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Katya Kolesnichenko before and after weight loss. What do the Kolisnichenko sisters look like after the project? From late tomorrow to late afternoon

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Technology does not stand still, all simulators improve over time. A rotating iron disk from Soviet times has grown to "tuning" with new materials, musical melodies during classes, and various additional functions. The health disk for weight loss is a floor exercise machine that helps to keep the muscles of the abdomen and back in good shape. Regular daily exercise will help to cope with extra pounds. With the health disc for weight loss, the silhouette of your figure will improve significantly. Learn how to do it right.

Types of discs for weight loss

There are many simulators, but why should you buy a spinning disk for weight loss? There are a number of advantages that are inherent in home spinning simulators:

  1. Device dimensions. The simulator is small-sized, it is not only convenient in terms of storage at home, but also appropriate for travel, office or vacation spots.
  2. Availability. In the sports shop, a rotating health disc can be bought at inexpensive prices. Prices for treadmills, cycle tracks, in comparison with the disk, are much higher.
  3. Benefit. It will be possible to improve the waist, abs, hips, and flank areas.
  4. Healthy approach. Regular training will improve the condition of the spine, blood circulation, and will strengthen the general condition of the body.
  5. Loads. Gradually increasing the load, a person approaches the maximum pace of training. The result is accelerated weight loss.

There are a number of contraindications in which doctors prohibit the use of a waist disc. Training can harm the body if you have:

  • chronic diseases;
  • circulatory problems;
  • fragile bones;
  • back diseases (sciatica and others);
  • spine problems.

metal health circle

What does a metal trainer look like? This is a circle of two metal parts, with a diameter of about 25 cm. The plates are fixed to each other with a bearing, which allows the disk to rotate during occupation. The metal circle of health is the most inexpensive option, in no way inferior to newfangled novelties in terms of weight loss. The principle of working on such a simulator is no different from others, so the process of losing weight with proper training is effective. You should train every day, increasing the load gradually.


The version of the simulator with magnetic treatment is almost 2 times more expensive than a conventional metal disc. The simulator is equipped with a special diagnostic computer that analyzes exercises and other data. For fans of disc exercises, this type of device is useful to control the quality and quantity of twists during daily exercises. A home magnetic cardio machine is very useful for joint health, weight loss.

Disc Grazia with expanders

An ideal waist with the help of such a device is guaranteed to you, in addition, it is also a simulator for arms and legs at the same time. The Grace disc has a relief surface, which additionally massages the legs. During training, it is allowed to drink some water, and to speed up the process of losing weight, it is worth speeding up, changing training modes. The Grace simulator, in addition to a beneficial effect on the figure, further improves:

  • condition of muscles, joints throughout the body;
  • circulatory and cardiac systems;
  • flexibility of the vertebrae;
  • coordination of movements;
  • psychological state of the body.

How to do disc exercises

Exercises on the Health Disc for weight loss require certain correct execution techniques. Things to remember:

  1. Training should be safe, so the circle is set on a stable and non-slip surface.
  2. If you feel dizzy, you need to slow down the pace of the workout and do the movements smoothly. There must be support next to you.
  3. In order for the waist to become an aspen, it is not enough to rotate just like that on a circle: only the lower part of the body should remain mobile. The shoulders remain motionless.
  4. A glass of warm water before a workout will help improve circulation.
  5. It is useful to perform twists on a circle before the main workouts as a warm-up.

For hands

An excellent workout for strengthening and tightening muscles will be this exercise: put your hands on the disk, as if you want to push it off. By twisting your palms in different directions in turn for one minute, you will be able to make the muscles of the hands beautiful and strong. On the plus side, as you move the rest of your body, you'll be doing extra arm swings that will improve your coordination and arm flexibility.

For legs

To strengthen the legs and tighten the buttocks, the following exercises are suitable:

  1. Squat down until your knees are half-bent. We tilt our back forward and rotate the disk with our feet to speed up the pace, you need to swing your arms in the opposite direction from your legs. Duration of the exercise: 3 minutes.
  2. Get on all fours, your knees should be on the disk, and your feet should not touch the floor. Move your buttocks for 3 minutes.

For waist and abdomen

A beautiful waist and a pumped-up press with the help of exercises is easy. Repeat these activities regularly:

  1. Sit with your buttocks on the disk, hands resting back on the floor. Raise the legs in a half-bent position at an angle of 90 degrees and, in turn, transfer each leg to the other side, touching the floor with the heel. Running time: 3 minutes.
  2. Stand on the disk, spread your arms to the sides. Rotate your hips left and right without changing your hand position for three minutes.

