Home Diseases and pests How to install the application on android without ads. Choosing an ad blocker for android devices: AdAway, AdFree and Adblock Plus

How to install the application on android without ads. Choosing an ad blocker for android devices: AdAway, AdFree and Adblock Plus

This article discusses several ways to get rid of ads in games and applications on Android. Moreover, the ability to remove ads is available for both users with root rights and without them.

First of all, we will consider methods that require root rights. Without them, it will be a little more difficult to remove ads, but most importantly, it's real. In the latter case, you can get rid of ads on devices connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

By the way, we wrote a post about how you can remove ads from sites. More details in.

How to remove ads on Android with Adblock Plus

For the application to work Adblock plus you need to root your device. This can be done either using special programs:

  • Kingo Android Root ()
  • Unlock Root ()
  • Framaroot ()
  • Vroot ()

When rooting is done, download the Adblock Plus .apk file from the link below and install the application following the guidance.

Then open it and give Adblock root access.

Also note the "Acceptable Updates" item. Initially, it is enabled, that is, some unobtrusive advertising is allowed. If you want to remove all ads, uncheck this box. But it's better not to do this, appreciate the work of the developers!

How to remove ads on Android via AdAway

This app also requires root access to remove ads on Android.

Opening AdAway, the program will show that the ad blocker is disabled. Click on this item, after which the download of the files necessary for the application to work will begin.

At the end, a message will appear that all components are loaded and you need to reboot the device for the changes to take effect. Click "Yes", after which your smartphone or tablet will reboot.

Now, when you open AdAway, the top will say "Enabled", and all ads from games, applications and the browser will disappear.

To return ads, click the "Turn off ad blocking" button. AdAway will start restoring the default "hosts" file, after which a message will appear again that you need to reboot your device. Click "Yes" and the new changes will take effect.

Removing ads from games and applications without root rights

Adblock Plus can also work with non-rooted devices connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. To do this, you will have to set up a proxy server.

1. Start the application. At the top, click Configure.

2. A window "Proxy settings" will appear where in the last paragraph we are interested in 2 parameters: "Proxy hostname localhost" and "Proxy port 2020". At the bottom, click the "Open Wi-Fi settings».

3. You will be taken to the Wi-Fi settings. Hold your finger on the access point until an additional menu appears.

4. Select Change Network.

5. Check the box next to "Advanced settings".

6. Select "Proxy Server" and a list of available options will open. Click "Manual".

7. Enter the information obtained in step 2 and click "Save".

It has been proven that while using an app with ads, 75% of the energy is spent only on ads. And all this is because all free apps have a system robot with advertising. When installing free apps on Android, many users are annoyed by ads.

Android is the most popular operating system for smartphones. If you are the owner of such a device, then you know how many banners, teasers, pop-ups and even videos you have to deal with.

  • Advertising is the same operation that uses RAM, and therefore consumes battery power;
  • The likelihood of catching malware and viruses are much higher;
  • Automatic ad update eats up traffic, which is often limited.

With the advent of publicity, there were also programmers who developed a program for blocking ads on Android. After installing the blocker on your smartphone or tablet, you will remove it from applications, sites and games.

Naturally, it would be wrong to completely disable advertising, because your favorite sites and developers develop at its expense. Its presence allows us to play games for free and download the necessary applications. But sometimes there is such a need. Therefore, let's take a look at ad blockers for Android.

AdAway app blocks ads in a few clicks

A simple application that blocks the path to the ad provider's server in a few clicks. Even a beginner can figure out how it works.

Main pluses:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • updates are checked automatically;
  • searches for unblocked ads;
  • convenient and understandable description of the application;
  • adapted for Russian.

The disadvantages include:

  • impossibility of application in Google play;
  • requires Root rights;
  • part of the advertising is still present.

AdFree is one of the first ad blocking apps

The application checks and corrects the hosts file, in which the addresses and IPs of ad servers are entered, and the path to them is blocked. Then, in a special window, you configure the utility and forget about its presence.


  • perfectly blocks most advertising;
  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • updated automatically;
  • Russified.


  • there is no setting of exclusions, therefore sometimes it perceives some services as advertising and blocks access to them;
  • not on Google Play;
  • requires Root rights to install.

Now, windows will not pop up on the screen and there will be no need to click on unnecessary links.

AdBlock - removes ads on the tablet

Adblock is an analogue of a computer program. After installing it on a tablet or smartphone, it automatically blocks ads. Moreover, if you have root rights, all traffic is filtered, but if you do not have them, then configure the proxy server on the tablet.

Interestingly, it does not work on all devices.

AdBlock launched their web browser - AdBlock Browser

You can view sites in your browser without any ads. It allows you to optimally consume traffic and save battery power. You can download it for free.

