Home Diseases and pests The norm in grams for a baby is 1 month. How much milk should a newborn eat in one feeding: monthly data. How to know by the child that he ate

The norm in grams for a baby is 1 month. How much milk should a newborn eat in one feeding: monthly data. How to know by the child that he ate

With the release of tests to establish the "interesting position", the fair sex can find out about their new position from the first days of fertilization, much earlier than the gynecologist can establish this fact. So, what is the mechanism of functioning of the devices in question?

How does a pregnancy test work?

All tests have a similar mechanism of their work. When fertilization occurs, when the embryo attaches to the uterine walls, the body immediately begins to produce the pregnancy hormone, which is abbreviated as hCG. The device in question has a special strip where the reagent is placed.

When urine comes into contact with this substance, its color begins to change. This happens because this liquid contains a large amount of hCG. You can carry out the test before there is a delay in the expected menstruation - these hormones are produced in the early stages of gestation. Initially, it appears in small quantities, and over the course of 14 days, its concentration increases thousands of times.

There is no hypersensitivity in the usual test, so in the first week it does not show any reaction, because there are very few hormones. It is necessary that at least 10 days have passed from the moment of fertilization. But there are other devices - inkjet. They are characterized by the highest sensitivity and make it possible to know the result a week before the start of the expected menstruation.

Let's denote that the sensitivity level of most of the tests starts at 25 mUI. Some devices indicate that the test starts to be sensitive as early as 10 mUI, but this is difficult to prove.

Tests are divided into inkjet, flatbed, strip and reservoir systems. These tools vary according to the device, but the principle of the analysis they carry out is similar.

test strips. They belong to the 1st generation of express diagnostic tools. They have a simple device, so their cost is the lowest. It is these tests that are most common among buyers and lead among sales. This is a paper strip impregnated with a certain reagent. It must be placed in the urine for 15 seconds, and then, stretched out, the result will be ready in five minutes.

If the test is applied correctly, then the accuracy on the 1st day of delay exceeds 90%. A week after the absence of menstruation - from 95 to 100%. There is one strip on the test, which is the control. Then you look - if the second is also present - then this indicates your fertilization.

The advantages of this device are that it is not expensive and is sold at any pharmacy.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the sensitivity compared to other types of tests is low - 25 mIU. To perform testing, you need to collect urine in a certain container, which is a little inconvenient - you need to take it clean to collect it. The results can be false, because the reagent is on paper, which does not allow it to withstand its exact concentration. This may lead to poor results.

Another disadvantage is that if applied incorrectly, the result may be untrue. For example, if a woman overexposed it, then this can provoke washing off of the reagent, and the second strip will not appear. If, on the contrary, the device was not maintained, then an insufficient amount of urine may be collected, and it will not report anything. Errors are permissible if the technology was violated in the manufacture of the product, as a result, the strips are not impregnated with the reagent evenly.

Their sensitivity is greater - from 10 mIU to 25. They are able to establish fertilization earlier. It is necessary to apply a drop of urine into the window on the device with a pipette, which is present in the kit.

The device in question is much more convenient, but its cost is not low. They are used in hospitals for professional analysis. Here is the device of the device in question - there are two windows - urine is applied to one of them with a pipette, which is supplied with the device. The drops begin to spread, reach the reagent strip (it is not visible to the eye) and begin to react with them. In the second window - the result. During pregnancy, the reagent will get a color. The device does not have such disadvantages that strip devices have.

Advantages - this device does not need to be immersed in liquid. To make the test more convenient to use, a special pipette is included with it.

Cons - more expensive compared to test strips. In order for urine to be drawn into a pipette, it must also first be drawn into a clean container.

Inkjet. These devices are the most perfect today. They have a higher level of sensitivity and a complex structure.

Such a device allows you to detect fertilization even with a small amount of hCG - 10 Mme per ml. It has a layer of blue particles that attach to hCG when present in the urine. In a few minutes, the result will be visible, it will be accurate, but the cost of these goods is significantly higher than other tests.

