Home Diseases and pests The essence of the cassation appeal A cassation complaint in an administrative case is a sample. Appeal against decisions in administrative cases

The essence of the cassation appeal A cassation complaint in an administrative case is a sample. Appeal against decisions in administrative cases

According to the legislation, decisions (determinations) of judicial instances that have entered into legal force can be appealed to the cassation instance. A cassation complaint can only be filed after an appeal decision has been made, that is, it is prohibited to appeal the decisions of the first instance in cassation. This section describes various types of cassation complaints, the rules and procedure for filing, deadlines, and also provides samples of cassation complaints.

Submission procedure

The document is submitted directly to the cassation instance through the presidium of the court of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the court (civil, arbitration, etc.), the deadlines for filing a complaint differ. More about this on the pages of each complaint.

Document Requirements

The law does not establish certain forms or forms of a cassation complaint, however, certain examples of a cassation complaint have developed in legal proceedings. The document must contain the details:

  • the name of the cassation instance to which the complaint is filed;
  • Full name, name of the person who submits the complaint, address of residence, place of registration, all necessary contact details;
  • complete data (known to the applicant) on other parties to the cassation proceedings;
  • information about the courts and judges who considered the case at previous stages, an indication of the court documents (decisions, rulings) appealed against by this complaint, the general essence of the case, the content of the decisions taken at each instance;
  • an indication of the substantive and procedural norms violated in the consideration of proceedings and in the making of decisions. If the applicant is a person who has not previously participated in the case, it is necessary to indicate the scope of the rights and interests violated by the decisions made;
  • an indication of other normative acts related to the proceedings - in particular, the norms governing the procedure for filing and considering a cassation appeal, as well as the norms describing the legal relations that arose in the description of this complaint;
  • the operative part is the applicant's request for a review of the case in connection with the facts described in the complaint. It should be remembered that in the cassation complaint it is impossible to indicate new requirements in the case. As in the appeal, one can only rely on the decisions of the courts of previous instances and demand a review of the case due to an incorrect interpretation of substantive and procedural law;
  • date, personal signature of the applicant.

In this section of the site you can download samples of the cassation complaint

Cassation responses

Based on the results of the consideration, the cassation court may:

  • leave the decision of the previous instance unchanged;
  • cancel the previous decision and send it for a new (repeated) consideration;
  • simply cancel the decision of the previous instance in full or in a certain part of it;
  • Leave one of the decisions (decisions) in force;
  • change the decision of the court of previous instances.


02/22/2019 - Alexandra Blinova

In the proceedings of the Evpatoria Court, a claim is being considered against the judge of the city of Saki of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The essence of the claim consists of judicial red tape, at first the Defendant Judge accepted the claim for consideration, held it for 3 months, answered our request that the state duty had not been paid (the case is being considered under a claim against the PFR for refusing to assign a pension), sent a receipt of the state duty, a copy with a wet left the seal of the bank, the Respondent sends all the materials and writes, refuse, due to failure to comply with the instructions. When they complained everywhere, sent the letter again, the receipt and attached the returned documents, the same Respondent judge began to consider the case again. We filed a lawsuit against him and to the UV Treasury, a claim for moral harm. An independent Court was determined - Evpatoria. The judge in the case raised his voice, called security, said - bl ... .. I asked to lower the tone, and, please, without aphorisms, since I will write a statement, he called security, immediately says that he has such a voice. I warned that in case of failure to appear at the next - third, meeting of the Respondent, I will ask to impose a fine on him, according to the summons. Further, in the HAAGA Court there are already all the Definitions of the Respondent and let them find out how pensioners are clamped down in the Crimea. The judge advised me to study the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, I asked a counter question, if the judge in the case studied the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation itself, then what are the terms for considering claims? The Saki District Court forwarded to Simferopol with my private complaint, as it admitted that I missed the deadline due to non-receipt of the notification. The judge in the case decided to wait for the decision of the Supreme Court of Crimea on the pension case and on the recognition of the Respondent by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan as guilty. I objected and asked to consider the case further, because the pension case does not concern the actions of the Respondent Judge, we will appeal against his actions, not his decisions, and the Yevpatoriya Court is not the highest instance for overturning the decisions of the Saki District Court. Am I right?

