Home Useful properties of fruits A brief history of the Russian language. The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication. The creator of the Russian national language is called

A brief history of the Russian language. The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication. The creator of the Russian national language is called

Questions for the Russian language exam

Linguistics as a science of language. Sections of linguistics.

Basic linguistic dictionaries of the Russian language

Outstanding Russian scholars

The main elements of intonation (logical stress, pause, raising and lowering the voice, tone of speech, etc.)

6. The main sources of wealth and expressiveness of Russian speech.

Historical changes in the vocabulary of the language. Archaisms and historicisms.

The main sources of vocabulary replenishment. Neologisms.

9. Origin of words: native Russian and borrowed words. Old Slavicisms.

10. Phraseological units of the Russian language. Sources of phraseological units. Idioms.

11. General grammatical meaning, morphological and syntactic features of significant parts of speech (using the example of one part of speech as directed by the teacher).

12.Groups of morphemes (significant parts of the word): root and service (suffix, prefix, ending). Derivative and inflectional service morphemes.

13. Service parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions, particles. Their categories by meaning, structure and syntactic use

14. Word as a unit of language. Lexical meaning of the word. Groups of words by lexical meaning

15. Phraseologism: its lexical meaning, function in the sentence and text

16. Verb as part of speech

17. Non-conjugated (special) forms of the verb, their unifying feature

18. Immutable independent parts of speech. Their morphological and syntactic features.

19. Phrase as a unit of syntax. Types of connection of words in phrases. Types of phrases by morphological properties of the main word

20. A simple sentence, its types according to the purpose of the statement. Exclamation and non-exclamation sentences. Complete and incomplete sentences. Two-part and one-part sentences. Common and uncommon sentences

21. Minor members of the proposal. The main morphological ways of expressing the secondary members of the sentence.

22. Homogeneous members of the proposal. Generalizing words for homogeneous members of a sentence

23. Sentences with appeals, introductory words and insertion

24. Complex sentence and its types: union and non-union sentences. Compound and complex sentences.

25. Another's speech and the main ways of its transmission

26. Features of texts of different types: narration, description, reasoning.

27. Styles of speech, their functions and scope.

Russian language in the modern world. Russian is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication.

Language refers to those social phenomena that operate throughout the entire existence of human society. Language serves primarily as a means of communication between people. Language also serves as a means of forming and expressing thoughts and feelings, since it is inextricably linked with thinking, human consciousness.
Scientists do not yet give an exact answer to the question of how many languages ​​there are in the world. It is believed that now in the world there are more than five thousand languages, among them there are "dying", which are spoken by fewer and fewer people, and very little studied.

Russian language is the language of the Russian nation, the language of the Russian people. National language is a language spoken by a historically established collective of people living in a common territory, connected by a common economy, culture, and everyday life. The national language includes not only the literary (i.e., standardized) language, but also dialects, vernacular, jargon, and professionalism. Language norm is the generally accepted use of linguistic means, the rules governing the exemplary use of linguistic means.

Education and development of the national language- a complex, lengthy process. The history of the Russian national language begins in the 17th century, when the Russian nation was finally formed. The further development of the Russian national language is directly related to the development of the history and culture of the people. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the dialects of Moscow and its environs. Literary language constitutes the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity despite the difference in the means of expression used. The creator of the Russian literary language is A. Pushkin, who combined the literary Russian language of previous eras with the common spoken language. The language of the Pushkin era has basically survived to this day. The literary language unites living generations, people understand each other, as they use the same linguistic norms. The literary language exists in two varieties - oral and written. The main advantages of the Russian national language are embodied in Russian fiction. For centuries, masters of words (A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, A. Tvardovsky, K. Paustovsky, etc.) and scholars-philologists (F. Buslaev, I. Sreznevsky, L. Shcherba, V. Vinogradov, and others) improved the Russian language, brought it to subtlety, creating for us a grammar, dictionary, exemplary texts. The arrangement of words, their meanings, the meaning of their connections contains that information about the world and people, which adds to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors.
The peculiarity of the Russian national language is that it is the state language in Russia and serves as a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation.
The Law "On Languages" defines main areas of functioning of the Russian language as a state: the highest bodies of state power and administration; publication of laws and other legal acts of the republics within the Russian Federation; holding elections; in the activities of state bodies; in official correspondence and office work; in the all-Russian mass media.
Research carried out in the Russian republics and a number of CIS countries testifies to the recognition of the fact that at the present stage it is difficult to solve the problem of interethnic communication without the Russian language. Playing the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, the Russian language helps to solve the problems of the political, economic and cultural development of the country. In international relations, states use world languages ​​legally proclaimed by the UN as official and working languages. These languages ​​are English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. In any of these six languages, interstate political, economic, scientific and cultural contacts can be carried out, international meetings, forums, conferences can be held, correspondence and office work can be conducted on the scale of the UN, CIS, etc.

