Home Diseases and pests Two practices for the perfect family. Feature of foot massage

Two practices for the perfect family. Feature of foot massage

IT IS FAVORABLE FOR A HUSBAND TO MASSAGE THE FEET OF THE WIFE FOR MANY REASONS. But this is not about massage. Being a member of several women's groups, I often come across articles that talk a lot about what a woman should do to her husband: give him a foot massage, give him a tantric massage, give him yourself, your love, acceptance, support, respect, understanding, etc. . And all the time - give, do, give! .. Nothing bothers you?

But 2 things are bothering me. Firstly, I think that it is good to do charity work if you are a millionaire. But if you are a beggar, then charity is out of the question. You can only give what you have, and in full. When your Cup of Love overflows, the desire to share this Any arises quite naturally. But if a person does not have himself or does not have enough, and, nevertheless, gives, then he always does this at the expense of his own resources, at the expense of emptying himself. It's like trying to feed the hungry by tearing pieces from your own body. So before saying that a woman should do or give something, it must be said that she herself must be filled to the brim, her Cups of Love, Strength and Wisdom must be filled. And before starting to massage the feet of her husband, she herself and all her parts of the body, including the feet, must be massaged, as they say, I don’t want to.

Secondly, I believe that a woman is a RECEIVING structure, and a man is a GIVING structure. So why should she give anything? And anyway, why on earth should she do anything at all? Moreover, what I am talking about is not just information or a point of view, it is Mathematics and Natural History. Everything can be considered from the point of view of Mathematics - unity, binary, trinity, etc. So, from the standpoint of unity and integrity, a woman is an ACCEPTIVE structure. From the standpoint of duality, it is an ACCEPTING, and then a GIVING structure. But the ACTION TAKING IS STILL THE FIRST. Nature arranged it so that in order to give something to a man, she must take something from him. And I believe that THIS NOW SHOULD BE TALKED ABOUT! And we will also talk about this, but a little later.

And now here's what. It is not clear to me personally why the neo-Vedists of the Indian trend, with perseverance worthy of a better use, make a man out of a woman, turning her from a receiving structure into a giving one. In fact, I understand why. If we take a closer look at modern Indian culture, we will see that THERE IS THE BEST PATRIARCHY. The whole culture and the whole religion is built on the idea that a man is everything, a woman is nothing. A man is God, a woman is an appendage and a servant of God. Favorite images - Shiva sits in meditation (idle, takes care of himself, his own growth), and Shakti dances around him the Dance of Life (plows in and provides him so that he can do nothing further), Lakshmi sits at the feet of Narayana and gives him a foot massage , and not vice versa.

And if we have already mentioned the Gods, then it is worth saying that in our ancient Slavic tradition there are also Gods. Only we have always had a completely different model of relations between a man and a woman. In the Slavic tradition, from ancient times there was a balance between the male and female principles. This was expressed in many ways, including in the relationship between the Gods. We have Svarog - God the Father, and Lada - the Mother Goddess. And no one serves anyone, they are next to each other hand in hand. I do not propose to start believing in the Slavic Gods, I propose to consider and choose a model of relationships. Personally, I'm closer and prettier than the latter.

Of course, there are grains of truth in the Indian version of the Vedas. However, for some reason, not all of them are represented among the masses. The version that I described is more common. And I think it does a lot of damage. First, one of the traits of a woman is her naivety. I know from myself and from my friends that women are very gullible and you can sell them anything. And women, as they read something or hear enough of someone, believe in it and begin to embody it with all their immeasurable strength. And they become "Vedic" women according to the canons of the Indian Vedas. However, often after some time, they find that it has become much worse. It is known that even among Vedic women, families break up. That is, these ideas not only do not work, but often harm families!

Secondly, when you read Vedic authors and non-Vedic psychologists, you get the impression that a woman is the main force of the Universe, and that a woman can do anything. Of course, this is very flattering for unloved women and their weakened egos. However, let's face it - a woman can not do everything! She cannot impregnate herself, she cannot be a man, she cannot do a man's work, she cannot alone do the work that two should do, she cannot alone build a relationship in which two participate. It cannot be both feminine and masculine at the same time, being both a receiving and a giving structure. And if suddenly she can and does, then she is no longer a woman. Her femininity is gone. And mentally, energetically, and sometimes physically, she is reborn into a man.

Relationships between people are BETWEEN people, and everyone contributes, their 50%. Relationships are a couples dance. Let's imagine that we have come to a concert where a couple will dance the tango. So, the stage, the backstage, the light of the ramp ... A man enters the stage and becomes motionless. A beautiful woman comes out, approaches the man and starts dancing around him. And the man stands still. The woman does various steps around him and tries very hard. But will this dance work if the man remains motionless? I think it's obvious to everyone that it's not.

So it is in relationships. A woman can do anything - act according to Vedic principles, work on herself, go to trainings, work out problems, but if a man does nothing, then NOTHING will come of it. If he does not move his finger, brains, his 5th point and something else, NOTHING WILL WORK. NOTHING AT ALL. So why is there so much talk about what a woman should do, and so little talk about the fact that it's TIME FOR A MAN TO GET OFF THE SOFA AND START SHAVING ANYTHING?

Now let's return to the saying that before a man can give something, a woman must take something from him. That's how Nature arranged it. And this is easy to prove and everyone can be convinced of this. The culmination and quintessence of the relationship between a man and a woman is the conception, bearing and birth of a child. Let's look at this process in more detail.

