Home Diseases and pests Ancient megaliths. When were the megalithic structures built? Secrets of the Maltese buildings

Ancient megaliths. When were the megalithic structures built? Secrets of the Maltese buildings


Megaliths of Malta

In Malta, perhaps the most ancient megalithic structures on Earth have been preserved. Scientists call them temples, referring to the fact that there was a complex ceremonial burial culture. At the same time, it is known that it was a society highly developed technically, created its own calendar and had extensive knowledge of astronomy.

In the photo: The mysterious sanctuaries in the town of Hajar Im in Malta and Ggantia in Gozo are about 1000 years older than the famous pyramids in Giza, older than the Mayan sites and Stonehenge.
They are built from huge blocks of stone, and it still remains a mystery how 6 thousand years ago it was possible to lift such weights to a height of several meters, and even stack the stones so tightly that there are no gaps between them.

Megaliths of Malta and Gozo

The Maltese megaliths are considered not only the most ancient of those discovered so far. They are also notable for the fact that, as a rule, they do not stand apart, but form huge complexes. The oldest of the Maltese megaliths - Ggantija - is located in the northeast of the island of Gozo. It was built around 3400-3000 BC. e., and discovered in 1826. The word "Ggantija" means "giant" or "giantess" and is very suitable for a megalith. It consists of two separate temples with different entrances, but a common back wall. The temples have a somewhat concave façade, in front of which is a platform of large stone blocks. The most ancient temple of the complex consists of three semicircular rooms arranged in the shape of a shamrock. Scientists believe that such trinity symbolizes the past. present and future, or birth, life and death. Hagar Qwim dates from around 3300 BC.

This name is translated as "standing stones", because before the excavations, only the tops of huge boulders were visible above the ground. Some of them are over five meters high. This complex is located on the island of Malta, southeast of La Valletta. The craftsmanship of the architects of antiquity, who ideally fitted horizontal and vertical stones to each other, is striking. The geometric and mathematical calculations used by the builders are amazingly accurate. Temples reflect the movement of the Sun from sunrise to sunset, and during the equinox, the sun's rays fall directly on the main altar.
Other temples are no less amazing. Hypogeum Gal Safliene - a multi-level underground sanctuary, going into the ground for 12 meters, and Tarxien - the largest temple complex in Malta, consisting of four buildings.

Why were they built?

According to one version, these megalithic complexes were used as temples and burial places. In some of them, religious ceremonies were actually held, and later the dead were buried. But is that what they were originally intended for? After all
ancient structures often changed their function and. according to a number of researchers, this is exactly what happened to the megalithic complexes of Malta. According to another version, megaliths were used for astronomical observations of the Moon and the Sun. But did the ancient farmers need it? To start sowing or harvesting, it is much more useful to observe the condition of the soil and the weather.

Giant emitters?

For the first time, the ultrasonic radiation of a megalith was measured quite by accident. British zoologists studied the life of bats in the area of ​​the Rollright menhir (on the border of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire) and found that before sunrise, the stone begins to emit ultrasonic waves that knock bats astray. Radiation is most intense and longest during the equinoxes, and minimal during the solstices. In addition, cyclic bursts of radiation are noted. Things are even more interesting with ancient stone burial structures - dolmens. The geometric parameters of their empty inner chambers suggest that these structures can generate infrasonic acoustic vibrations. And the deformation of dolmen slabs, leading to the appearance of an electric field in quartz crystals, occurs after
due to the tidal influence of the Moon and the Sun. The tidal wave formed by the attraction of the Moon leads to vertical movements not only of water in the oceans, but also of the layers of the earth's crust. Is it because the megalithic builders were interested in the movement of the Moon that they needed to know the operating time of their emitters?

Perhaps, with the help of acoustic influence, the builders of megaliths could stop the enemy, predict the beginning of an earthquake or a storm? Perhaps this explains the emotional excitement that some of our contemporaries feel when entering an ancient temple?

Oh those crazy tracks!