Inkjet devices are convenient to use, since they can be used in any conditions. To detect pregnancy, there is no need to look for a sterile jar. You just need to substitute one of the ends of the test under the urine, wait a couple of minutes and, voila - there is a result.

Also, according to the principle of the structure of inkjet tests, ovulation tests were also made - the time when the possibility of fertilization is as high as possible.

Inkjet test cassettes have a not so simple device. The rod consists of tubules, along this rod the liquid begins to rise at high speed to the place where the reagent is located. The test system contains a layer of latex microparticles with antibodies, to which hCG is well attached.

This device has hypersensitivity, even if the minimum percentage of hCG, the test will not be mistaken.

Tank systems. These devices are very convenient, as they are equipped with a reservoir for urine collection. There is a window on the inside, and the test part is in the tank. The result of the test does not depend on the amount of urine in the container, the test begins to independently absorb the amount that is needed for testing and establishing an accurate result.

After a while, you can see the result in the test window.

Which test to choose?

Regardless of whether a woman wants a baby or not, she gets a test in order to find out the answer that interests her. If her period is delayed, she can't wait to find out what is causing it. What test is better to choose?

Here are some tips to consider when buying a test:

  1. The reliability of the device depends on the quality of the diagnostic system. The result will be as reliable as possible if the system uses a high amount of specific antibodies and is ready to fix the smallest amount of hCG.
  2. The name of a reputable manufacturer - this fact in itself guarantees the quality of the test.
  3. Usually, the lower the cost for tests, the worse the quality of the reagents used in them and the lower the accuracy of the studies.
  4. Package. It is important when choosing a test. It should contain all the necessary information about the test and its manufacturer, and the packaging must also contain the expiration date and production date, serial number, telephone number for feedback. Test strips should not be thinner than 3 mm in width. The test must be completed with a Russian-language instruction. Since all tests are highly sensitive to moisture, sachets should be present in the pack that absorb moisture.

If the menstrual cycle is regular

In the middle of the cycle, an egg is released for fertilization. If the cycle is thirty days, then this process happens on the fifteenth day, with a 28-day cycle - on the fourteenth day. Within two days, fertilization occurs. After intercourse, she is 5-6 days on the way to the uterus. On the 22nd day of the cycle, an increasing pregnancy hormone can be determined. The highest quality tests are able to show fertilization as early as 5 days before a potential period, when the amount of hCG will exceed 25 mUI.

If the menstrual cycle is irregular

You can find out when ovulation occurred by:

  • the occurrence of signs of PMS;
  • increase in the level of BT;
  • ovulation test.

Having determined the number, you need to add twelve more days to it - then you can detect an increase in hCG in the bloodstream. After fifteen days, highly sensitive tests can be used.

Terms of use

  • You should save the test in the conditions that are written on the pack by the manufacturer;
  • It is important to follow the instructions - lower the device into the urine to a special mark, while the strip should be in the liquid for the recommended time, no more. You also need to evaluate the result at the specified time;
  • The container where urination is carried out must be clean;
  • before urination, you need to perform hygiene procedures;
  • A pack of tests should be opened immediately before use, it is forbidden to wear open text for a long time, and then use it, since its results will be false;
  • The test should be carried out on night urine or morning;
  • It is important to monitor the expiration date of the test so that it is not expired;
  • The pack in which the test is sold must not be damaged.

Negative result at fertilization

The percentage of the hormone produced during gestation increases in all women in different ways. For a two-week period after the menstruation has not yet come, the device can notify you of a negative result. If the test indicates the absence of pregnancy, but the patient has not a single doubt that a new life is developing inside her, then this phenomenon has several explanations.

If periods are late, then this is not an accurate sign that a woman has become pregnant, because there are many factors that affect the menstrual cycle itself.

