Home Berries linguistic composition of the family. Language families, their formation and classification. North and South American languages

linguistic composition of the family. Language families, their formation and classification. North and South American languages

Most languages ​​in the world are grouped into families. A language family is a genetic language association.

But there are isolated languages, i.e. those that do not belong to any known language family.
There are also unclassified languages, of which there are more than 100.

language family

In total there are about 420 language families. Sometimes families are combined into macrofamilies. But at present, only theories about the existence of Nostratic and Afroasian macrofamilies have received reliable justification.

Nostratic languages- a hypothetical macrofamily of languages ​​that unites several language families and languages ​​of Europe, Asia and Africa, including Altaic, Kartvelian, Dravidian, Indo-European, Uralic, sometimes also Afro-Asian and Eskimo-Aleut languages. All Nostratic languages ​​go back to a single Nostratic parent language.
Afroasian languages- a macrofamily of languages ​​​​distributed in northern Africa from the Atlantic coast and the Canary Islands to the Red Sea coast, as well as in Western Asia and on the island of Malta. There are groups of Afro-Asiatic speakers (mainly various dialects of Arabic) in many countries outside the main area. The total number of speakers is about 253 million people.

The existence of other macrofamilies remains only a scientific hypothesis that needs to be confirmed.
Family is a group of distinctly but fairly distantly related languages ​​that have at least 15% of matches in the base list.

Figuratively, a language family can be represented as a tree with branches. Branches are groups of related languages. They do not have to be of the same level of depth, only their relative order within the same family is important. Consider this issue on the example of the Indo-European family of languages.

Indo-European family

It is the most widespread language family in the world. It is represented on all inhabited continents of the Earth. The number of speakers exceeds 2.5 billion. The Indo-European family of languages ​​is considered part of the macrofamily of Nostratic languages.
The term "Indo-European languages" was introduced by the English scholar Thomas Young in 1813.

Thomas Young
The languages ​​of the Indo-European family come from a single Proto-Indo-European language, whose speakers lived about 5-6 thousand years ago.
But it is impossible to name the exact places of origin of the Proto-Indo-European language, there are only hypotheses: they name such regions as Eastern Europe, Western Asia, the steppe territories at the junction of Europe and Asia. With a high probability, the so-called "pit culture" can be considered the archaeological culture of the ancient Indo-Europeans, the carriers of which in the III millennium BC. e. lived in the east of modern Ukraine and the south of Russia. This is a hypothesis, but it is supported by genetic studies, indicating that at least part of the Indo-European languages ​​​​in Western and Central Europe was the source of the migration of Yamnaya culture carriers from the territory of the Black Sea and Volga steppes approximately 4500 years ago.

The Indo-European family includes the following branches and groups: Albanian, Armenian, as well as Slavic, Baltic, Germanic, Celtic, Italic, Romanesque, Illyrian, Greek, Anatolian (Hetto-Luvian), Iranian, Dardic, Indo-Aryan, Nuristani and Tocharian language groups (Italic, Illyrian, Anatolian and Tocharian groups are represented only by dead languages).
If we consider the place of the Russian language in the systematics of the Indo-European language family by levels, then it will look something like this:

Indo-European family

Branch: Balto-Slavic

Group: Slavic

Subgroup: East Slavic

Language: Russian


Isolated languages ​​(isolates)

There are more than 100 of them. In fact, each isolated language forms a separate family, consisting only of this language. For example, Basque (northern regions of Spain and adjacent southern regions of France); Burushaski (this language is spoken by the Burish people living in the mountainous regions of Hunza (Kanjut) and Nagar in northern Kashmir); Sumerian (the language of the ancient Sumerians, which was spoken in the Southern Mesopotamia in the 4th-3rd millennia BC); Nivkh (the Nivkh language, spoken in the northern part of Sakhalin Island and in the basin of the Amgun River, a tributary of the Amur); Elamite (Elam - a historical region and an ancient state (III millennium - mid-VI century BC) in the south-west of modern Iran); The Hadza (in Tanzania) languages ​​are isolated. Only those languages ​​are said to be isolated for which there is sufficient data and for which entry into a language family has not been proven for them even after strenuous attempts to do so.



the largest unit of classification of peoples on the basis of linguistic proximity. The Biggest Me" p. - Indo-European, the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof this family are used by 2.5 billion people. It includes Romance, Germanic, Slavic and other language groups. In the second largest number I. with. - Sino-Tibetan includes over 1 billion people, the largest language group is Chinese. To the Altai Ya. the Turkic language group belongs to the Uralic - Finno-Ugric. The most spoken languages ​​in the world are Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese, Arabic, Portuguese, Arabic.