We are somehow already accustomed to gigantic megalithic structures. Yes, pyramids, yes. Stonehenge - burial grounds, sanctuaries - everything is clear. That is, nothing is clear, but you can pretend that it is clear. But hundreds of mysterious furrows, which, like rails, cross the island of Malta in various directions - this is a completely inconsistent phenomenon. Many of them run in parallel, and then suddenly merge into one track to turn sharply or smoothly go to the side. Unusual "rails" cross the mountains, they can end on a steep cliff, so that then right below, in the valley, continue their journey in the same direction. And on the coast, they go straight into the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea and, at great depths, stretch along the bottom for hundreds of meters And they appear on the neighboring island of Gozo with Malta.The width of one "rail" ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters, the track depth is ~ from 10 to 70 centimeters, which means that the diameter of the wheel that rolled along this road should reach two meters.

The distance between the furrows ranges from 63 to 123 centimeters. Who and how created this network of furrows in the rocky soil of the island thousands of years ago? And for what purpose?
There is no logic either in the parameters of the vehicle that could “ride” on these rails, or in that one. how they were laid. The largest Maltese archaeologist, professor at the local university, Anthony Bonanno, believes that at least 90% of all depressions are located near ancient temples. From which he concludes that they were required for their construction. But how could the rails, along which nothing can be carried, contribute to the construction of ancient structures? By the way, the time of the appearance of both stone colossi in the Andes and mysterious stripes in Malta is approximately 6-7 thousand years ago.

Stone balls - do not roll

Many hypotheses have been put forward about how and for what outlandish furrows were created. According to one of them, these are traces of carts to which draft animals were harnessed. However, experience has shown that carts would not be able to maneuver in ruts, since their turning radius is very small. There are assumptions that are even embarrassing to analyze. for example, that furrows are letters that are visible only from the air. Or is it the remains of the transport system that connected Europe with Africa. The most successful, at first glance, seems to be the hypothesis associated with hundreds of soft limestone balls found on the island. Its authors suggested that these balls served as supports for platforms on which multi-ton stone blocks were transported for the construction of temples, of which 23 pieces survived in Malta. But the traces from the balls would have a rounded shape, but in fact they are trough-shaped. Limestone balls will not withstand the weight of large blocks, but for the sake of small ones, was it worth fencing a garden? Yes, and it is impossible to deliver goods on such confusing tracks ...

All megalithic structures were built before the devastating earthquake and flood

The listed general features of megalithic structures testify to their very ancient age. They were built before the earthquake that destroyed them, which greatly changed the terrain and probably led to a change in the contours of the continents and oceans. The presence of some megalithic structures (Yonaguni, Ponape, etc.) under water, and others (Tiahuanaco, Cusco, Saxauman, etc.) at an altitude of more than 3.5-4 km and the discovery in them of the remains of an ancient port (Tiahuanaco) speaks of the grandiosity of what was happening tectonic movements, which, apparently, were accompanied by a flood.
Tectonic movements of such strength could not be due to any earthquake observed in historical times, which could not even completely destroy the upper sections of the walls built on a megalithic base, built on at a later time. The latest event of this magnitude known to geologists - the Messinian - occurred at the turn of the Miocene and Pliocene, about 5.3 million years ago.

The study after writing this work of underground structures that are part of the underground-terrestrial megalithic complexes of Israel and Turkey, gave me reason to believe that 1) they bear the impact (traces) of the flood and were built before the last great flood, which occurred 12 thousand years ago , 2) according to the nature of the secondary changes in the walls, they correspond to natural caves of the Paleogene and Neogene age, 3) the underground cities of Turkey, apparently, were built in the range of 14 - 4 million years ago.

