Home Diseases and pests Nettle root useful properties. Application of the medicinal properties of nettle in medicine and cosmetology. The healing properties of nettle

Nettle root useful properties. Application of the medicinal properties of nettle in medicine and cosmetology. The healing properties of nettle

Stinging nettle is quite unpleasant to the touch, but oral pills without teeth have a moderately strong anti-inflammatory effect that can relieve a runny nose. Does not increase testosterone, despite the fact that it has been stated, although it may have a beneficial effect on prostate adenoma and pathological changes in urination.

Nettle properties

Also Known As: stinging nettle, nettle root, common nettle, stinging nettle (Ortica), stinging nettle (Tsuknida)

    Quite a few studies include numerous other plants besides nettle, so the observed beneficial effects cannot be attributed to stinging nettle alone.

    Presumably rubbing stinging nettle leaves into painful joints (although supplements are made from the roots due to the high levels of active ingredients) may help with joint pain


    Testosterone Boosting Means

Stinging nettle: application

120 mg stinging nettle (root) taken three times daily (360 mg total) has been linked to beneficial effects in BPH. For allergies, the studied dosage is 300 mg of lyophilized nettle leaves twice a day. The evidence is more reliable for nettle root and prostatic hypertrophy than for nettle leaves and allergies.

Sources and structure

Background information

Stinging nettle, also known as stinging nettle from the Nettle family, is a widespread herb often used for "men's health"; usually its beneficial effects are related to the prostate gland and urinary tract. Originally grown in Africa and parts of Asia, but today it is distributed in all temperate zones of the continents. Sometimes used to stimulate hair growth and lactation, and prevent uterine bleeding after childbirth.


As an herbal supplement, stinging nettle contains many nutrients. These include:

The active ingredient is beta-sitosterol; is a docosterol molecule after glucose is separated from it. There are some doubts whether it is an active molecule or not, since the total amount of beta-sitosterol is less than 0.01%, while the isolated beta-sitosterol has the most effective effect on the health of the prostate gland (the most widespread use of stinging nettle) at a dose above 60 mg.

6interactions with hormones


In a study of 558 patients with prostate adenoma, when measuring testosterone levels, no statistically significant differences were found between the experimental group and the control group, where 120 mg was taken three times a day. One rat study noted an increase in serum testosterone levels associated with stinging nettle, but all experimental groups also consumed testosterone. Stinging nettle further increased circulating testosterone levels, however, through inhibition of a5-reductase. In addition, the root of stinging nettle also contains aromatase inhibitors, which may explain this effect. In addition, lignans from stinging nettle come into conflict with sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and prevent their joint action with estrogens and androgens. A 10% aqueous-alcoholic extract can reduce the binding of dihydrotestosterone with SHBG to 67%, while a slightly less powerful effect is observed with respect to the aqueous extract. Inhibition is dose dependent in vitro. The isolated lignans retain their potency, inhibiting and even replacing dihydrotestosterone by SHBG up to 60% (secoisolariciresinol), 73% (enterofuran) and 95% (-) - 3,4-divanylyltetrahydrofuran). Stinging nettle is likely to increase testosterone levels, but one study in rats failed to answer this question, and the results from human studies remain negative. To date, there is no positive evidence that stinging nettle can increase testosterone levels.

5interactions with organ health


A large clinical study of 558 patients showed that stinging nettle was able to relieve the urinary difficulties (decreases in intensity) associated with prostate adenoma when taken at a dose of 120 mg daily three times a day. Stinging nettle is also able to reduce the size of the prostate gland, but at the same time does not have an effect (beneficial or negative) on the level of circulating testosterone. Similar results have been found in other studies, although they have been complicated by the presence of other nutrients, such as the fruit of the sabal or creeping saw. In studies in which the administration was continued outside the study period, the beneficial effect was observed over a long period of time without increasing side effects. At least in rats, relief from the decreased urinary rate was also observed with the secreted active substance, beta-sitosterol. This action may be associated with an extract of stinging nettle, which is able to act as a 5a-reductase inhibitor, preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, with an IC50 value in the range of 0.12-0.32 mg under laboratory conditions, depending on the extraction method (oil and alcoholic extracts have the greatest potency); approximately 10 times less active than finasteride. The size of the prostate can be reduced by inhibiting the prostatic conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Isolated beta-sitosterol has a potency similar to that of stinging nettle when increased to about 60 mg and may be an active ingredient in the prostate gland. The dose of beta-sitosterol found in stinging nettle is, however, lower than that indicated above. The related compounds campesterol, sigmasterol and stimast-4-en-3-one may also be active ingredients by inhibiting the prostatic sodium / potassium pump.

