Home Diseases and pests How to set the slide show time in a presentation. Starts the presentation in full screen. Go to custom slide

How to set the slide show time in a presentation. Starts the presentation in full screen. Go to custom slide

Use this window to define how PowerPoint slideshow players are.

If you want to customize which automatic presentation will be performed, switch to Create an automatic presentation.

Display Type

slide show

slide show

slide show.

Display options

Use the options in the section Show Options

slide change

slide change.

Multiple monitors

Display Type

Use the options in the section slide show to specify how the presentation is shown to the audience.

slide show

To specify which slides are available in a presentation or create a custom show, use the options under slide show.

Display options

Use the options in the section Show Options to specify how sound files, narration, and animations are to run in a presentation.

slide change

To specify how to move from one slide to another, use the options under slide change.

Multiple monitors

If you have multiple monitors, using Presenter View is a convenient way for a presenter to privately view their notes and view the next slide, while viewers only see the current slide on the monitor as the main one.

For more information about using multiple monitors in Presenter view, check View speaker notes hidden when presenting on multiple monitors.

Display Type

Use the options in the section slide show to specify how the presentation is shown to the audience.

slide show

To specify which slides are available in a presentation or create a custom show, use the options under slide show.

Display options

Use the options in the section Show Options to specify how sound files, narration, and animations are to run in a presentation.

    To continuously play a sound file or animation, check the box. continuous loop until "Esc" key is pressed.

    To display presentations without playing embedded narration, select the check box without speech accompaniment.

    To show the presentation without playing embedded animations, select the checkbox Show without animation.

    When giving a presentation in front of a live audience, you can write on the slides. To set the ink color in the list Feather color, select an ink color.

    Listed Feather color only available if installed Presenter driven (full screen)(In chapter Show type).

slide change

To specify how to move from one slide to another, use the options under slide change.

Multiple monitors

If you have multiple monitors, using Presenter View is a convenient way for a presenter to privately view their notes and view the next slide, while viewers only see the current slide on the monitor as the main one.

For more information about using multiple monitors in Presenter view, check View speaker notes hidden when presenting on multiple monitors.


Use the options in the section performance to determine the level of clarity of your presentation.

    To speed up the drawing of graphic objects in the presentation, select using hardware graphics acceleration.

    Listed slideshow resolution click the resolution button, or the dpi you want. The more pixels, the clarity of the image, but the slowdown of your computer. For example screen pixels 640x480 drawings 640 different dots in each 480 lines or about 300,000 pixels. This is a fast resolution execution, but it provides poor quality. Unlike a 1280 x 1024 pixel screen, it provides brighter images, but slower.

Hello friends! Today we will learn how to set up transitions in presentations. What are "transitions"? In Power Point, transitions are the usual scrolling of slides during the show. This will be the focus of today's article. Why do you need to know how to set up transitions? With the right settings, we will link a wide variety of content.

Not only the slides of the presentation itself, but also third-party documents can be shown when needed. You can link a variety of documents together in a certain way into one project. Moreover, it is possible to prepare a presentation in such a way that it will be possible to change the order during the display process, or not to show this or that content at all, if there was no need for it.

Transitions are also called special animation effects that are configured and demonstrated during the paging process. The effects of the transition to another slide set up a variety of - pop-up, manifestation, slides can crack, crumble, and so on. These settings are the same we will see today how they work. And they are easy to set up.

Set up slide transitions with one click

The most common thing is when the presentation is set up so that transitions between slides are configured on a mouse click. That is, you yourself go to another slide at the right time by clicking on it with the mouse. Settings can be made by going to the menu on the "Transitions" tab:

The toolbar consists of two parts. On the left side is the animation effects panel. If we open it, we will see that they are divided into simple, complex, and with dynamic content.

On the right side of the "Transitions" panel are the settings for directly flipping. This is where you can set up mouse click transitions:

Let's take a closer look at them. Click-to-click setting is set here:

You can also customize the sound effects when moving from slide to slide. In this case, you can adjust the duration of the effects. The default is 2 seconds.

Click transitions and transition visual effects can be configured for just one slide or for all slides in a presentation. In order for the transition effects to be the same on all slides, after you have made the settings, click on the button “Apply to all:

How to make automatic transition to the next Power Point slide by time?

