Home Diseases and pests The lake is bygone. Lake Bylymskoe: the most beautiful septic tank of radioactive substances among untouched nature. Heads of local administration (foremen, chairmen of the village council, heads of administration)

The lake is bygone. Lake Bylymskoe: the most beautiful septic tank of radioactive substances among untouched nature. Heads of local administration (foremen, chairmen of the village council, heads of administration)

The village is located in the eastern part of the Elbrus region, on the right bank of the Baksan River. It is located 16 km north of the regional center - the city of Tyrnyauz - and 75 km from the city of Nalchik. The nearest settlements: Bedyk, Tyrnyauz.


Points-Syrt, Bylym, Ballym.
Points - honey, melliferous. Hans is a melliferous flower.
"Stahuatla mulla bolsunla, batmanla points bolsunla." / May the camps be full of cattle, may the hives be full of honey.
Syrt - plateau, plateau. According to old residents, on the plateau where the village is located, there was a good herbage, a grassy field rich in medicinal herbs.

History reference

The first permanent settlements on the territory of the modern village began to emerge in the late Middle Ages, although archaeological data indicate the settlement of the territory as early as the X-XI centuries. In the late Middle Ages, on the territory of the current rural settlement Bylym, there were several small settlements belonging to the Chegem and Baksan societies: Kochkar-Tash, Shashbovat, Kala-Kol, Chalmaly, Kyrs-Kam, Barasbievsky, Khasty-Gestenti, Dzhigat, Gizhgit, Sary- Tyuz, Kyr, Ozarukovsky, Kesanty, Tolgurovsky.

After the establishment of Soviet power in 1920, they were united into one village called Bylym, although this name was used before. Moreover, the Bylym society was created, which included most of the indicated settlements: thus, Bylym became independent from the Chegem administration.

In 1924-26, there were repressions directed against the princes Barasbievs, Kuchukovs. The Balkarukovs, who were evicted from their ancestral settlements in Bylym and Köndelen, and their property was confiscated, their houses were destroyed.

This was done on the direct instructions of the district administration. Since 1930, there has been a correspondence about the resettlement of the villages - Chalmaly, Kochhartash and Gizhgit - to the village of Bylym. Mass repressions and persecutions forced representatives of the Uzden families to move from their ancestral estates to Bylym: the Akhmatovs from Shashbovat, Kochkhartash, Kunlyum, the Uzdenovs from Gizhgit, the Tolgurovs from Tolgur-Cheget.

In the 30s, cultural construction began in the village, as well as throughout the republic. Thanks to appropriations for public education, the scale of school construction is expanding, in which the population took an active part.

In 1939, the Mestprom coal mine was opened in the vicinity of the village.

During the Great Patriotic War, the settlement was captured by fascist troops - during their passage through the Baksan gorge to hoist the fascist flag over Elbrus.

The village was liberated at the beginning of 1943. However, a year later, in March 1944, the Balkars were deported to Central Asia. After the deportation, Bylym was renamed Ugolnoye and settled with families of miners.

In 1949, the village received the status of a workers' settlement. In 1957, by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Balkars were allowed to return to their former places of residence. In the same year, the name of the Bylym was returned to the settlement.

In 1966, after the closure of the coal mine, a rapid outflow of the population from the village began. In total, during the census period from 1959 to 1970, the population of the village decreased from 3048 to 1959 people.

In 1995, the village was returned to the status of a village.


In 1929, the construction of a new school began and in 1933 it was put into operation. In 1970, a new school was opened in the center of the village, it is designed for 560 students, has a gym, workshops, classrooms. Now the school employs highly qualified teachers. Among them are honored teachers of the Russian Federation and KBR, excellent students of public education, many teachers have the highest and first qualification categories.


There is a mosque in the village.


