Home Diseases and pests The role of education in the life of society and man. What role does education play in personality development? Goals and objectives of preschool pedagogy

The role of education in the life of society and man. What role does education play in personality development? Goals and objectives of preschool pedagogy

Ecology of life. Cognitively: To protect yourself from someone else's negative impact, there are a number of methods, including working with mudras ...

It is widely known that thoughts are concentrates of energy, which, although not fixed by our gross senses, nevertheless, has a certain effect on the subtle components of our being.

And this impact is not always positive and friendly.

To protect yourself from someone else's negative impact, there are a number of methods, including working with mudras.

Wise for protection. Fast and efficient help

The simplest protective mudra that will help us in moments of confusion and vulnerability is the following:

Connect the hands so that the fingers are interlaced and hold this mudra at the level of the solar plexus. The thumbs either touch each other or lie loose. The palms are directed towards the stomach.

Mentally imagine around you a protective cocoon that no one is able to cross or destroy.

Practice calm and deep breathing.

The castle formed by this mudra protects our most vulnerable part of the body - the stomach, and also protects us from alien negative volitional influence.

To close your own bioenergetic circuit, you can also use another mudra that is widely used by yoga.

This mudra received the conditional name "Embedding the Ring"

Bring the index finger and thumb of one hand close to each other and, forming a ring, put it in the palm of the opposite hand. With the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, form the same ring and place it in the palm of the first hand.

Repeat this sequence three times

Most often, after the third time, there may be a feeling of tightness around the head. This indicates that you have closed the contour of your own biofield and condensed it.

Another technique that can be used to close the boundaries of your field is the following.

Connect the thumb and forefinger of one hand with the same fingers of the other hand, the remaining fingers touch each other with padsor overlap each other.

And completes the article on mudras for mudra protections called "Shield of Shambhala"

This mudra protects a person from alien negative energy and helps to restore their own potential, increasing the body's resistance to external influences.

Women clench their right hand into a fist and place their thumb pressed to the hand. Straightening the left hand, press the hand clenched into a fist to it

Men clench their left hand into a fist and press it to their right.

The performance of this mudra activates the function of manipura and serves as a good protection against external undesirable influences.

Practice all of the above mudras for protection, and then it will be much more difficult for the ill-wisher to carry out his intentions. published

Shambhala is a famous mythical country of prosperity and benefactors, inhabited by higher beings and inaccessible to evil forces. It symbolizes longevity, kindness, eternity and the acquisition of high spirituality, and the shield is a symbol of the protection of life, well-being, material well-being. Mudra “Shield of Shambhala” protects from negative influences.

For women:

You need to clench your right hand into a fist. The other brush should be straightened, it personifies the shield. Press the thumb to the palm.

For men:

It is necessary to change hands, and put the left fist with the back to the opposite palm.

You can perform 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Reference! The effectiveness of practice increases significantly if you listen to a melody that you like while doing it.


Watch this mudra video:


Strengthens the body's resistance helps with recovery from injuries, and on an emotional level, it blocks off the bad effects of swear words. Practice protects from negativity, helps restore energy.

Mudra is a closed energy system aimed at improving internal functions (allowing you to restore the internal programs of the body) and work with the subconscious, in which:

  • some energy channels close and their energy, accumulating, remains in the body;
  • some channels are open and maintain dynamic energy balance with the external environment (the amount of energy freely leaving the channel is equal to the amount of energy freely entering it from outside).

Appointment wise:

  • make it possible to work with various energy channels;
  • subconsciously turn on the body systems through programs embedded in the subconscious;
  • close certain channels, provide automatic work of the body without regard to consciousness.


  • in meditation;
  • in contemplation;
  • in asanas;
  • in pranayamas;
  • in treatment;
  • when restoring organ systems;
  • to enter the state.

Aspects of mudras (each mudra has its own aspects or indications):

1. Physiological aspect:

  • restore the physical strength of the body;
  • restore physiological balance in the body.

2. Energy aspect:

  • clean energy channels;
  • increase energy potential.

3. Mental aspect:

  • give inner peace;
  • remove emotions;
  • restore the psyche.

Therapeutic effect:

  • improve metabolism in the body;
  • restore the endocrine and central nervous systems.