If your presentation will not be commented during the show, you can set it to automatically transition between slides on time. To do this, uncheck "On click" and set "After":

Experimenting with duration; set the time in seconds or minutes after which the scrolling will occur. You can click on the "View" button in order to understand what and how it will look like when shown:

What are the transition effects, and how to set up transitions on click or automatically in time - look at the video:

Making a transition to another slide via a hyperlink and back

The previous methods are the easiest and simplest. But sometimes it is necessary to include some documents in the presentation, for example in Word or Excel format. A situation may arise when you need to include some slides from another presentation in the show, then come back. I already talked about this in the article. For all these situations, there is a universal way - following a hyperlink.

Let's try to include some documents in the presentation. I have one price list in excel format. If needed, I can demonstrate it. First, I will select the desired object on the slide from which there will be a transition, and only then go to the "Insert" tab:

To insert a link, select the title. Just insert a beautiful arrow (figure) there. Let's make her the same. Then, if I click on the arrow, the transition will be to the Excel document. If I just click the mouse, then the transition will be to the next slide of the presentation. In the process of showing, we thus gain freedom of action. You can insert any object on the slide for a hyperlink. Next, we are interested in the "Action" tab. We click on it, and set up a hyperlink to another file, as in the figure:

Please note that in this setting you can also make a transition sound effect, as well as adjust the selection.

And in the Excel document we will also make a link, but back to our presentation. We do everything in an Excel document in the same way. First, select the text in which our link will be. Then go to the "Insert" menu, look for "Hyperlink." We indicate the type of link (to the file) and look for our presentation in the explorer:

We linked two different documents. However, if we follow the link we just created (from the document) we will be taken to the first sheet of our presentation. This is not good. Therefore, in order to return back to the desired slide, I suggest doing this. We need to save our desired slide separately as a new presentation document. And from this slide, set up transitions to the previous and next slides of our main presentation in the same way. Read on.

How to add a transition to another slide in a presentation using control buttons?

So, I removed all the slides from the document except the one I needed and saved this slide as a separate presentation. Now we can make navigation buttons. It's very simple. Insert some shapes in the right place on the slide. To do this, go to the tab "Insert", "Shapes":

When adding buttons, we will immediately get a window in which we need to configure actions for switching to another document. That's why they are good. But here's what I haven't told you yet - after all, you can set up transitions not only on click, but also simply by hovering the mouse over an object. To do this, select the appropriate tab:

We then select our main presentation in File Explorer, just like in the previous examples. When we have chosen it, we will need to decide on the slide to which the transition will be made:

I chose the button control, but you can configure actions on any object. So, I have two buttons at the bottom of the page - "Forward" and "Back". This way I can get to the previous or next slide of the main presentation. Thus, everything will happen naturally for the viewer. Watch the video on how to set up hyperlinks:

How to jump to another slide in power point by clicking on a picture

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, if you understand. The program provides a wide range of settings. When you master them, you will be able to make high-quality informative materials. I wish you good luck, that's all for today, bye!

Data visualization

Savelyeva M.Yu.


After you have formed the informational part of the presentation, designed it, you need to configure

presentation to show.

Note. Presentation materials can also

print on paper or on a special film. But basically, all

it is understood that the presentation will be shown on

computer screen or on a special exhibition screen.

You need to finish the design by adding animation effects, video and sound bites to the presentation. It is necessary to rehearse the time for showing each slide, set up hyperlinks, think about how the show will be carried out - automatically in time, or the change of slides will be carried out manually by the speaker.


If you are going to show a presentation in automatic mode, it is very important to correctly set

timing of each slide. Time intervals should be such that, on the one hand, the audience has time to comprehend the information contained on the slide,

Data visualization

Savelyeva M.Yu.

and on the other hand, not too long, so that the slide does not “hang” on the screen for an unreasonably long time.

There are two options for setting temporary

intervals. The first one is the presentation rehearsal. Setting the time in this way starts the slide show in full screen mode. The amount of time spent on each slide is recorded. These

refuse them. To automatically set the time

team must be selected Time setting on the menu


Note. At this point, you need to be ready to launch

showing a presentation.

After selecting this command, the slides open in

full screen mode. The Rehearsal toolbar appears in the upper left corner, and the presentation time starts counting down in the Slide Time field.

3 - Slide time

4 - Repeat

5 - Total presentation time

After the time is set for the last

slide, a message box will be displayed containing the total presentation time and prompting you to do one of the following: save the recorded time

intervals (click the Yes button) or delete recorded time intervals (click the No button). The Slide Sorter view will open, displaying

the timing of each slide in the presentation. If you want to disable automatic slide transitions in a presentation that uses recorded timings

Data visualization

Savelyeva M.Yu.

