Home Berries What natural conditions are considered comfortable for a resident. Natural conditions. Geological conditions of Russia

What natural conditions are considered comfortable for a resident. Natural conditions. Geological conditions of Russia

To the question What natural conditions are considered comfortable for residents of the middle lane? given by the author User deleted the best answer is Comfortable weather is understood as such a combination of meteorological values ​​in which a healthy person does not experience heat, cold, or stuffiness, that is, he feels in the best possible way. The comfort zone for meteorological conditions is not standard for all people and depends on the climatic zone, time of year, weight, body size, state of movement or rest, clothing, specifics of human production activities and other factors (see clause 7.1). Centuries-old traditions play a significant role in assessing the zone of weather comfort.
indigenous population, their adaptation to the local climate, hardening of the body to heat or cold. In the pre-revolutionary past, even in winter, children climbed out into the snow barefoot. The response to weather and climatic anomalies depends on both age and gender: in the elderly, it manifests itself more clearly than in young people; at low temperatures, women feel more comfortable than men, etc.
For newcomers, the requirements for comfortable conditions depend on the degree of annoying conditions of the non-native climate, relative to the climate in the place of permanent residence. For example, for lightly dressed people who come to the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria from the northern regions of Russia, a state of comfort occurs at equivalent effective temperatures (EET) of 12.5-18.5 °, from the central regions - at 16.5-20.5 ° , from the southern regions - at 16.6-24.5 ° С. These data indicate a shift in the upper comfort zone of northerners towards lower temperatures.
According to N.M. Voronin, seasonal fluctuations of the comfort limits are on average 2-3 ° C. The shift in the comfort zone is apparently also due to the general global warming of the climate. But this assumption is the subject of a special study.
As a result of research by physiologists, it turned out that the most objective indicator of the comfort of heat sensation today is not the air temperature, but the weighted average temperature of the skin surface. The optimum of comfort when assessed by skin temperature is in the range of 31-33 ° C (Table 9.2). In this case, the most representative place for its definition is the forehead area.
Depending on the weighted average skin temperature and heat sensation of the subjects, at a relative humidity of 30-70% in the daytime (taking into account the thermal insulation of clothing), I.S. types (see table. 9.2, left side). As you can see, excessive thermoregulatory load occurs at skin temperatures above 34 ° C (very hot) and less than 23 ° C (extremely cold).

Natural conditions are usually understood as a complex of factors such as the geographical location of the area, climate, relief, natural resources, flora and fauna, which exist independently of human activity. has a significant impact on the activities and lifestyle of people.

Due to the large extent and predominance of the temperate climatic zone, a wide range of natural conditions can be found on the territory of Russia. The need for a special diet, clothing, infrastructure and housing depends on them. A quarter of the country's land is unsuitable for human habitation. The most favorable are the Volga and Chernozem regions. The main components of the geographic environment that form the natural conditions of Russia are discussed below.


Due to the length of the territory, it is diverse. Basically, the territory of the country lies in a temperate latitude. The seasons replace each other rhythmically. Winter is colder than in, summer is warm. In cold weather thaws often occur, precipitation falls in the summer, in the form of rains. The continental climate dominates in the west of Siberia, sharply continental - in the territory of Central Siberia. The Far East falls under the influence of the monsoon climate.

The lands near the Arctic Ocean are ruled by the Arctic climate zone. Winter temperatures drop to -30 ° C. The lack of heat and polar nights make this area unsuitable for economic activity. The subarctic belt is formed in the north. Within its limits lie the territories of the Russian and West Siberian Plains. It is difficult to conduct economic activities here because of the swampiness. The Black Sea coast belongs to the subtropical climate. It is relatively warm here even in winter. Agriculture is well developed here.

Due to the flat relief of the European part of the country, winds from the north penetrate the entire plain. The currents of the Atlantic Ocean bring heat in. Half of Russia feels the influence of the Atlantic. In winter, warm winds from the south soften freezing temperatures. They also bring precipitation with them. Without warm air coming from the Atlantic, the Russian climate would be much more difficult.

The mountain ranges of the Far East do not allow the Pacific air to penetrate deep into the continent. It is a unique region with a monsoon climate. Summer cyclones bring lingering rains. Winds rage in the coastal regions in winter. In Siberia, they are practically absent, the air humidity is low, so the cold is more easily tolerated. The densely populated regions of the country are the center, southern regions and regions of Western Siberia. The duration of winter here averages 60 days.