Some mudras according to the execution technique have male and female versions. Since men have the right hand to give, and women have the left hand, and mudras are built on the principle of conservation of energy, the channels of the giving hand must be closed.
There are options for performing mudras with the pronunciation of mantras (i.e., with a conscious set of energy). Teaching the set of energies is carried out in groups during practical classes.
The atlas is wise, with a detailed description of the technique for their implementation and indications for use, is presented below.

Atlas is wise.

Mudra "Knowledge"

Execution technique.
Bend the index finger and put a small pillow on the line of the mind. Press the bent index finger with your thumb. The rest of the fingers are straight and tense.

Mudra for the development of intelligence

Execution technique. The thumb and middle fingers are pressed against the side surfaces of the first phalanx of the index finger. The ring finger is placed in the middle of the life line. The little finger is placed on the line of the heart.
Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potentialities. Mudra is recommended to improve the intellectual abilities of children. Restores brain functions.

Mudra "Comprehension of wisdom"

Execution technique.
Performed sitting facing south, in a secluded place, in the fresh air. The male and female versions are the same. Connect in pairs the ends of the little fingers, index and thumbs of both hands. Interlace middle and ring fingers. Place the thumbs at the baihui point (on the crown of the head where the fontanelle is), the rest do not touch the head. Inhale-exhale through the nose. Do 21 minutes. 55 breaths and exhalations: 6 complexes of 8 breaths, one complex - 7 breaths (the last color is not 4, but 3 breaths).

1 breath - purple color
1 breath - yellow color
1 breath - light blue color
1 breath - light yellow color
4 breaths - purple color

Eliminates all troubles in the head. Helps with concussion, puts the brain in order.

Mudra "Increased physical strength"

Execution technique.
The male version - the fingers "look" down, the female version - the fingers "look" up.
It is performed while facing east, hands should be held in front of the chest at a distance of 35 cm. The little finger of the left hand wraps around the little finger of the right hand for the 1st phalanx. Unnamed fingers touch each other with the back surface of the third phalanges. Grasp the middle finger of the right hand (third phalanx) with the middle finger of the left hand. Set the index fingers of both hands so that the thumb of the same hand presses the side surface of the index finger next to the nail. Perform in a warm place.
To increase physical strength.

Mudra "Scallop"

Execution technique.
The thumbs of both hands are in contact with the side surfaces. The rest are crossed so that they are enclosed within the palms. There are no male or female options.
Lack of appetite, asthenia, thinness, impaired digestive function (absorption). Regular performance of this mudra increases appetite and improves appearance.

Mudra "Dragon's Head"

Execution technique.
The middle finger of the right hand clasps and presses the second phalanx of the index finger. Similarly, the fingers of the left hand. Both hands join. The thumbs of both hands are in contact with the side surfaces. The rest of the fingers are interlaced. There are no male or female options.
Prevention and treatment of colds, wind diseases - diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Mudra "Chandman's Bowl"

(nine jewels) F - option

Execution technique.
The four fingers of the left hand support and wrap around the fingers of the right hand. The thumbs of both hands are freely set aside, forming the handles of the bowl. Palms "boat". Make a set of energy from space.
Promotes digestion, eliminates congestion in the body.

Mudra "Shakya Muni Hat"

Execution technique.
The ring and index fingers of the right hand are bent and the back surface of the first phalanges are connected to the same fingers of the left hand. The middle fingers and little fingers of both hands are connected and straightened. The thumbs are closed by the side surfaces.
Depression, vascular pathology of the brain.

Mudra "Dragon's Tooth"

Execution technique.
The thumbs of both hands are bent and pressed against the inner surface of the palm. The third, fourth, fifth fingers are bent and pressed to their bases. The index fingers are extended and point upwards. Do it with tension.
Confused consciousness, impaired coordination of movements, stress and emotional instability, emotional outbursts.

Mudra "Window of Wisdom"

Execution technique.
The ring finger of the right hand is bent. The thumb presses on the second or third phalanx of the ring finger. Similarly, the fingers of the left hand are folded; the remaining fingers are loosely spaced and directed upwards.
Violations of cerebral circulation, sclerosis of cerebral vessels, salt deposition.

