Home Flowers Do-it-yourself dandelions on the wall with a sponge. We draw a dandelion - a detailed master class. Preparing the wall and materials

Do-it-yourself dandelions on the wall with a sponge. We draw a dandelion - a detailed master class. Preparing the wall and materials

Wall decor is especially popular nowadays, because you can cover the wall with ordinary painted wallpaper, and make the most unusual drawing. However, the question often rests on the inability of a person to draw, and then any attempt turns into something unimaginable and the wallpaper has to be repainted. Fortunately, today's needlewomen have found an approach to this problem.

The simplest drawing is always - flowers, if they are also "empty", then the whole process becomes much easier. Therefore, you can draw a very summer, bright and sophisticated dandelion on the wall. The beauty of this flower on the wall is not only in its elegance, but also in the ability to additionally decorate the flower. That is, you can just draw a dandelion, or you can draw a dandelion and its fluff around the flower. In general, it's all about fantasy.

Dandelion's style load can also be different. Do you miss summer and brightness? Use bright juicy colors, if you want something depressing or poetic, then you need pastel languid and dark shades.

What do you need to paint on the wall?

1. The wall should already be covered with plain wallpaper.
2. Masking tape.
3. Paint, it is advisable to take something more serious than watercolors, but if the choice is not great, then on a temporary basis you can even take gouache. Although later you will still need to cover the picture with acrylic or oil paints, so take care of this in advance.
4. A thin brush for drawing details. Do not forget that the details are large in one way or another, which means that the brush should be medium in size and with a thin tip, it is better to take a set so that you can use the right brush where you think is necessary, and not suffer with one.
5. A sponge for washing dishes.
6. Idea and desire to paint on wallpaper.

How to draw?

In order to draw a beautiful flower, you must first outline the stem line. Since the flower on this stem will be voluminous, you need to bring the stem to about the middle of the wall, you can lower it, you cannot higher. In order for the stem to turn out to be even, its contours need to be glued with tape, and already in the middle of it, calmly decorate the future stem.

Then you need to draw the dandelion core. To do this, you need to draw an oval that is stretched to the sides, and to demonstrate some stamens, draw several lines on the sides of the core.

Now you need to start drawing the fluffy petals. To do this, you need to take a sponge and blot a corner of it in the paint. Then, with an angle towards the core, gently apply the sponge to the wall. To make the airy threads in the petals even more airy, you can pull them out to the sides with a brush.

The dandelion should have a fairly voluminous beanie, then it will not look strange.

The heroes of the story moved to a new apartment and decided to decorate the walls. After analyzing all the possible options (or drawing a picture using stencils), we came to the conclusion that creating coziness in an apartment with bare walls is an expensive pleasure.
An idea came to my mind - to make drawings on the walls with my own hands. The choice fell on dandelions.

Having no art education, but doing everything neatly and from the heart, the guys got a wonderful dandelion on the wall. Dandelion is very airy, it gives comfort and a warm reminder of summer.
A bonus for the owners of the apartment was the praise from the guests, as well as a sense of pride for the work done.

And now, in order, as they did the drawing of a dandelion on the wall

The following tools were used for the work:
1. Paint
2. Masking tape
3. Fine brush
4. Foam sponge (you can take a sponge for washing dishes)

When all the necessary tools and materials for work are ready, you need to decide on the place and size for the future drawing of the dandelion. In our case, the dandelion divided two zones in the kitchen - working and dining.

Gluing the masking tape vertically, we create the outline of the future dandelion stem. The distance between the two stripes is the thickness of the stem. At the top of the "stem", we also create a round dandelion head with the help of scotch tape.

After creating the main outline, you can start painting. The paint is best applied with a sponge. Gently blotting the surface of the wall, inside the selected path, we get a uniform texture without brush strokes.
After painting the stem and head of the dandelion, the molar tape can be removed.

