Home Diseases and pests Lobov Oleg Ivanovich: biography, date of birth and death, family, political career, awards and titles. Oleg lobov at the direction of Lobov oleg ivanovich biography

Lobov Oleg Ivanovich: biography, date of birth and death, family, political career, awards and titles. Oleg lobov at the direction of Lobov oleg ivanovich biography

(and about.)

Successor: Yegor Timurovich Gaidar (acting) January 23 - July 9 Predecessor: Anatoly Alexandrovich Mekhrentsev Successor: Vladimir Mikhailovich Vlasov May - January Predecessor: Leonid Fedorovich Bobykin Successor: Victor Mitrofanovich Manyukhin Religion: Birth: September 7th(1937-09-07 ) (Age 81)
the city of Kiev,
Ukrainian SSR Death: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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Oleg I. Lobov(born September 7, Kiev) - Soviet and Russian statesman, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR (April-November 1991), in fact and. O. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in September-November 1991, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation - Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation (April-September 1993), Secretary (1993-1996), First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (June-August 1996) ...


Born in 1937 in Kiev, his father is the chief engineer of the Kiev Dairy Plant. In 1960 he graduated and was sent to Sverdlovsk, to the Uralgiprokhim design institute, where he worked as an engineer, then as a senior engineer and chief designer of the department. In 1963-1965 he worked as the head of the construction department at the UralpromstroyNIIproekt institute, in 1965-1966 - again in Uralgiprokhim in a similar position, in 1966 he again moved to UralpromstroyNIIproekt, where in 1969 he became the chief engineer. In December 1971 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

In August 1972, Lobov switched to party work and was appointed deputy head of the construction department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. In April 1975, the head of the construction department, Boris Yeltsin, was promoted to the secretary of the regional committee for construction, and Lobov took over his post. A year and a half later, in October 1976, Yeltsin became the 1st secretary of the regional committee, and Lobov was appointed head of the Glavsreduralstroy trust. In June 1982, he returned to the regional committee as secretary for construction, from May 1983 - 2nd secretary of the regional committee. In January 1985, he was elected chairman of the regional executive committee to replace the sudden death of Anatoly Mekhrentsev.

In July 1987 he was transferred to Moscow as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Over the next ten years, Lobov was four times a member of the governments of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. In January 1989 he returned to party work and was appointed second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. In June 1990, at the founding congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, he ran for the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, but lost the election to Ivan Polozkov. Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1990-1991).

From April 19 to November 15, 1991 - First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR (re-appointed on July 15, 1991). During the August 1991 events, he headed the reserve composition of the Council of Ministers in Sverdlovsk. After the resignation of head of government Ivan Silaev (September 26, 1991) Lobov actually acted as chairman of the RSFSR Council of Ministers until the formation of a "reform government" headed by Yeltsin on November 6 and the resignation of the RSFSR Council of Ministers on November 15, 1991.

From November 1991 to September 1992 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR (in fact, under the President of the RSFSR, since Boris N. Yeltsin personally headed the government). Since September 2, 1992 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 1991, he headed the so-called "Russian-Japanese University", which maintained ties with Shoko Asahara and his sect Aum Shinrikyo. According to doctor Ikuo Hayashi, the documentation for the production of sarin for the sarin attack in the Tokyo subway was purchased in 1993 in Russia from Lobov. According to him, the members of the sect paid Oleg Lobov about 10 million yen (or 79 thousand dollars) for the technology of making sarin. His testimony was confirmed by the "intelligence chief" of the sect Yoshihiro Inoue, who admitted that the gas could not have been produced without Lobov's help.

On April 15, 1993, he entered the government for the third time, becoming First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation. Less than six months later, on September 18, he was removed from the government and appointed secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He was actively involved in the "Chechen issue", at the same time being (from August 29, 1995 to August 10, 1996) the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic.

On June 18, 1996, he was returned to the government, becoming for a short time the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. On August 14, 1996, during the formation of the “second government of Chernomyrdin,” he was demoted to the “usual” deputy chairman of the government, and on March 17, 1997, he was dismissed.

After leaving the Government of the Russian Federation, he was engaged in business, organized two companies - the Republican Innovation Company "RINCO" and "CenterEKOMMASH". Currently - President of the Association for International Cooperation.

Participation in the work of elected central authorities

  • member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1990-1991)
  • Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR XI convocation (since February 1985)
  • People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991), Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1990-1991)
  • Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR X convocation
  • Delegate to the XXVI and XXVII Congresses of the CPSU and the XIX All-Union Party Conference


The decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of April 19, 1991 and the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of 15 July 1991 on the appointment of O. I. Lobov as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR formally determined Lobov's powers as the “first” deputy. However, in official use, Lobov's position did not include the definition of “first”. For example, in the resolutions of the Council of Ministers Lobov instead of “first deputy” was signed by “deputy”.

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Notes (edit)

  1. // Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - 1991, No. 48, Art. 1662
  2. ... Retrieved April 23, 2016.
  3. for the fulfillment of civic duty in the defense of democracy and the constitutional order on August 19-21, 1991, a great contribution to the implementation of democratic reforms, strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples,


  • A. V. Sushkov, S. L. Razinkov Ekaterinburg: Bank of cultural information, 2003.S. 132-135.


