Home Berries The functioning of civil society illustrates. Preparation for the exam "law"

The functioning of civil society illustrates. Preparation for the exam "law"

Theme: Civil Society

Civil society- a set of non-state relations and institutions that express the private interests of citizens in various fields.

Subsystems of civil society

Getting ready for the exam

1. The distinctive features of the rule of law include

1) the presence of the army and police

2) state sovereignty

3) activities to maintain public order

4) separation and independence of powers

2. The development of civil society in modern Russia is evidenced by

1) the initiative of the residents of the district to build a sports ground for children

2) organization of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren

3) conducting an experiment on the Unified State Exam

4) adoption by Parliament of amendments to the Law on Inheritance Tax

3. The Board of Trustees, established at the school, organized the purchase of new computers for the informatics classroom. This example illustrates

1) the functioning of civil society

2) development of the local government system

3) activities of local authorities

4. An initiative association of residents of the microdistrict achieved the abolition of the construction of garages on the site of the playground. This example illustrates

1) the principle of separation of powers

2) activities of civil society institutions

3) lack of local government

4) strengthening the impact of the state on public life

5. Are the following statements about civil society correct?

A. In the conditions of civil society, associations and associations are formed that are protected from the direct intervention of the state.

B. The presence of a civil society is one of the conditions for the formation of a rule of law state.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

6. Are the following statements about civil society correct?

A. The spiritual and moral basis of civil society is nihilism in relation to decisions made by the authorities.

B. The spiritual and moral basis of civil society is the free access of citizens to various information.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

7. Are the following judgments about civil society correct?

A. Civil society is characterized by the development of free initiatives and self-activity.

B. For the formation of civil society institutions, it is necessary that laws fix the priority of private property in comparison with all other forms of property.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

8. In the state of V. there is no obligatory state ideology, there is a tolerant attitude towards dissent; developed and highly influential institutions of civil society. What political regime has developed in the state of V.?

1) totalitarian

2) dictatorial

9. Which of the following examples illustrate the functioning of civil society?

1) The Ministry of Science and Education announced the School of the Year competition.

2) Elections to local self-government bodies were held throughout the country.

3) The traffic police have installed new traffic lights at road crossings near educational institutions.

4) Citizens were active during the parliamentary elections.

5) At a meeting of residents of the microdistrict, a decision was made to improve playgrounds.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

Civil society

Civil society is usually called the highest form of community, consisting of individuals, classes, groups and institutions that are not directly dependent on the political state. The essential features of civil society is that it can control the state and oppose it. In the history of mankind, civil society has more than once won the state (Great Britain, USA). Or helped the state when it was in trouble. In the East, by contrast, civil society was in an amorphous state, and the state was everything.

In Russia, the state usually defeated civil society, subjugated it and “trampled it down”. And the monstrous experiment on it, carried out by the totalitarian state for 70 years, led to a dead end of historical development. Therefore, interest in civil society as a political ideal has revived.

Civil society can also be viewed as a society in which there are developed economic, cultural, legal, political relations between its constituent individuals, and these relations are not mediated by the state. In such a situation, mass movements, parties, groups based on interests and beliefs are actively operating. People are protected by civil society, which is concerned about the common good, and the state is hardly noticeable.

If in statics civil society is a set of its structures (institutions, organizations, groups), then in dynamics it is a kind of social space in which people are connected and interact with each other as individuals independent of each other and of the state. Hegel believed that private property, equality, freedom of choice (economic, political, etc.), the availability of alternative sources of livelihood are of fundamental importance for the independence of people. S. Frank supplemented this list with the division of property and power. If economic power is not in the same hands as political power, it can serve as a limiting counterbalance to political power.

E. Geller defines civil society as a system of pluralistic associations and economic institutions balancing the state, which, however, do not enslave a person. It is no coincidence that civil society is considered a synonym for bourgeois society, because it takes shape only with the creation of a modern bourgeois society. Only in this way does space open up for the individual, his independence and initiative.

2. At what stage in the development of society does a civil society arise? Expand on examples of the existence of civil society institutions.

