Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation. Reinforcement of the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement Is it possible to use fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation

Fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation. Reinforcement of the foundation with fiberglass reinforcement Is it possible to use fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation

Fiberglass reinforcement, which is used to strengthen the foundation, belongs to the category of new building materials that surpass the previous ones in many respects. Most consumers do not yet know whether it can be used to reinforce aerated concrete walls, or to strengthen the foundation. This article will provide answers to these and many other questions.

What is fiberglass reinforcement

The reinforcement, for the production of which fiberglass materials are used, was developed a long time ago, back in the 1960s. However, due to its high cost, it was used only in harsh climates, where conventional steel reinforcement structures, subject to corrosion, could not last long. The reinforcement, which was made of fiberglass materials, was mainly used to strengthen the supports of bridges and other equally important structures operated in rather harsh climatic conditions.

Over time, the development of the chemical industry contributed to a significant reduction in the cost of fiberglass reinforcement. This made it an affordable material that performs well in building structures for various purposes. The active use of this type of fittings led to the fact that in 2012, experts developed and approved GOST 31938-2012, the provisions of which stipulate not only the requirements for the production of this material, but also the methods of its testing.

You can get acquainted with the GOST requirements for polymer reinforcement by downloading the pdf document from the link below.

GOST 31938-2012 Polymer composite reinforcement for reinforcing concrete structures. General specifications

In accordance with the state standard, fiberglass-type reinforcement is produced in the range of diameters 4–32 mm. However, the most common diameters for this type of products are 6.8 and 10 mm. Such fiberglass reinforcement products are supplied to the customer in coils.

In the specified standard, in addition to the requirements for the diameter and other geometric parameters of fiberglass reinforcement, it is indicated what the condition of its outer surface should be. So, on the surface of the reinforcement there should be no chips, delamination, as well as dents and other defects.

Main characteristics and main disadvantage

According to the type of continuous reinforcing filler used, composite products are divided into the following categories:

  • ASK - glass composite;
  • AUK - carbon composite;
  • AKK - combined;
  • other.

If it is necessary to use fiberglass reinforcement to strengthen the foundation of the house, the following characteristics should be taken into account.
Upper operating temperature limit

The lower bar of this parameter for glass-composite reinforcement products starts at 60 degrees Celsius.

Tensile strength

This parameter is characterized by the ratio of the applied force to the sectional area of ​​the product. For ASK, it should be 800 MPa and more, for AUK - at least 1400 MPa.

Tensile modulus

According to this indicator, the AUK category reinforcement exceeds the ASK by more than 2.5 times.

Compressive strength

This indicator for fiberglass reinforcement of all categories should exceed 300 MPa.

Cross-sectional tensile strength

For ASK, this parameter should be more than 150 MPa, for AUK - 350 MPa and more.

Reinforcement made of polymeric materials has a significant disadvantage: it has a very low fracture strength. Due to this drawback, the scope of use of this armature is limited. Manufacturers of such products must indicate the scope of their application, and if the consumer goes beyond the specified framework, he does it at his own peril and risk.

The use of this type of reinforcement is justified only in cases where increased requirements are imposed on thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and dielectric characteristics of reinforcing structures.

Comparison with metal fittings

Reinforcement of fiberglass type, when compared with metal, has the following advantages.

  1. Reinforcement products of this type are distinguished by high corrosion resistance: they are not afraid of both acidic and alkaline environments.
  2. Fiberglass reinforcement is made of polymeric materials, therefore, it differs from metal products by a very low thermal conductivity. Due to this, when it is used to reinforce foundations and other building structures, cold bridges do not arise, which is especially important for our climatic conditions.
  3. This dielectric armature does not conduct electric current and does not generate radio interference.
  4. The specific gravity of fiberglass reinforcement is 8–10 times less when compared with metal counterparts.
  5. The cost of metal and fiberglass products for reinforcing building structures is almost the same, but it is much more convenient to use.
  6. In terms of tensile strength, which for similar steel products is 400 MPa, fiberglass reinforcement is two to three times superior to metal rods.
  7. Fiberglass reinforcement is produced in rods with a length of 100–150 meters, which makes it possible to mount reinforcing structures practically without seams. Experts know that it is precisely the joints of metal reinforcement that are the weakest points of reinforcing frames. When strengthening foundations and other building structures with fiberglass products, there are no such weak points in the reinforcing frame.
  8. The advantage lies in the fact that the consumer can purchase exactly as much product as he needs, without paying for unforeseen waste.
  9. For the installation and laying of the reinforcement cage, which is made of fiberglass elements, there is no need to use a welding machine or other specialized equipment.
  10. Fiberglass reinforcement is much more convenient to transport, since it can be supplied to the customer both in rods and in coils, which can easily fit even into the trunk of a car.
  11. When reinforcing with fiberglass foundations and other concrete structures, cracks do not appear in the latter, which is explained by the fact that fiberglass and concrete have similar thermal expansion coefficients.


The reinforcement made of fiberglass is used in both residential and industrial construction. The popularity of this material, used to reinforce foundations and other concrete structures, has recently been gaining momentum.

Considering the above advantages of fiberglass reinforcement, it is possible to draw conclusions about where it is better to use this innovative material, and where you can resort to the most traditional and time-tested options. For example, very common areas of use for reinforcement made of fiberglass are bank protection, as well as reinforcement of the road surface in those areas where it is affected by aggressive environmental factors.

In cottage construction, reinforcement made of fiberglass is also widely used. In particular, such products are used for reinforcement:

  • concrete structures acting as a fence (it should be borne in mind that fiberglass products cannot be used to reinforce load-bearing structures and floors);
  • strip and other types of foundations;
  • masonry made of aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks.

Many experts agree that when using fiberglass reinforcement for laying gas and foam concrete blocks, it is better to reinforce corners with steel products. With such a combined reinforcement, building structures will have higher strength, stability and reliability.

Strengthening of foundation structures

When used for reinforcing tape and other types of fiberglass foundations, rods with a diameter of 8 mm are used, which is equivalent to the use of 12 mm steel reinforcement.

It is not difficult to carry out the procedure of such reinforcement with your own hands, if you adhere to the following algorithm.