5interactions with inflammation


Stinging nettle has the ability to act as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor (1 and 2) and can also inhibit hematopoietic prostaglandin D2 synthase; three types of anti-inflammatory action. The IC50 value for COX inhibition is 160 +/- 47 μg / ml for COX-1 and 275 +/- 9 μg / ml for COX-2.

Local application

Several human studies have examined topical application of stinging nettle for its ability to relieve joint pain. One exploratory study (no intervention) indicated that topical application of stinging nettle was beneficial, while interventional double-blind studies on this issue were conflicting; stinging nettle leaves applied to the thumb were significantly more effective than placebo, while their effect on knee pain was not different from placebo. Better results compared to leaves have been obtained with stinging nettle root cream, but there is only one study for this.

Oral ingestion in vivo

One study in osteoarthritis that looked at the oral intake of stinging nettle and found beneficial effects was complicated by the simultaneous intake of fish oil. Mixed effects have been found for biomarkers of inflammation. One study noted a decrease in IL-6 when taken orally in type II diabetics, while another noted an increase in IL-6 when the baseline was below normal. In addition, the first study did not reveal a significant effect on TNF-a, while the latter noted a decreased secretion of TNF-a in response to lipopolysaccharides. It is possible that stinging nettle may have an immunostimulating effect, but at the moment this claim has no evidence. Has anti-inflammatory potential, but human studies are unsuccessful and vary too widely when compared to methods of use. More studies are needed with a constant, uniform dose.

Effects on the sinuses

Allergic rhinitis

Stinging nettle is used as a natural alternative to clear allergens from the sinuses. This application of stinging nettle is not associated with any side effects. One double-blind study looking at the effects of stinging nettle on allergic rhinitis found that a 600 mg dose was able to alleviate the side effects associated with allergic rhinitis, and that 48% of people considered it better than other over-the-counter medications (not shown). This action is due to anti-inflammatory mechanisms. In particular, stinging nettle is a histamine antagonist and inhibits mast cell tryptase; two mechanisms of action considered anti-allergenic. IC50 values ​​were 251 +/- 13 μg / ml (antagonism) and 193 +/- 71 μg / ml (negative agonism) for histamine receptor and 172 +/- 28 μg / ml for mast cell inhibition. Other anti-inflammatory effects of stinging nettle, such as inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2, may also explain the action against sinusitis.

Safety and toxicology

General information

The 50% lethal dose of an aqueous extract of stinging nettle in the form of an injection is 1.72 g / kg of body weight; it rises to 1.93 g / kg when using the root extract. Oral ingestion of 1.31 g / kg was well tolerated in rats.

Allergic reactions and irritation

Stinging nettle leaves are called stinging nettles because they burn when touched to the skin. The leaves mechanically irritate the skin, and the body responds by releasing factors that cause itching, dermatitis (rash) and hives (rash) after a few seconds. The leaves also contain various chemical irritants such as 5-hydroxytryptamine, acetylcholine, histamine, formic acid, and leukotrienes. For the most part, temporary contact with stinging nettle is harmless, although it causes irritation. Despite the irritation, traditional medicine is to apply stinging nettle leaves to painful joints to relieve pain. Three studies have looked at this application with mixed results. Subjects reported that the leaves were irritating, but not to the extent that it was considered a deterrent.

: Tags

List of used literature:

Nahata A, Dixit VK. Ameliorative effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in rats. Andrologia. (2012)

Most people treat nettles as a weed, which, in addition to clogging up the garden, also burns the skin. But not many people know that already 2 thousand years ago, many useful properties of this plant were proven. The most pronounced beneficial properties include the following:

  • Hypotensive.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Blood purifier.
  • Antibacterial.

Nettle is rich in valuable trace elements, it includes:

  • Amino acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Vitamins of groups C, B, A, D, K, as well as ascorbic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Manganese.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Antioxidants

Nettle root for prostatitis treatment

For the first time, the beneficial properties of nettle rhizomes were discovered by German medical scientists who were looking for effective methods of combating prostate adenoma with the help of available drugs. When the roots of this amazing plant were tested, the results were amazing.

The effect of nettle rhizomes on men's health has been shown to improve urology outcomes, including a decrease in nighttime urination and complete emptying of the bladder when using the toilet.