02/15/2019 - Zinaida Sorokina

my neighbor received an administrative fine in court. she filed a complaint against me, it will be scarce how can I correctly make a counter complaint or a counter application to write. how to do it right

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10/30/2018 - Artur Rodichev

Do the representatives have the right to remove the debt for alimony from one heir, if there are 4 of them?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/22/2018 - Evgeny Teterevkov

How to write a cassation complaint that you do not agree with the court decision?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/15/2018 - Timur Belan

missed the deadline for filing for the annulment of the court decision how to do the right thing

12/25/2017 - Zoya Orlova

Hello! Please help me to correctly draw up a cassation appeal against the decision of the court of justice against the communal enterprise "Sevteploset". Regarding the heating services not provided. 2011, 2012, 2013. the fact that in the apartment the air temperature did not rise above 11-13 degrees) and charges it to the payment ..

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/03/2017 - Vera Lazareva

I need to take away the deport. But I don’t know how to apply for cassai.

11/11/2017 - Evgenia Ershova

I never waited for your call

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/17/2017 - Karina Grigorieva

Hello! Tell me please, I want to file a complaint against the judiciary of Ukraine at the ECtHR, how to do it and the cost?

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08/12/2017 - Ilya Podberezny

Examples of filing a cassation complaint against an appeal ruling

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08/09/2017 - Elizaveta Lazareva

hello, I have a question for you, my husband has already received a sentence of 5 years in prison, he is now in jail, I filed for filing in 2 months, he has a court again, can anything be done to let him go home before the trial. st he has 132 h. 1 UKRF. Please help please!!!

07/31/2017 - Tamara Sorokina

The topic of my question: Civil law (Complaints, claims, disputes, lawsuit, contracts) Today at 15:00 - 16:00

07/31/2017 - Maria Ilyina

Hello, how to properly file a claim for registration of ownership of a garden plot, if it was not filed after the death of a relative-owner in six months. What documents need to be attached? There are two heirs, one of whom is ready to give up ownership of the land. Application procedure.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/21/2017 - Lyubov Fomina

Good afternoon! I filed a cassation complaint with the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The decision of the judge denied the transfer of the complaint for consideration. What is the next level of appeal? A cassation appeal against the decision of a judge of the Supreme Court in the manner of Part 3 of Article 381 of the CPC addressed to the President of the Russian Federation or a supervisory appeal in the manner of Part 3 of Art. 391.5 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. What is the amount of the state duty in these cases?

06/07/2017 - Polina Vorobieva

You can call now or at any convenient time: 11:00 - 13:00

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/07/2017 - Alena Bobrova

I want to file a cassation complaint on Dell A70-12203/2015

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/01/2017 - Anatoly Ogryzkov

What are the deadlines for filing a cash complaint with the RF Armed Forces? I didn’t receive a response to a cas. complaint to the presidium of the regional court, can I send a cas. complaint to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation without a decision of the regional court: 9:00 - 11:00

05/23/2017 - Valentina Bobrova

I work in shifts at the plant as a mechanic on duty at Rusal Armenal CJSC. During my duty at the plant, there were several accidents at once in several workshops. in my part and my duties, I conscientiously performed my work. After my diagnostics, I found the problem - it was an electrical problem / motor caught fire /. After me, the electrician service began to work. It was their idle time for several hours. On my days off, they make me come to the factory and write an explanatory note - why the machine was idle. How should I write an explanatory or complaint to the higher management of Rusal Armenal CJSC. If I write an explanatory note, they will deprive me of the bonus - it doesn’t matter whether I am right or wrong. Thank you for your help.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/23/2017 - Lydia Koroleva

I work in shifts as a maintenance fitter. During my duty at the plant, there were several accidents in each workshop. I conscientiously did my work in my own direction - my shift supervisor sent me. After me, the electrician service began to work. On my day off, they will force me to come to the factory and write an explanatory note - each explanatory note deprives me of any bonus - regardless of whether I am guilty or not.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/20/2017 - Oksana Sokolova

I already sent you my data

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/12/2017 - Kristina Zhuravleva

how to appeal an appeal ruling, or rather, how to write a cassation complaint that I do not agree with the court decision

The answer to the question is given by phone.

Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation of March 8, 2015 N 21-FZ:

Article 319 of the CAS RF. The procedure for filing a cassation complaint, presentation

1. A cassation appeal or presentation shall be filed directly with the court of the cassation instance.

2. A cassation appeal or presentation shall be filed:

1) against court orders that have entered into force, rulings of justices of the peace, decisions and rulings of district courts, appeal rulings of the supreme courts of republics, territorial, regional courts, courts of cities of federal significance, a court of an autonomous region, courts of autonomous districts - respectively to the presidium of the supreme court republic, regional court, federal city court, autonomous region court, autonomous district court;

2) on decisions and rulings of garrison military courts that have entered into legal force, on appeal rulings of district (naval) military courts - to the presidium of the district (naval) military court;

3) on decisions and rulings of district courts that have entered into legal force, adopted by them in the first instance, if these decisions and rulings were appealed to the presidium of the supreme court of the republic, the regional court, the court of the city of federal significance, the court of the autonomous region, the court of the autonomous district, respectively ; on the appeal rulings of the supreme courts of the republics, regional, regional courts, courts of cities of federal significance, the court of the autonomous region, the courts of autonomous districts, including when the court of appeal upheld the decision of the court of first instance, but cited new motives to justify the decision adopted by the court of first instance decisions with which the applicant does not agree; on decisions of the presidiums of the supreme courts of the republics, regional, regional courts, courts of federal cities, the court of the autonomous region, the courts of autonomous districts - to the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

4) against decisions and rulings of garrison military courts that have entered into legal force, if these judicial acts were appealed to the presidium of the district (naval) military court, against decisions of the presidiums of district (naval) military courts, against appeal rulings of district (naval) military courts - in Judicial Collegium for Military Personnel of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

3. A cassation appeal, presentation and documents attached to them can also be submitted by filling out a form posted on the official website of the court in the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

Return to document table of contents: Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation

Comments on Article 319 of the CAS RF, judicial practice of application:

If the judge refused to restore the term, defer the state duty ... - a cassation appeal to the RF Armed Forces

If the specified judge refuses to restore the missed deadline for filing a cassation complaint, presentation, refusal to grant a deferment or installment payment of the state fee, reduce its size or release from its payment, a cassation complaint, a presentation against the relevant appealed judicial act with an application for the restoration of the missed deadline for their filing (if it is omitted) may be filed in the manner prescribed by Article 319 of the Code with the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Magistrate Decisions of the justice of the peace that have entered into force can be appealed to the presidium of the regional court. The situation is similar with the court order or ruling issued by him. But while the judicial act has not entered into force, in most cases it can be appealed on appeal to the district court. In a civil case A cassation complaint in a civil case may be filed within six months after the entry into force of the judicial act that is being appealed. The deadline for filing a cassation by the regional court cannot be restored. When applying to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with a cassation appeal, the deadline for filing a missed one for good reasons can be restored by attaching a corresponding petition. [Show slideshow] But it will be necessary to confirm that there were really good reasons. Administrative Appeal processes in administrative and civil cases are quite similar.

Appeal against decisions in administrative cases

Instead of performing this task, the bailiff Somova took care of the problems of the debtor and third parties. By virtue of Art. 122 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-ФЗ "On Enforcement Proceedings" a complaint against the decision of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) is filed within ten days from the date of the issuance by the bailiff or other official of the decision, commission action, establishing the fact of his inaction or refusal to challenge. A person who is not notified of the time and place of the actions, the complaint is filed within ten days from the date when this person found out or should have known about the decision, the performance of actions (inaction). I learned about the sale of the pledged and arrested property by the debtor by accident.

Filing and consideration of a cassation complaint in an administrative case


Supervisory appeal in an administrative case If the outcome of the appeal and cassation appeal against the court decision is unsatisfactory, the final way to cancel the earlier decision will be a supervisory review. A supervisory appeal is filed directly with the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation by persons participating in the case or by those whose rights have been violated as a result of the adoption of the disputed court act. You can file a complaint within 3 months from the date of the last judicial act on the case (cassation ruling).

In addition to the general requirements for the content of the supervisory appeal, such as the name of the court, the parties, the details of all judicial acts issued in the case, one of the grounds for canceling such acts (or all at once) is indicated.

My own lawyer

Otherwise, the cassation can be left without movement or returned. Arbitration Cassation complaints against the decision of the arbitration court have a number of features. They must necessarily provide specific references to laws or regulations based on which the applicant's position is based.


Also, the cassation is filed in this case not directly to the court of cassation, but to the court that made the contested decision. Comment. When filing a cassation appeal in an arbitration case with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the appeal should be filed directly with the collegium that has the authority to consider it. Garrison military Decision or determination (incl.

appeal) of the garrison court is initially appealed to the presidium of the district military court.