  • When installing the formwork, it is recommended to wrap its elements with parchment, which will allow them to be reused.
  • On the inside of the formwork elements, using a horizontal level, mark a line to which the concrete will be poured. Such a procedure will make it possible to more evenly distribute the concrete solution over the entire internal volume of the future strip or any other foundation.
  • The elements of the reinforcement, with which you will strengthen your foundation, must be covered with a layer of mortar with a thickness of at least 5 cm. In order to maintain such a distance, you can use ordinary bricks that are laid on the bottom of the future foundation.
  • Two rows of reinforcement are placed on the bricks laid on the bottom of the future foundation. In this case, it is desirable that solid rods are used, without joints. By measuring the length of the sides of the foundation to be poured, you can easily determine how long the bar you will need to unwind and cut off from the common bay.
  • After laying the longitudinal bars of the reinforcement, it is necessary to attach the transverse jumpers to them, which are fixed with plastic clamps.
  • Then you need to make the upper level of the reinforcement cage, which should be identical to the lower one. Both levels of such a frame, the mesh size of which should be approximately 150 mm, are connected by means of vertical jumpers.
  • After the manufacture of the reinforcing cage, they begin to pour the concrete solution. What concrete mix will be used for this is up to you, but preference is most often given to the M400 grade solution.

The strict requirements of competition in the field of modern construction make us look for ways to reduce costs, including the use of new materials. New formulations of building stone, special grades of concrete, foundation compounds, facing and heat-insulating materials appear. In parallel, manufacturers of various composite products are actively trying to gain a "place in the sun" on the market, which was previously traditional for metal fittings and special structures. Most often these are non-metallic load-bearing elements and fiberglass reinforcement.

Why fiberglass reinforcement appeared on the construction market

Composite materials, including fiberglass reinforcement, are manufactured according to a relatively simple technological principle of impregnation of glass or basalt fibers with an epoxy or polyester resin matrix. Further, the bundle is formed on the machine into a rod of composite reinforcement calibrated in terms of diameter, and baked at a low temperature in a special drying oven. Typically, the length of one piece of reinforcement does not exceed 100 m.

Fiberglass reinforcement does not require complex and expensive equipment, therefore the production costs themselves are relatively low, most of the cost is the price of the resin for the matrix and fiberglass bundle. And yet, if we compare the cost of fiberglass and steel rods of the same diameter, metal rebar has a warehouse price of 10-20% less, and this is a very big difference for such an area as construction.

Nevertheless, fiberglass material has quite strongly pushed rolled metal products, not least because of a number of specific properties, but slightly different reasons have become the main factors:

  1. Fiberglass reinforcement is increasingly used in private low-rise construction. It is more accessible to work, it is easier and much cheaper to transport, store, cut. It does not need to be straightened and leveled before use, as is the case with the steel version. The material can be bought in bulk and cut into pieces of the most non-standard length. Whereas a steel standard 11-meter bar would have had a lot of waste if your foundation, for example, has reinforcement with a length of 8 m;
  2. The availability of equipment for the production of reinforcing braid has allowed many small enterprises - manufacturers of building materials to establish in-line production of fiberglass reinforcement in a variety of versions of the bar surface. A huge number of offers, a competent sales policy and hidden advertising allow you to diversify the market;
  3. The desire of contractors to save money in construction work on a more profitable material for reinforcement, for which a formal, "blind" recalculation of the strength of the equivalent of composite materials and steel reinforcement is often used.

Expert reviews, advantages and disadvantages of composite thread

If you wish, you can find the most complex calculations and fairly simple primitive arguments about what is good or bad fiberglass reinforcement. As a rule, serious research and expert reviews in most cases do not give specific recommendations, in fact, the "hot" problem of the foundation, in many respects the possibilities of reinforcement on a fiberglass base have to be assessed at your own peril and risk.

Attention! Among the numerous reviews of specialists, there are practically no real professional experts in the field of structural mechanics of composite materials. Their opinions and reviews, as a rule, are reflected in the assessments and commissioned calculations of specific construction projects, they cost a lot of money and are not submitted to the public.

A professional approach can be called if the reviews of certain experts assess a specific situation of use, for example, a fiberglass rod in the foundation of a house using practical results and an analysis of the reasons. Otherwise, such reviews of specialists can be called advertising or anti-advertising at best.

The use of fiberglass rods in the foundation

The use of reinforcing meshes based on fiberglass load-bearing elements began in the 60s of the last century. In addition, a fairly large number of buildings and technological structures made of stone and concrete have been built and are in operation, in the foundation and walls of which fiberglass reinforcement was used. Reviews about the condition of buildings with elements of steel and fiberglass reinforcement and many years of operating experience will give more than all the theoretical calculations of "experts" put together.

Almost everyone who removes rollers or shares his opinion about the shortcomings of fiberglass reinforcement is either sales managers of competing steel products, or amateurs who confuse the causes and consequences of the basic principles of strength and rigidity of structures. For the most part, such reasoning about the disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement is accompanied by formulas and data on the strength of steel and composite. But there are no clear reasons or processes for which fiberglass reinforcement cannot be used. If a person who undertook to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement did not demonstrate in practice a fragment of destroyed concrete or a piece of foundation with fiberglass reinforcement, all his arguments remain fantasies on an arbitrary topic.

Fiberglass reinforcement has been used in construction, mechanical engineering, and special projects for over 40 years. If this is a matter of principle for you, refer to the old Soviet textbooks of the 70s of the last century, magazines on construction topics, these sources reveal the physics and mechanics of the processes of foundation destruction, numerous examples of errors are given.

Having a high specific strength, fiberglass reinforcement can work perfectly in the most difficult conditions, but at the same time it has a number of disadvantages that limit its use in construction:

  1. The fiberglass nature of the composite reinforcement has virtually zero material ductility. In human terms, a frame for a highly loaded foundation or walls made of such a rod will not be able to adapt plastically to the redistribution of the load in a loaded concrete stone. As a result, in some places the foundation of the building will experience overload, which can cause cracks;
  2. The fiberglass base is very good at absorbing tensile axial loads, much worse than compressive loads, and catastrophically poorly tolerated shear forces. This means that any transverse shear force, of which there are many in "fresh" foundations due to sedimentary processes, will lead to the destruction of the integrity of the reinforcement;
  3. Unfortunately, during the time when the concrete of the foundation is gaining strength, the fiberglass frame behaves somewhat differently, and at this stage, therefore, each specific case in the arrangement of reinforcement requires a very careful and accurate analysis.