For 1906, in the settlements of Bylyma, belonging to the Chegem society:

In Ozarukovsky and Kesanty


In Khasty-Gestenti


In Barasbievsky


In Kyrs-Kama

To Chalmalli


In Kochkartash


Belonging to the Baksan society

In Kunlum


In Shashbovat


In Gizhgit and Sary-Tyuz


For 1944


Were in the Red Army

Have not returned from the war

Alive by 1957

Died by 1957

Killed before eviction
























The Makitovs



















The Khotidovs





For 2014

Number of families








































The Makitovs



The Mankanduevs





























On the territory of the rural settlement, there are numerous burials dating from the Bronze Age to the present day.

State of the art

At present, Bylym is a rural settlement in the Elbrus municipal district of the KBR.


During three field seasons (1976-1978), the archeology sector of KBIIFE carried out protective excavations in the vicinity of the village. Bygone. During the indicated time, a number of interesting monuments related to various periods of the history of the region - from the Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages, in particular, group, sub-kurgan and catacomb burials of the 2nd millennium BC - have been explored here. BC: Burial ground of Ailama, Burial ground of Shiltrak, as well as a number of burials in the mound.

Ethnocultural attribution of antiquities investigated by the new construction expeditions of 1976-1977 in the area of ​​the village. Bylym, testifies to their obvious heterogeneity: if the belonging of the Ailam burial ground to the range of monuments of local culture of the Middle Bronze Age does not raise any doubts, then the Shiltrak catacomb of the Ubba burial under the burial mound can, to a certain extent, be associated with a group of newcomers - steppe dwellers.
AINKB, T. 1, pp. 146-163.

Bylymsky treasure. In the region of the village, in a cave on the Almaly-Kaya mountain, even in the pre-revolutionary period, a treasure of semi-finished products and bronze items of the Koban type (temporal rings, pins, earrings, pendants) was found. On this basis, the archaeologist A. A. Jessen assumed the existence of a metalworking workshop here.

Bylymsky burial ground located at the confluence of the Gestenti River with the Baksan River. It dates back to the 4th-8th centuries.

Bylymsk underground crypts are located 1 km north-east of the village of Bylym, in the area of ​​Kala-Kol, which means “the gorge of towers, fortresses”. The inventory of the crypts dates back to the 4th-8th centuries.

Bylym settlement "Gatsar-Kala" is located 2 km north-east of the village. The material of the settlement is mainly made up of fragments of early medieval ceramics.

Bylymsky ground crypt-keshene. It was located 5-6 km southeast of the village of Bylym.
Chechenov I.M. Antiquities of Kabardino-Balkaria. Nalchik, Elbrus, 1969, pp. 36, 55, 56.


Administrative note

Bylymskoe society. The Bylymsky society included: villages. Byly, settlements: Dzhigat, Yealakan, Kochkartash.

Bylym, pos.

July 26, 1944 village. renamed into the village of Ugolnoye. In 1949 it was transformed into a workers' settlement.
On February 1, 1963, the Ugolny workers 'settlement was renamed into the Bylym workers' settlement.
On December 12, 1995, the working settlement Bylym was transformed into a village.
Until January 19, 1921 - Bylymskoe society, Nalchik district, Tersk region.
January 20, 1921 - January 15, 1922 - Balkar district, GASSR.
January 16, 1922 - January 1, 1932 - Balkar district, KBAO.
January 2, 1932 - January 27, 1935 - Balkar region, KBAO.
January 28, 1935 - December 4, 1936 - Elbrus region, KBSSR.
December 5, 1936 - April 7, 1944 - Elbrus region, KBASSR.
April 8, 1944 - January 8, 1957 - Elbrus region, KASSR.
January 9, 1957 - December 20, 1962 - Elbrus region, KBASSR.
December 21, 1962 - January 29, 1991 - Tyrnyauz City Council, KBASSR.
January 30, 1991 - March 9, 1992 - Tyrnyauz City Council, KBSSR.
March 10, 1992 - May 4, 1994 - Tyrnyauz City Council, KBR.
Since May 5, 1994 - Elbrus region, KBR.
Administrative and territorial transformations in Kabardino-Balkaria. History and modernity. Nalchik, publishing center "El-Fa", 2000, p. 576.