When a man and a woman make love, the man enters the woman and she takes him into herself. In fact, in this process, the MAN GIVES, AND THE WOMAN TAKES, accepts, absorbs a part of the man's body into herself. Then the man gives the woman a small piece of himself - a spermatozoon, one cell. And again the woman accepts it. And then, after some time, she gives the man a ready-made child with millions, if not billions of cells. And this is just simple mathematics, although, of course, that is not the point. With the birth of a child, a man receives much more than a lot of properly organized cells. He acquires a son or daughter, procreation, the embodiment of himself and new opportunities, in particular, to continue his life through children. And, of course, he gains invaluable experience of self-knowledge and self-development, self-knowledge as a Husband and Father.

This process very well shows the true nature of a man and a woman, their relationship. A man has a single nature, a woman has a plural nature. That's how the universe made it. Therefore, a woman has the ability to multiply many times everything that comes to her! But here it is very important to preserve the natural sequence of actions: a woman first needs to receive, and only then she acquires the ability to give. In a relationship with a man, only this way and nothing else.

That's exactly why you need to invest your efforts, attention and money in a woman! This is the best investment you can ever make! If it were possible to translate the invested efforts into a monetary equivalent, then for each ruble invested, a man receives at least 16, or even all 100 rubles, or even many times more. And this is all thanks to the multiple and multiplying nature of a woman.

So, men, invest in a woman! Do what you can for her - do a foot massage, tantric massage, give flowers, gifts and sweets, love, affection and attention! You give her a little bit, and you get a hundredfold! THAT'S EXACTLY WHY IT IS FAVORABLE FOR A HUSBAND TO MASSAGE THE FEET TO THE WIFE!!! J

With love for the woman in yourself and for the women around, Natalie Tkalich

P.S. Prefixes without-, raz-, voz-, iz-, as well as words with them are written through "z" consciously.

I will tell you about a very powerful sacred practice.
It's called "Foot Washing"Whom do I wash my feet for? Of course, beloved man
How do we do it?

He comes home from work, you are all so beautiful, in a dress, you meet him and say: “Honey, let me give you a foot massage.” You take a basin, pour warm water into it, pour in sea salt (you can use ordinary, table salt) and get down to business. And you just do a massage of the feet and legs to the knees, as it turns out, as best you can, and he sits and gets high)) while you can imagine how you cleanse your man from the negativity that has accumulated during the day, salt helps a lot with this. This practice should be done either by a husband or a man with whom there is a serious, trusting relationship.

What gives this practice?

Develops respect for a man and nourishes his "male" qualities. There is a hidden meaning in this action. When a woman is in a position “at the feet” of a man, she increases his inner strength, nurtures responsibility in him and “waters” his confidence, asserts his dominant position in the family and gives strength to make decisions. At the same time, a woman develops femininity, gentleness, acceptance, humility and, of course, respect for a man.

It increases the financial condition of a man when a woman begins to sincerely and lovingly do this practice (it’s better not to part, a couple of times a week is enough), then the man’s income level increases, everything was checked here: when a woman perceives a man as the first, right, main, then he automatically becomes an earner and seeks to conquer new horizons.

A woman's thoughts about a man directly affect his profitability and solvency. Strengthens the family.

Dear girls, who find it difficult to learn to accept their man and obey him, start doing this practice, you will notice how the situation in the family and your relationship will soon change.

It is only important to do this practice honestly, sincerely wanting to give the man a piece of your love, care and honor him. Then there will be an effect. Well, judge for yourself, if such a sorceress is waiting for a man at home, will he really be pulled to the left? Or will he not want to thank such a smart girl? Gift? Yes, after this practice, a man will move mountains for you.

In general, foot washing is a sign of the deepest respect in Eastern philosophy. If you've ever been to a decent spa, you know that they actively practice it there in order to pay tribute to the client and greet him. Is your man really not worthy of such amenities?

In addition to the fact that you will grow his masculinity and your femininity, you will simply make your loved one pleasant and at least relieve tension and stress.

Many of us have some ideas turned inside out about love and about the feminine essence. The strength of a woman is in her weakness, have you heard such an expression?

So why do we think that silently, with a smile, to look a man in the eyes, to hear him and let him take care of us is an unworthy position of a slave who humiliates the feminine?

I directly feel that many will want to object violently to me or even throw something at me, saying: “I will not wash this goat’s feet for anything, I will never fall so low.” So, do not bother to write your “fi” here, but rather try to look at the situation differently.

Feminine and loving, and yes, those who disagree with me should practice foot washing anyway. Everything that you see in me and my articles is not mine, but yours, we notice in others only what we ourselves have in abundance! Catch my secrets of female happiness and wealth, I believe they will be useful.

Massaging the feet of your husband is an ancient tradition in various cultures, as well as washing them with water and bowing at the feet.

Every woman should practice this in her daily life and not perceive this deed as a humiliation or an insult to her honor. At first, many women may say that it is a man who should massage their feet, but they will all understand that such a massage for male feet will be a magic key that will help open all the doors between you.

There are many reasons why it is beneficial to give your husband a foot massage, ranging from the physical level to the sacred. But everything is in order.