An excerpt characterizing Lobov, Oleg Ivanovich

- People like you? - I asked with a smile.
- Oh, no, of course! I probably got here by mistake. - Quite sincerely said the little girl. - Do you know what is most interesting? From this “floor” we can walk everywhere, but from others no one can get here ... Is it really interesting? ..
Yes, it was very strange and very excitingly interesting for my "hungry" brain, and I so wanted to know more! .. Maybe because until that day no one really explained anything to me, but just sometimes someone that he gave something (as, for example, my "star friends"), and therefore, even such a simple childish explanation already made me unusually happy and made me dig even more furiously in my experiments, conclusions and mistakes ... as usual, finding in everything that was happening even more incomprehensible. My problem was what to do or create “unusual” I could very easily, but the whole trouble was that I also wanted to understand how I create it all ... ...
- And the rest of the "floors"? Do you know how many there are? Are they completely different, unlike this one? .. - unable to stop, I impatiently bombarded Stella with questions.
- Oh, I promise you, we will definitely go there for a walk! You will see how interesting it is! .. Only there it is dangerous too, especially in one. There are such monsters walking! .. And people are not very pleasant either.
- I think I have already seen similar monsters, - remembering something, I said not very confidently. - Look ...
And I tried to show her the first astral beings I met in my life who attacked the drunken dad of little Vesta.
- Oh, so it's the same! Where did you see them? On the ground?!..
- Well, yes, they came when I was helping a good little girl to say goodbye to her dad ...
- So, they come to the living too? .. - my girlfriend was very surprised.
“I don’t know, Stella. I still know almost nothing at all ... And I would so much like not to walk in the dark and not learn everything only by "touch" ... or from my experience, when they are constantly "hit on the head" for this ... What do you think , would your grandmother teach me something too? ..
- I don’t know ... You should probably ask her about it yourself?
The girl thought deeply about something, then laughed loudly and said cheerfully:
- It was so funny when I just started "creating" !!! Oh, you would know how funny and funny it was! .. At first, when everyone “left” me, it was very sad, and I cried a lot ... I didn’t know where they were, and my mother and brother. .. I didn't know anything yet. It was then, apparently, that my grandmother felt sorry for me and she began to teach me a little. And ... oh, what happened! .. At first, I was constantly falling through somewhere, creating all the "topsy-turvy" and my grandmother had to watch me almost all the time. And then I learned ... It's even a pity, because now she comes less often ... and I'm afraid that someday she may not come at all ...
For the first time I saw how sad sometimes this little lonely girl is, despite all these amazing worlds she created! .. And no matter how happy and kind she was "from birth", she still remained only very small, all relatives of an unexpectedly abandoned child who was terrified that the only native person - her grandmother - would also one day leave her ...
- Oh, please, don't think so! - I exclaimed. - She loves you so much! And she will never leave you.
- No ... she said that we all have our own lives, and we must live it as each of us is destined ... It's sad, isn't it?
But Stella, apparently, simply could not be in a sad state for a long time, since her face again lit up with joy, and she asked in a completely different voice:
- Well, let's look further, or have you already forgotten everything?
- Well, of course we will! - as if just waking up from a dream, now I answered more readily.
I couldn’t say with certainty that I at least really understand something. But it was incredibly interesting, and some Stellina's actions were already becoming clearer than they were at the very beginning. The baby focused for a second, and we again ended up in France, as if starting from exactly the same moment where we had recently stopped ... Again there was the same rich crew and the same beautiful couple who could not possibly be talking about something to agree ... Finally, completely desperate to prove something to his young and capricious lady, the young man leaned back in the regularly swaying seat and said sadly:
- Well, be it in your opinion, Margarita, I don't ask for your help anymore ... Although, God alone knows who else could help me see Her? change? .. And does this mean that we are not friends now?
The girl just smiled tightly and again turned to the window ... She was very beautiful, but it was a cruel, cold beauty. The impatient and, at the same time, bored expression, frozen in her radiant, blue eyes, showed how much she wanted to end this drawn-out conversation as soon as possible.
The carriage pulled up near a beautiful large house, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.
- Goodbye, Axel! - easily fluttering out, she said coldly in a worldly manner. - And let me finally give you some good advice - stop being a romantic, you are no longer a child! ..
The crew set off. A young man named Axel stared at the road and whispered to himself sadly:
- My merry "daisy", what happened to you? .. Is this really all that remains of us, having matured?! ..
The vision disappeared and another appeared ... It was the same young man named Axel, but around him lived a completely different, amazingly beautiful "reality", which looked more like some kind of fake, improbable dream ...
Thousands of candles sparkled dizzily in the huge mirrors of some fairytale hall. Apparently, it was someone's very rich palace, perhaps even a royal one ... An incredible multitude of dressed guests stood, sat and walked in this wonderful hall, dazzlingly smiling at each other and, from time to time, as one , looking back at the heavy, gilded door, expecting something. Somewhere quietly music was playing, lovely ladies, one more beautiful than the other, fluttered like multi-colored butterflies under the admiring glances of equally stunningly dressed men. Everything around sparkled, sparkled, shone with reflections of various precious stones, silks rustled softly, huge intricate wigs, strewn with fabulous flowers, swayed coquettishly ...
Axel stood leaning against the marble column and with an absent gaze watched all this brilliant, bright crowd, remaining completely indifferent to all its charms, and it was felt that, like everyone else, he was expecting something.
Finally, everything around began to move, and this whole splendidly dressed crowd, as if by magic, split into two parts, forming exactly in the middle of a very wide, "ballroom" passage. And along this passage, an absolutely amazing woman was slowly moving ... Or rather, a couple was moving, but the man next to her was so simple-minded and inconspicuous that, despite his magnificent clothes, his whole appearance was simply blurred next to his amazing partner.
The beautiful lady looked like spring - her blue dress was completely embroidered with bizarre birds of paradise and amazing, silvery-pink flowers, and whole garlands of real fresh flowers rested in a fragile pink cloud on her silky, intricately styled, ashy hair. Many strands of delicate pearls wrapped around her long neck, and literally glowed, shaded by the extraordinary whiteness of her amazing skin. Huge sparkling blue eyes looked kindly at the people around her. She smiled happily and was stunningly beautiful ...