The nuances of the cassation appeal against the court decision in 2018

Another category of cases are claims in which the claims are based on documents about the monetary obligations of the defendants, recognized by the latter, but not executed, or on documents about contractual debts. Simplified administrative cases, disputes affecting the rights of children, cases of special or order proceedings, as well as those related to state secrets are not considered. The simplified order of proceedings involves the issuance of a decision by the court only in the form of its resolutive part.

And only at the request of the participants in the process or when filing an appeal, the decision is drawn up in full - a reasoned decision. There are no special procedures for contesting decisions taken under the simplified procedure. But there is a specificity of appeal. This is allotted 15 days from the date of adoption of the appealed decision, and when drawing up a reasoned decision - the same amount, but from the date of the decision in its final form.

Article 202 of the Cass RF. procedure for appealing a court ruling


However, when preparing it, special attention should be paid to proving a significant violation by the courts considering the administrative case of the norms of substantive or procedural law. The complaint must be accompanied by court-certified copies of judicial acts adopted in the case (they can be obtained from the office of the court that issued the relevant act). The fee is calculated in the same way as when filing an appeal.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the question is first accepted - whether to transfer it to the court or to refuse such a transfer. The complaint is considered at the court session with notification of the persons participating in the case by the collegiate composition of the court. The decision is made by a majority vote of the judges. The result will be announced on the day of the meeting.

Appeal in administrative cases

For citizens, alternative jurisdiction has been established - at the location of the body, the actions (inaction) of which or its officials are disputed, or at the place of residence of the citizen (Article 24 of the CAS RF). An administrative statement of claim may be filed with the court within three months from the day when the citizen became aware of the violation of his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. If the deadline for applying to the court is missed, the administrative statement of claim must still be accepted.
The reasons for missing the deadline for applying to the court are clarified in a preliminary court session or a court session.

How do I appeal a district court decision?

First you need to determine whether there are any features of challenging decisions in certain categories of cases:

  • For many cases, given their specifics, there is a separate procedure for production. And although in most cases there are no specifics for challenging decisions of district courts, one must still take into account the possibility of exceptions to the general rules.
  • There are nuances to appeal against decisions taken in the framework of simplified (written) proceedings. The deadline for filing an appeal is 15 days.

General Appeal Scheme:

  1. Appeal to a higher court. The general term is 1 month from the date of adoption of the appealed decision in the final form. But there are a lot of exceptions: firstly, you need to take into account the rules for determining the deadlines established by Art.

Administrative law

On the day the court decision comes into force, which satisfies the stated requirements, or on the day this decision is addressed for immediate execution, copies of it are sent using methods that allow for the speedy delivery of such copies to the heads of a state authority, local government, other body, organization , endowed with state or other public powers, the chairmen of the qualification board of judges, the examination committee for taking the exam for the position of a judge, an official, a state or municipal employee, whose decisions, actions (inaction) were challenged. The court may also send copies of this decision to a higher in the order of subordination body, organization or higher in the order of subordination to the person, the prosecutor, other persons. eight.
The appeal, if accepted by the court for proceedings, will be considered in accordance with all the rules of the trial, with notification of the persons participating in the case. The trial will be collegiate and conducted by the presiding judge. New evidence is accepted by the court only upon confirmation of the fact of the objective impossibility of providing it to the court of first instance.

Cassation appeal in an administrative case Court decisions that have already entered into legal force and have passed the stage of appeal are subject to cassation appeal. To initiate the said process, a cassation complaint shall be sent to the court of cassation before the expiration of 6 months after the entry into force of the decision of the court of first instance. If the deadline is missed either in the complaint or in a separate petition, the applicant must make a request to restore the deadline missed for good reasons.

However, it is this problem that can confuse a person who does not have special knowledge in the field of jurisprudence. Important! Despite the absence of regulated forms or forms for cassation complaints, the legislation has certain requirements for their content and a specific list of information that they must contain. It is recommended that before drawing up a cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in an administrative case, a sample of this document can be found on the Internet or downloaded here. An example can be used as a design template. The grounds for filing an appeal will still have to be compiled and given arguments confirming them independently, tk. There are no two identical cases and simply substituting your data in a ready-made application will not solve the problem. Advice.

Cassation appeal to the supreme court - sample

of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court, the cassation appeal is considered within a period not exceeding one month, if the administrative case was not requested, and within a period not exceeding two months, if the administrative case was requested, not counting the time from the day the administrative case was requested until the day it was received by the court cassation instance. During the period of an election campaign, a referendum campaign before voting day, a cassation complaint in cases of contesting a normative legal act adopted by an election commission, or a normative legal act on the implementation of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation that govern relations related to this election campaign, referendum campaign, in a case on the protection of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation are considered within five days.

