Home Berries Kingfisher tattoo meaning. Knightly ideals. Briefly about the studio

Kingfisher tattoo meaning. Knightly ideals. Briefly about the studio

Caring for a tattoo after applying it - no less important procedure, than its creation. therefore compliance with the recommendations of the master - it is a direct responsibility of the client and a kind of tribute to the specialist who worked hard on your masterpiece of body art.

So, after the end of the session, we pack you either with cling film or with absorbent napkins. Such measures will help keep your drawing intact and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

Searching film is necessary withdraw no later than 3 hours after the end of the procedure, and absorbent wipes - not less than after 8-12 hours.

After removing the protective "packaging", rinse the tattoo under running warm water using a soapy solution or gel for intimate hygiene.

Your task: to wash off all lymph, ichor, the remains of paint and blood to leave your skin perfectly clear! Yes, it hurts. Moreover, in the following days you will also experience unpleasant sensations when caring for a tattoo.

After you have washed the area of ​​the drawing and wiped it dry, blot the area with a paper towel(not with a kitchen napkin or cotton swab). You can also soak it with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine solution.

Then apply Bepanten ointment (not gel), lubricate the entire area of ​​the tattoo a thin layer, carefully rubbing in the product... Yes, it hurts! But it must be so! You can apply the ointment evenly in small amounts.

Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day for a week. the main task keep it dry all possible skin secretions, wash them off if they are already dry. The resulting crust should never be torn off.

It is necessary to protect drawing from dirt, dust, wool and other pollutants.

In the process of leaving the tattoo cannot be glued and wrapped if not necessary for hygiene reasons.

In addition, you will need refuse saunas, swimming pools and other water procedures. Visiting the beach or solarium, as well as taking baths, should also be excluded during healing.

The first month it is necessary to exclude direct sunlight on the image.

Make sure that the unhealed still tattoo is not rubbed and did not stick to the material of the garment. In the case when the drawing is made on female legs, you will have to give up tights and stockings. Their use is strictly prohibited due to the fact that you can remove this piece of clothing along with the tattoo.

If you do stick to the fabric, do not tear the clothing off your skin, dampen it with warm water and carefully remove the fabric.

On the first and second nights, the tattoo will "ooze" a lot. Consider this and consider the bedding issue prudently.

In addition, in a week the drawing will begin to "fly around". A flake-like crust will remain on your hand with cream or clothing. NO panic, that's okay. If you have the temperature has risen Rest after your tattooing session.

If you have any questions about tattoo care, call us at the studio.

There is one more feature: when drawing a picture on the ankle usually swells leg. It has to do with physiology, so no need to panic and drive people crazy.

If you have dogs, cats, rats, hamsters, then stay away from them, don't let them lick your wounds and observe increased hygiene requirements.

The popularity of tattoos in the modern world is enormous. Almost every second person can boast of a beautiful pattern or an ornate pattern on their body. However, many of us are wary and distrustful of the art of tattoos. Today we will look at the most popular myths about tattoos and try to debunk them. And Igor Kukushkin, a tattoo artist with 6 years of experience, will help us with this.

“Tattooing is a serious business that should not be approached like buying something in a store. You should figure out which styles you like best, what kind of plot you want to do for yourself and in what place. You need to find a master, study his portfolio and listen to his opinion. The tattoo should be done according to an individual sketch, you can use other sketches or tattoos as an example, but a good master prepares the sketch himself, to fit on the body. If a master who works in the style that you like is not in your city, then it is better to go to another city for a tattoo. Before the session, you need to properly rest, sleep, eat, wash the whole body, remove hair at the application site. After the session, do not plan any business and go to rest. If the temperature rises after applying a tattoo, you should not be afraid, this is a normal reaction of the body to the intervention, you can drink a pill of paracetamol and go to bed. All questions related to the healing of a tattoo should first of all be discussed with the master. "

Myth 1. Girls' tattoos are vulgar and vulgar

“What is vulgar and what is vulgar is a purely subjective opinion. Someone dresses very casually and vulgarly, but others do not blame him for this, because now is the XXI century, not the XV. No one can burn at the stake for the length of their hair or skirt. The same goes for tattoos. "

Myth 2. If I don’t like a tattoo, it’s easy to remove.

“Black pigments are easier to remove than colored ones. But you will never want to remove a good tattoo. "

Myth 3. Stuffing tattoos is terribly painful.