Mudra "Cow"

Execution technique.
The little finger of the left hand touches the ring finger of the right hand; the little finger of the right hand touches the ring finger of the left hand. At the same time, the middle finger of the right hand is connected to the index finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right hand. Thumbs apart. The order of the fingers doesn't matter. There are no male or female options.
Rheumatic pains, radiculitis, diseases of the joints.

Mudra "Wind"

Execution technique.
Bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad, and press the bent index finger with the thumb. The remaining fingers are straight and not tense.
Rheumatism, sciatica, trembling of hands, neck, head. When performing mudra, after a few hours, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition. In chronic diseases, mudra should be carried out alternately with the mudra of "Life". Exercise can be stopped after improvement in objective indicators of the disappearance of signs of the disease.

Mudra "Three columns of space"

Zh - option

Execution technique.
The middle and ring fingers of the right hand are placed on the similar fingers of the left hand. The little finger of the left hand is placed near the base of the back surface of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, then everything is fixed with the little finger of the right hand. The terminal phalanx of the index finger of the right hand is clamped between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand is pressed against the notch above the bone of the ring finger of the left hand.
Violation of metabolic processes. Increases immunity, gives renewal of strength, removes stones, gives a second wind, strengthens the vestibular apparatus.

Mudra "Flute of Maitreya"

Zh - option

Execution technique.
The thumbs of both hands are connected by pads. The index finger of the left hand lies with the third phalanx on the base of the index finger of the right hand. The index finger of the right hand is pressed to the palm at the base of the little finger of the left hand. The middle finger of the right hand is located on the basis of the middle, ring and little fingers of the left hand. The ring finger of the left hand is under the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. The little finger of the right hand is placed on the terminal phalanx of the middle finger of the left hand. The little finger of the left hand is located on the index and ring fingers of the right hand and is fixed by the middle finger of the right hand, which is located on it.
Wind diseases - diseases of the respiratory tract, lungs; a state of anguish and sadness.

Mudra "Energy"

Execution technique.
The pads of the middle, ring (heart) and thumb are connected together, the remaining fingers are straightened.
Analgesic effect, removal of various poisons and toxins; treats diseases of the genitourinary system and spine. Cleans the spine.

Mudra "Sink"

Zh - option

Execution technique.
Two joined hands represent a shell. Four fingers of the right hand hug the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand touches the pad of the middle finger of the left hand. The ring, index and little fingers of the left hand are straight, lying on the third phalanges of the four fingers of the right hand.
All diseases of the throat, larynx, hoarseness of voice. When performing this mudra, the voice is enhanced, therefore it is especially recommended for singers, artists, teachers, speakers. Designed for internal work, excites a torsion internal field.

Mudra "Raising"

Zh - option

Execution technique.
Both palms are joined together, fingers are interlaced. The thumb (of one hand) is set aside and surrounded by the index and thumb of the other hand.
All colds, throat diseases, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Performing mudra mobilizes the body's defenses, improves immunity and promotes rapid recovery. To remove excess weight, at the same time as doing the mudra, you must follow a diet: drink at least 8 glasses of boiled water during the day. The daily diet should consist of fruits, rice, yogurt. Too long and frequent use of this mudra can cause apathy and even lethargy - do not overdo it! The main thing - connects all the meridians. "Shakes" all organs.

Mudra "Shield of Shambhala"

M - option

Execution technique.
The left hand rests on the third phalanges of the four fingers of the right hand. The fingers of the right hand are collected, clenched into a fist and rest against the palm of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand is pressed to the third phalanx. index finger of the right hand.
Negative influences of foreign energy.

Mudra "Arrow Vajra"

Execution technique.
The thumbs of both hands are connected by their side surfaces. The index fingers are straightened and connected at the ends. The rest of the fingers are intertwined.
Cardiovascular pathology, hypertension with circulatory and blood supply insufficiency. It concentrates the healing energy of the channels and directs it to the normalization of vascular disorders. Increases the level of hemoglobin.

