Home fertilizers Katsuzo Nishi is a unique healing system. The Six Golden Rules of Katsuzo Nishi Health. K. Nishi's health rules

Katsuzo Nishi is a unique healing system. The Six Golden Rules of Katsuzo Nishi Health. K. Nishi's health rules

Katsuzo Nishi: 6 simple rules for your health

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Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous Japanese healers, who formulated, based on personal experience, six rules for good health.

Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of that. When Nisha was a child, doctors made a disappointing diagnosis, according to which he could not live to be 20 years old. However, contrary to all the conclusions of official medicine, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than he was predicted, but also surprised those around him with his good health, already at a very advanced age.

Nisha's Six Rules of Health System

The fundamental factor of the Niche system is a good understanding of the characteristics of human physiology. The conclusions that he made literally turned people's well-established ideas about what a disease is and how to achieve a cure by doing just a few simple manipulations with your body every day.

Nisha's health rules were widely publicized about 80 years ago. In our time, thousands of examples around the world have been witnessed, when seriously ill patients, turning to these rules, were cured of ailments even when doctors were already helplessly shrugging their shoulders.

What you need to know before starting exercises from the Nishi system? As you know, most people today suffer from problems with the spine - scoliosis and various curvatures resulting from poor posture. When a person stoops, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which the latter are displaced relative to themselves. The golden rules of health of Katsuzo Nishi are aimed at the formation of the correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the spinal systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

The first golden rule of health is a firm bed.

It is no coincidence that they say: if you have many diseases, treat your spine. To tidy up the spine, you first need a solid bed.

A person spends one third of his life in a dream, but this time can be used not only for rest, but also for posture correction. If you sleep on a flat and hard bed, then in this case the weight will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles will be able to completely relax. Only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a twisted state during the day during work. A firm bed stimulates the activity of the skin, activates the work of the skin venous vessels, prevents the prolapse of the liver, and accelerates the blood supply to the skin. All this ensures a sound sleep and a vigorous state after it.

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae, which form 5 sections: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12 vertebrae), lumbar (5 vertebrae), sacral (5 vertebrae fused into one bone - sacrum) and coccygeal (most often - one bone from 3-4 vertebrae). Between the vertebrae are cartilage and ligaments. Due to such a mobile connection of the vertebrae with each other, the spine can elastically bend when moving the torso, flexion and extension, tilting to the sides and rotation are possible in it.

The cervical and lumbar regions are the most mobile, the thoracic region is less mobile. Connecting with each other, the vertebrae form a canal in which the spinal cord is located. Thus, one of the main functions of the spine is to protect the spinal cord - the most important control center, without which the skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the main vital organs, would not be able to work. In the middle of each vertebra is a vertebral process, from which, in turn, there are lateral processes. They protect the spinal column from external impacts. From the spinal cord through the holes in the arches of the vertebrae, nerve fibers depart, serving various parts of the body.

In case of violation of the articular and ligamentous apparatus - the most common pathology called subluxation - the vertebrae are slightly displaced, move to the side, compressing the nerves and blood vessels extending from them, and preventing them from functioning normally. This leads to circulatory disorders, numbness of the pinched nerves, resulting in various disorders in those organs to which the pinched nerves are “connected”. This is what causes various diseases.

The structure of the spine
I - cervical; II - thoracic; III - lumbar; IV - sacrum; V - coccyx.

The cervical spine is especially prone to subluxations, since it is the most mobile. And the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, abdomen, kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, spleen and intestines suffer from subluxations of the cervical spine. So, if subluxation occurs in the 4th vertebra, the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, liver, heart, spleen, adrenal glands, teeth, throat, nose, ears are most likely to be affected.

If you are not all right with your eyesight, your throat or stomach often hurts, your thyroid gland does not function well - this is most likely due to subluxation of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Your heart, intestines, nose, eyesight may suffer due to subluxation of the 10th thoracic vertebrae. Few people know that inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), appendicitis, impotence, pathological changes in the prostate gland in men and gynecological diseases in women occur as a result of subluxation of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. If the 5th lumbar vertebra is subjected to subluxation, diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal cancer are possible.

Subluxations that do not correct support pathological changes in the body and lead to diseases.

A firm, even bed promotes even distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxations and curvature of the spine.