The world significance of the Russian language is due to the richness and expressiveness of its vocabulary, sound structure, word formation, syntax.
The philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1882-1954), speaking at the Pushkin Jubilee in 1937, said this about the Russian language: “ And one more gift was given to us by our Russia: this is our wondrous, our mighty, our singing language. All of it is in it - our Russia. It contains all her gifts: the breadth of unlimited possibilities, and the wealth of sounds, and words, and forms; both spontaneity and clarity; and simplicity, and scope, and steam; and dreaminess, and strength, and clarity, and beauty. Everything is available in our language. It contains the whole singing Russian soul; echo of the world and human groans, and a mirror of divine visions ... This is the language of sharp, cutting thought. The language of a quivering foreboding being born. The language of volitional decisions and achievements. The language of soaring and prophecy. The language of elusive transparencies and eternal verbs.
It is the language of a mature, distinctive national character. And the Russian people, who created this language, are called upon to reach, mentally and spiritually, the height to which their language calls them ..

Language is the most important factor in the national identification of a person, which forms the characteristics of perception, the ability to think and speak, assess ...

History of the Russian language: origin, distinctive features and interesting facts

From Masterweb

09.05.2018 05:00

Language is the most important factor in the national identification of a person, which forms the peculiarities of perception, the ability to think and speak, to evaluate the world around him. The history of the Russian language is rooted in the events of 1.5-2 thousand years ago, which favored its creation. Today it is recognized as the richest language in the world and the fifth largest population that speaks it.

How the Russian language appeared

In prehistoric times, Slavic tribes spoke completely different dialects. The ancestors of the Slavs lived on the lands washed by the rivers Dnieper, Vistula and Pripyat. By the middle of the 1st century A.D. e. tribes occupied all territories from the Adriatic to the lake. Ilmen in the northeastern part of the European continent.

The history of the emergence and development of the Russian language dates back to about 2-1 thousand years BC. e., when the Proto-Slavic dialect was separated from the group of Indo-European languages.

Scientists divide the Old Russian language into 3 groups according to the ethnic linguistic component:

  • South Russian (Bulgarians, Slovenes, Serbo-Croats);
  • Western Russian (Poles, Czechs, Pomors, Slovaks);
  • Central Russian (eastern).

Modern norms of vocabulary and grammar in the Russian language were formed as a result of the interaction of many East Slavic dialects, which were widespread in the territory of Ancient Rus and the Church Slavonic language. Also, writing was greatly influenced by Greek culture.

Theories of the origin of the Russian language

There are several theories, the main of which connect the beginning of the history of the Russian language with the Old Indian Sanskrit and Old Norse languages.

In accordance with the first, experts consider the ancient Sanskrit language, which was spoken only by Indian priests and scientists, to be the closest to Russian, which indicates that it was introduced from outside. According to a Hindu legend, which is even studied in the theosophical universities of India, in ancient times, 7 teachers with white skin came from the North to the Himalayas, who gave Sanskrit.

With his help, the foundations of the Brahman religion were laid, which is now one of the most widespread, and through it Buddhism was created. Until now, the Brahmans call the Russian North the ancestral home of mankind and even make pilgrimages there.

As linguists note, 60% of Sanskrit words completely coincide with Russian in their pronunciation. Many scientific works were devoted to this question, including the ethnographer NR Guseva. For many years she has been studying the phenomenon of the similarity of the Russian language and Sanskrit, calling the latter a simplified version frozen for 4-5 millennia. The only difference between them is the way of writing: Sanskrit is written in hieroglyphs, which scientists call Slavic-Aryan runes.

