Home Diseases and pests What to do if the guy has cooled off (06/16/2016). Broke up with a girl after a long relationship. The ability to return everything How they part after a long relationship

What to do if the guy has cooled off (06/16/2016). Broke up with a girl after a long relationship. The ability to return everything How they part after a long relationship

Amy Chan is the founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a recovery camp that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing broken hearts. Her team of psychologists and coaches have helped hundreds of people in just 2 years, and the camp has been featured by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune. Her debut book, Breakup Bootcamp, will be published by HarperCollins in January 2020.

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After a long, serious relationship, it's almost impossible to remember who you were before everything started, and even more difficult to become the same person again. The following tips will quickly and effectively get you out of your breakup depression and help you rekindle that lost sense of being single, which is what it's all about.


Move on after a serious relationship

    Stop blaming yourself for how it ended. It doesn't matter who stopped everything or who said what. If you broke up, it means that one or both of you weren't right for each other, and while it's hard to admit, it makes the breakup a positive thing in the long run. But this will all be later, but for now the only thing you need to remember is that this is not your fault. Relationships are a two-way street. No one is to blame if nothing comes out. So stop beating yourself up. It's not worth your emotional energy.

    Give yourself some time to mourn. Everyone will tell you, "It's going to be okay," "You were too good for him anyway," and other platitudes to try and cheer you up. However, the truth is that you will be sad, and fighting that feeling or ignoring the sadness will only make it worse. The point is not to avoid sadness, but to set deadlines for overcoming it. Allow yourself to be sad for a week or so: eat ice cream, watch heartbreaking movies, and cry heartily. But once this week is over, it's time to pull yourself together and move on.

    • It is impossible to say exactly how much time you can be sad. However, don't let your sadness ruin your daily life and other relationships.
    • There is some evidence (albeit unscientific) that most people bounce back after about three weeks.
  1. Recognize that at first, being alone will feel strange, alien, and uncomfortable. However, you must understand that there is nothing supernatural about loneliness - you just adapt to something new. Relationships affect almost every part of our lives, so when they end, things can feel strange and incomprehensible. However, this is just your brain and body switching into loner mode. It has nothing to do with your decision or permanent changes in your personality.

    Remove photos, belongings, and reminders of an ex-partner from everyday viewing. Because of the constant reminders of old relationships, it will be very difficult to get used to the status of a loner. You don't need to throw anything away if you don't want to, just put all these things in a box and put them away in a closet / garage / mezzanine for a while. Even if you don't feel like you need to get rid of things, or if you feel sad about doing so, you still need to do a little cleaning.

    • If your emotions are choking you, ask a friend to help you. This way you will get through it faster and you will have a support system in place to speed up your healing.
  2. Combine this period with a vacation, rearranging furniture, or buying a new outfit. Of course, now that you are single, you should not go and radically change your life. However, with a couple of small changes that you may not have been able to make when you were in a relationship, it will be much easier for you to cope with other changes. Most likely, it will be enough just to go somewhere for the weekend or go on a hike to unwind a bit and look at things in a different light.

    Rekindle and strengthen your friendship and support network. If you have good friends, chances are they took a backseat a bit, but were still around when you were in a relationship. Use this time to go out and make up for all the missed moments and declined invitations. Now you have the chance to connect with old friends and have the freedom to find new ones. Friendships are a very positive phenomenon, and the stronger they are, the more useful they will be in passing through this difficult period.

    Recognize and be proud of yourself, realizing that your personality is not defined by who you date. Being single is a blessing, and it's an essential part of growing up and getting to know yourself. The state of loneliness between relationships can be the most rewarding moment in life. This is the time when we become stronger and reconsider our priorities and interests as a person. Good luck and success to your new "I"!

    Find happiness in a lonely life

    1. Try something new. The time and energy you devoted to your ex and your relationship can now be redirected to your number one priority: yourself! Relationships, even good ones, often end up with a little merging of people: you choose the same hobbies, behaviors and friends. But being single again is a chance to think again about who you want to be and what you want to do.

