Home Berries The cleanest and cheapest city in China. The dirtiest and cleanest cities in China. Haikou - exemplary and pure

The cleanest and cheapest city in China. The dirtiest and cleanest cities in China. Haikou - exemplary and pure

Guizhou is a mountainous multinational province in southwestern China. This region is often called "Chinese Switzerland": more than 80% of the territory is covered with mountains, forests, riverbeds and waterfalls. And Guizhou is the most environmentally friendly region in China. Ten years ago, Guizhou was popular only among Chinese tourists, but in recent years the situation has changed a lot: the beauty of the region and its attractions have begun to be recognized all over the world.

In our new partner material, together with the ATC group of companies, we decided to tell you about the main attractions of the Guizhou region of China and the reasons why it is worth visiting. Moreover, there is a direct flight from Moscow to the capital of the Guiyang region. The flight will take about ten hours, and the cost of the flight will pleasantly surprise you - it starts from $ 100 one way. We recommend looking for tickets on Aviasales.

You can get to the Guizhou region by direct flight.
The Royal Flight airline makes a regular flight from Moscow to Guiyang Airport once a week. Boeing 767-300 monoclass, luggage up to 20 kilograms. The cost is pleasantly surprising - from $ 100 one way, and, yes, such tickets are even now through Aviasales.

Moscow (SVO F) - Guiyang (KWE) RL 305, 8 h. 00 min.
Mon. 21:40 - Tue. 10:40

Guiyang (KWE) - Moscow (SVO F) RL 306, 10 h 35 min.
Tue 12:40 - 16:50

See Zhenyuan Ancient City from the water

Located in the eastern part of the province, Zhenyuan Ancient Town is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Guizhou. The area of ​​the ancient city, which is more than two thousand years old, is only 3.1 square kilometers. But on the other hand, there are more than 160 historical and natural attractions here: caves, palaces, pavilions, temples and even ancient marinas. Among them, the Wuyang River Scenic Area and the elegant ancient complex in the "Black Dragon Cave" (Qinglong Cave) are especially famous.

The ancient city is especially beautiful from the water, so be sure to take a boat and swim along the river at sunset. The best time to visit is the end of May. At this time, a colorful dragon boat festival is held annually.

Zhenyuan Ancient Town

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A very sad fact: according to the UN, of the 20 most polluted cities on the planet, 16 are located in China.

According to official figures from the Chinese authorities, China burns 27% of all coal burned in the world, which accounts for about 80% of the country's energy resources. At the same time, in developed countries, 78% of energy resources are oil, gas, nuclear and hydropower, which are much more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The content of suspended particles in the air of 57% of Chinese cities exceeds national standards; in 48 cities, the level of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere also exceeds the norm; acid rain falls in 82% of Chinese cities, covering 30% of the country's territory; in many cities there is a continuous increase in the content of nitrogen oxides in the air, and in Beijing, Guangzhou, Urumqi and Anshan, its content has already exceeded the established norms.

70%~80% of cancers in Beijing are due to environmental pollution. If things go on like this, then people will be forced to buy air, and not just water.

Which city to choose for residence

Friends, if you decide to move to China for permanent residence (although this is not realistic) or are going to live there for a while, then it is very important to choose a place of residence. Of course, if you were sent on a business trip, then you don’t have to choose. But if you yourself decide to choose a city, then I advise you to read the post which city to choose for living in China. It explains how to determine the degree of pollution in a city.

And also on the topic of ecology. When we were in Harbin, I wrote a note Harbin backyards. Let it be small, but it also characterizes the ecological situation in China.

Photo: Ecology of China. The boy is jumping on the garbage bank.

China is the most populous country in the world and the third largest country in the world. This country is famous for its diverse and picturesque landscapes. From the forest-steppe and deserts of the Gobi and Taklamakan in the arid north of the country to the subtropical forests teeming with amazing wildlife in the south, China's landscapes are truly mesmerizing. Unfortunately, the next generations are at risk of being left without the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of China. It is quite possible that people will not even be able to live on the territory of the country due to the terrible and uncontrolled pollution that China is suffering from. Overpopulation and massive economic growth have taken their toll, leaving the environment in a terrible state. To give you an idea of ​​just how serious and large-scale China's problem is, we invite you to take a look at these twenty-five shocking photos of pollution in this country.