Initially, this can happen if the fair sex has some gynecological diseases (for example, inflammation of the appendages). Also, this includes not only serious, but also very frequent diets, being depressed, a malfunction in the functioning of hormones, and strong physical exertion. A woman should not often experience stress.

Regardless of the reason for the delay, the test will not determine the presence of pregnancy. Usually, with fertilization, one stripe can be obtained due to the quality of the test, as well as due to its improper use. It is important to follow the rules that are indicated in the instructions for using the test. Also, the same can happen for more complex reasons, which include deviations in the development of the baby.

The most common reasons that provoke denial during fertilization are:

  1. Incorrect use of the device. In order for the result to be correct and accurate, before using the test, you must read the instructions attached to it. At first, there is a risk of getting a false result. False data can also be if the test was stored in the wrong conditions, and also, if it has a marriage, the expiration date has expired.
  2. Testing on very short terms. This is the most common reason that the test does not show the correct result. In the early stages of gestation, too little hCG is produced in the blood. Almost always, the exact result can be obtained somewhere in two weeks after conception. At the same time, in some future women in labor, the menstrual cycle may go astray. As a result, all the indicated symptoms affect the amount of hCG. If after the study the woman has remaining doubts, you can repeat the procedure in a couple of days. If even after this the result is not correct, then it is better to consult a doctor and take the tests prescribed by him.
  3. The use of medications. This happens if the patient used diuretic drinks or various medications before the study. The fact is that in dilute urine there will be a much smaller amount. In the early stages of gestation, it is recommended to test in the morning. If a lot of liquid was drunk in the evening, then even in the morning you can get a negative test.
  4. The presence of any violations. If various diseases are found that are associated with the work of internal organs, then the test may show a denial of pregnancy. Initially, this will be due to the presence of kidney disease, in which there is a minimal level of hCG in the urine.
  5. Violations in the development of pregnancy often occur in such a way that during gestation a woman does not stop menstruating, while testing will show a negative result.

    In almost all cases, this process is associated with the development of an incorrect pregnancy, behind the uterine cavity. False data can also be in the presence of violations in the development of the fetus. If there is a risk of miscarriage, fading of pregnancy, with placental insufficiency of the fetus. If there is a suspicion of the presence of conception, but testing at the same time shows only one strip, you must urgently contact a highly qualified specialist for help.

False positive result

This can happen if:

  • the woman has impaired ovarian function;
  • the test is carried out in the first two months after childbirth;
  • the test is used expired;
  • when a tumor occurs.

Test during menstruation

Some women may not stop menstruating even when they become pregnant. But you should know that menstrual blood does not appear on the sensitivity of the test, so the result will still be true.

Even if the patient used a material in which spotting is present, if the right amount of hCG is present in her, the device will show two strips.

Test for ectopic pregnancy

A fetal egg in a condition such as an ectopic pregnancy is attached in most cases in the fallopian tube, and not in the uterine cavity as expected. But hCG is also starting to be produced. The only feature is a slight increase in the level of hCG or the complete absence of its growth.

That is, in the presence of a pathological pregnancy, the test will show two bands. Most likely, the second one will be hard to see, and it will be blurry and fuzzy. And in this case, the test will be positive only after a delay in menstruation.

There is a test called INEXSCREEN. It makes it possible to determine an incorrect pregnancy a couple of weeks after the delay.

Test for a frozen pregnancy

If a woman took the test several times, and it clearly showed a positive result, and then during the week a second test shows a barely noticeable second strip or does not show it at all, then this is more likely to indicate that the pregnancy has stopped. You need to see a doctor, and as soon as possible.

When to do the test?

Usually, the instructions for the texts do not contain information on when it is better to do testing. That is, in the presence of pregnancy, the test will be positive at any time of the day.

Doctors recommend doing this procedure in the morning. In this case, the result will be true, especially in the early stages of gestation. If you do it in the daytime, then there is a risk that a mistake will be made, since the urine will not be very concentrated due to the liquid consumed throughout the day.