French Queen Marie Antoinette

Right there, standing aside from everyone, Axel literally transformed! .. The bored young man somewhere, in the blink of an eye, disappeared, and instead of him ... there was a living embodiment of the most beautiful feelings on earth, which literally "devoured" with a glowing gaze a beautiful lady approaching him ...
- Oh-oh-oh ... how beautiful she is! .. - Stella breathed enthusiastically. - She is always so beautiful! ..
- Have you seen her many times? - I asked with interest.
- Oh yeah! I go to look at her very often. She's like spring, isn't she?
- And you know her? .. Do you know who she is?
- Of course! .. She is a very unhappy queen, - the little girl was slightly sad.
- Why unhappy? For me, so very happy, - I was surprised.
- It's just now ... And then she will die ... She will die very scary - her head will be cut off ... But I don't like to watch this, - Stella whispered sadly.
Meanwhile, the beautiful lady caught up with our young Axel and, seeing him, froze for a moment from surprise, and then, blushing charmingly, smiled at him very sweetly. For some reason, I had the impression that the world around these two people froze for a moment ... As if for some very short moment nothing and no one existed for them except for the two of them ... But the lady moved on , and the magical moment disintegrated into thousands of short moments, which intertwined between these two people in a strong sparkling thread, so as not to let them go ever again ...
Axel stood completely stunned and, again not noticing anyone around, followed his beautiful lady with his gaze, and his conquered heart slowly left with her ... inviting smiles.

Count Axel Fersen Marie Antoinette

As a man, Axel was, as they say, “both inside and outside” very attractive. He was tall and graceful, with huge serious gray eyes, always amiable, restrained and modest, which attracted both women and men alike. His correct, serious face rarely lit up with a smile, but if this happened, then at such a moment Axel became simply irresistible ... Therefore, it was completely natural for the attention of the charming female half to him, but, to their general regret, Axel was only interested in one creature in the whole wide world - his irresistible, beautiful queen ...
- Will they be together? - I could not resist. - They are both so beautiful! ..
Stella just smiled sadly, and immediately "plunged" us into the next "episode" of this unusual, and something very touching story ...
We found ourselves in a very cozy, fragrant with flowers, small summer garden. Around, as far as the eye could see, a magnificently well-groomed, luxurious park decorated with many statues was green, and in the distance was a stunningly huge stone palace, like a small city. And among all this "grandiose", a little oppressive, surrounding grandeur, only this garden, completely protected from prying eyes, created a feeling of real comfort and some kind of warm, "home" beauty ...
Strengthened by the warmth of a summer evening, the air was filled with dizzyingly sweet smells of blossoming acacia trees, roses and something else that I could not identify. Above the clean surface of a small pond, as in a mirror, huge cups of pale pink water lilies and snow-white "fur coats" of lazy, already ready for sleep, regal swans were reflected. A beautiful young couple walked along a small, narrow path around the pond. Somewhere in the distance, music was heard, cheerful female laughter was playing with bells, the joyful voices of many people sounded, and only for these two the world stopped right here, in this small corner of the earth, where at that moment only for them the tender voices of birds sounded; only for them a playful, light breeze rustled in rose petals; and only for them for a moment helpfully stopped time, giving them the opportunity to be together - just a man and a woman who came here to say goodbye, not even knowing if it would not be forever ...
The lady was charming and somehow "airy" in her modest, white, embroidered with small green flowers, summer dress. Her lovely ashen hair was tied back with a green ribbon, making her look like a lovely forest fairy. She looked so young, pure and modest that I did not immediately recognize in her that majestic and brilliant beauty queen, whom I saw just a few minutes ago in all her magnificent "ceremonial" beauty.

The prominent Soviet and Russian statesman received his first notoriety during the liquidation of the consequences of the devastating earthquake in the Armenian city of Spitak. Oleg Ivanovich Lobov in the most difficult years of the "Chechen conflict" was the secretary of the Security Council and the presidential representative in the Chechen Republic. He made a great contribution to the formation of Russian statehood, having worked in the government of the country for ten years.

The beginning of the biography

Oleg Ivanovich Lobov was born into a family of employees on September 7, 1937 in the city of Kiev. My father worked as the chief engineer of a local dairy plant. After graduating from high school, the young man went to Rostov-on-Don, where he entered the Institute of Railway Engineers

On assignment he was sent to Sverdlovsk, where he began work as an engineer at the Uralgiprokhim design institute. A competent specialist was noticed and gradually began to assign more and more important tasks and to be promoted. In 1963 he was appointed chief designer of the department.

In design organizations

In 1963-1965 he worked at another design institute in Sverdlovsk - "UralpromstroyNIIproekt". Then he returned to his native institute, where in 1969 he was appointed chief engineer. Experts especially noted his work on the design and construction of the cold-rolling shop of the Verkh-Isetsky metallurgical plant, located in Sverdlovsk.

Oleg Ivanovich Lobov took responsibility for the processing of construction documentation, approval of changes with the customer, justification and protection at the head office in Moscow. He was distinguished by a rational, pragmatic approach to solving construction issues when designing industrial complexes and residential buildings. In 1971 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, was engaged in research and implementation of pile foundations in Siberia.

At party work

An excellent engineer was noticed by the regional party leadership. In 1972, a new period began in the work biography of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov. An experienced builder was invited to work in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU as deputy head of the construction department. His immediate superior was the future first Russian president.

When Yeltsin went for a promotion in 1975, Lobov took over his former department head. He managed to improve relations with his boss, while he did not copy the style of Boris Nikolayevich's work and never discussed his immediate supervisor.

All the builders of the region recognized Oleg Ivanovich's promotion as deserved, the authority of the department was then incredibly high. This was his contribution, Lobov worked for three years as a deputy. Then still a young party member, he easily entered the local party elite.

In executive work

After Yeltsin was appointed to the post of first secretary in 1976, Lobov was appointed head of the Glavsreduralstroy trust in Tagil. At the age of 39, he becomes one of the youngest heads of construction central administrations, and the largest territorial organization. In 1982 he was awarded the title "Honored Builder of the RSFSR".

In the same year he returned to party work, first taking up the former post of Yeltsin - secretary for construction, and in 1983 he was appointed to the post of 2nd secretary of the regional committee. In 1985 he was elected chairman of the regional executive committee, worked in the city administration for two years.

In 1987 he was transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the RSFSR. The following year, Oleg Ivanovich Lobov was appointed deputy head of the RSFSR headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Spitak. He made a great contribution to helping the victims and the families of the victims of the disaster. Here he became closely acquainted with the leadership of the republic, which, assessing his style of work and organizational skills, offered to go to work as the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. He worked in the republic from 1989 to 1991, but always retained close ties with the Armenian elite.