The next step is to draw the umbrella seeds for the dandelion.
To draw again, use a sponge. Only now you need to moisten only one edge of the sponge with paint. Light imprints of the corner of the sponge are applied along the diameter of the future flower. At first, you can only make basting of air umbrellas, and then "fluff" them. The degree of "fluffiness" of the dandelion cap you choose independently, based on your taste.

To get greater transparency and airiness of the dandelion, the strokes were applied in this way:
At the edge there are frequent and dense strokes.
To the core - the density of smears decreases.

After such manipulations with the sponge on the wall, you can already recognize the dandelion, but that's not all.
Now, using a thin brush, you need to draw some details - leaves at the stalk, seeds on the dandelion head.
Flying umbrella seeds were also added to the wall.

Features of drawing dandelions with a pencil and paints. Step-by-step instructions.

Psychologists from all sources of information talk about the benefits of drawing for us. And the appearance of babies in a family is necessarily associated with creative moments of joint communication.

How to draw a dandelion with a pencil step by step for beginners?

dandelion is drawn with a pencil, step-by-step instructions

First, decide on the future drawing, it will be:

  • dandelion on a stem surrounded by flying seeds
  • blooming and closed bud of a plant on stems surrounded by a pair of leaves
  • a dandelion with a fluffy head and flowering on stems, around which three or more leaves are located
  • fine-shank pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Draw a dandelion in stages like this:

  • depict a small oval-core of a future dandelion with seeds, a larger circle for a flowering plant, a medium-sized oval for drawing a closed bud;
  • draw one or two parallel stem lines down from him / them. Remember that they have a curly character in a dandelion;
  • draw a circle around the core, outline the jagged petals of an open flower, draw lines of leaves and their tips at the closed bud;
  • for a fluffy dandelion, draw small cloves along the outer circle. These will be the tops of its airy seeds. If desired, add a few loose fluffs on one side, which already seem to be flying through the air. To do this, draw dots and thin stems from them;
  • on the core of a dandelion with ripe seeds, put many dark dots, in a blossoming flower, shade darker the leaves of the stalk, which have wilted, and for a closed bud, highlight the lines of shadows on the leaves and more clearly the ends of the petals;
  • dandelion with seeds, add their thin stems coming from the core, and a light web of their tops. To do this, draw short rays from the middle in all directions;
  • display shadows on the stems by shading in darker areas;
  • start drawing leaves from the core line or outline their general oval;
  • symmetrically draw the embossed protrusions on the leaves, reminiscent of a herringbone. Expand the leaves towards the bottom and reduce their curvature;
  • if you did not start drawing leaves from the middle line, then add it as the final touch in your work.

And a few photos as a step-by-step instruction for drawing a dandelion with a pencil.

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 1

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 2

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 3

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 4

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 5

dandelion pencil step-by-step drawing, option 6

How to draw a dandelion with a pencil step by step for children?

ripe dandelion we draw with a pencil

Children when doing creative work with their parents are extremely impatient. Therefore, master the simple technique of drawing a dandelion and teach your child to use it.

  • On the leaf, display a thin stem and a line in the middle of the future leaf.
  • Draw an oval on the stem
  • Display 7-8 petals that are shaped like rectangles.
  • Draw 4-5 leaves of the stalk at the bottom.
  • Around the middle of the sheet, begin to draw its curly lines from bottom to top
  • It is enough to outline 3 cloves of the leaf parallel to the middle line
  • Color the resulting dandelion blank

dandelion is drawn with a pencil step by step

How to draw a dandelion with paints, watercolors for children?

dandelion painted

Watercolor dandelions will appeal to children and adults with the ability to easily mix paints and adjust the drawing at their discretion.

For example, master a couple of techniques with:

  • with wax crayons
  • gel pen and pencil

In the first option, on a blank sheet of paper, draw the skeleton of the future dandelion, namely the stem, leaves, flowers and / or a fluffy umbrella.

In the second, when the work is dry, draw clear lines of the stem, pedicels, buds, umbrellas of the dandelion with a pen.

To make the work light and airy, use large salt crystals. She picks up wet paint and leaves white spots on the canvas.

