Home fertilizers Aliexpress changes the terms of delivery to Belarus. AliExpress has changed the terms of delivery of goods to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. New conditions for the delivery of goods to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine with Aliexpress

Aliexpress changes the terms of delivery to Belarus. AliExpress has changed the terms of delivery of goods to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. New conditions for the delivery of goods to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine with Aliexpress

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the world trading platform. Every day, millions of people make purchases in this online store, and the residents of Belarus are no exception.

Users from this country can register on the site without any problems and make any purchases offered by sellers. Of course, there are differences in terms of delivery and their terms. And in order to approximately know the time of arrival of the parcel in Belarus, you need to know some of the nuances of the delivery process.

In this article, we will consider which logistics companies deliver Aliexpress parcels to Belarus and how long it takes. We will also learn about new customs restrictions when ordering and delivering parcels to Belarus.

Postal services delivering Aliexpress to Belarus

Aliexpress buyers from Belarus can receive the package by any delivery service that suits them. Delivery of goods from China depends on different characteristics. It can be paid and free, and sometimes delivery from may depend on the weight or quantity of the goods you ordered.

The trading platform presents a large number of logistics companies and international postal services that deliver parcels to any country in the world. Belarusian users can also use various services by choosing from the proposed list on the site. Let's look at the most popular postal services delivering to Belarus.

Free shipping services

Free delivery services most often include national postal companies that send parcels to various countries. These include:

  • China Post Air Mail is the most popular and widespread postal company, which is the state mail of China. Parcels sent by this mail are always tracked. Therefore, you can always find out at what stage of delivery your purchase is.
  • Singapore Post is the national post office of Singapore. Delivery by this company is partially tracked.
  • Swiss Post is the state post of Sweden, which also delivers Aliexpress parcels to Belarus.
  • PostNL - is the postal service of the Netherlands, however, it can be both paid and free when delivering parcels to Belarus.
  • Posti Finland Economy is the Finnish postal service.

Let's now figure out where you can see the postal service that will deliver the product you have chosen.

In the product card on the right side of the photo there is a field for choosing a delivery service specifically to Belarus. You can see this after filling out the profile and specifying the country of delivery.

At the very beginning, Free Shipping to Belarus is indicated, and then the postal service that delivers the parcel is prescribed.

Paid delivery

There is a possibility to choose a paid delivery of a parcel to Belarus. This service is provided by international courier services. The most important advantage is the speed of delivery - on average it takes a week. Among the most popular are the following:

  • EMS is a Russian company.
  • FedEx is an American courier service operating all over the world, including delivering packages to Belarus.
  • TNT is a European international company.
  • DHL is a European international company.

You can choose the option of paid delivery to Belarus that is acceptable for you in the product card in the Delivery and payment tab.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the cost of paid delivery can often exceed the cost of the purchase itself.

Customs restrictions for parcels from Aliexpress in Belarus

Since 2016, Belarus has had strict rules for receiving international shipments. And since most of the parcels to Belarus come from China, this one directly concerns the site. In April 2016, the President of Belarus signed a law that reduced the limit on duty-free parcels. If earlier it was 200 euros, then this year it has become 22 euros, which was a serious blow for users of the trading platform from Belarus.

This means that every natural person has the right to receive international postal items per month for an amount not exceeding 22 euros. Everything above this figure is subject to customs duty.

When ordering parcels to Belarus, it is imperative to ask the seller to indicate the cost of the shipment on the package, otherwise the customs office may return it to China. It is also necessary to ensure that the cost on the items is commensurate with the content.

Tracking packages from China to Belarus

Each postal item is assigned a track number, which you can see in your personal account in the section My orders. It is by this number that every buyer from Belarus will be able to track their purchase.

It should be borne in mind that not all tracks of postal services are tracked all the way from China to Belarus. The most reliable is China Post Air Mail. The location of packages sent by this company can be seen throughout the entire journey.

Also, only the shipments of this postal service can be tracked on the official website of Belpochta. Information is not tracked by track numbers of other companies.

There are delivery services that are not tracked at all. These include Seller s Shipping Methord. This includes all private delivery services that are not included in the general list. They do not guarantee the exact delivery time and even the integrity of the package itself.

There are many sites on the Internet where you can track your mail. To do this, you must enter the track number of the parcel in a special field.

How much is the package from Aliexpress to Belarus

The delivery time of goods from to Belarus depends on many reasons:

  • Availability of the desired product in stock, as well as the speed with which the seller will send you the goods.
  • Choice of delivery service to Belarus.
  • Various public holidays occurring at the time of order.
  • Other unforeseen events.

If you choose paid delivery to Belarus, then you can receive the parcel within a week. However, the cost of such delivery is often several times higher than the cost of the goods.