Filing and consideration of a cassation complaint in an administrative case

Grounds for the annulment or amendment of judicial acts in cassation. The grounds for the cancellation or amendment of judicial acts in cassation are significant violations of substantive law or procedural law that affected the outcome of an administrative case and without the elimination of which it is impossible to restore and protect violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, as well as protect public interests protected by law .

Important: When considering an administrative case in cassation, the court checks the correctness of the application and interpretation of the norms of substantive law and the norms of procedural law by the courts that considered the administrative case, within the arguments of the cassation appeal or presentation.

Article 319. Procedure for filing a cassation complaint, presentation

The right to appeal to a court of cassation In the cases provided for by the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, judicial acts that have entered into legal force may be appealed in the manner prescribed by Chapter 35 of the CAS RF to the court of cassation by persons participating in the case and by other persons, if their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests are violated by judicial acts. Judicial acts may be appealed to the court of cassation within six months from the date of their entry into force, provided that the persons indicated above have exhausted other methods of appealing against a judicial act established by the CAS RF before the day it enters into force.

Cassation appeal in an administrative case in the Russian Federation in 2018


Taking into account the nature and complexity of the procedural issue, the court has the right to summon the persons participating in the case to the court session, notifying them of the time and place of its holding. Simultaneously with the filing of an application for the restoration of the missed procedural period, the necessary procedural action must be performed (a complaint, an application, documents are submitted).

A private complaint may be filed against a court ruling on the restoration of the missed procedural term or on the refusal to restore it. 3. The procedure for filing a cassation complaint, presentation. A cassation appeal or presentation shall be filed directly with the court of cassation.
A cassation complaint or presentation is filed against decisions and rulings of district courts that have entered into legal force, against appeal rulings of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court, respectively, to the presidium of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court.

Lawyer's Handbook

  • copies of the case materials according to the number of persons participating in the process;
  • power of attorney, if the author's representative acts on behalf of the author. A warrant will be required from a lawyer - confirmation of his powers and qualifications;
  • a request for the restoration of the deadline, if it was missed.

Six months are given for appeal from the moment when the judicial act came into force. The complaint is sent directly to the Court of Cassation.


The presidium of the regional (regional, regional) court accepts for revision the acts adopted by the magistrates and district arbitrators. The collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation checks the cases that have already passed the cassation in the region, and those for which the court of the subject was the initial instance.

In 2017, you can send a complaint and scans of documents to the Supreme Court via the Internet, using the online form on its official website.
What should such a document (sample) contain? A cassation complaint should contain the following information: In the header Name of the judicial authority; Personal data of the author; Address for delivering a response In the preamble Description of the case; List of previous instances of the appeal and their decisions; Explanation of how the disputed decision affected the applicant, if he was not a direct participant in the process In the reasoning part Identified violations committed by the judges or arbitrators In the pleading part The request to cancel the disputed decision or send the case for retrial; Adopt a new decision In the conclusion List of attached documents; Signature of the author and its transcript; Date of compilation Complaints Specialists advise cashiers to pay special attention to the motivational section of the document, since the arbitrators do not care about the essence of the matter. They check only the legislative basis for the decision.

Cassation complaint on the cas rf to the supreme court sample

The third instance does not consider the case on the merits. It checks the decisions of the arbitrators for their legality, and not fairness from the point of view of the parties to the dispute. Moreover, the violations must be significant. It is better to write them down point by point, with references to the current norms, recommendations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and judicial practice.

Not worth:

  • mention typos, spelling errors, incorrect calculations;
  • refer to previously unknown circumstances of the case;
  • require re-evaluation of evidence;
  • give an emotional assessment of a controversial decision.

Download a sample of a cassation complaint in an administrative case in .doc (Word) format. Filing procedure A package of documents must be prepared for the application:

  • copies of all court decisions, certified by a "living" seal in the office of the court of the initial stage;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in favor of the branch of the cassation court (150 rubles.

What final decisions can be made by the Supreme Court after consideration of a cassation complaint in an administrative case: Leave the complaint without consideration This can happen if the rules and requirements for its content and filing are violated Leave the complaint unsatisfied The disputed judicial act adopted by the court of the first, appellate, cassation instance remains in force and does not change Cancel the judicial act They can send the case for a new trial or terminate the proceedings on it, it is also possible that the application is left without consideration Leave in force one of the judicial acts That have already been adopted by lower courts in a particular case Cancel or change the judicial an act of a lower court Without sending the case back for a new trial A cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in an administrative case can bring a positive result in protecting violated rights.

