Home Fruit trees Download fl studio 12 ready-made templates. The basics of creating a rap minus in Fl Studio. Instruments that are used in rap style

Download fl studio 12 ready-made templates. The basics of creating a rap minus in Fl Studio. Instruments that are used in rap style

In this article, we will look at the basics of creating a rap minus, and also find out what beats and bars in Fl Studio and why you need to stick to a certain pattern or pattern in music.

First of all, there should be a pattern or pattern in music, and you can notice this in many famous rappers and other performers. Listen to the music and you will hear the action sequence.

Let's first see what is used to create rap minus Well, at the end of the article, consider the template.

On a note:

When writing music, there are no boundaries, as it is a creative process. And therefore, remember that there are no rules and you don’t need to listen to everyone in a row (something like you did it wrong or you had to do it differently here), with the exception of the tonality of the notes. Creating music, as I wrote above, is a creative process and everyone has their own. But this also does not mean that by drawing a bunch of non-harmonious notes and putting them in you will create a masterpiece.

Tools used in rap style:

At the heart of creating a rap minus are tools. This is the basic set of tools that we will now look at. But first, be sure to download this fl project. For an illustrative example.

  • Bit- in any music, the beat plays an important role in creating the rhythmic picture of your minus. We hear the beat throughout the music and therefore we need to pay attention to it. The beat is based on Kick, Clap or Snare, Hat. They can also be used as add-ons for Shaker, Cymbals, Percussions. They are mainly used to diversify the beat.
  • Bass- gives a large amount of low frequencies from which your rap minus breaks. A necessary element in rap music.
  • Pad- needed to create volume for your minus. But not in large quantities. They usually play with a long extended sound.
  • Lead or instrument- This is the main instrument that will play for you throughout the entire composition. You can choose absolutely any tool that you like.
  • Strings or Instrument 2,3,4- these are melodies that will complement the main melody. They will play on the chorus, in the chorus, at the beginning to the main melody. This is necessary so that the minus becomes more diverse and does not quickly bother the listener.

Pick your instruments by ear, as I don't know of any other method.

I want to tell you right away that you are not limited to this list. Just keep in mind that this set of tools can be added to. It all depends on your imagination and your creativity.

This is what the minus rap template looks like. It may differ slightly. It all depends on the author's intent.

I didn't include Vocal since we're only looking at rap minus, but of course there should be. It is recorded after compiling the minus itself.

Also, when recording vocals, back vocals are made, where each rapper uses his own chips and sounds. Backing vocals are an addition to the main vocals.

In general, the basis of rap minus is most often used samples. Samples are snippets of various instrument sounds cut from songs. Here, in fact, everything is simple and the stereotype of the tools can be said to be the same. It's just that here you will no longer think about how to compose chords, but if you add additional instruments, you will need to find out what key the sample is playing in order to play a melody under it. Next, you just need to correctly trim the audio track and prepare a few samples to scatter them into .

Rap minus template.

I think not everyone knows how the minus rap template should look like. And so let's look at it. But I want to warn you right away that this example, which is presented below, is most common in rap style and it may differ from the minuses of other genres, since each genre has its own layouts.

What are beats and bars in Fl Studio? Beats and bars is the musical time interval in the track. Without them, it would be hard to write a minus. And so they are needed for the convenience of creating music in general.

The figure below shows in detail the division into bits and bars, and the minus rap template itself.

Remember that your rap minus turned out to be catchy and the listener, after listening, wanted to listen to it again and again, you need to do it.

Have you ever wondered how much time we spend preparing a template for . I think the answer is no, because, until that moment, I myself had not thought about it at all, and then it just dawned on me. Yes, it dawned on me. that I can quickly start creating backing tracks by simply making a ready-made template and stamping backing tracks on it.

