Home Diseases and pests Osho's sayings do not interfere with others' lives. Osho quotes. What determines our birth

Osho's sayings do not interfere with others' lives. Osho quotes. What determines our birth

Osho is an amazing person, some consider him a sage. The first acquaintance with his books made a huge impression on me. Once in the store I took to look through one of his books and ... it captured me ... I read without stopping, I wanted to absorb and absorb. Of course, I bought it and read it to the end. Since then, Osho's books have always been with me.

What he writes about, and how ... it just turns the mind around, makes you wake up. There seems to be some kind of transformation going on. You read his book and you feel that what is written resonates so much with you, so much in tune with what is inside you. As if you already knew all this from somewhere before, and now you only find confirmation of your thoughts. Amazing feeling. Surely it is familiar to you. How does it feel to read his books?

You want to read and reread Osho's books after a while, as if for the first time. It seems that in every written line there is so much deepest wisdom that you want to absorb, think about, realize. And some phrases are especially catchy and cut into memory. Some of these Osho quotes about life I will share in this article.

Osho quotes about life

"Don't wear masks! Be yourself! Whatever life has made you, accept it, rejoice in it, be proud of it. Rejoice! Be grateful to God already for the fact that he created you, no matter what you get from him. Do not give up anything, because by condemning something in yourself, you are condemning God himself .... He is your creator, he created you like that.

“Live moment by moment without thinking. After all, prudence is your favorite mask.

“Life is not a scientific calculation. She is irrational. It's a mystery to be lived, not a puzzle to be solved."

"Why are you locked in your little world? You are at odds even with your inner life, how can you be reconciled with the life outside? Find a common language with her! Start from the core of yourself, make peace with yourself, then get along with everything around you. Transformation begins precisely with this: having accepted everything as it is, you will no longer be able to remain the same. ”

“If you understood that everything that is imposed on you by society falls apart when you fail, any failure could be the beginning of the greatest success that can be achieved in life.”

“You can only change yourself. And at the moment when you change, everything around changes, because we are an integral part of the world. And the brighter you are, the more you have changed, the more important you become for the world - the higher energy appears in you.

“Knowledge is the real revolution. I'm not talking about the knowledge stuffed in the head at universities. I'm talking about the knowledge you gain when you know yourself. Self-knowledge is our transforming power.”

“Drop all books, forget about any grades. Look at the world like children, because children do not yet know what they see, they just look.

“We do not agree to less - only the eternal suits us. No one needs the temporary - on the contrary, it only increases hunger and thirst. It's like putting out a fire with oil: the oil ignites the flame even hotter. The fleeting is like oil thrown into the ardor of desire: it only inflames the mind, increases its greed. Thirst is quenched only by the eternal. There is no other way."

“Happiness comes when you don’t think about it. This is the main property of happiness: it comes when you achieve something else.

“When you are happy, you forget about everything else. If you can't forget, it's not happiness at all. Happiness means you are no more. It only comes when you disappear."

"There is nothing in the world that makes no sense"

“Miracles happen, but they cannot be seen with the eye - they can only be felt with the soul.”

“Meditation, prayer is an opened door. Thanks to them, the former is darkness! - dissipates, and everything is illuminated by light.

“Eternal, long, unceasing happiness can only be when you realize that it is your essence, and no one can take it away.”

“Children are self-sufficient – ​​that is the secret of their beauty. They are their own light."

“God is not someone up there waiting for you. God reveals himself to this world."

“Everything that comes out of your mouth is marked with your features, carries the aroma of your essence - this is the indicator. If anger comes out of you, it is a symptom of some internal illness. If hatred comes out, there is disunity in you. If love, and compassion, and light come from you, you are whole, you are healthy.”

“Let everything that comes from you come from the heart. Do not think about your actions, it is better to change your essence. The real is not what you are doing and what you are there is

“Life is energy. Only a sluggish, bloodless mind does not leave the beaten path. He simply cannot afford it: it takes too much energy to get to the very edge of the abyss. But it is those who go astray who later become Buddhas.”

"Don't listen to what people say, look at what they are."

Osho's words are like arrows shot into our hearts and cannot leave us indifferent. We either strongly disagree or completely agree.
We are amazed, surprised by their directness, honesty and openness.
We are used to living in cunning, deceit. We put on rose-colored glasses and invent suffering.
Osho's words are a cure for "unreality" - an anti-sleeping drug.

Start looking for what you are.

You are not your faces. Start looking for your real face - the face that you had before you were born, which you will have again after death.

Between birth and death you have many faces that do not belong to you. It is time to step out of the expectations of others. Don't fulfill people's expectations, as this is subtle bondage. The mother wants you to do this, and the father wants you to do this, and the society wants something else from you.

Everyone wants something and demands it from you. Nobody leaves you alone, nobody wants you to do what you like. Now the time has come. Do your own thing, get out of all this bondage. The essence of all sannyas is that you declare your freedom, declare that you will be yourself, regardless of the cost and consequences. And you won't be a failure, I can promise you that. You will not be a failure, you will be infinitely rich. You are not here to fulfill the expectations of others. You are here to lead your authentic life. Osho "Guest"

Master Zuse

I have heard one of the most beautiful stories about the Hasidic master Zus. About seven hundred years ago, a great master and mystic of advanced years named Zusya, crowned with glory, was dying on his bed.

His disciples and admirers asked him if he was afraid to die. - I'm afraid, - Zusya answered them, - I'm afraid to see the one who created me. - How can you be afraid? - the students were surprised, - after all, you lived such an exemplary life.

You, like Moses, brought us out of the wildness of ignorance. You, like Solomon, judged us wisely. Zusya explained: - When I see the one who created me, he will not ask if I was Moses or Solomon. He will ask if I was Zusei. This is one of the most beautiful stories ever. Meditate on it. Zusya says: "God will not ask me if I was Moses or Solomon; he will ask me if I was Zusya." Osho "Guest"


Thought is manifested; the absence of thought is the unmanifested.

If your gestalt is only thoughts, you will know nothing but the ego. The ego is here called the "arrogant heart." Then you remain just a heap of thoughts. This piling up of thoughts gives you a sense of yourself, a sense that "I am."

