Home fertilizers Wood snake compatibility and earthen boar. Snake and Pig: compatibility in doubt? Not the best choice

Wood snake compatibility and earthen boar. Snake and Pig: compatibility in doubt? Not the best choice

The initial attraction between the Snake and the Boar is likely to be the result of the fact that each in this pair unwittingly projects their ideal onto the partner. Compatibility in love between the Pig woman and the Snake man is at first quite high: he admires her beauty and femininity, and she admires his calm character and willpower. Similarly, the Snake woman will be touched by the romantic attentions of the Boar man, while the latter will be fascinated by the cold sophistication and mystery of his new companion. At first, the compatibility of the Boar and the Snake should be quite high.

Who is who

The boar is a good-natured and happy animal, symbolizing carefree fun, good luck and wealth. The personality traits of people born under the sign of the Pig are cheerfulness, calmness, honesty, loyalty, education, sincerity and courage. Possible negative traits of Boar people are stubbornness, naivety, greed, arrogance, anger and excessive materialism. Sometimes they are considered lazy.

Snakes are malleable. Some of the positive characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake are wisdom, restraint, activity, attractiveness and charm. On the other hand, they, like the Pig, have a tendency to laziness, greed, arrogance and narcissism.

Love and friendship in the animal world

As for relationships with people born under other "animal" signs, the Boars can live most happily with the quiet Rabbits. With them, it is easiest for them to coordinate their efforts to achieve common goals. The life of Boars with Sheep seems to be quite peaceful and non-conflict. Tigers and Boars can jointly overcome each other's weaknesses, because their relationship is always lively and interesting.

The best companions for people born in the year of the Snake are reliable Bulls, fearless Roosters and smart Monkeys. Since Ox people usually work alone and do not think about personal gain or loss, they can work well with Serpents. In addition, the Serpent is attracted by the calm, unshakable nature of the Bulls, and they willingly follow their advice. Serpents and Roosters are united by excessive concern for their clothes and appearance. Thus, they can easily have common topics of conversation and hobbies. In addition, Roosters are mostly sociable and flexible people who can get along well with Snakes. As for the relationship with the Monkey, the Snake could cooperate well with them both in business and business matters, as well as in personal relationships. Snakes are best compatible with Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Horses, Sheep and Dogs. The compatibility of the horoscopes of the Snake and the Boar, in turn, seems to be quite difficult.

Nevertheless, it is better for the Snake to avoid communicating with heavy and overly serious people like the Tigers, who are unlikely to appreciate her flexibility and insight. The compatibility of the Boar and the Snake is also not the best, since the former value openness and honesty in people, while the latter prefer subtle diplomacy and deft maneuvering between the interests of various social groups. Openness and simplicity in communication are not for people born under the sign of a cold-blooded reptile.

How to be?

The compatibility of the Boar and the Snake, despite the initially unimportant chances, can manifest itself in love. Unlike the Rat or the Tiger, for both of them intellectual companions are not an end in themselves, and they really do not really need the material practicality that the Rooster or Ox can boast of. On the other hand, the Snake and the Boar need meaningful emotional connections, as well as fidelity and true love. This romanticism of both signs can positively affect the compatibility of the Boar and the Snake.

Another factor that can bring the Snake and Boar closer together is their shared social temperament. Both the Snake and the Pig love to spend time with close friends and family, preferring them to clubs, parties and proms. Above all, both partners enjoy domestic pleasures, such as upholstered furniture, good food, and a beautifully decorated home, preferably with a view of a beautiful garden.

Mutual complement

The Snake has the gift of reading other people's thoughts and moods. This can have a positive effect on relations with the Boar, since the latter is not very good at expressing his innermost emotions and feelings in words.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Boar in love leaves much to be desired, but still this is not the worst option for both. Their love will be enriched with the romantic traits of each sign. The Boar will glow with a flame of passion caused by the unearthly sensuality of the Snake, and also exude romance, care and tenderness, which, in general, is quite characteristic of the Boars in love. Overall, it will be a wonderful experience, regardless of the outcome.

Finally, everyone can give a lot to a partner, which is very important for creating a full-fledged couple. The Pig can teach the Snake the virtues of compassion and forgiveness and the creation of a space of comfort and kindness. The snake, on the other hand, will help the partner to be more determined and thus gain confidence and make their dreams come true.