Mudra "Turtle"

M - option

Execution technique.
The fingers of the right hand are intertwined with the fingers of the left hand.
The thumbs of both hands are connected to each other, forming the head of a turtle. Closing all the fingers, we block the foundations of all meridians, forming a vicious circle, preventing the leakage of energy. The dome of the turtle forms an energy clot, which is used by the body for its needs. The thumbs point towards the heart.
Overwork, asthenia, exhaustion, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Mudra "Dragon Temple"

Execution technique.
The middle fingers of both hands are bent and pressed with their tips to the inner surfaces of the palms in the middle of the life line. The remaining fingers of the same name of the left and right hands are connected in a straightened position. In this case, the index and ring fingers are closed together above the bent middle fingers. The index and ring fingers symbolically represent the roof of the temple, the thumbs represent the head of the dragon, and the little fingers represent the tail.
The thumbs point towards the heart.
Ischemic heart disease, discomfort in the region of the heart, arrhythmia. Promotes peace and concentration of energy and thoughts.

Mudra "Saving Life"

(first aid for heart attack)

Execution technique.
We bend the index finger and press its second phalanx with the first phalanx of the thumb. At the same time we connect the pads of the middle, ring and thumb, the little finger remains straight.
Pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the region of the heart with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction, loss of consciousness. Eliminates feelings of anxiety and longing.
Under these conditions, immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief occurs immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.

Mudra "Stairway of the Heavenly Temple"

M - variant

Execution technique.
The fingertips of the left hand are pressed between the fingertips of the right hand (the fingers of the right hand are below). The little fingers of both hands are free, straightened, turned up.
Eliminates mental disorders, depression. Improves mood, removes the state of hopelessness and melancholy.

Mudra "Soaring Lotus"

Zh - option

Execution technique.
The thumbs of both hands are straightened and connected, the index and middle fingers are straightened and connected at the tips. The ring fingers and little fingers of both hands are crossed with each other and lie: ring fingers - between the ring and middle fingers of the other hand, little fingers - between the little finger and ring fingers of the other hand.
Treats hollow organs (heart, blood vessels, gallbladder, stomach, intestines, uterus), diseases of the genital area (auxiliary processes). Restores Yang energy in the body.

Mudra of "Life"

Execution technique.
The pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the remaining fingers are freely straightened and pointing up. Performed with both hands at the same time.
Fatigue, impotence, visual impairment (improves visual acuity), treats eye diseases.

Mudra "Knowledge"

Execution technique.
We put the index finger on the hillock of Venus and press it with the thumb. The remaining fingers are straightened, tense and touch each other.
Insomnia, drowsiness, high blood pressure.

Mudra "Heaven"

Execution technique.
We bend the middle finger, and press the bent middle finger in the middle of the second phalanx with the thumb. The remaining fingers are straight and not tense.
Treats all hollow organs, ear diseases, hearing loss, improves mood.
The execution of mudra in some cases leads to a very rapid improvement in hearing. Prolonged studies lead to an almost complete cure for many diseases of the ear, throat and nose.

Mudra "Air"

Execution technique.
The index and thumb are easily connected by pads; the remaining fingers are straightened (not tense). Combine with belly breathing.
Insomnia, excessive sleepiness, high blood pressure. This mudra revives us anew. Many philosophers, thinkers, scientists used and use this mudra.

Mudra of "Fire"

Execution technique.
The middle and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.
Warms up the body, cleans the channels: air, water, earth.
Removes drowsiness, hypochondria, relieves depression, cures diseases of the nasopharynx, colds.

Mudra "Water"

Execution technique.
The ring finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.
With an excess of water, sputum or mucus in the lungs, stomach (increased secretion of mucus during inflammation). It is also recommended for liver diseases, colic, bloating. Distributes moisture.

Mudra of the "Earth"

Execution technique.
The little finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are free. Performed with both hands at the same time.
Improvement of the psychophysical state of the body, relief of mental weakness, stress relief. It improves an objective assessment of one's own personality, increases self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

There are doors that you should not only enter, but even knock on, because behind them there are no people with whom I am on the way!



What is the role of raising a child in our time? How should he be educated so that he becomes a successful and respected person. A very important and difficult question, in my opinion.

Before talking about the role of education in modern society, I decided to find out what the meaning of this word is, how various explanatory dictionaries define it.

I found the simplest and most understandable definition in the Efremova dictionary:

Education is behavioral skills instilled in the family, school, environment and manifested in public life.