This is what a health disc looks like

New is well forgotten old. This principle can be applied to the health disc as well. Popular many years ago, back in the era of Soviet times, this disc was undeservedly forgotten during perestroika, however, today this mini-simulator has received the opportunity of a second birth. And, you can find such a health disc at any sporting goods store.

About the health disc about the benefits it brings to our body and how to properly deal with such a health disc Read all about it in our post...

What is a health disc

The health disk is called a mini-simulator with which you can exercise at home, strengthen the muscles of the waist, hips, stomach, burn extra calories ...

Classes with such a health disk will be useful for people of any age and any complexion. It is noteworthy that due to the compact size of such a disk, you can take it with you to work and arrange a five-minute gymnastic session for yourself in the office, or take such a health disk to nature in order to train your body in the fresh air. Such a disk will not take up much space in your bag, but here are the benefits that classes with such a disk will bring to your body ... We will talk about it separately.

What does a health disc look like?

Health disc exercises are good for the whole body

Such a health disc is a disc consisting of two parts (discs), which are interconnected by a special axis with a washer. Between them are small steel balls. The design of the disk is thought out so that you can make rotational movements on it, which will have a beneficial effect on your figure and on the work of your internal organs and systems.

Why do we need a health disc

So we are close to telling you about the benefits of exercising with such a health disk.

So, with its help you can increase the efficiency of your body, improve your mood, improve the coordination of your movements and train your vestibular apparatus, strengthen your abdominal muscles, shape your waist, tighten your hips and buttocks and in problem areas, increase the mobility of the spine, achieve plasticity of your movements. and flexibility of your body, improve blood circulation, increase intestinal motility (due to internal massage), increase the overall tone of your body ...

The list of useful properties of such a health disk can be continued, if not endlessly, then certainly for a long time. However, even the aspects we have listed already deserve your attention and in order to purchase such a mini-simulator and find time in your busy work schedule to practice on it ....

So, just 30 minutes of exercising on such a health disk saves you 250 kilocalories and allows you to work out all the main muscle groups of your body ...

The massage disc has a special surface

Many of these health discs have a special relief surface, which additionally has the ability to affect your entire body during exercise on such a disc. In other words, when you do exercises (at this time you, as a rule, stand on such a disk) such your legs, and such acupressure has a general healing effect, has a beneficial effect on the health of your legs and stimulates the work of all internal organs and systems (on your soles are the points that are responsible for their work). And, additional stimulation of such points generally improves your well-being, and gives you vigor and strength.

How to deal with the health disc

If you have made the decision to engage with the health disc, then you must know how to do it correctly.

  • Before starting classes, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water on the health disk - then, the effect of the classes will be greater.
  • Place the health disc on a stable and hard, non-slippery surface.
  • In order to avoid possible dizziness, it is recommended not to make sudden movements and monitor the position of the head.
  • Until you have experience with such a disk, install it near stable surfaces on which you can lean on in case of possible dizziness.
  • You determine the load for practicing with a health disk for yourself - the more energetic movement you make on the disk, the more calories you burn.
  • It is recommended to stand on the disc on toes, and bend your knees a little.
  • The key to the effectiveness of such exercises is regular exercise, at least 20 minutes a day.
  • You can also use the health disc to cheer up a little, relieve stress or nervous tension - a few minutes of such activities are enough for this.

Disc health contraindications and harm

How to practice

People over 60 years of age, as well as those who suffer from impaired coordination of movement, are recommended to be very careful with rotational exercises and perform them only after prior consultation with a specialist.

But, even if the doctor has allowed you such exercises, still listen to your body and do not try to do the exercises too quickly.

The health disc is a fairly popular small-sized simulator that allows you to work out the waist area. The reviews of doctors and consumers about this attribute are mostly positive, but before you buy it for yourself, you should get to know it better thanks to this article.

What is

A health disc is one that consists of two flat discs about 30 cm in diameter, connected by a bearing. The essence of the device is that while working on it, the lower disk remains fixed, and the upper one rotates. The simplicity of the projectile allows you to perform many different exercises on it, aimed at both losing weight and tightening and drying muscles.

The disk is very convenient, as it does not take up much space. Some companies use this simulator in offices where employees have to spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.