A similar outcome will be if the test is carried out in the evening - the concentration of hCG will be significantly lower. If there is a need to do a test in the daytime, it is recommended to refrain from urinating for four hours. It is important to limit the amount of liquid consumed.

There are doubts that the night with your loved one was not without consequences - you will have to go to the pharmacy to get confirmation of conception. But you should not rush - on the first day, the very hormone that the probes react to will not appear in the blood. It is important to clarify how to do a pregnancy test - it will be inaccurate if certain conditions are not met, as with laboratory analysis.

How to do a pregnancy test?

No matter how excited the question of possible fertilization, "yes" or "no" cannot be found out as quickly as one would like. On the forums, they often ask, “what time to do a pregnancy test” or “from what day can you find out about conception”? First you need to understand what is happening in the body, and how the tests work. And what time in the morning to do a pregnancy test is not so important. The main thing is that the concentration of the hormone after sleep is maximum in order to exclude an erroneous result.

HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is the main reagent for household determinants. It is recognized by all pregnancy tests without exception, how to do it - carefully read the instructions. This substance is secreted with increasing intensity in pregnant women. It, at first in small quantities, is produced by the chorion (fetal membrane or future placenta) after fixing in the mucous membrane of the uterine wall. In minimal quantities, not a single “litmus” recognizes it, so it’s better not to rush to test.

Gradually, the level of hCG increases, and it can be determined in the blood by laboratory analysis. This "pregnancy hormone" is added to the general hormonal background. Therefore, gynecologists often hear the question - how many pregnancy tests should be done? Of course, many women do a second check if the first probe does not “stripe” during a delay.

The level of this hormone progresses every day, as the actively dividing cells of the fetal egg doubling. It happens that the embryo “walks” in the fallopian tubes or gets stuck there, provoking an ectopic pregnancy. In a woman's body there will be an insufficient level of hCG to determine the process of embryonic development.

In the body of a pregnant woman, symptoms of fertilization should be observed. At the same time, scanty menstrual flow, a “daub” of a different color, or a delay are possible. But during menstruation, you can do a pregnancy test if there is a suspicion. When there are no pathologies, implantation of the fetal egg occurs in the first days after ovulation, so menstruation stops.

Attention: If you count from the first day of menstruation, the fixation of the embryo occurs at 3-4 weeks or by 21-28 days. In theory, before doing a pregnancy test is pointless.

Before buying, check the expiration date that all pharmacy products have. Read the instructions in the pregnancy test - how to do it right, which side to put under the stream. Some modifications need to be lowered into the analysis container. Others have a special window where you need to drip fresh morning urine with a pipette (included in the kit).
  1. Store pre-purchased tests unopened in a cool, dry place; seal failure is detrimental to the reagent.
  2. With a week delay, most sensitive tests respond to the level of hCG in the urine.
  3. All manufacturers say that their probes are sensitive, give a guarantee of up to 99%, but this is not so, buy inkjet tests with minimal markings. Only highly sensitive rapid tests with an indicator of 10 mIU / ml (units per milliliter) are able to capture a small concentration of the hormone.
  4. Do not violate the recommendations specified by the manufacturer in the description for use.
  5. A test that did not respond to the hormone at an early stage cannot be re-used.
  6. Sealed packaging can only be opened before diagnosis.
  7. Be sure to do a pregnancy test early in the morning - at this time, the highest concentration of hCG in the blood and urine. For longer periods, the time of day does not matter.
  8. Be sure to wash the perineum with neutral liquid soap before testing. If a container is used to collect urine, it must be absolutely clean and dry.
  9. It is not worth buying a test in advance; it is easy to violate storage conditions at home. If there is a delay, it is better to wait a week from the expected start date of the discharge, then buy a test (you can have 2 different ones, for a guarantee).

How to choose a type of pregnancy test?

How a pregnancy test is done depends on its variety, but they are all quite convenient. Some women perceive their first pregnancy with particular trepidation, keep a diary where they write down their feelings and dreams, describe the results of testing and analyzes. These "enthusiastic moms" buy all kinds of pregnancy tests, try them out, then write them down in their diary and share the results on forums.