Possible difficulties

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for this couple is the lack of truly effective communication. The Pig is a shy person and often hesitates to express his deepest emotions and needs. Snake, on the other hand, is a rather introverted person. She likes to hide her true feelings, hiding them from others, even from the person closest to her. Suspicion and distrust are the obligatory attributes of the serpentine essence.

Union of romance and touchy

If you were born under the sign of the Boar, then you are definitely very romantic. You appreciate various touching gestures, such as cute romantic gifts, even if they are inexpensive. Of course, you do not complain if you receive an expensive present. You love luxury and personal comfort very much, and you also know how to enjoy idle pleasure. You can often be found at parties chatting with your many friends.

Although you love leisure, you are not alien to hard work. Once you take on a task, you will work steadily to the bitter end until you achieve the desired result and complete the work on time. You sometimes miss big adventures because you think too long, but it's worth saying that you rarely make the wrong choice.

Pigs are honest. You will never tell a lie, and lying is simply not part of your life strategy. Since you are honest, you are not very good at deceiving and manipulating people. You really need a predictable partner who will take care of you and won't betray or deceive you.

Not the best choice

The snake is not really the best partner for you. Although she is cool, collected and very alluring, you never know if she is really interested or trying to trick you. Snakes are not averse to playing dirty if they really want to get something from a person, and often live according to the principle "the end justifies the means."

Although at first you may be impressed by the Snake's behavior, you will still be disappointed later when you realize how she hides her true feelings, even from you. Snakes are ambitious and love is not usually a top priority for them, although they are passionate lovers. Her ability to use deceit for her own benefit will delight and scare you at the same time.

there is hope

People born in and Pig do not differ in compatibility with each other, but in many things they can still agree. Snakes are real virtuosos in dealing with finances, so you can safely trust them to your charming cold-blooded partner. She will make sure that you have enough money so that you have enough of everything and you can live without needing anything. She is very intelligent and will share with you the fruits of her practical thinking. All that is required of you is to fully trust her and not be angry because of the sometimes rolling coldness. However, this is more about the compatibility of the Boar-woman and the Snake-man.

Like you, Snakes delight in the beautiful fruits of life. The snake will carefully save as long as it takes to afford yourself and you a truly unforgettable vacation.

The compatibility of the male Pig and the female Snake is somewhat higher. You have enough in common with the Snake to try to get in touch with her, but keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to tame this proud, but slightly two-faced beauty.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a couple to build a relationship, even though they love each other. What is it connected with? To build your relationship correctly and harmoniously, you should pay attention to compatibility by year of birth. Snake and Pig: we will try to consider this pair today.

The eastern horoscope by year of birth sometimes helps to avoid mistakes, and sometimes correct something in order to avoid a break in relations.

Love relationship

The love horoscope of this couple is rarely harmonious. Much better they manage to be friends, associates, colleagues. These people are too different.

The Pig, with its rustic character, open disposition and friendliness, is sometimes discouraged by the causticity, wisdom and sophistication of the Snake. And the Snake is often shocked by the gullibility and naivety of his partner.

But the representatives of these signs should not despair. After all, all these are general concepts, supported only by the observations of astrologers. And in life everything is much more complicated, and sometimes even more unexpected.

The relationship of this couple can hardly be called passionate. Rather, they are even and neutral. Partners treat each other well, one might say, politely and in a friendly way.

The leader in such a pair is often the Snake. She takes responsibility for developing and maintaining relationships. The snake is wise, calm and balanced. Unlike the superficial and overly emotional Pig, she stands firmly on her feet, pragmatic and enterprising. In such a pair, she has to manage both finances and household chores. The Pig is psychologically very dependent on a strong Snake. But that's even better. In such a relationship, where the Snake is the leader, and the Pig is the admirer, there is stability and confidence in the future.

Despite the foregoing, in this combination it is a fairly harmonious union. Here the man assumes and bears the function of a protector, guiding, patronizing. The snake in such an alliance protects the good-natured and easy-going Pig.

The Pig woman, in turn, perfectly fulfills the role of the hostess, the keeper of the hearth. She is a wonderful wife and mother. With her love of life and cordiality, she saves the marriage and sometimes dilutes the causticity and harshness of the Snake. With this attitude, the Pig encourages the spouse to sincere love, kindness and cordiality.