Customer Reviews

Alina Dieva: I would not have bought the disc myself, as I deeply doubted its effectiveness, but, fortunately, I got it as a gift. I started to study for 5-10 minutes after a long work at the computer. A week later, I began to notice that my back did not get tired so quickly, and my muscles hurt like after a full workout. After that, I found several exercises on the Internet that diversified my physical education sessions. Now my workout lasts almost an hour and a half, 30 minutes of which I invariably devote to the health disk. In two months of such fun activities during breaks, I got rid of four kilograms. Maybe for some this is not the result, but it inspired me.

Among the advantages I can highlight the following:

  • durability - the disk has fallen a million times, objects have been pierced through it and objects have been dropped on it, and it is as good as new;
  • muscle tightening occurs in parallel with weight loss, so there are no stretch marks or sagging skin;
  • increases stamina - now I do not have shortness of breath when I go up to the 5th floor;
  • "makes" the waist;
  • inexpensive.

Of the shortcomings I can name only a slow manifestation of results.


  • Light exercises that are nevertheless very effective;
  • Affordable price even for models with a built-in foot massager;
  • Sustainable result;
  • An abundance of interesting exercises that can be performed on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bone square meter.


  • Not for the lazy and impatient. The result will have to wait.

Reviews of doctors

Doctors are loyal to the health disc, but still warn of a high risk of injury due to the specifics of the movements. The fact is that constant rotation increases the mobility of the spine (this is good), but at the same time, one careless movement can lead to dislocation.

There are also a number of contraindications, in which it is worth approaching classes with caution or abandoning the disk altogether.


The greatest danger of twisting exercises is for people suffering from:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • advanced forms of gout;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation.

In the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis, training with a disc is possible, but before proceeding, you should definitely consult a doctor. Periods of exacerbation of any disease (even acute respiratory infections) is considered a categorical and undeniable contraindication.


The trainer can be used by both adults and children. Most of the exercises do not require special skills and equipment.

Before you start exercising, you need to determine your goal. This can be working out the hips or the press, back and waist, tightening the muscles and increasing the overall tone and blood circulation in the body.

Having chosen a complex, perform each movement measuredly and slowly to avoid injury. It is better to increase the load and speed gradually, developing the skill and developing muscle memory.

The following basic exercises will help warm up and get used to the projectile:

  • stand on the disk and gently rotate it, then to the right, then to the left;
  • making sure that the position is stable, bend your legs and arms, increasing the range of motion;
  • after completing such a warm-up for about five minutes, proceed to the next exercise: find a support whose height will be convenient in order to rest your hands in a half-bent position;
  • bending over and holding the support, we rotate the body;
  • to warm up the upper body, you need to take a position characteristic of push-ups from the knees, while the hands should be on the disk;
  • Forming a straight line with your body (from the knees to the crown), rotate the disk with your hands.

It is very important to keep the muscles in tension all the time during the exercise. Such grouping will not only secure training, but will also positively affect their results.

What is it needed for

  • to improve blood circulation;
  • for the prevention of stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • to improve muscle tone and mood;
  • for the development of coordination and vestibular apparatus;
  • to work out the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • to tighten the gluteal muscles;
  • to get rid of accumulated salts, improve the flexibility of the spine;
  • to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to practice

First of all, regularity is important in sports. It is better to allocate 20-30 minutes a day for exercise than to do chaotically, but for 60 minutes. An equally important condition for success when working with is to maintain the maximum range of motion.

It is better to start exercising on an empty stomach or after two hours after eating. The beginning of classes should always be designed to warm up the muscles.

What results to expect

The simulator helps to lose weight by 1-2 kg per week, subject to regular use and compliance with the correct technique.

The tightening of the hips and abdomen begins to appear from the third week of classes, so in no case should you stop working with the disk due to a long wait.

It should be remembered that the achievement of goals will be farther away if you deal exclusively with the disk, without involving other shells and exercises.

But improvements in the work of the intestines can be noticed already after 3-4 sessions, after 7 days, users note a significant increase in plasticity and flexibility.

Benefit and harm

It should be noted that the projectile has much more positive properties than negative ones. It all depends on the correct approach and compliance with all rules and precautions.

The disc may harm people who are at risk, such as the elderly (over 60). The negative impact of the disc is manifested during sudden movements, which are strictly prohibited. You can harm the gastrointestinal tract by starting the exercises without waiting for the necessary time period.