1. Physical contact

The feet are a reflection of our body and all organs, because they have the largest number of points. Thanks to foot massage, you massage all the organs, giving them strength and relaxing them. After such a massage, a man will be able to completely relax, feel better and he will become very comfortable with you.

2. Social contact

A woman sitting at the feet of her husband, as it were, emphasizes that she is lower than him and this is the correct alignment of the hierarchy in the relationship of the couple. Of course, this may anger many women, but it's true. In this position, a woman acquires humility, humility and modesty, and these are her very important qualities. These feminine qualities are like diamonds, only you give them to men. When you are at the feet of your husband, you increase his inner strength, this encourages him to take responsible actions, decisions for his life and the life of his family. To such a woman, a man is more supportive, generous and attentive.

3. Intelligent contact

All knowledge is given to us from above, when people ask for something, they stretch their hands up. A woman, being in a position below her husband, receives his intellectual knowledge, his mind. Think about whose advice or instructions you would perceive more easily, from a respected person or from an equal? If a woman does not respect her husband, then he will not be able to protect her and endow her with the best qualities. That is why the husband personifies the mind and reason, and he must be higher than the woman, and she, in turn, will be a source of strength. After all, power is only used rationally when it is under the control of the mind, then it will go for good. Giving a foot massage to your husband, you increase his intelligence.

4. Spiritual contact

All his karma is in human legs, and negative memories accumulate in them. Therefore, in Russia it was customary to get together and dance and stomp, it seemed to expel all the "nonsense" from the head and body. If a woman was in a bad mood, she was sent to dance in a round dance and this relieved all tension, drove away resentment and all sorts of feelings. After this ceremony, the woman forgot all the bad things.

When a woman massages her feet, she not only relaxes her husband, but also drives away all bad thoughts and all experiences from her mind.

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18. The wife, sitting in the chair, brings her legs together and lifts them up, the husband grabs them, enters into a bond and lifts the wife by the waist up so that her head rests where the back and seat converge, after which he presses from above.

Positions "woman on top"

19. She lies in position 1, but on top of the man, and enters into communication with him, lying under her. At the same time, she is located with her back to him. This posture is good for thin women with small buttocks, but is not suitable for full ones, i.e. designed for the amateur. At the same time, one of the partners tickles the clitoris with his hand.

20. This position is known to be ancient. The husband lies on his back, moving his legs together. The wife, with her legs and knees spread apart, sits astride her husband and introduces a penis. She does not bend over her husband, but sits straight and makes movements either with her hands on her husband's stomach (hips), or clasping his waist or buttocks. In this position, a woman is not limited in sexual movements, and therefore passionate and experienced women love her very much.

21. Same as at 20, but the husband bends his knees behind his wife so that she rests her back. This may be a continuation of position 20, when the wife has already had one orgasm and generally wants to take a break. Then the sexual movements are performed by the husband, but then you can return again to 20.

22. The wife lies on her husband facing him, spreads her legs and makes sexual movements herself, but the husband can help her.

23. The husband lies on his back, the wife sits on him, as in 20, but with her back to him. She herself must carry out the introduction of a member, raising her buttocks, then slowly sit down, because. husband is hard to see.

24. The husband lies across the bed with his legs hanging on the floor, the wife is on him in position 23.

25. As in position 23, but the wife bends down and, if possible, stands on the floor between her husband's legs. The wife performs sexual movements either standing or sitting on her husband's pubis, clasping his legs, pinching her at the waist or hips.

26. Any of the three positions listed above can be used in one act. In position 25, the wife lowers her husband between her legs and, standing on the floor, performs sexual movements. A wife may ask her husband to take her by the waist to increase sexual movements, especially in orgasm. In positions 23-25, the husband can contemplate his phallus entering the vagina, and this is very impressive and exciting.

27. The husband in position 24 raises his knees, the wife hugs them, pressing them to her chest.

28. The opposite of 26, the wife lies or stands facing her husband, the rest as in 25, 26. The wife holds herself in her arms and makes sexual movements.

29. You can start with position 23, but then the wife can turn around the member and hang her legs out of the bed. The wife can continue her sexual movements and give pleasure to her husband, who watches her in profile.

30. The husband lies on his back, the wife lies on top of him, moving her legs. He spreads his and passes it between them. After the insertion, the wife makes sexual movements, similar to the male in position 1. Only one leg can be inserted between the legs of the husband.

31. He lies on his back, slightly turned to one side, she lies opposite, placing her lower leg at her husband's lower leg, and throws her upper leg over him. In this position, the husband moves down and is between her legs. To enter a member, the wife must be a little higher than him and do it herself. The movements of the husband are opposite to those of the wife. When he stretches and bends forward, he introduces a member, and when bending, he brings it out. She moves in reverse. This position allows significant movements for both, and she takes an active part in the act. She can control her position by moving up or down along her husband. Since the clitoris does not work, someone tickles it with their free hand.

32. Modification 31, but on the other hand, on the other side. In addition, if the wife can lift her leg very high and press it to her with her hands, then this will be a new posture.

33. The husband lies on his back, the wife sits on top and stretches her legs forward to her husband's face. The husband hugs them and the wife has better control over her movements. She can deviate in her movements back, holding her husband's hands.