25. A woman collects water for a sample in the Jianhe River, which turned red due to the fact that chemical plants illegally dump untreated polluted water directly into a local stream.

24. What looks like thick fog is actually high air pollution. The capital of China, Beijing, is one of the most polluted cities in the world.

23. The concentration of polluted particles in the air is 40 times higher than international safety restrictions allow.

22. Fishermen at Chaohu Lake in Hefei. The color and texture of the water, which looks alien, is actually a mixture of algae and chemical pollutants.

21. In other parts of the lake, the water has an unnaturally green color and is covered with greasy films.

20. A woman helps to clean up oil at the site of an oil spill near the port city of Dalian (Dalian Port) in Liaoning Province (Liaoning Province).

19. People look at a heavily polluted river that flows through the city Zhugao (Zhugao) in Sichuan Province (Sichuan Province).

18. The lack of drinking water is a serious problem for China. It has been estimated that almost 700 million Chinese (about half of the country's population) have to drink contaminated water.

17. Some factories throw sewage and chemical waste directly into the rivers, which is why the water in these rivers takes on unrealistic colors.

16. A boy swims in thick algae in the city of Qingdao (Qingdao). Excessive algal blooms are caused by excessive runoff from agricultural areas. It leads to the formation of "dead zones" for both flora and fauna.

15. E-waste is also a major problem as it has long served as a global waste dump for used electrical equipment from around the world.

14. A worker tries to clean up poisoned fish at Lake Wuhan in Hubei Province, in central China.

13. Sometimes the scale of the disaster is simply amazing. It is believed that this fish was poisoned by ammonia dumped into the river.

12. Only one percent of the city's 560 million inhabitants breathe air that is considered clean according to EU standards.

11. A boy tries in vain to avoid debris floating in the water that flooded the street in Kuang Tung (Kuang-Tung).

10. Boys fish in a heavily polluted river covered with algae in the city of Hefei.

9. People clean up an oil spill in Liaoning province.

8. Needless to say, oil pollution has a fatal effect on all animals living in the affected area.

7. A woman unsuccessfully tries to clean up a polluted river.

6. A fisherman fords a polluted lake covered with green algae in Anhui Province.

5. Two of nearly three thousand dead pigs found in Shanghai's Huangpu River.

4. Due to excessive air pollution, it seems that the sun cannot break through the layers of smog, creating such apocalyptic panoramas.

3. Scavengers are looking for things to recycle at a landfill in Nanning (Nanning) in southern China.

2. A man with his mule in a polluted river near the village of Linka. This area is polluted with waste from a nearby coal mine.

1. A man relaxes on a beach surrounded by debris left behind by nearly half a million visitors who attended the Dragon Boat Festival near Shenzhen, in southern China.

For 4 months of this year, China was visited by more than 716 thousand Russian tourists - and this is more than 29% more than the same indicator last year. This important indicator was announced last Thursday at the presentation of the tourism opportunities of the city of Weihai, where our compatriots also occasionally relax.

Small by Chinese standards (and "only" 8 million people live in it), the city of Weihai is located on the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula, which is territorially part of Shandong Province. The Chinese claim that it is from the small island of Liugundao, located near Weihai, that the sunrise over the entire Celestial Empire begins. And here is the End of the World - so in the Middle Ages the Chinese called the last span of their land, beyond which were the countries of the barbarians.

The peninsula, like the city itself, is washed by the Yellow Sea, in which numerous local tourists and not quite numerous foreign tourists like to swim, among which Russians are second in number of arrivals (after residents of South Korea). Last year, according to Jiang Wen-Yi, Deputy Director of the Weihai City Tourism Development Committee, the city was visited by 27 thousand Russian tourists, which is 6% more than in 2015. Plans for this year are to receive 30,000 Russians, mostly residents of the Far East.

A few years ago, Yakutia Airlines organized several charter flights from Khabarovsk. The Chinese would like to resume these flights, and possibly establish regular flights between some Russian city and Weihai. In the meantime, residents of the Far East can get to the resort town by train (in two days), while residents of the central regions of Russia have recently had the opportunity to get to Weihai by train from Qingdao, another city in the province, where since July the Chinese air carrier Beijing Capital Airlines began operate flights from Moscow. The Weihai authorities also announced financial incentives for tour operators and airlines who wished to raise charter flights here.