Would you believe it if they told you that one compact 1.1 kg machine will help you get rid of excess weight and make your waist slim? This is quite possible if you perform exercises on the health disk for weight loss. This rotating metal "pancake" helps not only to lose weight in the waist and lower body, but also trains the vestibular apparatus. After a long time of training, you can go into space with it, but it's better to stay on the ground and continue to improve your body.

Features of the simulator

Health disk, health circle, Grace disk - this projectile has many names, but its design is always the same: two fastened metal disks or metal and plastic with edges bent towards each other that rotate due to steel balls inside. Its diameter is about 30 cm.

The health disc has several modifications:

  1. classic metal circle;
  2. plastic surface with additional points for foot massage;
  3. plastic with expanders;
  4. plastic with music and sensors.

The classic disk model is made of two metal plates. Modern versions have a plastic coating interspersed under the feet. At their expense, there is an additional foot massage. Also, there is a model with expanders for additional study of the muscles of the hands, as well as with various sensors to track weight loss, calories.

The Health Disk Trainer is quite compact. No additional space is needed for its storage - the projectile is placed under the furniture. And it is also easy to transport.

For training with it, you do not need a lot of space, it is important that the disk and arms bent at the elbows fit. You can use it in the gym, at home and even in the office. In the latter case, this is necessary, given that office workers lead a sedentary lifestyle that negatively affects their health.

10 minutes of exercise with the simulator will help lift your spirits and stretch your muscles. A 30-minute workout will help burn at least 250 kilocalories.

The health disc is used for training for weight loss, as well as for warming up before heavy and intense exercises. Classes on it are held barefoot or in thin socks. For a week of exercises on the health disk for weight loss, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight. There will be no quick effect from this simulator, you should stock up on patience and perseverance. Changes in the figure will begin a month after daily training. To lose calories faster, you need to make changes to your menu - switch to proper nutrition, spend fasting days, or choose the right diet.

Benefit and harm

Like all machines, there are advantages and disadvantages to exercise on the health disc.


This simulator is designed primarily for the harmony of the waist. By doing exercises on the health disk for the abdomen, you can lose weight well in the waist. This will happen naturally and gradually. Regular exercises on the Gracia disk have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • training of the muscles of the cortex, buttocks, arms, legs;
  • back strengthening;
  • improving bowel function;
  • prevention of diseases of the back and legs;
  • development of the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements;
  • getting rid of stagnation of blood in the pelvic area and salts in the joints;
  • increase endurance, plasticity and flexibility.

If you purchase a modern health disc for weight loss with additional points on its surface, additional foot massage will occur during exercise. This part of the body is practically not stimulated when exercising with other projectiles. Massage of these zones has a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs.


The exercises on the health disc are based on body twists and twists. Therefore, such classes are contraindicated for the following groups of people:

  • with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with diseases of the digestive system in acute form, ulcers;
  • after operations on the legs, back or abdominal cavity;
  • with a very weak vestibular apparatus;
  • with impaired blood circulation of the brain;
  • pregnant.

Retirees should be very careful to exercise on the Grace disk so as not to aggravate senile diseases and not injure the joints.

Disk rules

You will not find a simpler projectile for sports and weight loss. (they can compete with him or on) except that the simplicity of exercises with him seems obvious, but there are some rules that you should still follow when performing a health disk for losing weight on the abdomen and sides.

  1. The duration of the workout is 20-30 minutes daily.
  2. Drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes before your workout.
  3. The disc must be placed on a flat, non-slippery surface.
  4. You need to train barefoot or in thin socks.
  5. Clothing should not constrain or interfere with movement.
  6. In most exercises, rotation of the body occurs only at the waist. Therefore, the head and shoulders should be motionless, not lowered.
  7. All movements are carried out smoothly. Sharp jerks or turns are prohibited.
  8. Turns occur due to the scrolling of the upper and lower parts of the body in different directions.
  9. There should be a chair or other furniture nearby that you can lean on.

For those who are trying their hand at the health disc for the first time, doctors recommend making 5 turns when performing various exercises. More advanced athletes perform up to 10 turns on the disk in one exercise.

A set of exercises

Before starting the exercises on the health disk for the waist, it is necessary to master the basic position of the body, which is used as a starting position (IP) in many exercises:

  • get on the disk;
  • sit down a little;
  • bend your elbows and keep them at chest level;
  • keep your back straight;
  • tighten your abdominal muscles.

We offer the following exercises on the health disk for weight loss.