Readmore details about this in my works"When and by whom was the underground-ground megalithic complex of Israel built?" and " When and by whom were the underground and rock cities of Cappadocia (Turkey) built?", as well as in other works in sections "Underground-ground megalithic complex of Israel" and " Underground and rock cities of Cappadocia (Turkey)"

The ancient age of megaliths does not contradict the data of geology

But is it possible that the ancient sections of the megalithic walls have been preserved from times so distant from us?
From the standpoint of a geologist, there is nothing incredible in the ancient age of megaliths.
In different places on the Earth, rocks of very different ages are exposed - from several thousand years to several billion years. At the same time, strong and durable rocks - andesites, diorites, basalts, many limestones and others - often look approximately the same when their age is several million years, several tens of millions of years and several hundred million years. Older rocks, as a rule, are more strongly deformed and altered along faults and cracks penetrating them. But such differences are hardly noticeable when we are dealing with small rock outcrops or platform formations.
In terms of strength and uniformity, megalithic masonry is slightly inferior to covers of basalts and limestone layers, which I have had to see for myself more than once. Moreover, the megalithic blocks are sometimes so closely fitted to each other that at first glance it is even impossible to understand whether they are artificial formations or individual limestones.
Based on this, it can be assumed that fragments of megalithic structures, like rocks, could have been preserved almost unchanged from any time. Their presence in one place or another (mountains, plains or seabed) is due only to the direction of tectonic movements, the destruction and weathering of rocks and, last but not least, excavations that reveal the overlying strata.

The term "megaliths" (English - megaliths) comes from the Greek words μέγας - large, λίθος - stone. Megaliths are structures made of stone blocks or blocks, from different rocks, of various modifications, sizes and shapes, combined and installed in such an order that these blocks / blocks represent a single monumental structure.

Stone blocks in megalithic structures weigh from a few kilograms to hundreds and even thousands of tons. Individual structures are so huge and unique that it is not at all clear how they were built. Also in the scientific world there is no consensus regarding the technologies of the ancient builders.

Some megaliths seemed to be carved (processed) with some tools, some objects seemed to be cast from liquid materials, and some objects have traces of clearly artificial processing of unknown technologies.

Megalithic culture is represented in absolutely all countries of the world, on land and under water (and…probably not only on our planet..). The age of megaliths is different, the main period of megalithic construction is determined from the 8th to the 1st millennium BC, although some objects have a much more ancient origin, which is often denied by official science. Megalithic monuments of a later period - 1-2 millennium AD are also widely represented.

Classification and types of megaliths

According to their classification, megaliths are divided into separate categories:

  • megalithic complexes (ancient cities, settlements, temples, fortress-forts, ancient
  • observatories, palaces, towers, walls, etc.);
  • pyramids and pyramidal mountain complexes;
  • mounds, ziggurats, kofuns, cairns, tumuluses, tombs, galleries, chambers, etc.;
  • dolmens, triliths, etc.;
  • menhirs (standing stones, stone alleys, statues, etc.);
  • seids, blue stones, tracker stones, cup stones, altar stones, etc.;
  • stones / rocks with ancient images - petroglyphs;
  • rock, cave and underground structures;
  • stone labyrinths (surads);
  • geoglyphs;
  • and etc.

There are many hypotheses about the purpose of megaliths, however, there are some features that are characteristic of many megaliths of the world, regardless of their classification, modification, size, etc. - this is their external similarity, location (geolocation), geophysical characteristics and belonging to some highly developed civilizations. The study of (sites of) megaliths by methods of geophysics and dowsing began in the 20th century. During the study, it was absolutely precisely established that the places for the construction of megaliths were not chosen by chance, very often megaliths are located on the sites (near) dowsing anomalies (in geopathogenic zones of different frequencies - near or on a tectonic fault in the earth's crust).

Thus, it can be assumed that the generator of these waves of different frequencies are tectonic faults, and stone structures in this case play the role of multifunctional acoustic devices that resonate with this frequency.

It turns out that megaliths can influence human bioenergetics! This allows you to effectively correct the human biofield by influencing both its energy points of the body and individual systems.

In ancient times, dedicated priests were engaged in such practices, and this was practiced with the help of various rites and rituals.

With the help of stones, ancient priests, shamans, healers communicated with the spirits of departed ancestors, with the gods, received the answers they were interested in, treated illnesses, etc., and also made offerings-requirements (not sacrifices, which appeared later and most likely not by the creators of megaliths). Knowledge about this was first distorted, then completely erased.