The main word in such a marriage almost always remains with the Snake, but as in the well-known saying: “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck,” the Pig has a certain influence on the husband. The snake is generous to the Pig and tries not to offend her.

The husband manages the money in such a marriage, but he is not a miser, loves to give gifts and occasionally indulge the Pig with frivolous trinkets that the spouse adores. In all serious life issues, the last word remains with him.

Despite his complaisant nature, the Pig will not be satisfied with the role of a housewife. She needs self-realization. To seat such a cheerful and sociable person at home would be very cruel. In addition, the more you load on the Pig, the more she manages. Her home comfort and childcare will never suffer from work and career. Pig - mistress perfectly cope with everything. She knows how to look good in any conditions, charming and sociable. This often makes it easier for her to build relationships in the team and with superiors.

In such a tandem, the Snake will want to dominate, again. But everything is aggravated by the fact that, at the same time, the Snake wants to see a strong and reliable rear in her husband. But not a quiet and complaisant performer. The snake needs an active business partner. In any case, she would like to see him like that. At the same time, she herself constantly tries to goad her husband and instruct him, which in no way contributes to the self-sufficiency of the Pig.

The pig is lost and tired of the burden of overwhelming demands. And after some time will begin to actively resist the pressure. It can manifest itself in different ways: stubbornness, stubbornness, laziness, tediousness. All methods will be good in the fight against the importunity of the Snake.

The benevolence, playfulness and optimism of a spouse can melt the heart of the Snake and make it softer and more homely. With this option, their union is quite capable of existence.

In this pair, the material component of marriage is also very important. If the income of the family is stable and sufficient, they can coexist for a long time and quite happily. But if the burden of financial problems and troubles also falls on them, most likely, their family boat will break into everyday life.

In view of the foregoing, we can say that the union of the Snake and the Pig is quite real. You just need to be more attentive to each other and take into account the advice of the eastern horoscope.

Building a happy married couple can be difficult. Compatibility of partners is important. It is impossible to determine whether people are suitable for each other, because everyone has their own opinion on this matter. However, there is one universal way to find out compatibility - a horoscope. For an astrologer, his personal likes or dislikes are not important. He draws up a compatibility horoscope based on facts, not feelings. Are people born in the year of the Pig and the Snake suitable for each other? We'll talk about this.

The astrologer draws up a compatibility horoscope based on facts

A strong friendship can bind the Pig and the Snake. However, in love or even in business, their compatibility is zero. These are different people, and they are not drawn to each other. But couples who are planning a wedding should be aware that there are exceptions to the rules. Moreover, it is important to take into account both the horoscope for the year and the sign of the zodiac.

Relationships may not work out, because both signs are considered passive, so there is no relationship. Everything will be smooth, neutral, without passion and inspiration. The Pig does not appreciate the wise Snake, and she is annoyed by the naivety and gullibility of her partner. In addition, the Pig will not learn to live by the rules of the Snake, that is, constantly analyze everything and make plans. Each of the partners sees in the other not advantages, but only disadvantages. With such an attitude towards each other, there is no question of love.

But, if the Snake wants to save the relationship, she will do it. But then the Pig will depend on her, the Snake will be her support and support. But to the Snake, this relationship may seem unbearable, because the character of the Pig does not suit her. She will not be able to love and accept such a partner.

Man - Snake is smart

The horoscope warns that the Snake man and the Pig woman can build relationships, but as colleagues or friends. To create a family, they are not suitable for each other.

  • Differs in mind.
  • He likes to dress beautifully, knows how to show himself from the best side, attractive.
  • Understands life and people, appreciates the mind in others.
  • He earns money well, but does not squander it, but saves it.
  • He achieves success in his career, seeks to receive compliments, fame.
  • For family relationships, he prefers not smart women, but optimistic housewives who can give up their careers for him.
  • Attractive to men, knows how to listen to them and give advice.
  • It creates a special atmosphere around itself: it is warm and cozy with it.
  • Smart.
  • She has a light temper.
  • Always chooses love and marriage, not a career.
  • He does not know how to cheat, he says directly what he thinks about a person.
  • By all means avoids quarrels.
  • Jealous.

