Home Diseases and pests Olympiad in Chinese on September 22. Oriental Languages ​​– Olympiad for School Students “Higher Standard” – National Research University Higher School of Economics. Chinese

Olympiad in Chinese on September 22. Oriental Languages ​​– Olympiad for School Students “Higher Standard” – National Research University Higher School of Economics. Chinese

Second (final) full-time stage (strictly according to the schedule)- January 31 - February 8, 2019

The Olympiad is held for schoolchildren in grades 9-11.

Olympiad level:2.

Leave your feedback about the Olympiad .

The Oriental Languages ​​Olympiad has been held since the 2015/2016 academic year. Since then, the composition of the languages ​​has changed, as well as the level of the Olympiad. The following year, the Oriental Languages ​​Olympiad was included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren (level III), at the same time the Arabic language was introduced. In the 2017/2018 academic year, Arabic was replaced by Japanese in the language range of the Olympiad.

In the 2018/2019 academic year, the Olympiad in Oriental Languages ​​(Chinese and Japanese) was included in the List of School Olympiads with a higher second level, which indicates a growing interest in the study of the culture and languages ​​of the countries of the East.

Schoolchildren in grades 9-11 who study Chinese and Japanese can try their hand at solving Olympiad problems and show their abilities.

The main goals of the Olympiad are to test the knowledge and level of proficiency in Oriental languages, increase motivation for in-depth study of the language, as well as the disclosure and development of the intellectual and creative potential of schoolchildren studying Chinese and Japanese.

The methodological committee and the jury included leading teachers of the School of Oriental Studies, including native-speaker teachers with extensive experience and relevant methodological training, as well as teachers from other leading Russian universities. When developing the concept of the Olympiad, we tried to make the tasks varied and covered extensive cultural, lexical and grammatical material. At the qualifying and final stages, the participants of the Olympiad will have to demonstrate not only grammatical and lexical skills, but also linguistic intuition, the level of knowledge about the culture of the country under study, and also show a creative approach when completing tasks. In other words, in order to solve the tasks set, not only knowledge will be required, but also resourcefulness, the ability to show a linguistic guess when performing creative tasks, to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of grammar and vocabulary corresponding to the level of the Olympiad.

For those who study Japanese or Chinese at school, this Olympiad is a great chance to get privileges when entering a university. If your cherished dream is to become a Japanese or Sinologist, then participation in the Olympiad in Japanese or Chinese will provide additional opportunities.

Good news for the participants of the Japanese Language Olympiad: representatives of the Embassy of Japan in the Russian Federation take and will take an active part in the preparation of materials, as well as in evaluating the work of participants. Participants who have proven themselves from the best side(even if their results do not qualify for a prize, their answers to individual questions will be original and creative), representatives of the Embassy of Japan in the Russian Federation will present special prizes– for a deep interest in Japan, for the desire to win, for perseverance in learning the Japanese language! The Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation also provides information and methodological support to the participants of the Olympiad, encouraging schoolchildren for their interest in the Chinese language and culture.

To complete the tasks, knowledge beyond the scope of the school curriculum is not required, but resourcefulness, the ability to show language guesswork when performing creative tasks, demonstrate knowledge of the basics of grammar and vocabulary corresponding to the level of the Olympiad.

Learning an oriental language is a process that requires patience, perseverance and time from students. We hope that our Olympiad will promote the development of schoolchildren's interest in Oriental languages, as well as give an incentive for a deeper study of it. Preparation for the Olympiad is a great opportunity to revisit grammar rules, develop listening and writing skills and expand your knowledge of countries. We would like that, while preparing for the Olympiad, schoolchildren not only repeat the textbook material, but also listen to the radio in the appropriate language, watch feature films in the original language, read books and communicate with native speakers. After all, this is the only way to really improve your level of language proficiency.

Try your hand, start small - take the first step on your thorny but exciting path as an orientalist!

An Eastern proverb tells us that "Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." We are waiting for you, lovers of the oriental language and oriental culture! Future Japanese and Sinologists, join our Eastern professional community!

We wish all participants of the Olympiad success in their preparation, acquisition of new knowledge and, of course, victory!


State University

Free online Chinese language olympiads for schoolchildren

Free international and open Russian Internet Olympiads

May 13-21, 2019. Spring Internet Olympiad in Russian

April 22-30, 2019. Spring Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

April 19, 2019. Spring Internet Chemistry Olympiad

April 16-18, 2019. Spring Internet Physics Olympiad

March 27-31, 2019. Spring Internet Olympiad in English

March 24-26, 2019. Spring Internet Chinese Olympiad

March 20-23, 2019. Spring Internet Olympiad in German

March 18-19, 2019. Spring Internet Olympiad on the world around

February 18-26, 2019. Winter Internet Olympiad in the Russian language

January 21-29, 2019. Winter Internet Olympiad in Mathematics

January 19, 2019. Winter Internet Chemistry Olympiad

January 16-18, 2019. Winter Internet Physics Olympiad

December 25-29, 2018. Winter Internet Olympiad in English

December 22-24, 2018. Chinese Winter Internet Olympiad

December 18-21, 2018. Winter Internet Olympiad in German

December 16-17, 2018. Winter Internet Olympiad on the world around

November 19-27, 2018. Autumn Internet Olympiad in Russian

October 22-30, 2018. Autumn Internet Mathematics Olympiad

October 19, 2018. Autumn Internet Chemistry Olympiad

October 16-18, 2018. Autumn Internet Physics Olympiad

September 25-29, 2018. Autumn Internet Olympiad in English

September 22-24, 2018. Autumn Internet Olympiad in Chinese

September 18-21, 2018. Autumn Internet Olympiad in German

September 16-17, 2018. Autumn Internet Olympiad on the world around


By March 24-26, 2019. Spring Internet Chinese Olympiad By December 22-24, 2018. Winter Internet Chinese Olympiad By September 22-24, 2018. Autumn Internet Chinese Olympiad