It is good to sleep on the floor, but you can make a hard bed by placing a plank or piece of plywood on your bed; you can also recommend a mattress stuffed with cotton wool, hair or sponge rubber. Options can be different, the main thing is to avoid a spring mattress.

In order for sleep to be stronger, in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, you should spend at least 20 minutes in the fresh air.

The second golden rule of health is a firm pillow.

In this case, we are talking not so much about a traditional pillow, but about a roller-shaped lining under the head (preferably wooden). The pillow-roller should be of certain sizes, individually selected for each person. It should fill the depression between the back of the head and the scapular region so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae lie flat on a hard surface and do not bend.

Large and soft pillows that seem so comfortable actually make our necks contort. In Japan they say: "A crooked neck is a sign of a short life."

The position of the spine during sleep: a - correct; b - wrong

So, a hard pillow replaces the stimulation of the reflex centers in the nasal cavity, curing any inflammation of the nasal septum; beneficial effect on the cervical spine; adjusting the vertebrae to each other, stimulates cerebral circulation and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Of course, such a pillow will, out of habit, cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is solely due to the fact that people have been accustomed to a different way of life and sleep for a long time, and now everything that is right seems uncomfortable and wild to them. In order to eliminate discomfort, at first, a hard roller can be wrapped with a soft cloth (towel). As time passes, the layers of matter must be removed one by one, gradually getting rid of the unnecessary lining.

The third golden rule of health is the goldfish exercise.

This exercise affects the vertebral nerves, relaxes them and relieves overstrain, and also normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the work of the main body systems, including the nervous system, and promotes proper bowel function.

Starting position: lie on your back (on a flat and hard surface - it can be a bed or floor), throw your arms behind your head, stretch your legs forward, press your heels down and stretch your socks to your face.

First you need to do a good stretch. Stretch your right heel forward and your hands in the opposite direction, then do the same with your left heel.

Exercise "Goldfish"

Then put your palms under the cervical vertebrae, connect your legs, pull the toes of both feet to the face. In this position, begin to vibrate with your whole body like a fish wriggling in the water. Perform vibrations from right to left for 1-2 minutes. The body vibrates left and right, but not up and down. You can only lift the feet and the back of the head (position a in the figure). For beginners, vibration can be created by a partner, setting the required pace and accustoming the body to new sensations and movements (position b in the figure).

The fourth golden rule of health is capillary exercise.

It has long been believed that the heart is a powerful motor that accelerates blood throughout the body. But modern research has proven that the power of the heart is not so great. It is only enough to push blood through the arteries and bring it to the capillaries. The power of the heart is not enough to move blood through a giant network of capillaries! Nevertheless, the blood passes through the capillaries, and then returns back and enters the veins.

Here's what happens: the blood from the heart enters the arteries, which are something like stretchable, with the ability to expand the suction tubes - they seem to "suck" the blood from the heart. Then the arteries carry blood to the capillaries, and, having passed through the capillaries, the blood is thrown into the veins to return back to the heart. A vein is something like a suction tube that pushes blood to the heart and does not allow it to return back - there is a special valve in the vein for this.

And where is the pump that makes the blood go into the vein? There is only one answer: it is in the capillaries themselves.
The role of capillaries is underestimated by medical and anatomical science. The significance of this gigantic vascular network is still not understood, and this is a huge number of peculiar microhearts! Capillaries contract, pulsate, and act as a blood motor - not only not secondary to the heart, but, perhaps, the main one!

The purpose of this exercise is to stimulate the capillaries in the organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of the lymph. This is a good substitute for running, as it allows you to remove the load on the joints and heart, which is important for many health problems. If possible, perform it in light, loose clothing (and best of all - in the nude), then in addition to the above effects, you will get increased skin respiration, which will lead to cleansing the body of toxins through the skin.

Exercise "Vibration"
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put the roller under your neck, which was discussed above.

Raise your legs and arms up, turn your feet parallel to the floor. In this position, do active shaking with your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.

The fifth golden rule of health is an exercise in closing the palms and feet.

In addition to capillaries, the heart has another indispensable assistant - the diaphragm. The number of movements of the diaphragm in one minute is approximately one quarter of the number of movements of the heart. But its hemodynamic pressure is much stronger than the contraction of the heart, and it pushes the blood more strongly than the heart. The work of the diaphragm will help the exercise "Closing the feet and hands."