Almost everywhere near the megaliths there was or is water (any reservoir, stream, spring, etc.)! Often, the orientation of megaliths is just directed towards the water, this is especially clearly seen in the example of most of the dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory, which, in turn, not without reason, are the standard in the dolmen structure.

It is also worth mentioning the orientation of many megaliths to the cardinal points, taking into account some astronomical features.

Often, when studying megaliths, one gets the impression that over time the builders seem to have lost the ability to erect stone buildings, and over time, megaliths became like only distant copies of the original structures.

Perhaps, for some reason, the ancients lost that knowledge and technology, and most importantly, the need for megalith building was also lost over time.

However, despite the time, megalith building in the world continues to exist. Even today in Sumatra (Indonesia), people continue to create funerary stone monuments outwardly similar to ancient megaliths, thus preserving the memory and customs of their ancestors.

In many places of the world, traditions, legends and stories have been preserved that many megaliths are associated with the reincarnations of dead people.

Many megaliths are closely related to astrology, in connection with this, a new direction of researchers of antiquities has arisen - archaeoastronomy. It is archaeoastronomers who are engaged in the study of the astronomical aspect in megalithic construction. It was archaeoastronomers who proved many hypotheses regarding the purpose of many ancient stone structures.

Some megalithic structures were created to determine the major solar and lunar cycles of the year. These objects served as calendars and observatories for observing celestial bodies.

Megaliths - a legacy of ancient civilizations

Unfortunately, in our time, in all corners of the world, for various reasons, the trend of destroying ancient monuments continues, but all over the world, new finds of ancient structures also continue to be discovered.

Many studies and the objects themselves are stubbornly hushed up by official departments, or dates are deliberately incorrectly determined and the reports and conclusions of scientists are falsified, because. many objects simply do not fit into the generally accepted chronology of our civilization.

Megaliths are the very objects that connect us with the distant past, with the deep past, and it can definitely be argued that they have not yet revealed all their secrets to people ...

Who built the megaliths

Let's first decide where the builders who were engaged in the construction of megaliths could come from? Were they from the civilization of earthlings or from the civilization of some other planet?

There are several hundred megalithic structures on Earth (and these are the only ones that have survived to this day), the amount of work on the construction of such a number of megaliths is huge. To create a clearer picture of the amount of work spent on the construction of megaliths, let's make rough calculations for one pyramid of Cheops (Egypt).

The pyramid of Cheops consists of approximately 2 million blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons each. This weight will have a cubic block with a side of 1 meter. We get a block surface of 6 square meters. Multiply the surface of one block by the number of blocks, and we get 12 million square meters of surface. The area is huge! The motorway area is 12 meters wide and 1000 kilometers long!

If the pyramid was built of stone, how long would it take to hew the faces of the blocks? And if the blocks were made from geopolymer concrete, how much energy and time would it take to grind 5 million tons of stone to make cement? If we assume that the builders of megaliths arrived from another planet, then we will get a "construction team" with a staff comparable to the population of not the smallest country. In addition, alien "guest workers" must have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. The question is why? Other civilizations do not need megaliths on our planet!

Megaliths were built and used by the earth civilization.

Now let's answer the question, what level of development did the ancient civilization have?

As mentioned above, the builders of megaliths left obvious evidence of the high technical level of the development of their civilization - traces of machine processing of stone blocks. Let's think about what, for example, a trace from a tubular drill with a cutting edge of less than 2 mm testifies? It would seem a trifle, but thanks to this trifle, one can understand at what level of development the civilization that built megaliths was.

Before making a carbide tubular drill, civilization had to go through a long path of development, build a complex social organism, and accumulate a huge amount of knowledge in almost all areas of science and technology. For the accumulation and transmission of scientific knowledge from generation to generation, an education system is needed from elementary school to higher educational institutions ...

For the manufacture of a carbide tubular drill, it is necessary to have a developed technique for processing such materials and an energy level, at least of our civilization, to provide energy for this technique, that is, to use energy much greater than the muscle strength of a person or animals ... and so on.