3. How do the state and civil society relate? Give examples illustrating the author's point of view that "civil society has more than once defeated the state", "helped the state when it was in difficulties", "the state ... defeated civil society".

4. Some modern Russian political scientists express the position that the state is a part of civil society. Do you agree with this position? Justify your answer.

Civil society and the state.

It would be simplistic to understand civil society as a sphere completely free from the functioning of any political structures. It is also incorrect to depoliticize civil society, defining it as a non-political sphere. A person can exercise his civil freedom of behavior, choice of lifestyle, in expressing an opinion, position, in participating in a meeting, rally, demonstration, in the activities of political parties, the functioning of private television companies, newspapers, radio stations.

The peculiarity of civil society is not in detachment from politics, but in the distinction between state policy and politics pursued by parties, in the possibility of the existence of both the official position and the positions of various interest groups, independent media, business circles. A citizen has the right to approach state policy critically, but law-abidingly, if the state itself functions within the framework of the constitutional space.

Civil society is a way of organizing economic, industrial relations, where personal interests develop to the extent of collective ones, which, in turn, are perceived through the interests, rights and freedoms of an individual due to the fact that the relationship between the state and civil society is a relationship between public authorities and individual freedom.

In the sphere of political relations, the state occupies a leading position, and it must be remembered that it is conditioned by civil society, since its activity is primarily determined by the implementation of common affairs arising from the nature of any society.

(M.I. Abdullaev, S.I. Komarov)

C3. The authors emphasize: “a citizen has the right to approach state policy critically, but law-abidingly, if the state itself functions within the framework of the constitutional space.” Based on the knowledge of the social science course and the course of history, give three examples when citizens were forced to act illegally in conditions of violation of the framework of the constitution by the state

But first, let's repeat what we've done so far!


1. What form of government is described by the well-known aphorism: "The king reigns, but does not rule"?

1) absolute monarchy

2) parliamentary (constitutional) monarchy

3) parliamentary republic

4) presidential republic


2. The parliament of the country of P. is formed from representatives of the main political parties that have been able to overcome the seven percent electoral threshold. Select one of the signs below that is characteristic of the electoral system of country P.

1) The deputies represent the entire spectrum of parties existing in the country.

2) Seats in parliament are distributed according to the number of votes that the party received in the elections.

4) Political parties do not play a significant role in the nomination of candidates.


3. Establish a correspondence between the examples and the principles of batch classification: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second

A) legal

B) ruling

V) extremist

G) massive

1) composition

2) in relation to the law

3) in relation to power

4) advocacy methods


4. Which of the following examples illustrate the functioning of civil society?

1) Local elections were held throughout the country.

2) The Ministry of Science and Education announced the School of the Year competition.

3) Citizens were active during the parliamentary elections.

4) At a meeting of residents of the microdistrict, a decision was made to improve playgrounds.

5) The traffic police have installed new traffic lights at road crossings near educational institutions.


5. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) A referendum was held in the country on the adoption of a new constitution. (B) Supporters of the constitution prevailed over its critics and opponents. (B) It seems that the winners fell into premature euphoria. (D) The opposition has already announced that it is preparing protests.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) actual character

2) nature of value judgments


What is a right?

a system of generally binding social norms established or sanctioned by the state

natural law

  • Socio-legal claims of people (for example, for life, for freedom)

subjective law

  • Officially recognized capabilities that a person or organization has

objective law

  • System of legal norms

Law as a complex

  • The complex of all legal phenomena of a given society (for example, Roman law)

signs of law

  • 1) Normativity (formation of a rule of conduct);
  • 2) Formal certainty (official fixing);
  • 3) The manifestation of the will and consciousness of people (hence LEGAL state);
  • 4) Security with the possibility of coercion;
  • 5) Consistency

social order

  • It is provided not only by means of law, but also by other factors (natural, human, individual), which forms natural norms and social norms.

A little more about social norms =)

  • Divided by spheres of action (economic, political, religious ...)
  • And according to the mechanism of regulation (customs, law, morality ...)