NetGuard works without root rights

Another blocker. Its advantageous difference from others is that the application works without root rights. But it also performs its functions worse, all advertising cannot be turned off.

In essence, it is a simple firewall that allows you to deny access to applications. Its advantages include the ability free download on Google Play. To block ads in auto mode, you need to purchase an extended version of this program.

LuckyPatcher will save you from any pop-ups

This application will save from ads and will be able to remove the permission check to use the game. And you yourself decide in which application to block it. The implementation of all functionality also requires root rights. The program allows you to create clones of applications.

Best ad blocker for Android

Oddly enough, but the AdFree application, created one of the first, remains the best blocker advertising to date. AdAway for Android is not much inferior to anything. The principle of operation of these programs is practically the same. They differ only in the size of the database.

Owners will be able to test their functionality mobile devices with the presence of root rights. In their absence, you will have to be content with a simple utility called NetGuard, which performs its role much worse.

NetGuard is a good firewall for Android that allows you to block Internet access for every installed program. Not so long ago, a new feature appeared in - blocking ads by filtering traffic without. How to activate ad blocking in this firewall - read our short instructional article.

For starters, it's worth noting that NetGuard's ad blocking feature is available in the app version from the project's official GitHub page. The variation on Google Play does not have such features, as ad blockers no longer allow ad blockers to enter the catalog. On the Treshbox, the name indicates those versions of NetGuard that contain ad blocking.

Instructions for activating ad blocking in NetGuard

So. The application has been downloaded and installed. Open NetGuard and go to settings without activating the firewall.

Looking for an item "Traffic filter" and activate it with a toggle switch. The program will warn about possible expense battery charge, but it is negligible.

After that, look for the item in the menu "Download hosts file" and click on it. NetGuard will automatically download the hosts file with most of the URLs from which ads are usually downloaded. Downloading traffic from them will be blocked. Alternative hosts files can be found on GitHub, downloaded from there, and imported into the app.

Then we return to the main menu of the application and we activate its work with a toggle switch in the upper left corner. The program will start working when the key (VPN) icon appears in the top bar, and the indicator next to the toggle switch takes the form of a NetGuard icon, and not hourglass... After activation, it is advisable to wait 5-10 minutes - during this time all DNS addresses will be updated.

Later, we check the work of the blocker. Open the test page on the official NetGuard website. If the test returns “Ad Blocking Works”, it means that the blocking is working.

Left - before blocking, right - after

To visually verify this, go to some popular site with big amount advertising, for example - zaycev.net.

Also see our video tutorial on how to activate ad blocking in NetGuard:

If you are an active user of android applications, then you have probably come across the fact that it is sometimes very difficult to work because of the endless advertising that falls like a hail on you from all sides. Many developers have no qualms about asking you to invest real funds in order to save your nerves from intrusive advertising. And working in browsers not only becomes impossible, but also costly, since the main traffic is spent on advertising. In this case, we hasten to offer you the # 1 ad blocking application called Adguard.

About application

Why do most users prefer Adguard? By to a greater extent this is due to the fact that you will not find an app better than this. The first thing that catches your eye is that the app is free. It doesn’t require any real costs from you, so download without fear. Second, the application perfectly copes with absolutely any advertising that you may encounter both in games and in programs.

With the help of the firewall function, you can control applications, namely, restrict their access to the Internet, thereby saving your money. The program also makes sure that fraudsters do not enter your device, perfectly blocking malicious sites that can harm the device. You will notice how much faster your pages are loading in the browser - this is also the merit of the application.


Although the program is a systemic tool, this does not mean that you will need colossal skills in working with android applications to understand the basic principles of work. You just download the application to your gadget and press a button to activate the program. In the application settings, you can change the language (Russian is available), open access for safe advertising and much more.


In addition to working correctly, the application has a very good design. Of course, most likely it has similarities with all programs that have already been published, but it looks pretty good. The design of the application uses calm light green tones, which unambiguously dispose the user to work. In addition, the application has a very convenient working menu, which will not be difficult to understand. Summing up, we can say that both externally and internally, the program works great.

Probably, there is no need to say that advertising in Android applets or in browsers when accessing the Internet is indescribably annoying to all users without exception. But you can't get rid of this scourge by the system's own means. So what do you do? Blocking ads on "Android" -systems can be done either with the use of special programs, or in manual mode by modifying one of the key system files.

Where do Android app ads come from?

Probably, every owner of an Android device thought about where so much garbage in the form of advertising comes from in programs. The answer to this question must be sought in the Google Play service itself, from which, in most cases, the download and installation of mobile applications is carried out.