General requirements for all varieties:

  • sealed packaging,
  • sufficient shelf life;
  • compliance with storage conditions;
  • compliance with the recommendations on how to do a pregnancy test (each type has its own characteristics).
Testing methods are described in detail in the instructions for each test.

The most common Frautest and Evitest, but they also have common varieties:

  1. Test strip, their popularity is due to an affordable price and a clear answer. The main thing is not to lower the other side of the body into the urine. For self-examination, morning urine is collected in a clean container and lowered to the indicated mark (blue or red in the middle of the case). After a few minutes, a second line should appear next to the control strip. In this case, saying that the test "streaked" (or not). Which is the best pregnancy test? There is no definite answer - most often they buy 2 different ones (the most expensive and the most economical), someone prefers electronics, others want to show their husband a “striped friend”.
  2. Tablet tests also involve direct contact with urine, but without immersion. This is a more accurate pregnancy test, not morning urine - it doesn't matter, its reagent is more sensitive. Urine is instilled into a special window with the expectation of the result. The instructions indicate the waiting time - from 2 to 30 minutes. You can not collect urine, but substitute the test window under the last drops of the jet, which is very convenient. What to do if the inkjet test showed pregnancy? Go to the gynecologist.
  3. Inkjet tests work in the same way, they are so called because they involve irrigation with a stream of urine. They are comfortable in any conditions, even on a train or plane, as long as the crotch is clean. The instructions also describe how to do a pregnancy test of this type, although everything is very clear anyway.
  4. Electronic tests do not differ significantly, only an electronic scoreboard, where the inscription is displayed. Sensitive reagents for all tests are approximately the same, only here the protein component is applied to the matrix. It evaluates hormone concentrations in units, so it can even indicate the gestational age, which sometimes amuses those who are tested for the first time. After 2-3 minutes, “+” or “-” appears on the electronic mini-board, in another series the inscription “pregnant” (congratulations, you are pregnant) or “not pregnant” (try to get pregnant again) is read.
Of course, this is a very free "translation" to cheer up. How early can a pregnancy test be done? Like all others - after a delay, but its advantage is the minimum probability of error and misinterpretation of the result.

There are lovers to experience each variety for themselves - you can read such descriptions on the forums. You can find topics like "2 years married, no children, I'm afraid to take a pregnancy test, suddenly negative." Don't be afraid, it's better to get checked again and go to the doctor with your husband to find out the reason, maybe it's not your fault. What is needed here is not morning urine for a pregnancy test, but a serious diagnosis.

In extreme cases, there are “test-tube babies”, surrogate motherhood and donor sperm – you won’t be left without a baby!


After how many days you can do a pregnancy test after ovulation, after menstruation, after intercourse (conception), after a delay and after IVF. How reliable are these results? Test sensitivity.

“Can be used from the first day of delay,” says the package of almost every pregnancy test. Already this phrase baffles many women. How to understand that there has been a delay if menstruation is irregular? How long after conception will the test “stripe”.

Pregnancy test sensitivity and hormones

A new life is born at the moment of conception (the fusion of male and female sex cells). As soon as this happens, the body of the expectant mother begins to prepare for bearing a child. At the first stage, this preparation is manifested in a sharp change in the hormonal background. In particular, it strongly "jumps" hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is actively secreted by the tissue cells of the embryo. The test strip that determines pregnancy reacts to changes.

HCG is released after implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity (5-6 days after conception). At the initial stage of pregnancy (during its normal course), the level of hCG doubles every day. In the body of a non-pregnant woman, the level of the hormone is on average 5 units. The test will not respond to such a small amount. Modern tests have different sensitivity from 10 to 30 units. Accordingly, the lower the number, the earlier the test is able to "detect" pregnancy.

The test was done, the second strip appeared, but pale.