All-Union population census of KBAO on 01/01/1927

List of village councils and their constituent settlements of the Balkar district KB AO as of January 1, 1929

For 1942

families - 232
people - 1000


Local administration leaders
(foremen, chairmen of the village council, heads of administration)

  1. Ozrokov Aliy
  2. Kelemetov Aubekir
  3. Akhmatov Muhammat
  4. Sariev Ali
  5. Afashokov Matgeriy
  6. Kantemirov Hatra
  7. Teppev Idris
  8. Zharashuev Mussa
  9. Gizhgiev Tauso
  10. Atakuev Akhiya
  11. Shavaev Pasha
  12. Bapinaev Ako
  13. Guliev Azretali
  14. Eldzhurkaeva Zoya
  15. Dumanov Khasanbiy
  16. Teberdiev Mukhazhir
  17. Murachaev Shamshudin
  18. Sozaev Sufyan
  19. Uzdenov Hasan
  20. Akhmatov Kamal
  21. Ruslan Atakuev

School principals since 1957

Akhmatov Akhmat
Murachaev Shamshuddin
Kulieva Sophia
Kumykov Harun
Uzdenov Aznor
Atakueva Nurzhan

Collective farm chairmen
(since 1961 - state farm Bylymsky)

Kumykov Daut
Murachaev Aubekir
Khadzhiev Zhabrail
Sottaev Nikolay
Ketenchiev Boris
Teberdiev Mukhazhir
Uzdenov Hasan

Famous people

Akhmatov Ibragim Khashimovich- Academician, Doctor of Philology.
Akhmatov Mussa Akhmatovich- Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Akhmatova Lyubov Chepeleuovna- a famous Balkar poetess, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

The mines and ruins of the village near Tyzyl, to which I could not go down from the Dagger plateau last time, haunted me, so I decided to try to get to them from the opposite, southern, side. And at the same time, take a closer look at Mount Naujiji.

I go on the familiar road to the Dzhinal ridge. However, for a change, I decided not to go down to Kichmalka right away, but to drive along the ridge to the descent to Kamennomostsky. This road is boring, in a couple of places it is a little washed out by streams of water, there are no good views.

Descent to Kamennomostsky.

From there along the dirt road in the direction of the Dagger. I described this road last time, so I will not waste time on it.
Finally, I drive up to the familiar T-junction with a signpost.

This time I turn left towards the village of Köndelen (Gundelen). This road is also well rolled, it can be seen that it is used quite intensively.
The descent into the valley begins, and here, at one of the turns, I drive along ... a piece of asphalt, ten meters long. Before and after it is a dirt road, there are pasture meadows around, no prerequisites for the construction of this "Autobahn" are noticeable.
Out of surprise, I even stopped to take a picture of this phenomenon.

While he was standing, scratching his turnips, a local resident slowed down in a car nearby, asking if I needed any help. He also revealed the secret of the appearance of a piece of asphalt. It turns out that at this turn the rains regularly washed out the road, and had to constantly repair it, adding gravel. Therefore, we asphalted the problem area, saving ourselves the trouble. Oh, how prosaic ...

After a few kilometers I drive up to the village of Köndelen (on some road signs and on the Soviet topographic map, the variant of the name is somewhat different - Gundelen).

Lenin Street pleases with its cleanliness and excellent asphalt. Well, the name too.

Having left on the highway going along the Baksan Gorge, just in case, I call in at a gas station and fill up the tank until it is full, since there is only one gas station further towards Elbrus, but it can be closed (and it turned out). Topped up 3.2 liters of gasoline. From the center of Essentuki to this turn, the odometer counted 93 kilometers - fuel consumption is lower than expected, which is good.

On the highway I reach Bylym. Immediately behind the village there is a bridge over Baksan and an ascent to the first point of my route: an artificial lake, the former settling tank of the Tyrnyauz mine.

The lake is very picturesque, and beckons to swim.

However, the Ministry of Health strongly does not recommend swimming in it if health is expensive: the chemical composition of the water is very saturated and far from the purity of mountain rivers. In theory, the fauna there is also not healthy, but the locals are fishing with might and main.

Maybe purely out of sports interest, of course ... Well, or they sell this fish to tourists, I don’t know.