Brief geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008 .

See what the "LANGUAGE FAMILY OF PEOPLES" is in other dictionaries:

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All languages ​​change over time. Comparison of the Russian language of the period of "The Tale of Bygone Years", the times of A.S. Pushkin and the modern one shows us how language changes over the centuries.
If two people speaking the same language are settled in different places, then over time their languages ​​will change in many directions. First, they will have a different accent, then the vocabulary of the language will change (either under the influence of other languages, or due to natural processes). When this happens, various dialects appear; but still people speaking different dialects will be able to understand each other. If dialects continue to develop on their own, there will come a time when spoken language cannot be understood. At this stage, people will begin to speak different languages.
There is a vivid example in the history of Western civilization emergence of different languages from one. Latin language was the language of the Roman Empire, AD. With the collapse of the empire in the 4th century, different parts of Europe: Italian peninsula, Gaul, Iberian peninsula, Carpathians became isolated from each other along with the peoples who inhabited them spoke Latin (folk Latin). The languages ​​of these peoples began to develop independently and modern languages ​​were formed: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, etc..
Modern languages ​​of India: Hindi, urdu, Punjabi, Bengal come from Sanskrit language spoken in North India.
Old Persian gave rise to such languages ​​as Farsi, Kurdish and Pashto.
Over time, in the conditions of various migrations of peoples, one language can develop into a whole family languages.
A group of related languages ​​with one common ancestor is called a language family. languages ​​of one groups are closely related languages ​​that have split in the last 1000 - 2000 years ( Latin, for example, gave rise to Romanesque group languages Indo-European family).
The languages ​​of different groups of the same family can be considered as related languages. In most families, the separation of such languages ​​occurred over 2,000 years ago. Every family has a different timeline.
Within the same family, languages ​​share many common grammatical features and a large number of key words, especially words of earlier origin, that indicate a common origin. The table below gives an example of comparing the word "month" in various Indo-European languages:

You can compare this word month in languages ​​of other language families (non-Indo-European).

Languages. Dialects.
The difference between the concept language" and "dialect" maybe more political than linguistic. For example, linguistically Croatian and Serbian very closely related dialects of the same language. However, they use different scripts; and the people who speak these languages ​​belong to different religions: Catholic Christianity in Croatia and Orthodox Christianity in Serbia. For political reasons, these languages ​​are considered separate.
Bulgarians consider Macedonian dialect of their language, while they themselves Macedonians call it a separate language. Since Bulgaria has long claimed Macedonia as part of its own territory, the motives of each side become quite understandable!
Low German(which is spoken in Northern Germany) and Dutch (Netherlands) from a linguistic point of view are dialects of the same language, but politically they are different languages. Low German and Swiss German languages differ so much that speakers of these languages ​​may not understand each other, but both are considered German. Between languages ​​spoken in different cities Italy, much more difference than between Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.
Main language Iraq and Morocco counts Arab, which is different here and there. Official language of China counts m Andarin - other languages ​​of the republic are considered as dialects (for example, Cantonese and at), while they are sometimes very different from each other.
By studying languages ​​and their relationships, we get an idea of ​​the migration of peoples over the course of history. We can also trace when the domestication of plants, the domestication of animals, the appearance of tools took place. Every language is a unique way of thinking. Those peoples who live in isolated parts of the world and are not technologically advanced have a less perfect language than those peoples who live in modern cities. Every language has simple and complex parts. But the complexity of a language does not depend on the way of life of the people who speak it (compare the grammar of Latin and French, Old Russian and Russian).

They are settled on the vast territory of our planet, ranging from the cold Kolyma basin to the southwestern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Turks do not belong to any particular racial type, even among the same people there are both Caucasoids and Mongoloids. They are mostly Muslims, but there are peoples who profess Christianity, traditional beliefs, and shamanism. The only thing that connects almost 170 million people is the common origin of the group of languages ​​that the Turks now speak. Yakut and Turk - they all speak related dialects.

Strong branch of the Altai tree

Among some scholars, disputes still do not subside over which language family the Turkic language group belongs to. Some linguists singled it out as a separate large group. However, the most generally accepted hypothesis today is the version about the entry of these related languages ​​into the large Altaic family.