The first part of the exercise improves blood circulation in the body, which means it improves its nutrition and cleansing. Exercise is also useful in that it coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left sides of the body, especially the internal organs.
This exercise coordinates the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

In addition, this exercise makes the muscles of the right and left sides of our body actively interact, which, by coordinating their work, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs. It is especially useful for women during pregnancy, as it contributes to the proper development of the fetus in the womb.

The exercise consists of two stages: preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put a roller under your neck, tightly close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees apart.

In this position, you need to perform several different movements, each must be repeated 10 times:

1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, press each other with the fingertips.
2. Start pressing with your fingertips against each other and continue pressing with the whole palm.
3. Grip the surfaces of your palms tightly.
4. Stretch your closed hands behind your head and “draw a line” from behind your head to your waist. At the same time, the fingers should not change positions, and the palms should be pressed as close to the body as possible.
5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they "look" at the feet, and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. Make movements similar to paragraph 4, but now do not bring your hands close to the body, but keep them at the maximum distance from the body so that they seem to cut through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up and back. Try to stretch them as far as possible.
8. Leave your hands closed over the solar plexus, and move your feet back and forth without opening them.
9. Moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, add the movements of the palms in the same order.

Main part
Starting position: after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, lie on your back, close your palms over the solar plexus, connect your feet, spread your knees to the sides.

Exercises "Closing feet and hands"
Close your eyes and, without changing the position of your legs and arms, lie quietly for 10-15 minutes.

So, the fifth rule of health helps the forces of the spirit and body to achieve balance.

The sixth golden rule of health is an exercise for the spine and abdomen.

The implementation of this health rule is dedicated to several important tasks. First, it coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. What does it mean?

All our internal organs can be conditionally divided into animals and plants. Animal internal organs include muscles and the external nervous system, while plant organs include the respiratory, digestive and internal nervous systems. Animal nerves are located in the muscles of the arms, face, legs, neck, chest, abdominal cavity, that is, in those muscles that we can contract at will, for example, raise our arm.

Plant nerves are located in the muscles of the internal organs and blood vessels, and we cannot contract these muscles at will, for example, stretch the stomach. They regulate the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, and metabolism.

The exercise "Movement of the spine and abdomen" is designed specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies and important organs are concentrated. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body, contributes to the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into the preparatory part and the main part.

Starting position of the preparatory part: sit on the floor on your knees, while lowering the pelvis on your heels (if you wish, or for greater convenience, you can sit “in Turkish”). Remember to keep your back straight. Your hands should rest comfortably on your knees. Perform all elements of the exercise 10 times on each side.

1. Warm up:
- slowly raise and lower your shoulders;
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly look from the tailbone to the neck (of course, you will not be able to see the back, so do it mentally). Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations on the right side.
- follow the same steps, stretching your arms up.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left.
3. Tilt your head back and forth.
4. Combine points 2 and 3 (do not forget that the exercises of the preparatory period should be done 10 times in each direction).

Preparatory exercise for the back and abdomen
5. Tilt your head to one shoulder, then slowly roll it over to the other, touching the back of your head with your back.
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them at the elbow joints to a right angle and firmly squeeze your palms, tilt your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind your back. At this time, stretch your chin up.

Starting position of the main body the same as in the preparatory.

Basic exercise for the back and abdomen

Relax for a while, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and make pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. Do these movements for 10 minutes.

* * * * *
Now you know the six rules of health. All of them are effective and easy to do, you just need to start, overcome the very first barrier and make the first efforts. If you are lazy, it means that you do not want to become healthy and happy enough. These rules are a system that allows you to normalize the work of every cell and every organ. They are subordinated to a single task - the awakening of the healing forces of the whole organism. However, the Health System is not limited to these six rules.

Running in place

Many people know the healing properties of running, but in order to become healthy, we do not need to run like athletes and athletes do. Recreational running is completely different. We need running as a way to return the life-giving vibration to the body and force the capillaries to contract.

Easy and relaxed running in place is a great way to make your body “vibrate”, which means how to stimulate blood circulation and make the capillaries work. Running is a completely natural phenomenon and condition for every living being on earth, including humans. It is difficult to imagine a more useful method of recovery. Such a run, without exhausting us unnecessarily, ideally warms up the body to each of its cells, which is why the decay products are intensively melted and removed through the pores. This means that not only blood circulation is stimulated, but the blood is also cleansed!