34. The wife in position 33 leans back, while the husband spreads his legs while the wife lies on her back with her vagina to her husband. In this position, she controls her movements with her buttocks, making short movements not only up and down, but also to the sides, back and forth. This position gives the husband an excellent opportunity to observe the entry and exit of his phallus into the expanded vagina. For this, the husband can take his wife's legs in his hands and slightly spread them apart. Since his hands are free, he can take pictures of both in this position to get photos that excite his wife, which, by the way, can be done in positions 23-27.

35. The husband is on his back, the wife sits on him and performs the introduction, as in 20, and then tilts the body forward, lying on the husband's chest. Movements can be made by both, especially if the wife lifts her buttocks higher, and the husband bends upward in his back.

36. Introduction in position 23, then the wife lies down on her husband's legs with her chest. When making movements, he lifts her buttocks with his hands, placing his hands under them.

Positions on the side

38. The wife lies on her side, stretching out one leg (lower) and bending the other (upper) at the knee. The husband lies on top and inserts the penis, grabbing his wife's outstretched leg with his legs. This position is intermediate between "husband on top" and "husband on the side" and provides many opportunities for various sexual movements. The position is good because the partners do not feel the weight of the body, but at the same time, the contact is very tight. The wife has great freedom and can regulate penetration at her own discretion, both hands are free, which greatly enhances mutual caresses. You can go from this position to a very pleasant option, when the wife turns completely on her stomach, and the husband lies on top of the back. This is good to do before the orgasm of partners.

39. Introduction in pose 1, then the couple falls on their side. This position is very good for point-blank sexual movements. When the wife gets tired or her leg, on which the husband lies, becomes numb, the couple can roll over to the other side or to the “she is on top” position.

40. Similar to 39, but the legs are raised higher, under the armpits of the husband. You can go from 39 to 40 before partners orgasm.

41. Husband and wife lie on their sides facing each other. The wife lifts her top leg and places it on her husband's waist. The husband makes an insertion and with his free hand takes the wife's buttocks and pulls her strongly towards him. Penetration here is small, but a good feeling of approaching bodies that do not press against each other so much, more movement and comfort for both sides.

42. Unlike 41, after insertion, she lowers her leg, and the husband raises his and puts it on his wife's waist. This position reduces penetration, which is desirable if the husband has a long penis.

43. The husband lies on his side and the wife too, but with her back to him. He lifts his leg and puts it on his wife's waist and she helps him in, leaning forward a lot. The husband should press tightly, especially if the wife has large buttocks, the husband has a stomach. This ensures good insertion of the penis and its strong tension from bending.

44. In position 38, the couple rotates in the opposite direction until the wife is on her back, and the husband is perpendicular or bent over on his side, the wife grasps the husband's buttocks, and he has the opportunity to caress her with his free hands.

45. After insertion in position 1, the wife raises her legs up, as in position 11, and then both fall on their side. If she wants, she can close her legs behind her husband's back.

Positions "sitting"

46. ​​The wife sits in a rocking chair and, spreading her legs, enters the penis of her husband kneeling in front of her. Then the rocking chair is rocked, which provides sexual movement, the partners themselves are motionless (the wife rocks the rocking chair, and the husband helps her in this by pressing with the penis or pushing the rocking chair with his hand). The same can be done if the wife gets on all fours in a rocking chair, and the husband enters the relationship from behind. For this, the wife can lie, for example, in a hammock.

47. The husband sits down with his legs slightly apart. The wife sits on his buttocks on his stomach with her back to him and introduces, after which she can go lower. The wife should lean forward for the introduction, and the husband back. It is not recommended for pregnant women as there is pressure on the abdomen. This position is good because, standing on the floor, a woman can perform sexual movements that are possible in other positions. For example, stand up and sit down, as well as rotate your hips in a circle, sitting on your husband, but resting your feet on the floor, which is especially effective if the husband does it too.

48. The husband sits reclining on a low chair with his legs slightly apart. She sits down facing him, resting her feet on the floor. After insertion, the wife can, with good lubrication, lean back, which will give perfect penetration, in connection with which the vagina inside can be made to vibrate, which the woman does, and this creates a particularly voluptuous sensation. The clitoris is also well stimulated in this position. The pose is very effective for all women, especially for those who are not passionate or lack erotic experience.

49. The husband sits with legs apart on a narrow board across it. The wife lies on her back in front of him, the husband takes her legs, lifts and spreads to the sides and passes his hands under his knees, then wraps his arms around the wife's legs from the outside. Sexual movements can be done by both the husband and the wife with the help of the buttocks.

50. Husband in the same position as 49, but the wife lies on her stomach and wraps her arms around her husband's legs, the insertion occurs from behind. This position gives good genital contact at various angles. The husband, helping his wife's sexual movements, massages her buttocks in the rhythm of her movements, which gives great pleasure to the wife, especially when they are brought together and parted.

51. The husband sits on a seat without a back or on the edge of the bed. The wife sits on the penis facing her husband. This position is close to 44 when the wife wraps her legs around him as orgasm approaches. Another interesting option would be to get up from the stool or bed when the wife approaches the state of orgasm (provided that she wraps her arms and legs around him, and he also holds her tightly), then the lure will increase and she will experience a beautiful orgasm "on weight" .

52. If a couple has a large soft chair at their disposal, then the husband will lie on his back, and the wife will smoothly insert the penis with her legs wide apart and lie on her husband, resting her feet on the floor. This position is reminiscent of others when "she's on top", but the husband's torso is elevated.