Beyond the lake, the road begins to gain height. However, there are no deep gullies on the ascents - it is clear that it is being watched and regularly used.

Mount Naujiji and the neighboring (unnamed) plateau on the south side look very picturesque, bristling with pointed rocks.

The weather is deteriorating, and it goes on towards the evening, but for a normal overnight stay, it is advisable for me to replenish the water supply.
On the way I come across several koshars, but I, without wasting time for stops, drive along the road to the very last one, at the foot of the Inal plateau. Having collected water there, I return half a kilometer back, to a slightly noticeable turn to the north.

Once it was a road, now only horse trails, sometimes bordering on very deep gullies.

Having driven about fifty meters, I understand that it will be very problematic to follow where the road went and that I will have to go straight along the ridge. Meanwhile, it started to rain, the ground slowly got wet, making it very difficult (or even impossible, on a universal rubber) to climb back in the future.
I decided not to tempt fate, but to return and put up a tent upstairs, closer to the plateau.

While choosing a place to spend the night, the rain intensified and the wind rose. It is very difficult for one to pitch a tent in the wind: unsecured, it strives to either carry it into the valley, or press it to the ground, strongly bending the arcs. As a result, one of the strong gusts still broke one of the arcs in half. I had to put on a broken one, what to do ...

By ten o'clock the rain stopped, and after midnight all the clouds scattered, the surroundings were illuminated by the moon, so I even decided to take some pictures.

Star swing over the Inal plateau, full moon.

My camp at dawn.

In the morning, leaving all my things in the tent, I go down on a motorcycle lightly along another road, to the koshara. This road, although rarely, is used, therefore, it is completely passable.

He left the mot near the koshara, at the same time talked with its owner, Ramadan. According to him, the ruins near Tyzyl, to which I was going to descend, have been abandoned for more than fifty years. He could not remember the name of that village, but on the general staff topographic map this place is listed as "the ruins of Solnechnoye."

Having shown the way, finally he looks around my backpack and asks the question:
"Do you even have a gun?"
This alarmed me a little.
- And from whom to shoot back?
- Well, just to hunt ... Well, or a fishing rod? There are many trout in the river.

Reassured by such an answer, I begin my descent on foot towards the ruins.
Once upon a time the road went there and further, you can clearly see where it passed. But, since it has not been used for a long time, in some places it is very washed out and littered with stones.

Although, if desired, it was possible to drive a couple of kilometers on a motorcycle there, but it would be very difficult, so I decided to take a walk for a change.

The road goes along the ridge and in the end is lost, diverging along it with numerous horse trails. I did not see the paths leading down, so I had to go down a steep slope through the high thickets of poisonous hogweed and nettles. There is little pleasure.

Finally, after another kilometer along the stream bed, I come out to the ruins of the first house; it is practically invisible in the thickets of grass.
The plaster is well preserved, it was done conscientiously.

The northern wall has already been washed away and collapsed along with part of the bank into the river.
Another foundation from the house was hidden in the grass nearby. Maybe more, I didn't look too much.

Not far away I noticed a couple of entrances to the mines, I go up to the nearest of them. To my disappointment, there is nothing interesting there, the depth of the excavation is no more than five meters. Although, perhaps, there is a small manhole under the scree.

On the opposite side of the river, another house can be seen, in the same rugged jungle of grass and bushes.

Not finding anything interesting there either, having rested and bathed in Tyzyl, I set off on the way back.

I decided not to climb the hill, but to move at the bottom of the valley, along the stream. In the lower reaches, it is very shallow, I hoped that it will be so even before the intersection with the road (this is less than half a kilometer from the kennel where I left the motorcycle). In any case, neither cliffs nor waterfalls were marked on the topographic map.

At first it was easy to walk, although I often had to jump over the stream. On the sand, I first noticed the tracks of a dog or a wolf, then the prints of the hooves of a small boar.
Carried away by thoughts of how to act when meeting with a wild pig, I walked pretty quickly. So quickly that I almost passed other tracks that were of much more interest.