Another theory of the history of the origin of the Russian language puts forward a hypothesis that the very word "rus" and the language have Old Scandinavian roots. According to historians, the Greeks called the Norman tribes "dews" up to the 9-10th centuries, and only in the 10-11th centuries. this name passed to the Varangian squads who came to the territory of Russia. It was from them that the future great dukes of Ancient Russia originated. For example, in the old birch bark letters of the 11-13th centuries. Novgorodians consider the territory of the Eastern Slavs near Kiev and Chernigov to be Rus. And only from the 14th century. when fighting enemy troops in the annals, they determine their belonging to the Russians.

Cyril and Methodius: creating the alphabet

The history of the Russian language, which was formed in writing, dates back to the 9th century, in the era of the formation of Kievan Rus. The alphabet, which then existed in Greece, could not fully convey the features of the Slavic language, therefore in 860-866. Emperor of Byzantium Michael III gave instructions to create a new alphabet for the Old Church Slavonic language. Thus, he wanted to simplify the translation of Greek religious manuscripts into Slavic.

Scientists assign the success of creating its literary form to the Christian preachers Cyril and Methodius, who went to preach in Moravia and, observing fasting and prayer, after 40 days acquired the verb-alphabet. According to legend, it was faith that helped the brothers to preach Christianity to the uneducated peoples of Russia.

At that time, the Slavic alphabet consisted of 38 letters. Later, the Cyrillic alphabet was finalized by their followers, using the Greek uncial script and charter. Both alphabets almost coincide in sound of the letters, the difference is in the form of the spelling.

It was the swiftness with which the spread of Russian writing in Russia took place that subsequently contributed to the fact that this language became one of the leading in its era. This also contributed to the unification of the Slavic peoples, which took place during the 9-11 centuries.

Period 12-17 centuries

One of the famous literary monuments of the period of Ancient Rus was "The Lay of Igor's Campaign", which tells about the campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsian army. Its authorship is still unknown. The events described in the poem took place in the 12th century. in the era of feudal fragmentation, when the Mongol-Tatars and the Polish-Lithuanian conquerors raged in their raids.

This period includes the next stage in the history of the development of the Russian language, when it was subdivided into 3 ethno-linguistic groups, the dialectical features of which had already been formed:

  • Great Russian;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Belarusian.

In the 15th century. On the European territory of Russia, there were 2 main groups of dialects: southern and northern dialects, each of which had its own characteristics: akanya or okanye, etc. During this period, several intermediate Central Russian dialects emerged, among which Moscow was considered classical. Periodicals and literature began to appear on it.

The formation of Muscovite Rus served as an impetus for the reform of the language: sentences became shorter, everyday vocabulary and folk proverbs and sayings were widely used. In the history of the development of the Russian language, the era of the beginning of book printing played an important role. An illustrative example was the work "Domostroy", published in the middle of the 16th century.

In the 17th century, in connection with the flourishing of the Polish state, many terms came from the field of technology and jurisprudence, with the help of which the Russian language went through the stage of modernization. By the beginning of the 18th century. in Europe, the French influence was strongly felt, which gave impetus to the Europeanization of the high society of the Russian state.

M. Lomonosov's works

The common people did not study Russian writing, and the nobles studied more foreign languages: German, French, etc. Primer and grammar until the 18th century. made only in the Church Slavonic dialect.

The history of the Russian literary language originates from the reform of the alphabet, during which Tsar Peter the Great reviewed the 1st edition of the new alphabet. It happened in 1710.

The leading role was played by the scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, who wrote the first "Russian grammar" (1755). He gave the literary language its final form by merging Russian and Slavic elements.

Lomonosov established a harmonious system of styles and combined all its varieties, using oral speech, command and some regional variations, introduced a new system of versification, which still remains the main force and part of Russian poetry.

He also wrote a work on rhetoric and an article in which the scientist successfully used the lexical and grammatical richness of the Church Slavonic language. Lomonosov also wrote about three main styles of poetic language, in which a work with the greatest use of Slavicisms was considered high.