It is not a big discovery for me that everything starts with the family. I believe that the main universal and moral principles of human behavior are laid down in a person from early childhood, and therefore in the family. My parents raised my older brother and me, most likely, in the same way that their parents raised them, and my parents were wonderful, albeit very simple, but well-mannered people. Mom and dad were both from peasant families, both experienced a difficult military childhood and as teenagers came to the city of Pavlovsky Posad to work as workers in the factories of this glorious city near Moscow. They worked honestly, conscientiously, were leaders in production, proudly attached labor insignia to their clothes on holidays. They loved each other, respected and valued their family and their friends. They knew how to rejoice in their simple human happiness, they were rich people, because they had enough of what they had: a house, family, children, friends.

The methods of their upbringing were quite simple, the main principle of which was

personal example. They never lectured, my brother and I only had one glance to understand that we did something wrong, did not do the right thing. No matter how trite it sounds, my parents were convinced that it is impossible to educate with words, only deeds and actions can encourage a child to take the right steps.

An analysis of the methods of upbringing in my family made me think that these ideas are not new. Indeed, they are based on the main biblical commandments:

Honor your father and your mother, that you may be well and that you live long on earth.

Dont kill.

Don't commit adultery.

Don't steal.

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, and covet not thy neighbor's house, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant... nor all that is thy neighbor's.

Of course, for more than 2000 years the world has changed a lot, and, in my opinion, not for the better. Modern society praises and sometimes raises to a high pedestal people who just live by completely different principles. There is an opinion that in our time a well-bred person who has moral principles is unlikely to succeed in his career, and public, and personal life. If you can’t step over friendship, if you can’t go to the intended goal over your heads, if the opinion of people living next to you is not indifferent to you, then you are a loser, and your correct upbringing will close many doors in front of you!

For me personally, it's not! And I have before my eyes many examples that refute this, to put it mildly, dubious idea that in the modern world, good education is just a hindrance. The most striking example, of course, was and remains for me my parents, as well as my older brother, who lives by the principle: the main thing is to honestly fulfill your duties, in whatever field you work, and honor, respect and material well-being are a must. you will have. And also my favorite teachers, whose names I still remember with great respect and reverence, because it is on them that I have been guided in my teaching activities all my life. I would very much like my daughter, my grandchildren and, perhaps, students and followers to speak about me someday, with the same warmth and pride with which I now speak about them.

At present, hostilities are being conducted against a person at the level of the formation of his worldview and worldview.

That this is so cannot be doubted. Criminals or opera have become the heroes of all films, and not only in the cinema we see this, our reality presents us with even more such pictures, since TV and the Internet have become schools for cultivating future criminals.

Television reports are filled with messages about anything but positive events taking place in public life.

This suggests that alien standards of behavior are being imposed on society, so I decided to describe and express my idea of ​​​​the meaning of the word upbringing and think for yourself why it was destroyed.

Upbringing- this is the process of feeding a person with information that comes to him with mother's milk, water, air, food, sounds, parental love, knowledge invested in a child and an adult.

Education determines the correctness of the movement of MIND along the time axis of the own clock of the Personality and Essence. In the course of upbringing, a stable Worldview and the Rules of Human Behavior are formed, through the laying of information in the structures for managing behavior and mental activity that forms Consciousness.

What the plant is watered, so it grows!

A person needs knowledge about the Rules of Creation, about the possibilities and tasks of his MIND, the structure of his own body and the definition of his influence on the world around him, to organize his life. Where today, at what school, institute will you receive such knowledge necessary for a person?

Education forms human genetics and contributes to the transfer of accumulated knowledge to descendants. When the time axis of the Personality coincides with the time axis of the Essence, then a person's life is correct.

Man 50% of his future behavior depends on the process of education.

The whole life of a person is a process of his upbringing or mental decomposition, development - the division of integrity into its constituent parts, forgetting that the one who is divided in himself cannot resist the hardships of life. The distortion of the meaning of the word upbringing points to a lie implemented by states in the interests of being able to control the mental activity and actions of a person based on the Knowledge embedded in him. Knowledge can be true or false, hence actions are right or wrong. The main resource of nutrition is knowledge. Knowledge is transferred only in time. New Information lives and is created in time. If the knowledge transmitted to a person is false, not corresponding to his gene ethics, then his deeds will be appropriate. If the upbringing of a person continues in this way, then he will degrade to the level of an animal and become a biorobot. Apparently, this is the goal of today's politicians, who do not understand that they are destroying the future of their children and grandchildren, pushing humanity to move into a pit for the production of sludge.

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