After the discovery of German scientists, information about the properties of nettle went out to the masses and they began to use it everywhere, not only for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs, but also in folk medicine for the manufacture of tinctures and powders.

Are Nettle Root Infusions Really Helpful for Prostatitis?

The same German scientists conducted research and found out whether the nettle root can really get rid of a male ailment, or at least alleviate its course. To do this, they invited a group of men suffering from this disease, and suggested that they regularly consume nettle infusion for a month. After a month, they received a lot of positive feedback from these men. Among the positive aspects, the men highlighted the following:

  1. Significant reduction in pain.
  2. Strengthening a single urination and reducing the number of urges to go to the toilet.

Medical examination revealed the following positive effects:

  • Decrease in the percentage of infectious pathogens.
  • Relaxation of the muscular structure of the penis.

Indications and contraindications for use

A lot has been said above about the beneficial properties of nettle, both for getting rid of prostatitis and for improving overall health. But it is worth pointing out that, despite the huge number of positive properties, nettle has a number of contraindications for use.

Nettle possesses hemostatic action, with its use, blood clotting increases due to the large amount of vitamin K. Therefore, those men who are prone to thrombophlebitis should consult with specialists before starting treatment for nettle diseases. Indeed, otherwise, there is a high risk of blood clots, and this can lead to quite negative consequences.

In addition, nettle should be used with caution by people suffering from high blood pressure and kidney disease. If suddenly a pregnant woman decides to improve her immunity with a decoction of nettle, then she should know in advance that this can lead to an unexpected contraction of the uterus. Therefore, pregnant women are 100% contraindicated nettle.

In addition to contraindications, there are also side effects with prolonged or improper use of nettle. So, for example, if used incorrectly, sharp pains in the abdomen can occur. Frequent skin manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of burning, redness or itching. But this is more of an individual character.

Instructions and how to properly apply nettle root to treat prostatitis

Infusion recipe

To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to cut nettle roots not too finely and fill them with vodka or diluted up to 40% alcohol. This remedy is insisted for about three weeks. After preparation of the product, it should be taken in a couple of teaspoons 3 times a day on an empty stomach. This method is able to quickly relieve a man of prostatitis.

Powder recipe

To prepare the powder, place the nettle roots in a coffee grinder and grind them there. It is allowed to add a small amount of sage or chamomile herb and thyme seed to the resulting powder, such a mixture will help not only get rid of a painful disease, but also significantly raise immunity. The finished powder is diluted with ordinary drinking water and taken orally two to three times a day.

Which of the two recipes to choose, it is up to the man to decide, depending on the neglect of the disease. A newly appeared ailment can be easily cured by preparing a powder. The neglected form of prostatitis is best treated with infusion.

But when resorting to treatment at home, you always need to remember that a doctor's consultation is necessary, at least in order to identify the severity of the disease and contraindications when taking certain infusions and powders prepared at home.

Summing up, we can conclude that if there are no contraindications to the use of nettle inside, then you can safely try it as a treatment for prostatitis.

Nettle is a herbaceous perennial plant of the nettle family. This medicinal plant has long been used as diuretic, wound healing, tonic, expectorant and vitamin remedy.

In folk medicine, nettle leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, and roots are traditionally used. Nettle seeds help with kidney stones and stomach pains, and the infusion of its flowers is effective for skin diseases.

Indications for the use of nettle root

In folk medicine, nettle root is an indispensable remedy for treating a large number of diseases. It is used for the following diseases, as well as pathological conditions of the body:

  • high temperature as an antipyretic agent;
  • kidney stones;
  • acne;
  • cholecystitis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • anemia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach, as well as the duodenum;
  • bleeding, etc.

Nettle root description

Nettle root in folk medicine is used fresh or dried. This plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • Stimulates the production of interferons by the body that protect it from viruses;
  • It has a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • Heals wounds;
  • It has an expectorant effect;
  • It is a tonic and stimulant;
  • It has a hemostatic effect, therefore it is useful for gastrointestinal, pulmonary, as well as nasal and uterine bleeding;
  • Purifies the blood.

Nettle root properties

Nettle root reduces blood sugar and normalizes metabolic processes, so it is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of diabetes.

It also produces an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the bronchi due to its expectorant effect, helps the body fight viruses, heals wounds, has a choleretic and diuretic effect.