53. Husband in an armchair, as in 52. The wife sits astride with her back to her husband, then she bends down, providing contact, and rests either on her husband's knees or on the arms of the chair with her hands, her feet touching or standing on the floor. The husband can take his wife by the buttocks and, massaging them, help the wife's sexual movements, and it is better to keep the thumbs inward towards the anus.

54. The husband sits down, the wife approaches, as in 50, but on her husband's knees, placing a large pillow under her head.

Standing and kneeling positions

55. The wife kneels on the bed, bends forward and puts her head on the mattress without a pillow. The husband enters from behind, and he can stand on the floor (then the wife lies across the bed) or on her knees (along). After insertion, the wife strongly compresses her legs and pinches the penis with them. Husband hugs her waist or buttocks. Large just for movement.

56. The same as in 55, but the husband lays his chest on her back, while using his hands to caress her breasts and clitoris. The clitoris can excite the hand and the wife herself.

57. Same as in 55, but the husband wraps his legs around the outside of his wife's legs.

58. The wife takes a knee-chest position on a rug on the floor. The husband enters from behind, bringing his legs forward, clasps his wife around the waist with his legs, standing firmly on the floor. It's better to stick to something above the wife's head. For example, behind the seats of chairs placed on the sides. At the same time, the husband takes part in the sexual movements of his wife, without making independent ones.

59. The wife lies across the bed with her legs up. The husband pushes them apart and enters the relationship, standing on the floor.

60. Same as in 59, but the wife wraps her legs around her husband's body and squeezes them.

61. If the bed is low, and the wife is tall and the husband is tall, then the wife can kneel on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wide. The husband kneels behind, performs the act, being between the legs of his wife.

62. The same as in 61. The husband leans forward and lies on his wife's back with his chest, he can tickle her clitoris, because. he is well available, or caress the breasts.

63. The wife kneels on the edge of the bed, her legs apart and her body resting on pillows, and her head lying on the mattress. This is a good position for a standing husband. He himself can simply stand, not leaning on anything, and massage his wife's buttocks, which are well deployed, along with sexual movements. The wife can manually excite the clitoris, as well as make rotational movements with her hips.

64. Modification 63. The husband spreads his legs wide, lowering his wife's pelvis, and tries to keep his legs in contact with her spread legs. This gives a good effect of the free entry of the penis into the vagina.

65. The wife kneels on the edge of the bed with her buttocks towards her husband. He inserts from behind, slips his hands between her legs and reaches up to her waist, grabs her and presses. This is good to do at the moment of orgasm after 61-64.

66. She lies on the bed on her back. The husband, taking her legs and spreading them, enters into a relationship standing. He leans towards her, she wraps her arms around him and closes her legs behind his back. Then he straightens up, separating her from the bed, holding her buttocks or her legs, trying to pull them up. They perform sexual movements together. This posture is called "oriental tree" or "liana", but it can be held for a long time only when the husband is strong enough and the wife is light enough.

67. A very common standing position. The wife, standing on the floor, leans forward with her legs spread wide and her hands on her knees. The husband comes in from the rear and makes an introduction. Then he wraps his arms around her waist for support.

68. Same as in 67, but the husband lies with his chest on his wife's back. Can use hands for clitoris and breasts,

69. The wife is on all fours, the husband kneeling behind makes an introduction and rests his hands on the floor. Lots of room for movement.

70. She leans forward on her knees, and the husband, squatting, makes an insertion and wraps his legs around his wife's buttocks.

71. Same as 70. Husband leans over her after insertion, lifting body forward. She sits a little lower and he closes his knees over her, she almost lies.

72. The wife lies down on a table or barrier in front of her, high enough not to bend her legs. The husband is in the back.

73. Just like in 70, but the husband leans over his wife. To get maximum penetration in any of these positions, the wife should move the organ down and back, the husband forward.

74. The wife leans forward and leans on outstretched arms, the husband enters from behind. If the copulation is more than 5 minutes, then you can lower yourself on your elbows.

75. Modification 72 and 73. The husband spreads his legs to enhance penetration.

76. Modification with legs wide apart in pose 74.

77. The husband puts one leg between the legs of his wife in a kneeling position and clamps it with his legs.

78. A couple stands facing each other. She spreads her legs and he inserts. The penis holds well, but the penetration is shallow. To enhance penetration, the wife spreads her legs wider at point-blank range, and the husband hangs, holding her by the waist, between her legs.

79. Standing face to face, the wife raises one leg. The husband takes it, and after insertion, the wife wraps it around her husband, the higher the better.

80. When the wife moves one leg away, as in 78, she places the other, as in 79.

Mixed positions

81. She lies on her back, raises her legs high, and the husband lies perpendicular to his wife on her side, facing her. She spreads her legs and inserts her penis. After that, she closes her legs and stretches them out, laying them on her husband.

82. Similar to 81, but the husband lies on his back, legs raised. The wife is located under him crosswise. After insertion is done, the husband lowers his legs and both begin sexual movements.

83. The wife takes the position of the knees-chest on the floor. The husband enters from behind, then takes his wife's legs and, holding them, puts them on weight at the waist, after which she closes her legs on her husband's back, and he straightens up and rises to his feet. The wife's head and hands are on the floor. For convenience, he can put a pillow. It's called a "car". At the same time, the husband penetrates completely, but the pressure on the organs is small. This is one of the few positions where the clitoris rubs against the penis, which is very pleasant for the husband, because. the clitoris from rubbing against the penis will give impulses, and it is especially pleasant if the clitoris is large.