Woman - Pig is smart, avoids quarrels in every way

There is no future for these relations. Even if the Snake and the Boar have an affair, he will leave her, breaking her heart. What to do if love is real? The compatibility of these signs is zero, but the marriage can be saved if both want it. The Snake Man must restrain his nature, and not subdue his chosen one. He should also help the naive Pig in career matters, because she herself does not know how to intrigue.

It is important that a man does not suppress or control his beloved, even if it is difficult for him to overcome this habit. The woman also contributes. She loves to create coziness in the house, to take care of the housework. However, her husband may not notice her efforts, and this will have to come to terms.

The horoscope says: if you wish, you can find something in common for a couple. Both the Boar and the Snake have a good intellect and appreciate this quality. Also, the Snake does not like it when a woman shows her mind, but the Boar will not do it. Both earn well, so the family will be financially prosperous. In sex, there is also complete mutual understanding.

The Snake Woman is often too calm and cold

The Chinese horoscope claims that the compatibility of these signs is poor. Relationships are possible, but only if both will try, make every effort.

  • They have a noble heart.
  • Caring fathers and husbands, attentive people.
  • He loves fun, so he is comfortable in a noisy company.
  • Honest, never give out other people's secrets.
  • They have a great sense of style and taste.
  • Kind, friendly to all.
  • Surrounded by fans, quickly fall in love. However, marriage does not change.
  • Smart.
  • Often too calm and cold
  • Can't take criticism.
  • Assertive and cunning.
  • With strong intuition.
  • Lazy, selfish, does not like to take care of someone.
  • Few friends.

Pig Man is a caring father and husband

If you read the characteristics of both signs presented above, it becomes clear that the woman - the Snake and the man - the Boar are not similar to each other. They have different personalities and life values. A generous, friendly, cheerful man - the Pig - is not a couple of a strong and wise Snake. If they are together, the Snake will be pissed off by the naivety of her husband. She does not understand how people can be trusted, especially if they have deceived more than once. The boar is also uncomfortable in her company: she is too cold, she does not have sincerity and warmth. If a man's main thing is feelings, then a woman's mind.

Therefore, they have zero compatibility. They even live differently: the Boar simply “goes with the flow”, and the Snake plans its every step. The Snake Woman will disappear at work, and her husband will wait for her at home and suffer. If at first he was admired by the successes of his wife, her mind, then later he will see that she achieves what she wants by any means, including deceit. It is hard for an honest Pig to accept this. A woman wants to completely subjugate a man. However, there are positive aspects in this union: harmony in bed.

The horoscope advises the representatives of these signs to maintain relationships, but only friendly ones. Then they might be interested together. And in love, in marriage, relationships are far from ideal, it is better to find another partner.

The family union in the compatibility of the male Snake and the female Pig (Boar) is very difficult and is rightfully considered one of the most difficult in the entire Eastern horoscope. Spouses rarely fully understand the motives of actions and aspirations of each other.

The inexhaustible determination and fortitude of the male Snake may encounter excessive complaisance, thereby creating the basis for her criticism. He will assume that the female Pig (Boar), thus, communicating with others, hides her weakness and lack of determination.

In turn, the female Pig (Boar) feels that the main thing for the male Snake is his plans, and he is not able to give her enough time and attention. In addition, the mystically tuned, refined and flexible by nature male Snake will often be shocked by the simplicity, gullibility and naivety of his wife. Also, the Snake man does not like the scrupulousness and housekeeping of the Pig (Boar) woman, as well as her unwillingness to take an active part in the implementation of his plans and career. In turn, the female Pig (Boar) cannot comprehend the complex, doubting mind and mentality of her spouse, who eschews her gentleness and sincerity. Therefore, mutually inflicted grievances will not allow these diametrically opposite personalities to enjoy happiness and be able to solve together, both large and small problems.

Snake Man and Pig Woman (Boar) - Compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of a male Snake and a female Pig (Boar) is extremely small. Astrologers rate it at 0 points. Of course, much will depend on the Zodiac sign of each of the partners and upbringing, but, in general, the prognosis is disappointing. They can form a friendly or business alliance, but in terms of romantic relationships, they are completely uninteresting to each other. In love, each of them demonstrates indifference, and mutual understanding is at zero. They are too different, and their similar qualities rather repel them from each other than attract them. The Snake Man is trying to put pressure on the Pig (Boar) woman, but this only makes it worse. She does not tolerate pressure and coercion from the outside. And the coldness, dryness and pragmatism of the male Snake simply destroy the good mood and optimism of the female Pig (Boar).