For some reason I didn't want to meet the bear. At all. In addition, the stream gradually entered a small grove, and the slopes of the valley were steep enough to get out of it ... But there is nothing to do, I continue to move along the stream.
The path was often blocked by rubble and thickets of trees, the passage of which quite noticeably reduces the speed of movement and is physically exhausting. In the end, I walked straight on the water.

Finally, the forest parted a little and gave way to a small canyon with steep walls. After another fifty meters, my worst expectations were justified, and in front of me I saw a small waterfall.

It was only three or four meters in height, but it was very dangerous to climb the wet stones, and I didn't want to get wet, so I had to look for an ascent along the slopes of the gorge. About twenty meters before reaching the waterfall, on the right, there was a small couloir with a huge pile of rubble under it. I climbed up to the top of this crumble. I will not go into details, but this task turned out to be not an easy one. Further, another two hundred meters of ascent along the fishing line and a steep grassy slope - and I finally came out to the road along which I walked in the morning.

I go to the koshara:
- Ramadan, in general, could have warned that you have bears here!
“Well, I asked if you have a gun or not,” he laughs back.
Cheerful guy, however.
He says that the bear wandered into these lands recently, they have not seen it themselves, only traces.

Meanwhile, the weather deteriorated sharply, it started to rain, I had to urgently go up before the road got wet. Refusing (with regret) the invitation to drink tea from the road, I just manage to go up to the tent and hide in it from the weather.
Either intensifying, then weakening, it rained for another three hours, but I was safely sleeping in the tent all this time, resting after the hike.
By seven o'clock the weather finally settled down. It was only an hour before dark, but I did not want to spend the night in the same place, so I quickly packed my things and went back down to the Bylymskoye sedimentation basin-lake. I set up my tent right on the beach.

Early in the morning I'm going back. However, before turning to the house, I planned to drop by on a visit to the Chegem paradrome, for which I had to move across the pass to the neighboring gorge.

The road to the Aktoprak pass (translated as "white clay") begins from the same village of Bylym, only in the opposite, southern side.
After a couple of kilometers I notice an interesting building and ruins nearby.

According to a local beekeeper, there was a collective farm on the site of these ruins, and the structure stylized as a battle tower is just an original superstructure over the silo pit. Whatever they say, but in the USSR there was also a creative approach to solving standard problems!

But the path to the pass goes to the left, without reaching these ruins.

As you know, the road across the pass was built in late summer / early autumn 1942 to ensure the supply of Soviet troops stationed in the Baksan Gorge. Since then, the road has not lost its importance and is regularly used today. Dashed off well, there are no steep climbs.

A good panoramic view of the spurs of the Rocky Ridge opens from the top of the pass.

Descending into the Chegem gorge, I turn right. Fortunately, there are only ten kilometers from the turn to the paradrome.

In addition, although this road is not asphalt (yet), it is wide and flat, so you can drive along it very quickly.

I admit honestly: the main purpose of this race on the parade was ... shulum (aka shurpa), which is deliciously cooked there and which I have not eaten for a long time. Therefore, after having lunch and having a little chat with paragliders, I go home.
I pass by the famous Big and Small Chegem waterfalls, stopping only symbolically, for a few minutes, since I have been here many times before. They got used to it.

Well, further movement along the Nalchik-Pyatigorsk highway is unremarkable and even more so. At one o'clock in the afternoon I was already at home.

Distance of route: 359 km.

Good quality roads (asphalt, rolled dirt roads) are marked in green, easily passable by any vehicle.
Yellow - worse primers, on which you cannot accelerate much, but an under-drive car or any motorcycle will slowly pass.
Red - roads, where it is better to meddle in off-road vehicles.
The dotted line is the walking part of the route.
Estimates are subjective and approximate, of course. Plus, don't forget that mountain roads can easily turn from relatively good to difficult to drive - sometimes just a couple of good showers are enough.