Customary law

  • State-sanctioned custom

Law and Morality

comparison lines


Formation method


Fixed by the state

Form of Existence

written source

Arises spontaneously


Provision method

Consciousness of people

Relations controlled by the state

Provided by the state

Relations controlled and not controlled by the state

The nature of the regulatory impact

Supported by the power of public influence

Through the regulatory mechanism

Directly through consciousness

Constitutional state

  • Socio-historical form of expression, ordering and protection of human rights and freedoms in public relations of people.

Principles of the rule of law

  • The rule of law;
  • Legal protection of a citizen;
  • Unity of law and law
  • Delimitation of the activities of the branches of government (independence of the branches of government);

Law system

The relationship and interaction of legal norms governing all types of social relations

Branches of law

Are to some extent autonomous(allowing participants to regulate their own behavior in relation to each other) and authoritarian(imperative method), that is, strictly regulated.

Constitutional law

  • Source: constitution ;
  • The norms of this law fix the form of government, the form of the national state structure, the rights and obligations of citizens, the functions and relationships of the highest authorities.

Administrative law

  • Regulates social relations arising in the process of organizational and executive-administrative activities, officials and state bodies. management
  • Incl. (traffic rules, sanitary rules, etc.)

Civil law

  • Regulates property relations in society, as well as related personal non-property relations. Civil law includes the right of ownership, obligations arising from contracts and infliction of harm, inheritance law.

Criminal law

  • It consists of legal norms that determine which socially dangerous acts are considered criminal and what penalties can be imposed for them.

Family law

  • Regulates marriage and family relations (marriage, relations between spouses, parents and children)

Financial right

  • Regulates financial relations in the process of financial activities of the state, that is, the execution of state and local budgets.

labor law

  • Regulates labor relations, labor contracts, working hours, etc.

Normative act

  • Unilateral expression of the state will in an official written document. (laws, decrees, resolutions, decisions)

legal custom

  • A rule that has become a habit of the people and the implementation of which is ensured by state coercion (duel, the principle of "an eye for an eye")

Normative contract

  • A legal act based on the mutual will of the parties.

Judicial precedent

  • Giving a normative character to a court decision in a particular case

Which of the following terms refers primarily to criminal law?

1) lawyer, notary

2) employment contract, worker

3) crime, victim

4) taxpayers, taxes and fees

Find the social rights of Russian citizens in the list below.

1) entitlement to old-age pension

2) freedom of assembly

3) the right to hold peaceful demonstrations

4) right to rest

5) right to housing

6) freedom of the press

Establish a correspondence between misdemeanors and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) stopping a car under a prohibition sign

V) being late for work

G) non-payment of interest on a loan

D) violation of fire safety rules

1) civil wrongs

2) administrative offenses

3) disciplinary offenses

Find the legal regulations in the list below.

1) Full legal capacity, as a general rule, comes at the age of 18.

2) Man should be treated not as a means, but as an end.

3) Society with condemnation refers to violators of labor discipline.

4) An employment contract (contract) establishes the mutual obligations of the employee and the employer.

5) Spouses may enter into a marriage contract.

6) You must love your neighbor as yourself.

Read the text below with a number of words missing.

Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Administrative __________(1) is one of the most complex branches of Russian legislation. This is due to the breadth and depth of relationships that are governed by his __________(2). Administrative law provides the legal __________(3) rights and freedoms of both individuals and legal entities. It is required both from actions and from __________(4) administrative authorities. Public administrative power is exercised by executive authorities and municipal authorities. In the subject of administrative law of Russia, there are three groups of public __________ (5) that arise in the implementation of the regulatory, protective activities of the administration and administrative proceedings. All activities of the public administration are aimed at the implementation of laws, international __________(6) and acts of justice.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

List of terms:

A) right B) norm V) law G) treaty D) legal proceedings E) inaction G) relationship H) the crime AND) protection

  • 1 – 3
  • 2 - 1, 4, 5
  • 3 – 21312
  • 4 – 145
  • 5 - ABIEGG

Topic #15: Civil society.

Part 1

Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“There are two interconnected tendencies in the development of the modern state. The first is to strengthen its role in society, the growth of __________ (1). It is based on the need __________(2) of all spheres of society, the development of __________(3), the fight against new types of offenses. The influence of the state on __________ (4) and the social sphere is increasing. The second trend is related to the limitation of state power by a number of social factors, such as the influence of representative institutions, mass movements and __________(5); activities of structures __________(6)”.