  1. Place two chairs next to the disk with their backs facing you. IP, take hold of the backs with your hands and turn the lower body to the left, then to the right.
  2. Place the disk next to the wall. IP, hands lean against the wall. Make turns at the waist alternately to the left and right sides.
  3. IP, turn smoothly on a circle, making turns with the upper part of the body to the right, and the lower to the left.
  4. IP, make turns on the circle, as in the previous exercise. Add squats and lifting on straight legs when performing twists.
  5. IP, while turning on the disk, you can alternate raising and lowering the hands: the right hand is raised up, the left hand along the body, change at the next turn.
  6. Get on the floor, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Hold the disk between the palms sideways to you. Turn the pussy hands in opposite directions.
  7. Put the disk on a chair, sit on it, legs are together. Hands raised to chest level. Take lateral small steps with your feet to the left, then to the right. Only the lower part of the body should turn.
  8. This exercise differs from the previous one in that turns are added to the upper body in the opposite direction.
  9. Drive on a chair, sit on it sideways to the back. The hands are on the knees. Pushing off, you need to "fly" to the opposite edge of the back of the chair. Repeat several such turns in each direction.
  10. You need to put two disks side by side on the floor. Become them in the IP. Turn the socks towards each other and return to the IP.
  11. Two disks are also used, IP. Both legs turn first to the left, IP, to the right.
  12. Become a plank, resting your hands on the disks. Turn your palms towards each other, straight, in opposite directions.

If you devote at least 2 minutes to each of these exercises every day, you can strengthen the muscles of the whole body, make your waist slim, tighten your stomach, arms, buttocks and legs.

When performing exercises, you can also use various hand expanders, dumbbells.

Common Mistakes

In pursuit of a slim figure, people often ignore the elementary rules for using a particular sports equipment. Grace is no exception. When using a health disc for weight loss, people make a lot of mistakes.

ErrorWhat does it lead to
SlouchIt is inconvenient to spin hunched over. In this position, the internal organs are clamped, they do not work well.
jerky movementsYou can't hurry. From sharp pushes and turns, you can pull a muscle or pinch a joint or vertebrae.
Whole body twistsIf the turns will occur with the whole body, weight loss will not occur. In different exercises, turns are carried out either by the upper or lower body.
Head downLoad on the neck and spine. Exercising becomes more difficult, it is difficult to breathe.
Clothes that are too tight or too loose, floor-length pantsTight-fitting outfits can hinder movement and cause discomfort. Too loose can interfere when performing turns, squats, tilts. Pants "to the floor" can get between the plates of the disc, the exercise will be impossible.
Sneakers or other shoesThey interfere with foot massage on the corrugated or dotted surface of the disc.
Short WorkoutsWith the duration of classes 5-15 minutes a day, the loss of excess weight will be negligible.
Uneven or slippery surfaceInjury can occur if the disc is placed on a slippery or uneven surface.

A health disc, a gymnastic waist disc, a “Fitness” or “Grace” slimming disc are, in fact, one and the same mini-trainer, on which almost everyone can practice without special training and financial costs. In addition to losing weight and a wasp waist, training with a rotating health disk will give you a good mood and relieve accumulated stress. You can also exercise on the disk at home, it is convenient for those who do not have time for sports clubs.

History and characteristics of the health disc

The mini-trainer consists of two plastic or metal plates connected inside by bearings. A special inertial mechanism allows you to rotate the disk even with little effort (which is necessary if the goal is to improve the body). The size, depending on the model, can be from 25 to 40 cm. This simulator is ideal for any age and build. Almost every family could boast of the metal disc "Grace", which was at the peak of its popularity in the USSR in the 80s. Now it is almost not advertised, but this has not lost its effectiveness. Modern discs are made of especially durable plastic in different colors. Often you can find specimens covered with pimples that provide a light foot massage. Some stores will also offer models equipped with microcomputers that play music and count the number of calories you burn while exercising on this simulator.

