Home Berries The guy did not congratulate on ng. Why can't I wish you a Happy New Year? You left him, but he still loves

The guy did not congratulate on ng. Why can't I wish you a Happy New Year? You left him, but he still loves

You probably expect me to wish you a Happy New Year now. I confess that this is part of my plans, but first let's figure it out, is there really something to congratulate?

After all, the fact that another year has passed is not a reason for celebration - but I want to congratulate you on your achievements this year.

What are your achievements?

If you have passed the Way of the Woman, I congratulate you first of all. Because you, without exaggeration, took that main step that revealed your main qualities, which allowed you to fully use your inner resource.

I don't believe in your potential, I KNOW its power! I know what your inner Woman is capable of, I have observed and experienced her influence more than once - how you can inspire, calm, how you feel like a winner and a king next to you, and you want to bestow, adore and make you a princess!

Believe me, if you have fully revealed your inner potential, laid down by nature, and you skillfully use it, and do not try to imitate us men, you will be so happy and loved, such a powerful attractive light will come from you, that it was worth it just for this. live this year!

I really hope that I helped you in this, and I will continue to do what I do. This is all for you. I am happy to realize that my efforts, my activities make sense.

Is love a reason to work?

If this year you met your love, I also want to congratulate you. For a woman, and for a man, this is one of the key events in life.

Just remember that finding love is only the beginning, only 10% of success in your personal life. The remaining 90% is your common work, work on relationships, in particular your work, because you are a woman and it is you who are primarily responsible for building a family as a system of relationships.

To do this, you must know the basics. If you do not know and use this, you will think that men behave strangely, that all they need is sex, that they are all goats ...

If you begin to understand this, new horizons will open up for you. And the same person who was your tyrant will suddenly become your hero and admirer, your partner and friend.

Understand - yes, the problem may be in the instrument, but no one asks you to choose an old violin with broken strings - but if you don’t know how to play, then in your hands even a Paganini violin for 5 million dollars will sound so that you want to close your ears and run away.

Find the best and learn to use it. This is what I teach and I know you can do it. And you are capable of more than you can even imagine!

I am a fan of working on myself. And I want you to grow too.

I want you to take a piece of paper right now, remember and write down all the good things that you have achieved this year.

If it seems to you that you are just lucky - write it down anyway, behind every luck you have is your own hard work. And I'm proud of you!

Maybe you have become more, changed attitudes in life or learned something new.

I improved my relationship with my husband, children or parents, I learned to respect and appreciate myself. Or did you buy yourself a new dress, go to the gym, take better care of yourself and look better? Learned to smile at passers-by on the street? Got creative? Well done!

You are a woman, and I wish you to do only what creates in your life! It inspires us men, we miss it so much!

Now that you have a list of your own achievements, I want you to wholeheartedly ... congratulate yourself on the New Year. Because if you grow, you can never stop, and the next year will bring you new development.

And congratulations :-)

Now that you are wholeheartedly and sincerely proud of yourself, I want to congratulate you.

I wish you only worthy men, care, love, gifts, flowers, travel, great sex - whatever you want!

I wish you harmony and happiness in your personal life, and that your strength, your energy support your man and you develop together.

Happy New Year, honey!

With faith in your happiness

Yaroslav Samoilov.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart to learn to appreciate what you have, to learn to see only the real, beautiful and truly necessary. May this year bring you what you desire and what you truly deserve. Let there be less negativity in your life, but more sincerity and goodness. Happy New Year!

So it happens: paths diverge, people go their own ways. Even if our two roads did not merge into one, but I know you will find true happiness, your corner and your soul mate, which would give you joy with its warmth, its amazing, unearthly smile and tender care. I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you to quickly find what you are looking for. Happy holiday!

Let all our grievances remain in the past, and even if we are no longer together, I want to congratulate you on the New Year. You can achieve your goal and find the key to your happiness. I wish you to confidently walk through the new days of the coming year, collecting moments of fun and moments of joy!

Happy New Year! Thank you for being in my life. Let everything be fine with you, and you will find peace and happiness. Good health to you and I wish you to find your life path!

Happy New Year! I wish that your dreams come true in the new year, your expectations come true, every day brings bright moments and fulfillment of desires. I wish you to find your soul mate and be truly happy!

You and I are no longer together
This is my fault
I still miss you a lot
It's winter in my soul without you.

I said before, I know
I won't write again.
Happy New Year,
You find your destiny!