Such technical devices have not survived to our time or are carefully hidden, but interesting images remain. On one of the vessels of the Mayan Indians, a curious image of representatives of an ancient civilization with circular saws has been preserved (photo 64), and in the temple of Seti I in Abydos there is an image of a helicopter, a tank and aircraft (photo 65). There is a temple in Edfu, Egypt, which is famous for the "texts of the builders of Edfu", a significant part of which is devoted to describing "the times when the gods ruled Egypt." Some of the images on the walls of the temple resemble objects of various technical purposes: from electric batteries to "flying saucers" and nuclear bombs (photo 66). In the temple of Dendera, also located in Egypt, there are many images of devices, interpreted as electric photo 67, photo 68, photo 69, photo 70.

Thus, we came to the unequivocal conclusion that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, the level of development of which in some aspects significantly exceeded the level of development of the current civilization.

It remains to answer the last question, which people created this highly developed civilization on Earth?

To answer this question, it is necessary to look deep into the centuries through the eyes of people who lived in those distant times, compare the legends and traditions of various peoples about a particular event, and then we will get a more complete and correct view of historical reality than the view imposed by modern "scientists".

If ancient traditions and legends of peoples, seemingly unrelated, tell about some historical events in the smallest detail, and if these details coincide, then the event preserved for centuries is part of the true History.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend, according to which nine White Gods created Ancient Egypt (See Cheslav Vanger's article "White Pharaohs"), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the earth, which plunged into the depths of the Great Waters. The Egyptians called the most important of them Ra, he came with his Brother Gods from the northern land. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also tell about how the White people appeared in Ancient Egypt and about their relationship with the local population:

“...People with skin of the color of darkness will revere the descendants of the Heavenly Clan as Gods and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin of the color of darkness to grow cereals and vegetables. Four Clans from the Heavenly Clan, replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests and build Trirans-Tombs in the form of Man-Made Mountains, tetrahedral ... "

Alexander Khodilov in his article “Why Libraries Burned” gives very interesting information about the origin of Chinese civilization:

“...According to Chinese (and not mine) legend, Chinese civilization began with the fact that a White God named Huang Di flew to them from the north on a heavenly chariot, who taught them everything: from cultivating rice fields and building dams on rivers to hieroglyphic letters. It turns out that the hieroglyphs were transmitted by a representative of a highly developed civilization lying north of Ancient China. And now some explanation. Juan is an old Aryan name that is still quite common in Spanish-speaking countries. Di - tribes of the white race, who lived north of Ancient China. Tribes di - dinlin - were well known to the inhabitants of ancient China. The difficulty of pronunciation for the Chinese of the word "dinglin" led to its shortened version "di".

There are many references to the Di tribes in the old Chinese chronicles. Even in the III millennium BC. e. Di tribes in Chinese chronicles were noted as the indigenous inhabitants of the country. For three thousand years, one part of the Dinlin was exterminated, as often happened in those extremely cruel times, another fled, and the third mixed with the Chinese. By the way, the last writing style of kaishu, which has survived to this day without any major changes, was finally formed during the Three Kingdoms period (220–280 AD) almost at the same time when the Di tribes were crossed out from the “book of life”. Three thousand years of wars did their job, the very memory of the Dinlins was destroyed ... "

The presence of the white race in China is also confirmed by archaeological finds - mummies of people of the white race, Tokharians (Photo 71 reconstruction of one of the famous Tocharian mummies (photo 72), known as the "beauty Lulan").

The estimated age of the mummies is 3500 years. The first mummy of a white man in the Takla Makan desert in China was discovered by accident in 1977, after the sand came down, the corpse of a woman was opened, whose body was badly damaged, presumably during military operations. Excavation around her corpse later uncovered 16 mummies, so perfectly preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified baby. The bodies found were dressed in Celtic-style woolen fabrics, leather shoes and jewelry. In one grave, excavators found a saddle cover and a pair of pants with drawings of people. A face with blue eyes was painted on one leg.