Therefore, in those nodes where it is permissible to replace the metal with a composite material, instead of the traditional eight-millimeter rod, a six-millimeter fiberglass reinforcement bundle may well be used. Few people know, but today building slabs from stressed concrete with fiberglass reinforcement are already being produced on the stream. But in production, such material is much more expensive, so almost 90% of the assortment, including for the foundation, are custom-made products.

Glass reinforcement applications

The indisputable advantage of steel reinforcement is the very well predictable behavior of the metal under the most difficult loading conditions. All existing skyscrapers and high-rise buildings are built only on steel reinforcement, moreover, most of these "wonders of the world" have an internal metal frame.

Glass reinforcement for high-rise buildings or high-load foundations will not work. The structural mechanics of foundations is, in general, a whole science, primarily due to the complex interaction of individual parts of the foundation with the ground, with the walls of the entire structure.

In the existing foundation model, the most problematic areas are the corner areas, where the reinforcement is subjected to tensile, bending and shear loads. In these places, not even every steel reinforcement is able to provide a rigid bond of corner blocks. Metal reinforcement in the foundation block succeeds only due to the combination of high plasticity and elasticity. Fiberglass reinforcement cannot be used in these foundation nodes. Despite its high longitudinal strength, it will not be able to resist twisting and shearing at the corner point of the foundation contact.

The strength and plasticity of fiberglass reinforcement will be sufficient for the construction of the foundation and basement of a one or two-story house. But provided that in the corner joints of the foundation, special couplings will be used for splicing reinforcement at right angles. Moreover, fiberglass is easy and simple to use for a simple strip foundation 70-90 cm deep.

The use of fiberglass reinforcement paired with special grades of concrete for the foundation is considered successful. Often, when special additives are used in the foundation that enhance frost resistance or water resistance, steel reinforcement begins to corrode intensively. Especially in foundations on soils with a high salt content or in the immediate vicinity of transformer substations.

In the walls of low-rise buildings, especially from aerated concrete blocks, wood concrete blocks and any other building material with low rigidity and contact strength, the use of fiberglass reinforcement is even encouraged. It is much easier and easier to work with it than with a steel bar.

In addition, composite reinforcement is simply ideal for attaching external insulation or facing brick masonry, where either galvanizing or stainless steel is required. And, all the more, it is worth using a thin glass thread for work on the basement blocks of the foundation.


There is one more problem typical for Russian reality, which is definitely worth mentioning. This is the low quality of the most domestic fiberglass fittings. Almost every coil with reinforcement has fracture defects.

During storage and transportation, a metal bar can be stolen or barbarously unloaded in an inconvenient place far from the foundation. But in any case, its quality will not suffer. Fiberglass thread can be easily damaged during transportation and not even notice it. It is definitely impossible to lay such reinforcement in the foundation.

Fiberglass reinforcement for foundations

A few years ago, classic steel reinforcement was used in the construction of foundations. But already now modern reinforcing materials are slowly replacing steel, and fiberglass is especially popular.

It is a composite material that is durable and flexible, resistant to tearing, because it consists of many mono-strand fibers connected into a single bundle.

But at the moment, fiberglass reinforcement has not yet passed the test of time and various influences, therefore it is difficult to judge the quality of such products and the correct choice of diameter.

Also, so far there are no optimal calculations for choosing the optimal reinforcing fiber, moreover, there are still complex technologies for connecting fibers to each other.

But the advantages of such composite materials already exist:

  • This is the only material that is practically not susceptible to all types of corrosion;
  • It can be used in all existing types of foundations;
  • Affordability, because fiber is slightly cheaper than steel reinforcement;
  • Low weight and small core diameter.

But fiberglass reinforcement also has disadvantages:

  • Through relative flexibility, the reinforcement cannot take on the tensile force. It will lie on concrete, therefore, it is necessary to install the reinforcement on concrete, which is already subject to the maximum possible boundary tension;
  • Fiberglass is limited in use, it must be used in an already tense state;
  • It should not be used in mass construction, fiberglass will only be used by beginners who decided to experiment.

Fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation: features

With a core diameter of 10 mm, the fiber weighs 10 times less and is easier to transport. Fiber is produced and transported in bays, therefore, funds on transportation costs are significantly saved;

  • Complete absence of cold bridges and low thermal conductivity;
  • Dielectric conductivity, electromagnetic permeability, it is a complete dielectric (does not create a secondary electromagnetic field and does not serve as an obstacle to radio waves);
  • High tensile strength, and it is about 3 orders of magnitude of steel reinforcement;
  • This is a monolithic structure that can be stacked in layers as many as you like. It is cut with ordinary assembly scissors;
  • No cracks appear in concrete through different indicators of the temperature gradient;
  • When buying a fiber, a private trader gets an excellent flexible reinforcing material, connected with an ordinary blowtorch or plastic ties.
  • How to reinforce foundations with fiberglass

    Knitting of fiberglass reinforcement with plastic ties

    Considering that the reinforcement of foundations is used more in low-rise construction, then rods are also used with a diameter of up to 8 mm (this is a cross-section of steel rods of 12 mm). Glass fiber reinforcement technology consists of several stages:

    1. Calculation of the required amount and diameter of the fiber;
    2. Formwork preparation, installation at the construction site;
    3. For multiple use of the formwork, it is recommended to cover it with glassine, which protects the structure from moisture and concrete;
    4. Installation of level marks, horizontal milestones, at the level of which the concrete solution will be poured;
    5. Preparation of a pillow with bricks, sand or sand-gravel mixture, on which the reinforcing mesh will be laid. The mesh must be installed at a distance of up to 50 mm from the outer edges of the formwork;
    6. Now you need to start laying the reinforcement with fiberglass. If the calculation showed the use of several layers of mesh, then you need to lay the first layer on bricks, the next on vertical guides, and so on to the very top;
    7. It is better to connect all connecting elements in strip foundations and pile grillages to each other flexibly with the help of plastic ties, soldering is not practiced here. And in monolithic foundations, you can also use soldering with a blowtorch;
    8. Installation and fixation of vertical rods, longitudinal and transverse fibers from the horizontal mesh itself;
    9. Pouring the base with concrete.

    Calculation of fiberglass reinforcement for various foundations

    The correct calculation of the type, diameter and amount of fiberglass is the key to a solid and reliable base, taking into account the innovative and completely new material in terms of technical characteristics.

    At the same time, the calculation will indicate how much of what material is needed, because the absence of a surplus of production plays an important role here.

    To calculate the reinforcement for a slab foundation, you must first determine the number and length of rods, based on the parameters of the base and the pitch of the frame mesh.