Intervals on the Slide Show tab in the Customize group

uncheck Use recorded times.

Note. To re-enable temporary

slide intervals, check the box Use recorded


Time intervals can also be set

another way. To do this, it is advisable to switch to the slide sorter mode, in the Change slides area of ​​the Animation menu, check the box Automatic after and specify the display time in seconds. The specified time applies to the selected slide.


Slide animation (slide transitions).

Slide transitions are animation effects that appear when you change slides. Transitions control how a slide is displayed on the screen. Effect Speed

transitions between slides can be controlled. To set a slide transition, go to the menu

Animation and in the Transition to this slide group select

transition method. Button click Extra options() will open the entire list of effects.

When you hover over the icon with

effect image, the selected transition effect will be shown on the current slide. Clicking the View button does the same.

To apply the effect, click on

corresponding icon. To apply the selected

effect to several slides at the same time, you need

select these slides (you can use the slides area, the structure area or the sorter mode to do this)

slides) and select an effect. To apply the effect to all slides in the presentation, you can simply click on the button Apply to all in group Jump to this


Data visualization

Savelyeva M.Yu.

List Transition speed in group Transition to this slide controls the speed of the effect.

The possible choices are Fast , Medium and Slow .

When choosing slide transitions, you should be guided by the rule:

use the same effect for all slides

transition, some slides (for example, title

slides that open a section, or slides to which you need to pay special attention) can be distinguished by some separate effect that is different from the rest;

it is preferable to use simple effects (appearance from above, to the left, etc.), for individual

slides that you want to pay attention to, you can apply more complex effects.

Animate objects on slides

Animation effects added to a presentation can bring a show to life and make it more interesting. But

it must be remembered that animation effects should be applied deliberately, not to use excessive

their quantity. Our perception works in this way

that when a moving object appears on the screen, all attention immediately switches to it. Therefore, animation effects should be used specifically to draw attention to certain aspects of the presentation,

but not for the entertainment of the audience. Using a large

number of moving objects reduces perception and

tires. Animation effects should not be many, and

they should not be too varied.

To customize the animation of objects on a slide, you can

use both built-in animation schemes and create your own schemes. An animation scheme defines the order in which objects appear on a slide and how they appear.

A well-established scheme should not impede the perception of information and lead attention in the right direction. In order to use the ready

animation scheme, you need to select an object on the slide, in

Hello dear blog readers! I have often seen many showcase their presentation in slide editing mode. That is, slides on the right side, and thumbnails on the left side. But this is not the right demo as there is neither animation nor full screen mode, which is somewhat inconvenient for the presenter. And one of the most popular questions for beginners is how to run a powerpoint presentation in full screen.

How to make a presentation in full screen

You can do this in several ways:

  1. by pressing the F5 button on your computer keyboard,
  2. by pressing the Start button on the Slide Show tab (or Slideshow in recent versions)

On a laptop the presentation starts when you press a key combination Fn+F5 from the first slide and to exit the full-screen demo mode, press the Esc key.

Slide Show tab in Microsoft PowerPoint

If you want to start the show from a specific slide, not from the first one, then select the desired slide in the thumbnail panel and options are also possible here:

  1. by clicking the From Current Slide button on the Slide Show tab, or by using a keyboard shortcut Shift+F5(or Slideshow in recent versions)
  2. In the lower right corner of the editor, click the "Slide Show" icon
Bottom edge of presentation editor screen

By the way, to show the presentation in a separate window go to the tab slide show in Demo settings and set the radio button to "User Controlled (window)". This way you can control the size of the demo window. Perhaps this option will also be useful to someone.

Work in slide show mode

There is no interface or dragee mouse pointer visible. The transition to the next slide can be done with the control buttons, moreover, in several ways:

  • press the left mouse button on the keyboard,
  • down arrow right arrow
  • space or Enter

To go back one slide: up or left arrow or backspace button.
The "Home" button will take us to the first slide, and the "End" button will take us to the last one.

Keyboard shortcuts for navigating slideshows

  • Change slide or transition to a new effect - left click, spacebar, "N" key, "Enter", "Page down", right arrow, down arrow
  • Show the previous slide or animation effect - "P", "Page Up" or "Backspace" key, left arrow, up arrow.
  • Jump to the specified slide - a number, then the enter button.
  • Dimming and Restoring - "B" or "." (dot).
  • Lightening and restoration - key "w" or "," (comma).
  • Completion of the show - the key "Esc"

If you move the mouse down to the left corner, a cursor and several buttons appear. The left and right arrows allow you to flip through the slides again. The next button is in the form of a pencil. Clicking on it will open a small list of additional tools. With their help, you can make notes on the slide during the demonstration.