The civilization that the Tokharians built consists of large cities, temples, centers of learning and art - they were also the builders of the Great Silk Road - the route for trade between the West and China. The Silk Road was originally thought to have been built by the Chinese, but the discovery of the remains of the original inhabitants of this region now shows that these are the remains of a great lost White civilization.

In the early 1990s, over a thousand Tocharian corpses were discovered in the region, but by 1998 the Chinese government banned further archaeological expeditions to the area, quite likely for fear of exposing Chinese legends. The excavations of the Tokharians prove an unpleasant fact for the Chinese that they were not the discoverers of iron, saddles, they were not the first to domesticate horses, but representatives of the White race ...

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Around the world, you can see incredible boulders that have stood on Earth for thousands of years. They were installed long before people began to make any historical records, and therefore who built them and why remains unknown. It is believed that some dolmens were used as burial places, others for stargazing. In our review, the most interesting megalithic structures and related stories.

1. Stone Circle Beltani

Found in the northwest of Ireland, near the town of Rafo, the Beltany stone circle consists of 64 stones arranged in a circle 45 meters in diameter around a mound. It is believed that the stones (which are mostly 2 meters high) were installed around 1400 - 800 BC.

Apparently, in the early 20th century, a preliminary study of this site was carried out, when a certain Oliver Davis stated that "non-scientific excavations were recently carried out at the site of the stone circle, after which everything was left in a terrible confusion." Despite the excavations, almost nothing is known about Beltani. The word "Beltany" possibly comes from the word "Beltane", which was the name of a pagan holiday.

"Beltane", in turn, comes from "Baal Tinne", which means "Baal's fire". During this festival, bonfires were lit on the top of the mountain to "restore the power of the Sun". Other theories claim that the Beltany Circle is similar to the circles at Carrowmore Cemetery, hinting that the site was used during burial procedures.

2. Megaliths of the Bada Valley

In the Bada Valley in Indonesia, one can find well-preserved sculptural monuments carved from solid stone blocks. Due to their unusual remarkable appearance and the craftsmanship of unknown creators, one would think it would be fairly easy to determine when and why these megaliths were created. However, historians even find it difficult to answer how old they are, not to mention what they were made for. When trying to question the locals about their purpose, the invariable answer is always that the stones "have always been there." \

Although no archaeological evidence has yet been found as to the purpose of these megaliths, the locals have their own legends. Some believe the megaliths date back to the time of human sacrifice, others say they exist to ward off evil spirits.

The most interesting theories say that these are criminals who have turned to stone or that the stones are able to move on their own. Of particular intrigue is the fact that the megaliths are made of stone, which is not found anywhere in the area.

3. Spirit wheel

Also known as the "Wheel of Giants", the Wheel of Spirits is a large circular megalithic structure near the Sea of ​​Galilee. It looks like a giant stone wheel with inner rings and "spokes" that connect them. Right in the middle of the inner ring is a burial place. Not only are archaeologists unsure that this burial site was made at the same time as the wheel, further study of the Spirit Wheel has shown that there were in fact no burials at the site.

It is believed that once valuable artifacts were located in this place, since there is evidence that the excavation site was looted. As for the proposed features, archaeologists do not believe that the site was built for habitation or defense. Some believe it was a calendar, given how the sunrise at the solstices aligns with the "spokes" of the wheel.

4. Rudston Monolith

The Rudston Monolith is the tallest menhir in the whole of Great Britain, which is located in the village of Radston in the church cemetery. This impressive stone, 7.6 meters high, was probably erected around 1600 BC. Given the age and fame of the menhir in the village, it is not surprising that there are a lot of legends among the locals about its origin.

One legend claims that the monolith was a spear created by the devil to attack the church. Fortunately for him, he allegedly missed and the spear hit the cemetery instead of the church. As for the archaeological evidence of its origin, Sir William Strickland excavated and found that the monolith is half underground, i.e. it is at least 2 times higher than it is visible from the outside. He also found a huge number of skulls, potentially hinting at a sacrificial or religious purpose for the monolith.