During this period, the democratization of the language takes place, its composition and vocabulary are enriched at the expense of literate peasants, oral speech of representatives of the merchant class and the lower strata of the clergy. The first most detailed textbooks on the literary Russian language were published by the writer N. Grech in 1820.

In noble families, the native language was studied mainly by boys who were trained for military service, because they were to command soldiers from the common people. The girls studied French, and spoke Russian only to communicate with the servants. So, the poet A.S. Pushkin grew up in a French-speaking family, and spoke his native language only with his nanny and grandmother. Later, he studied Russian under the priest A. Belikov and a local clerk. Education at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was also conducted in the native language.

In the 1820s, in the high society of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the opinion was formed that it was indecent to speak Russian, especially in front of ladies. However, the situation soon changed.

The 19th century - the century of Russian literature

The beginning of the flourishing and fashion for the Russian language was the costume ball, which in 1830 was held in the Anichkov Palace. On it the maid of honor of the Empress read the poem "Cyclops", specially written for the celebration by Alexander Pushkin.

Tsar Nicholas I spoke out in defense of the native language, who ordered from now on to conduct all correspondence and office work in it. All foreigners, upon entering the service, were obliged to pass an examination for knowledge of Russian, and it was also ordered to speak it at court. The same requirements were put forward by the Emperor Alexander III, but at the end of the 19th century. English came into vogue, which was taught to noble and royal children.

Great influence on the history of the development of the Russian language in the 18-19 centuries. were rendered by the Russian writers who became popular then: D.I.Fonvizin, N.M. Karamzin, G.R.Derzhavin, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Lermontov. With their works, they showed all the beauty of their native speech, using it freely and free from style restrictions. In 1863, V. I. Dal's "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" was published.


In the history of the Russian language, there are many facts about its growth and enrichment when borrowing a large number of words of foreign origin in the vocabulary. Some of the words came from Church Slavonic. At different times in history, the degree of influence of the neighboring linguistic community was different, but this always helped the introduction of new words and phrases.

During contact with European languages ​​for a long time, many words came into Russian speech from them:

  • from Greek: beetroot, crocodile, bench, and most of the names;
  • from the Scythians and the Iranian group: dog, paradise;
  • some names came from the Scandinavians: Olga, Igor and others;
  • from Turkic: diamond, pants, fog;
  • from Polish: bank, duel;
  • French: beach, conductor;
  • from Dutch: orange, yacht;
  • from the Romano-Germanic languages: algebra, tie, dance, powder, cement;
  • from Hungarian: hussar, saber;
  • musical and culinary terms are borrowed from Italian: pasta, balance, opera, etc .;
  • from English: jeans, sweater, tuxedo, shorts, jam, etc.

Borrowing technical and other terms acquired massive significance in the late 19th and 20th centuries as new techniques and technologies developed, especially from the English language.

For its part, the Russian language gave the world many words that are now considered international: matryoshka, vodka, samovar, satellite, tsar, dacha, steppe, pogrom, etc.

XX century and the development of the Russian language

In 1918, a reform of the Russian language was carried out, in which the following changes were introduced to the alphabet:

  • removed the letters "yat", "fita", "decimal" and replaced with "E", "F" and "I";
  • canceled the hard mark at the ends of words;
  • it is indicated in the prefixes to use the letters "s" in front of voiceless consonants and "z" - in front of voiced ones;
  • changes in the endings and cases of some words were accepted;
  • "Izhitsa" itself disappeared from the alphabet even before the reform.

The modern Russian language was approved in 1942, in the alphabet of which 2 letters "E" and "Y" were added, since then it has already consisted of 33 letters.

By the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, due to the universal compulsory education, widespread use of the press, mass media, cinema and television, the majority of the population of Russia began to speak the standard Russian literary language. The influence of dialects is rarely felt only in the speech of older people who live in remote rural areas.

Many linguists and scientists believe that the Russian language is in itself unique in its richness and expressiveness and by its existence is of interest throughout the world. This is also evidenced by statistics that recognize it as the 8th most common on the planet, because it is spoken by 250 million people.