Return to Moscow

In 1991 he returned to work in the Russian government as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers. In total, Oleg Ivanovich Lobov worked in the four governments of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. In the same year he ran for the post of first secretary of the newly formed Communist Party of the RSFSR, but lost the elections.

In 1991, the Russian government established the Russian-Japanese University, which was supposed to promote the development of relations and attract Japanese investment to the country. However, the institution became famous primarily for its connections with the totalitarian sect Aum Shinrikyo, which gained worldwide fame after the sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway. Sect immediately invested $ 5 million in RNU and began to expand its presence in Russia. Subsequently, after the terrorist attack, the arrested members of the sect testified that they bought the documentation for the production of a chemical warfare agent from Oleg Ivanovich Lobov for 79 thousand dollars. However, the Japanese prosecutor's office was unable to prove his participation in the activities of the sect.

From 1993 to 1996, Lobov worked directly under President Yeltsin as secretary of the Security Council. In this position, he was actively involved in the settlement of the "Chechen issue", which may have become the reason for the attempt on his life in 1995. A photo of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov in connection with these events appeared in all the leading publications of the country.

In 1993, the Turkish army came close to the borders of Armenia to take the side of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It was Oleg Ivanovich who initiated the sending of Pavel Grachev to Ankara. Who told the Turks that they will receive a third world war in case of aggression.

personal information

After retirement, he was engaged in business and until the end of his life was the president of the Association for International Cooperation, created during the administration of President Yeltsin. My wife worked as an ambulance doctor and is now retired. The couple have two daughters and a son. About his son, Pavel Lobov, it is known that he was a shareholder of a company specializing in satellite communications.

From his youth, Oleg Ivanovich loved volleyball, played for the national team of the institute. When he was a leader in Sverdlovsk, he organized "almost obligatory" sports for employees. When I worked with Boris Yeltsin, I played with him as well. In addition, they were neighbors in the state dacha.

Oleg Ivanovich Lobov died on September 6, 2018, not having lived only one day before his 81st birthday. Many government organizations expressed their condolences. The Armenian community especially honored him as a person who did a lot for the country at critical moments in history. At the funeral of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov, they carried numerous government awards, including the Order of Lenin and the October Revolution.

From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of Russian history). book 1 (from the KGB of the USSR to the MB RF) Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Lobov Oleg Ivanovich

Lobov Oleg Ivanovich

Curriculum Vitae: Oleg Ivanovich Lobov was born on September 7, 1937 in Kiev. Higher education, graduated from the Rostov Institute of Railway Engineers.

1982-1985 - Secretary, Second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. 1985-1987 - Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee. 1987-1989 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. 1989-1991 - Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. In 1991 he became First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. 1992-1993 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation. 1993 - First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of Economy.

In 1993 he became the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

The disgraced former vice-president of the Russian Federation A. Rutskoi wrote that not without the help of Lobov in the country, the sect "Aum Shinrikyo" gained momentum in its activities. “It was the omnivorousness, greed and illegibility of people like Lobov that made it possible for all kinds of charlatans (and often just criminals) to freely act in the field of disfiguring the already crippled souls of the peoples of Russia.” ("Our Contemporary", No. 12, 1995, p. 143).

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Oleg “Ancient Russia is famous for more than one hero: none of them could compare with Oleg (? -912) in the conquests that affirmed her mighty existence ... Great deeds and state benefits excuse Olegov's lust for power? And hereditary rights, not yet approved in

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Lobov Georgy Ageevich Having made his first combat mission during the Soviet-Finnish war, Lobov won his last victory at the end of 1951, shooting down the American "jester" - F-80 in the skies of Korea. He was born in Yekaterinodar (now Krasnodar) on April 23, 1915 Graduated from 7 classes, worked

From the book Alphabetical reference list of Russian sovereigns and the most remarkable persons of their blood the author Khmyrov Mikhail Dmitrievich

152. OLEG IVANOVICH, in St. baptized Jacob (in monasticism Joachim), prince of Ryazan, son of Ivan Ivanovich (according to other genealogies - Mikhailovich) Korotopol, prince of Ryazan, from marriage with an unknown, the smartest of the rulers of Ryazan. Born in Ryazan around 1330; received from

From the book History of the Russian Prosecutor's Office. 1722-2012 the author Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich

Lobov Oleg Ivanovich

Was born on September 7, 1937 in Kiev. Information was published that Lobov's father was the chief engineer of the Kiev Dairy Plant.

V 1955-1960 studied at the Rostov Institute of Railway Engineers (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering). Graduated with honors.

1960- 1963 - Engineer, Senior Engineer, Team Leader, Chief Designer of the Construction Department of the Uralgiprokhim Institute. Sverdlovsk.

In 1963- 1965 - Chief Designer of the Department of the Institute "UralpromstroyNIIproekt" (the basic institute of the USSR State Construction Committee in the Sverdlovsk Region).

In 1965 -1966 - and about. head of the construction department of the Uralgiprokhim Institute.

In 1966- 1972 biennium - and about. head of the sector, head of the sector, acting Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer of the UralpromstroyNIIproekt Institute. For a significant part of the period of work at UralpromstroyNIIproekt, Lobov was engaged in research and implementation of pile foundations in the Tyumen region, where construction projects related to oil production were unfolding.

In 1972-1975. Lobov was the deputy head of the construction department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. The head of the construction department at that time was Boris Yeltsin ... Information was published that Yeltsin chose Lobov as his deputy, because they became friends during a joint trip to Finland in 1971. However, those who knew Yeltsin , argued that Yeltsin had a hard time getting along with people, and the fact that Lobov so quickly became a confidant Yeltsin , it was unusual for Yeltsin.

There is a version that, in fact, Lobov was a protege Ryabov Yakov Petrovich , who in 1971 headed the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU and patronized Boris Yeltsin. However, Ryabov himself claimed that he introduced him to Lobov Yeltsin.

