Home Diseases and pests Runes become to be seen in dreams. How to see a prophetic dream. Ways to induce dreams. "For insomnia and bad dreams"

Runes become to be seen in dreams. How to see a prophetic dream. Ways to induce dreams. "For insomnia and bad dreams"

Many are worried about what the runes dream about, since an atmosphere of magic has been hovering around these unusual and very mysterious symbols for many centuries. And if you see a dream associated with runic images, you immediately want to understand the symbols that the Universe is trying to tell us.

For a long time, sorcerers have noticed an interesting trend. When you begin to work with runic images, to carry out ritual ceremonies and actions with them, images of such signs often begin to appear in dreams.

These can be single runes, or certain combinations or formulas are dreamed of. And, regardless of the degree of professionalism of the magician, such dreams are of particular importance.

It is not for nothing that esotericists recommend careful use of magic symbols - their energetic power is incredibly great. Night visions should not be ignored, as they can guide and help in solving life's difficulties. And they can warn about the incorrectness of possible plans.

Interpretation of dreams with runes

To understand why the runes are dreaming, it is necessary to most accurately recall the vision that came at night, since the details usually play an irreplaceable role:

  • Have you watched how you yourself drew runic symbols and used them in rituals?

This personifies your resilience against life's troubles. Problematic situations will not harm you, and most likely the next period will be very lucky. Your task is not to miss the opportunity and make the right use of the favorable time.

  • Have you seen runes without other paraphernalia?

Be sure that the Universal forces are with you - they will provide the necessary support and help. You are under spiritual protection, that is, you do not have to worry about the impact of stress and unpleasant conversations on your nervous health.

In addition, magic protects your physical health. You are protected by the magic of ancient signs from misfortunes and troubles.

  • The dream in which you wondered suggests that the planned events will come true.

But do not think that everything will go easy - you will have to make an effort. And this must be done without expecting a miracle.

  • Another interpretation of a dream with runes says that a loved one will soon appear in your life.

And this will not be just a fleeting relationship, unmemorable and unimportant. These will be real feelings that will stir your heart and help you feel an unforgettable impression of happiness, awe and tenderness.

A new acquaintance will literally turn your life upside down. And the change will be to your liking, because there will be a soul mate next to you that you really need. The future connection will bring moments of joy to your daily routine.

  • When, in addition to the runes, there is a crowd of people in the vision, this is a hint that you will soon have to participate in a public event.

This can be a collective meeting at work, a wedding celebration or a holiday of any other nature. But your place in such an action will be special. Perhaps you will be offered the role of a wedding witness.

Dreams of a woman and a man

The psychology of the sexes is distinguishable among themselves, therefore there are differences in the interpretation of dreams.

If a runic image appeared in a woman's dream, she should think about it. In the near future, a fateful acquaintance is possible, but a man's intentions may not always be decent.

You should not trust him at the first meetings - first, sort out the inner personal content. And only after a certain period, try to build a romantic relationship with this person.

A man's dream about ancient traces is a good sign. It means that the future wife will be an irreplaceable mistress, a wonderful mistress and an excellent mother. She will be ready to support her beloved at any moment and will never harm her family.

Alena Golovina- white sorceress, psychic,site author

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To see a prophetic dream, you need runes and a dream catcher. Rituals using various objects will subdue night visions. But they must be carried out on certain days and the correct sequence of ritual actions must be followed.


What days can a prophetic dream come?

The most accurate dreams occur when the border between the worlds is blurred.

It happens:

  • on church holidays;
  • on Christmas week;
  • on the night from Thursday to Friday;
  • on the third day of the month.

A dream with meaning can be dreamed on any day.

Dream meanings by day of the week:

  1. Monday: an empty dream.
  2. On Tuesday: you can see a prediction for a change in fate.
  3. Wednesday: more disturbing visions. You shouldn't give them attention. They are associated with an emotional background.
  4. On Thursday: if the dream is related to work, this is a reason to think. The rest of the dreams this night are empty.
  5. On Friday: dreams about personal life, soul mate and family relationships.
  6. On Saturday: dreams rarely come true, but they can push you to make a decision.
  7. Sunday: Disturbed Sleep - Warning. Restful sleep is empty.

What should be done

In order for the conceived start to come true, you can perform one of the rituals described below. The answers to questions are in the subconscious, they need help to get into the head.