The cassation complaint on the cas rf to the supreme court sample 2017

The document must be signed At the end of the application must be signed by the complainant. If the appeal is signed and submitted by a representative, then a properly executed power of attorney should be attached to it.

You must not forget to put the date of preparation of the document. If the application is submitted by a person who is not a participant in the case, then it must indicate which specific rights and how were violated as a result of the adoption of the disputed judicial act. Certified copies of judicial acts already adopted in the case must be attached to the cassation. obtained by written request from the appropriate court instance If the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is already the second instance of cassation Then it is necessary to indicate what specific decision was made by the lower court on the complaint. The rules for preparing a cassation are quite simple and in most cases their observance does not cause problems.


The reason for changing the decision of the lower court may be the following circumstances revealed as a result of the audit: The judge’s application of the norms of the law Not suitable for the conditions of the particular situation The adoption of the decision of the Going contrary to published judicial precedents or recommendations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Ignoring the law The application of which was required by the situation in question Incomplete composition of the court violation of the rules on the language, the admission of gross procedural errors To people who are not immersed in the intricacies of jurisprudence, it may seem that the cassation and appeal complaints are no different from each other. However, it is not. An appeal is filed before the entry into force of a court decision, and a cassation appeal disputes a document that has already entered into force.

Deadline for filing the document The legislation does not give the dissatisfied party a long time to think.

Within the meaning of paragraph 1, part 2 of article 319 of the RF cassation, cassation personal complaints, submissions on decisions, etc. Since September 2015, a cassation appeal in an administrative case has been filed in accordance with the rules established by the CAS RF. Chapter 34 of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of the Russian Federation entered the District Court, the Court of Appeal, filed. Within the meaning of Article 91 of the cas rf, the substitution of measures of preparatory protection in an administrative claim. Appeal complaint Sample supervisory complaint against. CAS RF to persons who missed the established CAS RF. Cases of administrative offenses are not considered in accordance with the rules of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In such circumstances, the court should ensure that the administrative case is considered. However, as a basis for the restoration of the period of appeal for administrative. Sample cassation complaint. Sample of an appeal on an administrative claim for the cas rf. Sample cassation complaint

CAS in the cassation appeal, presentation must indicate not only the parties to the administrative case, but also other persons participating in the case, c. Download the Administrative Appeal Form. Cas rf administrative defendant did not provide evidence that the complained. Private complaint on the cas rf sample Application for the restoration of the missed deadline for filing cassation. The modern judicial system in the Russian Federation has several levels. Within the meaning of paragraphs 1, 3 of part 2 of article 319 of the CAS RF, cassation private. According to the CAS RF, the court of first instance satisfied the claim to challenge the inaction. Requisites, content and ideal of a cassation complaint in an administrative case are the subject of tribunal control. On the procedure for calculating procedural terms, see Below is a standard form and a sample of a cassation complaint in an administrative case, a version of which can be downloaded free of charge. Appeal on kas rf standard. In accordance with Art.

A cassation complaint, presentation and documents attached to them can also be submitted by filling out the form posted on. Administrative appeal. Cas rf to persons who missed the procedural period established by the cas rf for reasons generally recognized. The basic requirements and rules for registration are given in Article 299 of the CAS RF, which are possible. Sample cassation appeal for administrative. In accordance with paragraph. As the Russian Federation in other cassation court proceedings, Cass judicial act on an administrative complaint sample. The cassation appeal or presentation shall be accompanied by copies of judicial acts certified by the relevant court, adopted on administrative grounds. Sample administrative statement of claim in accordance with the CAS of the Russian Federation. Novosibirsk issued a decision in a civil case on the claim of Petrov P. 318 provides that judicial acts can be reviewed in cassation. Appeal complaint on kas rf sample

Private complaint on kas rf sample. Latest news about Sample Administrative Claim for Cass RF. If the administrative claim was considered by the district court, then the complaint is addressed to the court of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Cassation complaint in an administrative case sample. Determination of the tribunal on the transfer of cassation complaints. Cassation complaint in an administrative case. Within the meaning of paragraphs 1, 3 of part 2 of article 319 of the CAS RF, cassation private complaints.

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