The most interesting facts from the history of the development of the Russian language are briefly:

  • it is listed in the 6 working languages ​​of the United Nations (UN);
  • ranks 4th in the world in the list of the most translated into other languages;
  • large Russian-speaking communities live not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also in Turkey, Israel, the USA, etc .;
  • when studying Russian by foreigners, it is considered one of the most difficult, together with Chinese and Japanese;
  • the oldest books written in Old Russian: the Novgorod Codex (early 11th century) and the Ostrovirovo Gospel (1057) - in Church Slavonic;
  • has a unique alphabet, extraordinary types and cases, many rules and even more exceptions to them;
  • in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, the first letter was "I";
  • the youngest letter "E", which appeared only in 1873;
  • in the Russian alphabet, some letters are similar to the Latin ones, and 2 of them cannot be pronounced at all "b" and "b";
  • in the Russian language there are words that begin with "Y", but these are geographical names;
  • in 1993, the longest word in the world of 33 letters "X-ray electrocardiographic" was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and already in 2003 - out of 39 letters "highly discerning";
  • in Russia 99.4% of the population is fluent in their native language.

A brief history of the Russian language: facts and dates

Summarizing all the data, you can create a chronological sequence of facts that have occurred from ancient times to the present day in the formation of the modern language:

The given short history of the Russian language reflects the course of events rather conditionally. After all, the development and improvement of oral and written forms of speech, the publication of printed publications and literary masterpieces took place at different times, gradually gaining more and more popularity among various segments of the population of Russia.

As the history and general characteristics of the Russian language testify, its development was carried out over millennia, and the enrichment due to new words and expressions occurs under the influence of social and political life, especially in the last 100 years. In the 21st century, the mass media and the Internet are actively influencing its replenishment.

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The national Russian language means the linguistic system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical units and rules, which has evolved over the centuries and which distinguishes the language of the Russian nation from any other language.
The Russian national language is not homogeneous. It includes individual varieties, each of which has its own scope. As part of the national Russian language, one can distinguish the core, the center is the literary language, and the periphery, which is formed by territorial and social dialects (jargons, professionalisms, slang, argot), various sublanguages, and the area of ​​vernacular. The share of these components can change, for example, for the current state of the Russian language, a decrease in the share of dialectisms is characteristic, but an expansion of the vocabulary and the scope of use of jargon vocabulary. All these forms of existence differ from each other, but are united - in essence - by a common grammatical system and a common vocabulary.
The Russian national language, like many other languages, has passed a long evolutionary path and continues to develop.
The national Russian language began to take shape by the 17th century in parallel with the formation of the Moscow state. The formation of a nation and national language is associated with the formation of a state, the consolidation of its borders, economic and political ties between separate territories. Slavic tribes in Kievan Rus of the 15th - 16th centuries, although they represented one nationality, were not yet a nation. Nations emerge in a period of overcoming economic fragmentation, the development of commodity circulation and the emergence of a single market.
For different peoples, the process of forming a nation and a language proceeded at different times and followed different paths. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the Moscow dialect, which already by the 15th - 16th centuries. has lost its territorial limitation. Its features, such as akanye, hiccup, pronunciation of the back-lingual explosive sound and some others, are still preserved in modern Russian. In addition, the Old Slavonic language played a significant role in the formation of the Russian national language. The influence on the Russian language and many other languages, for example, French and English, is noticeable.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Language is the most alive, the most abundant and strong connection, uniting the outdated, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole ...". Indeed, the language, like a chronicle, tells us about how our ancestors lived, what peoples they met, with whom they entered into communication. All events are preserved in the people's memory and passed on from generation to generation with the help of words, stable combinations. Proverbs and sayings can tell us a lot about the history of the Russian people.

Language is the most important means of human communication, cognition and creative assimilation of the surrounding reality.

The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. The Russian national language developed in the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the formation of the Moscow state. It was based on the Moscow and adjacent local dialects. Further development of the Russian national language is associated with its normalization and formation in the 18th-19th centuries. literary language. The literary language combined the features of northern and southern dialects: in the phonetic system, consonants corresponded to consonants of northern dialects, and vowels are closer to pronunciation in southern dialects; vocabulary has more overlaps with northern dialects (for example, rooster, but not wolf, but not biryuk).