Unconsciousness and awareness

The only thing that exists is the state of unconsciousness, ignorance.

I would not call it evil, it is a certain situation, a challenge, an adventure. Existence is not evil, existence is only if thousands of temptations surround you, if unknown aspirations call you, if a tremendous desire for knowledge arises in you ... And the only thing that can prevent you is your unconsciousness, unconsciousness. It is also a great challenge to overcome it. Become more conscious, become more aware, become more alive.

Let all your juices flow. Don't hold yourself back. Respect your nature, love yourself and don't worry about unimportant things. Move into the depths of life without fear, explore it. Yes, you will make many mistakes - so what?

A person learns only by making mistakes. Yes, you will have a lot of them - so what? Only by making mistakes, a person finds the right way out.

Before knocking on the right door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. This is part of the game.

Realizing your essence is not a serious matter.

It comes to you in complete relaxation, in a relaxed state of being, in playfulness.

Never make your meditation a serious endeavor or you will inevitably miss it. Play with it. I'm the first person to say that. All religions have told you to be serious. That is why they killed millions of people, destroyed their spirituality, made them tense, anxious, terminally ill. And in an attempt to find their innermost essence, people engaged in all kinds of unnecessary ascetic practices, which are nothing but the torture of a masochist.

I teach you playfulness. This is your essence. Even if you want to lose it, you cannot lose it.

What's the rush? And what's the severity? Be playful, easy. Banse missed because of his great effort to find the innermost essence of his being. Effort is a barrier. Effortlessness... When you sit silently, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself. You must not misunderstand this herb. Banse says: sit silently, untroubled, effortless, doing nothing.

When the time is ripe, which means when all your tensions are gone... spring comes and your essence grows by itself. You don't have to do anything; it just explodes in a tremendous revolution. All that was useless rubbish inside you is burned, and all that was true in you, twenty-four carat pure gold, will shine with magnificent brilliance. But this happens only in a relaxed state, in perception. Osho "Zen Mystery and Poetry"

Third Eye

This is one of the most important findings of the mystics, that a door opens right between your eyebrows;

In India, this place is called the "third eye". These two eyes look outward. Right between the eyebrows, exactly in the middle, there is an eye, a place of perception, sensitivity. When it opens, your inner world becomes absolutely clear to you. You know that you are not the body, not the mind.

For the first time, you will know your essence as a witness. It leads you to the beyond, the mysterious and the wonderful.

Ahead of life - continuous joy, solid dance, wonderful music.

You spill, radiant with pure gold. You have found a treasure of treasures. This was the search for the whole East, the whole oriental genius. Osho "Mystery and Poetry of the Beyond"

What determines our birth

Have you ever thought about it - that your birth didn't depend on your decision? Nobody asked you. Firstly, then there was no one to ask. Your birth was from the unknown; out of nothing you were born.

It didn't depend on your decision. And one day you will again return to the unknown; it will be after your death. And this will also not depend on your decision. And between birth and death sometimes there are glimpses of love; and they will all come from the same unknown. They also will not depend on you. In fact, whatever you do will be an obstacle.

There are things that can only appear because of you, and there are things that can only appear when you are not there.

There are things that can only be done in deep non-doing: birth, death, love, meditation. Everything that is beautiful just happens to you - remember that! Remember this firmly. You won't do it yourself. Osho "The Way"

Zen - philosophy or theology?

I don't consider Zen a philosophy or theology, it is closer to poetry, to music, to painting, to dancing, to singing.

This is not a renunciation of life, this is the enjoyment of life with all your heart. And once you are deeply involved in a creative lifestyle, the beyond opens its doors. I will simply call it "beyond" because all the other words that have been used are polluted by the old religions and "beyond" is still pure; and because poetry, the creative act that at its peak transforms you and leads you to the doors of mystery. All this existence is a sacrament; only for blind people everything is clear.

If you have eyes, then everything is mysterious and there is no explanation. The deeper you go into it, the more mysterious it becomes. And there is no bottom at the depth, it is bottomless. You can go on and on and on; the mystery becomes more mysterious, more colorful, more fragrant, but you don't come to an end where you can find an explanation for it.

Until a person treats existence as a sacrament, he will not be able to live his life in ecstasy.

Zen "Mystery and Poetry"

listen to the heart

If you are brave, listen to your heart. If you are a coward, listen to your head. But there is no heaven for cowards.

Paradise opens its doors only to the brave. Everyone is filled with love. If there are no obstacles, then the spring of love begins to flow in all directions without a specific address. Be grateful for existence, enjoy the beautiful life that surrounds you. Love - because it is not known whether tomorrow will come. Don't leave everything beautiful for tomorrow. Live intensely, live totally, here and now. Osho "Diamond Placers"

Consciousness is never lost.

It just blends with other objects.

So the first thing to remember is that it is never lost, it is your being, but you can focus it on whatever you want. When you get tired of directing it for money, for power, for prestige, then there will come that great moment in your life when you will want to close your eyes and focus your consciousness on its own source. On where it came from, on the roots - at the same turning point, your life will be transformed.

Osho "Diamond Placers"

True sage

“Grace is in existence itself. She's just here. This is part of life. No one gives it, but it can be yours. No one is stopping her from reaching you, only you can stop her. It's up to you.

It's not about "begging and praying to God: 'Be your mercy.' The point is simply that grace is achieved if you don't create an armor around you. Maybe the armor of sin, maybe the armor of holiness. This must be understood: armor can be golden, armor can become iron. The main thing: in the armor you are inaccessible to grace. “The sinner also creates his armor. He thinks, "Others don't bother me. I live my life the way I like it. Damn this society." He is a rebel, he sins just to assert his "I", and he could say: "I am" "this is me, the iron "I". And the believer has a golden "I". But gold or iron is not important .

Who do I call "true sage"? The true sage is the one who has no armor, no shelter, which is not protected by anything. The true sage is one who is open to existence, it can flow through him, open to the winds, open to the sun, open to the stars. A true sage is deep emptiness. Everything passes through it, nothing is hindered.” Then every moment is a blessing. Every moment is an eternity. Every moment is God. And this God is not something separate from you, it is"

What is love?