Relief and geology

The outlines of the country's lands significantly affect the living conditions of people. Russia is located on several plates at once, differing in age. The European part lies on the Russian platform, which is billions of years old. It is dominated by plains. The Siberian platform, on which the country's northeast lies, is much older. The West Siberian Platform is a relatively young tectonic formation. It is pressed on both sides by neighboring plates, so there are many mountain ranges here.

The relief of the south of the country was formed under the influence of the wind. The mountains have been affected by glaciers over time. The coastal plains changed shape under the influence of the ebb and flow. The centuries-old floods have formed river valleys, ravines and gullies. They are ubiquitous.

Three quarters of the country's land is located on. The largest of them, East European, occupies 4 million km². Here the lowlands are smoothly replaced by highlands. Rarely, the elevations of the relief exceed 500 m. From the Ural ridges in the east, the West Siberian Plain begins, with an area of ​​2.6 million km². The third largest area, the Central Siberian Plateau, occupies a little more than 3 million km².

High mountain ranges prevail in the southern and eastern regions. Mount Elbrus has a height of 5642 m, and is the highest point in the country. Altai ranges are located between China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. The maximum height is 2000 m. The Urals are considered to be the natural border between and. The highest mark of the complex is Mount Nagornaya, 1895 m. There are many mineral deposits in the Ural Mountains. The easternmost ones are the hills of Kamchatka, which still periodically erupt lava.

There are large islands and archipelagos in all. The New Siberian Islands, Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island are distinguished by their mountainous relief. to the east is Sakhalin. The Commander Islands are located not far from Kamchatka. The Kurils are separated by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean. Large islands exist on. These include the Valaam and Solovetsky Islands, Olkhon.

Natural resources

Russia possesses a quarter of the world's reserves. Most of it grows in the Far East and Siberia. On the territory of Europe, green areas remained along. The use of wood is poorly developed, many trees are lost in transit.

Forests provide people with animals, mushrooms and berries. People actively collect plants that are popular in traditional medicine. The hunt for fur-bearing animals is underway. The species diversity of fish is observed in all seas washing the country. Large inland waters are generous in catch.

Due to its diverse tectonic structure, the country is rich in minerals. More often deposits are located in folded relief forms. Kola and the lands of the Kursk magnetic anomaly are the main sources of ores. Cuprous sandstones, polymetals and iron ores occur in the Urals and in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Rich sources of natural gas and oil are located in the Stavropol Territory, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. These non-renewable resources lie in the depths of the West Siberian platform. Bituminous coal is mined in the bowels of the East European Valley.

There are so many minerals in the country that they can fully satisfy the needs of the population. The expensive ones sell on the world markets, but the sales volumes are gradually decreasing. The policy of the state is aimed at the implementation, and not at the conservation of its own resources. The provision of some fossils has been measured for only a few decades.


Forests occupy a little less than half of the state's land. There are more of them in the Asian region. grows in a temperate climatic zone. Forests are represented by evergreen trees: spruce, fir, pine. Larch is widespread throughout the taiga.

Broad-leaved and mixed forests are located just to the south. These include maple, elm, beech, oak, linden. Most of the areas of the green zone were destroyed by people for the sake of grazing livestock and building settlements. Harvesting of trees is carried out in the Arkhangelsk, Perm, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Amur regions.

A strip of small-leaved forests stretches from Europe to the Far East. The main representatives of the vegetation are alder and birch. They contribute to the restoration of green spaces.

All forests are in federal ownership. The state can transfer them for rent or free fixed-term use. There are protective, reserve and production forests. In areas with a high population density, forests are fully developed.

natural conditions a set of natural factors - the geographical location of the territory, natural resources, living and inanimate nature and other components and phenomena of the geographic environment that exist regardless of human activity. The natural conditions include relief, climate, regime of rivers and lakes, vegetation, fauna, etc., have a significant impact on the location of production, settlement of people, development of agriculture, etc. At the same time, they, unlike natural resources, do not directly participate in human economic activities. Sometimes the same aggregates are called natural conditions and natural resources, for example. climatic conditions or resources.

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Natural environment

The natural environment (environment) is a generalized concept that characterizes the natural conditions in a specifically selected place and the ecological state of the area. As a rule, the use of the term refers to the description of natural conditions on the surface of the Earth, the state of its local and global ecosystems and their interaction with humans. In this sense, the term is used in international agreements.

