Home Berries Self-development and self-improvement esotericism, personal growth, psychology of relationships read. A Brief History of Esotericism Esoteric Tales

Self-development and self-improvement esotericism, personal growth, psychology of relationships read. A Brief History of Esotericism Esoteric Tales

This article presents four fairy tales that we all know in childhood, but remade in an esoteric manner. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

The Tale of the Chicken Ryaba
There was a chicken Ryaba (a certain source of absolute knowledge) with Grandfather and Baba. Grandfather and Baba were novices, meditating, doing yoga and seeking Knowledge. And then Ryaba the hen laid the golden egg. This egg was secret Knowledge. However, how many years Grandfather and Baba fought, they could not understand the Truth. It was not given to them, the importance was too high, the opinion about oneself was too high, of course, we are not ordinary people, not the first year on the Spiritual Path.

But the Mouse was running by. Just some gray subject who was not interested in obtaining Knowledge. By chance, he understood it, breaking an egg, but passed by, since he did not need this knowledge.

Grandfather and Baba cried: how is it, we meditated so much, accumulated so much merit, received so many initiations, and the Knowledge went to some Mouse, which did not need it.

Don't cry, Grandfather and Baba, ”said Ryaba the hen. “I’ll lay you a simple egg containing the knowledge available to you.

So, dear friends, the end of the esoteric tale.

Ter-umok's tale
Once upon a time there was Ter-umok. It was empty and clean.

And then one day a bitter fly flew into it.
- How is it here without me? No one grieves over the fate of the innumerable multitude of those who suffer. Not order ... I'll live here, grieve.

Ter-umok became the house of crying. But very soon a crying mosquito flew into it. Upon learning that only a bitter fly lives in Ter-umk, he was delighted:
- Here, fly-bitter, I will live with you. You grieve about the suffering, and I will cry about unattainable prospects.
They have taken heart to heart: the grief fly is sad about the children of the hungry in Africa, and the crying mosquito regrets that there is only one room in Ter-umk and there is no satellite TV.

How long or short they lived, but only came to them a mouse-to-the-whole-world-shish. Having learned that Ter-umok is the house of crying, she put her hands on her hips and began to teach the bitter fly and the whining mosquito to live:
- No, well, look! The parasites are sitting here, crying, get to work quickly! And that penny to penny. And then I know you, parasites!
They, of course, did not go anywhere. They began to work at home, blogged, wrote articles for sites, but the mouse-to-the-world-shish added penny to penny, and prosperity appeared in Ter-umk.

On a warm June day, a fashionable frog knocked on Ter-umok. Seeing that the local inhabitants are rich, she declared from the doorway:
- So it will not work, what are you wearing? Look at yourself, you are behind the fashion, you are sitting here. Look, take a look at the social. networks, how do people dress? Look at your neighbors! I will quickly teach you fashion.
The mouse-to-the-world-shish and the frog-fashionista strongly disliked each other, but somehow they got along in Ter-umk, although sometimes terrible scandals were rolled.

Late at night a fearful hare knocked on Ter-umok. As soon as the door was opened for him, he immediately ducked in and back with his foot. After hearing various reproaches, he said:
- Do you know HOW scary there ?! You live here, like in Christ's bosom, and such terrible things are happening in the world! No, I’ll teach you to be afraid!
So they healed in perfect harmony, Ter-umok began to close at night and set on the alarm. But all the same, they shuddered at every noise. And also the timid bunny taught everyone to be afraid in advance, if there is nothing terrible at the moment.

Once a female fox knocked on Ter-umok. She immediately became imbued with the ideas of the inhabitants of the house. But, after listening to all of them, she delivered her verdict:
- How so, we have no future! We need children to appear in Ter-umk. This is the task of every Ter-umk.
The animals were saddened, they began to look for a fox-female-beginning pair on dating sites, and very soon they found a wolf-peasant. Although the wolf-peasant was not a match for the fox-female principle, out of despair, he had to build a family with him. There was a wolf, a domineering peasant and the rest of the animals were a little afraid of him, and it became cramped in Ter-umk too - you couldn't breathe. Very soon the residents of Ter-umk began to look at each other badly, even the eternally cautious, fearful hare began to sharpen a tooth at the peasant wolf.