Photo gallery: types of health discs

Modern health discs are made in various colors and sizes Hand holders on the disc help to balance the body The metal health disc "Grace" has been known since the times of the USSR
Model with an electronic calorie counter allows you to control the process of losing weight Double health disk allows you to add additional elements to the exercise complex

The effect of exercise

Health disc exercises are an affordable way to get your body in good shape. Work on such a simulator is not difficult and overwhelming, on the contrary, this system awakens in a person the desire to play sports and enjoy it. A simple mechanism allows you to make twisting movements, which positively affects the figure, as well as the state of internal organs. The main load when working with the health disc is focused on the muscles of the waist and abdomen - it tightens the rectus and oblique muscles of the press, as well as the buttocks and hips. But in addition to this, the disk increases the mobility of the spine, trains the vestibular apparatus, improves blood circulation and, due to internal massage, leads to an improvement in intestinal motility. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that regular exercises on this simulator contribute to enhanced metabolism and effective health-improving weight loss. It is believed that in half an hour of training on such a disk up to 250 kilocalories are burned. According to other sources, about 100 kcal or 1 kcal for 8 movements are burned in 10 minutes.

General terms of use

The main rule of training on any simulator is regularity. The Health Disc is no exception. Only with constant training can you count on the result and the general admiration of others. For weight loss, you need to devote 25-30 minutes to classes every day or at least 5 times a week. At the same time, even 10 minutes of morning exercises will provide you with a good mood and vigor for the whole day. For greater effectiveness of training, it is desirable to adhere to the following rules:

  • install the disc on a flat surface, eliminating the possibility of slipping;
  • make sure that there is a safety stop nearby (wall, chair, etc.);
  • perform exercises on an empty stomach (it is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water before class);
  • ventilate the room in advance;
  • exercise barefoot or in socks;
  • avoid clothing that restricts movement;
  • gradually increase the time and intensity of exercise;
  • exercise regularly without long breaks.

Basic exercises

In exercises No. 1 - No. 9, the starting position: legs on the disk, bent as if you were about to sit on a bench.

A selection of exercises on the health disc

  1. Set up two chairs with their backs facing you. Hold onto the backs of chairs with your hands. Turning to the right and left, make sure that the abdominal muscles are tense. Repeat - 5 times in each direction.
  2. Lean your hands on the wall. Rotate your legs from side to side. Repeat - 7 turns.
  3. Hands are spread apart. Repeat - 9 turns left and right.
  4. Turn your hips to the left, move your arms to the right. Hands should be down. Repeat - 7 times in each direction.
  5. Hands up, lower body to the left, arms down. Hands up, lower body to the right, arms down. Repeat - 7 times.
  6. Hands are closed behind the head. Turn your legs right and left. Repeat - 6 times.
  7. The hands are on the ankle joints. Repeat - 3 times in each direction.
  8. The legs are closed at the knees. Turn both legs to the left, and take your hands to the right. Repeat - 10 turns in each direction.
  9. The arms are crossed on the chest, the right palm on the left shoulder, and the left on the right. Keep your back as straight as possible. Repeat - slow turn 10 times to the left and right.
  10. Place the disk on a chair and sit on it. Put your hands on your knees. Rolling from heel to toe, move your feet to the left - to the right. Repeat - 5 turns in each direction.
  11. Starting position as in the previous exercise, the hands are fixed with a “lock” behind the back. Pushing off with both feet from the floor, turn to the right, return to the starting position and turn to the left. Repeat - 4 turns.
  12. Place the disk on the floor, sit on it, legs bent at the knees, hands on the waist. Move your feet first to the left, then to the right. Repeat - 4 times.
  13. Sitting on the simulator, put your hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your right leg and stretch your toe as much as possible, repeat the same with your left leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  14. Get up. Put your foot on the disk. Grasp your waist with your hands. Make turns left and right. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 10 times.
  15. Stand with one foot on the disc, put your hands behind your head. Turn the body to the left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  16. Take the disk. Squeeze it firmly and rotate your hands in different directions in opposite directions. Run 3 minutes.
  17. Get on all fours so that your knees are on the disc. Rest your hands on the floor. Lift your legs off the floor and rotate your hips in a conventional circle. Perform 2-3 minutes.
  18. Take dumbbells of 2 kg. Stand on the disc, make sure that your back is straight. With your hips, make smooth turns to the left - to the right, stretching your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Run 2-3 minutes.
  19. Standing on the disk in front of the table at a distance of a step, turn to the sides so that your fingers touch the table top.

Contraindications for classes

Any simulator provides contraindications. Classes on such a mini-simulator are contraindicated in the II and III trimester of pregnancy, in old age, during an exacerbation of a chronic disease, as well as in cases of the presence of such diseases:

Scoliosis is not always a contraindication to exercise on the health disc

After consulting the attending physician, exercises on the disc are possible in the presence of the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Video: health disc exercises for weight loss and health

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