84. Similar to 83, but the wife is facing her husband. The husband supports his wife by the buttocks, helping her in sexual movements.

85. Spouses lie on their side, with their backs to each other and carry out the introduction. Everything is like on all fours, only lying on your side. For greater contact, the wife grabs her husband's buttocks or legs with her hands.

86. The wife lies across the bed, hanging her buttocks, and picks her legs up, pressing her knees to her chest. The bed or chair is low enough. The wife lies on her back, the husband stands with his back to his wife and, spreading his legs wide, moves back, passing his wife's buttocks between her legs. The penis is turned down and inserted into the vagina, after which the husband closes his legs. It is more convenient for him to be leaning forward. Movements - from top to bottom and back and forth (along), sometimes rotational. The husband stands firmly with his feet on the floor, holding on to the back of a chair. The husband can spread his legs and lean forward more at the wife's orgasm, which will increase the insertion.

87. Everything is the same as in 86, but the husband and wife change places. It's called "down the hill".

88. The pose is called "sled" or "sled". The wife lies along the bed on her back and, raising her legs, draws her knees to her chest. The husband lifts the wife's body and puts enough pillows under her buttocks to make the vagina horizontal. A reclining bed is unsuitable for this pose and it is best to work on the floor. The husband approaches his wife, spreading his legs, and then sits tightly on horseback, squeezing his wife's body with his legs. He is on a sled. Movements - sideways and up and down. For convenience, the husband can lean forward. The wife presses her legs to her hands.

89. Same as 88, but husband and wife change places.

90. The wife lies deep in a chair, raises her legs and puts them under the armrests. The husband, placing his hands on the back of the chair facing his wife, puts his feet on the seats next to his wife's shoulders and then, doing squats, turns the penis down and inserts it.

91. The posture of the wife is the same as in 90. The husband enters as in 86.

92. The same as in 91, but the husband and wife change places.

93. The wife lies on her back, the husband lies on his side with his feet towards her. He slips one of his legs under her, and the other on top of her body, moving closer, makes the introduction. Then both with the help of hands are pulled up to the stop and clamped with each other's legs. The couple lie with their feet to each other.

94. The wife lies, as in 86, but a little on one side. The husband, standing facing her, skips one leg between his own, and pulls the other up to his chest and approaches, carrying out the introduction.

95. The wife lies face down on the bed with her feet on the floor. The husband approaches his wife, raises one of her legs, and lays his opposite leg on his wife's back, standing sideways to her. After that, leaning forward, he puts him at close range, holding his wife's raised leg on his chest and pressing it with his hands.

96. The same as in 95, but the husband and wife change places, and the husband lies on his side and bends to facilitate the introduction.

97. The wife lies on her side across the bed or bent over on the table. The husband stands on the floor with his knees or feet, depending on the height of the bed. He comes to his wife from behind and introduces, after which he presses her to his chest with his hands. Complete freedom of movement of partners.

98. Same as in 97, but the lower leg of the wife is extended and threaded between the legs of the standing husband.

sexual activity

Has the "limit" been released?

The widely held belief that a certain amount of erection and ejaculation is supposedly "appropriate" for a man is wrong. This conviction leads some men to strictly plan their sexual intercourse. Such planning is especially harmful for young spouses who feel the need for frequent sexual intercourse, but are afraid to use their “limit”. Abstinence in this case can lead to the emergence of neuroses.

As we have seen, sexual activity in both men and women is subject to significant age and individual fluctuations. You can also give averaged figures: the frequency of sexual intercourse in men under 30 is about three times a week, after 30 - twice, at 60 years - once a week or less. It is important to note that the sexual activity of a woman is largely determined by the sexual activity of a man.

If a young man is able to have sexual intercourse once a week, and even more often, this can be considered normal sexual ability. In general, if sexual acts do not cause prolonged fatigue or weakness, if a person remains alert throughout the day, then it is obvious that he does not allow sexual excesses. Optimal is a regular sexual life, corresponding to individual capabilities.

Men are very sensitive to changes in their sexual potency. Reducing it leads to a deterioration in general well-being, sometimes even just the assumption of a possible violation of potency brings men to neuroses.

About "Stakhanovites" in bed

Many men, especially young men, consider it a sign of manhood to carry out as many acts as possible in one meeting. And in this they are often helped by a woman who openly expresses admiration for such "feats of Hercules." Are they harmful?

Experts say that it is harmless for a man to have so many intercourses that end in ejaculation. Lack of ejaculation indicates exhaustion at the moment and the dangers of intercourse. The second factor is the well-being of the man.

The AiF reported on the 75-year-old Don Juan Prokofievich, who compiled a description of 578 of his mistresses.

In his youth, Prokofievich was very unsure of himself, and women became for him an object of self-affirmation, and then an end in itself. For 27 years, the insatiable male lied to his wife about time pressure at work, and he managed to serve up to four charmers a day. Even now, Anatoly Prokofievich does not see the point in limiting sexual relations and continues a stormy (as far as health allows) sex life. He has known one of his mistresses for 15 years, and with the other for 14. He met four more “newcomers” this year.

On the pages of the press, messages periodically appear about loving men who claim to be included in the Guinness Book of Records for their exploits.

It turned out that the sultans and sheikhs, surrounded by dozens of devoted wives, are not at all the hottest and most loving men!