State postal services on average deliver parcels to Belarus from 15 to 30 days, although there are cases with delivery in 30-60 days.

Aliexpress is a huge shopping center on the Internet, which can be used by buyers from all over the world. Residents of Belarus are no exception, who, despite some difficulties, can purchase various goods on the site. Happy shopping!

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  • AliExpress is tightening shipping requirements. Delivery of products sold on the site worth more than 2$ , to Russia with February 7, 2017 will be made on a reimbursable basis.

    Now such goods will have special markings that allow you to track the movement of the parcel from the seller to the buyer. For Belarus and Ukraine, any delivery will be paid, regardless of the cost of the purchased products.

    New conditions for the delivery of goods to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine with Aliexpress

    Previously, it was possible to place any order, only the cost of the product itself, not including shipping costs. Representatives of the Chinese service AliExpress in their press release said that they expect to improve the quality of service in the logistics segment with the start of innovation.

    The source also explained that the measures taken are dictated by the increasing frequency of fraudulent facts on the part of buyers.

    The scheme consisted in the fact that after the delivery of the goods, with claims about the allegedly not received purchase and the requirement for the return of the money spent.

    Moreover, AliExpress claims that the facts of theft or loss of parcels are often recorded in the CIS countries.

    • Already now you can notice a new way of delivering goods, the cost of which 0.5 — 1.5$ . What will happen next - we will see very soon.

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    At the moment, it is safe to say that Aliexpress is changing the rules for delivery to Russia, as well as Belarus and Ukraine. Before that, there were only rumors, but now, new conditions come into force. What this threatens to ordinary buyers from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine and whether this will somehow affect the volume of sales - we will analyze within the framework of this material.

    It should be noted right away that the new conditions will not be the same for all the countries listed, for Russia the conditions are a little softer, but before drawing any conclusions, we need to figure out how to change the delivery rules for Aliexpress and what we will get or lose from this.

    New delivery terms from Aliexpress to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine

    New delivery rules from Aliexpress to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine have already come into force, as you can see for yourself, for example, at a cost of less than $ 2. If before that the delivery was free for you, now you will have to pay a little extra for it. Considering that the changes in the delivery rules have just come into force, not all sellers managed to respond to this in time.

    Literally within a few weeks, sellers adapt prices, and the average buyer will not notice any difference, and in addition will receive an indisputable plus - the ability to track the parcel at all stages of its movement, from the moment of shipment, ending with handing over to the buyer.

    It would be naive to assume that the “Free Shipping” that is indicated on the product card was really free for you. Of course, Chinese sellers are not so generous and never paid for you out of pocket, the shipping cost was already included in the final cost of the goods, so the new conditions will only benefit both buyers and sellers, allowing you to increase the percentage of successfully delivered parcels.

    If you are an honest buyer on aliexpress, then there is no reason to worry. It is not difficult to guess why such a decision was made regarding the new conditions for the delivery of goods.

    Firstly, this is due to dishonest sellers, with whom AliExpress has been successfully fighting for a long time, blocking their accounts, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to trade. But, as they say, if it is in the blood, then it will not go anywhere - they are registered under new names under new names and continue to deceive buyers. Recently, the management of the site has raised the minimum threshold for “renting” a store, i.e. now, to open a store on aliexpress, an ordinary Chinese will have to pay much more than it was before, so there have been no outright deceptions of the buyer on aliexpress for a long time.

    The main problem that buyers have recently encountered on aliexpress was, in a word, the parcel was tracked only in China, until the moment of export, after which the buyer had to wait languidly and guess for himself where his parcel was at the moment. In the best case, you could see the status of the import to the country of destination, but this didn’t mean anything at all, because after the import, anything could happen, and the parcel would never arrive. In addition, the postal notice which informs the recipient of such parcels may simply not be delivered and the parcel will go back (such cases are not rare).

    Secondly, the new delivery conditions for aliexpress were adopted through the fault of especially “smart” buyers, who, knowing that the package was not tracked after export, waited a certain time, after which they returned the funds, in addition to receiving the package, for which the money had already been returned, after all, the seller, as a result of the dispute, could not prove that the parcel was actually delivered to the buyer due to incomplete tracking. Now such variants of fraud will be excluded. Decent buyers even before, even after a dispute, offered to pay again for the goods received, if as a result of the dispute they received a full refund.

    For buyers from Russia, under the new conditions for the delivery of parcels to aliexpress, the economy delivery option will be available for goods whose cost is less than $ 2, and for those whose cost is higher, track codes will be issued without fail, which can be tracked along the entire route of the parcel. As an alternative, for more expensive parcels, you will be asked to choose which type of registered shipment you prefer - standard tracking or the new Simplified Registered Mail service.