Environment - usually considered as part of the environment directly surrounding (hence the name) some living system (man, animal, etc.) and consisting of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Environment - the habitat and activities of mankind, the entire world around man, including both the natural and man-made environment.

In the modern era, human activity has covered almost the entire geographic envelope and its scale is now comparable to the action of global natural processes, which negatively affects the state of the environment.

The UN has created a special organization - the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In order to draw attention to the problems of environmental protection, the UN has established World Environment Day.

Natural conditions are a set of properties of the nature around us, which in one way or another significantly affect human life. This refers to the natural conditions of health, labor and rest of the population, which characterize the natural environment in a certain area. These are extremely multifaceted phenomena. They make a variety of, often contradictory, requirements for the natural environment. What contributes to a person's good rest is far from always convenient, for example, for industrial construction. In the highlands, it is possible to successfully develop tourism and some kinds of sports, but it is extremely difficult there to erect buildings of factories and factories, to lay transport routes.

Therefore, one cannot speak about natural conditions at all. They must be considered necessarily from a specific point of view, from the standpoint of medicine, agriculture, industry, transport ...

The natural conditions are usually considered relief, climate, properties of soil and vegetation cover, the nature of the occurrence of ground and underground waters, the water regime of surface waters, mining and geological conditions of mining.

The most important distinguishing feature of natural conditions is that these are not material bodies and objects, but their properties, and they can only significantly facilitate or hinder the development of production, but are not directly used in it.

Rational management of the economy in a particular territory, the correct location of industrial enterprises, the specialization and concentration of agriculture, the construction of settlements and roads, the design of bases and recreation areas - all this requires a careful economic assessment of natural conditions.

Natural conditions of Russia

Remark 1

Natural conditions include: the relief of the territory, its geological features, climate and natural zoning, not directly involved in production, but determining the life and economic activity of people.

The elements of the geological structure are platforms and plates, geosynclinal areas. At the base of Russia there are several slabs of different ages.

The European part of the country with a predominance of flat relief, is located on the Russian platform, formed billions of years ago.

The Siberian platform, which occupies the northeast of the country, is much older.

The relatively young West Siberian platform and the lowland of the same name located on it.

The platforms are separated by young folded areas - these are geosynclinal belts - Ural-Mongolian, Pacific.

The process of mountain building continues in the belts, therefore there is an increased seismicity and volcanism.

The relief of Russia is mainly flat, represented by lowlands, uplands and plateaus - the elevated East European Plain, the saucer-shaped West Siberian Lowland, the high plain - the Central Siberian Plateau.

From the south and east, Russia is bordered by mountain ranges, among which the highest are the Caucasus Mountains, with the Elbrus peak, whose height is 5642 m above sea level. This is the highest point not only in the mountains, but also in the country.

The old Ural Mountains, stretching almost along the meridian from north to south, are considered the border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The highest point in the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, 1895 m high.

Kamchatka hills, periodically erupting lava and today are the most eastern mountains of Russia.

There are no high mountain ranges in the north of the country, so it is open to the penetration of cold Arctic air, passing far inland, and the penetration of warm air masses in the south and east is hindered by mountain ranges.

Natural mineral resources depend on the geological structure. Minerals of sedimentary origin are associated with platforms and plates, mobile geosynclinal areas and shields have deposits of ore minerals.

Various climatic conditions have formed on the vast territory of Russia.

The country lies within 3 climatic zones - arctic, subarctic, temperate, which occupies the largest area.

As a result of the large extent of the country from west to east, the temperate climatic zone is divided into regions - temperate continental, continental, sharply continental, monsoon.

Within the subarctic climatic zone, there is a cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere - this is the small Russian village of Oymyakon, where, according to unofficial data, a temperature of 77.8 degrees was recorded in 1938.

The country's climate is characterized by severe winters and relatively short summers. This leads to an insufficient amount of heat, excessive moisture, and the spread of permafrost.

In the west of Russia, in the region of the temperate maritime climate, and in the Far East, in the area of ​​the monsoon climate, conditions are more favorable.

In the very south of the East European Plain, the temperate continental climate becomes subtropical, occupying a small area. Winters are mild here and summers are long and warm.