In fact, we spend a certain amount of time preparing in Fl Studio. It doesn't matter how much, but the fact that time is running out already speaks for itself. In general, I believe that time should be saved and it should be spent with benefit. And therefore it is better to create your own template for rap or another style, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you have it and you don’t have to create it again and again, but simply open it and adjust it to your needs and continue to create, create and perform.

Maybe for someone this is not a particularly important moment, but for me it is important and I share this advice with other beatmakers. Well, now let's create a template for the turnip so as not to postpone it for later, since it can be done now.

First of all, open Fl Studio.

Advice: When creating a channel for instruments, change their colors and rename them to make them easier to distinguish. For the Drum part, create three channels at once so that your minus is more diverse.

In the mixer, you can throw plug-ins of the main effects on the send channels (Send). Such as , etc.

In general, you can prepare a template for yourself and therefore you can immediately set everything up, namely, throw in the main instruments and scatter them over the mixer channels by loading the necessary plugins there, and then place them on the channels in the playlist.

You can download it from me and adjust it for yourself with your tools and plugins.

If you have questions ask them in the comments.

And finally, I wish you creative success!

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In short:

  1. Customize the template (what we will use and load first)
  2. Save (correctly specify the save directory)
  3. Correctly format and describe the template (for adequate and correct display, we create a .nfo file)
Create a Template:

To create, you just need to arrange everything that you want to see when you start the program.
Add some VSTs to the Channel rack, mixer, arrange and route tracks on the mixer.
The main things you can do:

    BPM - Set the speed of the track depending on the genre: Electro House 126-130 | Deep House 120-125 | DubStep 55-90

    Adding synthesizers to the Channel Rack, for example, if you use Sylenth1 and Massive more often, add them right away.

    Mixer - Here you can immediately set all the necessary plugins for processing or monitoring. For example: In the additional slots Insert 100-104, you can add Reverb plugins that you like, immediately with presets, create a grouping of some synths or loops.

    Playlist - You can also build a track skeleton as a complete one, or a sketch in a few bars for development.

Depending on your preference, you can make a minimal template with several VSTs and processing in the mixer, or create a massive Template with the most loaded plugins and processing.
In each case, you can choose your settings and for your style of music.

After the configured template, there will be something like this

Here is what was done:

  1. Changed BPM to 128
  2. Added Sylenth1 to launch quickly when opening FL Studio
  3. Grouped all drums in the mixer
  4. Insert 100 added Reverb which we use
  5. Insert 101 loaded dBlue TapeStop for effects
Saving a Template / Temaplate

To save the template, you just need to save the completed project to the templates folder (Templates)
The folder location is here:
Also, the location may be different, depending on where you installed FL Studio.

It should roughly look like this.

A few points about saving.
If you save the project directly to the Templates folder, it will be displayed in the New from template tab. If you place it in a subfolder, there will be a path with a multi-level menu.

It is not necessary to create a .nfo file. It is used for decoration, additional description and display of an icon next to the name. Without this file, the name of the project you saved will be displayed.

The .nfo file must have the same name as the template project file, otherwise FL Studio will not display the description and icon.

To organize, we create another folder in the templates folder (..\Project\Templates), you can give any name. It is not necessary to create your own folder, you can save it to existing ones.
It turns out this way:
We save all our templates in this folder.

After saving the project, you need to check it out.
For design, a file with the .nfo extension is required; a description and the number of the icon to be displayed are entered in it.

The .nfo file must have the same name as the project file:

TPL.flp > TPL.nfo - Correct
TPL.flp > tpl.nfo - Correct
TPL.flp > tpl .nfo - Wrong (has a space after the name)

After you need to edit it, enter your information about the template file.

Text example:

Description=Dub Project 80 BPM

Description=Description of the project or any other text, supports Cyrillic.
MenuIconIndex=-108 number of icons available in FL Studio (list of icons see below)

After all the manipulations, it should be displayed like this: (depending on nesting in folders)

Files can also be grouped and placed in separate folders. FL Studio will recognize them and display them without submenus in the program menu.

How projects will be displayed

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