Old Slavonic had a significant influence on the formation of the Russian national language. His influence on the Russian language was undoubtedly beneficial: this is how borrowings entered the Russian literary language disposition, to drag out, ignorant, head, etc., Russian participles with suffixes -ach (-ball) were supplanted by Old Church Slavonic participles with suffixes -asch (-yasch) (burning instead of hot).

In the course of its formation and development, the Russian national language borrowed and continues to borrow elements from other, unrelated languages, such as, for example, French, German, English, etc.

The national Russian language is a complex phenomenon, heterogeneous in its composition. And this is understandable: after all, it is used by people who differ in their social status, occupation, place of birth and residence, age, gender, level of culture, etc. All these differences between people are reflected in the language. Therefore, the language exists in several varieties:

· Territorial dialects, as a local variety of language, exist orally and serve mainly for everyday communication (for example, to beat, instead of drizzle, handyman, instead of towel and etc.).

· Vernacular- the type of language used in the speech of poorly educated native speakers (for example, tv set, instead of TV, play up instead of play, bake, instead of bake and etc.).

· Professional jargons Is a type of language that is used in the speech of people of one profession (for example, spark, instead of spark at the chauffeurs, batten down the hatches, instead of close say the sailors training aircraft are called ladybug pilots, etc.).

· Social jargons are used in their speech by socially isolated groups of people (for example, spur, steppe- from student jargon, ancestors, horse racing- from youth jargon, etc.).

Territorial dialects, professional and social jargons, vernacular are included as an integral part of the national Russian language, but the basis, the highest form of existence of the national language is literary language... It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, legislation, culture, art, office work, everyday communication.

One of the main signs of the literary language - normalization. The standardization of the literary language lies in the fact that the meaning and use of words, pronunciation, spelling and the formation of grammatical forms obey the generally accepted pattern - the norm. Along with normalization, the literary language has the following features:

Stability (stability);

A must for all native speakers;


Availability of functional styles;

Oral and written forms.

In accordance with the "Law on the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia", the Russian language, which is the main means of interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established historical and cultural traditions, has the status state language throughout Russia.

Functions of the Russian language as a state language:

1. Russian is the language used by the highest legislative bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. The texts of laws and other legal acts are published in Russian.

3. Russian as the state language is studied in secondary, vocational and higher educational institutions.

4. Russian is the language of the mass media.

5. The Russian language is the language of communication in the spheres of industry, transport, communications, services and commercial activities.

On the territory of Russia with its multinational population, the Law on the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Russia guarantees and ensures, along with the functioning of the Russian language as the state language, the creation of conditions for the development of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, for the preservation and development of the languages ​​of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups.

The Russian language is not only the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia, but also the peoples of the former CIS.

The functions of the Russian language are not limited to life within the nation and the Russian state, but also cover international spheres of communication, since the Russian language is one of the world languages. World languages ​​are called languages ​​that are means of interstate, international communication.

The Russian language has become one of the world's languages ​​since the middle of the 20th century. The number of those who speak Russian in one way or another now exceeds half a billion people. The Russian language meets all the requirements for world languages:

  • The Russian language is a means of communication for scientists, one of the languages ​​of science.
  • Russian is studied as a foreign language in many countries of the world.
  • Russian is the working language of such international organizations as the UN, UNESCO, etc.

The Russian language is the language of the richest fiction, the world significance of which is exceptionally great.

The modern Russian language is the national language of the great Russian people, a form of Russian national culture. The Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages, which are divided into three subgroups: Eastern - the languages ​​Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian; southern - languages ​​Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian; western - languages ​​Polish, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Lusatian. Going back to the same source - the common Slavic language, all Slavic languages ​​are close to each other, as evidenced by the similarity of a number of words, as well as the phenomena of the phonetic system and grammatical structure. For example: Russian tribe, Bulgarian tribe, Serbian pleme, Polish plemic, Czech plemm, Russian clay, Bulgarian clay, Czech hlina, Polish glina; Russian summer, Bulgarian lato, Czech leto, Polish lato; Russian red, Serbian krasan, Czech krasny; Russian milk, Bulgarian mlyako, Serbian milk, Polish mieko, Czech mleko, etc.