And so, they swore somehow notably, the dishes rattled, things flew, and then there was a knock on the door. The animals looked out, and there was a bear-schizophrenia. They tried to explain to him that there was no room, that Ter-umok was already overcrowded, but the schizophrenic bear did not listen to them, climbed into Ter-umok, filling everything with itself. And Ter-umok could not resist - he burst.

Tell me the negative ending? But no, the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Fairy tale "Kolobok". On the benefits of inner softness and flexibility
So, two creative principles, Grandfather and Baba, symbolizing Heaven-Father and Mother Earth, created a perfect being - Kolobok. For he had the most ideal shape - a ball. Kolobok comprehended a lot of sciences, living in the holy monastery of creative beginnings, but Grandfather and Baba did not manage to teach him one thing - that inside you need to be soft and flexible.

Without completing his studies, Kolobok left the holy monastery and set off to explore the world. And then one day the Moon Hare stood in his way. The cunning was the Moon Hare, and Kolobok would have been eaten, but his inner softness and flexibility saved him. The sounds of an enchanting song enveloped the Hare, and he took pity, let go of Kolobok.

For a long time, or for a short time, Kolobok wandered, but now a wolf stood in his way - the Gevodansky Beast, which inspired terror in the southern settlements of France. He was a fierce wolf, and it would be in trouble, but the Kolobok was flexible and soft inside. After all, he was not just bread, but one big anahata. Gingerbread man sent an impulse of love energy to the Zhevodan Beast and sang a song for him. The wolf shed tears, repented of his dark deeds and let Kolobok go home.

The gingerbread man returned to his wanderings. And then one day he was brought to the Arctic, where he met the bear Umka. Although Umka was kind, he would have eaten Kolobok, it was painful to eat. But our Kolobok was flexible and soft inside. He sang a song about a Christmas tree to the bear, and Umkin's paw did not rise on Kolobok, only tears froze in the wind.
Kolobok was confident in his abilities. "No one is afraid of me," - so he thought. All beings bow to my will, and there are no enemies for me in this endless Universe. So he walked, and his spiritual Ego grew.

But on the banks of the Tokachi, the nine-tailed fox, the kitsune Kyuubi, met him, whose power terrified all the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Gingerbread man would have left, because he was trained in many sciences and even a nine-tailed kitsune would not have resisted. But the trouble is, the development of the spiritual Ego has deprived him of his inner flexibility and softness. He sang songs, but they did not touch the heart of the insidious Kyuubi. The fox ate Kolobok and did not choke.

So, as they say, for every Vijaya there is a Raja. You should not be proud of your achievements in this vain world, so you can easily lose your inner softness and flexibility and you will be eaten right there.

This is the end of the esoteric tale. And who read - well done!

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
There was an old yogi with his old yogini on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The old yogi learned to work with intention, in order to take everything from life without creating excessive potentials.

Once a yogi took a bath in the ocean, washing his nose with salt water. And then suddenly the ocean spoke to the yogi. The old yogi got scared, decided everything - samadhi, final and irrevocable. But no, it was not the ocean that spoke to the yogi, but one small fish. Gold fish.

It turned out that this fish is an ally creature that the yogi had meditated about thirty years ago and had already forgotten about it. The fish could fulfill any desire of the old yogi, and for free, without requiring rituals and messages of energy.

Ordered an old yogi car. He himself disparagingly referred to the car as a "trough". However, the old man secretly wished to have a car, therefore, returning home, he was delighted to see a new Audi.

The old man's joy was overshadowed by the old yogini, whose ajna sparkled like the third eye.
- Who will pay the loan for the car? Come back, old yogi, to the ocean and ask for a villa so we can make money on tourism.

The yogi returned and asked the fish for a villa with many comfortable rooms, heated floors and working air conditioners. But when he returned home, the old yogini, shining more than ever with her ajna, pointed out to him an obvious flaw in the design of desire.
- And what about taxes? What about water and electricity bills? No, go back to the fish and ask to make me a member of the city council. So I can knock out benefits for us.

And again the old yogi came to ask the fish for assistance. She replied that now and so they take anyone as a deputy, so there will be a place for the old yogini.

The old yogini was sitting in the front seat of the new Audi, and the sparkle of her ajna was reflected in the rearview mirror. She furrowed her eyebrows angrily and said to the old yogi:
- You see, my dear spouse, you and I hit it big. The prosecutor alone took on me, I urgently need to become president, because at any moment the earth under me could collapse. They threaten to seal all the property, and send me into exile with you.