    Actually, before, for goods whose cost was about $ 3, normal track codes were given, now it will simply not be the seller’s wish, but a rule that they all will have to follow.

    For buyers from Belarus and Ukraine, all parcels, regardless of cost, will be registered, since the aliexpress management recognized these countries as more “unsafe” for economy delivery.

    AliExpress Parcel Tracking - Simplified Registered Mail (After New Shipping Rules)

    If you have been for a long time, then you are probably already familiar with the Cainiao service, on the basis of which tracking of your parcels in the user's personal account is implemented. It was after its integration into your personal account that parcels sent using . Many people still believe that Cainiao is a mail tracker, they are partly right, but in fact, Cainiao is a full-fledged logistics operator that exists with the support of Alibaba Group.

    In connection with the new delivery conditions, Cainiao and Russian Post in partnership have developed a new Simplified Registered Mail service, within which they will share complete information about the movement of parcels from each side, thereby making the picture of the movement of parcels more transparent to the end consumer. The service becomes available to all aliexpress buyers without exception from the moment the new delivery conditions come into force.

    Summing up the above, we can say with confidence that the new rules, which this time affected the delivery of parcels from aliexpress, will only improve the quality of the service provided. Just like that, now the parcel will not be able to get lost, as it will be registered along the entire route and tracked using the new Simplified Registered Mail service.

    As you can see, aliexpress is developing, and in all directions, this time it affected delivery, last time, let's see how the largest Asian platform can surprise us in the future.

    (function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -184100-2", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-184100-2", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

    Foreign online trading platform. Now each parcel will be assigned a tracking number, by which you can track its movement. Will it affect prices?

    On the same terms as Belarusians, goods from AliExpress will be received from February 7 by Ukrainians. But for Russian customers, a tracking number will be assigned only for parcels that cost more than two dollars.

    - Russians order more goods than Belarusians. The number of orders for the past year from abroad, which were issued in Russia, is approaching the mark of 260 million. It is clear that with such a quantity it is difficult to track absolutely all the parcels. Moreover, the average check on these platforms is quite small. But it would be nice if for Russia they introduced a track number for all parcels,- the executive director of the Association of Internet Trade Companies of Russia (AKIT) is convinced Artem Sokolov.

    In his opinion, the cost of goods in online stores that sell through AliExpress will not change due to tracking numbers.

    - The competitive environment will not allow to increase prices, most likely, they will remain at the same level. These online stores have enough margin to "sew" the cost of the track number into their costs,- says Artem Sokolov. - And if you look at the main offers that are placed on AliExpress, then in most cases it is written that delivery is free. I think it's free and will remain because it's a competitive advantage for merchants.

    But AliExpress customers will benefit from the innovation, the expert is sure.

    - Comfort will only increase, because the consumer will be able to quickly monitor where his parcel is,- says Artem Sokolov. - The tracking number also allows the customs services to get information about what is in the package, to whom it was sent, as well as find out other data.

    By the way, you can track the movement of international postal items with a track number on the territory of Belarus on the Belpochta website, according to the Minsk Regional Customs.

    Recall that since April 14 last year, Belarusians receive foreign parcels for personal use according to new rules: the maximum order amount per month is limited to 22 euros and 10 kilograms (regardless of the number of purchases). For everything that is more than the limit, you need to pay 30% of the excess amount. In Russia, they also want to reduce the limits on foreign parcels.

    The marketplace has long won the love and recognition of buyers from all over the world. It is this online store that can offer a huge range of different products at very reasonable prices. Every day, millions of purchase and sale transactions are made on the pages of the trading platform, after which sellers strive to arrange delivery as quickly as possible. Products purchased on the site are delivered to many countries around the world through a variety of delivery and courier services, in addition, the buyer can easily choose between free and paid delivery.

    Residents of Belarus can also easily make purchases on the marketplace and choose the type of delivery that is convenient for them. Undoubtedly, Belarus has its own delivery conditions, which may differ from sending parcels to other countries, but each buyer will be able to choose the most convenient one.

    In this article, we will consider the features of delivering goods from to Belarus, and also provide a list of the most popular types of delivery to this country.

    Features of the delivery of goods from Aliexpress to Belarus

    Residents of Belarus can fully use the services of the trading platform and make purchases from various sellers. The only difference may be in the payment methods, as well as in the delivery options and delivery times for the ordered goods to the territory of Belarus. Here are the main features of the delivery of goods from to Belarus.