If Yeltsin was a practical builder, then Lobov was a designer, a "theoretician". However, the builders who worked together with Lobovoy noted his high professionalism, which allowed him to understand all the nuances of the construction business, which was uncharacteristic for designers. According to eyewitnesses, the restrained, consistent Lobov complemented and balanced the impetuous Yeltsin. Possibly Yeltsin Lobov was also united by his hobby for volleyball.

In 1975- 1976 biennium Lobov was the head of the construction department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU ( Yeltsin became the secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU).

In 1976-1982. Lobov headed the Main Territorial Administration for Construction in the Middle Urals (Glavsreduralstroy of the USSR Ministry of Heavy Construction). Lobov became the youngest head of the territorial Main Directorate in the construction system of the USSR. In addition, as indicated above, Lobov was not a practitioner, but a theoretician. Glavsreduralstroy, however, has always been headed by builders with extensive experience, who have gone through all the steps of the construction hierarchy. Probably, it helped to overcome the resistance of other potential candidates by the fact that in 1976 he became the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU. Boris Yeltsin .

In 1982, Oleg Lobov continues his party career.

In 1982- 1983 biennium - Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU.

B 1983-1985 biennium - Second Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. The first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU was Boris Yeltsin .

1985 - 1987 biennium - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Sverdlovsk Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1987 - Inspector of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

1987 - 1989 biennium Oleg Lobov works as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

After the earthquake in Armenia in December 1988, Oleg Lobov, as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, in charge of capital construction, was appointed Deputy Head of the RSFSR Headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the emergency.

Construction companies of the Sverdlovsk region took an active part in eliminating the consequences of the emergency, including the Sverdlovskstroytrans trust, headed by Valery Fedorovich Belous, who was allegedly a friend of Oleg Lobov.

According to Lobov, it was during the liquidation of the state of emergency that he met the members of the Bureau of the Communist Party of Armenia, which played an important role in his future career.

Since 1989 Oleg Lobov is the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. According to Lobov, he received an offer to transfer from Moscow to Armenia from the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia, Harutyunyan Suren Gurgenovich. The secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia G. Galoyan also took part in this.

In the USSR, a Slav was usually appointed as the second secretary of non-Slavic republics, who served as a link between the party elite of the titular nation of the republic and the leadership of the CPSU Central Committee in Moscow. In addition, of course, the second secretary monitored the state of affairs in the republic so that local party bosses did not become too independent. However, the process of weakening the apparatus of the CPSU and separatist tendencies in the union republics reached such intensity that the second secretary no longer had the same influence if he did not enjoy the support of the republican leadership. Lobov had such support.

In 1989 Oleg Lobov was elected People's Deputy of the USSR. It was assumed that the new representative body of the country would become much more influential than before, and would cease to be an obedient executor of the will of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

In 1990 at XXVIII The Congress of the CPSU decided the question of the possibility of combining the posts of President of the USSR and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. A number of congress delegates suggested that Gorbachev refuse to be elected general secretary and retain the post of only president. The general secretary was also proposed to elect Oleg Lobov (among other candidates). Gorbachev did not agree to withdraw his candidacy, and Lobov urged to vote for Gorbachev.

In the same year, Oleg Lobov was nominated for the post of first secretary of the newly created Communist Party of the RSFSR. However, he won the election Ivan Polozkov, representative of the conservative wing of the CPSU. At that time, Boris Yeltsin was one of the main figures of the opposition movement and Oleg Lobov, as a long-time ally of Yeltsin, could be seen as a representative of the opposition to the leadership of the Central Committee of the CPSU headed by Gorbachev, who tried to stay above the clash of "conservatives" and "democrats" in the CPSU, but in the elections the first secretary of the Communist Party of the CPSU took the side of Polozkov. Nevertheless, Lobov, most likely, could not be regarded as a representative of the "democratic" wing of the CPSU. Rather, he could be attributed to the "moderate conservatives" who, after the scandal with the concern "ANT" and the loss in the struggle for control over the Communist Party of the RSFSR, dissociated themselves from Gorbachev and supported Yeltsin.

April to November1991 Lobov works as deputy, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

During the coup in August 1991 Oleg Lobov as directed Boris Yeltsin headed the "reserve" government of the RSFSR, which was located in the Sverdlovsk region and was supposed to take action in the event of the arrest of the leadership of the RSFSR in Moscow.

In November In 1991, on the initiative of Oleg Lobov, the government of the RSFSR created the Russian-Japanese University as an international public organization for the development of dialogue between Russia and Japan in all spheres of human activity. It was assumed that this organization will facilitate the receipt of loans and humanitarian aid from Japan. The university was given a building in Moscow at Petrovka st., 14. This building housed the Ministry of Industry of the RSFSR and the Rosyugstroy concern. Subsequently, most of Oleg Lobov's commercial enterprises in the 1990s will be registered at this address.

Muravyov Alexander Vladimirovich became the head of the Russian-Japanese University. Information was published that until 1991 Muravyov served in the KGB, a seconded officer to the USSR State Planning Committee. He retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. It was reported that Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for Economics Leonid Zapalsky, founder (together with Academician Yevgeny Velikhov) of the Scientific and Industrial Union (later the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs) Arkady Volsky and Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR for International Affairs and foreign economic relations (at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs he specialized in the countries of the Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia) Vladimir Lukin.

The most famous "achievement" of the Russian-Japanese University was the establishment of ties with the Japanese sect "Aum Shinrike". Information was published that, allegedly, already in 1991, Alexander Muravyov organized demonstration firing and acquaintance with various types of weapons for Japanese "entrepreneurs" from "Aum Shinrikyo". Subsequently, this was explained by the leadership of the university with plans to sell weapons to Japan. The members of the sect themselves called it in their propaganda leaflets "undergoing military training in Russia."

The leader of the sect called himself Shoko Asahara (real name Chizuo Matsumoto). The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper claimed that Nikolai Borisov, an employee of the Russian Embassy in Japan, facilitated Asahara's penetration into Russia. Several other sources called Borisov a KGB resident in Japan. Academician Yevgeny Velikhov in his book describes Borisov as a scientific adviser to the Russian embassy, ​​who introduced Velikhov to the most influential (according to Velikhov) person in Japan - the founder of the Toshiba company, chairman of the Japanese council of industrialists Doko-san (Toshio Doko). It should be noted that Academician Yevgeny Velikhov is presumably one of the central figures in that group of the Russian elite, to which Oleg Lobov belongs.