The Pig Woman (Boar) is more impulsive and emotional. It is easier for her to express her feelings, thoughts and desires and it is easier to get used to the existing family structure in this union. She can adapt and get used to the human characteristics of her husband, but for the Snake man, life with her can turn into a real test. Her frivolity and eccentricity will bring him to the extreme, he is not used to the lack of a clear position and life principles, which is further exacerbated by her natural mobility and anxiety. Marital relations, among them, are most often a mere formality, or spouses can live with each other, just out of habit. To create a strong, happy relationship, both of them will have to make an incredible amount of effort.

A man born out of appearance. He likes to dress beautifully and knows how to show his best side. He likes to appear in the company of a smart woman in a smart car. In all his actions, the highest degree of superiority over others is seen. There is always something attractive and mysterious in his manners, behavior and gestures. The Snake man is very smart, understands life and appreciates, first of all, mental abilities in other people. He does not tolerate vulgarity and the manifestation of base instincts. He avoids crowded places, and more than other signs of the Eastern horoscope, he is prone to isolation. Most often, although he does not like to take risks. He is a great organizer with a creative streak. His head is always full of ideas, and his actions are cold-blooded and carefully thought out. The Snake Man Don Juan and the rake. He loves to flirt with women and can even charm a statue. But, he treats his beloved woman like a queen and does not spare anything for her in the world. He can be happy with a quiet, calm woman, smart, knowing her own worth, but ready to obey him at any moment.

A woman born is charming. Moreover, she possesses really rare moral qualities. The main distinguishing feature of her character is real spiritual purity, nobility and good-natured attitude towards people around her. She is always condescending to the weaknesses of other people and tries to justify any of them, even the most immoral acts. The female Pig (Boar) has great taste. She can perfectly furnish the house, has a wonderful wardrobe, and each thing emphasizes her beauty and personality. She is a gourmet and an excellent cook. Her dishes are always exquisite and delicious. The Pig Woman (Boar) is honest and hardworking. She does not like quarrels and does her best to smooth out sharp corners. She can easily reach career heights, but if the opportunity presents itself, she will gladly devote her life to caring for her husband, children and household chores. For a female Pig (Boar), the authority of her husband is in the first place. She never argues with him and does not defend her opinion. Because of this, she is attractive to many men.

The likelihood that a male Snake and a female Pig (Boar) will make friends and start a family is extremely small. But, nevertheless, everything can be and each of us needs to go through certain life lessons. The relationship of this couple is likely to begin with business contacts or parties with mutual friends. The main thing in this pair is that differences in characters stimulate the development of relations, and not vice versa lead to a break. These are completely different people, they have few common interests, both lead a passive lifestyle, so they can get bored very quickly. To stay together, everyone needs to add variety to everyday life. So, for example, the female Pig (Boar) can change her images, she knows how to be different and interesting all the time, and the male Snake should learn to see the unusual and interesting in the chosen one.

Compatibility in love of this couple, at times, seems impossible. The Snake man is businesslike and rational, and the Pig (Boar) woman is emotional and sensitive. She longs for responsiveness, but every time she stumbles upon a wall of alienation. Naivety and innocence prevent her from analyzing the situation and finding a way out. Their personalities repel each other. The Snake Man is unsettled by the frivolous and unscrupulous nature of the Pig (Boar) woman. Most likely, he will begin to put pressure on his wife and seek correct, strict and “dry” behavior from her. But, of course, he will meet with a rebuff, which will anger him even more, because he does not like it when a woman does not obey him. It is worth noting that the Snake man, if he does not apply pressure and makes a little effort, he will be able to raise his wife. He will be shocked by her frivolity and outright naivete, bordering on stupidity, but with his attention, she can change a lot.

If feelings are strong, there is an opportunity to resolve conflicts and make relationships more harmonious. The Snake man needs to love the femininity of his wife, and she needs to appreciate his sanity and wisdom.

