Home Diseases and pests Active and passive voice in French. Collateral, active and passive. Passive voice, or passive form

Active and passive voice in French. Collateral, active and passive. Passive voice, or passive form

Passive present tense

The present tense of the passive voice is formed using the present tense of the verb être and the past participle of the corresponding verb. The past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject of the sentence.

interrogé / interrogée

interrogé / interrogée

interrogé (s) / interrogée (s)

interrogés / intérrogées

interrogés / interrogées

Passive voice in other tenses and moods

The passive voice can be used in different tenses and moods.

difficult past tense

past nonsov. time

simple past tense

simple future tense

conditional mood

subjunctive mood

The passive voice in different tenses and moods is formed using the form of the verb être in the corresponding tense and mood and the past participle of the corresponding verb.

The designation of the doer in the passive voice

The subject, denoting the producer of the action in the active voice, becomes in the passive voice an indirect object, combined with the preposition par.

Il sera interrogé par la police. He is interrogated by the police.

Examples of the use of the passive voice

On n "a pas repeint ce mur. Ce mur n" a pas été repeint.

On a agrandi le séjour. Le séjour a été agrandi.

On a complètement transformé la maison. La maison a été complètement transformée.

La mairie n "a pas accordé toutes les autorisations. Toutes les autorisations n" ont pas été accordées par la mairie.

On a changé la disposition des pièces. La disposition des pièces a été changée.

On n "a pas modifié la véranda. La véranda n" a pas été modifiée.

On a construit une cheminée. Une cheminée a été construite.

On n "a pas aménagé le grenier. Le grenier n" a pas été aménagé.

Le voyage a été organisé avec soin. Le voyage n "a pas été organisé avec soin.

La visite du château n "a pas été program. La visite du château a été programmée.

Les horaires ne sont pas indiqués. Les horaires sont indiqués.

Les visiteurs ont été avertis. Les visiteurs n "ont pas été avertis.

Le musée n "était pas subventionné. Le musée était subventionné.

Le spectacle a été annoncé. Le spectacle n "a pas été annoncé.

Le festival va être reconduit. Le festival ne va pas être reconduit.

Les billets n "ont pas été réservés très tôt. Les billets ont été réservés très tôt.

Les représentations seront données dans la cour d "honneur. Les représentations ne seront pas données dans la cour d" honneur.

Les enfants sont admis à ce spectacle. Les enfants ne sont pas admis à ce spectacle.

Le document a été effacé. On a effacé le document.

On a jeté le dossier. Le dossier a été jeté.

La vitre a été cassée. On a cassé la vitre.

Le papier a été déchiré. On a déchiré le papier.

Le paquet n "a pas été bien fermé. On n" a pas bien fermé le paquet.

On a arraché l "emballage. L" emballage a été arraché.

Le bois n "a pas été abîmé. On n" a pas abîmé le bois.

On a forcé la serrure. La serrure a été forcée.

Le parquet a été rayé. On a rayé le parquet.

On a endommagé l "appareil. L" appareil a été endommagé.

§ 1 Passive form of the verb in French

You have probably already heard such expressions as active and passive form. In Russian, they are correctly called pledges. In French, as in Russian, verbs have two voice:

active voice, that is, the active form, when the subject itself performs the action.

For example, J'écris une lettre. I'm writing a letter. Who - I am, what I do - I write, that is, I myself perform the action.

And the passive voice, that is, the passive form, when the subject experiences an action. Let's remake the previous sentence into a passive form: The letter is written. La lettre est écrite. What is a letter, a letter what is done is written. A letter cannot write itself, but it can BE written by someone else.

In the formation of the passive form in French, this verb - to be plays one of the important roles. In French, the passive form, that is, the passive voice, is formed using the verb être, which is put at the right time and the participe passé of the main verb. True, it is very similar to the formation of the past tense passé composé. Therefore, it is also important to remember that verbs conjugated in passé composé with the auxiliary verb être do not have a passive voice.