The old yogi returned to the fish. He asked to make the old woman president. Only a goldfish waved its tail, like figs with you, go older.

Returning, the old man did not recognize the mansion. This is not a villa, but an estate. Well, okay, but what about the old woman?
An old yogini sat on the porch in a chaise longue, shining her ajna throughout the country. Seeing the old man, she smiled sourly.
- Eh, your samsaric soul, elder. You see, there are such alignments ... Brothers have taken me tightly, they do not give the old woman peace, they constantly demand grandmothers. I have already threatened them with an army, but they are not at all afraid of it. They say that the army is bullshit, and they have guys with guns, and even compromising two folders. You go to your friend fish, ask me to be made the queen of the underworld.

The old man explained the alignment to the fish. She did not listen to him, interrupted:
- You would know, old yogi, with whom you are dealing! I myself have a roof in the same place, there is no reason for me to compete with my own. So you'd better get out yourself, or they'll let me go to sushi at the same time.
Having said so, she dived into the water, forever sinking to the bottom of the sea.

And the old man wandered away. And he was not particularly surprised when his old house saw both an old woman sitting on a bench and her extinct ajna.
- Eh, old man, they took everything away from us, it's good that at least they didn't soak it. But they said: do not meddle in business anymore, otherwise they will remember the old sins.

Here is such a fairy tale, a story. According to the mind of everyone, science.

An old man was dying at the foot of the Temple of Truth. He looked up sadly, to where the friendly-open gates of the temple stood in the unattainable height. He watched how young candidates for disciples, who wanted to know the Truth and devote their lives to spiritual practices, easily and joyfully overcame the numerous steps leading to the Temple, how the monks met them at the gates and took them somewhere deep into the interior. More than anything, the old man dreamed of being in the place of one of those fellows who almost skipped upward, but his heart began to ache already at the third step, and at the fifth he realized that he could not climb higher. The heart ached unbearably, the vital forces slowly left the body and the old man could only watch how his greatest dream was fulfilled by others.


From time to time, I receive messages asking me to recommend a good esoteric school, a serious mentor, or at least a technique with which it would make sense to start learning. I present my recommendations and some of my contacts here. The traditional option "where to start learning" ...

  • February 11th, 2020, 03:24 pm

One warm summer evening, a wind came down on the ground. It was not an ordinary wind bringing coolness after a hot day, it was a wind filled with Magic. Once upon a time, even before the beginning of time and before the birth of the first man, he appeared in the center of the Universe, and the Heart of the World sang lullabies to him. Then, having got stronger and more comfortable, the wind set off to travel. He saw a great many different worlds, more than once observed their birth, flourishing and sunset, heard a variety of sounds, embraced many amazing forms, picked up unusual smells, collected bright thoughts and subtle sensations, observed bright dreams and amazing ideas. He carried all this with him on his wings. Wherever this wind appeared, it brought sparks of Magic there, the song of the Heart of the World and the vibration of the Center of the Universe, which served as its cradle.

  • January 19th, 2020, 10:09 pm

Who are you? Answer me! Who are you? - the mentor asked again and again.

I am Andrey, the son of the merchant Seraphim - the young man hesitantly mumbled.

You are sure? Why did you decide that you are exactly Andrei, and even the son of the merchant Seraphim? - the Master continued to press.

For an hour Andrey had been sitting in his teacher's house, looking into the fire, but thinking painfully in thought. I was looking for the answer to a simple question about who he is. I changed my mind, I went through all the options, everything that I read in the books of the tricky, I listed to the mentor. He told about himself everything he knew, what he guessed about and what he would like to hide, and it seemed to the guy that there were no more answers in the world. And the mentor only frowned more, listened half-heartedly and repeated: “no, not that, not that, you are looking in the wrong place. Goonies! Who are you? Answer! "

  • June 19th, 2019, 08:28 am

My mentor, who is actively involved in teaching beginners, loved to repeat that the path to Magic is open to everyone. Any person can come and touch the Force, but he will take out of this contact exactly as much as he can.

Just as it is impossible to teach a "green" beginner in rune magic or any other "advanced" technique on the fly, so it is impossible to push a person into Infinity, in whose consciousness the practical application of the Farun Buddha can hardly fit. This is not necessary, nothing good will come of this approach. In the best case, absolutely nothing will turn out, in the worst - from a premature acquaintance with the forces, to get acquainted with which a person is not ready, you can move like a "cuckoo", or play in a box. Therefore, not everything is taught in serious schools, not all of them, and not all at once.

