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Temple of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin: opening hours, schedule of services, address and photo. Contacts Temple of Cosmas and Damian Noah industriousness

The place where it was built Temple of Cosmas and Damian in Shubino, owes its name to the "fur coats", masters in the manufacture of fur products.

According to another version, in the 14th century the court of the boyar Shuba was located here, therefore the place that belonged to him was called "Shubin".

The history of the temple in the Kosmodamianovsky temple in Stoleshnikov lane

For the first time, the temple of the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian is mentioned in the Sophia Time Book.

The entry under 1368 says that the voivode Shuba founded a church with a chapel named after him, and later opened a chapel in honor of the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian.

1625 - the next year, under which the temple is listed in archival documents.

At that time it was wooden, so the fire that happened here easily destroyed the shrine. On the site of the burnt church, a stone one was erected, the construction of which dragged on for 30 years.

The main chapel of the temple was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, but among the local population the name “Church of Cosmas and Damian” was fixed, perhaps because the throne in honor of these saints was transferred from the burnt temple to the new one.

Soon the official wording, which sounded like "the Church of the Annunciation in Shubin", was replaced by a more familiar and understandable one - "the temple of Cosmas and Damian" in Shubin.

By 1703, it became necessary to rebuild the church, as the building was very dilapidated.

Construction proceeded at a slow pace due to lack of funds. To save money, the temple was covered with a wooden roof, which burned down in 1773 along with outbuildings.

In 1785, the church was renovated, the iconostasis was replaced, the walls were repainted.

In 1812, as historians believe, the church of the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian simply could not survive the fire. However, numerous documents say otherwise: the shrine not only survived, but was not even plundered. Therefore, the religious life here began quite soon.

The temple of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin is expanding and growing rich before our eyes.

The northern chapel is being built, houses for the ministers of the church are being built, the interior decoration is being improved thanks to the numerous donations of believers. The temple is famous for its numerous relics, from which there will soon be no trace.

In 1922, material values ​​​​were seized from the church, and in 1929 it was closed.

At first, a library was located within the walls of the shrine, later - a printing house.

In the 50s, on the site of the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, it was planned to build a residential multi-storey building. Fortunately, this did not happen. The ministerial printing house was moved here, the painting of the temple was painted over, thanks to which it was preserved.

Restoration work began in the 1970s.

In 1991, divine services were resumed in the temple of Cosmas and Damian, despite the fact that the printing house continued to work within the walls of the building. The machines were taken out only after 2 years.

Today the temple is open to everyone. He lives a full life, participates in charity and, of course, responds to all religious events and traditions, not forgetting to create his own traditions.

Guide to Architectural Styles

It got its name from the court of the voivode Iakinfiy Shuba, which was located here in the 14th century. But there is a version that fur coats or furriers lived in these places.

Historians believe that the temple of the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian could not have survived the fire of 1812. Documents say otherwise: although Napoleonic soldiers shot Muscovites accused of arson near its walls, they did not touch the shrine itself. But after the war, the baroque church was still rebuilt in the classicist style.

In the 1910s-1920s, the composer of sacred music, Pavel Chesnokov, was the regent of the temple. Apparently, he buried on March 21, 1916 the painter V.I. Surikov, who died in the neighboring building of the Dresden Hotel.

In the 1920s, the temple was closed, and in 1933 the bell tower was destroyed to the first tier.

What is what in the church

In the building of the church in Shubin, a repository of the Library of Foreign Literature was arranged. This saved the temple, although they wanted to build a residential building in its place.

The Church of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin was partially restored in the 1970s. Then it became known that fragments of painting of the 18th-19th centuries were preserved in the interior. In 1991, divine services were resumed in the temple, and in 2003 the bell tower was restored. Eight of its bells, which were cast at the expense of honorary residents of the city, were lost, but new ones were made at the ZIL plant.

Stone Church of St. Cosmas and Damiana (“on Rzhishchi”, “what is on Shubin”, “behind the golden bars”, “behind the Gagarin yard”) stood in Stoleshnikov Lane from 1626. Previously, there was a wooden temple in its place, which still remembered Dmitry Donskoy. Not far from the church in the XIV century. there was the court of the noble boyar Joakinf Shuba, "who sealed with his signature the spiritual letter of Dmitry Donskoy", hence the name of the church - the church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian in Shubin.

The church survived fires and destruction, but was always restored - even contrary to the order of Peter the Great not to carry out stone construction in Moscow. She was spared by the fire of 1812, although the entire quarter adjoining the temple burned out. Nevertheless, 1812 was a sad year for the temple: in September, near the walls of the church, Napoleonic soldiers shot the “incendiaries of Moscow” without trial or investigation: “innocent victims suffered death” in front of the image of the Savior, who was on the wall of the church.

In 1822, another chapel was added to the temple - Resurrection: after the fire of 1812, the parishioners of the Resurrection Church on Bolshaya Dmitrovka were transferred to the Church of Cosmas and Damian. The construction of the new limit was carried out under the supervision of the architect A.F. Elkinsky (1788-1827) at the expense of "parishioners and benefactors". At the same time, the apse of the main temple was redone, and the bell tower acquired a classic look. The octagon of the bell tower "was surrounded by Tuscan columns". However, in 1857-1858. the bell tower had to be rebuilt again: it was dismantled to the first tier and rebuilt. During this restructuring, the southern chapel dedicated to Sts. Cosmas and Damian. The bell tower and the new southern aisle were built in the pseudo-Byzantine style, partly they have survived to this day. 8 church bells were also cast at the expense of the Borisovskys. In 1887–1889 at the expense of other parishioners - merchant D.R. Vostryakov and his wife, nee - the dome, the walls of the temple and the altar were painted with oil painting.

In 1910–1920s. the famous composer Pavel G. Chesnokov was the regent of the temple. Apparently, on March 8 (21), 1916, he was buried by the great Russian painter V.I. Surikov, who died on March 6 in the neighboring building of the Dresden Hotel.

Only the revolution did not spare the church. In 1922 it was ruined and closed, in 1933 the bell tower was dismantled to the lower tier. The building was adapted for a library of foreign literature. In 1958, the question arose of demolishing the church: in Stoleshnikovo, it was decided to build a multi-storey residential building. Fortunately, the project was not carried out.

Part of the church building was restored in the 1970s. Then the decoration of the octagon with the cupola was restored (it looked like this in the photograph of 1867). However, the restoration did not mean the transfer of the temple to the church. In 1980–90, it housed a printing house of the Economic Department of the USSR Ministry of Culture, and only in 1991 worship was resumed in the church.

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