietary nutrition is the daily intake of kefir and buckwheat porridge in any quantity. To make the porridge dietary, you need to pour it with boiled water in the evening and cover with a lid. Buckwheat can be consumed in the morning. It is recommended to take a vitamin complex to diversify the diet.

with apples

The diet is particularly rigid. You can drink kefir and eat 6 apples throughout the day. Follow the diet for 3, 7 or 9 days. In the latter case, you can follow a special scheme: 3 days on apples, 3 on kefir and again on apples. The menu helps to lose 1 kg per day of excess weight.

With vegetables

Daily nutrition consists of any vegetables in unlimited quantities and a fermented milk product. It is allowed to bake, boil vegetables or eat raw. Potatoes are not included in the food system, because they are high in calories. You can drink herbal tea and clean water. Diet food adhere to up to two weeks.


The daily diet consists of 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 kg of cucumbers. The fermented milk product should be of medium fat content, and the cucumbers should be small. It is recommended to purchase a complex of vitamins in a pharmacy to maintain the body. The results are noticeable immediately - 3 kg will go in 3 days.


The system resembles a cucumber-kefir diet. It can be observed for no more than three days. The diet consists of 1 liter of fermented milk product and 4 medium-sized beets. Add a teaspoon of sour cream or sunflower oil to beetroot salad.


To effectively lose weight, the daily diet consists of 3 large potatoes and 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink. Potatoes can be baked in the oven or boiled without salt. Products are divided into 3 parts and consumed. Between meals, it is allowed to drink purified water. If you stick to this system, you can lose 5 kg in 3 days.

With cereals

The main menu consists of sour milk and cereals (one kind). Other low-calorie foods on the menu are also allowed:

  • for breakfast 250 ml of kefir and 200 g of porridge without sweeteners;
  • for lunch, vegetables, 200 ml of kefir and 180 g of boiled fillet;
  • for dinner 1 fruit, 220 g of cottage cheese and 200 ml of kefir.

A diet on a fermented milk product and oatmeal can be followed for 7-14 days. It helps the body cleanse and improve digestion. The porridge is simmered over low heat. It should not contain oil or salt. If you stick to a diet, you will be able to lose weight by 5-6 kg.

On dairy products

The diet of the milk-kefir diet consists of whole milk, curdled milk and kefir. One of the proposed drinks is taken at intervals of 2 hours. There is a separate diet on kefir, which contains fat-free cottage cheese and kefir. 350 g of cottage cheese and a fermented milk drink are allowed per day. After leaving the diet, the body will get rid of 7 kg in a week.

With fruits

The menu for the whole day is kefir and fruits. You can choose 6-7 ripe fruits and combine them with each other. The allowable amount of kefir should be drunk before 6 pm. Kefir-banana diet deserves special attention. Due to the high nutritional value, there is no urgent need for food. You can make a cocktail and add a pinch of cocoa for taste.

Getting out of the diet

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