  • May 13th, 2019, 08:56 pm

Once upon a time there was only one guy in the world, he was called Vlad. he felt, he felt a great power within himself, he wanted to become a magician, to get to know the gods and spirits, and to cognize the universal wisdom. The guy was ready to give everything for this difficult path, but only the guy did not have anything particularly valuable. Vlad was young, he hadn’t made any riches, nor had he gained fame, he dreamed of magic about art. Vlad heard about Master Nahum, the great sorcerer who lived in those lands, and he decided to try his happiness, to ask to be a disciple.

  • March 5th, 2019, 09:42 pm

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a magical tradition, the Order of the Green Oak was called. It was founded in immemorial times by the great sorcerer - Nikola the Kudesnik. He willingly shared his wisdom with the people, willingly taught the art of magic, but he did not like to talk about the roots of his teaching. At first, he simply kept silent, and then he still told how the oak once gave him magic secret knowledge, how he taught him to practice magic, how Nikola gained mighty strength from this oak and became what he is now - the great sorcerer, Nikola the Wizard.

Hundreds of years have passed since those times. Everyone who had heard about Nikolai's affairs knew his story about the magic oak by heart. Everyone who aspired to magical power wanted to become as great as Nicholas, to repeat his path, to achieve his power.

  • August 29th, 2018, 08:55 pm

In ancient times, which almost no one remembers today, powerful magicians lived in the world - not the present couple. They did not need any special rituals, or tricky exercises: in one word they made reality, with a glance they destroyed any walls. The wizards retained a great power, a special philosophy, but the secret path that gives wings leads beyond the Universe, and there was no one in the world who could compete with them with power. Their magical order was called "crow's wing", which flourished for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, people with bright hearts and pure intentions flocked to them, so that they shine like diamonds, and measure their strength and freedom with Infinity.

And so it would have lasted for more than one generation, if difficult times had not come, and the people had not completely deteriorated. I don’t know, I don’t know why and why it happened, but only very few bright minds and pure hearts began to appear. Fewer and fewer people were striving for the light, but they were looking for the way to Infinity. More and more they only dreamed of fame, wealth, and earthly power. And those who had a craving and aspired to the order - they turned out to be half useless, they did not withstand serious trials, they all tried to turn back, did not become magicians, and remained without understanding. The old people understood then that their order was degenerating, that they were leaving, and that the number of worthy young people was becoming less and less, and they wondered what to do next.


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  • August 19th, 2018, 11:28 am

Once upon a time there was only one guy in the world, his name was Romka. He was good in himself, and smart, and strong, and successful, he was not afraid of any work, he brought everything to the end, he made any idea, any dream come true. Roma would live, live, no trouble and grief, if it were not his ailment. Roman was overcome by a strange attack: the guy seemed to be healthy, he didn't seem to have any pain, but he walks gloomier than a cloud, withers before our eyes, complains of black melancholy and indistinct anxiety. Calls his heart somewhere, the soul asks for something new, but strongly, so that at least howl like a wolf, at least climb the wall. He went to various healers, healers, and doctors, only no one was able to help him: the disease was not hiding in his body, but gnawing at his soul from the inside.

Roman is tired of living with his ailment, longing to suffer every day, and he decided to set off on a journey - to find out what a rebellious heart lacks for happiness. He changed different professions, countries and cities, wherever he was, whoever he served. And in the smithy he waved a hammer, and he sat as a clerk in the capital's library, and kept his shop, and went across the sea with merchants, and even tried to be a storyteller, wrote books about distant countries - but it was not that, but it’s not that. It didn’t work for the guy to find happiness, his eyes didn’t light up with joy, his heart didn’t stop in delight, but only black longing gnawed more than ever, and gloomy thoughts multiplied in his head. Romka was completely yearned, completely exhausted, could not eat, sleep, or breathe calmly, tried to understand everything, why the ailment torments, but where the heart is calling.