What you call love is not love. What you call love can be anything, but it is not love. It could be sex. There may be a desire to possess. Could be loneliness. Could be an addiction. Maybe a desire to dominate. It can be anything, but it's not love.

Love does not seek possession. Love has nothing to do with somebody else; it is the state of your being. Love is not a relationship. A relationship is possible in her, but” “she is not a relationship. The attitude may be, but it is not limited to it. She is outside of him, she is greater than him.

Love is a state of existence. When she is in a relationship, it cannot be love because there are two. And when two 'I's meet, constant conflict is inevitable. So what you call love is a constant struggle. Sometimes, however, you get tired and do not fight, but here you are rested and ready again. Rarely does love flow. On the contrary, it is almost always a trap of the ego. You are trying to control the other, he is trying to control you. You are trying to own the other, he is trying to own you. This is not love. This is politics. This is a game of power. Hence so much misfortune because of love. If this were love, the earth would have to become heaven. Something invisible."

The very word "friendship" is not one of the best (the word "friendliness" rises to the moon, to the sun) - because it is only from the mind. It limits - you can only be friends with a few people. But friendliness is boundless: you can be friendly to trees, to mountains, to stars. In friendship, there is also dependence. All such words as “kinship”, “friendship” are superficial. Loving attitude, friendliness, has a completely different meaning. When you talk about friendship, it's a very small thing, a kind of bondage and dependence on the person you're friends with.

But friendliness is freedom, you are not dependent on anyone. Friendship is objective, and friendliness is your love, shared unconditionally with everything that exists. They don't mean the same thing. Friendship can at any moment become its opposite - a so-called friend can turn into your enemy. But friendliness has no fixed address. It is not for anyone, it is for everything. It can never turn into its opposite.

Remember: what can very easily turn into its opposite - and you know, friends become enemies, enemies become friends, __ is a very superficial, fake surrogate. But friendliness is not addressed to anyone; it is love unconditionally surging from within you. There is no possibility for her to turn into cruelty - you are the master of it. In friendship, you are not the master. Friendship is like marriage, an artificial thing, but friendliness is your true nature.

And the young man asked: "Tell us about Friendship."

And he said in response: "Your friend is your fulfilled needs."

This is an ugly saying, but it is logical, because he did not change the main question. He should have told the young man that friendship is not valuable, but friendliness is priceless ... Your friend is your fulfilled needs. I say again: this is ugly, because friendship obliges.

Friendliness simply distributes its fragrance to everything, without any exception - and it is carried out by distributing. It's not a duty; it is an outpouring love. You can be friends with trees, you can be friends with stars, but there is no requirement, no conditions. Of course, your needs will be met, but not because you demanded. Your friendliness will bring you amazing treasures. Understand the difference between these two words.

Friendship is a prison.

Friendliness is absolute freedom.

You give from your abundance; it is not a duty. Of course, beings understand that a person who gives without any demands is a rare being. Existence takes care of your needs, but not by order. Even if it doesn't fulfill your needs, it just shows that deep down in your unconscious you are clinging to the idea of ​​friendship. Only fools can be deceived simply by changing words.

Existence is so abundant - don't ask.

Because Kahlil Gibran remained a Christian... Although he was a great intellectual, he was not a meditator. He repeats Jesus Christ in different ways; Jesus says, "Ask and it will be given." He brings you down to beggar. I tell you: “Never ask and you will receive it. Ask and you won't get it." Your very request is Ugly.

Jesus says, "Seek and you shall find." I say to you: “Be quiet, be nothing, and existence will rush towards you from everywhere” – because the person who seeks is still looking for the scenery for his ego, and existence does not understand the language of the ego. There is no selfish tree, no selfish mountain, no selfish bird, yet existence continues to give them everything they need - and even more than they need.

Jesus said, "Knock and the doors will open." These are superficial statements because I know there are no doors you can knock on. Everywhere God. Don't knock, it's violence. Just wait.

Your expectation... you will mature in your expectation. You will become able to perceive, to open up. God always comes as a gift. Bor always comes to emperors, not to beggars. You don't have to go to God - even if you want to, where will you go to look for Him? He can find you because He is the whole.

No need to ask, or seek, or knock on the door - trust. If you are worthy, if you are ripe, spring will surely come in thousands of flowers to your being.

Your friend is your fulfilled needs...

Jewish saying, business.

Love is not a business. Love is the song of your soul.

Friendship is the fragrance of this love, and wings will carry it over the seas, over the mountains to distant stars.

Love does not take, love distributes - such is friendliness.

He is your field, which you sow with love and from which you harvest with words of gratitude.

Sounds like Good; Kahlil Gibran is a genius at choosing beautiful words, but he doesn't know anything. Even behind his beautiful words and poetry there is darkness, unconsciousness.

He is your field... Friend your field? Are you going to exploit the field by sowing it with love? It doesn't matter - your love is not for a friend, you need a harvest from it.

...and harvest with words of gratitude... The most surprising thing for you will be that friends are one soul in two bodies. There is no question of words of gratitude, this is understandable in silence. It's not an ugly "thank you" - which is just a formality. And sow with love... You intend to exploit a friend! How can you sow with love? Your love is a facade, a bribe, a certainty that with your love a friend will turn into a field for you. But your real interest is to sow the seeds and reap the harvest, and your words of gratitude are empty. If a friend does not give you anything, your words of gratitude will disappear.

Therefore, I say to you: give, share love, without hiding somewhere in your heart the desire to bestow, and then the question of thanksgiving takes on a new dimension. You are grateful that a friend accepted your love, your songs, your abundance.

You should not be grateful for what you received from a friend; you should be grateful that he did not reject yours. He had every right to reject. He was humble and understanding. Be grateful, but for a completely different reason.

He is your table and your hearth.

What kind of nonsense is he talking about? It hurts me because he is a very thin person.

He is your table and your hearth - your friend? You should be a table and you should be a hearth for your friend. This is the difference between friendship and friendliness. I can forgive the young man who asked the question, but I cannot forgive Kahlila Gibran who gives the answer.

When your friend opens up to you, don't be afraid to say "no" to yourself and don't hide your "yes".

Why should you be afraid of a friend? “Then what are you going to do with the enemy?” Therefore, when a friend is frank, do not be afraid to say “no”, he will understand. AND… don't hide "yes".