    It should also be taken into account in the calculation that all slab bases have at least two reinforcement belts, interconnected by vertical rods along the entire length of the mesh, as well as in the corners of the load-bearing cells.

    The same principle is used to calculate the reinforcement for strip and precast foundations.

    But the reinforcement of the columnar foundation is significantly different in technology. First of all, the calculation takes into account the diameter and the number of vertical rods installed directly into the wells. It is also taken into account that such rods must be sufficiently rigidly connected to each other, because the vertical displacement is stronger than the horizontal one.

    Thus, when calculating the amount and diameter of the reinforcing fiber, it is taken into account that the ribbed fibers are installed in the pillars, and the smooth ones - in the grillage and for strapping.

    Where is fiberglass reinforcement found now?

    Given the clear advantages of fiberglass as a reinforcing material, it is actively used in:

    1. Civil, industrial and residential construction;
    2. For concrete, brick, block masonry of all types and sizes;
    3. When construction is carried out in the winter time. After all, then you have to use special mineral and organic additives that can destroy the steel reinforcing frame;
    4. When installing a concrete base for highways and in the construction of dams on the banks of mountain rivers.

    But now many developers are still with some fear of fiberglass, because this material has not yet established itself as a worthy substitute for heavy, bulky and difficult to install steel rods.

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    Fiberglass rebar weight table

    Comparison of fiberglass and metal reinforcement

    Fiberglass reinforcement products are called trending products. Developed over 40 years ago, it is actively promoted as an alternative to rolled steel.

    According to manufacturers, fiberglass is successfully replacing traditional metal rods. Let's carry out a comparative analysis of the two types.

    Brief characteristics of metal products

    In accordance with GOST 10884-94, reinforcing steel products are metal rods of circular cross-section, the surface of which is of two types - smooth or corrugated (periodic). It is used as a frame in reinforced concrete structures: foundations, monolithic and multi-layer walls, floor slabs, pillars, roadbeds, and so on.

    According to their physical and mechanical properties, the following types of fittings are produced:

    1. A1 or A240 - assembly products. Metal rods have a smooth profile, they are used to form the transverse frames of the frame, as well as for the basis of light structures such as greenhouses, shields, gazebos. Available in a diameter of 4-40 mm.

    2. А2-А6 - work products, which are marked according to the steel yield index: А300, А400, А500, А600, А800 and А1000.

    The surface is corrugated crescent, annular or mixed type. These are load-bearing elements of the frame, located in the longitudinal horizontal axis. Metal fittings are produced in a diameter of 4-80 mm. Fields of application: small and high-rise construction, the construction of large-sized buildings for industrial and public purposes, the production of reinforced concrete products, the formation of a roadbed and much more. It is often used in restoration and renovation work.

    The advantages of rolled metal products are its high strength, resistance to temperature extremes, including extreme ones, and relative unpretentiousness.

    In addition, steel reinforcement is durable and safe, and belongs to non-combustible materials. Of the shortcomings, we note the fear of water, a decent weight and the need to form a protective layer of concrete, which protects against contact with the external environment.

    Metal products have standard markings indicating the class of products, diameter.

    In addition, additional engraving is included:

    • C - intended for joining by welding.
    • K - corrosion-resistant rolled products.
    • T - thermally or thermomechanically hardened steel with a high yield index from A600 and above.

    Metal fittings are classified by experts as long or oversized products. It is sold with rods up to 11.7 m long, packed in packs weighing up to 3 tons, or rods of 6-12 m each are rolled into small bays.

    The price is calculated based on the ton / ruble ratio. Installation in a single frame mesh is carried out by welding or knitting cold-drawn wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

    Features of composite products

    Fiberglass reinforcement was developed as an alternative to metal.

    Represents rods of non-metallic products, which include:

    • Staple glass and aramid fiber of inorganic type.
    • Binder thermosetting resins of non-curing or curing type (epoxy, epoxy-diane, vinyl ester and others).
    • Various additives that improve the ductility and strength of products.

    Customers can buy rebar products in two varieties:

    1. With a surface of a periodic profile.

    A thin bundle of twisted fiberglass is wound on the rod in a spiral. A layer of polymer resin is then applied to provide additional protection.

    According to the manufacturers, this "option" increases the area of ​​contact between the reinforcement and concrete and enhances the mutual adhesion of the materials.

    2. With a conditionally smooth profile.

    During the production process, sand is applied to the surface, the task of which is to enhance the adhesion properties.

    Fiberglass reinforcement has the following advantages:

    • Chemical, corrosion and water resistance.
    • Light weight.
    • Dielectric properties and radio transparency.
    • Ease of transportation.

    Comparison on these parameters is partially in favor of glass composite.

    The products are chemically resistant, but they work only in a limited temperature range, and are characterized by low fire resistance. The metal is resistant to any temperature, but corrodes when exposed to water. However, manufacturers offer rods marked "K", covered with a thin film of oxides or zinc layer, due to which corrosion of the frame is prevented.

    Fiberglass reinforcement contains epoxy and similar polymer resins that emit formaldehyde, phenol, toluene, benzene and other toxic substances.

    Of course, under a layer of concrete this is almost invisible, but when used in open frames (for example, in greenhouses), the risk from low-quality products is too great. Metal in this respect is completely safe.

    Let's consider one more parameter - service life. The experience of working with metal fittings is huge, all the disadvantages and ways to overcome them are known.

    When used correctly, rolled steel lasts for at least 30 years. Fiberglass, according to manufacturers, serves no less, but builders' reviews say the opposite. There is no exact data yet. Thus, composite reinforcement is seriously inferior in comparison with steel.

    ASP, diameter in mm

    Cost, rub / running meter

    Which reinforcement is better, metal or fiberglass?

    The construction industry is in high demand and relevant today.

    A wide variety of structures are being erected, both in the residential and industrial sectors. Modern materials, new technologies and time-tested solutions are used. At the same time, the issue of choosing fittings is quite acute. Which option should you give preference to in a given situation?

    Where is fiberglass reinforcement best suited, and where is metal? There are many questions, but, unfortunately, not enough answers. It's time to deal with all aspects of this problem in more detail.

    Fiberglass products - scope

    • Construction of power transmission lines;
    • Arrangement and reconstruction of road surfaces, enclosing supports and bridges;
    • Construction of a sewer, drainage and other similar purpose;
    • Construction of chemical industry facilities;
    • Construction of facilities requiring the absence of electromagnetic radiation;
    • Arrangement of fixed formwork and belts of buildings with increased seismic resistance.