(G) (I) Coordinates: 43 ° 27′42 ″ s. sh. 43 ° 02'30 ″ east etc. /  43.46167 ° N sh. 43.04167 ° E etc./ 43.46167; 43.04167(G) (I) Chapter

Ruslan Alievich Atakuev

Former names Village with Square Center height Population Density

15,78 people / km²

National composition Confessional composition Names of residents

bylimovtsy, bylimovtsy, bylomovka

Timezone Telephone code Postcode Car code OKATO code


The village is located in the eastern part of the Elbrus region, on the right bank of the Baksan River. It is located 16 km north of the district center of Tyrnyauz and 75 km from the city of Nalchik. The federal highway Baksan-Elbrus passes through the village, leading to the Elbrus National Park and the eastern slope of Mount Elbrus.

The area of ​​the territory of the rural settlement is 131 km 2. Most of the territory of the rural settlement is mountain pastures and hayfields.

It borders on the lands of settlements: Tyrnyauz in the south and Bedyk in the north.

The settlement is located in the mountainous part of the republic, in the valley of the Baksan gorge. Average heights in the village are 1,035 meters above sea level. Absolute heights exceed 2,000 meters. The highest point of the rural settlement is Mount Mamishukobash (2,113 m) located to the north-east of the village.

The hydrographic network is mainly represented by the Baksan River, and its small tributaries flowing from the surrounding ridges. The deepest of them is the Geskenti River.

The climate is temperate. Average temperatures range from + 21 ° С in July to -4 ° С in January. The average annual rainfall is 600 mm. At the beginning of spring, with sharp temperature changes, a strong dry wind blows from the mountains - a hair dryer.


The first permanent settlements on the territory of the modern village began to arise in the Late Middle Ages, although archaeological data indicate the settlement of the village as early as the X-XI centuries.


  • Secondary school number 1 - st. Akhmatova, 56
  • Primary school Kindergarten number 1

Health care

  • District outpatient clinic.

The culture

  • House of Culture


There is one mosque in the village.


A fruit and vegetable processing shop and a milk processing plant previously functioned in the village. Earlier, a coal mining enterprise operated on the territory of a rural settlement.


Notable natives

  • Akhmatov Ibragim Khashimovich - Academician, Doctor of Philology.
  • Akhmatov Mussa Akhmatovich - academician, doctor of technical sciences.
  • Akhmatova Lyubov Chepeleuovna is a famous Balkar poetess, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia.
  • Tolgurov Zeytun Khamitovich (1939-2016) - Balkarian prose writer and literary critic, Doctor of Philology.

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Notes (edit)

  1. www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
  3. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
  4. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
  5. . .
  6. ... Retrieved February 11, 2016.
  7. ... Retrieved March 16, 2015.
  8. ... Retrieved September 21, 2014.
  9. ... Retrieved May 31, 2014.
  10. ... Retrieved November 16, 2013.
  11. ... Retrieved August 2, 2014.
  12. ... Retrieved August 6, 2015.
  13. .