      • Ask yourself: "What do I want?" Are there things you wanted to do with your ex but didn't work out? Hobbies that you shelved when the relationship started? New things you haven't had time to try? Now is the time to ask yourself these questions, because the answers no longer have to take into account the other person.
    2. Invest in your future by purchasing a gym membership, taking online courses, setting a new career goal, and more. Your energy, money and time are now completely yours, so put them to good use. A great way to break out of your routine is to plan your life outside of romantic encounters. Focus on things that have nothing to do with dating or sex and dedicate yourself to becoming a better person. You will become more self-confident, happier and more equipped for a single lifestyle.

      Say yes to life. The best part about being alone is waking up every morning not knowing exactly where that day will lead. Relationship life can be very predictable and tends to feel like a repetitive love song. At first, your soul freezes and butterflies flutter in your stomach, but after a while it becomes boring and mundane. But now you have a chance to say "yes" to any strange opportunity that arouses your interest. If you have a friend who plays in a band, go to one of his shows or plan a weekend trip with just your friends. Do whatever! Try everything! But most importantly, settle for the opportunities that are presented to you. This is the best time for knowledge and adventure. This is a valuable time to discover new things about yourself and even try things that might scare you or seem unfamiliar.


      Amy Chan is the founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a recovery camp that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing broken hearts. Her team of psychologists and coaches have helped hundreds of people in just 2 years, and the camp has been featured by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune. Her debut book, Breakup Bootcamp, will be published by HarperCollins in January 2020.

      Relationship recovery coach

      Loneliness is a time to reconnect with yourself. Breakup recovery coach Amy Chan says, “Sometimes when we are in a relationship, we lose our identity. A breakup is just the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next so make up your mind to make the next chapter colorful, bright, playful and interesting.”

      Get a little sexier. The huge pothole in most relationships is the "sweatpants phase" where neither partner seeks to impress the other with their appearance. You can easily carry this trend into single life, but you can't ignore the fact that some of the increased happiness and self-confidence comes from sex appeal. Start dressing like a single person and you will instantly feel like one.

Couples break up for various reasons. Someone broke up because of an insoluble crisis in a relationship, in the lives of others, love simply died, and others broke up because of the betrayal of one of them. In any case, there are no truly "former" partners in life. Resentment, anger, anger, sadness change the attitude towards a person, but it is not always possible to get rid of a sense of ownership. In addition, long-term relationships make people “grow” into each other, a special understanding arises between them, a kind of “everyday telepathy”, so it’s always difficult to really delete a once loved one from life. That is why many people have thoughts about rekindling relationships with their exes.
When communicating with a former lover, do not think about the breakup. Do not stir up the past, do not sort things out. All this can lead to a quarrel, which will put an end to the return of the old relationship.

If a couple broke up by mutual desire without quarrels and scandals, you cannot build relationships on this basis. Usually such people remain friends, they can sometimes communicate, and in moments of loneliness they find themselves in the same bed. But it doesn't fundamentally change anything. After all, such couples break up due to the lack of common goals and interests, nothing else connects them. And if the gap really happened by mutual agreement, then nothing can bind them.

Is it worth restoring what has been destroyed?

If you want to return a partner, you or whom you left, think about whether you really need it. After some time after the break, only bright moments remain in memory, the negative is simply erased, so that you can only remember the virtues of your former lover, forgetting about the shortcomings that caused the separation.

Renew communication with your former soul mate, social networks provide an excellent platform for this. If you feel that contact is being established between you, invite him or her to meet, for a start it is better to invite your ex-lover to some small company, so the situation will not be too intimate.

Don't be afraid to flirt with your ex, it will evoke memories of how your feelings began, which will only help if you really want him or her back.

The easiest way to establish contacts with an ex-spouse is if you have children together. They serve as the main "glue". Father-to-child visits are a great way to test the waters. Ordinary conversations, common themes and memories - that's what brings people together. Having a child simply makes such conversations possible, since you don't have to specifically look for meetings, which can look awkward.

In fact, the best way (which is suitable for brave people) is to call your ex, invite him or her to meet and express your thoughts openly. This can be done if even the slightest hint of former feelings has arisen between you.


