Home Berries A few blacks and a white girl. Why do blacks have large reproductive organs and whites have smaller ones? With a ruler around the world

A few blacks and a white girl. Why do blacks have large reproductive organs and whites have smaller ones? With a ruler around the world

Hello, dear lovers of interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often exaggerated on various Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why can representatives of the Negroid race boast of more impressive "dignities" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size is controversial. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So there is a lot of gossip and fiction, one more fantastic than the other.

lovers films for adults, comparing the parameters of white and black actors, tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all comforted by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks have more than whites. The one who has been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men “in all their glory” claims that white guys have absolutely nothing to be sad about.

The hype around penis size did not arise from the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers from different countries with the opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

white slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of the genitals arose in the era of the colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very respectable size.

Historians studying the US south before the Civil War believe that the physical data of black slaves - who were just taken out of Africa - inspired their owners with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for his wife to betray him (which happened not so rarely).

The white conquerors of the new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and the inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southern women. Puritan customs reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with the statistical data. Many researchers dealt with the issue of the size of penises among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the well-known Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men of different nationalities. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltics are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a Syrian-born researcher. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a penis size map, unique in its kind, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

The victory in this tacit international competition was won by the exceptionally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of the excited penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, the owners of 20- Ticentimetric organs are quite common.

In total, the Gabonese and Guineans are inferior to them by 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, the inhabitants of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian natives (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks penis larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Referring to the Gundersen map, it is easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It is warmer here, and the temperament of the locals is “out of bounds”. The heat causes the blood to boil in the veins and the growth of anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large-sized" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the ice-bound Greenland, the penises of the guys are 3-4 cm longer than those of the inhabitants of China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. The equatorial pagan tribes lived for thousands of years by hunting. You will not meet farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is brought up on the meat of freshly killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always full. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't the men here also be gifted in the physical sense?

India and China have a different story. In this part of the world such world religions as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

The population of these countries massively switched to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become undersized. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among Africans? Here local cultural traditions played a role.

Unburdened by puritanical morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies in front of their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

Aborigines of Africa from time immemorial profess the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called “koteka” (a special case for the penis) appear. A true symbol of male power!

It is unlikely that under such conditions, guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to be complex about this. Size does not play a special role, at least in most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

Girl and five blacks(Piper Perri and blacks) - a meme with a blonde sitting on the couch, and behind her are 5 blacks in white underwear.


The frame, as you might guess, is taken from a porn video. The girl from the meme is a porn actress Piper Perri(Piper Perri). Of course, we will not show the video, but it is easily googled for the query "Piper Perri and blacks."

The original promo for the porn video appeared in 2014. And this picture became a meme in 2016. At first it was distributed in the West, then it reached the Runet.

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In June 2018, the meme found a new life, and social networks on it. Users began to reproduce the frame using improvised means. According to the canon, there should be five black objects and one white. Such pictures are signed with the phrases “You know what kind of meme it is”, “Well, you understand”, etc.


A meme with Piper Perri means problems that have fallen on a person, and these problems always win. Just as brutal men treat a fragile girl, so circumstances have you.

Often a meme is used to visualize specific situations. For example, when a sports or creative team loses hard to everyone.


In contact with


A girl and five blacks (Piper Perri and blacks) - a meme with a blonde sitting on the couch, and behind her are 5 blacks in white underwear.


The frame, as you might guess, is taken from a porn video. The girl from the meme is pornographic actress Piper Perri. Of course, we will not show the video, but it is easily googled for the query "Piper Perri and blacks."

The original promo for the porn video appeared in 2014. And this picture became a meme in 2016. At first it was distributed in the West, then it reached the Runet.

In June 2018, the meme found a new life, and social networks were flooded with a wave of parodies of it. Users began to reproduce the frame using improvised means. According to the canon, there should be five black objects and one white. Such pictures are signed with the phrases “You know what kind of meme it is”, “Well, you understand”, etc.


A meme with Piper Perri means problems that have fallen on a person, and these problems always win. Just as brutal men treat a fragile girl, so circumstances have you.

Often a meme is used to visualize specific situations. For example, when a sports or creative team loses hard to everyone.


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