    • First of all, in order to see what delivery methods are possible on the territory of Belarus, you need to select this country on the main page of the site.
    • To deliver goods to the territory of this country, it is necessary to adhere to the limits established by the legislation of Belarus for international shipments. Recently, without customs clearance, you can receive a shipment in the amount of no more than 22 euros and weighing no more than 10 kg. If you do not fit into these standards, you can try to negotiate with the seller to indicate a lower price.
    • Since 2017, for goods cheaper than $ 2, paid delivery has become effective for buyers from Belarus. This is due to the desire of the administration of the trading platform to improve customer service and speed up the process of delivering parcels to the recipient. For cheap goods, sellers must now purchase trackable tracking numbers, which must be paid for. It is this cost that is the shipping fee.
    • For the delivery of goods to Belarusian buyers in this country, there is no special SPSR-type courier service in Russia, which will deliver the ordered goods in a matter of days. In addition, there are no delivery points for parcels and warehouses with goods in Belarus, due to which delivery is much faster.
    • Buyers from Belarus can only deliver via Belpochta, as well as some paid delivery services.
    • For Belarus, you can choose both a free and a paid type of delivery, on which the delivery time of the goods will depend. Free shipping on time can take from about 2 weeks to 2 months, although the average package arrives in 3-4 weeks. Paid shipping is a little faster.
    • If you live in Belarus and select a product from the Mall category, you will be prompted to select the country of shipment of the goods. When choosing Russia, you will see an inscription that such delivery is not carried out in your country. However, when you choose China, delivery may sometimes be made.

    Types of delivery of goods from Aliexpress to Belarus

    The trading platform for its buyers from Belarus offers several delivery options, among which you can choose the most suitable one for you. By default, the product card always has free shipping or Free Shipping, if it exists at all. In addition to the standard free shipping, there is also economy shipping with a small cost. If you are ordering some rather expensive item from the site, it is better to use the standard paid delivery or express delivery, which will ensure that you receive the package quickly.

    Free types of delivery on Aliexpress to Belarus

    Residents of Belarus, like many buyers from the CIS countries, prefer to use free delivery of goods from. It cannot be said that it is really free for users. Most likely, the fee for the track number and the delivery itself is already included in the price of the goods. Most often, free delivery of goods from to Belarus is carried out at a low cost. However, it is worth remembering that since 2017, paid delivery has been introduced for goods cheaper than $ 2, providing the buyer with a working track number. Of course, using this type of delivery, buyers from Belarus will have to wait for their package for about 15-50 days. Although, as practice shows, most often the package arrives in about 3-4 weeks.

    • China Post Air Mail. This is the most popular type of free delivery of parcels to the territory of Belarus. This national postal service of China deals with items weighing up to 2 kg. At the same time, parcels with their help pass only through the territory of the sender's country, and then the shipment is transferred to the postal service of the recipient's country, in our case it is Belpochta.

    • China Post Air Parcel. It is also a type of China's national postal service, which provides free delivery of parcels weighing up to 20 kg. The delivery time to Belarus in this case is exactly the same as in the above option - approximately 15-50 days.
    • Hong Kong Post Air Mail and Hong Kong Post Air Parcel. These are also free delivery services, which are the national postal services of Hong Kong. The difference between the two types is exactly the same: Air Mail - up to 2 kg, Air Parcel - up to 20 kg.
    • Singapore Post, Sweden Post, Swiss Post. Delivery through these postal services can be both free and paid. It all depends on the particular seller and the postal service itself. Their advantage is that the delivery time of the parcel to Belarus is significantly reduced. At the same time, your parcel goes from China to the sending country, for example, Switzerland, and after that to Belarus. If the seller provides the opportunity to choose any delivery method and this option is among those listed, give preference to it.
    • Aliexpress Standard Shipping. This is its own delivery service, which can also be both paid and free. Estimated delivery time is 3-4 weeks.

    Paid types of delivery from Aliexpress to Belarus

    Paid express delivery is also very popular on the trading floor among buyers from Belarus, especially when it comes to buying a big thing. The advantage of such types of delivery can be considered very fast delivery times, which are approximately 10-15 days. Among the most common are the following:

    • EMS. Major international postal service. Each country has its own branch of the bottom company. In China, your package is supervised by its branch, after which your package is delivered by the Belarusian branch of EMS. In terms of cost, this is one of the most inexpensive types of paid delivery. If you decide to choose it, then in the product card in the field with delivery, click on the button with other types of delivery, and then select EMS.

    • TNT. This is a major postal service in Europe, which provides fast and high-quality delivery directly to the hands of the recipient in his home.
    • FedEx and UPS. These postal delivery services are American companies that charge quite high fees for their services. However, in return, they guarantee express delivery in 7-145 days to Belarus.

    • DHL is a German postal company that also provides express delivery of parcels to Belarus.

    The marketplace is an international online store that serves customers from all over the world, including residents of Belarus, who can choose the most convenient delivery option for themselves.

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