The Pig Woman (Boar) is a romantic nature. It is important for her physical and spiritual saturation. At the same time, she is looking for stability and support in a partner. She finds these qualities in the Snake man, but over time she realizes that in their union there is no place for joy, tenderness and care. The Snake man does not know how to express feelings, and hides all his experiences deep inside. And the female Pig (Boar) needs to either put up with it, or look for another partner.

But, despite this incompatibility, both spouses have a lot to learn from each other. The male Snake does not fit the liveliness and spontaneity that the female Pig (Boar) possesses, and she, in turn, will not be hindered by stability and rationality, like a male Snake.

Snake Man and Pig Woman (Boar) - Compatibility in Love

The sexual relationship of a male Snake and a female Pig (Boar) may well bring joy and satisfaction to both, but this will take time and patience. Intimacy means a lot to the female Pig (Boar). Showing maximum tenderness and attention, she will be able to teach this to her "cold" spouse. Having liberated himself, separating a new sphere of relations for himself, the Snake man himself will understand how much more comfortable he has become.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Snake Man and Pig Woman (Boar)

The compatibility of a pair of a male Snake and a female Pig (Boar) is very complex. But what if love is real? If both spouses really love each other and want to keep the relationship, then nothing can stop them. Of course, it will not be easy, you will have to work a lot on your character, but after all, “you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without effort.”

The Snake man needs to restrain his nature, no matter how hard it is for him and not put pressure on his wife. He should also help the naive female Pig (Boar) in career matters, because she herself is too naive and often suffers from scammers. The Pig Woman (Boar) will also contribute. She will completely take care of all the chores around the house and arrange a decent existence for him, and besides this, she will provide interesting leisure.

Also, it is worth noting that differences can not only impede, but also stimulate development. Such dissimilar personalities always remain mysterious to each other. One amazes with immediacy, the other with depth and sophistication.

To strengthen relationships and enhance compatibility, use common qualities, such as: a craving for novelty, a taste for life, curiosity and excitement.

And most importantly, do not wait for the relationship to develop by itself. To create a truly happy union, everyone should take the initiative in this direction, and not hope that the partner will do it.

The aesthete-Snake cannot come to terms with the sincere, but everyday and simple male Boar, and he believes that she is too complex and secretive. The snake is also too highly developed, ambitious and deep for the addicted and trusting Boar. She will not be able to approve of his openness and good nature and will become aloof and hostile. The unsociableness and cold calculation of the Snake, in turn, will discourage the Boar. Their hopes will not come true, and everyone will suffer because the partner does not approve of his positive qualities enough.

Here the situation is more complicated, since the Snake woman will not only want to control the situation, but will also expect reliability and activity in business matters from a man. Plus, she will try to bind a man and teach him "mind-reason." The Pig man will begin to resist, and the woman may not be able or will not want to hold him. With a favorable scenario, the woman will thaw next to the sensual and playful male Pig. With a normal financial situation, the union has a chance of success!

Horoscope Snake woman and Boar man

The good-natured Pig, the eastern compatibility horoscope, strongly recommends avoiding a serious relationship with a cunning reptile. The snake in her society acquires the features of a real strangler. At first, a pair of Snake-woman and Pig-man are united by great passion, they simply do not get out of bed. However, despite the excellent compatibility in sex, the Boar and the Snake are from completely different planets, they perceive the world differently and are guided in life by very different values.

If there are no favorable factors in their horoscope, for example, well-matched elements that level out negative compatibility, the joint life path in a pair of Snake wife and Pig husband will not be covered with roses - rather, with thorns.

The Snake cannot understand how it is possible to be such a naive creature as the Pig, which is often used by others. People use hidden strategies, follow the path of progress, and she is just kind. In addition, most often the Pig makes good money, he is very lucky in finances that such a materialistic sign as the Snake never leaves without attention. It happens that she treats her husband or wife Pig like a piggy bank or an ATM, so that at her expense it is easy to fulfill her whims.

The Pig will give everything to her beloved person, but, of course, she is not a stupid creature at all. When she notices the double game of the selfish and prudent Snake, she will quickly begin to seek solace in the arms of others. But another scenario is also possible: the betrayal of the Serpent. The pig is naturally jealous, like Othello, but this time is abandoned, which rarely happens to her. Surprised, she seeks revenge on the creature that dared to do to her in a way no one had done before. In any case, the marriage of the Snake and the Boar awaits a bleak end.

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