Be happy and successful
Always be alright
And I want to be honest
What else love you!

I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you happiness! May your every step and deed be justified, everything that is done will be really for the better and there will be many wonderful moments in life!

Congratulations, my ex, once beloved, man. I wish you bold deeds in the new year, brave deeds and great goals, I wish you good health, respect for friends and real happiness in life.

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new life without me!
Let your bad weather go away
And the dream will come true!

Let everything be as you wish
Nearby - the one that is so needed,
I wish you joy, peace,
It's a pity that I'm not for you!

It is a pity that happiness did not work out,
That love has left us
Let everything be as it happened.
I want magic!

We broke up with you, it happened,
You are evil, I ask, do not hold,
With a pure soul, without resentment
It's easy for you to enter the New Year.

Let everything turn out well
May the whole year be happy
May new love and joy
It will give you plenty.

I sincerely wish you
Big and significant victories,
I'll thank you for everything
I do not want to know in life troubles.

But what if the DR is on a trip, but he did not give anything? No flowers, no little surprise, just a kiss on the cheek in the morning and the words "Happy birthday"? It seems like in this situation you can’t go anywhere without seeing or hearing him ...

Author, why are you doing this? Your method suggests a passive-aggressive model of behavior in which the partner is motivated by pressure from outside. The result of this approach is a gift + discomfort in a relationship, the likelihood of looking mercantile and stereotypical, growing apart or breaking up. Do not mislead the inexperienced! The initiative in relations is discussed! For example: understand the question of why the partner does this, tell how you feel yourself and why this is important to you. Do you give gifts to your partner yourself? What does he think of it? Build together a mutually acceptable model for the behavior of initiatives. Make sure your partner understands your feelings and you understand theirs. And solving problems for boycotts is just wasting time and harming life together. I liked the quote from the post “When will a tormented man beg”, to torture, humiliate and manipulate this decision? Shame and shame

RV, mdaaa, what kind of illusions do you live in. Well, good luck to you 🙄

I was away on my dr, I almost begged for a gift after 1.5-2 months! I couldn’t calm down and talked in a crazy way about how, they say, the anniversary is 25, but zero attention! in his words “so what, what 25! Now, if only 50! and in general, it will be a lesson that others should be celebrated nearby, and not somewhere!??”. as if I left him with the children and basked on the beach with a friend, and I visited my grandfather with my mother !!! It's such a shame to be treated like this!

Yes! In DR brought just a postcard. She showed that she was upset. He got angry. Since then, gifts have been a sore subject and I am silent, and he brings it every other time ...

we’ve been dating for a year, during this time three holidays have already passed: on my friend he gave 5000 rubles and flowers, and paid for the restaurant where we had dinner. He didn’t give anything on ng, on February 14 I was also left without a gift ... as a result, after a few days March 8 ... I expressed my dissatisfaction with him starting from ng about the fact that he didn’t give me anything! Of course, he argued this by the fact that I don’t appreciate what he does for me, and that gifts are all garbage! this conversation led to the fact that we broke up! as a result, after a few hours, he began to call and say let's return everything back, I'll fix it and there will be gifts for you! that is, I understood my cant only when I felt the fear of losing me! So I'm waiting for March 8, let's see what will give!

On March 8, my ex traveled around the city all day congratulating all the mothers of his grandmothers and the like, solving all sorts of his own affairs ... and then we met with him for 10 days, I didn’t know how he usually behaves on holidays. At the same time, he was interested all day: “What are you doing? how is your mood?". I thought he was preparing a surprise, since he behaves so mysteriously. I thought, well, I’ll definitely see you on such and such a day! In the end ... nothing. Well, I threw a tantrum, what the hell, why am I in last place ?? Offended…
Late in the evening there were gorgeous flowers and a big pizza. But how many tears cost me these fucking flowers. Now I understand that the one who loves will not be so hard to be stupid and congratulate in the first place. I should have thrown it away.)

my young man is a foreigner, a European, he always tries to give gifts and does not forget! but for example, March 8 is not a holiday for him, they don’t celebrate it, although I remind him of it, he doesn’t give me a gift, he just congratulates me in words.
but it was like that on my friend he gave me a trip, then in the end he went with his parents and could not take me, said that we would go to another place where I wanted, and eventually forgot about it. I had to remind him and 2 months after my dr we went just out of town to ski, he paid for everything.