A great contribution to these studies was made by the development of genetics, thanks to which it became possible to trace the history of entire peoples in the wake of individual fragments of the human genome.

Once a group of tribes in Central Asia spoke the same language - the ancestor of modern Turkic dialects, but in the 3rd century. BC e. a separate Bulgar branch separated from the large trunk. The only people who speak the languages ​​of the Bulgar group today are the Chuvash. Their dialect is noticeably different from other related ones and stands out as a special subgroup.

Some researchers even propose to place the Chuvash language in a separate genus of the large Altai macrofamily.

Southeast direction classification

Other representatives of the Turkic group of languages ​​are usually divided into 4 large subgroups. There are disagreements in the details, but for simplicity, we can take the most common way.

Oguz, or southwestern, languages, which include Azerbaijani, Turkish, Turkmen, Crimean Tatar, Gagauz. Representatives of these peoples speak very similarly and can easily understand each other without an interpreter. Hence the huge influence of strong Turkey in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, whose inhabitants perceive Turkish as their native language.

The Turkic group of the Altai family of languages ​​also includes the Kypchak, or northwestern, languages, which are spoken mainly on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of the peoples of Central Asia with nomadic ancestors. Tatars, Bashkirs, Karachays, Balkars, such peoples of Dagestan as Nogais and Kumyks, as well as Kazakhs and Kirghiz - they all speak related dialects of the Kypchak subgroup.

The southeastern, or Karluk, languages ​​are solidly represented by the languages ​​of two large peoples - the Uzbeks and the Uighurs. However, for almost a thousand years they developed separately from each other. If the Uzbek language has experienced a colossal influence of Farsi, the Arabic language, then the Uyghurs, the inhabitants of East Turkestan, have brought a huge amount of Chinese borrowings into their dialect over the years.

Northern Turkic languages

The geography of the Turkic group of languages ​​is wide and varied. Yakuts, Altaians, in general, some indigenous peoples of northeastern Eurasia, are also combined into a separate branch of a large Turkic tree. Northeastern languages ​​are quite heterogeneous and are subdivided into several separate genera.

The Yakut and Dolgan languages ​​separated from the single Turkic dialect, and this happened in the 3rd century BC. n. e.

Tuvan and Tofalar languages ​​belong to the Sayan group of languages ​​of the Turkic family. Khakasses and residents of Gornaya Shoria speak the languages ​​of the Khakass group.

Altai is the cradle of the Turkic civilization, so far the indigenous inhabitants of these places speak the Oirot, Teleut, Lebedin, Kumandin languages ​​of the Altai subgroup.

Incidents in a slender classification

However, not everything is so simple in this conditional division. The process of national-territorial delimitation, which took place on the territory of the Central Asian republics of the USSR in the twenties of the last century, also affected such subtle matter as language.

All residents of the Uzbek SSR were called Uzbeks, a single version of the literary Uzbek language was adopted, based on the dialects of the Kokand Khanate. However, even today the Uzbek language is characterized by pronounced dialectism. Some dialects of Khorezm, the westernmost part of Uzbekistan, are closer to the languages ​​of the Oguz group and closer to Turkmen than to literary Uzbek.

Some regions speak dialects that belong to the Nogai subgroup of the Kipchak languages, hence the situations when a Fergana has difficulty understanding a native of Kashkadarya, who, in his opinion, shamelessly distorts his native language.

The situation is approximately the same with other representatives of the peoples of the Turkic group of languages ​​- the Crimean Tatars. The language of the inhabitants of the coastal strip is almost identical to Turkish, but the natural steppe people speak an dialect closer to the Kypchak ones.

Ancient history

For the first time, the Turks entered the world historical arena in the era of the Great Migration of Nations. In the genetic memory of Europeans, there is still a shudder before the invasion of Attila's Huns in the 4th century. n. e. The steppe empire was a motley formation of numerous tribes and peoples, however, the Turkic element was still predominant.

There are many versions of the origin of these peoples, but most researchers place the ancestral home of today's Uzbeks and Turks in the northwestern part of the Central Asian plateau, in the area between Altai and the Khingar Range. This version is also followed by the Kyrgyz, who consider themselves the direct heirs of the great empire and are still nostalgic about this.

The neighbors of the Turks were the Mongols, the ancestors of today's Indo-European peoples, the Ural and Yenisei tribes, the Manchus. The Turkic group of the Altaic family of languages ​​began to take shape in close cooperation with close peoples.