NB! Official information for teachers


Preparation for the Olympiad in Chinese

At the moment, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is an increase in the popularity of the Chinese language, and one can hope that Chinese as the first or second foreign language will take its rightful place in the volume of the school curriculum in Russian schools.

The purpose of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Chinese is to identify not only well-prepared children in the subject, but also creatively gifted schoolchildren. The Olympiad helps to identify and develop creativity and interest in the Chinese language and culture of China. The Olympiad is also a great opportunity for schoolchildren to test and critically evaluate their knowledge and their abilities.

The All-Russian Chinese Olympiad for schoolchildren is aimed at encouraging schoolchildren to study the Chinese language and Chinese culture, so we urge you, dear friends, not to be afraid to participate and try your hand!

All stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Chinese are held using a single set of tasks for each group of participants. Given the difference in preparation, in the language and speech competencies of students, the participants of the Olympiad are divided into three age groups (5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades). For each of these groups, a separate set of tasks is prepared with an increasing degree of complexity from group to group, while each set includes identical types of tasks of the All-Russian Olympiad.

Are you just starting your Olympiad path, or are you already familiar with its format? We will be happy to help everyone prepare. The Champions Club of the Association of Olympiad Winners is always open for beginners, and experienced participants can join the Moscow Chinese language team.

The tasks of the Olympiad include the following sections:

"Lexico-grammar test";
"Linguistic and regional studies quiz" (grades 9-11);
Writing (Creative writing assignment);
Oral tour.

The school stage of the Olympiad includes 1 round: written. The creative writing assignment and the oral tour are not included in the school stage. The municipal stage includes a written creative task, and the Oral round is held only at the regional and final stages of the Olympiad.


In the "Listening" section, it is proposed to listen to authentic texts and answer a series of questions, choosing an answer from several proposed ones.


In the "Reading" section, one or more texts are offered, after reading which it will be necessary, according to the content of the texts, to choose between the proposed options "true", "false", "I don't know", and then answer the questions by choosing the correct answer from the proposed options.

"Lexico-grammar task"

The task is a multiple choice test that involves completing 20 tasks to test knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, hieroglyphics, possession of pinyin transcription, as well as filling in gaps in a small coherent text.

Linguistic and Regional Studies Quiz».

This section is offered for students in grades 9-11. Participants need to answer 10 questions related to the cultural, geographical and historical realities of China. This item is also a multiple choice test. The inclusion of a linguistic and regional competition, firstly, encourages schoolchildren to be interested in specific facts and events of Chinese history and culture, and secondly, it allows “increasing the score” of answers to those participants in the Olympiad who are really deeply interested in the Chinese language, history and culture of the country of the language being studied, and, thirdly, it allows such participants to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks of increased complexity related to the Chinese language and Chinese writing.

creative writing assignment

Writing a story (story). As an assignment, participants receive a blank in which there is only the first line / beginning of the story (for grades 7-8) or the last sentence / end of the story (for grades 9-11), and are asked to compose a story. The main condition is that the participant composes a complete story of at least 150 characters (grades 7-8) or 250 characters (grades 9-11). At the same time, both the solution of the communicative task and the language design of the text are evaluated. This section is difficult for many participants of the Olympiad, because. participants often go to the so-called topic and write once memorized text on a similar topic, which does not fit into the narrative on a given topic at all.

Oral tour of the Olympiad

The oral tour of the Chinese Language Olympiad (for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad) takes place in the format of a talk show, during which participants present a discussion of a topical issue. Participants are divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. Sometimes certain roles are assigned, participants can offer their own, but one role remains unchanged, this is the role of the moderator (leader). Each group has 50 minutes to prepare. 8-10 minutes for a talk show presentation. The performance is evaluated according to several parameters, for example, teamwork, presentation content, individual performance, persuasiveness and clarity of presentation, expressiveness and artistry, lexical, grammatical and intonation-phonemic design of speech, etc.

An important role is played by the interaction of the participants, their equal participation in the talk show, and not the "bulging" of themselves. In this part of the Olympiad, the ability to express one's point of view, argue it and give counterarguments is also tested.

Very useful for preparing for the oral part of the Olympiad are various role-playing games. Topics for discussion can be suggested either by the teacher or by the students themselves.

Dear parents, on this page you can find the schedule of classes for the Moscow national team in Chinese, as well as candidates for the National Team.

For questions related to the schedule and division into groups, please contact by e-mail: [email protected].

All classes are held at the address: Olympic Avenue, building 11, building 1.

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