Test after ovulation

Pregnancy can only occur after ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). It is generally accepted that it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but this process is not always predictable. The egg may mature before the next menstruation (late ovulation) or not mature at all.

The life span of a mature germ cell is 12-24 hours. During this time, she must "have time" to be fertilized, if this does not happen, she will die and leave the body along with tissue cells in the next menstruation.

To calculate, let's take the situation as a basis: on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, the egg “left” into the fallopian tube, where it was fertilized, then it “reached” the uterus and implanted into it after 6 days, the release of hCG begins according to an approximate schedule.

  1. 7 day after conception - from 2 to 10 units;
  2. Day 8 - from 3 to 18 units;
  3. Day 9 - from 5 to 21 units;
  4. 10 day - from 8 to 26 units;
  5. Day 11 - from 11 to 45 units;
  6. Day 12 - from 17 to 65 units;
  7. Day 13 - from 22 to 105 units;
  8. Day 14 - from 29 to 170 units;
  9. Day 15 - from 39 to 270 units.

The most sensitive tests (10 units) will show a positive result already on the 11th day, tests with a sensitivity of 25 - on the 14th day after ovulation. From the 15th day of conception, even the most insensitive tests will detect pregnancy.

Test after menstruation

Menstruation is associated with ovulation. The woman's body prepares for bearing the fetus, and if fertilization does not occur, the dead egg leaves the mother's body along with menstrual blood.

Fertilization can occur at ovulation or a day after it. For example, we will use simple calculations again. If the cycle is 28 days, monthly discharge goes on for 3 days, ovulation occurs on day 14 (11 days after menstruation), fertilization occurred on day 14, hCG begins to be produced after 7 days.

Sensitive tests will respond to the hormone even before the delay of menstruation (25 days after the start of the last menstruation), tests marked "25" will show 2 strips on the expected day of the next menstruation, marked "30" will be positive on the first day of the delay monthly.

Test after intercourse

The test shows a positive result in case of successful fertilization of the egg by the sperm. A sperm cell in the uterine cavity or fallopian tube may “wait” for an egg for some time (4-6 days). Accordingly, you need to focus not on sexual intercourse, but on ovulation. Pregnancy occurs on the day of ovulation or a day after it.

If the cycle is regular, then in the presence of pregnancy, the test is guaranteed to show 2 strips on the 28th day or on the first day of the delay (next day).

Test after delay

Delayed periods are not necessarily related to pregnancy. It could be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stress;
  • disease.

But most often, pregnancy is the cause of a delay in regular menstruation. As mentioned above, the test responds to a specific body hormone - hCG. It is released after implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. With a regular cycle, 2 strips on the test can be seen already on the first day of the delay (when a new cycle should begin).

Test after IVF

IVF is the transfer of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. For some couples, this is the only opportunity to have a baby. The use of a pregnancy test in this case will not be entirely correct, since hormone therapy is necessary for the IVF procedure.

With a successful procedure, the test can show pregnancy as early as 5 days after it, but do not forget that IVF is a serious intervention in the body, so the test may show an incorrect result and in 2-3 days the result will be different. For an accurate diagnosis of the onset of pregnancy, you will need to pass blood for hCG 12-14 days after embryo transfer.

Express pregnancy tests today can be bought at every pharmacy, and even at the supermarket checkout. They are easy to use and reliable: doctors rate their accuracy at 99% Pregnancy Tests. But often such tests lie.

How Pregnancy Tests Work

Absolutely all pregnancy tests check whether there is a special hormone in the urine or blood (if we are talking about a laboratory test). Pregnancy Tests- human chorionic gonadotropin, abbreviated hCG. It begins to be produced immediately after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

If there is no pregnancy, hCG is nowhere to come from. If it is, hCG will be required.

The egg usually attaches to the uterus six days after fertilization. During this period, the test is meaningless: it will not show anything. But then the level of hCG increases rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days.