Confusion with Tatars and Bulgarians

In the first century A.D. e. individual tribes begin to migrate towards southern Kazakhstan. In the 4th century, the famous Hun invasion of Europe took place. It was then that the Bulgar branch separated from the Turkic tree and an extensive confederation was formed, which was divided into the Danubian and Volga. Today's Bulgarians in the Balkans now speak Slavic and have lost their Turkic roots.

The reverse situation occurred with the Volga Bulgars. They still speak Turkic languages, but after the invasion of the Mongols they call themselves Tatars. The conquered Turkic tribes living in the steppes of the Volga took the name of the Tatars - a legendary tribe that had long disappeared in the wars, with whom Genghis Khan began his campaigns. They also called their language Tatar, which they used to call Bulgar.

Chuvash is considered the only living dialect of the Bulgar branch of the Turkic group of languages. The Tatars, another descendant of the Bulgars, actually speak a variant of the later Kipchak dialects.

From Kolyma to the Mediterranean

The peoples of the Turkic language group include the inhabitants of the harsh regions of the basin of the famous Kolyma, the resort beaches of the Mediterranean, the Altai mountains and the steppes of Kazakhstan, which are flat as a table. The ancestors of today's Turks were nomads, along and across the Eurasian continent. For two thousand years they interacted with their neighbors, who were Iranians, Arabs, Russians, Chinese. During this time, an unimaginable mixture of cultures and bloodlines occurred.

Today it is even impossible to determine the race to which the Turks belong. Residents of Turkey, Azerbaijanis, Gagauz belong to the Mediterranean group of the Caucasian race, there are practically no guys with slanted eyes and yellowish skin. However, the Yakuts, Altaians, Kazakhs, Kirghiz - they all carry a pronounced Mongoloid element in their appearance.

Racial diversity is observed even among peoples who speak the same language. Among the Tatars of Kazan you can meet blue-eyed blonds and black-haired people with slanted eyes. The same is observed in Uzbekistan, where it is impossible to deduce the appearance of a typical Uzbek.


The majority of Turks are Muslims who practice the Sunni branch of this religion. Only in Azerbaijan adhere to Shiism. However, individual peoples either retained ancient beliefs or became adherents of other major religions. Most of the Chuvash and Gagauz profess Christianity in its Orthodox form.

In the northeast of Eurasia, individual peoples continue to adhere to the faith of their ancestors; among the Yakuts, Altaians, Tuvans, traditional beliefs and shamanism continue to be popular.

During the time of the Khazar Khaganate, the inhabitants of this empire professed Judaism, which continues to be perceived as the only true religion by today's Karaites, fragments of that mighty Turkic state.


Along with world civilization, the Turkic languages ​​also developed, absorbing the vocabulary of neighboring peoples and generously endowing them with their own words. It is difficult to count the number of borrowed Turkic words in the East Slavic languages. It all started with the Bulgars, from whom the words “kap” were borrowed, from which arose “temple”, “suvart”, transformed into “serum”. Later, instead of "serum" they began to use the common Turkic "yogurt".

The exchange of vocabulary became especially lively during the Golden Horde and the late Middle Ages, during active trade with the Turkic countries. A huge number of new words came into use: donkey, cap, sash, raisins, shoe, chest and others. Later, only the names of specific terms began to be borrowed, for example, snow leopard, elm, dung, kishlak.

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1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN GEOGRAPHY MUNICIPAL STAGE. 11 CLASS Test part 1. The author of the doctrine of the noosphere is a) Vernadsky V.I. c) Kropotkin P.A. b) Dokuchaev V.V. d) Voeikov A.I. 2. What should be the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation for one day in Moscow to be a polar night? a) 66.5⁰ b) 55⁰ c) 23.5⁰ d) 35⁰ 3. The helicopter took off from Moscow and flew straight north, then east, then south, and finally west. Where will it land relative to the launch site if the helicopter flies 200 km in each direction? a) in the same place c) to the east b) to the west d) to the north 4. Which island is most likely to meet granites? a) Iceland b) Sri Lanka c) Iturup d) Hawaii 5. In what geological period did thick strata of the Kuzbass, Donbass, Ruhr Carboniferous deposits form? a) Carboniferous b) Permian c) Triassic d) Devonian 6. Indicate the type of climate in which precipitation occurs mainly in winter. a) temperate continental c) subequatorial b) subtropical Mediterranean d) moderate monsoon 7. Indicate the climatic zone that does not have a continuous strike in the northern hemisphere. a) tropical b) subtropical c) temperate d) subequatorial 8. Choose the option that lists geographical features located on the third largest continent. a) Kama, Balaton, Mont Blanc, Myanmar, Amman b) Michigan, Yukon, Orizaba, Tegucigalpa, Belize c) Zambezi, Chad, Tibesti, Botswana, Pretoria d) Chimborazo, Parana, Titicaca, Uruguay, Paramaribo 9. Choose the option where coincides with the center of origin of a cultivated plant and the country leading in its collection. a) China tea c) Cote d'Ivoire cocoa b) Brazil sugar cane d) Russia sugar beet Don't forget to transfer your answers to the table on the title page 1