L'enfantest restéchez sa grand-mère. The child stayed with his grandmother. est resté this time passé composé. We can make the child an object of action and say: The child was left with his grandmother, but then, as in Russian, in French we need not an active verb to remain - rester, but a passive verb to leave - laisser.

Take a look:

L'enfantest laisséchez sa grand-mère. est laissé is already a passive form. The child will be left to the grandmother.

So, in the passive voice, the subject experiences the action, but does not perform it.

For instance:

Je suis invitéà une exposition. I have been invited to the exhibition.

That is, I am not inviting someone, but I was invited. Who invited to the exhibition in this proposal is not known.

But if the sentence contains an indication of a person or object performing the action, it is often introduced using the preposition par.

Ce romana été écritparJules Verne. This novel was written by Jules Verne.

In this phrase, the verb être is in the past tense a été.

It is worth noting that with some verbs, such as:

Ce professeurest respectédeces élèves. This teacher is respected by our students. Les ruessont couvertes deneige. The streets are covered with snow.

There is one more rule that is important to remember when studying the topic Passive form.

In the last example, Les rues sont couvertésde neige, we see that the past participle, that is, the participe passé of the verb, agrees in gender and number with the word being defined. There are many streets, so in the passive turnover sont couvertеs there is an s at the end. In addition, in French, the street is also feminine, therefore, in the turnover sont couvertеs do s there is also the letter e - an indicator of the feminine gender in French.

Here are some more examples.

La dictée est corrigéepar le professeur. The dictation was corrected by the teacher. The word "dictation" in French is feminine, so in the past participle corrigé we put an additional, unreadable e at the end.

Or, Les vacances ont été gâchéespar la pluie. The vacation was ruined by the rain.

Les vacances is feminine and plural in French, so we put es at the end in participe passé gâchées.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the conjugation of the verb être in three main tenses: présent, passé composé, futur simple. After all, as you have already noticed in our examples, a sentence is not always built in the present tense, but can stand in the past and in the future.

Let's compare three sentences.

Presently présent: Le sapinest décorépar les enfants. The tree is decorated with children.

In the past tense passé composé: Le sapina été décorépar les enfants. The tree was decorated with the girls. Future tense futur simple: Le sapin sera décorépar les enfants. Christmas tree will be decorated with

§ 2 Brief summary of the lesson

Thus, the passive voice formepassive in French is formed using the verb être, which stands in the right tense and the past participle of the main verb participepassé, which agrees in gender and number with the noun being defined. I hope you figured out the intricacies and nuances of this topic. And you will use the passive form. After all, sometimes you just can't do without it.

List of used literature:

  1. French. A great reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities / E.V. Ageeva, L.M. Belyaeva, V.G. Vladimirova et al. - M .: Bustard, 2005.-349, p. - (Great reference books for schoolchildren and those entering universities.)
  2. Le petit Larousse illustré / HER2000
  3. E. M. Beregovskaya, M. Toussaint. Blue bird. The book for the teacher to the textbook of the French language for the 6th grade of educational institutions.
  4. Gak, V.G. new French-Russian dictionary / V.G. Gak, K.A. Ganshin. - 10th ed., Stereotype. –M .: Rus.yaz.-Media, 2005.- XVI, 1160, p.
  5. E. M. Beregovskaya. Blue bird. French. 6th grade. Textbook for educational institutions.

Images used:

Can you explain in more detail how the passive voice is formed in French? thanks and got the best answer