    Metal fittings - the relevance of use

    But in some situations, metal fittings are still relevant:

    • Formation of reinforced concrete structures - with all its advantages, composite reinforcement in concrete reinforcement can play only an auxiliary, but not the main role.

      A flexible steel product is indispensable in the construction of structures for civil and industrial construction, a rigid one is used in the manufacture of heavy concrete and monolithic foundations;

    • In those structures where it is assumed increased transverse compression and the work of corrugations of the reinforcement along the shear;
    • Due to their anisotropic properties, steel products are perfectly combined with concrete, which is not the case with fiberglass.

    Disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement

    Studying the disadvantages of fiberglass products, it is worth highlighting the following:

    • Weak indicators of heat resistance - fiberglass itself has high heat resistance, but the plastic component of the binder type at temperatures above 200 degrees loses its parameters.

      If the temperature reaches 600 degrees and above, the reinforcement is completely melted. Its use in conditions of high-temperature heating and in fire hazardous areas is strictly prohibited;

    • Insufficient modulus of elasticity - this parameter provides a fairly simple bending of products.

      Although, when arranging floors, this requires preliminary calculations, which is impossible in a construction site.

      That is why the production of elements of the curvilinear formation is carried out exclusively in production;

    • Exposure to alkali - alkaline compounds and solutions can significantly affect the operational and technical parameters of the material. The problem can be solved by using a technique for leaching elements from the rare-earth group in concrete.

    Disadvantages of metal fittings

    • Corrosion susceptibility is the main and most noticeable drawback of this material.

      A choice of product variations from special corrosion-resistant compositions is possible, but this will have a significant burden on the construction budget.

      And it certainly won't help to get rid of other problems;

    • Excessive weight is also a very significant disadvantage. It not only increases the cost of material transportation, loading / unloading, but also storage;
    • Fixed length - steel reinforcement often comes in rods of a fixed length, while a fiberglass analogue can be easily purchased in a coil of the required length, which, among other things, also eliminates the waste of materials and the appearance of many scraps;
    • Increased thermal conductivity - this factor can lead to the formation of so-called cold bridges in the foundation, which can have a significant impact on the strength indicators of the formed structure.

    Price question

    Comparing the two variations of fittings, one cannot ignore the issue of pricing policy.

    Yes, at first glance, the cost per meter of a metal-plastic product is higher than that of a similar metal product. But there is one caveat.

    Features of fiberglass composite rebar

    With the same strength, fiberglass reinforcement has a smaller cross-section than similar steel. Therefore, elements identical in their parameters will have approximately the same cost.


    We examined the features of each product, its strengths and weaknesses. There is no unequivocal answer which is the best fittings - made of metal or fiberglass. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular facility being built and the technical conditions for its use.

    Our company offers fiberglass composite rebar with a diameter of 6 mm.

    The armature has the form of a periodic profile and is realized in bays from 50 to 200 m. P.

    The weight of fiberglass reinforcement is almost 10 times less than that of metal reinforcement, according to the table of conditional replacement of metal reinforcement of class A-III with composite fiberglass reinforcement, without loss of strength. In this example, 6 mm fiberglass reinforcement replaces 8 mm metal reinforcement.

    Areas of application of fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm: as a reinforcement mesh for concrete screeds, reinforcing floors, paths, under cladding, tiles, strip foundations, as flexible ties, to strengthen road and sidewalk tiles, fence slabs, curb stones, posts and supports, railway sleepers.

    According to the builders' reviews, this fiberglass reinforcement has proven itself well in strip foundations, armopoies, shallow slab foundations, in the construction of thermal houses, in the manufacture of warm floors and screeds, in the construction of roads, road fences, swimming pools, basements, bridge crossings, in the manufacture of floor slabs and etc.

    To increase the life of concrete structures and screeds, we recommend using polypropylene fiber (polypropylene fiber) .When using fiberglass reinforcement and fiber, the service life of concrete structures is significantly increased.

    Agricultural workers and farmers use fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm for the manufacture of greenhouses and small greenhouses, as well as use it in the construction of poultry houses, cowsheds, pig farms for foundations and floors.

    Because this valve is used in close contact with water and aggressive media. The armature does not rust, does not tear the film, it is convenient for assembling and disassembling greenhouses, it can be stored in an open area, or used as supports for bushes of tomatoes, raspberries, currants, etc.

    The fiberglass reinforcement is tied with plastic mounting clamps or knitting wire using a semi-automatic knitting hook.

    The minimum tempering rate of fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm, a coil of 50 m.

    The weight of a running meter of fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm is 0.05 kg, for comparison (according to the table of conditional replacement), metal reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is 0.395 kg.

    Composite reinforcement 6 mm can be purchased at the warehouse in St.

    Zaporizhzhia by self-pickup, or order free targeted delivery around the city (by agreement). In Dnepropetrovsk, free delivery is carried out subject to an order of 500 rpm.

    Diameters 6,7,8,10 are sold in coils from 50 to 100 meters.

    As a result of technological processes, there may also be remnants of fiberglass reinforcement of different lengths, which we also sell.

    You can check the details by phone.

    Delivery is carried out throughout Ukraine by courier services, targeted delivery by passing transport with additional loading of your order is possible, which significantly saves money on transportation.

    Outside working hours and weekends, you can also place an order for the product by clicking on the buy button.

    Leave your contact information in the window that appears, and we will contact you.

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    Reinforcement made of composite materials technical characteristics

    fiberglass rebar comparison
    Comparison of fiberglass reinforcement with metal

    Fiberglass reinforcement

    Non-metallic composite rebar for construction works

    A new reinforced element for construction work is a high-strength non-metallic reinforcement made of composite materials.

    Non-metallic reinforcement is produced in the form of a rod with a spiral relief of any construction length from glass fibers impregnated with a chemically resistant polymer.

    Reinforcement made from glass fibers is called GRP.

    According to the research results, the durability of building structures using reinforcement is at least 100 years.

    This durability is due to the high chemical resistance of the fittings to all known aggressive media - high concentration gaseous media, chloride salts, deicing agents, sea water, etc.

    Comparative characteristics of metal and composite reinforcement.
    fiberglass and metal fittings comparison
    Replacement of metal reinforcement with non-metallic composite

    Calculation and design of concrete products are carried out in accordance with SNiP 52-01-2003 “concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

    When designing building structures using reinforcement, one should be guided by the equality of loads applied to the reinforcing elements. The replacement procedure is shown in table 3.