Where has it been seen that a simple man, but without master's cuffs, lived? - Fyokla wondered - Who then will take care of him? Who will provide a bowl of silver and a spoon for gold? Who will give the job? Who will lower the stew into the mine? Who will take care of your health, wounds and injuries that are received in the face, heal? No matter how much Fyokla asked other slaves, no matter how much she tortured those who dreamed of freedom, she did not receive a sane answer, how it is possible to be free, but live without masters. No matter how hard people tried, no one was able to explain what freedom is and how it is better than life in the mines, even if no one will provide a bowl. Fyokla was scared to listen to stories about freedom and dreams of escaping from other slaves, it seemed to her that people were stupid, they themselves did not understand their happiness, they wanted problems and difficulties, instead of working calmly, and not to anger the supervisors once again. Here the wise masters are angry, and they will expel all the dissatisfied from the mines and they will chase her, Fyokla, for the company, without figuring out - how then to be, where to look for paternal care and guardianship? Fyokla tried with all her might to prevent such a situation, she reported about every dream, every thought, every plan of escape upstairs, so that the gods did not confuse her with freethinkers, and they didn’t drive her out of the mines with a filthy broom. And for the rest of the people - a severe punishment is better than complete freedom, of which only fools are capable of dreaming.


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Even the very word "esoteric" scares many, alarms, annoys. Especially religious fanatics. But esotericism attracts and captivates, since this is fashionable today, but very ancient culture - just the perception of reality from a different angle of view. Just going beyond the framework of "you can - not, good - bad," and so on. Someone is silent about their own, different from others views of things, so as not to attract attention to themselves. And someone even writes about them, not seeing "nothing like that" in it. And he does the right thing!

1. "Secret [occult] philosophy", Agrippa of Nettesheim

When talking about esoteric literature, it is simply impossible to ignore the work of Agrippa of Nettesheim (real name: Heinrich Cornelius of Nettesheim). His work "Secret [occult] philosophy" made an indelible impression on the tarologist Eliphas Levi, who introduced the term "occultism" into widespread use.

Living in France at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries (in the fertile era of the Renaissance, when the line between mysticism and science was barely perceptible), Agrippa changed many professions and traveled a lot, gaining a unique experience. The eccentric genius has made many enemies among the supporters of the church because of his caustic remarks and theories, in which fanatics saw heresy. Having escaped cruel persecution only thanks to the patronage of loyal friends, Agrippa retired, creating the famous treatise "Secret Philosophy". In it, he examines the very essence of magic, as well as its significance in the material world as a connecting link. In particular, the author explains the influence of the signs of the zodiac on the fate of a person, as well as acquaints the reader with the properties of various poisons and ointments, explaining how they are used as magic potions that give power over others.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that occult literature often contains information that is contrary to ethical standards. Making and using a love spell or poisonous potion is an immoral act that belittles other people. Also, one should not get carried away with the preparation of healing elixirs (no matter how good the intentions may be). Regardless of your faith or disbelief in magic, plants and other ingredients in such potions can be dangerous to health. This kind of information should be taken solely for informational purposes, and not as instructions for action.

2. "The Art of Dreams", Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda was born in Peru and gained worldwide fame for his work in the field of occult knowledge. His books quickly became bestsellers and to this day occupy pride of place in the lists of mandatory reading for those wishing to learn the secrets of esotericism.

Omar Khayyam once wrote the following lines:

“There is a trap at every step in this world.
I didn't live a day of my own free will.
They make decisions in heaven without me
And then they call me a rebel. "

Amazingly accurate and sad words describing our life, isn't it? I bet each of us at least once dreamed of being in a universe where absolutely all events depend on our will. Oh, if science or some kind of magic wand could give us the opportunity to create our own reality. Wait ... Mother Nature has already awarded us this ability! A dream is a wonderful world in which (if you try a little) any desires can come true.

One of the most popular topics in occultism is the concept of "dreaming" and the ability to control dreams, extracting useful information from them. Modern scientists have explored only the "tip of the iceberg" without fully realizing the true meaning of human dreams. Some dreams fill us with happiness, giving us a boost of energy for the whole day, others help us sort out urgent problems and find a solution to an important problem. But there are also nightmares - terrible visions, from which in the middle of the night you wake up in a cold sweat, a convulsive cry gets stuck in your throat, and your heart is about to burst from your chest.

Almost all people have dreams. Learning how to manage them, becoming the absolute masters of their lives in a dream is the dream of many. Therefore, in our selection, we decided to mention the ninth book of Castaneda from the cycle of teachings of don Juan - an Indian shaman who shared his unique knowledge with Carlos. The content of the book is structured as a fascinating dialogue between Castaneda and his shaman mentor. The Art of Dreaming contains detailed instructions for achieving a special mental state bordering on sleep and wakefulness. We are talking about "lucid dreams" in which a person is able to change the plot of his dream of his own free will.