An excerpt characterizing the Past

Berg smiled with the consciousness of his superiority over a weak woman and fell silent, thinking that after all this sweet wife of his is a weak woman who cannot comprehend all that constitutes a man's dignity - ein Mann zu sein [to be a man]. At the same time, Vera also smiled with the consciousness of her superiority over a virtuous, good husband, but who, like all men, according to Vera's concept, still mistakenly understood life. Berg, judging by his wife, considered all women weak and stupid. Vera, judging by her husband alone and spreading this remark, believed that all men ascribe reason only to themselves, and at the same time they do not understand anything, are proud and selfish.
Berg got up and, hugging his wife carefully so as not to wrinkle the lace cape, for which he paid dearly, kissed her in the middle of the lips.
“Only one thing so that we don’t have children so soon,” he said after his unconscious filiation of ideas.
“Yes,” Vera answered, “I don't want that at all. We must live for society.
“This was exactly what Princess Yusupova was wearing,” said Berg, with a happy and kind smile, pointing to the cape.
At this time, the arrival of Count Bezukhoi was reported. Both spouses looked at each other with a smug smile, each ascribing to himself the honor of this visit.
"This is what it means to be able to make acquaintances, thought Berg, this is what it means to be able to hold oneself!"
- Only please, when I entertain guests, - Vera said, - you do not interrupt me, because I know what to do with everyone, and in what society what to say.
Berg smiled too.
“It’s impossible: sometimes there should be a man’s conversation with men,” he said.
Pierre was received in a brand new living room, in which it was impossible to sit anywhere without breaking symmetry, cleanliness and order, and therefore it was quite understandable and not strange that Berg generously proposed to destroy the symmetry of an armchair or sofa for a dear guest, and apparently being in In this respect, in painful hesitation, he proposed a solution to this issue for the choice of the guest. Pierre upset the symmetry by moving a chair for himself, and at once Berg and Vera began the evening, interrupting each other and engaging the guest.
Vera, having decided in her mind that Pierre should be kept busy with the conversation about the French embassy, ​​immediately began this conversation. Berg, deciding that a man's conversation was also necessary, interrupted his wife's speech, touching on the issue of the war with Austria and involuntarily jumped from the general conversation to personal considerations about the proposals that were made to him to participate in the Austrian campaign, and about the reasons why he did not accept them. Despite the fact that the conversation was very awkward, and that Vera was angry at the intervention of the masculine element, both spouses felt with pleasure that, despite the fact that there was only one guest, the evening was started very well, and that the evening was like two a drop of water is like every other evening with conversation, tea and lighted candles.
Soon Boris, Berg's old friend, arrived. He treated Berg and Vera with a certain tinge of superiority and patronage. A lady and a colonel came for Boris, then the general himself, then the Rostovs, and the evening was already quite, undoubtedly, like all evenings. Berg and Vera could not help smiling at the sight of this movement around the living room, at the sound of this incoherent talk, rustling of dresses and bows. Everything was like everyone else, the general was especially alike, praising the apartment, patting Berg on the shoulder, and with fatherly arbitrariness ordered the setting of the boston table. The general sat down next to Count Ilya Andreich, as to the most distinguished of the guests after himself. Old men with old men, young and young, the hostess at the tea table, on which there were exactly the same cookies in a silver basket that the Panins had at the evening, everything was exactly the same as at the others.

Pierre, as one of the most honored guests, was to sit in Boston with Ilya Andreich, general and colonel. Pierre had to sit opposite Natasha at the Boston table, and the strange change that had taken place in her since the day of the ball struck him. Natasha was silent, and not only was she not as good as she was at the ball, but she would have been bad if she did not have such a meek and indifferent appearance to everything.
"What with her?" thought Pierre, looking at her. She was sitting next to her sister at the tea table and reluctantly, without looking at him, answered something to Boris who had sat down with her. Having departed a whole suit and took five bribes to the delight of his partner, Pierre, who heard the chant of greetings and the sound of someone's footsteps entering the room during the collection of bribes, looked at her again.
"What happened to her?" he said to himself even more surprised.
Prince Andrey with a thrifty gentle expression stood before her and said something to her. She raised her head, flushed and apparently trying to keep her impulsive breath, looked at him. And the bright light of some kind of inner, previously extinguished fire burned in her again. She was all transformed. From bad she again became the same as she was at the ball.
Prince Andrew went up to Pierre and Pierre noticed a new, youthful expression in the face of his friend.
Pierre changed several times during the game, then with his back, then facing Natasha, and during the entire duration of 6 robers he made observations of her and his friend.
“Something very important is happening between them,” thought Pierre, and a joyful and at the same time bitter feeling made him worry and forget about the game.
After 6 robers, the general stood up, saying that it was impossible to play that way, and Pierre was freed. Natasha was talking to Sonya and Boris on one side, Vera was talking about something with a subtle smile with Prince Andrey. Pierre went up to his friend and asked if what was being said was a secret, sat down beside them. Vera, noticing Prince Andrei's attention to Natasha, found that at the evening, at a real evening, it was necessary that there were subtle hints of feelings, and seizing the time when Prince Andrei was alone, she began a conversation with him about feelings in general and about her sister ... She needed with such an intelligent (as she considered Prince Andrey) guest to apply her diplomatic skills to the matter.
When Pierre approached them, he noticed that Vera was in a smug infatuation with the conversation, Prince Andrew (which rarely happened to him) seemed embarrassed.
- What do you think? - Vera said with a thin smile. - You, prince, are so perceptive and so you immediately understand the character of people. What do you think of Natalie, can she be constant in her affections, can she, like other women (Vera understood herself), once love a person and remain faithful to him forever? I consider this to be true love. What do you think, prince?