Nettle root contains the following components:

  • Vitamin K, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases blood clotting.
  • Vitamin C, which in nettle contains even more than currants, has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and cardiovascular system.
  • A large number of chlorophyll providing anti-radiation effect;
  • Bioflavonoids relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi and helping with asthma;
  • Calcium and Potassium normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Mode of application

A tablespoon or two sachets of the product are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which they insist for half an hour. Take the resulting broth should be half a glass several times a day. The same broth can be used externally.


Since nettle root affects the blood, it is contraindicated in people with thick blood, increased blood clotting, as well as those who suffer from thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. In addition, taking decoctions from nettle root is not recommended for kidney disease, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Where can I buy?

You can order and buy nettle root at an affordable price in our online store. The courier will deliver the goods to your address in Moscow or the Moscow region. In other regions, we send the goods by mail. In the capital, nettle root and other medicinal herbs are also sold in the Russian roots phyto-pharmacies. We'd love to hear from you!

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Good day, dear guests and friends of the blog! Nettle is known to everyone as a weed that unpleasantly stings and clogs flower and vegetable beds. But the villagers from time immemorial have added it to their diet and food of pets, knowing that the grass will give strength, make it hardy. The beauties understood that there was no better remedy for hair loss. Rural healers generously used the plant for treatment. What else is the nettle herb famous for, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which will be discussed in the article?

Today it is difficult to say who was the first to highly appreciate the plant. According to the information that has come down to us, the benefits of the herb were well described by the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates. The works of his compatriot Dioscorides deserve more respect; the hemostatic qualities of the plant were in great demand among a military doctor.

Nettle belongs to herbs, drugs on the basis of which are used in official medicine. In some foreign countries, she is credited with antineoplastic properties, and is revered as an expectorant. Its ability to restore hemoglobin and activate carbohydrate and metabolic processes has been experimentally proven.

Created on its basis, Prostaforthon and Basoton are used as anti-cancer agents. Wounds and burns are treated with urtifilin. The famous Allocholus owes some of its popularity to nettle, the extract from which is used as one of the active ingredients.

The reason for the demand for a plant in a unique composition. Young nettle leads in the content of vitamin C, twice exceeding its amount in currants, and the recognized standard - lemon is four times inferior. A few more facts about this plant can pleasantly surprise you:

  1. In terms of iron content, grass leaves behind even some iron-containing medications.
  2. Nettle boasts a high carotene content, there is more of it than carrots or sea buckthorn.
  3. The plant contains large amounts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and iodine. It holds high positions in terms of the content of vitamin B1, B2, PP. The daily dose of vitamin A will be provided by 20 leaves of the miracle plant.

Nettle is used to treat almost all diseases, but the following medicinal properties are most in demand:

  • used to stop bleeding, including uterine bleeding,
  • diuretic and choleretic effects,
  • purifies the blood
  • used as an anti-inflammatory agent,
  • restores the work of female genital organs, mucous membranes of internal organs,
  • reduces sugar content,
  • accelerates regenerative processes.

Despite such high characteristics, the plant can greatly harm health. Doctors strongly advise against using nettle for food or as a medicine for people prone to blood clots, for pregnant women. In all other cases, no contraindications are observed.

All nettles are recognized as healing, dioecious is considered the most common. Not to be confused, deaf nettles do not belong to this category. All parts of the nettle are medicinal. But the biggest hopes are in the leaves.

Nettle leaves

When preparing medicinal compositions, freshly cut leaves or dried material are used. Grass is harvested at the time of flowering, starting in spring and all summer.

May nettle is especially valuable and has a high vitamin reserve. Among its advantages, the fact that it does not thicken the blood is distinguished. Leaves are dried separately from the stems, the latter lower the quality of the material, affect the preservation of chlorophyll.

Folk recipes (on vodka, tincture, tea, broth):

  • Infusion. Put 1 tbsp in a glass. a spoonful of dry leaves, pour boiling water. In a quarter of an hour, the medicine is ready. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. Indications: internal bleeding, rheumatism, urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, gout, colic, for stool normalization, edema.
  • Broth. Place 1 tbsp. spoon of nettle, pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil. Simmer for a quarter of an hour. Take a tablespoon of your drink before meals. Infusion treat nosebleeds and cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease.
  • Vodka tincture is a good alternative to fresh leaves. Nettle is cut, placed in a glass container, poured with vodka at the rate of 10 parts of liquid per 1 part of grass. They insist for fourteen days without access to the sun. They are filtered, the tincture is ready for use. It is taken orally, used to wipe painful joints, wounds and bruises.
  • In case of sore throat and the need to strengthen the gums, rinse them with a decoction of 50 g of dry grass, filled with a glass of boiling water.
  • Prepare an effective cough remedy from the flowers of the plant. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon and leave for half an hour. Drink like tea.