I chose a gift, he gave. But only for a birthday, for Christmas, in Germany this is the main holiday and not the new year, they did not give gifts to each other.

I say in advance what gift and what flowers I want to receive for this or that holiday;)

always asked what I want, because he knew that if I don’t like the gift, then the mood is 0. well, he knows how to choose gifts

a common occurrence, leave without a gift

There was a story with my birthday … a week before, my MCH went to his parents in another city. Calls from there, wondering what to give. I was pleased with such care, I say that I don’t want to cook on my holiday, I want to go to a restaurant, flowers and to prepare a little surprise for me, anyone. Well, a logical continuation was planned. He accepted everything and agreed. I'm looking forward to)))
In a couple of days, he calls: “you know, I thought ... and let's go to the store, buy food for the table, cook delicious meat for me, dress nicely and meet me. And this is how we will spend the day, and in the evening we may go to your restaurant. I thought that he was joking)))) refused of course, both laughed and that's it.
On the eve of another call, only now he offers all this in all seriousness. He didn't answer NO. I freaked out, we had a fight. For me it was extremely insulting. He said - do not wait, I will not come. I did not expect))
Saturday, a sad holiday, I'm alone ... I was minding my own business.
I come home - he meets me with flowers. Unexpectedly ... I'm from the city, not in parade ... but I thanked for the flowers, although inside everything was bubbling that I decided to get off with flowers ... I poured coffee. We sat down and talked about the neutral. He left.
Subsequently, he often reproached me with a spoiled holiday, that he did not meet him properly and did not set the table. And he arrived with flowers like a knight and waited for the reception.

Antonina, I would break up with him after this for sure! Even reading this story, I felt offended!??

Emily Abdoo, yes, that's how it was :-) I left him after that. I still have a storm of emotions when I think about it))

on the eve of Valentine's Day, she asked her husband to give a bouquet of red roses and a scarf. I gave a scarf, but no flowers ... I was dumbfounded and almost burst into tears (I restrained myself so as not to spoil the evening ..)

Ekaterina Sviderskaya, in vain)

Yes, I had this more than once with my common-law husband. In my family, gifts were brought to the cult. I always gave on holidays and without. But he doesn't. Or just flowers on the DR. I was a zero and swallowed everything.
Then she freaked out and said that gifts are important to me and I don’t understand how you can leave me without a gift on March 8, for example. She said that it made me very sad and now I always write a list of what I want or say in advance. And I receive a gift in a timely manner.

But the man was sobered by the situation on the verge of a break in relations. Of course, not because of the gift, but I also remembered about the gifts then) and reminded more than once)

My husband gives flowers and gives gifts. But there were moments that I didn’t give anything, here I’m probably to blame myself. Everyone asked me what I want, and he too, and I: I don’t want anything! well, as they say, get a fascist grenade, nothing, nothing!
And recently, on Mother's Day, they went with their daughter for flowers, and there was a queue for a kilometer, well, they didn’t stand ...? So I was left without flowers on such a holiday. Offended

It was 50/50 money for an expensive gift I could give ... but I don’t give flowers like I don’t give ... apparently I didn’t want to spend an extra minute of time on me

Yes, this is not my first holiday, and on seemingly significant dates for both of us, for example, the date of the beginning of our life together (honestly, I don’t even remember it myself, I don’t congratulate, but I myself would like to hear congratulations and get a surprise). For Valentine's Day this year, not a gift, let alone a verbal congratulation. It was like this, I wrote an SMS - something like a bunny on Valentine's Day, to which I received an answer - Happy Holidays.?. There was no limit to my resentment, when I came home from work I was still waiting for at least a rose, but no, nothing happened. Of course, I was offended, pouted my lips. He asked what was the matter, and I said that I was waiting for congratulations. He said that they say he is not so quick-witted, but in general this is not a holiday for him. That those on, and of course everything got away with once again.

knyazeva1006 Knyazeva, my husband said that the 14th is the day of sexual minorities and there is nothing to celebrate (although he ate a festive dinner and a pie with pleasure

Luiza Alimova, I would not let you touch the holiday cake and food))) I would say that I cooked it for sexual minorities))) Or I would send it to the trash ☺️

Jamila, bravo! ??????????

happened ((((finished communication

Yes. it happened more than once. Systematically skipping my d.r. in spite of all my conversations and requests, and he is on the d.r. I arrange a holiday - I say how I want. As a result, I raked more, which he did not like, what I prepared for him.