3. "Power of Light", Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich is one of the few unusually gifted people whose name is significant in seemingly completely different areas. Roerich was a famous traveler, archaeologist, writer, artist and mystic philosopher. This talented Russian scientist (persecuted by the Soviet authorities) spent many years in the East, where he became familiar with the ancient teachings. It is important to note that Roerich's paintings help many during meditations. The skies and mountains painted by him (iridescent with delicate shades of purple, cool lilacs and hot fiery flowers) help the contemplator to feel something sublime, pure, otherworldly.

In the esoteric collection "Power of Light" there are no magic conspiracies that promise gold or the love of beauties. This is a highly spiritual work, cultivating in the reader the desire to clear his mind from evil thoughts, opening his heart to Light and Good. Wise reflections on the human soul and the meaning of culture in our lives await you. "Power of Light" is an amazing and enchanting fusion of the traditions of the West and the East.

4. “Mindfulness. Keys to Life in Peace of Mind ", Osho Rajneesh

Osho is the spiritual leader of India, inspirer, preacher, mystic, enlightened one. The author's real name is Chandra Mohan Jin, but he is known throughout the world as Osho Rajneesh.

Osho believes that the main reason for absolutely all problems of a person (especially a Western one) is our sleepy state, which lasts throughout life. Literally, we sleep even when we are awake. And this is not a contradiction. Can you remember what you did 5-10 minutes ago? Not to mention the days and months. We live our lives asleep, no matter what we do. Therefore, entire decades of our existence turn into moments. The Indian guru does not offer anything special in his work. He only calls for us to wake up. What does it mean? And the fact that we do every slightest of our actions consciously. To be aware of every thought and word. In essence, so that we are in a state of "here and now". Not new, but effective. If someone thinks this is easy, he is wrong. The author says that if you manage to keep your concentration for at least one minute, then you can congratulate yourself. This is already a victory! The book is written in a very understandable and soft language, so any reader will master it easily and quickly.

5. "Reality Transurfing", Vadim Zeland

Transurfing is a new technique for managing life events the way you need it. The author assures that with its help the impossible can be accomplished. And he offers a different look at reality based on a special model of different options. Transurfing is the path of a magician, which, in principle, every person is, simply does not know about it. Learn with this technique that you are the magician of your life. Discover hitherto unknown possibilities. Make your reality the way you've always dreamed of!

6. "Laughter of the Shaman", Vladimir Serkin

The highly professional, but unusual psychologist V. Serkin made the Shaman the main character of his book. Although it is clearly read between the lines that the author took his hero not from the "ceiling", but himself is related to shamanic practices. However, you shouldn't look for specific techniques in the book. It is rather a mesmerizing story of shamanic miracles. After all, it is the Shaman, that is, man and all other living beings, who create this world. For the same reason, the Shaman believes that anyone can recall their past life experience. He did it himself!

7. “Conversation with God. New Revelations ", Neil Donald Walsh

This book in some way echoes Walsh's book "Oneness with God." In Conversations, the author gives new interpretations of ten human illusions. It also raises the question of our misconceptions about God and life in general. The information provided in this work by the author can change the attitude or even turn the worldview.

8. “Heal your life. Heal your body. The Power Within Us, Louise L. Hay

The world famous psychologist, Louise Hay, was healed of cancer not so much through medicine as through working with her mind. With her experience, she motivates people to think positively and learn to love and accept themselves as they are. This will not only help in the fight against any disease, but will also solve life's problems. The author provides practical advice in the book that has already helped millions of people around the world. Here you will find affirmations (positive statements) for overcoming many diseases. L. Hay also reveals the causes of problems from an unusual point of view, which, in her opinion, lie in our minds. So you need to give a positive impetus to consciousness so that it can solve problems on its own. And human consciousness can do it!

9. "Hackers of Dreams", Andrey Reutov

Dream Hackers are a group of Russian researchers who have hidden their research. The book is based on real events, since the author himself was in this group. The goal of these hackers is to create a new tradition of dreamers. The plot of the work itself resembles "showdown in the cool 90s" between criminal gangs. Reutov gives magic techniques in this work. But whether they work or not - check for yourself.

10. “Messenger. A True Love Story, "Klaus J. Joule

The author assures that in his book he reveals an unexpected secret of love. You have not read anything like this before. We have always considered love as a feeling, but in fact it is a real "perpetum mobile" - a source of energy from which you can draw incredible strength. You can find your way to this endless source. However, what you give to the world, you receive in return.