    Metal fittings
    A3 (A400S) GOST 5781-82

    Non-metallic composite rebar

    Fsech - cross-section of reinforcement, mm2

    Rsch is the tensile force of the reinforcement at the calculated ultimate tensile strength, n.

    Non-metallic fittings are 10-20% cheaper than replaceable metal fittings.

    Composite reinforcement meshes Meshes of various load characteristics are made from composite reinforcement rods with diameters from 5 to 12 mm (Fig.

    Fastening of the mesh rods is carried out with polymer clamps, as well as with the help of a stamped metal knitting wire, similarly to knitting of nets from metal reinforcement.

    Meshes made of fiberglass composite reinforcement with a diameter of 5-12 mm, designed for loads from 50 to 500 kn / m (5-50 tons / m), are shown in Table 4.

    Mesh tensile strength, kN / m


    • Manufacturing of concrete slabs for coatings of internal construction, bypass temporary automobile roads and other roads with a complete replacement of metal reinforcement with composite reinforcement.
    • Reinforcement of asphalt concrete road surfaces.

      Eliminates rutting, prevents destruction of the pavement from the formation of various cracks, provides a guaranteed service life of the road.

    • Construction of embankments on weak foundations (swamps, soils of high humidity), roadways, temporary roads. A mesh made of composite reinforcement 8-12 ASP is used.

    Mesh 1 at the base of the road in combination with nonwoven fabric 2 and mesh 3 in the middle of the road.

    • Strengthening the slopes of embankments, the banks of reservoirs.

    Mesh 1 is reinforced on the slope of bored piles 2, reinforced with composite reinforcement.

    The structure is filled with a layer of concrete 3.

    Industrial and civil construction.
    • Use in concrete structures of buildings and structures for various purposes operating under systematic exposure to temperatures not higher than + 1000C and not lower than -700C. At the same time, concrete structures can be made of heavy, fine-grained, light, cellular and porous concrete, as well as tensioning concrete.
    • Use for the manufacture of flexible ties in the layered masonry of brick buildings.
    • Repair of surfaces of damaged reinforced concrete and brick structures.

    Characteristics and application of fiberglass reinforcement

    The active use of polymeric materials in various production areas leads to the need to endow these materials with the necessary quality characteristics.

    Some polymers can be given the necessary strength by using fiberglass reinforcement.

    In addition, fiberglass reinforcement can be successfully used independently, replacing other types of materials, such as steel.

    The basis for the use of fiberglass

    Fiberglass reinforcement is a compound where non-metallic polymer fibers are bonded with a specific composite composition. In this combination, fiberglass not only inherited the main advantages that are inherent in polymers, but also acquired additional properties that are increasingly being used in practice.

    For the production of this type of product, fiberglass is used as a basis, as an option - basalt.

    In this case, the reinforcement consists of two layers:

    1. Internal rod. This element is a kind of bundle of fibers that are linked together using epoxy, possibly polyester resin.
    2. Outer shell. The material that surrounds the core is responsible for the strong connection of the reinforcement with the surrounding building material (concrete).

    It can be noted that reinforcement made of composite materials, if you call it fiberglass, has a number of competitive advantages:

    • small specific gravity;
    • chemical resistance when interacting with other materials;
    • high dielectric constant;
    • high tensile strength, which has a 2-fold superiority in comparison with metal;
    • low thermal conductivity;
    • wide temperature range of application.

    In the manufacture of reinforcement from fiberglass, not only the advantages of the material itself are manifested, but a feature of the technological process has a positive effect.

    During the manufacturing stage, each core strand receives equal stress compared to the others. This has a positive effect on strength.

    The flow of threads during twisting is freed from any possible contamination, which positively affects the high-quality application of binders, optimal consumption of substances and low cost of the product.

    In less critical cases of using reinforcement, its surface is covered with sand to give the desired roughness and subsequent relationship with concrete.

    However, to give the rods greater chemical resistance, strength and better interaction with concrete, the rods are coated with venylether resin.

    Basic properties

    Before using fiberglass reinforcement, one should not only know the main competitive advantages, but also assess their impact on the future structure.

    The table below shows some of the values ​​of individual parameters, as well as their effect on the design when used:

    What is composite material

    Composition of composite material

    A composite is called a continuous heterogeneous material that was artificially created from several components with different physical and chemical properties.

    The mechanical characteristics of the composite material determines the ratio of the properties of the matrix and the reinforcing elements, as well as the strength of their bond, which is ensured with the correct choice of the initial components and the method of their combination.

    The most primitive composite materials are straw and clay bricks, which were used by the ancient Egyptians.

    Most often, a composite is referred to as materials based on resin or polymer matrices. Phenolic, epoxy, vinyl ester, polyester and polypropylene polymers are used for the manufacture of composite materials.

    Bulk substances and fibers act as reinforcing substances in the manufacture of composites. The strength of a material depends on the amount of resin - the less it is, the stronger it is.

    Composite fiberglass rebar

    Today, in order to achieve the ideal proportions of all components in a composite material, molding technology is constantly being improved.

    Composite Molding Techniques

    During the molding process, the matrix of the composite material is combined with its reinforcing material, as a result of which a particular product can be manufactured.

    Thermosetting polymer matrices go through a chemical curing reaction during the molding process. Thermoplastic polymer matrices melt and solidify in a predetermined shape during the molding process.

    This process usually takes place under conditions of room temperature and normal pressure.

    The most common composite today is considered to be cement with metal reinforcement or asphalt concrete.

    There is also contact (hand) molding, which has a number of serious disadvantages.

    The product formed by this method contains an increased amount of resin, which makes it more fragile. In addition, it is difficult to achieve ideal proportions of the matrix and reinforcing agent, as well as to maintain the thickness of the product, while avoiding internal air passages.

    The vacuum forming process involves the use of an open tooling in which the composite components are placed, covered with a silicone membrane or polymer film. Then a vacuum is applied to the tooling under atmospheric pressure and elevated temperature.

    The construction market does not stand still, which leads to the emergence of new materials that have improved characteristics compared to analogs of the previous generation. More recently, fiberglass reinforcement appeared in the construction field, which has become a serious competitor to metal rods.

    Until recently, steel reinforcement was the only material that was used in the production of reinforced concrete products to increase the strength of foundations and other elements of building structures. However, the new material is characterized by more perfect properties, which attracts the attention of the consumer.