my husband always makes excuses, he didn’t have time, he didn’t know what to give you. Or I don’t have money for what you want, and there’s no point in giving anything else. He pretends all the time that my birthday came very unexpectedly, he just didn’t have time to prepare, right now he has no money (this is every year), although I keep saying that in a year I will again have D, R. and I need to prepare in advance… does that make me very angry? This year, on D, R., he waited for me to wake up (it was already 10-11 hours, fell on a day off) and only after that he went for a gift (did he hope that I would not wake up ??) and that do you think he was gone for 3 hours (it turns out he still went in for a haircut?) As a result, he brought me a bouquet of flowers, one cinnabon (pie) and a teddy bear ... and I am no longer 15 or 18, but 29 years old ... and I wanted a watch...

Reasons why a man may not congratulate

  1. The first reason is that this man doesn't care about you at all. Think for yourself, because if a young man loves his woman, he will find a way to congratulate her on this holiday. If he cannot spend this evening with you and cannot even call, then you can always send SMS with words of love and good wishes. If this has not been done, but at the same time you are sure that everything is in order with the young man, then this only speaks of his complete indifference and indifference.
  2. The next reason is banal and simple - he just lost his phone. This can also happen and should be taken into account. But if this is the case, then the guy will definitely come to you personally, for example, on the 1st or 2nd of the month and will certainly congratulate you.
  3. The third reason is that he can be married and spend all the holidays with his family. In this case, there may be no SMS from him, much less calls.
  4. There are cases when a young man celebrates a holiday with friends and relatives and is simply embarrassed to call in front of them. But then he will definitely congratulate you later, when no one will bother him.
  5. The last reason he did not congratulate was because something happened to him or to him, and he simply does not care about it.

How to react if a man did not congratulate you on the holiday

So, if your man did not wish you a Happy New Year, what should you do? First of all, you need to find out the reason. If you know that everything is in order with him, and he did not call not only on the night of the first, but also in the following days, then you need to seriously think about whether this is your man? Or rather, does he consider you his girlfriend or at least a girlfriend? After all, if a young man likes a girl, then he will certainly congratulate her on the holiday, and even if he cannot do it personally, he will use the phone.

If he didn’t do anything, then you don’t need to be silent and accumulate resentment, just meet with him and ask why this happened and how he perceives your relationship. But the conversation should take place without emotions and resentment on your part. If you throw a scandal at him and show how offended you are, then you won’t really know anything, and he will continue to behave in this way.

If you are only on friendly terms with a guy, but at the same time you dream of a relationship with him, and he doesn’t even congratulate you on the New Year, then just forget about these hopes and about him, because by such behavior he showed that he does not appreciate you not only as a woman, but also as a friend. In this situation, your reaction should be its complete absence. Forget about this person, and if he has a holiday soon, then don’t congratulate him either. Why do you need a friend who does not appreciate and respect you either as a girl or as a person?

I recently received a question: “how to respond if a colleague that I like, but whom we meet 2 times a month and only at work does not congratulate on the holidays?”. If you have a similar story, then there is no need to react here, since you have absolutely no relationship with him. First you need to create a closer relationship with a colleague, and then think about why he acts one way or another.

Yours faithfully, Elena Nikandrova

In contact with

And if you didn’t congratulate him at all - should you congratulate him on the New Year yourself?

Why didn't he invite me to New Year's? Why is celebrating without me? After all, we have been dating for a month (or two, or six months, or even more). Many women ask this question on the eve of New Year's Eve. And some even on the very eve - because their “subject” not only refused to merge in the ecstasy of the most family of holidays, but remained silent until December 31 itself ... And then he vilely prodynamized! And now you are in tears and alone with the Christmas tree...

What could be the reason for such deceit and what to do about it? - advises psychologist and psychic Sergei Lang.

Of course, the relationship within each pair cannot be measured by a common yardstick. But there are common points.

Let's start with the reasons why your partner refuses to share the New Year's celebration with you without explanation (or even without warning). There are six of them - starting with the most banal and anecdotal, and ending with the one in which, rather, you yourself are to blame:

1. He is not free, but does not want it to become known. (There is one weak, but plus: if he doesn’t admit it, then he still has further plans for you)

2. You do not like (do not fit, etc) in his social circle (in the family), and he plans to celebrate the New Year with friends from this circle (with his family). (There are practically no pluses here - you are in the background for him and this is unlikely to change, so try to start forgetting him right with the chimes).