The absolute record of 47 children set by one venerable Bedouin from the United Arab Emirates was, as it turned out, greatly improved by two Brazilians.

54-year-old Fidelis Florentino da Silva from the tiny town of Itaborai, never married, rewarded his numerous lovers with 53 children, and in all cases his paternity is officially recognized. It is noteworthy that the child-loving Brazilian does not look like a sex symbol in any way - he weighs only 63 kilos, and did not come out at all, not reaching 3 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Another Brazilian, José Almeida, when asked how many children he has, can honestly answer: “I don’t know, I didn’t count them!” It is really not easy to do this, because Jose has more than sixty sons and daughters from five wives and three constant mistresses!

None of Jose's fellow villagers can call him Casanova. On the contrary, a father with many children is an exemplary family man. With all the wives and mistresses, he lives at the same time and never cheats on them. José built a house for each of his women and, despite his 65 years, makes love to them three times a day. Jose began his exploits at a time when no one had even heard of Viagra, and never resorted to any stimulants.

Ability Range

The need and ability for the next ejaculation in different men is different: a case was recorded when a 26-year-old man needed 3 ejaculations per day; if this did not happen, he developed a nervous state.

Another extreme case: in a man of about the same age, the ability to re-ejaculate was restored only after 12 days!

The range of natural data, as we see, is huge. The average abilities of a man are fully characterized by the two previous tables.

And how long can men "may"?

Men never get into menopause. For many years, scientists examined 200 “experimental” men who had completely different sexual constitution, temperament, and physical data. Some claimed to be sex giants (however, it was extremely difficult to verify this, since men generally tend to exaggerate their trophies, starting with the size of the bream caught to the number of sexual victories per day), others, without hesitation, spoke about the early fading interest in women . However, until the age of 70, both of them remained in the role of fully-fledged sexual partners. The norm in love is individual for everyone. But the rule is the same for everyone: if you want to show good results, train. Regularly. Everything is like in sports. And then a man is able to maintain potency as long as he breathes.

Optimal time for sexual intercourse

Many factors influence the choice of time: circumstances, affairs, mood, opportunities, etc.

Here we will pay attention to only one factor - the state of the sexual function of the body at different times of the day in most men and women.

Potential sexual desire

Each couple usually practices at a specific time. This table, perhaps, will help to take into account another factor - the degree of readiness of orgasm.

Many people know how good morning intimacy is when you don’t have to run to work - on weekends, for example, or during vacation, especially since after “this” you can still relax ...

nature and woman

English scientists Murphy and Abbas found that women were more dependent than men on daily and yearly rhythms, as well as on nature itself. They can even trace what exists only in the world of animals and plants - hibernation. Of course, they do not fall into many months of hibernation, but about a quarter of women in winter have an increased need for sleep and a tendency to “lock in” in themselves. Plus, there is a feeling of depression and sexual desire is less pronounced. Reduced even the ability to conceive. The farther north, the lower it is: during the cold months in the northern part of Finland, for example, women are practically infertile.

But the reason is not in winter, as such, but in an insufficient amount of light. The less daylight nature provides during this season, the more melatonin the body produces. The same hormone also acts as a hypnotic, stops the maturation of the egg, causes fatigue, and lowers sexual desire.

A means of combating the insidious hormone? More light! The light bulb doesn't help. The lighting, which in the apartment can reach about 300 lux, corresponds to the shade of the trees in summer. To get rid of winter sleepiness and bad mood, you need at least 2,000-3,000 lux.

London scientists in Albion, famous for its fogs, recommend sunbathing for an hour at least twice a week. Not everyone can afford mountain trips and not everyone likes to stay for an hour under the hot sun. Then they suggest using a fluorescent lamp with the so-called "full daily illumination".

But here's a secret for you, unraveled by specialists from Cologne. If a snowball falls quietly on the street, erotic desire arises quite naturally. Falling snow creates an electromagnetic field, and this affects a person beneficially in all respects. The head "clears up", the nerves calm down. The defenses of the immune system are restored, feelings are aggravated ...

Are there days when you can't? Is it possible to have sex during menstruation?

Modern medicine believes that, with the exception of severe bleeding and other complications, this is not dangerous for a woman.

The attitude of women to the question posed varies greatly. Many prefer to abstain during this period because of their shyness or because they have heard that it is harmful. Others, on the contrary, are ready to actively use these days, considering them the safest not to get pregnant.

Many men are repelled by blood, others are calm about it.

In a word, it is up to the actors themselves to decide this issue.

Sexologists Masters and Johnson found in a study of women that a strong orgasm shortly after the onset of menstruation increased the rate of flow, reduced pelvic cramps.

Duration of sexual intercourse

It depends largely on the age of the man.

During the period of incomplete maturation, when excitability has not yet reached the limit, sexual intercourse can be quite long, and then it decreases, reaching a minimum by 22-23 years.

After 26-30 years, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases, since sexual excitability decreases with age. The duration of sexual intercourse is most closely related to the rhythm of sexual life, or rather, to the frequency of ejaculation, because, in addition to sexual intercourse, wet dreams and onanism should be taken into account.