5. Pipers and the Merry Maidens

Located in Cornwall, The Pipers and The Merry Maidens are separate megalithic monuments. "Pipers" consists of two standing stones, while "Jolly Maidens" located a short distance from them form a stone circle. The circle is completely complete, and on its eastern side is the entrance to the entire structure, which may hint at the astronomical purpose of the megaliths.

The area around these stone formations is replete with burial sites, which may be due to the fact that the stones had something to do with spiritual or burial procedures. Local legend claims that two pipers once played for the dancing maidens on a Sunday, which was forbidden. As a result, they petrified on the spot.

6. Turua stone

A beautiful sculptured stone in the early Celtic style can be found in County Galway, Ireland. Turua Stone was once located within an Iron Age ring fort called the Rath of Feerwore. The upper half of the stone is covered with traditional Celtic abstract patterns made using the La Tène technique.

However, given that the stone has a slightly phallic shape, some sources claim that it may have been used in fertility rites. However, the name "Turoe" comes from "Cloch an Tuair Rua" ("Red Pasture Stone"), leading some to believe that the red symbolism is indicative of sacrifices performed in front of the Turua Stone. Others believe that the stone originally comes from France and only then was transported to Ireland.

7. Bulls of Guisando

Found in the Spanish province of Ávila, Spain, the "Bulls of Guisando" are a strange group of four bull statues carved in stone. They are part of a group of 400 similarly carved animals called verraco that date back to around the fourth century BC.

Even though "verraco" means "boars", the statues come in many different forms, such as these bulls. Four bulls are made in different poses, so they look like a group of bulls grazing in a field. It is believed that they were once horned, but under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, the horns disappeared over the centuries.

Archaeologists do not know why verracos were made, but speculate (since such sculptures are usually found in places where they can be easily discovered) that they had a religious element and may have served to protect towns and farms from evil spirits.

8. Gray sheep

The "Grey Sheep" on Dartmoor, England is a rare occurrence among megaliths, as it is not one, but two stone rings right next to each other. Both circles are made of 30 stones, and their diameter is approximately 33 meters. During the excavation of the circles, a thin layer of charcoal was discovered, from which it follows that a fire once burned often in this place. Why they did it in stone circles is a mystery.

Some argue that the circles were used to communicate with the world of spirits - in one of them there were living people, in the other it was intended for spirits. Others pay less attention to the spiritual element, stating that these two circles served for a ritual in which men were in one circle and women in the other. Still others believe that the circles could be used as a meeting place for two neighboring tribes.

As with many other mysterious structures, the Gray Sheep have their own myths. One of them says that once a farmer who moved to Dartmoor criticized the choice of sheep at the local market. After drinking ale in a tavern, the locals convinced him that they had fine sheep to sell. They led him to a misty hollow where the farmer allegedly saw the silhouettes of a herd. He bought sheep, and the next morning, when he woke up, he found that he had actually bought the Gray Sheep.

9. Dromberg

Also known as the "Altar of the Druids" among the locals, Dromberg is a stone circle of 17 menhirs. While its exact origin is relatively unknown, there is some evidence as to why it was built. One of the stones is oriented in such a way that it coincides with sunset during the winter solstice.

During excavations in the Dromberg area, something even more interesting was discovered: the remains of a cremated person in a broken pot. The age of this burial was determined from 1100 BC. before 800 BC No one knows why a person was buried in such a peculiar way, but it hints at ritual purposes. In addition, there is evidence that people lived near Dromberg.

10. Deer stones

Deer stones, which are found throughout Northern Mongolia, are amazing carved megaliths, which are often always found around mounds. The height of these megaliths (of which about 1200 have been found so far) usually ranges from 1 meter to 5 meters. They are believed to have been made around 1000 BC.

What makes these stones particularly interesting is that they depict deer. On the most ancient stones deer are depicted in "usual poses". But as the years passed, deer soaring in the sky began to be depicted on the stones. Further, deer began to be depicted interacting with the Sun, for example, holding it on their horns. Interestingly, the remains of warriors with deer tattoos were also found in Northern Mongolia.

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