When to take a pregnancy test

Already 8 days after, during which the egg met with its sperm, the level of hCG becomes sufficient so that pregnancy can be detected using a laboratory blood test.

In a few more days - that is, on the 10-12th day after fertilization - the usual pharmacy tests will also see the pregnancy.

Although the instructions for many of them promise an accurate result already on the first day of delay, doctors advise taking your time. Home pregnancy tests: Can you trust the results?. The reason is simple.

If you ovulated on the 10-14th day of the cycle, then by the beginning of the next cycle, at least 13 days will pass from the moment of fertilization. So, the test will signal you with two stripes.

However, ovulation may be delayed. If the egg was released on the 22nd day of the cycle, then by the beginning the actual gestational age may be less than 7 days. This means that even ideal tests will most likely not fix anything.

If your cycle is more or less than 28 days, it's even more confusing.

Therefore, in order to get the most accurate result, it is worth waiting 5-7 days from the start of the delay.

If you are pregnant, the level of hCG by this point in any case will be such that it is unambiguously recognized even by the cheapest tests with low sensitivity.

But even if you met all the deadlines, the test can still mislead you. For example, it will not see a high level of hCG and will show a negative result with an existing pregnancy, or, on the contrary, it will give out two strips, although it does not smell like a pregnancy. In fairness, let's say that this is not so much the fault of the test as you yourself Five reasons for false-positive pregnancy tests.

Why rapid pregnancy tests lie

1. You used an expired or spoiled test

Express tests contain special highly sensitive substances that react to the level of hCG. It is they who, upon contact with the urine of a pregnant woman, are painted in a bright second stripe or plus sign.

But if the test is out of date or stored incorrectly, the sensitivity of these substances may decrease. As a result, they will give a negative result, which may turn out to be false.

What to do

Buy tests only in pharmacies, where, unlike supermarkets, they are trying to ensure the correct storage conditions. When buying, be sure to check the expiration date.

2. You bought a test with low sensitivity

The sensitivity of express tests is indicated by numbers - 10, 20, 25, 30. These numbers indicate the concentration of hCG in the urine (in mIU / ml) that they are able to capture. The higher the number, the less accurate the test. The most expensive and accurate options have a sensitivity of 10. But the cheap ones may not catch hCG and deceive you by showing a negative result.

What to do

When buying a test, be sure to check with the pharmacist how sensitive it is. Also, this information can often be found on the packaging and always in the instructions.

3. You took the test in the afternoon

It is not for nothing that in the instructions for the vast majority of tests, the manufacturer talks about morning urine. It is more concentrated, there is more chorionic gonadotropin in it, which means that the test will be more reliable.

In the afternoon, the content of hCG in the urine is lower.

What to do

Use the test exclusively in the morning, as directed by the manufacturer.

4. You drank a lot of water before taking the test.

Water dilutes urine, which lowers hCG levels. A rapid test may not detect the hormone and give a false negative result.

What to do

Try not to eat or drink anything before the test.

5. You looked at the results at the wrong time.

The instructions for each test stipulate the rules for its use. For example, like this: “The result can be assessed 4-5 minutes after the test, but no later than 15 minutes.” These minutes are not taken from the ceiling.

The lower limit indicates the time it takes the test for the sensitive substances contained in it to react to the level of hCG. If you look at the test earlier than the agreed time, the second strip (or the plus sign in the corresponding box) may not yet appear and you will see a false negative result.

If you look at the strip later than the time indicated as the upper limit, you risk getting a false positive result. Evaporated urine may leave a line that is easily confused with a second strip.

What to do

Before using the test, read the instructions and follow them strictly.

6. You are taking certain medications

Some diuretics and antihistamines affect the composition of urine, diluting it. This reduces the level of hCG, which means there is a risk of getting a false negative result.

Other drugs, on the contrary, can give you two strips, although in fact they don’t. These medicines include:

  • some tranquilizers and sleeping pills;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • fertility-enhancing drugs.