This dependence is called the "law of power relations", which is most clearly manifested in the fact that with repeated sexual intercourse during the day, the duration of each subsequent increase in comparison with the previous one by 1.5-2 times, with sexual abstinence, the duration of sexual intercourse is sharply reduced . Often, after returning from a business trip, the wife suspects her husband of infidelity only because he has a noticeable shortening of sexual intercourse, just indicating his sinlessness.

Meanwhile, having discovered a shortening of sexual intercourse, some men come to the conclusion that they are "overtired" and need to rest, i.e. during a break in sexual activity. It is clear that after such a rest, the duration of sexual intercourse will decrease even more.

Studies have shown that in most cases, coitus lasts from one and a half to three minutes, during which the man produces about friction.

But a woman needs...

Of course, this duration is absolutely not enough to satisfy a woman, since she needs an average of 10-15 minutes of targeted stimulation of erogenous zones. Such a significant time required for a woman to achieve orgasm is by no means, as is commonly believed in the male environment, an indicator of a woman's increased sexuality. Just like men, more temperamental women get excited much faster.

Combing wife's hair

The Slavs had a tradition for a husband to comb his wife's hair, and this was done for a reason! It was believed that when he performs this mystical rite, he receives energy protection from his wife, and a woman, allowing her husband to touch her hair, shows her trust in him.

Because a woman's hair is her strength, her connection with the cosmos, it was not for nothing that hair used to be called "cosmos". A woman can protect her family with her hair, create a protective circle around her husband, protecting him from any troubles, which is why long hair was so valued in Russia, and a braid as thick as a hand was the ideal of beauty!

A man could protect his loved ones from the outside of the house, with his strength and courage, and a woman did it from the inside, largely by the power of her hair. Therefore, combing hair was given great importance. After all, during it you can feel the connection with the cosmos, the flows of vitality.

Our ancestors knew that when a man combs his wife's hair with a comb, he strengthens the family, and such a couple is not threatened with relationship problems. Particular importance was attached to morning and evening combing:

  • morning sets the right mindset for the wife for the whole day, the husband helps his wife put her thoughts in order, and he himself receives protection for the upcoming business;
  • evening helps the wife “think through” daytime thoughts, complete daytime affairs, remove the negative that has accumulated during the day, and go into the night with a calm head;

As a child, the girl's hair was combed by her parents, and as an adult, she did it herself or could entrust her chosen one.

There are some subtleties that you need to know about combing

Firstly, it is very important that the comb be made of natural material, for example, wood, because it can affect the physical and subtle bodies of a person, purify energy and change the state of mind.

Secondly, the comb is a talisman, so in no case should it be given to other people! The comb with which a husband combs his wife's hair acquires great strength over time and becomes a family amulet!

And one more important point: during combing, it is very favorable to pronounce positive attitudes. A man can do this, for example, like this: “Everything is fine with you, smoothly and okay!”, “We have a strong and harmonious family.”

Save the power of your hair!

Why is it beneficial for a woman to give a foot massage to her husband?

In almost all ancient cultures, there is a tradition for women to give a foot massage to their husband, to wash the feet with water upon his return home, to bow at the feet.

And I have been introducing these practices into the lives of my clients for several years now, most of them rebel at first, they say, “this is humiliation” or “why can’t he massage or bow to me”, but they rebel only the first time, before the first experiment , then this practice becomes that magic key that helps out in various situations.

It is favorable for a husband to do a foot massage for many reasons, I will tell you in order, starting from the physical level, ending with the sacred.

Physical layer

Sops are a reflection of our whole body, all our organs. Massaging the feet, we activate the work of all organs and systems, give them strength, relaxation. After a foot massage, a man calms down, feels better, his body, tired after work, relaxes, and he becomes comfortable.

Social level

When a woman takes a place at the feet of her husband, she voluntarily becomes lower than him, correctly building a hierarchy in relationships. This gives a woman very important feminine qualities, such as humility, humility, modesty. These are diamonds among female qualities, if you don’t believe me, ask men. When a woman is in the footsteps of a man, his inner strength increases, this stimulates him to take responsibility, make decisions, lead life and family development. A man is very supportive and generous to a woman who shows her humility and joy from serving her husband.

Intellectual level

All knowledge comes from above, when we ask for something, we raise our hands up, ready to receive it, our palms are open and look up.

A woman can receive the knowledge of her husband, his intellect, his mind, only by respecting him very much, this happens precisely from a position from below. Think about whom it is easier for you to receive advice, instructions: from a person you respect very much or from an equal?

When a woman does not respect a man, she is deprived of protection, as well as the opportunity to access the good qualities of her husband. Therefore, the husband, as a representative of the mind, reason must always be higher than the woman, who personifies strength by her nature. Power must be under the control of the mind, then it can be used for good. When a woman massages her husband, his intelligence increases.

Spiritual Level

A person’s karma accumulates in the legs, as well as the memory of the negative, which is why in Russia women danced and stomped, it helped to “knock the nonsense out” of the body and head. When a woman was in a bad mood, the man sent her to dance, and then she returned without the previous burden of resentment and worries. When a woman gives a foot massage to a man, she erases his bad memories on a subtle plane, including those associated with her. Therefore, when a woman has already messed up a lot in a relationship, I usually advise her husband to regularly massage her feet, over time, the memory of her bad behavior will leave her husband’s consciousness, she will simply remove this karma with a massage.

And if you still think that foot massage is a humiliation, that it is slavish, remember the Goddess Lakshmi, who sits at the feet of Lord Narayana and massages them.

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