The Russian language, the national language, is a historically established linguistic community and unites the entire set of linguistic means of the Russian people, including all Russian dialects and dialects, as well as social jargons. The highest form of the national Russian language is Russian. The literary language. At different historical stages of the development of the common language - from the language of the nationality to the national - in connection with the change and expansion of the social functions of the literary language, the content of the concept of "literary language" changed. Modern Russian literary language is a standardized language serving the cultural needs of the Russian people, it is the language of state acts, science, press, radio, theater, and fiction. The standardization of the literary language lies in the fact that the composition of the dictionary in it is regulated, the meaning and use of words, pronunciation, spelling and the formation of grammatical forms of words obey the generally accepted pattern. The modern literary language, not without the influence of the media, noticeably changes its status: the norm is becoming less rigid, allowing for variability. It focuses not on inviolability and universality, but rather on communicative expediency. Therefore, the norm today is often not so much a ban on something as a possibility of choice.

The border of normativity and non-normality is sometimes blurred, and some colloquial and vernacular linguistic facts become variants of the norm. Becoming a common property, the literary language easily absorbs the previously forbidden means of linguistic expression. Suffice it to give an example of the active use of the word "lawlessness", which previously belonged to criminal jargon. Literary language has two forms: oral and written, which are characterized by features both from the lexical composition and from the grammatical structure, because they are designed for different types of perception - auditory and visual.Written literary language differs from Oral literary language, primarily by the greater complexity of syntax and the presence of a large amount of abstract vocabulary, as well as terminological vocabulary, in particular international. The written literary language has stylistic varieties: scientific, official-business, journalistic, artistic. The literary language, as a standardized, processed common language, is contrasted with local dialect-dialects and jargon-jargon.

Russian dialects are combined into two main groups: the North Russian dialect and the South Russian dialect. Each of the groups has its own distinctive features in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical forms. In addition, there are Central Russian dialects, which reflect the features of both one and another dialect.

Modern Russian literary language is the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The Russian literary language introduces all the peoples of Russia to the culture of the great Russian people. Since 1945, the UN Charter has recognized the Russian language as one of the official languages ​​of the world. There are numerous statements of great Russian writers and public figures, as well as many progressive foreign writers about the power, wealth and artistic expressiveness of the Russian language. Derzhavin G.R. Derzhavin and Karamzin N.A. Karamzin, Pushkin A.S. Pushkin and Gogol N.V. Gogol, Belinsky V.G. Belinsky and Chernyshevsky N.G. Chernyshevsky, Turgenev I. S. Turgenev and Tolstoy L. N. Tolstoy.

The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. This is the language of science and culture. For centuries, masters of words (A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, A. Tvardovsky, K. Paustovsky, etc.) and scholars-philologists (F. Buslaev, I. Sreznevsky, L. Shcherba, V. Vinogradov, and others) improved the Russian language, brought it to subtlety, creating for us a grammar, dictionary, exemplary texts.

The arrangement of words, their meanings, the meaning of their connections contains that information about the world and people, which adds to the spiritual wealth created by many generations of ancestors. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky wrote that "every word of a language, every form is the result of a person's thoughts and feelings, through which the nature of the country and the history of the people are reflected in the word." The history of the Russian language, according to V. Küchelbecker, "will reveal ... the character of the people who speak it." That is why all the means of language help most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world. The national language includes not only a standardized literary language, but also folk dialects, vernacular forms of language, and professionalism.

The formation and development of a national language is a complex and lengthy process. The history of the Russian national language begins in the 17th century, when the Russian nation was finally formed. The further development of the Russian national language is directly related to the development of the history and culture of the people. The Russian national language was formed on the basis of the dialects of Moscow and its environs. The literary language forms the basis of the national language and is obliged to maintain its internal unity despite the difference in the means of expression used. The norm of a language is the generally accepted use of linguistic means, the rules governing the exemplary use of linguistic means. The creator of the Russian literary language is A. Pushkin, who combined the literary Russian language of previous eras with the common spoken language. The language of the Pushkin era has basically survived to this day.

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