    Description of the material and its types

    Fiberglass reinforcement is a non-metallic rod wound from fibers of composite material or coated with fine-grained abrasive powder. The diameter of the reinforced bars can be from 4 to 18 mm.

    Depending on the material used as a basis for the manufacture of a bar, there are several types of composite reinforcement:

    • Basalt products (designated by the letters ABP) are made on the basis of basalt fibers bonded with organic resin. Such fittings are characterized by high resistance to aggressive media, including gases, alkalis and salts.
    • Fiberglass reinforcement (abbreviation ASP) is made from fiberglass fibers bonded with thermosetting resins. The advantage of such rods is their low weight and high strength characteristics.
    • Carbon fiber reinforcement (designation AUP) is produced on the basis of hydrocarbon. The material is characterized by increased strength, but has a very high cost, which significantly reduces its popularity.
    • The combined products (abbreviation AKK) are based on basalt and fiberglass. This material is resistant to wear and tear and has a wide range of applications.

    Among the listed types of composite reinforcement, fiberglass products are the most popular, so this particular material should be studied in more detail.

    Advantages and scope of use of fiberglass reinforcement

    In contrast to steel rods, fiberglass reinforcement has a number of significant advantages:

    • Low weight, due to which it becomes more convenient to transport the material and perform various actions with it.
    • High resistance to aggressive media, including gases, alkalis and salts.
    • Resistance to the formation of foci of corrosion.
    • High tensile strength.

    All of the above characteristics significantly expand the scope of use of composite fiberglass reinforcement:

    • With its help, walls and partitions made of bricks and various blocks are strengthened.
    • With the help of fiberglass reinforcement, the load-bearing walls are connected to the facing partitions. By the way, we have an interesting article on the topic ““.
    • Fiberglass reinforcement is excellent for strengthening and, the sole of which lies significantly below the freezing level of the soil. In addition, it is recommended to use composite reinforcement to reinforce foundations used in aggressive environments.

    Fiberglass composite rebar can be used to reinforce any type of foundation for low-rise buildings. However, in the case of strip and columnar foundations for structures of no more than three floors, composite rods received many positive recommendations. In other words, fiberglass reinforcement can be used to strengthen a monolithic concrete tape for a private house or cottage in one or two floors, a bathhouse, a garage or outbuildings. On our site there is information about, and, as well as much more. You can use the site search to find the information you are interested in.

    It is worth recalling that fiberglass reinforcement is a new material, the properties of which are not fully understood. Therefore, it is better to use the material for structural reinforcement, avoiding moments where increased bending and torsional strength is required.

    Calculation of fiberglass reinforcement

    Do-it-yourself foundation construction requires calculations of the amount of building materials, including composite reinforcement.

    Taking into account various factors, the calculation of materials should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

    • Determination of the total length of the foundation, taking into account the length of the internal load-bearing partition.
    • Calculation of the length of the reinforcement rods, taking into account that the reinforcement will be laid in two tiers (4 rods).
    • Determination of the number of connections. It should be borne in mind that the connection of fiberglass reinforcement rods is carried out not by welding, but with an overlap. Therefore, you need to add 1 meter for each corner.
    • Perform calculations of transverse connections.

    For a complete understanding, you can take an example of calculations of reinforcement for the foundation of a house measuring 6 * 8 meters, the internal load-bearing wall of which is 6 meters.

    The total length of the foundation is determined as follows:

    (6 + 8) * 2 + 6 = 34 meters.

    The total length of the rods, taking into account the fact that the two-level structure consists of 4 parallel rods, is:

    34 * 4 = 136 meters.

    The number of connections and, accordingly, the length of the reinforcement for this purpose is determined as follows: the number of main walls is multiplied by 1 meter of overlap and by the number of rods. It turns out the following:

    (4 + 1) * 1 * 4 = 20 meters.

    Therefore, for the foundation of the indicated dimensions, taking into account the additional material for joining, the following number of longitudinal rods will be required:

    136 + 20 = 156 meters.

    You should also calculate the number of transverse ring joints. According to the technology of laying the reinforcing frame, the connecting rings should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other. To determine the number of transverse connecting rings, the total length of the reinforcement must be divided by 0.5 meters. It turns out the following:

    The dimensions of the frame are taken into account in order to calculate the length of reinforcement required for such a number of cross members. For example, if the frame lattice has a size of 60 * 30 cm, then the length of the rod for one ring will be equal to the following:

    (0.6 + 0.3) * 2 * 68 = 122.4 meters.

    In addition, it is imperative to add a certain amount of material for the stock. That is, you should take not 122, but 130 meters of reinforcement.

    Summing up the results of calculating the longitudinal and transverse elements of the frame, we get the result:

    When choosing a material for reinforcing a foundation, all significant factors should be taken into account. Despite the large number of positive characteristics, fiberglass reinforcement is a new material, and metal rods are time-tested.

    When building a new building, it is important to equip a high-quality and solid foundation. For this task, different materials can be used, the main thing is that they are reliable and can withstand heavy loads. In modern construction, the use of fiberglass reinforcement for foundations is widespread.

    What is fiberglass reinforcement

    Fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation is made on the basis of composite materials and is sold in the form of longitudinal rods with a thickness of 4-18 mm. Their surface is covered with notches or coils.

    For the manufacture of such structures, two components are used:
    1. Fibers from various inorganic raw materials.
    2. Polymer additives with thermoplastic or thermosetting structure.

    A solid base for rods is made from binders, which give the final product the required strength properties.

    The areas of operation of fiberglass products are quite extensive. Erection of foundations for residential and industrial buildings is one of them. With the help of such reinforcement, you can give the base additional strength and reliability.

    Depending on the materials used in the production process, the following types of composite reinforcement are distinguished:

    1. Fiberglass.
    2. Basalt composite.
    3. Aramid composite.
    4. Carbon composite.

    There are combined options that contain different components. The most popular is the fiberglass variety, which resembles a tree in structure. Fibers are located along the length of the rod, contributing to the formation of a single base.