2 10. Russia ranks first in terms of the number of neighboring countries. And which country is in 2nd place in this indicator? a) Brazil b) China c) Germany d) Congo 11. Indicate the country bordering Russia, which is a NATO member but not a member of the European Union. a) Norway b) Finland c) Poland d) Estonia 12. Indicate the natural area in Russia that does not pass through the watershed of ocean basins or inland flow. a) Northern Ridges b) Ural Mountains c) Stanovoy Ridge d) Western Sayan 13. Indicate the southernmost reserve in Russia. a) Pechoro-Ilych c) Tunguska b) Zhiguli d) Ussuri 14. Choose the option that includes only science cities in Russia. a) Reutov, Snezhinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Nakhodka b) Dubna, Pushchino, Sarov, Korolev c) Michurinsk, Arseniev, Chekhov, Lermontov d) Kurchatov, Severodvinsk, Anapa, Suzdal )? a) Kuibyshev b) Ustinov c) Molotov d) Brezhnev 16. Russia ranks 4th in the world in electricity generation. Name the largest power plant in Russia in terms of installed capacity. a) Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP c) Leningrad NPP b) Surgutskaya-2 TPP d) Kislogubskaya TPP 17. Choose a country that is located on two continents and in two parts of the world. a) Panama b) Egypt c) Turkey d) Russia 18. Choose a country where the capital has not been moved for the last 100 years. a) Ukraine b) Nigeria c) Tanzania d) USA 19. Indicate the correct combination: language family people religion a) Indo-European family English Catholicism b) Afroasian family Persians Islam c) Altai family Turks Islam d) Dravidian family Tamils ​​Buddhism November is World Day television. In which city is the tallest television tower in the world located? a) Moscow b) Guangzhou c) Tokyo d) Toronto Do not forget to transfer your answers to the table on the cover page 2

3 3 Task 1 Analytical part Based on the given combinations, determine the state to which all but one belong. Indicate the “black sheep” in each of the lists and explain your choice. 1) Alps, cantons, European Union, German, confederation, ski tourism. 2) NIS, rafflesia, boundaries of lithospheric plates, oil, Islam, Indo-European family. 3) Baltic Sea, skerries, lakes, monarchy, East European Plain, Germanic group. 4) uncertainty of borders, East Africa, oil, monarchy, deserts, sacred cities. 5) bananas, volcanoes, giant tortoises, Amazonia, federation, Pacific Ocean.

4 4 Task 2 Read the text carefully, identify the object and its features. “Several such zones have already formed in the world in the 20th century, and today, in the 21st century, more and more new ones are emerging. Stretching for 700 kilometers along the coast, this urbanized zone is a single system in which more than half of the country's population lives. For the convenience of communication, a high-speed railway line was built 50 years ago, which is still the busiest in the world today. This single system is made up of several smaller urban systems. Three of them stand out with a population of 37, 17 and 10 million people, about the cities of which the following is known: A city consists of 23 special districts, municipalities with their own mayor and district council; total population of 8.5 million people B the city is often called the automobile capital of the country c the city was the capital of the country for 11 centuries d in 1995, the city was hit by a strong earthquake that destroyed tens of thousands of houses, many bridges, roads and wharfs. The city's largest airport is built on an artificial island in the middle of the bay. E is the largest port of its country. Write: 1) What is the term for such urbanized areas; 2) The name of the object, the state where the urbanized zone described above is located, indicate the approximate number of its population; 3) Examples of similar objects in other countries of the world, both formed in the 20th century and emerging in the 21st century (3 examples each); 4) The name of the high-speed railway line; 5) What term refers to the urban systems that make up the object; 6) Cities A E, in which city systems they are located;

5 5 Task 3 Using the pictures answer the following questions: 1) Determine the relief-forming process, the distribution areas of which are shown on the map. What natural object of the world gave the name to this process? On the territory of which country in the world is most of this object located? 2) Describe what this relief-forming process is, what rocks can be affected by it (give three examples). 3) What form of relief is shown in the figure? Determine what is marked in the figure by the numbers 1,2,3. Give examples of three landforms (besides the one shown in the figure) formed by the process under consideration. 4) Determine to which group of relief-forming forces (processes, factors) the process considered in the problem belongs. Give four examples of other relief-forming processes and the relief forms created by them (2 examples for each process) related to this group of relief-forming forces.