So. I am 23, the girl is 21. We started dating a long time ago, for 7 years and 2 months. You could say we grew up together and went through a lot. There were quarrels. But we can say that there was an idyll in the relationship. Since September 2017 they started working, we live far from each other. But they still found time to meet. I came to her after work on weekdays, and she came to me for the night on the weekend. All was good. But after the New Year 2018, I behaved badly, spoke rudely to her, answered sharply, when she needed support, I did not provide it properly. She loved me very much, she did not have a soul in me, her eyes burned. But she endured all this for 5 months and she accumulated. She wanted to stop everything several times over these past months, but did not dare, she said she was afraid to leave, because she had feelings for me. At the end of June, they were supposed to fly to Turkey, where I wanted to propose to her. But it so happened that she "exploded". She's got everything. In the first week of May, she said I'm taking a break, I need to think about everything. I wrote to her, tried to sort things out somehow, but she didn’t want to communicate at all, she ignored me. I didn't understand what was happening. At the end of the pause week, we met at her grandmother's house, we were alone. She said that she thought of everything and we parted. I couldn't believe it. We talked for 5 hours, I begged them to give me a chance that I understood everything and would correct myself. But she, with tears in her eyes, could not give it to me. At some point, I said, "Are you letting me go?". She hugged, tears, says "how can I let you go, you are my dearest person." There was sex at the end. Could not part at the meeting. Everything ended well that day. But she said she would make a decision tomorrow. The next day, they broke up over the phone. It was hard for her. But she said that I killed her feelings. Something is left, but not what it used to be. I asked her not to disturb, I wanted to be alone. Naturally, I didn’t write to her for the first 2 days, but I tried to find out something through her friend and mother. But she found out about it and it became more infuriating. For the next 3 days, I myself wrote to her periodically, it was clear how she was disposed towards me, that she did not want to communicate, everything was on her nerves. But at the end of the first week of parting, on Friday, I arrived with a surprise, she left the entrance, her friends held a long poster with the inscription "dear, come back, together we will overcome everything." Tears flowed from her. Touched. He also gave her a verse, on page 3 A4, he outlined everything that he wanted to tell her, because she did not want to talk about relationships with me, let her read it alone. While walking, I once again apologized for everything, said that I accept her position, and leave her alone to rest. I knew that next Friday we would meet at my best friend's wedding. While walking, hugging, supporting each other, at the end, the first one hugged and kissed goodbye. I feel better. I made up my mind to wait until next Friday and not write to her. But she herself wrote the next day, wrote all day long, asking about the wedding and more. Although it could learn from the bride. It gave me hope, I thought everything was getting better. The next day, Sunday, I myself wrote to her in the evening, asking how the day went. She was already completely different. The dialogue went quickly. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I did not write to her, did not call. And on Wednesday evening, she herself wrote how things were going and so on. We had a good conversation, the usual dialogue. I try to show care and attention. On Thursday, silence again. And on Friday, as we agreed, I came to her before the wedding, she was going, everything is fine, we talked well, no offense. At the wedding, they also walked hand in hand, kissed, although she reminded us that we were not dating and this turned out to be a "one-time action." We started talking about relationships again. I say you just do not give a chance, I have corrected, she sees that I am changing. But he says that a person cannot change so quickly. Although I'm sure things will be different now. For me, this is a life lesson. This is the first time in 7 years that this has happened. When they congratulated the newlyweds, I made her an offer with all. There was no other option, because they wouldn’t fly to Turkey, she had already reissued my tickets to my sister. She was in shock, she stood, but the answer was: "We now have some difficulties and if we can cope with them, then I will tell you Yes." In the end, the wedding ended well between us. The next day, I began to tell her that since our difficulties, we need to fix everything together. Seems to communicate. But she cried, she says she is already tired of all relationships. What is not so expressed. That these are her difficulties and she needs to cope with them. And now you need to leave her alone. But with my actions, I leave the best impression. He sees that I am changing. We discussed this on Saturday. On Sunday, she wrote to me herself, saw that I was online all night, and asked who I was walking with. I said that with colleagues and all. Silence. On Monday evening, I wrote to her, asked if we would go to my niece's birthday and see how she would communicate. It's okay, we've talked. On Tuesday, I decided that inaction would not help, and went to her after work, I wanted to give flowers and sweets and leave. But it didn't. Again conversation, tears, etc. She said again that she needed to let her exhale. If she gets bored, she will come out of her skin to get me back herself. This made me happy, because I was afraid that I myself would not take the first step. I said that I would not write, if you get bored, then write yourself. She replied that I could write to her, just don't mess with it. During this conversation, I realized that there is jealousy and a sense of ownership. When I said that you can quickly transfer money to me for Turkey, like so that the vacation does not disappear, I can fly with friends to rest. To which she replied, "How can you fly without a foreigner?" I say "well, you will give it to me?", And she "In this situation, no." And then freaked out, go wherever you want and so on. But then it will definitely be a point between us, trust will disappear. She said that she was now empty in her head, did not know anything and did not want to. That simply does not have time to get bored. Well, after she wrote to me that when to give you a passport. I said that it is not necessary, give it back after arriving from Turkey, both will be calmer. And I’ll work somewhere on vacation, because I had a mortgage in my plans, and I saved up for a down payment. She said that it was like a dream, I can’t believe it, I have changed so much. Trying. And that's all. We didn't speak for 3 days. I wrote on the 4th day. But not just, but as a reason. She said that her father's dog died, transferred money to me for Turkey, borrowed a little until the end of next week. And again silence. If he writes, then probably at the end of this week, about the return of the debt. I don't know how to be me. I'm afraid that if I give her a rest, she will wean from me and cool down. Although she is on social Right now, she almost doesn’t sit on networks, she doesn’t need anything, and she’s a monogamous herself, as I understand it. But anything can happen... She will fly to Turkey on June 16 with her mother, stepfather and cousin. for 7-10 days. Probably before Turkey, you can not count on anything. Maybe only after arrival. It's been a month since she took a break. and how long will it last. Advise how to be and what in general can happen?