How to draw a dandelion on the wall in stages?

dandelions painted on the wall

If you like to experiment and decorate your home on your own, paint some flowers / fluffy dandelions on the wall.

At the preparation stage, pay special attention to the choice of brushes for painting. They should be different in the thickness of the drawing part.

Sequence of work:

  • draw with a simple pencil the outlines of the future drawing, highlighting the stems, the head;
  • with a thick brush, apply paint to the stems;
  • with a thin brush, mark the legs of the seeds on the head of the dandelion and next to it, giving the picture the effect of a blowing wind;
  • With the third brush, draw a lot of dots around the air head of the plant. They will be seeds that come off and fly through the air. Remember that there are more of them near the dandelion and less as you separate from it;
  • add thin legs and umbrellas to the airy seeds. The latter's rays are directed in different directions and resemble the sun;
  • draw similar umbrellas on the dandelion's head;
  • draw 4-5 s-shaped leaves with a thin brush around the stems under the fluffy heads of the plant.

How to draw a dandelion on the wall with a sponge?

the aerial part of the dandelion is painted on the wall with a sponge

Continuing the theme of decorating the interior of your home, pay attention to the technique of drawing a dandelion on the wall with a sponge. It almost completely replaces brushes and brings a special lightness and volume to the drawing.

Let's note several features of creating a dandelion on the wall with a sponge:

  • it acts as a drawing tool to indicate the stem and umbrellas of the seeds.
  • in addition to the wide part, use a thin one and one of the corners.
  • color saturation easily changes depending on the amount of paint on it and the side that leaves an impression on the wall.

To make the drawing have clear boundaries, set them with masking tape before picking up the painting sponge.

Dandelion - drawing for children to sketch

Children love to see a real image in front of their eyes, which they sketch and decorate to their taste.

Below are some examples of dandelion drawings that you can suggest to kids as reference for drawing.

drawing a dandelion for sketching for children, option 1

So, we looked at different techniques for drawing dandelions on canvas and as an element of interior decoration on the wall.

Draw yourself and with your children, take some time to this exciting activity and enjoy the amazing summer flowers - dandelions.

Video: How to draw dandelions?

What can make your home even more unique than a hand-painted painting? Decorating your home without the help of a professional is not as difficult as you might think, however, minimal creative skills should still be present. To test your skills, sketch a couple of sketches on a piece of cardboard before going directly to the wall painting.

How to prepare a wall for painting?

Have you chosen the centerpiece for your masterpiece? Let's figure out how to prepare a wall for painting. First, clean the surface of any imperfections and old coating. Degrease a smooth wall with acetone, or a special primer, and then level it with putty or plaster. The leveled area is primed to enhance the adhesion between the wall and the paint, and paint with the "background" color you like.

Wall paints

The wall is ready, the head is full of ideas, which means it's time to pick up paints for painting the walls. Among all the variety of modern choices, professional artists prefer acrylic water-dispersed paints for painting walls. Usually they are sold in sets, but more often everyone buys a palette of yellow, green and brown, since their mixing results in all natural shades. Do not forget about white paint - it allows you to create all the necessary color transitions and mask mistakes in work.

Wall painting with acrylic is carried out with brushes with artificial bristles or foam rubber. The width of both depends on the desired width of the stroke.

Wall painting technique

The wall painting technique depends on the paint you are working with. Choosing acrylic, you can create different paint effects by diluting it with water: a strong dilution will make the acrylic more transparent, which is usually found in watercolors, and thick and undiluted acrylic will give a gouache texture. You can draw by hand or using a stencil. The technology of painting walls also depends on the paint and the desired effect: paint is applied to a wet wall for greater absorption, as is done in the technology of "fresco", but more often they use hand or stencil painting on a dry surface.

Master class "Wall painting"

Do-it-yourself wall painting will take several hours, and its result will delight you for years, for example, we present to your attention a master class "Painting walls" - we draw a dandelion!

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