On March 20, 1995, AUM Shinrikyo staged a terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway using the nerve gas sarin. Due to an error in the manufacture of gas, the number of deaths was relatively small - 11 people. Another five thousand people were included in the list of "poisoned". On April 23, 1997, one of the cultists, Yoshihiro Inoue, testified in court. The Japanese news agency Kyodo Tsushin, referring to them, disseminated information according to which, in the fall of 1993, Lobov allegedly transferred the technology of sarin production to AUM, receiving 10 million yen (about 100 thousand dollars) in Paris for this. During interrogation at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, Lobov categorically denied that he had received a bribe.

It should be noted that in the complex of buildings at Petrovka str., 14, among a number of other organizations, there was a cosmetic company "Mirra-Lux", which was created in 1992 on the basis of the All-Union Research Institute of Applied Microbiology. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the tasks of this institute was the development of biological weapons. It is hoped that the developments of this institute did not fall into the hands of the followers of Asahara.

In 1991-1992, Oleg Lobov headed the Expert Council under the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

1992-1993 - Head of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

Lobov's work on the Expert Council was viewed by many as removing Lobov from real power. During this period of time, the tone in the Russian government was set by liberal economists (Yegor Gaidar, Anatoly Chubais), who carried out radical reforms that contradicted the views of the conservative Oleg Lobov, who advocated a gradual long-term transition of enterprises from state ownership to private ownership. A lobbyist for the liberals, and therefore an opponent of Lobov in his immediate circle Yeltsin, was Gennady Burbulis.

During the same period of time, Lobov headed the Russian State Investment Corporation.

In 1992, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was planned to create an international concern for the extraction of Ural emeralds with the participation of the state. In 1993, on the basis of the Malyshevsky mining administration in the Sverdlovsk region, JSC "Emerald Mines of the Urals" was created. This company, with the help of the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk region, Vitaly Mashkov, found an investor in the person of JSC "New Guild". One of the shareholders of the "New Guild" was the son of the head of the traffic police in Yekaterinburg Khalturin Alexander Alfredovich, married to the daughter of the director of the Sverdlovskstroytrans trust Valery Belous, who was allegedly a friend of Oleg Lobov. The mining of emeralds in the Sverdlovsk region was a highly profitable event, which many tried to cash in on with the support of both criminal groups and state security agencies. Considering that along with emeralds at the Malyshevsky mine, beryllium was also mined, which is used in the defense industry, this mine was of particular interest to the security forces. The struggle for the mine unfolded not only at the level of influential persons in the Sverdlovsk region, but also in Moscow. It is not excluded that Oleg Lobov provided support to JSC "New Guild" in Moscow.

In 1995, an investigation was launched against the management of New Guild JSC, which established that the company's security service was actually a criminal group that carried out murders, extortion and other serious crimes.

Information was published that Oleg Lobov provided support to businessman Alexander Smolensky ("Capital Bank of Savings", later "SBS-Agro"). It was reported that Smolensky allegedly provided material support to the AUM Shinrike sect, with which Lobov contacted, and the Sverdlovsk and Armenian criminal groups had interests in the Capital Savings Bank. Recall that Oleg Lobov, who worked in the Sverdlovsk region for a long time, 1989 was second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. Information was published about the close relationship between Alexander Smolensky and the criminal authority Leonid Bilunov. In turn, Bilunov was associated with the Sverdlovsk organized criminal group "Center". In 1996, Stolichny Savings Bank acquired a controlling stake in Zoloto-Platina Bank in Yekaterinburg. Zoloto-Platina Bank actively provided loans to the Ural Gold-Platinum Company, which was developing the Malyshevsky emerald deposit. As mentioned above, Oleg Lobov could have been involved in this activity.

In January 1993, Oleg Lobov headed the board of founders of the Russian Aerospace Conversion Center. AOZT "Aerokosmos-Bank" (Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Aerospace Complex Conversion) was registered at the address of Moscow, Petrovka str., 14. Information was published that Aerokosmos-Bank could be involved in the activities of CJSC Daurskaya Mining Company + (CJSC DGK +), which issued promissory notes secured by reserves of precious metals of gold mining artels (from the Khabarovsk Territory, Amur, Chita regions and others gold mining regions of the country). The bills were allegedly issued in 1996, and in the same year the bank's banking license was revoked. It was reported that Anatoly Chubais impeded the activities of CJSC DGK +.

The aerospace industry was a key industry for that group of the Soviet (later Russian) elite, which included Oleg Lobov. This group of persons with a fairly high degree of probability can be attributed to the former secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in charge of the military-industrial complex, Ryabov Yakov Petrovich, who led the Sverdlovsk region until Boris Yeltsin, the former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Ivan Silaev, the former minister of the aviation industry of the USSR Apollo Sistsov, Major General The retired KGB of Alexander Sterligov, who headed the security of Boris Yeltsin during the coup in 1991, the former head of the PGU of the USSR KGB (foreign intelligence), Leonid Shebarshin, and the former vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Velikhov. The aerospace industry was a key high-tech industry in the Soviet military-industrial complex. This industry was the pioneer of computerization in the USSR. Work in this industry, despite the high level of secrecy, involved participation in international technological cooperation, which eventually grew into economic cooperation, creating the basis for the accumulation of capital for the nascent Russian oligarchy. With the participation of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, the scandalous concern "ANT" was created. Mikhail Khodorkovsky created his own Intersectoral Center for Scientific and Technical Programs, on the basis of which the Menatep group was formed, under the Frunzensky District Committee of the Komsomol, which closely interacted with aviation institutes located in the Frunzensky District of Moscow.