11. “Smile before it's too late! Positive Psychology for Everyday Life ", Alexander and Yulia Sviyash

A real treasure for those who really want to change their lives! The authors not only present the material in an interesting and accessible way, but also give step-by-step practical instructions. Spending only 20 minutes of time per day, you will be able to: understand the reasons for your actions and the actions of other people; change your attitude to what is happening and stop worrying; change your habits and even undesirable traits for you!

12. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

The author is an American athlete, trampoline champion. Now he is a martial arts trainer, university professor, philosopher. Translated into 30 languages, this inspiring book has transformed the lives of millions. It encourages self-improvement and positive change in literally all areas of life: sports, politics, business, health, culture, etc. The best-selling book is based on the real experience of the author. Written in a light style and with humor, it tells about the struggle with one's own fears and the search for oneself, one's spirit. Find out what system of relationships with life the champion discovered for himself!

13. "Magical passage: the path of the warrior woman", Taisha Abelar

The author's real name is Marianne Simcoe. This is an American writer, anthropologist, who considers herself a witch, stalker and ardent follower of Carlos Castaneda. She met her idol at the age of 19, studying at the university for a Ph.D. Marianne joined his group and changed her name. It's amazing that when Castaneda died, the witch left Los Angeles and disappeared. Since then, no one knows anything about her, there is a possibility that she committed ritual suicide. However, given the tradition of Castaneda's fans to "erase their personal history" (using pseudonyms, unwillingness to be photographed, etc.), it would be more logical to draw a more optimistic conclusion: Taisha simply changed her name again.

Abelard's book is a continuation of the journey into the wonderful and enchanting world of Don Juan, but already a woman warrior. The author gives magical techniques to improve health by enhancing energy.

14. "Rose of the World", Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

D.L. Andreev, like many Soviet writers, was criticized by the authorities. After being denounced with accusations of creating anti-Soviet literature, he was sentenced to 25 years. The imprisonment left an indelible mark, prompting Andreyev to create an unusual novel with the mystical title "The Rose of the World". Readers and critics are still hotly debated trying to understand what exactly the novel is - an esoteric prophecy or a science fiction work.

The Rose of the World describes the universe from a metaphysical point of view, claiming that in our dimension there is a constant struggle between demons and demiurges. Andreev's personal tragedy is clearly felt (he saw the Antichrist in the image of Stalin). The author declares that in the future a completely new interreligion will arise, which will combine other beliefs. This common belief for all will become a connecting link for all mankind. A work replete with specific terms will seem too complicated for those who are only superficially familiar with the esotericism and history of Christianity. You should not recommend this book to adolescents, because "Rose of the World" is much more understandable for people with a wide cultural outlook and life experience, which a young reader lacks.

15. "The experience of a fool, or the Key to insight (How to get rid of glasses)", Mirzakarim Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an Uzbek writer and popularizer of alternative medicine, known to modern fans of esotericism. In his work "The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight" Norbekov shares with us his personal story of overcoming a serious illness. The book is a collection of practical advice that will allow you to develop an inexhaustible source of optimism. It is the right attitude, according to Norbekov, that plays an important role not only in improving health, but also in achieving success both on the personal front and in work. "The Fool's Experience" is a biting work full of sarcasm and offensive comparisons, with the help of which the author motivates the reader to stop whining and start living!

Let the knowledge you have acquired will make your life better, filling it with happiness, meaning and love.

Esotericism is an unusual genre of books that raises questions of psychospiritual and metaphysical practices. This can be the knowledge of antiquity, the study of special energetics and other similar phenomena, sometimes close to the supernatural and mysticism, but representing more materially confirmed practices or aspirations to find them.

Features of books in the genre of esotericism in 2020

Esoteric literature can be nonfiction or fiction. On our portal you will find many books with elements of esotericism, including both fantasy and science fiction books. In addition, some of these books raise the questions of our being and the universe, trying to find answers to questions about what our universe is, how the world works and what a person is capable of. Indeed, many people think about what abilities are given to a person by nature, but he does not even know about their existence? There are hypotheses that once people moved stones with the power of thought and could even rise into the air. It is quite possible that humanity has simply forgotten how to own the power that, perhaps, is embedded somewhere in the depths of our bodies and, in particular, the work of the brain. In general, all these questions are also played out in esoteric books - both in a hypothetical form and in a more realistic way. After all, even if we are not able to possess magical chakras and the power of thought to control the winds, this does not mean that one cannot dream up on this topic! And also weave all this with an exciting fantasy or philosophical history - you get fascinating books that can appeal to a wide variety of readers.