In general, most of the country's territory has climatic conditions unfavorable for human life and economic activity.

Influence of natural and climatic conditions on economic activity

According to the elements of natural and climatic conditions, territories can be extreme, uncomfortable, hypercomfortable, precomfortable, and comfortable.

It is clear that extreme and uncomfortable conditions are extremely unfavorable for humans.

Hypercomfortable conditions are already suitable for the formation of a permanent population, while precomfortable and comfortable conditions speak for themselves - these are the best conditions for human life and activity.

In Russia, most of the territory is occupied by extreme and uncomfortable conditions, and the bulk of the population lives in precomfortable and comfortable conditions.

Natural and climatic conditions have a great impact on the development of the economy, they can both accelerate and slow down its pace.

Even S.M.Soloviev, a famous Russian historian, said that Russian nature is a stepmother for a Russian person.

Perhaps, one cannot but agree with him in the sense that the climatic conditions of Russia leave much to be desired and that what other peoples are given easily, the Russians have to earn by sweat.

Long winters and short summers, cold or hot drying winds, significant temperature changes, different moisture and soil poverty have played a negative role in the economic and socio-cultural development of the peoples inhabiting the country.

First of all, the specialization of agriculture depends on natural conditions.

Also, conditions have a great influence on the mining, timber industry, and hydropower. The peculiarities of construction, the development of transport and resort facilities are also associated with natural and climatic conditions.

For example, within the Arctic climatic zone, where the tundra is located with permafrost, swamps and frozen, waterlogged soils, it is impossible to grow in open ground. Hence the specialization of the region, which will be associated with reindeer husbandry, hunting and fishing.

And, conversely, crop production is becoming a branch of specialization in the steppe zone, where the average July temperature is +22 degrees and there are fertile chernozem soils.

When building industrial enterprises, all elements of natural and climatic conditions must be taken into account, for example, construction in a mountainous area will be more expensive than on a flat one.

In areas of possible earthquakes, permafrost or areas with loose soil, additional construction costs are required.

In areas with favorable natural and climatic conditions, enterprises can be located in lightweight buildings or even outdoors, for example, the construction of power plants in the Caucasus. In addition, fuel costs in the cost of production in these areas will be significantly lower.

Such natural and climatic elements as precipitation, strong winds, dry winds, snowfalls complicate the work. The high humidity of the climate is the cause of rapid corrosion of equipment and vehicles.

When building metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical enterprises, one cannot but take into account the wind rose.

Remark 2

Thus, the natural and climatic conditions in which Russia is located must be taken into account in solving all national economic issues.

Features of the natural and climatic conditions of Russia

Natural and climatic conditions of Russia correspond to zonal geographical differences and are as follows:

  • most of the country is located within the subarctic and temperate climatic zones, and their corresponding natural zones;
  • based on the peculiarities of the geological structure, most of the country is flat, inclined towards the Arctic Ocean and open to its influence throughout the year;
  • the territory of Russia in winter is covered with snow;
  • permafrost is widespread on the territory, reaching the greatest thickness in the northeast of the Asian part;
  • extreme territories in terms of the level of comfort are tundra regions of the subarctic climate of plain and mountainous territories, light forest plains, plateaus and middle mountains, where an artificial environment must be created for human life;
  • uncomfortable territories are represented by cold humid and arid regions - the Ural, Sayano-Khamardaban, Aldan-Dzhugdzhur, Bureya mountainous areas of the tundra and taiga;
  • arid uncomfortable territories - dry steppes, semi-deserts, saline-meadow plains;
  • boreal hypocomfortable territories occupy the middle taiga and southern taiga plains with the development of fur trade, centers of agriculture and animal husbandry;
  • hypocomfortable semi-arid territories occupy the Volga-Caspian, South Ural steppe and dry-steppe plains, dry-steppe plains of Western Siberia, mountain Daurian steppes;
  • territories with preferable conditions are occupied by the southern taiga regions and the European part of the country, the forest-steppe of the Southern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East;
  • territories with comfortable conditions occupy the European forest-steppe plain, which has long been densely populated.

Remark 3

As a result, it turns out that throughout the vast territory of the country the most favorable natural and climatic conditions for human life are available only in the steppe zone and especially in the coastal part of the North Caucasus, in the Central Black Earth Region, the Middle Volga Region, as well as, to a certain extent, in the South Urals and Western Siberia.

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