It is rightfully one of the most beautiful places in the North Caucasus. It is here that the highest peak of the Caucasian ridge, Elbrus, is located. The republic is a Mecca for tourists and climbers; lovers of skiing and hiking come here.

Bylymskoe lake

This is a man-made reservoir that appeared as a result of the activities of a mining industrial enterprise. Located in the valley of the Gizhgit River, which is a tributary of the Baksan River. The mouth of the river was blocked by a dam, so a lake was formed. It is located in one of the picturesque areas, not far from the village of Bylym. The local lake is called Gizhgit. Such reservoirs are called a brushwood, that is, a complex of structures for storing radioactive and toxic waste dumps.

Waste from the enrichment plant was poured into the reservoir, therefore there is a huge amount of harmful chemicals: tungsten and molybdenum.

Today, the water level in Lake Bylymskoye is falling. This is a good indicator, but a certain environmental hazard still exists, although the enterprise no longer carries out its production activities. It is considered more dangerous that toxic dust settles in the area, and the surrounding meadows are used for grazing domestic animals.

Despite all this, the pastures are used, and tourists come to the reservoir. After all, Lake Bylymskoye against the background of the surrounding landscape resembles the Swiss expanses. Local residents do not give up fishing in the reservoir. Thyme and other rare herbs grow on the banks. There are several tourist routes in the area. Recently, even large tourist groups have begun to bring to this lake.

What's in the neighborhood

From the shores of the lake there is a beautiful view of Mount Naujidza, the name of which is translated from “mother-in-law's teeth”. On the north side is the Hakuafa tract. Within walking distance there is the Aktoprak pass, which connects the two and Chegemskoe, known since ancient times, since the caravan road ran here. And all this is surrounded by beautiful nature, and a huge number of kosharas.

Tragic case

In September 2017, tourists from the city of Zheleznovodsk came to see Lake Bylymskoye. A car with five people, including the driver, fell from a 1.5-kilometer-high summit. The three managed to escape, but they ended up in the hospital with broken limbs, one of the passengers injured his spine. Two passengers of the Chevrolet Niva were never found. After all, the depth of Lake Gizhgit is 30 meters.

The tourists climbed the cliff by car, the car began to roll towards the reservoir, the driver could not cope with control.

Where is

Lake Bylymskoe is not a place that can be reached by public transport or on foot. Terrain coordinates: 43 ° 27 "58" N 42 ° 59 "24" E. If you move by car, then along the highway you should get to the village of Bylym, then through the entire settlement, the bridge and rise up to the reservoir.

Bylymskoe lake Is a man-made reservoir that appeared as a result of the activities of a mining industrial enterprise. Located in the valley of the Gizhgit River, which is a tributary of the Baksan River. The mouth of the river was blocked by a dam, so a lake was formed. It is located in one of the picturesque areas, not far from the village of Bylym. The local lake is called Gizhgit. Such reservoirs are called a tailing dump, that is, a complex of facilities for storing radioactive and toxic waste dumps.

Despite all this, the pastures are used, and tourists come to the reservoir. After all, Lake Bylymskoye against the background of the surrounding landscape resembles the Swiss expanses. Local residents do not give up fishing in the reservoir. Thyme and other rare herbs grow on the banks. There are several tourist routes in the area. Recently, even large tourist groups have begun to bring to this lake.

From the shores of the lake, a beautiful view of Mount Naujidza, the name of which is translated from the Kabardian language as "Mother-in-law's teeth"... On the north side is the Hakuafa tract. Within walking distance there is the Aktoprak pass, which connects two gorges: Baksan and Chegemskoe, known since ancient times, since a caravan road ran here. And all this is surrounded by beautiful nature, and a huge number of kosharas.

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