    Benefits and where it is used

    The popularity of using fiberglass is associated with a host of advantages, including:

    1. No vulnerability to corrosive processes. Due to this property, fiberglass can be used in an environment with high humidity or other aggressive influences.
    2. Small size and weight. This contributes to comfortable transportation and use of the material. The reinforcement process does not require large expenditures of human strength. The material is easily coiled and easily delivered to the construction site.
    3. Affordable cost. Composite products are much cheaper than steel counterparts.
    4. Increased strength properties. Fiberglass reinforcement is characterized by high strength, which is 2-2.5 times higher than the strength of metal rods with the same cross-section.
    5. Low thermal conductivity, resistance to electric current. Concrete structures are not able to protect the building from heat loss, and they are additionally insulated with insulating material, so the low thermal conductivity properties of the composite do not play a big role. The non-conductivity of electricity is an important point that protects the building from discharges.

    However, in addition to positive features, the reinforcement of the strip foundation with fiberglass reinforcement also has disadvantages:

    1. The structure is not flex-resistant, so it cannot absorb tensile loads. Since the reinforcement is laid on the concrete surface, it is already subjected to ultimate tensile stress.
    2. The areas of use of the material are limited as it can only be installed taut.
    3. For the construction of large and multi-storey buildings, fiberglass is not suitable. Therefore, most often it is in demand when solving simple problems by beginners.
    4. The inability to use welding equipment to connect the elements. In most cases, welding is involved in the construction of large-sized frames. For arranging the foundation of a private house, the method of step-by-step knitting of rods is suitable.

    The material appeared relatively recently and is considered not fully understood.

    Applications include both residential and industrial construction. The use of fiberglass reinforcement in the foundation is in great demand, which is associated with a number of advantages over concrete structures.

    Today, such fittings are used to strengthen the banks of reservoirs and road surfaces located in problem areas with constant aggressive influences.

    In private construction, products are necessary to strengthen:

    1. Concrete structures that perform enclosing functions. At the same time, it is prohibited to use material for reinforcing load-bearing structures.
    2. Foundations of a tape or other type.
    3. Foam concrete or aerated concrete masonry.

    Calculation of fiberglass reinforcement

    The calculation is performed in two stages:
    1. GPS. Determination of the bearing capacity of the structure and assessment of the ability of the base to cope with the loads.
    2. GPS. Determination of stiffness indicators. This stage involves taking into account deformations and the size of cracks in products with a reinforced concrete base.

    Most of the compressive loads are absorbed by concrete, and fiberglass reinforcement is used to combat destructive processes. Leading reinforcement manufacturers report strength benefits, but do not talk about the modulus of elasticity, which affects the deformability of a structure.

    To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to carry out simple mathematical calculations, dividing the strength by the elastic modulus data.

    Foundation reinforcement

    To determine whether it is possible to use fiberglass reinforcement for strip foundations and how to knit fiberglass rods with such a base, it must be borne in mind that there are two types of base with tape:

    1. Rectangular.
    2. T-shaped.

    In the second type, the installation of reinforcement is carried out without preliminary calculations, and the sole is designed to absorb bending loads. The material can be sewn into the wall, but extra care must be taken when installing into the sole.

    If the foundation has a rectangular cross-section, the use of fiberglass reinforcement is justified, since this structure can take compressive loads.

    Tools and materials

    Before you start knitting a strip foundation, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

    1. Measuring device - tape measure.
    2. A device for fitting and processing rods - a grinder.
    3. Personal protective equipment.
    4. Water-type level.
    5. Plastic clamps for fastening rods.


    Before starting the reinforcement, you need to prepare a recess, guided by the layout of the future building. The bottom surface must be leveled and tamped, then a layer of sand (10-15 cm) should be poured, poured over with liquid and compacted. The next layer will be crushed stone with a similar thickness. After the top cover is compacted, a firm cushion with a flat surface is formed at the bottom.

    Formwork construction

    For arranging the formwork, boards are used, which are connected into shields using nails or self-tapping screws. The hats of the fasteners must be installed from the inside, and the structure must be additionally reinforced with spacers.

    The surface of the walls is covered with parchment, which is fixed with a stapler. The purpose of this material is to keep the planks clean and to prevent the leakage of liquid from the concrete screed.

    Further on the walls are placed marks that will determine the level of concrete pouring. It is worth guiding along this line when installing reinforced elements. For a more accurate performance of the work, a water level should be applied.

    Knitting technology

    To understand the knitting technology, you should take into account the simple advice of experienced specialists and adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Before starting knitting, you need to prepare the drawings of the frame and cut all the elements, adhering to the calculations.
    2. Clamps are used to position the cross wires in the lower layers. They are fixed both before starting the installation of the fittings and after completing the assembly.
    3. The diameter of the cells is determined by the parameters of the tape, which is reinforced. In most cases, it varies from 15 to 30 cm.
    4. Before connecting the longitudinal rods, they must be laid out on the ground and marked on them at the points of attachment of the transverse parts. In the process of knitting, a right angle must be observed.
    5. The cross members are fixed with the longitudinal ones from the bottom. To ensure reliable reinforcement, plastic clamps or wire are knitted as tightly as possible.
    6. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the horizontal reinforcement layers, and then start fixing the vertical ones. Fixation is carried out from the inside of the cells to increase the reliability of the structure.
    7. The corners need to be given special attention. Experts recommend not to bend them by temperature exposure, as this can worsen the strength properties.
    8. After completing the binding of the reinforcement structure, it must be placed inside the formwork.

    If the fiberglass reinforcement is knitted with wire, then, in order to facilitate the work, it is better to use a crochet hook. An old screwdriver can play its role.

    Reinforcement cage construction

    When arranging the frame, you need to adhere to the key requirement - the product must be completely filled with concrete, keeping the distance between the walls of the formwork at least 5 cm.To prevent the reinforced elements from being placed at the bottom of the recess, bricks should be fixed, and longitudinal rods and horizontal crossbars should be placed on top of them. These elements are connected using plastic clamps.

    Pouring the foundation

    At the last stage, you need to pour concrete into the formwork with a frame. It is important to carry out this action with extreme care, placing it in the free cavities between the parts of the frame. It is also necessary to periodically pierce the concrete with rods to remove air bubbles.

    Comparison with metal fittings

    When conducting comparative tests of steel and composite reinforcement, there are the following features:

    1. Steel products are afraid of corrosive processes, and the composite can withstand any aggressive environment.
    2. Metal is cold permeable, and composite products are characterized by a low degree of thermal conductivity.
    3. The weight of fiberglass reinforcement is a couple of times lower than the weight of steel analogs.

    When choosing a material for reinforcement, all factors must be taken into account. With a large list of advantages, innovative fiberglass structures also have disadvantages, and the classic metal version has been used for many decades.

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