6 6 Task 4 Mountain Latitude Composition of the upper forest boundary Absolute system height, m ​​A 44 Oriental beech B 65 Siberian larch C 70 Gmelin larch D 54 Stone birch D 50 Siberian stone pine, Siberian fir, Siberian larch E) Usually this belt is located above the snow line The table shows the position of the upper border of the forest in some mountain systems of Russia (A D). The following is known about these mountain systems: 1) Here is the highest point of the Asian part of Russia. 2) This mountain system is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 3) This ridge is located on the right bank of the Lena. 4) The height of the highest peak is 1895 meters above sea level. 5) The wettest place in Russia is located within the mountain system. Identify these mountain systems and enter in the appropriate line in the table of the answer sheet. Above the forest belt in each of them are two other altitudinal belts (A E). Determine these altitudinal zones according to the description and enter their names in the table of the answer sheet. A) Tall grass meadows with dense and colorful herbage are common in this belt, thickets of rhododendron are numerous. A little higher, the vegetation cover is not continuous, short-grass meadows of cereals and sedges predominate, against which gentians, forget-me-nots, bluebells and other beautifully flowering herbs stand out brightly. B) The belt of rocky peaks, where the vegetation is sparse, gravel and stony placers with scale lichens predominate. C) This belt is an analogue of one of the natural zones. Strong winds, low temperatures, wide development of permafrost have led to the formation of squat vegetation. Dwarf forms dominate here: shrubs and semi-shrubs, many mosses and lichens, perennial herbaceous plants are found. D) The belt is a thicket of a small creeping woody plant, common in Siberia.

7th ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN GEOGRAPHY MUNICIPAL STAGE. 11 CLASS 1. Determine the numerical and named scale using the lines of the kilometer grid. Be sure to bring the calculation on the work sheet! 2. Determine the geographical coordinates of the map frame: for northern and southern latitude; for west and east longitude. 3. Study the map carefully. What types of settlements are found in this area. Specify the main classification feature. Give examples of names of settlements of different levels. 4. Decipher the abbreviations on the map: MTF, STF, VDKCH, SS. 5. Determine the economic specialization of the territory. 6. Determine within which subject of the Russian Federation, natural region, plain, climatic zone and type of climate this territory is located. Which watersheds does it belong to? Support your answer with examples from the map. 7. Calculate the population density in this area. Write your answers on the worksheet!

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Demonstration version of the intermediate final certification of grade 6 in geography 7 The territory is shown in most detail on the scale map: a) : 500 c) :50 000 b) :5 000 d) :5 000 000 Part On completion

Thematic block 1 Option 1 Introduction. Patterns of formation of the nature of continents and oceans 1 Indicate the largest part of the world in terms of area. A America B Africa C Eurasia G Asia Name the continent depicted

Thematic planning in geography, Explanatory note

Thematic diagnostic work on GEOGRAPHY on the topic "Geospheres of the Earth" December 19, 2014 Grade 7 Option GG70101 (45 minutes) District. City (town). School Class Surname. Name. Patronymic Geography.

I. Requirements for the level of students' preparation: 1. Evaluate and predict: - according to the tectonic map, changes in the outlines of continents and oceans in the distant future; - climate change of the Earth; - natural

Demo version of the final intermediate certification in geography Grade 8 OPTION 1 A 1. With which of the following countries does Russia have a land border? a) Sweden b) Estonia; c) Iran; d) Tajikistan. A 2. Extreme

GEOGRAPHY TESTS for the final assessment of students in grade 7 I Option 1. If there is a sedentary structure (platform) at the base of the territory, then the relief will be: a) flat; b) mountain. 2. Lithosphere

Final test in geography for the 1st half of the year Grade 7 Part I Choose 1 correct answer Option 1 1. Name the researcher who was the first to find a sea route to India along the coast