What is friendliness? If you cannot bare your heart in friendliness, then you are a cunning businessman. You think about profit, you think about the future, you think about return.

Although you want to say “no”, you are afraid that the friendship will be destroyed by your “no”. And he is your need, he is your table, he is your field ... are you a “cannibal”?

This reveals the secrets of the cunning mind: say yes when you know he will be happy, say no only when you are sure he will be happy. You are not honest and open.

If you can't be honest with a friend, who will you be honest with? That is why I say that friendliness is a much greater and higher value. It can say “no” without any fear, because it knows that a friend will understand and will be grateful to you that you did not deceive him.

Friendliness means standing openly to each other because you have trust. Friendship is a very poor thing.

And when he is silent, let your heart never cease to listen to his heart.

This is the split in Kahlil Gibran's personality. In the very invention of Almustafa, he turns out to be a politician. He does not speak directly, he speaks through Almustafa, because Almustafa is just a fiction. But here there is a guarantee that people will perceive it as poetry, fiction, beauty.

He was praised all over the world for his little book, The Prophet. I'm probably the first one who tries to change this and clearly separate when he is sincere and when he is not sincere.

For in friendship all thoughts, all desires ...

It never goes beyond the mind. Friendliness is beyond the mind, just as love is beyond the mind; in fact friendliness is even higher than love.

There is an amazing statement in the Upanishads... It was a tradition in the East that when someone marries, he goes with his wife to a seer, a sage, for blessings. And such an amazing blessing does not exist anywhere, in any literature, in any tradition.

The sage, an enlightened person, blesses them with the words: "You must give birth to ten children, and after that your husband will be your eleventh child." It looks absurd - will the husband be the eleventh child?

But there is so much depth to it. You have loved enough, you have given birth to ten children; now is the time to rise above love itself. Even your husband

This is your eleventh child. Move beyond love, merge and melt into friendship. Purify it to the point where it becomes friendliness; then you are not a wife, and a husband is not a husband, but both are two souls living together in friendliness.

All hopes are born and shared without words, in silent joy.

Love and friendliness have no hope.

That is the beauty of friendliness - you do not expect anything, because wherever there is hope, just behind it, like a shadow, is ruin. And you cannot dictate to the future; you don't even know what the future will be like.

When I was a graduate student at the university, a very beautiful girl studied the same subject as me. For two years we studied the same subjects - philosophy, religion and psychology - and then, in the end, we had to part ways. She was a rich girl, the daughter of a city tax collector. I went out. Her car was waiting—probably she was, too; she didn't have to sit in the car and wait. It took her two years to tell me, “I'm very upset. I wanted you to tell me, "I love you."

I replied: "Love is not expectation: if there is an expectation, there is bound to be a crash."

Why does the whole world look so upset? For the simple reason that you have so many expectations. I told the girl, "What you're saying today, you should have told me as soon as you felt love for me."

She said, “What is gone is gone; we cannot go back to the past. But this is my last day in the city. I lived here with my father, he is a tax collector, but my whole family lives in New Delhi. In the evening I will leave, and so I mustered up the courage to ask you. I love you. Could you promise me that as soon as you can love, I will be given preference?”

I said, “I can't make promises about the future—the future is absolutely unknown. I can't even promise tomorrow or the next moment."

In my opinion, promises betray mental retardation. Every promise is disturbing because you are not aware of the simple fact that the future is absolutely unknown.

Where you will land tomorrow, no one knows. Any promise is irreligious, because it shows a stupid mind that cannot understand the future. A religious person can neither expect - because this is also connected with the future - nor promise, because this is also connected with the future. The religious person lives in the moment. But he says: “When expectations from your friend…”

When you are separated from a friend, do not grieve;

For what you love most about him becomes clearer in his absence.

There is some truth in this. The human mind is such that we begin to take everything for granted; so it is only in the absence of deceit that we become aware of what has become our foolishness, to take something for granted.

We live our whole life without friendliness, without love, because we have already taken it for granted: “It's always someone else who dies; I live forever." So you can put off life. And everyone postpones life, not knowing what the future has prepared for him.

I insist again and emphasize:

Don't take anything for granted.

Live in the moment.

And living in a moment will give you the strength to live in any other moments - if the future comes. Your strength will continue to grow. Otherwise... It's a pity that there are many people who only at the moment of death realize for the first time: “My God, I have lived for seventy years, but I kept putting it off. And now there is no future, nowhere to put it off.”

Never make any promises, because you may not be able to keep them. Explain: “I am not the owner of the future.” But there are people who promise everything. To their loved ones they say, “I will love you forever.” Such promises become their imprisonment.

Tell your friends, your loved ones: “Only one moment is given to me; not even two moments are given together. In this moment, I can certainly say that I will love you. Yesterday I did not love you, and tomorrow, perhaps the fragrance of love, just as it came without any notice, may go away, and then I will be dependent on my promise and be ashamed of my own words.

Promising, keeping your word... all of humanity is imprisoning itself. Live, and live totally - but now- this is all that is sure to be in your hand. Yet I know the stupid mind of man. Oh, if you could say to a woman, “I promise that I will love you this moment, but I can't say about the next moment. I don't want any expectations from you, nor will I give you any expectations; otherwise life turns into a continuous ruin!”

And may there be no purpose in friendship ...

Such is the strangeness of Kahlil Gibran, the split in his personality. He needs to be sorted - when he starts talking like a Zorba, and when he starts talking like a Buddha. He was never able to arrive at a synthesis of both, the lower and the higher.

And let there be no purpose in friendship ... except penetration into the depths of the spirit.

But this is also a goal. Sometimes people who see everything in the world so clearly are completely unconscious of what they are saying. First he says: And let there be no purpose in friendship, except for penetration into the depths of the spirit… — but that is also the goal. In fact, if there is no goal, the depths of the spirit are revealed by themselves. This need not be mentioned, because the saying becomes contradictory. The first part and the second part contradict each other.

First he says: "there should be no purpose in friendship." But what are your needs, if not goals? Every goal destroys the beauty of friendliness.

Friendliness should have no goals, no needs - yet it is the miracle of life that if you have no goals, no needs, your needs will be fulfilled, your goals will be fulfilled. But this should not be in your mind; otherwise you will have neither friendliness nor love.