Why is it convenient to read esoteric books online on Booknet?

The Booknet portal is an advanced system of books, samizdat, subscription store and e-books, where you can read esoteric texts online. And also you can download works in formats convenient for you to your computer or phone. However, our site allows you to read books from the mobile version, which is appreciated by many of our readers. But if you ask what authors value, then we will answer: these are comments on their works and blog entries, these are likes, reposts, adding books to the library and subscribing to author pages. So if you are looking at a good author, please him, this will give him an incentive to work on his works even more thoroughly and more vigorously.


“I was little then,” said Nikolai Fyodorovich, who somehow decided to tell his sons, Vladimir and Anatoly, about his childhood. He spoke in a very interesting and understandable way, skillfully presenting events so that the guys would draw certain conclusions for themselves. It was, one might say, an educational conversation. - I always, or rather, almost always, made mistakes in childhood, almost always did everything wrong. Then, as you are now convinced, I became ...


Irka knew that white and black suits her very well. In combination with the fiery red color of her hair, he made Irka charming. She always tried to wear only white or black. In black, Irka became like Bulgakov's Margarita. In the depths of her dark brown eyes, golden sparkles also danced devilishly, as if freckles had stepped there from an irksy nose.

At school, Irka was called Konopaty, at the institute - Ryzhik, mother - Under the sun, a childhood friend called her ...

The rails, the train, the friends, what they wouldn’t have been, but still friends. Outside the window is the night. But no one notices this, no one except her, they are having fun. Only she has no time for fun. And only she sees the darkness. She stares out the window motionless It hurts, it hurts and it's hard.

She was killed by the truth, the truth about cheating on her boyfriend, she already knew it, but no one told her that

And so they were just thoughts. There were!
Her heart aches, it is heavy for him, it cries ... But this is no longer a habit for her. Every day she shrinks, shrinks to pain or from pain ...

Perhaps some of you will think that for everyone, the place where childhood passed is the standard of beauty, indescribable inspiration that helps not only to rejuvenate memories, but to make the whole body younger. Therefore, I would like to describe the homeland of my childhood for you in such a way that you would like it too.

And if you like it, it will make you remember the nature of your childhood. Here you can compare the changes. If Nature has become more beautiful, then tell us, and we will all rejoice. If it's worse, then there is still time to ...

Dedicated to Lev Grigorievich Mironov, a teacher from the village of Garkusha, Temryuk District, Krasnodar Territory.

I cannot find all the words to thank fate for those people with whom she periodically brought me closer.

These rapprochements did not pass without a trace, since I loved these people to madness and dreamed of being like them.

The Mironov family lived in our state farm. His father worked as an accountant, he was credited with stealing, and was imprisoned shortly after the war for 10 years. The mother had four left in her arms ...

Machine Gunners!

While serving in the army, and then we served for three years, we were sent to combat firing into the desert, beyond the Volga, to the Kapustin Yar state range. It was interesting to be there for many reasons, because all anti-aircraft gunners from the Socialist countries gathered.

Fellow soldiers gathered, with whom they served in the sergeant school.

At the training ground, the Vietnamese were "registered" for "permanent residence." In Vietnam, there was a war with America, they had to be able to shoot down planes. And if...

It was in 1995, the Russian thieves 'lads ... did not forget this year - since they survived ... Freedom was everywhere in the country, whom she freed from work, whom she aggravated into the next world, lived then richly - only the thieves' lads.

Yes! Those who were in power then easily saved up billions for themselves.

And the Cossacks on the Don tried as hard as they could - they resisted here! To feed their families, and to supply the capital with meat.

My working days ... then took place in the procurement office. It was in the summer ...

So we handed over the pigs, picked up sausages, fresh, with the smell of garlic from pure meat, rub each kilogram, not as they sell sausage now, it contains 10% meat, and the rest is not known what. At that time, for such a sausage, in which only 10% of the meat, at least five years of the general regime would have been given, and in a stage without delay, they were sent to not so distant places.

Due to the fact that they worked without a chepe and any incidents, we stopped at a shop.

We took in this store, a liter bottle of Streletskaya ...

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