“Any pain can be endured if you know how to tune yourself. Relaxation, even slow breathing: all this will help to tune in and get used to the pain, which after a while tends to turn off completely. "

Myth 4. You can't get a tattoo on a scar - the drawing will lie ugly

“The question of how the drawing will lie directly depends on the experience of the master. A bad master has a drawing and will lie ugly on clean skin. The practice of masking scars with tattoos has been around for decades, if not more. "

Myth 5. Tattoos need to be renewed every year.

“A well-done, well-placed and proportionally detailed tattoo ages beautifully with you, the pigment shrinks and becomes part of the body. In addition, if you went to the other end of the world for the sake of a tattoo, waited a year on the master's waiting list and paid a lot of money for all the work, the issue of updating the tattoo will not be relevant. The hand of the master on the body is above any investment, because it remains with you for life, no matter what happens. "

Myth 6. It is very easy to get addicted - where there is one tattoo, there is the second, and so on.

"If you wear a beige suit all your life, and then a fabric store and atelier appear next to your house, then it is very easy to get addicted to sew a new dress for yourself as much as possible."

Myth 7. It is unsafe for health, allergies are possible, or even worse - blood poisoning

“It is worth paying attention to the preparation of the foreman's workplace, do not hesitate to ask him all the questions of interest. And get acquainted with the portfolio of works. The better the work, the more skilled the master. Allergy to black pigment is impossible, because it contains carbon (there is no allergy to activated carbon). There is an allergy to red pigment and pigments, which may contain it (orange, purple). If a person has a strong allergy, is ill a lot, has a weak immune system, then this should be told to the master before the tattoo. "

So you've got your tattoo. Your new tattoo under the film glittered and mesmerized, but several days have passed and you cannot understand what the matter is: the long-awaited tattoo is now covered with ulcers, secreting an incomprehensible liquid, the wound is growing every day and is very worried ...

Perhaps this is not your first tattoo, and there were no problems at all with previous works. You haven't even cared for the other tattoos in any way, and they healed perfectly. So what is happening now ?!

The fact that the wound bothers you is already an unpleasant symptom, indicating that the tattoo is infected or the inflammatory process is leading to this. Regardless of the stage of tattoo healing, you must take action now, otherwise, the consequences may be much worse than you imagine!

Your new tattoo is an open wound and is very susceptible to infection, because the layer of epithelial tissue that serves as a buffer and prevents the penetration of microorganisms into the skin is disrupted.

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What are the symptoms of an infected tattoo?

Below are the most common symptoms of a new tattoo infection. If you feel or see any of the following, we recommend that you take immediate action.

This is fine for a fresh tattoo on the first day, but if you find that the inflammation increases over the course of three to five days instead of diminishing or even starting to go out of the way, this is definitely a problem.

Your tattoo may feel hot to the touch. It is normal for a tattoo to have a fever, especially during the first two days. But the average temperature of the tattooed area should not be very much higher than the body temperature and in no case should it rise further. In case of local inflammatory processes, the body's immune system heats up the affected tissues so that non-thermophilic bacteria die on their own. A high fever can be a sign of inflammation.

Infected tattoos often ooze fumes from different areas. They can appear in the form of a transparent liquid of golden color, ichor or thick yellow-green mucus, which is located under the skin with a printed pattern. There may also be accumulations of pus (white, yellow, or green). See your doctor!

If the discharge from a new tattoo has an unpleasant odor, it is an unmistakable sign that the inflammatory process in the tattoo has gone too far and urgent measures are needed to treat the abscess. Do not let it go by itself.

If you experience severe pain that increases within 3-5 days after the tattooing procedure, or there are sharp spasms that shoot back inside the tattoo itself, then the wound is most likely an infection.

Bubble formation
Blistering is a sign of infection and can occur in the superficial part of the tattoo, manifested as red sores filled with lymphatic fluids.

An increase in the size of abscesses
Due to increased skin secretions, the scabs on your tattoo may become thickened, bulbous and have a yellow or green crust.

Fever and lethargy
If you develop a fever, feel lethargic and these symptoms are not associated with other diseases, then this most likely means that your body is fighting an infection that comes from your tattoo. Fever is actually one of the surest signs of infection, even if your temperature is only mildly elevated.

Redness or red streaks
If your tattoo or the skin around it has unhealthy redness, you are probably already infected. If you see thin red lines radiating from your tattoo, you should see your doctor right away, as red streaks can be an early sign of blood poisoning.

What should I do if my tattoo is inflamed?

If you think there is an infection in your skin after a tattoo session, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Doctors will give clear recommendations for further wound care and prescribe antibiotics or steroids to treat inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be either pills or creams.

I wish you happiness and successful tattoo healing!

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