And although the share of tourism in Weihai's GDP is now only 6%, local authorities want to develop tourism along with port services, the production of products and spare parts for cars. According to the UN, Weihai was recently named the most environmentally friendly city in China. The city is very young and there are no harmful industries in it. It is blown by clean winds and washed by the cleanest sea, abundant in fish and various seafood, actively eaten by the local population and tourists.

The coastline of Weihai is over a thousand kilometers long. The city has 30 beaches and about 80 attractions that are popular with vacationers. Among them are the already mentioned Liugongdao Island, called the "Land of Bliss", Asia's largest safari park, Xixiakou, one of the 10 best recreation areas in China, Dazhushan, Buddhist and Taoist temples near Mount Chishan, and the world's first panoramic Huaxia show that tells the story ancient Chinese culture and much more. Thermal springs, traditional Chinese medicine and treatment in local sanatoriums are also well-deserved popularity.

Fedor Yurin

Leisure ecology: Where to go in China, what cities to visit? This question worries every traveler planning a trip to this unusual Asian country. There are so many incredible cities in China with the most interesting spiritual and cultural heritage as well as beautiful scenery that would make perfect postcard pictures.

Where to go in China, what cities to visit? This question worries every traveler planning a trip to this unusual Asian country. There are so many incredible cities in China with the most interesting spiritual and cultural heritage as well as beautiful scenery that would make perfect postcard pictures.

And itinerary for a trip to China can be a very difficult task, because it is very difficult to choose only a few Chinese cities when visiting this huge and mysterious Asian country. The most popular tourist destinations have been welcoming travelers to China's cities for decades. We have selected the 7 best cities in China to visit.

1. Beijing

The King of the East and the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the center of international trade and the political center of China. Being quite a modern city in every sense of the word, it is still a place that has not lost touch with its heritage, great culture and spirituality, which makes China so exceptional. The ancient city is home to some world-famous landmarks such as the Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City, just to name a few.

2. Xi'an

The ancient Chinese city of Xi'an is over 3,000 years old and served as the capital of over 13 dynasties under 73 different emperors during its heyday. Considered the backbone of the Chinese empire, the region boasts history's most important periods of culture and influence. People travel from all over the world to Xi'an to see the famous Terracotta Army, the Great Goose Pagoda and thousands of other ancient relics, incredible museums and relics from life's past.

3. Shanghai

Shanghai is the most urbanized of all cities in China, being the gateway to the future, as it is often called. Excellent infrastructure and advanced technology have ensured the continued prosperity of the city, and it continues to grow by leaps and bounds. More than 23 million people live here, and the region has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Presenting a fascinating and intriguing combination where east meets west, Shanghai is considered anywhere in the world to be the first cosmopolitan city.

4. Guilin

This most glorious city in China lies on the banks of the Li River. Karst mountains are visible all over the horizon, giving way to the deep emerald green waters of the rivers and lakes that surround Guilin and giving it an almost magical quality. Travelers do not have to leave the city too far to be in the bosom of nature. Almost like a movie set, the great limestone mountains, the old Chinese junks that skim through the water, and a bit of mist in the morning air will enchant you in an instant.

5. Ningbo

As one of the main trading ports on the Great Silk Road, it lost its status. Although today this modern port lacks some of the madness of other major cities in China, it remains a very calm and quiet place, giving visitors to the city a more relaxed feeling. Mostly travelers visit Tianyi Square, the pavilion and the Buddhist islands here.

6. Sichuan

This World Heritage site is well known for its magnificent scenery, waterfalls, deep azure and emerald colored lakes and 72,000 hectares of protected area, easily distinguished by the jagged horizons of the snowy mountain peaks. The region cannot be called large and prosperous, but rather a collection of stunning villages that are completely different from each other. And trust me, this will be one of the stops on your city tour of China not to be missed.

7. Qingdao

This is one of the most atypical cities in China. Known locally as the Swiss of China and popular with tourists for decades. Its architectural influence is of a distinctly Teutonic character. Travelers visit the city of magnificent beaches and delicious beer. The hilly old town is simply charming. The fresh air coming down from the mountains speaks of the absence of urban pollution that poisons other Chinese cities. published

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