In 1993 Lobov created the Association for International Cooperation with Budgetary Financing. According to available information, the founders of the Association were the Russian-Japanese University, the Foreign Policy Fund and the Fund for Humanitarian and Economic Relations with France. It should be noted that France was of particular importance to the aforementioned group of individuals. In 1985 Yakov Ryabov headed the USSR delegation in France and was the co-chairman of the Franco-Soviet commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation. In the same year, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, during his visit to France, proposed to President Mitterrand to implement an international project to build an experimental thermonuclear reactor. Reactor construction began in Francein 2007 with the participation of the European Union, Russia, the USA, Japan, China, India, the Republic of Korea and Kazakhstan. On the Russian side, Academician Yevgeny Velikhov is responsible for the implementation of the project. Successful the implementation of the project can lead to global changes in the world economy. However, more than 50 years have passed since the idea of ​​building a thermonuclear reactor appeared, and it is not known when it will be implemented in practice.

V April 1993 Lobov was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation. At this moment, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin was in a serious conflict with the head of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation Ruslan Khasbulatov and Vice-President of the Russian Federation Alexander Rutskoy. It was assumed that Lobov's task was to maintain loyalty to the Russian government. Boris Yeltsin.

As the first deputy chairman of the Russian government, Lobov began to actively lobby for the interests of the timber industry and continued to do so after leaving the government.In 1994 with the support Lobova state company "Roslesprom" received the functions of the general distributor of export quotas for timber, the management company of a number of timber holdings, as well as the coordinator of the distribution of state funds intended to support the industry.

Oleg Lobov harshly criticized the voucher privatization carried out by Anatoly Chubais. It was argued that in this conflict, Lobov's ally was the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov. As a result of the confrontation with Chubais and Gaidar, Lobov inSeptember 1993 He was forced to leave posts in the government and headed a more suitable position for him as secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, which under Lobov was an influential structure in the country not so much because he had real powers, but thanks to Lobov's connections in the power structures of the Russian Federation.

1993-1996 For years Lobov was the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He played an important role in the military confrontation with the Rutskoy-Khasbulatov group in 1993 year.

In 1994, Aleksey Alekseevich Bolshakov, a resident of St. Petersburg, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Information was published that he was appointed to this position with the support of Oleg Lobov. In 1996, Bolshakov, in turn, will facilitate the transfer to Moscow of another resident of St. Petersburg - Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, who in 2000 will become the President of the Russian Federation.

Information was published that Lobov allegedly contacted the criminal authority from Khabarovsk Podatev Vladimir Petrovich (nickname "Poodle"). According to unconfirmed information, Podatev could be associated with one of the leaders of the OCG "Center" (Yekaterinburg) Vladimir Klementyev, which can be traced back toby a group of companies "Foratek" ... This group of companies had high hopes for the construction of a high-speed railway line from Moscow to Yekaterinburg. In the 1990s, the aforementioned Aleksey Bolshakov was the main lobbyist for the construction of high-speed railways in Russia.

Probably, the support of Oleg Lobov during this period of time was enjoyed by the head of the Pharmimex company, Alexander Apazov, who in 1973-1978 headed the Sverdlovsk Pharmacy Department, and later headed the Main Pharmacy Department of the RSFSR and the USSR. Pharmimex, the legal successor of the Main Pharmacy Department, is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia, the main source of the company's income is government orders. When Lobov became the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, he appointed Alexander Apazov to the Council instead of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Eduard Nechaev, with whom Apazov was in conflict. Oleg Lobov's son-in-law Oleg Gennadyevich Shangin and his father Gennady Nikolayevich Shangin worked at Farmimex.

WITH August 1995 Oleg Lobov - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic. In December 1995, a decision was made to send troops into Chechnya.

June 1996 Lobov ceded the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation to General Alexander Lebed as part of the pre-election agreements between Yeltsin and Swan. In the first round of presidential elections in the Russian Federation, Lebed took third place and agreed to support the candidacy Yeltsin in the second round on certain conditions, one of which was the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

June 1996 to March 1997 Lobov was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Lobov inherited the functionality of the new position from Oleg Soskovets, who was forced to resign due to the conflict with Anatoly Chubais. What kind of relationship Oleg Lobov had with the Soskovets-Korzhakov-Barsukov group, based on the information available at the moment, it is difficult to say. Ideologically, they were close, in the past there were connections, but they apparently did not have common economic interests in the 1990s.

After leaving the Government of the Russian Federation, Oleg Lobov went into private business. His key company was the Republican Innovation Company RINCO (design and construction activities), established in 1997. In addition, he took part in the activities of the construction company ZAO Center ECOMMASH, established in 1992 and implementing construction projects mainly in Moscow and the North Caucasus.

The successful implementation of projects in Moscow was facilitated by Lobov's ties with the Moscow government under the leadership of Yuri Luzhkov. One of the founders of the RINCO company was the Mosaero company, whose activities in the early 1990s were supervised by the Deputy Prime Minister of Moscow Iosif Ordzhonikidze, who was responsible for foreign economic activity in the Moscow government.

Oleg Lobov founded a significant part of companies and public organizations jointly with the former Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR Albert Ivanov.

Oleg Lobov was a member of the management bodies of the Tantal holding company, formed on the basis of the Saratov production association Tantal (production of devices for the military-industrial complex, aerospace and energy).

Pavel Lobov, the son of Oleg Lobov, together with the aforementioned Leonid Zapalsky, was a minority shareholder of the satellite communications company Zond-Holding.

In addition to entrepreneurial activity, Oleg Lobov was also involved in social activities, which, however, were closely intertwined with entrepreneurial ones. Lobov headed the Association for International Cooperation, created with his participation, as well as the following organizations: the Moscow-Taipei Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation (interaction with Taiwan), the Russian Society of Civil Engineers, the Supervisory Board of the All-Russian Public Institution “Public Institute for Environmental Expertise”, SRO NP “ International Guild of Transport Builders ".

In the end February 2006 in Moscow, CJSC Energofinance was registered, the founders of which were Oleg Lobov, his traditional business partners (Shatov Yuri Ivanovich, Chernikov Lev Nikolaevich, Ivanov Albert Petrovich), as well as several other individuals, among which Sterligov Alexander Nikolaevich (presumably , a retired major general of the KGB, who took an active part in the creation concern "ANT" ), as well as two German citizens. The main activity of Energofinance CJSC was indicated as “Other financial intermediation”. The company was headed by Oleg Lobov.