For love that seeks something other than revealing its own secret is not love, but a set net that catches only the useless.

Love that seeks something other than revealing its own secret is not love... - because love is a secret and there is no way to reveal it.

Love is like tree roots buried deep in the earth. Share the fragrance, the flowers, the foliage, the greenery, but don't try to uproot the tree, to see where so much color comes from, so much fragrance, so much beauty, because that will be the death of the tree. The roots must remain hidden, a secret, a mystery, not as you please... you cannot go against the laws of nature.

Share your fragrance, share your colors. Dance under the moon, under the wind and rain. Did you see this morning? - all the trees were so happy, dancing in the rain, shedding all the dust from themselves, becoming fresh and young again. But the roots must remain a mystery. If you expose the roots, love will have to die. Unfortunately, every loved one, every friend is very curious to know your secret, to know your secret. Lovers fight incessantly, declaring, "You're hiding something."

Thousands of years ... And the man came to the conclusion that it is impossible to understand the secret of a woman, because she is rooted deeper in the earth. The man's eyes are fixed on the sky. It's idiotic to try to reach the moon. And now - an attempt to reach Mars.

You are not able to live on this beautiful land in peace, tranquility and love, without national borders, without color discrimination, without turning half of humanity, a woman, into just a prostitute for sale, a prostitute for life. You haven't been able to figure out how to live on earth, and your eyes are on the moon.

Do you know that in English there is a word "lunatic"? It comes from the root "lunar". Lunar means "moon". Lunatic man. In fact, trying to uncover the secret of your loved one is just as ugly as spying. Nature does not want your demystification, because in this mystery love blossoms, friendliness dances.

It's good that neither men understand women nor women understand men. There is no need for knowledge. All that is needed is enough space for each other so that your secrets and your mysteries remain hidden. After all, because of this secret, you fall in love. If you Demystify a woman, love can also disappear.

Knowledge is so meaningless and the mystery is so deep. Marvel at the mystery, but never ask what it is, and your friendliness, your love will know no bounds. The closer you get, the deeper the mystery will become. But Kahlil Gibran seems to get confused all the time, which is natural. Sometimes there are glimpses when he speaks amazing truths, and sometimes there are moments when he steps back into the darkness and starts talking like an idiot. You can see this in all sayings.

First he says: Your friendthese are your fulfilled needs... and then he says, "There shouldn't be any goal." What are needs if there are no goals? And immediately he says, making an exception, that the depth of your soul should be your only goal. In existence, in reality, there are no exceptions.

And look again: but scattered nets in which only the useless is caught. There should be no goal other than the deepening of the soul - but that is a by-product. And again he forgets what he says. Useless- now it becomes almost the language of a businessman, not a poet, because it is the useless that takes you to higher spheres of being, and the useful that drags you down to the gravity of the earth.

And let the best in you be for your friend.

He zigzags. I'm not judging him, I'm just explaining that a man of his genius is unable to see such simple things in the statement I let the best in you be for your friend ... - but tastes are different. What's best for you may cost nothing to your friend. Who are you to decide what is best for him? I won't say that. I will say, “Open your heart and let a friend; whatever he chose is his.”

If he is to know the ebb of your sea, let him know its tide also.

It's just a truism. Ebb or flow, everything should be at the disposal of a friend.

Why do you need a friend if you are only looking for him to kill time.

All friends are busy with this - they are killing each other's time, because both of them are empty, and they do not know how to be alone, how to enjoy loneliness.

Don't kill time, but live. It's wonderful, great. But it is like a clockwork pendulum that keeps moving from one extreme to the other. Of course, he is not a man of awareness, even though he is a man of immense power of expression, a man who can express in golden words.

Always look for it to live the time.

For he is called to fulfill your needs, but not to fill your emptiness.

Do you understand what I'm saying, a pendulum? But Kahlil Gibran himself does not realize that one saying immediately contradicts another saying. For he is called to fulfill your needs - what happened to hope? What happened to the benefit? He seems to have forgotten but not to fill your void. It is something understandable - that the greatest human need is not to be empty, not to be dark, not to be alone. His greatest need is to be needed. If no one needs him, he becomes more and more aware of his emptiness.

So even this one sentence is contradictory: For he is called to fulfill your needs… — but isn't emptiness your greatest need? What are you constantly busy with? - so as not to experience emptiness. You already are empty.

The East has a much deeper answer: emptiness is not negative. Don't fill it with all sorts of nonsense. Emptiness can become your temple filled with the divine, and yet it will be empty, because the divine is only a quality. Overlay it with light, and yet it will be empty. Fill it with silence... Transform the negative emptiness into a positive phenomenon and you yourself will become a miracle.

Kahlil Gibran says things over and over without giving you a clue how to make them happen. Any idiot can come and say, "Fill your garden with greenery, rose flowers, ponds, beautiful lotuses," but that is not enough. You are talking to a person who has never known lotuses, and who has absolutely no idea how to do this. The key is missing.

So not only with Kahlil Gibran; almost all religions of the world are in the same boat. They say, "You shouldn't be angry." But where is the way? There is anger. "You shouldn't be jealous." But how to get rid of jealousy? "You don't have to compete." Fake commandments! It is wonderful to be silent, but where is the meditation that brings you silence? “You shouldn't be jealous” - but where is the understanding that you are burning your own heart with jealousy? It does not harm anyone but yourself.

How do you get rid of competition - because they all teach: "Do not compete" - and on the other hand: "Be something." They give you ideals: "Be Jesus." But there are millions of Christians, you will have to compete. They say, "Don't be jealous," but they also make people jealous by tying one man to one woman. When love disappears and spring leaves, the man begins to look for secret passages - and the woman too.

I heard one story. The case was in court - the husband and wife wanted to divorce. The story seems to come from a time when divorce was almost impossible, immoral, unvirtuous. The judge said, “Love a friend, a friend. Stay together until death do you part.” The woman asked: “You give good advice, but how can I love a person whom I simply hate? Besides, I know that he cannot love me; he hates me too. So please tell us some way to make hate disappear and be transformed into love.”