The situation is such that absolutely all free applications that are presented in the service have built-in ads. Everything!!! The only exceptions are paid programs... They do not have this rubbish. But after all, not everyone wants (or can) pay a certain amount just to get rid of constantly pop-up messages and banners. But there is a way out. You need to use some application to block ads on Android, which will be able to remove it from both installed applications and from the browser when the user is surfing the Internet.

Types of advertising and how to eliminate it

But before proceeding to consider the question of how, for example, ad blocking in Chrome on Android or its elimination in installed applets is performed, it is worth looking at what its main types can be found.

Many experts, having analyzed all possible situations, tend to divide advertising into several main types:

  • static or dynamic (pop-up) banners from the top, bottom or full screen with a picture or video;
  • embedded advertising directly in the program interface;
  • advertising that appears after 2-3 days of using the application;
  • "Useful" advertising, after viewing which the user receives some points, bonuses, coins, etc.

As for the methods of eliminating it, in most cases, when installing additional applets, you must have superuser rights, otherwise you will not be able to achieve at least some significant result. But! It will not work - it does not mean that it is impossible in principle. Blocking ads on Android without root rights can also be done. Let us dwell on this separately.

By the way, one of the most simple methods, allowing to prevent the appearance of advertisements in applications, is to download and install them not from Google service Play, and downloading their full counterparts in the form of APK files, followed by installation from other sources. But the resources must be verified, otherwise no one will give guarantees that you will not catch a virus somewhere. Programs on such sites in most cases are already free of ads, even in situations where the application requires constant Internet access for correct operation.

Blocking ads on Android: the most popular applications

On the Internet, you can now find a lot of software applets aimed at saving the user from annoying banners and messages. Not all of them are equal to each other. But in most cases, there are several of the most powerful, popular and interesting applications:

  • AdAway.
  • LuckyPatcher.
  • AdFree.
  • AdBlock.
  • Adguard.
  • Adblock Browser, etc.

This list is interesting because the first three applications in mandatory require root-rights, the second three can work without them. Let's take a look at several utilities. Basically, they all work on similar principles.

AdAway is the easiest app to use

Blocking ads on Android with this program is based on the automatic modification of the hosts file.

After installing and launching the application, you only need to use two buttons. First, you should tap on the file download button, and then on the button to disable ads. True, as it is already clear, the appearance of such programs is completely unprofitable for Google corporation, therefore it makes no sense to look for it in the Market. You will have to download from other sources and install manually.

AdBlock is a program for Android. Blocking ads for free

As you probably already know from the name, this applet is mobile version a computer add-on for browsers adapted to Android systems.

This utility, like Adblock Browser, which is a regular browser with a built-in blocker, is intended to be used as an add-on (extension) to all available browsers in the system. True, she has one drawback. If the system provides for the provision of root rights, the application will filter absolutely all traffic, and to block without them, you will additionally need to configure the proxy server parameters. And please note that this application may not work on all devices and in all versions operating system Android.

Lucky Patcher is a one-stop solution

Many experts believe that this application is - best program to block ads on Android. And it's not even about the principles of work.

The program itself is in some way a slightly modified analogue of the AdAway applet in terms of interface. However, its possibilities are much wider. In fact, the application is a whole complex patcher for all occasions.

When launching programs, it performs a full system scan, and distributes the results in the application category into several types, highlighting them in different colors:

  • yellow - the application has been fixed and no additional action is required;
  • green - requires Google license verification;
  • blue - the presence of advertising.

A separate section contains programs that cannot be patched. Pressing desired application, the user receives an additional menu in which the option of action is selected (removing ads, installing a patch, etc.).

AdFree is another simple tool

This program almost completely repeats the above AdAway applet.

It not only uses the same principle of changing the hosts file, but also the procedure for eliminating problems in the form of using the file upload buttons and disabling ads.

Using manual mode

Blocking ads on Android in this case means downloading the modified hosts file from the Internet or creating it on your computer using any text editor (for example, Notepad). It looks like the image below.

The original system file, in order to avoid trouble, you first need to rename (or make it backup), after which place the new hosts object in the etc directory, which can be located either in the root of the system, or in the System directory, using for this file manager like Root Explorer. After that, all that remains is to reboot the device and rejoice.

What to use?

As for the choice of the preferred method for getting rid of ads, it is difficult to advise something specific, since each program is focused on a specific type of task. However, if you have superuser rights, it is better to install LuckyPatcher (the application can be useful for other purposes as well). But in the best option to remove ads to and from installed programs, and from the browser, optimal solution will be the installation of two applets, one of which will block the appearance of unwanted banners in applications, and the second will eliminate ads when surfing the Internet. For example, you can install AdBlock in addition to LuckyPatcher. However, here the choice is for the owner of the mobile device. As for downloading or manually creating the hosts file, this option can be used if suddenly (which is unlikely) nothing else helps.

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