My marriage was without love, and I didn’t even know what it was ... After six months of a relationship, we began to live together, moved into her new apartment and began to settle down for a little. For the first year and a half, we didn’t have almost quarrels, but after a year and a half scandals began, inflated by her, I attributed everything to her inexperience in relationships. I, in turn, am a very impulsive person and reacted impulsively to all her whims. I used to leave, collect things, after quarrels, but I couldn’t for a long time. She was always categorical during quarrels, I always had difficulty returning our relationship. We had such major breakups in 3 years 4. but a couple of weeks and I returned her. I love you madly, I’m ready to do everything for her. he himself could not convince her that she was getting excited. In principle, I didn’t limit her in anything, moreover, I indulged in almost everything, but this is my vision. She always interfered in the relationship with her family, mom, dad and sister. She, in turn, is very dependent morally on them. She calls her mother 3 times a day. Her elder sister, my age, who does not succeed in her personal life and she, jealous of her sister, always pours dirt about me around me. . Her mother also bashed her from time to time, but later apologized. But accordingly, I began to treat her sister and parents worse, but still no to my parents. She said that I was alienating her from her family and that was bad. Our last parting was in November 2014. We spent a month without each other, I thought I would go crazy ... I also did everything possible to return, but as if against a wall. In the end, she called me herself and we reconciled. The scandals continued after a month anyway, but I already tried to remain silent, not to enter into a conflict, but sometimes it still flew out of my mouth. Yes, I forgot to say that I proposed to her and we wanted a wedding in September. In March 2015, a stupid quarrel turned out and in the end she packed my things, I tried to talk to her, she blocked everything, didn’t talk, after a couple of weeks I got through to her and the conversation was more than pleasant, she spoke rudely and said that this time there will definitely not be a return, and I never heard the reasons ... A month later, I talked to her, asked for forgiveness, not understanding why, etc. going. I tried to somehow get her out of my head, but alas, I tried to chat with another girl, I couldn’t. For three years we have not had any betrayals or any dirt in principle. After another half a month, under the pretext of giving me the left thing, she invited me to pick it up. I arrived, tried to act tough and pretend that I had cooled down. We talked, I saw that she was suffering a lot, like me. I gave up and asked to make peace again. She refused, said that she missed me as a person, as a relative. That she wants to build other relationships and not with me, she wants to let me go. I found out the “blurred” reason that she allegedly does not trust me and does not believe me anymore and is afraid of me. When asked if there is a reason to be afraid and not to trust me, she answered that there were no reasons, just her inner feeling. I'm sure she doesn't have another boyfriend. It's been 2 months since the breakup, I don't have the strength anymore, I lost 15 kg, you can't imagine how I endure it, it's very, very hard. Since the last conversation, no contact has been made for 2 weeks. I do not know what to do? Should I try to talk again? Make some big surprise? Or just give her more time and not show up in any way, but without her I already have no strength, I don’t want to let go of my love, I want children from her. How should I be in this situation ????