After the rituals, he will begin to dream of his plans:

  • meditation;
  • concentration on one thought;
  • physical attachment of thought;
  • written thought binding.


The subconscious mind stores a lot of useful information.

Certain actions will help you get the right one:

  1. Get out of bed mentally.
  2. Go to visit the inner "I".
  3. Think over all the little things.
  4. You need to fantasize as believable as possible.
  5. Arriving home, to a wise mentor, ask a question of interest.
  6. Let go of concentration. Sleep will come instantly.
  7. Don't get out of bed right away. Lie down for half an hour.
  8. Sleep should be interpreted literally.

Concentrating on one thought

A person cannot fall asleep due to obsessive thoughts and thoughts. I can't sleep all night.

The following steps will help you fall asleep and see a prophetic dream:

  1. Concentrate on your thoughts before falling asleep.
  2. You need to do this every day until the answer comes.
  3. Analyze your sleep every morning. Even if it seems that he is off topic. Every little thing matters.
  4. Get ready that the dream will not be prophetic on the very first night. It may take a week or two to wait.

Physical attachment of thought

A small personal thing that is very dear can connect sleep and thoughts into one. Take it in your hands and ask a tormenting question. As such a thing, magical or church attributes can act.

Help to make a dream:

  • icon;
  • candle;
  • pectoral cross;
  • amulet;
  • a book with magic rituals;
  • Bible.

Place the item under your pillow and go to sleep. Her energy and personal desire to see a true dream will do the job.

Written thought binding

Paper and a pen will help you attract the desired dream.

Proceed like this:

  1. Briefly describe the problem.
  2. Place a note under your pillow.
  3. Scroll through what you have written. Think about it until you fall asleep.
  4. Repeat the procedure every day. Re-write the text or re-read the existing one (this is less effective).

Conspiracies and rituals before bedtime

There are many ways to find out the answers through sleep.

The most effective are:

  • a conspiracy on a ring about love;
  • conspiracy on stones;
  • ritual with a comb;
  • ritual for memorization;
  • fortune telling from Thursday to Friday.

Conspiracy on a ring about love

You need to purchase a silver or copper ring. You need to buy it in the morning. You also need a red candle with a diameter smaller than that of the ring.

Silver ring Red candles

Wait for the evening and start fortune telling on your betrothed:

  1. Open the window on the east side of the apartment.
  2. Place the candle on the table and light it.
  3. Put the ring on the candle and read the prayer. You need to speak in a whisper.
  4. When the candle goes out, put the ring on your left finger.
  5. Go to bed without speaking to anyone.

The conspiracy text sounds like this:

With a bright flame, a clear light, I make the world of my destiny beautiful. I kindle love in fate, with fire, I bind it with a copper (silver) circle. Life has changed since that moment, love has penetrated into the ring and has become stronger. While she is on my hand, I go to the one who is sweeter than everyone! Amen!

Don't let anyone measure the ring. Neither relatives nor friends. Do not remove it, it must not fall into the wrong hands.

Conspiracy on stones

This powerful ritual is performed by a guy to attract a girl.

To invoke a dream about a beloved will help:

  • Holy water;
  • candle;
  • small stones.

Holy water A burning candle Small stones

A powerful rite is performed like this:

  1. Flush stones with tap water.
  2. Put them in holy water.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Read the plot and leave it to lie under the bed for a day.
  5. Go to bed and stay in bed until morning.

Stones, pebbles, you keep centuries-old traditions. You remember what people on earth do not remember already, you know what we do not know on earth. Help me under the moon to find out what I do not even know about. Let my soul fly to the sweet servant of God (name of the beloved) and find out what worries her and who is busy with her heart.

Hairbrush ritual

For him you will need:

  • wooden scallop;
  • mirror;
  • candle;
  • consecrated water.

Wood comb Mirror and Candle Holy Water

To have a prophetic dream, act like this:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror in the dark.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Dampen the comb with water and comb through your hair.
  4. Look in the mirror and pronounce the conspiracy several times, representing the future spouse.
  5. When the candle burns out, place the scallop by the pillow.
  6. As you sleep, visualize the image of your beloved. His gestures, demeanor.

One should speak to attract a future husband like this:

Come to me and become a support, become hope, my love.
Your heart is in my hands, your soul is in my eyes.
You will not turn away, you will not deceive, you will become the only one forever.