Nettle juice: medicinal properties

The juice contains all the medicinal constituents of the plant in a concentrated form. Therefore, in the spring and in the summer they use it. It is obtained from plant leaves through a juicer or meat grinder followed by squeezing.

It can be left in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, if necessary, it is frozen for a long time in the freezer. The cake obtained after the juice is used for taking baths. The juice is used as a medicine and for prophylactic purposes. Recipes:

  • Mix a liter of honey with 600 g of juice and get an excellent vitamin drink. Take three times a day to boost immunity, as a natural energy drink in treating diseases. Dose: teaspoon.
  • Place the leaves and herbal tops in a 1-liter jar without sealing. Add water, leave for 10 hours. Add the juice obtained after pressing to compotes and teas as an anti-allergic, blood-restoring composition.
  • To speed up the healing of wounds, pressure sores and boils, apply juice-moistened swabs to the wounds.
  • To get rid of kidney stones, drink 50 g of fresh juice in several doses every day.
  • To restore the sense of smell, drip the juice into the nose.

Nettle seeds

Plant seeds, in addition to medicinal components, are distinguished by a high content of essential components. Nettle seed oil is used to lubricate joints, places of radiculitis pain and bruises, treat fractures and sprains.

To prepare a medicinal potion, grind the seeds in a mortar, pour twice by weight with vegetable oil and leave for 10 days without access to the sun. The medicine keeps well in the refrigerator.

Nettle roots

Harvesting of the roots is done in the fall. Dug up and peeled, they are dried in attics or laid out on paper. With prolonged exposure to air, the quality deteriorates, so dry rhizomes are immediately placed in cardboard boxes or canvas bags. For treatment, decoctions and tinctures are made. Several recipes:

  1. For a chronic cough, try stinging nettle jam. Chop the herb finely and cook in sugar or honey syrup. Admission rate: a tablespoon of jam 3 times a day.
  2. Treat gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, fever with a tincture, which is prepared in advance. Grind 2 tablespoons of the root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave to infuse for a week. For treatment, 30 drops are enough 3 times a day. The tincture helps with sciatica, boils and joint pain.

Nettle for hair

The benefits of nettle for hair have been appreciated for a long time and the simplest and most effective natural herbal preparation has not yet been found. It's nice that the plant is free and affordable. After several weeks of application, not only does hair loss stop, it becomes strong and fluffy. Dandruff, itching and seborrhea go away, a healthy shine appears.

Several miraculous recipes are offered to your attention:

  1. For better hair growth, rub the juice of a young plant into the scalp.
  2. The decoction will help the hair gain strength. For cooking 3 tbsp. pour spoons of herbs with boiling water. After half an hour, you can rinse your hair.
  3. To strengthen the hair, rub the tincture into the roots with gentle massaging movements daily using cotton pads, taking care not to damage the structure. To prepare the composition, take 2 tablespoons of dry or 250 g of fresh foliage, pour boiling water over and leave for seven hours.

Video - nettle herb useful properties for hair, rinse

Nettle tea

Nettle-based teas have a therapeutic effect, are used as prophylactic agents, multivitamin drinks, to reduce nervous excitement. Add honey and sugar to taste. The herb saturated with vitamins generously gives them to the liquid when poured with boiling water.

The recipe is the same as for ordinary tea. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried herbs, pour boiling water, after half an hour the tea is ready. Drink twice a day.

Useful properties for women

Despite the fact that nettle is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, the herb perfectly solves women's problems:

  • Baby's health is directly related to breastfeeding. In order to increase lactation, it is useful to take nettle juice, you can mix it with honey and milk.
  • The infusion will help relieve pain and reduce bleeding during menstruation. Take half a tablespoon each of agave and nettle. Pour a glass of boiling water over. Simmer for two minutes over low heat, set aside for an hour. Divide the resulting drink into four doses before meals.
  • With heavy periods, freshly squeezed juice helps, take it three times a day, a teaspoonful before meals. Nettle teas help well, they can be drunk up to three a day. As a result, not only bleeding decreases, but also the level of hemoglobin increases, a diuretic effect is observed.
  • Erosion of the cervix is ​​treated with tampons soaked in plant sap. They are left for an hour. Douching is performed in parallel. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks.
  • Thrush is treated with douching, for the preparation of the medicine, take 20 g of chamomile and nettle and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes.