Keyboard shortcuts for handwritten notes

  • Ctrl+P - replace the pointer with a pencil
  • Ctrl+A - Change the pointer to an arrow
  • Ctrl + E - replace the pointer with an eraser
  • Ctrl+M - show or hide handwritten notes
  • E - screen cleaning

Sometimes during the demonstration it is necessary to focus the attention of the audience on any element. You can point it with the mouse arrow, and if you press the "Ctrl" key together with the left mouse button, you will get the effect of a laser pointer.

Presenter View in PowerPoint

Above was an example of showing a presentation on one monitor or on two in duplication mode. If you are showing a presentation through a projector, then it is more appropriate to use the presenter mode in this case.

Here, the slide show is displayed on the projector, and on your monitor you also get the opportunity to see thumbnails of all your slides, notes for the slide being shown, the current time and a timer for your presentation time.

Monitor screen in speaker mode

You do not have to remember what should appear on the next screen, and you will be able to clearly control the timing of your speech.

In the latest version of Microsoft Word for on-screen viewing, you can launch Presenter View with a keyboard shortcut Alt+F5. It does not require a projector or a second monitor.

To enable this mode during your presentation, on the Slide Show tab, in the Monitors group, check the box and select the second monitor mode (marked with a red frame below in the figure)

Enable presenter mode

This mode can be enabled if an additional projector or another monitor is connected to the computer.

I hope that the last feature will greatly simplify your public speaking. And listeners will be satisfied. I wish you successful performances.

PS: Interesting facts about creating a presentation

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This lesson was created using PowerPoint 2007

Most users use the "F5" key to start a presentation in demo mode, or the "Slide Show" button, which is located in the lower right corner of the workspace of the PowerPoint program:

It's all right. But not many people use the additional settings that are included in the program. And these settings give additional tools to the developer and author when using the presentation in demo mode.

Advanced slideshow options are found in the Slide Show menu:

Menu "From the beginning" - equivalent to pressing the "F5" button on the keyboard;
"From Current Slide" - this option is equivalent to the "Slide Show" button

and starts the show from the slide that is currently open.

"Custom Show" allows you to set the logic of the slide show. This opens the "Specify Custom Display" dialog box. For the desired display sequence, we move the slides from the left side of the panel to the right. In the right panel (“Random Show Slides”), using the “up”, “down” arrows, we can sort the sequence of slides:

Demonstration setup. This window has many settings.

« Presenter driven (full screen)". This option is on by default. In this mode, the presentation is displayed in full screen. The presenter can scroll through the slides until the presentation is over.

« User controlled (window)". This mode provides the ability to resize the demo window and move the reduced window to the desired location on the monitor. Activating the "with scroll bar" option turns on the scroll bar on the right side of the screen.

"Automatic (full screen)". In this mode, it is not possible to change slides using the keyboard or mouse. Slides are changed either automatically at a specified time, or using the control buttons. The time can be set in the "Animation" menu, the "Slide Change" block, "Automatically After":

Or using the Time Setting menu:

In the "Display parameters" block, we can set:

  • "continuous loop until the Esc key is pressed - in this case, the demonstration will be repeated cyclically until the presenter presses the Esc key;
  • "Without speech accompaniment." If the presentation is accompanied by narration or musical accompaniment, what is done to create a self-reproducing presentation, which works without user intervention automatically, then using this checkbox you can turn off the sound. And work with the presentation as usual.
  • The "no animation" option disables animation effects on all slides.
  • The Pen Color option allows you to set the color of the pen, highlighter, or highlight that you can use when presenting your presentation:

The "Use hardware-accelerated rendering" option helps animations and slide transitions run more smoothly.

The "Slides" block of parameters allows you to set up slides for the demonstration: show everything in a row, show from some to some, or select "Custom show", which is configured in the "Custom show" menu (see at the beginning of the lesson).

The “Slide Change” block of parameters allows you to set up a demonstration either with a change of slides manually, or at a time specified in the slide change settings.

The "Multiple Monitors" option is designed to work with multiple screens. The speaker's laptop or computer is used as the second, and the second can be a projector showing a presentation to a large audience.

The next option in the Slide Show menu is Hide Slide. Before demonstrating the presentation, we can mark the slides that are currently undesirable during the presentation and click on the "Hide Slide" button.

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