List of terms:

A) state regulation B) opposition V) state machine G) civil society D) legal sphere E) state coercion G) migration H) legislation AND) economy


Which of the following examples illustrate the functioning of civil society? write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) The Association of Composers organized a charity marathon in support of war veterans.

2) The Ministry of Culture has developed a program for the creative competition "The World Through the Eyes of Extraordinary Children".

3) Parliamentary elections were held in the country.

4) Thanks to the initiative of representatives of public organizations, the construction of a new supermarket in the historical part of the city was prohibited.

5) The Union of Entrepreneurs has established scholarships for students of private universities.

Which of the following examples illustrate the functioning of civil society?

1. Elections to local self-government bodies were held throughout the country.

2. The Ministry of Science and Education announced the School of the Year competition.

3. Citizens were active during the parliamentary elections.

4. At a meeting of residents of the microdistrict, a decision was made to improve playgrounds.

5. The traffic police installed new traffic lights at road crossings near educational institutions

Which of the following may indicate the functioning of civil society?

1. appointment of regular parliamentary elections

2. Inviting School Principals to a Meeting with the Governor on Educational Issues

3. The initiative of the residents of the district to build a sports ground for children

4. Adoption by Parliament of amendments to the legislation on inheritance tax

An initiative association of residents of the microdistrict achieved the abolition of the construction of garages on the site of the playground. This example illustrates

1. principle of separation of powers

2. activity of civil society institutions

3. lack of local authorities

4. strengthening the influence of the state on public life

Are the following statements about civil society correct?

A. Civil society is a variety of manifestations of self-activity and public initiative of citizens.

B. In a democracy, civil society and the state interact.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Part 2

For a long time in political science, the concepts of "civil society" and "state" did not differ, they were used as identical. However, since the middle of the XVII century. the processes of differentiation of various spheres of society, their liberation from all-encompassing state power, the isolation of an autonomous and independent individual with his inalienable rights and freedoms required the reflection in public consciousness and science of two trends of social progress.

On the one hand, the growth of spontaneity and spontaneity in social development was a reflection of the individual's desire for freedom and autonomy from the state and forms of collective life. The process of becoming autonomous from the state spheres of human life reflected the concept of "civil society". On the other hand, the need for streamlining, ensuring the integrity of society, harmonization and integration of the aspirations of individuals and social groups was expressed by the concept of "state".

Civil society and the state complement each other and depend on each other. Without a mature civil society, it is impossible to build a legal democratic state, since it is conscious free citizens who are able to create the most rational forms of human community. If civil society acts as a strong mediating link between a free individual and a centralized state will, then the state is called upon to counteract disintegration, chaos, crisis, decline and provide conditions for the realization of the rights and freedoms of an autonomous individual. In the real life of society, the separation of civil society and the state is rather arbitrary, but in science it is necessary in order to understand the mechanisms of social life, the degree of freedom and lack of freedom of individuals, and the level of political development.

Thus, civil society is a set of interpersonal relations and family, social, economic, cultural, religious and other structures that develop in society outside the framework and without state intervention. The system of institutions and interpersonal relations independent of the state creates conditions for self-realization of individuals and groups, to meet their daily needs. (R.T. Mukhaev)

Name any two functions of the state that are mentioned in the text. Specify one more function.

Based on social science, historical knowledge, facts of public life, name three forms of interaction between the state and civil society and specify each of these forms with an example.

4. The author connects the creation of a legal democratic state with the activities of conscious free citizens. Using the knowledge of the social science course, media information and personal social experience, explain how political freedom and the possibility of self-realization of the individual are interconnected in each of the spheres: economic, social
and spiritual.


What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of " civil society"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make up two sentences containing information about civil society.


26.1. Determine the role of civil non-political organizations (civil society institutions) in the development of the political system of a modern democratic society. Give three examples illustrating the partnership of civil non-political organizations with the state.

26.2In the country A., the formation of civil society institutions is taking place. Give three possible examples that illustrate this political process.

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