What to do

If you are taking any of the medicines on this list, you should not rely on a paper rapid test. To establish pregnancy or its absence, do a laboratory blood test.

7. You are sick

If there is an increase in blood or protein in the urine, this can also affect the result of the rapid test. But here it is important to note that in itself this situation is extremely unhealthy. Blood in the urine indicates the work of the bladder or kidneys, increased protein indicates internal inflammation.

Therefore, it is most likely that the erroneous two strips on the test will be accompanied by fever and / or discomfort in the genital area and kidneys.

What to do

Do not rely on a rapid test if you have a fever and pain in your lower back and lower abdomen. With such ailments, it is necessary to contact a therapist, gynecologist or urologist as soon as possible so as not to miss a serious illness.

8. You develop an ovarian tumor

Some types of tumors can trick the test into showing two lines.

What to do

After receiving a positive result, do not delay the visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will conduct studies during which he will establish the actual gestational age (if any) or send you for additional tests and to specialized specialists.

How to do a pregnancy test

  1. Read the instructions. And follow it, of course!
  2. Remember the rule: if you are healthy and the test shows a positive result, the probability of pregnancy is 99%. A negative result may be false up to a week after the delay.
  3. Choose tests with a high level of sensitivity. 10 is ideal.
  4. Do the test in the morning, not in the afternoon, and especially not in the evening.
  5. Try not to drink at least an hour before the test.
  6. Do not rely on the test if you are taking the above medications or if you have a fever or pain in your lower abdomen.
  7. Buy two tests at once to be able to double-check the result.
  8. If rapid tests contradict each other, you should not guess what's the matter. Get a laboratory blood test to get a reliable result.

Important! A positive test, even if you have been waiting for it for a long time, is, alas, not a reason to rejoice. An increased level of hCG in the urine can be recorded, including during an ectopic or missed pregnancy. Therefore, having received two strips, go to the gynecologist as soon as possible.

After how many days can I take a pregnancy test

After how many days can I take a pregnancy test to get an accurate result? This issue is widely discussed among young women. If you count from the date of sexual intercourse, then after about two weeks. That is, the correct answer to the question after how many days after conception you can do a pregnancy test is 14 days, at least.

Why do you have to wait so long? The fact is that immediately after sexual intercourse, spermatozoa begin their journey to the female egg. And this way can take 1-2 days. After fertilization (conception) occurs. But the fertilized egg now needs to get to the uterus. And it may take another 6-7 days. After arriving in the uterus, the egg is embedded in its wall. And only after that, the production of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin begins - the same one that home tests respond to.

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced only during pregnancy, some serious illnesses and taking medications, which include this hormone in a synthesized form.

Each rapid test has its own sensitivity. The smaller the amount of hCG he is able to determine, the higher the sensitivity. To find out the correct result, read the information on its packaging about sensitivity (in numbers) and look at the hCG growth plate during pregnancy. During pregnancy for a period of 2 weeks, all modern tests will already show the correct result.

Of course, you can try to do a pregnancy test before the delay after 10 days - it is quite possible that hCG is already being produced and can be recorded during express diagnostics. But keep in mind that even in such a favorable case, some nuances must be taken into account. For example, the fact that the second stripe may be barely noticeable is paler than the first. But this should also be regarded as a positive result if the test is done correctly, the instructions are followed. The second “ghost” strip, which is actually not there, may appear a few hours after the diagnosis, and after such a long time it is no longer possible to evaluate the result. A false positive result may occur if the test strip is dipped into the urine deeper than the lines drawn. In any case, to clarify, you need to take a blood test for hCG (if you need to know the result urgently) or repeat the test in a week. And after a delay, a pregnancy test can be done in a couple of days, without the risk of making a mistake. Or even immediately, on the first day of the absence of menstruation. By this time, other signs of pregnancy may appear. Such as mild toxicosis, fever, engorgement of the mammary glands. Women who are not pregnant for the first time usually determine their “position” very easily even without tests.

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