Memorization ritual

It is not enough to see prophetic dreams. You need to be able to memorize and analyze them.

Ordering a dream that will be deposited in memory will help:

  • needle;
  • threads;
  • nightgown.

Needle and thread Nightie

Having received the ingredients, we begin to act:

  1. Sew the shirt to the bed and pillow with three stitches while reading the plot.
  2. Go to sleep on it.
  3. Try to fall asleep right away.
  4. In the morning, remember the whole dream to the smallest detail and analyze the information received.

You need to pray to yourself:

My soul walks all the lunar time, without asking me, but returns home,
does not tell me anything. Track stitches, help me learn and remember, then
what my soul is silent about, help me find out what she saw, what was revealed to her in the dark.
As the threads are strong, so my words are strong. Amen.

Fortune telling from Thursday to Friday

The simplest fortune-telling.

You can tell fortunes about your betrothed in this way:

  1. Write down the names of several young people.
  2. Place the name stripes in a pouch or bag.
  3. Put everything under your pillow.
  4. In the morning, take out and take out one piece of paper. The name that will be written is the name of the future husband.

Prophetic dreams and dream catcher

Among the Indians, a common attribute for weeding out bad dreams was the dream catcher. Following them, other peoples and settlements began to make traps.

Dreams often open the door for us to a mysterious world, where we can see the events of our future, get a hint on how to get out of some predicament. Such dreams have long been called prophetic.

Only, unfortunately, prophetic dreams are rarely seen and not by everyone. More often we see empty dreams, filled with the bustle of everyday life.

In ancient magical legends, there are various ways to induce prophetic dreams, some of which will be described in this article.

Among the various rituals of inducing dreams that come true, there is a single rule for all magical traditions: prophetic dreams are dreamed mainly on the growing moon.

Evoking dreams in Wiccan magic

First of all, let's remember the rite of passage from Vic's magic. Although the first adherents of this faith made themselves known in 1949, the roots of their rituals go back to the ancient traditions of the Druids. Wiccan magic teaches the ability to feel natural energies, the art of interacting with them. If you also feel your oneness with nature - Wicca magic is for you.

In order to see a prophetic dream, Wiccan magicians advise to brew one part of laurel, wormwood, nutmeg and cinnamon with three parts of rose petals and then, shortly before sleep, inhale the steam coming from these plants. And before going to bed, drink tea brewed on one part of cinnamon, two parts of yarrow, three parts of rose petals.

Inner mood conducive to the arrival of prophetic sleep

To see a prophetic dream, a modern person needs to distract himself from everyday worries at least for a while, calm his mind, try to stop the internal dialogue.

The next method is perhaps the most enjoyable. In order to relieve the hustle and bustle of the past day and relax, it is recommended to take a bath. Add a few drops of aromatic oils to the water: two drops of lavender, geranium, sandalwood essential oils and one drop of ylang-ylang. In your bedroom, light scented sticks or sandalwood-scented candles. There should be no one else in the bedroom except you. Before falling asleep, you need to very calmly, without emotion, think about the topic that interests you, the question, the answer to which you want to receive. Then meditate, staring with defocused gaze at the candle flame. When you feel like you are about to fall asleep, try to jot down your question on paper. The more accurately the question is formulated, the more likely it is to get an answer.

In the morning, you do not need to instantly get out of bed, you should calmly lie down and try to remember everything that you dreamed at night. You cannot tell a prophetic dream to anyone. It is especially important to comply with this condition if you had a good dream.


Many peoples have preserved the most interesting ceremonies associated with dreams. So, the North American Indians have such a talisman - a dream catcher. It looks like a small mesh framed by wood. It is woven from threads, a willow twig, feathers and beads. It is placed hanging somewhere next to the bed. The Indians believe that such a talisman scares away bad dreams and delays memories of good ones. With the help of a dream catcher, you can remember a prophetic dream.

Dreams and runes

For those who are fond of rune magic, there is also a way of causing prophetic dreams. You need to apply the following images of runes on paper and put under the pillow:

Laguz- this rune contains a desire and a request for an answer to a question.

Perth- thanks to this rune, you can get into a dream, which will contain visions with an answer to a question.

Ehwaz- in this rune, a desire is expressed to wake up after visions of a prophetic dream and preserve the memory of what was dreamed.

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