Useful properties for men

If purely male problems arise, the seeds of a miracle plant will help. There are several treatment recipes:

  • The prepared medicine is divided into three doses. Pour a tablespoon of rhizomes with 300 g of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes, insist for half an hour. Take before meals for two months.
  • Seeds will also help with prostatitis. A teaspoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, taken as tea half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal.
  • To increase the potency, 20 g of seeds are insisted on red wine for a week, taken in a tablespoon as a tincture.

Video - green nettle cocktail

I hope that the above information will make you stop near a small plant, remember its benefits and take the medicinal assistant to your home. You will not regret. The plant is really priceless, it helps with almost all diseases.

Leaving the page, leave comments and do not forget to share the article on the medicinal properties and contraindications of nettle with your friends on social networks. Be healthy.

Perennial herbaceous dioecious plant from the nettle family, 70-150 cm high, with a powerful long creeping rhizome. Stem erect, branching in the upper part, slightly obtuse tetrahedral. Leaves are opposite, cordate, simple, serrate, petiolate, with large stipules. The whole plant is covered with long, stinging hairs. The flowers are greenish, small, unisexual, collected in drooping inflorescences. Fruits are ovoid nuts, embedded in the remaining perianth. Blooms from mid-June to autumn.

It is found in forest clearings, burnt-out areas, wastelands, in ravines, near dwellings, mainly in forest and forest-steppe zones.

Stinging nettle is a valuable multivitamin. In young leaves, ascorbic acid is twice as much as in its well-known source - black currant fruits, and the carotene content is higher than in sea buckthorn berries, carrot roots, and sorrel leaves.

Nettle preparations accelerate the process of blood coagulation, increase the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, improve metabolism, lower blood sugar, normalize the menstrual cycle, tone the muscles of the uterus and intestines, have anti-inflammatory and epithelial effects. They are used for various internal bleeding (uterine, intestinal, pulmonary, renal), halo and avitaminosis, anemia, subserous fibroids and weak involution of the uterus in the postpartum period, menopause, the initial stages of diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, habitual constipation. Outwardly, nettle is used as a gargle for sore throat, gingivostomatitis, periodontal disease and rubbing for baldness and seborrhea of ​​the head.

The leaves are part of the multivitamin, gastric and laxative preparations and the complex preparation of allochol.

In folk medicine, nettle was already known in the 17th century. Water infusion (daily dose of 3 tablespoons of chopped herbs for 2 cups of boiling water) is used for liver and biliary tract diseases, bleeding, anemia, dropsy, constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, hysteria, epilepsy, fever, menstrual disorders, obesity, poor milk flow in nursing mothers.
A decoction of roots and rhizomes is recommended to drink as a blood purifier for acne, skin rashes, boils, helminthic invasions. Water nastoy flowers as an expectorant for coughs, bronchitis.

A strong infusion of leaves is used for lotions for wounds, ulcers and burns, washing and rubbing for acne, lichen, dandruff, hair loss. A decoction of the whole plant is used for compresses for tumors. The juice of fresh leaves is instilled into the nose for bleeding. Brooms made of pre-boiled nettle are steamed in baths for back pain and articular rheumatism. Powder from dry leaves is sprinkled with abscesses and ulcers.

Nettle is widely used for making salads, soups, borscht, pickles

Treatment of diseases

Nettle root is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Haemorrhoids
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Dropsy
  • Hysteria
  • Worms
  • Epilepsy
  • Constipation
  • Seborrhea
  • Anemia
  • Furunculosis
  • Bronchitis
  • Furuncle
  • Bronchitis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • Hysteria
  • Dropsy
  • Seborrhea
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Anemia
  • Epilepsy
  • Worms
  • Constipation
  • Furuncle
  • Furunculosis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Dropsy
  • Hysteria
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • Worms
  • Epilepsy
  • Constipation
  • Seborrhea
  • Anemia
  • Furunculosis
  • Bronchitis
  • Furuncle
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Dropsy
  • Hysteria
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • Worms
  • Epilepsy
  • Constipation
  • Seborrhea
  • Anemia
  • Furunculosis
  • Bronchitis
  • Furuncle

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