The judge said, “My God, I don't know anything about it. But you still have to take an oath that you will do your best to stay together. Do not create an immoral precedent in society.”

The woman said, "I am ready to take an oath by placing my hand on my son's head." It was strange, the judge began to fuss. He said, “No, not on my son's head. Better put your hand on your religious book.”

The woman said, “I am a mother, and motherhood is my religion. But why are you so fussy? Do you want me to expose you in court? After all, this is your son!”

What a hypocritical society we live in! The judge is trying to order them to live together, and the judge is the woman's secret lover. And not just a lover - even a child from him, and not from the woman's husband; that's why he's scared.

She said, “Do you understand now? You are unfaithful to your wife. This is your son, I am only his mother. My husband has his own mistress, and you will be surprised: this is your wife! And the children you think are yours are not yours.”

Such is a hypocritical society. We all continue and continue to live in squalor, in untruth - even in our courts.

Once I was in the court in Jabalpur... There was a church, a very beautiful church. But when the British government left in 1947, all the parishioners also left the country. The church remained closed for almost ten years. There was a beautiful garden, which was completely wild. This church belongs to the Anglican Church - it is their property.

I had a few Christian friends and I said, “You idiots. Your Christ is in prison, and not in the church, for ten years now; maybe he'll be there all his life. Gather some young Christians…” They were very frightened because the property belongs to the Anglican Church. I said, “Don't worry. I will open a church. And you put it in order, restore it, throw out all those locks, break them. The church belongs to those who pray in it. This is not property. You pray there, then it is your church".

They said, “You are causing trouble. The case will be in court soon.” I said, “Don't worry, I will fight with you. You can tell the court the truth - that it was I who advised you.

It was reasonable, so they somehow - but reluctantly, without a twinkle, managed to break the locks, restore the church and tidy up the garden. And on Sunday I opened it. Now other Christians told the Anglican Church: “There is a violation of the right of possession. And not only rights – these people took away property.” And the property was large, almost twenty acres of land, and the church itself was very beautiful.

The English church had its own representative, the bishop in Nagpur, and at that time Nagpur was the capital of Madhya Pradesh. He ordered, "Drag all these people to court," including me, because I'm not even a Christian.

Standing behind the witness screen, I asked the judge, "Before I swear the truth, there are a few questions that need to be clarified, as they will be impossible to be clarified after taking the oath."

He said, “That's not how it's done. First you need to take an oath."

I said, "I'm just going to talk to you about the oath, so why not let me say something right away?"

He said, "Okay, you can talk, but that's against the rules."

I said, “First of all, I saw you visiting prostitutes. And the whole city knows that you are a homosexual; so I have no respect for you. I can say “Dear Sir” to a donkey, but I cannot honestly say “Dear Sir” to you, because that would be a lie. My heart will not agree. So let me, if you insist on an oath, tell what my heart says, the truth; otherwise, drop the idea of ​​an oath. Secondly, I want to know on what I will have to take an oath.”

He said, "You can swear on the Bible, the Hindu Gita, or any religious book."

I said, “They are all filled with lies. Have you ever looked into them? It is so absurd that an oath to the truth has to be taken while holding on to a book that is filled with lies.

And thirdly: the very idea of ​​an oath is disgusting to me, because it implies my confession that without an oath I am going to lie, that only under an oath will I tell the truth. I cannot agree with such a sentence to myself. I'm telling the truth as I feel in my own being, and these rotten books from a thousand years ago... I don't respect any of those books. Only people like you can believe in these obscene - but called holy - books. But I am ready to comply with any formality.

Remember: since I took an oath, holding a holy book that is filled with lies, I will lie hopelessly; I have to follow the book. First prove that there is truth in these books, first prove that you are worthy of being called "respected sir", and first convince me that the very concept of an oath is not ugly.

This means that all my life I have been lying - only under an oath can I tell the truth. You are a reasonable person; you can see that if a person can lie all his life, his oath can also be a lie. Who will stop me?”

I said, "I don't belong to any religion, I don't belong to any superstition - it's all just for you."

He immediately said, "Call the second witness."

I said, “No, wait, I still have one thing to do. The temple belongs to those who pray there. The temple is not just a piece of land, not a dwelling. Nobody can own it. The Anglican Church has no right to own this church. The church belongs to those who pray, meditate there; they are the real owners.”

He was shaking. He said, "I've listened to you, but you've raised such a fundamental issue that it's better...call a second witness!"

This world is so full of hypocrisy. Your leaders lie incessantly. No one is allowed to live, but to lie...

And let laughter and mutual pleasure accompany the sweetness of friendship.

But how? You have destroyed even the human capacity to smile. And if you want - and the idea is good - then tell people how to resurrect their lives, their laughter, their joint pleasures.

All religions are against pleasure. No religion called for sharing, but: "Give to the poor, because your profit will be more than a thousand times after death."

This is pure business! In fact, you can't even call it a business - it's speculation. No church, no synagogue, no temple will allow people to laugh, dance, sing. You have suppressed the human spirit so much that it is almost a corpse.

The problem with Kahlil Gibran is that he is a huge intellectual force; all his sayings are from reason, but not from experience. If he spoke from his own experience, he would give the keys - how to annul all that the ages have done to man.

For in the dew of small things the heart meets its morning and is refreshed.

He writes wonderful words - but what is the use? The most highly evolved being on earth cannot laugh. All religions have taught, "Renounce the world." You have to deny what you want...

For in the dew of small things the heart meets its morning and is refreshed.

No religion allows you pleasure; no religion allows you to laugh; no religion allows you to enjoy the small things of life. On the contrary, they condemn every little, insignificant thing. And life is made up of little things.

Religions talk about God, but not about flowers; they talk about paradise, but not about life-giving food; they talk about all sorts of pleasures in heaven, but not on earth. The earth is a punishment; you have been thrown to the ground just as someone is thrown into prison.

Kahlil Gibran is great in his words, but there is something of a coward in his unconscious; otherwise he would have to add: “Those who teach otherwise are not your friends, they are your enemies. All religions are enemies of man, all priests are enemies of man, all governments are enemies of man.” But you will not find a single saying of this kind. That is why he is respected all over the world - after all, he did not cause irritation to anyone. I say the same things, but filling in the gaps he missed, changing the words he didn't realize.