Answer from VeroNika [guru]
This article was written by a friend of mine: Cet article EST ECRIT par mon ami
The passive form is formed with the verb être in the corresponding tense and the participe passé of the conjugated verb.
In the passive form, participe passé always agrees in gender and number with the subject.
In the transition from the real form to the passive form, the direct object becomes the subject, and the subject becomes the indirect object.
In French grammar, this indirect addition has a special name: complément d "agent.
Forme active Forme passive
Un canal reunite les deux rivières.
Les deux rivieres sont reunites par un canal.
If in the active form the subject is expressed by the indefinite pronoun on, in the passive form complément d "agent is absent.
Forme active Forme passive
On a bien traduit ce texte. Ce texte a été bien traduit.
An indirect object in a passive verb, denoting the producer of the action, is introduced by the prepositions par and de.
If the indirect object is a direct active source of action, the preposition par is used:
L "Universite de Moscou a ete fondee par Lomonossov.
The preposition de is used:
Before an indirect object related to verbs expressing different feelings, for example: aimer, adorer, détester, mépriser, estimer, respecter, etc.:
Cet étudiant est aimé et respecté de tous ses camarades.
After the verbs couvrir, entourer, planter, orner, charger, remplir, border and some others, if the indirect object is not the immediate source of the action:
Les rues sont couvertes de neige.
La maison était ornee de colonnes.
The preposition par is used before the actual source of action:
La scène a été ornée de fleurs et de drapeaux par les élèves.
Note: after verbs requiring the preposition de before the indirect object, the partial article and the indefinite article of the plural are omitted:
Les arbres sont couverts de neige.
Les tables sont couvertes de nappes blanches.
La table est couverte d "une nappe.
Sentences with a passive verb can be translated into Russian:
Passive verbs:

Cet immeuble fut transformé en musée il y a dix ans. This building was converted into a museum 10 years ago.
Active verb using subject inversion:
Cette nouvelle fut écrite par Maupassant. This short story was written by Maupassant. (This novella was written by Maupassant.)
Reflexive verb:
Ce dictionnaire est vendu dans toutes les librairies. This dictionary is sold in all in all stores.
Uncertainly personal proposal:
Cet immeuble est transformé en musée. This building has been converted into a museum.
Ce dictionnaire est vendu dans toutes les librairies. This dictionary is sold in all bookstores.
Je parle de votre exemple "Le canal reunit les deux rivieres"

Can you explain in more detail how the passive voice is formed in French? thanks and got the best answer

Answer from VeroNika [guru]
This article was written by a friend of mine: Cet article EST ECRIT par mon ami
The passive form is formed with the verb être in the corresponding tense and the participe passé of the conjugated verb.
In the passive form, participe passé always agrees in gender and number with the subject.
In the transition from the real form to the passive form, the direct object becomes the subject, and the subject becomes the indirect object.
In French grammar, this indirect addition has a special name: complément d "agent.
Forme active Forme passive
Un canal reunite les deux rivières.
Les deux rivieres sont reunites par un canal.
If in the active form the subject is expressed by the indefinite pronoun on, in the passive form complément d "agent is absent.
Forme active Forme passive
On a bien traduit ce texte. Ce texte a été bien traduit.
An indirect object in a passive verb, denoting the producer of the action, is introduced by the prepositions par and de.
If the indirect object is a direct active source of action, the preposition par is used:
L "Universite de Moscou a ete fondee par Lomonossov.
The preposition de is used:
Before an indirect object related to verbs expressing different feelings, for example: aimer, adorer, détester, mépriser, estimer, respecter, etc.:
Cet étudiant est aimé et respecté de tous ses camarades.
After the verbs couvrir, entourer, planter, orner, charger, remplir, border and some others, if the indirect object is not the immediate source of the action:
Les rues sont couvertes de neige.
La maison était ornee de colonnes.
The preposition par is used before the actual source of action:
La scène a été ornée de fleurs et de drapeaux par les élèves.
Note: after verbs requiring the preposition de before the indirect object, the partial article and the indefinite article of the plural are omitted:
Les arbres sont couverts de neige.
Les tables sont couvertes de nappes blanches.
La table est couverte d "une nappe.
Sentences with a passive verb can be translated into Russian:
Passive verbs:

Cet immeuble fut transformé en musée il y a dix ans. This building was converted into a museum 10 years ago.
Active verb using subject inversion:
Cette nouvelle fut écrite par Maupassant. This short story was written by Maupassant. (This novella was written by Maupassant.)
Reflexive verb:
Ce dictionnaire est vendu dans toutes les librairies. This dictionary is sold in all in all stores.
Uncertainly personal proposal:
Cet immeuble est transformé en musée. This building has been converted into a museum.
Ce dictionnaire est vendu dans toutes les librairies. This dictionary is sold in all bookstores.
Je parle de votre exemple "Le canal reunit les deux rivieres"

French verbs have such a grammatical category as voice. The pledge shows whether the subject itself performs the action, or whether it is the object of the action expressed by the predicate. It is for this purpose that verbs are used either in valid, active voice, or in passive, passive voice.

In the active form, the subject denotes a person (or object) who performs an action or is in a certain state:

Marcel me raconte la fin du film. - Marcel tells me the end of the film.

Le vent souffle. - Wind blows.

Tu es devenu sage. - You have become sane.

Both transitive and intransitive verbs have an active form.

In the passive form, the subject denotes a person (or object) who experiences the action expressed by the verb:

Cet acteur est aimé du public. - This actor is loved by the public.

Ce roman a été traduit en russe. - This novel has been translated into Russian.

Direct-transitive verbs have a passive form. The exceptions are the verbs avoir, comporter, comprendre (= to consist of), pouvoir and two indirectly transitive verbs: pardonner à and obéir à:

Tu es pardonnée. - You are forgiven.

Elle veut être obéie. - She wants to be listened to.

The translation of the active form into a passive one occurs as follows: the direct addition of the active form becomes the subject of the passive, and the subject of the active form becomes an indirect addition, which is introduced by the preposition par or de... The active verb is replaced by être + participe passé.

Être is used in the same mood and tense as the active verb.

Participe passé agrees in gender and number with the subject.


Passé composé

je suis invite (-e)
tu es invité (-e)
il (elle) est invité (-e)
nous sommes invités (-es)
vous êtes invités (-es)
ils (elles) sont invités (-es)

j "ai été invité (-e)
tu as été invité (-e)
il (elle) a été invité (-e)
nous avons été invités (-es)
vous avez été invités (-es)
ils (elles) ont été invités (-es)

Imparfait- j "etais invité (-e)
Passe simple- je fus invité (-e)
Plus-que-parfait- j "avais été invité (-e)
Futur simple- je serais été invité (-e)

Les astronomes observent cette comète. - Cette comète est observée par les astronomes.

Le directeur vous recevra à midi .- Vous serez reçu par le directeur à midi.

In a complex verb predicate, only the infinitive is put in a passive form:

On vient de régler ces problèmes. - Ces problèmes viennent d'être réglés.

On devait présenter le journal télévisé. - Le journal télévisé devait etre présenté.

If the subject of the active form is expressed by a pronoun on or quelqu'un, then in the passive they are omitted:

Quelqu'un retrouvera ce tableau. - Someone will find this picture.

Ce tableau sera retrouvé. - The painting will be found.

If the subject of the active form is expressed by a personal pronoun, then in the passive it is used only when isolating and contrasting:

C'est moi qui les ai invités chez nous (et pas toi) - It was I who invited them to us, not you.

Ils ont été invités chez nous par moi (et pas par toi). - They were invited to us by me, not by you.

In French, the active form is most often preferred. The passive form is used when they want to emphasize either the agent of the action or the result of the action.

Indirect addition is usually introduced with the preposition par:

La chanson a été chantée dans ce film par Jacques Brel. - The song in this film was performed by Jacques Brel.

Sa voiture est arrêtée par la police. - His car was stopped by the police.

Pretext de appears after verbs that express:


être + connu (ignoré)

Ce monument est connu de tous. - This monument is known to everyone.

The senses:

être + aimé (adoré, détesté, haïr, estimé, respecté, louché, ...)

Cet enfant est aimé de ses parents. - This child is loved by his parents.


être + accompagné (suivi, précédé, сomposé, couronné, couvert, entouré, ...)

Ils sont entourés de silence. - There is silence around them.

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