The initial lack or loss of trust leads to the fact that the foundation is collapsing in relationships: feelings of security and reliability are gone.

Trust is destroyed by jealousy (justified or unreasonable), or the realization that a partner does not keep his promises, or both, mixed in a cool cocktail of suspicion and resentment.

Distrust entails a painful existence of a couple: reproaches, interrogations, a nasty, draining feeling that you are constantly deceived, guilt, restriction of a partner’s freedom, which can damage his career growth and social interaction.

2. Different goals in life

You understand that it is impossible to run in one team for a long time if you are pulled in different directions. If the partners’ goals in life do not intersect and touch in any way, they will not be able to build long-term relationships.

Sometimes relationships even prevent one of the partners from moving towards their goals and living the way they want to.

3. Violence

Thoughts of physical or sexual abuse immediately come to mind. But, besides this, there is emotional violence, the injuries from which heal much longer and more difficult than bruises on the body.

Signs of emotional abuse:

  • Attempts to completely control the partner.
  • Verbal humiliation: insults, unreasonable and constant criticism, derogatory words.
  • Demonstration of strength and power in order to cause fear in a partner.
  • Excessive jealousy, and not only to people, but also to work, goals, hobbies.
  • The expectation that the partner will serve and fulfill all wishes.
  • Partner manipulation.
  • Depriving a partner of the right to vote in making common decisions.
  • Attempts to isolate the partner from relatives, friends, in general from life outside of the relationship.

When we talk about violence, it seems that a man should play the role of evil. However, this is naturally not the case. Women do not often demonstrate physical violence, although it sometimes takes place, but they can manifest themselves in all colors in psychological violence.

4. Failed expectations

We are happy when things turn out the way we imagined, or better. And we are unhappy when reality turns out to be worse than expected. Frustrated expectations associated with a partner lead to frustration and anger, which pours out on him.

In our head there is an image of a partner, on it he is the way we want to see him. Unfortunately, a loved one has no idea about this picture and is unlikely to want to go out of their way to match it. And if we are to be completely honest, then it should not correspond to what you imagined for yourself.

However, we do not give up hope to “finish” the partner to the ideal. Hence the constant whining and dissatisfaction, criticism of everything that the partner does, ignoring his achievements that do not fit into the desired picture.

5. Addictions you can't fight

Those that make life unbearable: alcoholism, gambling and drug addiction. Undoubtedly, when problems are just beginning, the support of a loved one can help to cope with them. But, unfortunately, very often nothing helps until the person himself realizes that he needs to fight.

Let's add here a pathological dependence on a former lover or beloved, the struggle against which will most likely be lost, no matter how much energy and effort you put into it.

6. Withdrawal, boredom, habit

Different goals and problems with communication lead to the fact that partners move away from each other. They can be held together by fear of loneliness, children, financial dependence. But when there are no restraining reasons, the couple quickly breaks up.

A classic example is the empty nest syndrome. When children grow up and leave home, parents suddenly feel like strangers with nothing in common, because for many years they were focused on children and forgot about communicating with each other.

7. Different development speed

By the way, this is one of the reasons for the estrangement: one of the partners is constantly developing and changing, the second remains at the same level that it was when they met. As a result - different interests, outlook, goals, priorities, social circle.

8. Financial problems

Financial problems are not only a lack of money, but also problems with their distribution. For example:

  • One of the partners earns more than the other, which makes the second partner feel inadequate and financially dependent.
  • The total budget is distributed based on the wishes of only one partner.
  • One of the partners spends money without consulting the other, which is why then there is not enough money for common needs.

9. Disconnection: emotional or physical

Physical break: partners (or one of them) are not satisfied with their sex life and cannot discuss the accumulated problems and find a solution.

Emotional break: partners do not know how to communicate, do not know how to empathize and support, do not understand each other. Discontent is growing, which they also cannot explain and discuss. As a result, everyone is looking for support on the side: from friends, relatives, new acquaintances.

Often a person is looking for the missing components of a relationship with members of the opposite sex, which leads to new loves and betrayals.

Leo Tolstoy argued that "every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way", but we will allow ourselves to argue with the classic. The reasons for discord in relationships are always the same, but it is not always possible to recognize them behind ordinary quarrels.

The video below shows a typical fight (similar ones have probably happened in your couple), but it led to deep relationship problems.

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