He is a wonderful man, but not a brave one. He is still a sheep, not a shepherd; sheep, not lion. He should have roared like a lion because he had the ability. But the great man died, and his books are not even blacklisted by the Pole Pope, so that no Catholic would read these books.

All my books are blacklisted. Reading them is the direct and shortest path to hell. In fact, I am very happy that all of you will be with me in hell. We will transform it into heaven, and one day you will find God knocking on the door saying, “Please let me in. I am bothered and weary by all sorts of idiots.”

— Okay, Vimal?

— Yes, Master.

First you need to know who Osho is. It is known that this is a famous spiritual leader. Today, many perceive his teachings as the only true rules of life, but there are those who believe that his philosophy only harms society. Many times the teachings of this Indian esotericist have been criticized, but over the past few years he has gained a large number of "companions". This is due to the fact that in most of Osho's thoughts there is the truth of human existence, as well as the meaning of life.

This spiritual leader gave a special place to statements about love, its manifestations. Many of Osho's statements about love have become the basis of today's understanding of this feeling. Moreover, they serve as the basis for understanding such concepts as family and gender relationships.

Biography of Osho

This is an Indian Enlightened Master. All over the world he is known as Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh. He has published more than 600 books, they are like a collection of his conversations with students, which Osho conducted over a quarter of a century.

Shortly before his death, he announced the dropping of the prefix "Bhagwan Shri", as for most it is interpreted as God. The sannyasins (his disciples) decided to name him by the name “Osho”, already known to us, which first appeared in ancient Japan. This is how all disciples approached their spiritual mentors.

The letter "O" means great respect, love, gratitude, synchronicity, harmony, and "Sho" - a multidimensional expansion of consciousness.

Being enlightened, Osho was more clearly aware of the instability of the modern existence of mankind in this world. He believed that endless wars, unacceptable treatment of the environment: the annual extinction of several thousand species of plants and animals, the deforestation of entire forests, the drying up of the seas, the presence of dangerous nuclear weapons that have indescribable destructive power - all this will lead humanity to complete extinction.

In his opinion, one must live naturally, peacefully, turn inward. It is worth taking a little time for yourself to be alone, in silence, to observe the inner workings of your mind.

American followers of Osho purchased a ranch in Central Oregon, the area of ​​​​which amounted to 64 thousand acres. Rajneeshpuram was founded there. The Indian esoteric, having lived on the ranch for 4 years, became, so to speak, the most daring experiment in creating a spiritual commune (transnational).

Thousands of his followers from Europe, Asia, Australia, South America gathered there every summer. As a result, the commune has turned into a prosperous city with more than 15,000 adherents.

In 1984, suddenly, just as he had stopped speaking, he spoke again. Osho philosophized about meditation, love, human bondage within a heavily conditioned, insane world. He accused politicians and priests of corrupting fragile human souls and destroying human freedom.

In 1985, the American government accused the Enlightened Master of violating current immigration laws and then arrested him without warning. In shackles and handcuffs, Osho was kept in custody for almost two weeks, refusing bail. There he was physically harmed, based on a medical examination. In Oklahoma, Osho was exposed to a large dose of radiation and received intoxication with thalium. A bomb was found in the Portland prison, where the Enlightened Master was later held. Only he was not evacuated.

His lawyers, worried for the life of the Master, agreed to recognize the immigration violation, Osho left the US on November 14th. Then the commune broke up.

The American government was not satisfied with the violation of the constitution in their country, so when Osho went to other countries at the invitation of students, they, using world influence, tried to negatively influence his work wherever he went. As a result of such a policy on the part of the American government, 21 countries imposed a ban on the entry of both Osho and his companions.

In 1986 the Enlightened Master returned to Bombay. His disciples began to gather around him. In 1987, due to the rapid growth of people coming to Osho, he moved to Pune, after which his International Commune was formed. Daily spiritual discourses, holidays, meditation weekends have been revived.

Osho created a number of new meditations, one of which is the Mystical Rose. This was the most memorable breakthrough in the field 2500 years after Buddha's great Vipassana meditation. More than a thousand people took part in it (both in the commune and in its meditation centers around the world).

Osho left the body on January 19, 1990. He did not want to identify his teachings with religion. His teaching was centered on the individual, his freedom. It seemed to him a single world, without any restrictions on skin color, nationality, race.

Osho did not consider himself God, he never believed in prophets, prophecies, the messiah. Osho considered them selfish people. In this regard, everything he could, he did. What will happen when he is gone, Osho left to the will of existence, since he trusted him absolutely.

The Enlightened Master believed that if there is truth in his words, then it will surely survive. That is why Osho called his students not followers, they were his companions on the journey.

Osho on love

Jealousy, according to Osho

It is the first step towards the destruction of true love. Most often, Osho said about love that it is expressed in the desire for good for a person. In this regard, it is understood that in a situation where there is no good intention in love, if it causes suffering to both the subject himself and his partner, then it is no longer about love. The latter cannot, according to Osho, coexist with gloomy jealousy, since love is not capable of owning someone. Otherwise, it will mean that the individual killed someone and then turned it into his personal property.

In relationships, you need to give freedom, because love is not a limitation, not a sacrifice, but only goodness, given away free of charge.

When a person lives with a partner solely for the sake of money, security, reliability, children, etc., while excluding love, his existence is comparable to prostitution.

A place of waiting in love

The creation of shackles is unacceptable, since demands, expectations instantly destroy love. According to Osho, this feeling is never enough for lovers, and therefore one should not wait, because waiting is always unjustified. True love can never be disappointed because it has no expectations at all.

Osho speaks of love in such a way that a person should neither wait, nor ask, nor demand. In a situation where love brings only disappointment, the feeling cannot be called real.

Love as art, harmony

Osho compared the love of a man and a woman with art. According to his revelations, in order to understand love, it must be treated as the last. If you want to succeed in it, you need to learn the art gradually.

Both are not given to us at birth, they can only be mastered by following practice. For example, each dancer learns to dance through the study of plasticity, movement. It takes a lot of practice to master the art of dance. Moreover, the art of love takes much more effort, because in the first case only one person is involved, in love - two. There is a meeting of two completely different worlds. In the process of such rapprochement, a conflict is sure to brew if one does not know the ways to achieve harmony.