1 Diagnostic thematic work 1 in preparation for the OGE in GEOGRAPHY on the topic "Geospheres of the Earth" (program "Geography of the Earth") Instructions for performing work

Standard plans for describing the continents. 7th grade. geoschool1.ru Plan for describing the physiographic position of the continent 1 The name of the continent and its size. 2 The location of the mainland relative to a) the equator b) the tropics

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography Regional stage of the 2014/2015 academic year Tasks of the 1st round for 10-11th grades BEFORE COMPLETING THE ASSIGNMENT CAREFULLY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS To complete all

Specification of diagnostic work on GEOGRAPHY for the 7th grade of educational institutions in Moscow 1. Purpose of diagnostic work Diagnostic work is carried out on March 16, 2016 with the

Test questions for geography teachers 1. In which three of the countries listed is the main part of electricity produced by thermal power plants? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table. 1) Kuwait 2)

Option 1 PART A Part A contains 18 multiple choice questions. Each question has four possible answers, only one of which is correct. When completing the tasks of this part in the answer form 1 under

Demonstration test in geography Part A The tasks of this part (A1 A25) contain a question and several possible answers. In the answer sheet, under the task number, put () in the cell whose number

Examination papers on the geography of continents and oceans (Grade 7): Ticket 1. 1. Geographical map: meaning, types of maps, methods of displaying the main content of the map. 2. Eurasia: geographical location,

SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY D.K. Faddeeva Materials of entrance examinations in geography for those entering the 9th grade in 2015 Demo version Questions

Part 1 For each of the tasks 1 12 there are four possible answers, of which only one is correct. Instructions for performing the work 45 minutes are allotted to complete the test in geography. Applicant is allowed

Practical work 1 Analysis of tectonic and physical maps of the world: establishing links between the geological structure, tectonic structures and landforms Purpose of work: to consolidate the concept of "platform"

The content of the work: KNOWLEDGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT MAP geography Grade 8 (1 trimester) The geographical position of Russia Russia on the world map: dimensions, extreme points, borders, border countries and seas surrounding

Option 1 Test 1. What is the area of ​​Africa? a. first b. fifth century. second year third 2. South point of Africa cape: a. Almadi b. Ras Hafun c. Ben Secca, Igolny 3. What is the name of the strait,

The program of the entrance examination in the general educational subject "Geography", which is included in the list of entrance examinations for the main educational program of higher education. The program is drawn up

MyTestXPro UNREGISTERED VERSION http://mytest.klyaksa.net Test: "Grade 10 Geography Profile Module 2". Tested: Date: Task 1 Indicate how many times the diameter of the Sun is greater than the diameter of the Earth in

diagnostic work. Class - 7. Subject geography Option 1. Instructions for completing the tasks of Part 1: 4 possible answers are given for each of the tasks. Read the question and choose one of the options

Tasks A6 in geography 1. Which of the territories marked with letters on the map of South America has the highest average annual precipitation? 1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D Point A is located in the equatorial

MBOU "Tomarovskaya secondary school 1 of the Yakovlevsky district of the Belgorod region" Development of a lesson in geography as part of the week of natural science: "Inland waters and natural areas of North America" ​​(grade 7)

1 Natural and economic zoning of Russia. Regions of Russia The answers to the tasks are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer without spaces, commas, etc.

Geography grade 7 Instructions for completing tasks 90 minutes are allotted for completing test tasks. The work consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into 2 parts. Part I contains 30 tasks with a choice of one

Intermediate certification in geography Grade 6 Option 1 1. What are the geographic coordinates of point A on the map? a) 66 N 50 east b) 40 N 40 E c) 40 S 66 W d) 66 S 50 W 2. Which one

Municipal educational institution Secondary school 57 Geography test Grade 8 Compiled by: geography teacher of the 1st category Usoltseva O.G. Tyumen, 2008 Option

Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov GEOGRAPHY entrance examination PROGRAM Arkhangelsk 2011 Geography exam is conducted in writing. On the geography exam

Administrative test for the first half of the year Specifier of control work in geography Grade 7. Purpose: to identify the residual knowledge of students on the material covered in the first half of the year. Minimum elements

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vyatka State University" (Vyatka State University) I APPROVE Chairman

Tasks A4 in geography, practice, Tasks A4 in geography 1. What natural zone is characterized by chernozem soils? 1) mixed forests 2) steppes 3) taiga 4) deciduous forests Correct answer 2. Chernozem