3. He doesn't like to give gifts, but this is necessary for the New Year. (There are no pluses - with judging, which is not capable of even an inexpensive, but pleasant surprise on New Year's Eve, you cannot build a happy life!)

4. Obliges: he always meets NG with his parents, but he is not yet ready to introduce you to them. Or he is not yet ready to get acquainted with yours, and you called him into your family - and he had no choice but to silently merge. He couldn't say that! (Plus a small one, but there is - maybe someday it will still be ready?)

He just uses you, and NG together is already serious. And, having evaded this event, you can then, if anything, declare: “Can our adultery be called a serious relationship? We didn’t even meet a single NG together!” (It is clear that there are no pluses in this situation and cannot be!)

Or maybe it was you who applied some of the above to your partner - you invited him to a company where he feels out of place; to the house of his parents, who show no sympathy for him; in a noisy club, knowing that he likes quiet places and does not like to dance and sing in karaoke; offered some expensive event, without thinking about whether the partner has enough money for this - after all, in a public place, like a real man, he will have to pay not only for himself, but also for you. And for your girlfriends - if you imprudently invited him to a women's company, and even to a costly event.

All this suggests that you yourself showed insensitivity to your gentleman and he had no choice but to disappear or pretend to be sick. (The minuses here are all yours, and the plus is only that it is not too late to improve).

What to do?

First of all, give yourself the first holiday help - if he has not already come and obviously will not come, do not think about him at least until January 1. You should not immediately think about revenge, be jealous or cause jealousy, get angry, cry - put it all off until the new year.

Remember that you will meet New Year and spend it - and don’t spoil the whole next year for yourself, but just think about how you would like to celebrate this holiday so that you have fun and good.

Personally, if I were in the place of this or that person who (no matter for what reason) was left alone on the eve of the holiday, I would try to spend it in such a way that it becomes unforgettable for me - with family, friends, in a cheerful and noisy company, where they love and wait for me. The first step is to "turn off" from thoughts about the "insidious traitor" until the end of the festive night. Tell yourself the words of Scarlett O "Hara: "I'll think about it tomorrow!" And it is important, after drinking a glass or two, not to start calling him with congratulations and invitations, trying to get him to come to you! fix), or he simply doesn't want to.

And reason No. 6 still requires not haste, but thoughtful reflection - and therefore its solution will calmly wait for the first day of the year.

But on January 1, you still have to do something with your feelings and resentment. But what? Ask in the forehead, why? Go to a party with mutual friends and do everything possible to make him jealous? Congratulate on what has come or not? Is it really necessary in life to achieve a person who does not want to spend New Year's Eve with you?

I think that all these questions completely lose their meaning if we are dealing with reasons 1 to 5. Your partner clearly acts as he sees fit, and he does not really care what you think and feel. Of course, it is possible to provoke his short-term jealousy (or anger, or resentment), but in the long run, this will only prolong the painful uncertainty in your relationship.

But before answering the question "What to do?" regarding reason No. 6, carefully analyze whether you yourself have made "jambs" in organizing New Year's leisure, which you would like to see together?

In the case of reason #6, the main thing for you is to fix the problem for which he chose not to be around you on the main night of the year. And if your fault is revealed, honestly and clearly admit your mistake and promise to improve.

And in the case of reasons 1-5 - just understand that he is not ready yet - and then if you change anything, then to the detriment of yourself. You can either let things take their course, or try to start a new life - and a new love.

That is why, whatever the true reason for his absence, starting from January 1, it does not make sense for you to pretend that “I didn’t really want to.” On the contrary, it should be clearly stated: it is unpleasant for you that on New Year's Eve you were apart, and you want to know why? It really mattered to you, didn't it? And a demonstrative failure to appear or a refusal to celebrate the holiday together on that particular night is a certain, as diplomacy puts it, "a protocol of intent." And in order to avoid a cold war and hot conflicts, it is better to clarify these intentions right away. You don't want to suffer for another year, do you?

And if instead of your insensitivity, his deceit and manipulation are revealed, make yourself a New Year's gift - say out loud - firmly, loudly and openly: “I don’t need a person who didn’t want to celebrate the New Year with me not for a good reason, but simply because he didn’t want to !"

And then in the New Year you will certainly have a chance to find a real relationship and meet the next holiday as a happy couple, with one Christmas tree for two.

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