“... A woman in love with you can help increase your creative abilities, can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right ... ”(Osho). Quotes about the love of a man and a woman are always relevant. In just a few words, there is a profound truth that many men are unable to see in our time.

Love as a hierarchy

Osho spoke of love in this way, because in it, as in the hierarchy, there is an ascent: from the lowest level to the highest, from intimacy to the so-called superconsciousness. There are many steps, many levels in love. According to Osho, everything always depends on the person himself: people who are at the top of the hierarchical ladder and those who occupy the lowest positions understand love in a completely different way.

The lowest form of love

Osho talks about love in this aspect when people fall in love with cars, dogs, things, animals. This happens because the considered feeling of an ordinary, untrained individual has been transformed into something terrible - an ongoing conflict. As a result, this leads to constant squabbles, grabbing each other by the throat. It is this kind of behavior that is the lowest form of love.

In the case of using feeling as a bridge (meditation), there is nothing terrible about it. But if you always try to understand the essence, then within the framework of this very understanding, a person begins to move upward.

Three steps of love according to Osho

From his point of view, they are:

  • physical love;
  • psychological;
  • spiritual.

When all three steps are harmonized, divine love (unconditional) arises, the ideal of esotericists, spiritual people, what, according to the Bible, is called God, since he is love.

Highest level

Osho argued that only then love passes into an unconditional form, when it ceases to be suffering, dependence. In a situation where love is a state of mind, the so-called lotus of the soul and happiness finally opens, starting to exude a delicate aroma. This can only happen at the highest level.

Osho (quotes about the love of a man and a woman) emphasized that only at the highest level the individual will achieve a special divine state of consciousness. At the lowest level, this feeling remains politics, the manipulation of only one person.

Osho Love Quotes

A large number of citations are devoted to this topic. Here are a few of them:

  1. "... The mind is a very businesslike, calculating mechanism; it has nothing to do with love..."
  2. "... Love is a spiritual experience that has nothing to do with sexes and bodies, but is connected with the deepest inner being ..."
  3. "... Self-love does not imply selfish pride, not at all. In fact, it implies the exact opposite ...", etc.

This is how Osho described the quivering feeling known to many. Love quotes (short) are easy to remember because they contain the truth that does not age.

Women, from the point of view of Indian esotericism

Osho spoke about the love of a woman from the position of grief, as the fair sex was constantly suppressed. He argued that men ruled the weaker sex for a long time. They took every opportunity to do so, and women have always been repressed.

It seemed strange to him that men dominate even in dance, poetry, music. It should be the other way around, but women have never been given the opportunity to achieve anything meaningful. He believed that if women were prevented from getting an education, society would eventually become poorer. Osho insisted that it is simply necessary to give the weaker sex respect. The world should belong to both sexes.

If a man is alone, he creates only wars. Life becomes an endless struggle. History is filled with cruel people who are considered famous today.

How do men love?

According to Osho, a man's love comes down more to primitive physiological needs. Women's love is always higher, stronger, filled with spirituality. That is why the woman is monogamous, while the male sex is polygamous. Every man wants to have all the females, and even then he will not be satisfied.

Now Osho's quotes about a man's love are becoming more and more popular, for example: "... A man's love is his resting place ..."

Love and fear

According to Osho, there are two varieties of life: the first is based on fear, the second is based on love. In the first case, life will never give deep relationships, since a person lets the other in only to a small extent, after which the wall grows, everything stops.

One who is oriented towards love is religious. He is not afraid of the future, results and consequences. Such a person lives in the present.

In youth, people boldly go into love, because there is a very strong desire to love, which suppresses fear. Then the latter, accumulating, fills everything so that there is no room for a free decision to give love. People love only because they want to experience this feeling. This is inherent in a person from the very beginning, however, the fears accumulated in life prevent one from being happy.

The difference between love and being in love

Osho, as well as other sages, pointed out the existence of a huge difference between these feelings. What many call love, later turns out to be simple love.

So the relationships that true love generates are different from those built on falling in love. In the first case, they give mutual happiness, and in the second - quarrels and disappointments.

Finally, it is worth recalling that the article discussed how Osho understood the most reverent feeling (see quotes about love above). His points of view regarding the male perception of love and female are described. The main love rule of Osho (quotes about self-love) is also voiced: without accepting oneself, it will be impossible to open up to another person.

The enlightened master believed that love (no church can stand around it), awareness are qualities that no one is able to monopolize. Osho wanted people to know themselves, regardless of the opinions of others. To do this, look inside. There is no need for a church or any other external organization.

Oscho has always promoted freedom, creativity, individuality. He has always been for the beautiful Earth, for existence at this very moment, no need to wait for heaven, fear hell, experience greed. It is enough just to be in silence, here, to enjoy your existence.

His philosophy is to destroy in any way everything that subsequently becomes slavery: groups, authorities, leaders - these are diseases that should be avoided.

He did not profess any one religion and believed that the most important criterion for a person's life is whether he is happy or not. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are inherently dead.

At birth, he was given the name Chandra Mohan Jain, but in history he remained as "Osho" - literally "monk" or "teacher". His instructions are truly inspiring and make you reconsider your attitude to life.

Osho's Tips for Knowing Yourself

About happiness

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering comes only from a serious attitude to life. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.

About love

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. If you love a person, do not demand anything from him; otherwise you will build a wall between you at the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it does not need to come, there is no need for it. You have no right to wait.

Never mistake anything else for love... In the presence of another, you suddenly feel happy. Just because you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of the other satisfies something deep in your heart... something begins to sing in your heart. The very presence of the other helps you to be more collected, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it's love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.

About your path

First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy the company of yourself. Become so happy that you no longer care whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation for someone to knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No, that's fine too. Only with such an attitude can a relationship begin.

Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and watch. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong for him, good and bad. He did it himself, so he has a huge advantage over those who do not have an opinion.

We are all unique. No one has the right to say what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes, you may do something wrong, but it is through this that you will benefit greatly.

About God

There are times when God comes and knocks at your door. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, sunset or dawn... Be open to hear it.

About fear

Courage is the movement into the unknown, in spite of all fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.

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