A few days later, in Novy Urengoy (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), CJSC Investment and Construction Company Yamal was registered with a similar list of founders, albeit in a somewhat truncated form (in particular, without German citizens), but with Lobov and Sterligov. The main activity was indicated as "Extraction of natural gas and gas condensate". V2012 company was eliminated. It was not possible to establish the volume of gas produced by Oleg Lobov and Alexander Sterligov.

Information was published that Lobov was related to the activities of the representative offices of Tverskaya Finance BV companies registered in the Netherlands. (Tverskaya Finance BV) and Dorenia B.V. (Dorenia BV). According to the Kommersant newspaper, Lobov admitted that he was the executive director of the Russian office of Tverskaya Finance BV. This company has implemented large construction projects in Moscow.

According to available information, brothers Gevorkyan Georgy Albertovich and Gevorkyan Sergey Albertovich were involved in the activities of Tverskaya Finance BV and Dorenia BV. The Gevorkyan brothers, together with Gagik Adibekyan and an entrepreneur of "Soviet-Israeli" origin, Boris Kuzinets, started their business in the Moscow real estate market in the second half of the 1990s thanks to cooperation with the leadership of Moscow State University. It is not known for what merits this group of entrepreneurs received a long-term lease from the university "golden" land in the center of the Russian capital on very favorable terms for entrepreneurs.

There is also information that the former vice-presidents of AvtoVAZ Mikhail Valerievich Moskalev and Alexander Nikolayevich Pronin were directly involved in the activities of Tverskaya Finance BV. According to Forbes magazine, Mikhail Moskalev played an important role in the fact that the state company Rosoboronexport, headed by Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov, became the main shareholder of AvtoVAZ. After leaving AvtoVAZ, Alexander Pronin became an advisor to Sergei Chemezov, who at that time was already heading the state corporation Rostekhnologii, formed on the basis of the state-owned company Rosoboronexport.

When registering offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands, the above group of persons associated with Tverskaya Finance BV preferred to register them with the help of Commonwealth Trust Limited, which became widely known in 2013, thanks to the publication of the International Center for Investigative Journalism (ICIJ), in which reported that "Commonwealth Trust Limited" registered many offshore companies that launder criminal capital around the world. According to available information, "Commonwealth Trust Limited" could be associated with persons from the inner circle of Oleg Lobov.

As of 2015, Oleg Lobov continued to lead ZAO Center ECOMMASH, the Russian Society of Civil Engineers, and the Moscow-Taipei Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation.

Date of information update: 2015.


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Soviet and Russian statesman, Deputy and 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the Government of the Russian Federation


Born in 1937 in Kiev, his father is the chief engineer of the Kiev Dairy Plant. In 1960 he graduated from the Rostov-on-Don Institute of Railway Engineers and was sent to Sverdlovsk, to the Uralgiprokhim design institute, where he worked as an engineer, then as a senior engineer and chief designer of the department. In 1963-1965 he worked as the head of the construction department at the UralpromstroyNIIproekt institute, in 1965-1966 - again in Uralgiprokhim in a similar position, in 1966 he again moved to UralpromstroyNIIproekt, where in 1969 he became the chief engineer. In December 1971 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

In August 1972, Lobov switched to party work and was appointed deputy head of the construction department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. In April 1975, the head of the construction department, Boris Yeltsin, was promoted to the secretary of the regional committee for construction, and Lobov took over his post. A year and a half later, in October 1976, Yeltsin became the 1st secretary of the regional committee, and Lobov was appointed head of the Glavsreduralstroy trust. In June 1982, he returned to the regional committee as secretary for construction, from May 1983 - 2nd secretary of the regional committee. In January 1985, he was elected chairman of the regional executive committee instead of Anatoly Mekhrentsev, who had died suddenly.

In July 1987 he was transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Over the next ten years, Lobov was four times a member of the governments of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. In January 1989 he returned to party work, was appointed second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. In June 1990, at the founding congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, he ran for the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, but lost the election to Ivan Polozkov.

From April to November 15, 1991 - First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. During the August 1991 events, he headed the reserve composition of the Council of Ministers in Sverdlovsk. After the resignation of head of government Ivan Silaev (September 26, 1991) Lobov acted as chairman of the RSFSR Council of Ministers until the formation of a "reform government" headed by Boris N. Yeltsin on November 6 and the resignation of the RSFSR Council of Ministers on November 15, 1991.

In November 1991 - April 1993 - Chairman of the Expert Council under the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (since September 26, 1992 - the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation. Since 1991, he headed the so-called "Russian-Japanese University", which maintained ties with Shoko Asahara and his sect Aum Shinrikyo.

On April 15, 1993, he entered the government for the third time, becoming the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation. Less than six months later, on September 18, he was removed from the government and appointed secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He was actively involved in the "Chechen issue", at the same time being (from August 29, 1995 to August 10, 1996) the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic.

June 18, 1996) returned to the government again, becoming for a short time First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On August 14, 1996, during the formation of the “second government of Chernomyrdin,” he was demoted to the “usual” deputy chairman of the government, and on March 17, 1997, he was dismissed.

After leaving the Government of the Russian Federation, he was engaged in business, organized two companies - the Republican Innovation Company "RINCO" and "CenterEKOMMASH". Currently - President of the Association for International Cooperation.

Participation in the work of elected central authorities

  • member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1990-1991)
  • Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR XI convocation (since February 1985)
  • People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991), Member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1990-1991)
  • Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR X convocation
  • Delegate to the XXVI and XXVII Congresses of the CPSU and the XIX All-Union Party Conference


  • Order of Lenin (1978)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1974)
  • honorary title "Honored Builder of the RSFSR" (1982)
  • medals: "For the development of virgin lands" (1957), "To the 40th anniversary of the completion of the national liberation struggle of the Czechoslovak people and the liberation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Army" (1985), "Defender of Free Russia" (1994)
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2000)

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