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN GEOGRAPHY 2017 2018 SCHOOL STAGE. GRADE 11 Task 1 Using the knowledge of geography obtained in previous years, as well as maps of atlases, determine the general

Demonstration version of the diagnostic work on GEOGRAPHY for students of grade VIII. January 2014 When completing tasks A1-A14, circle the number of the correct answer and transfer it to the test form

Instructions for completing the tasks of the test round 45 minutes are allotted for completing the tasks of the test round. Read the task and choose the correct one from the given answers. If the job fails

Test work on the topic: “Biosphere. Geographical shell "Basic level 1. Shell of life 1) geographical shell 2) biosphere 3) lithosphere 4) hydrosphere 5) atmosphere 2. The first (lower) high-altitude

Test round Instructions for completing the tasks of the test round 45 minutes are allotted for completing the tasks of the test round. Read the task and choose the correct one from the given answers. If the task

Demonstration version of test materials for intermediate certification of students in grade 10 (in the form of family education and self-education) in GEOGRAPHY Purpose of the demonstration version

Tasks A16 in geography, practice, Tasks A16 in geography 1. With which of the following countries does Russia have a land border? 1) Moldova 2) Turkmenistan 3) Finland 4) Armenia Finland borders on Russia

GEOGRAPHY PROGRAM for applicants to the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 2014 Explanatory note The content of entrance examinations is determined on the basis of

Control work on the topic "Climate of Russia". 1 option. 1. What climate-forming factor is the leading one? 1) Geographical position 2) Atmospheric circulation 3) Proximity of the oceans 4) Sea currents 2.

Geography Olympiad School Round Grade 8 QUESTIONS November 19, 2013 Student's first and last name Grade School Geography teacher 1. Analyze the climatic and agro-climatic maps of the Estonian Atlas. Reveal the connection

PLANNED RESULTS OF STUDYING THE SUBJECT "GEOGRAPHY" As a result of studying the subject at the basic level, the student must: explain the meaning of the concepts: "polar circles", "tropics",

Annotation to the work program in geography for grade 7 MBOU "Secondary school 35 with in-depth study of individual subjects" of the Privolzhsky district of the city of Kazan (general education level)

Specification of Diagnostic work on GEOGRAPHY for the 8th grades of educational institutions in Moscow, October 3, 206. Appointment of diagnostic work Diagnostic work is carried out in October

Geography. 7th grade. Demo 1 (90 minutes) 1 Geography. 7th grade. Demo 1 (90 minutes) 2 1 In what direction should you move from point A to point B? Diagnostic thematic

Geography Grade 6 Instructions for completing tasks 90 minutes are allotted for completing test tasks. The work consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into 2 parts. Part I contains 30 tasks with a choice of one

Explanations for the demonstration version of the control measuring materials for intra-school monitoring in the MOU "Secondary School 8" in geography for the 8th grade course. The demo version is for

Geography Grade 10 Instructions for completing tasks 90 minutes are allotted for completing test tasks. The work consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into 2 parts. Part I contains 30 tasks with a choice

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN GEOGRAPHY (SCHOOL STAGE). 2017 2018 academic year 8 GRADE ASSIGNMENTS Time to complete tasks - 45 min. Test tasks. 1. Which geographical feature has no longitude:

The nature of the Earth and man 1) Which of the following rocks is igneous in origin? 1) marble 2) limestone 3) sandstone 4) granite 4 2) Volcanic origin 1) island

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in GEOGRAPHY Regional stage of the 2014/2015 academic year Assignments of the 1st round for 9th graders READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING THE ASSIGNMENT To complete all tasks

Demonstration version of the final test in geography (Grade 7) PART A Part A contains 18 tasks with a choice of answers. Each question has four possible answers, only one of which

1. Where is the Earth's crust the thickest? 1) On the West Siberian Plain; 2) In the Himalayas; 3) At the bottom of the ocean; 4) In the Amazonian lowland. 2. Seismic belts of the Earth are formed: 1) At the boundaries of the collision

Part 1 Instructions for performing the work For each of the tasks 1 10 answers are given, of which only one is correct. You have 45 minutes to complete the geography test. Applicant is allowed

7th grade. Laws of nature. Continents and countries. 1. Establish a correspondence between the continents and their geographical location: 1. Eurasia A) northern continents 2. Africa 3. South America B) southern continents

VI. Approximate thematic planning and activities of students * Approximate thematic planning of geography lessons in the 7th grade according to the textbook “Geography. Earth is the planet of people” 1 Introduction. What are they studying

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