But in order for running to benefit, and not harm, you need to know a few rules.

The body should be completely relaxed so that the arms dangle like whips, the legs are freely bent at the knees and not tense. The feet should only slightly lift off the ground, making light jumps, try to make the whole body vibrate only slightly and pleasantly from such a run, and in no case receive rough shakes.

In addition to vibration exercises and running, special exercises for the legs help to treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Starting position: lie on your stomach on a hard surface.

Bend your knees and remove any tension from your legs, imagining that your legs from knee to toe have turned into reeds, freely surrendering to the will of the wind.

Having completely given freedom of movement to the legs, give them the opportunity, bending and unbending, to try to hit the buttocks. It will not be possible to reach the buttocks immediately and not for everyone. But imagine that your legs are a reed, which the wind attacks with more and more force, and the legs either together or alternately bend lower and lower, approaching the buttocks. In any case, you should try to make such movements as if you want to hit yourself on the buttocks, even if you can’t reach them.

Do the exercise daily, trying to ensure that the heels still begin to reach the buttocks.

This exercise significantly increases blood flow along the entire length of the legs, improves the nutrition of muscles and tissues, relieves fatigue from the legs from the hip to the feet.

Exercise "Reed in the wind"

Massage with nuts
Many people know the massage of the limbs with the help of nuts. It improves blood supply to the limbs, relieves nervous tension and improves overall well-being.

Take two walnuts, put them between your palms, pressing harder, and start making rotational movements. It is important to make an effort so that the nuts are pressed more tightly into the palms.

Then put a nut under each foot, start rolling them with your feet on a hard surface, making an effort so that the nuts are more tightly pressed into the foot.

Exercise "Leaflet"
Starting position: Lie on your back face up on a hard, flat bed or on the floor.

Relax your body and imagine that it is completely empty inside, and therefore light, not weighty.

Bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface on which you lie. To do this, slowly pull your heels to the buttocks as close as possible. Then, without lifting the spine from the surface, slowly raise your head forward and at the same time stretch your palms to your knees. Reaching your bent knees with your palms and lifting your head with your spine horizontal, stay in this position for as long as you can. Imagine that a stream of energy is pouring into your body through the top of your head - the healing Energy of Life. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax.

Exercise "Leaflet"
Exercise should be performed every morning and every evening for 1-2 minutes.

This special exercise will allow you to straighten your posture, put the vertebrae in place and release the clamped blood vessels, thus strengthening and correcting the circulation of blood through the vessels. Exercise stimulates blood circulation in the brain.

Exercise "Willow Branch"
Starting position: stand straight, put your legs as wide as possible, feet parallel to each other.

Focus on your body, imagine that it has become light, weightless, as if empty.

Grasp the kidney area with your palms, connecting your fingers at the sacrum, and begin to slowly bend back. Bend your spine slowly, slowly and carefully tilting your head back. When the spine bends to the limit, freely drop your hands back. Now the body begins to sway lightly, like a green willow branch bending over a river. When slight fatigue appears, grasp the kidney area again and straighten the spine to a vertical position.

Exercise "Willow Branch"
This exercise gives a powerful healing effect for back pain, as well as lethargy of cardiac activity.

Exercise "Bowstring"
Starting position: get on your knees.

Bend your back back, and grab the ankles of both legs with your hands. Stay in this position for at least 5 seconds, then straighten up. Do this 3 to 10 times depending on age and how you feel. The blood flow will increase, which will not allow harmful substances to stagnate in the lumbar region and back and will not allow salts to be deposited in the spine.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Bowstring"
This exercise helps to strengthen and normalize blood circulation in the back.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"
Starting position: stand up straight.

With your thumbs, slowly massage the areas of the back in the lumbar region on both sides along the spine, imagining how the body, softening, becomes more flexible. Then vigorously, but smoothly, and not abruptly, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands.

Straighten up and bend back as low as possible - also with smooth, soft movements, not with a jerk. Straighten up again and make a few vigorous, but gentle tilts to the right and left.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"
This exercise improves blood circulation not only in the back, but also in the legs. Consequently, diseases of the back and legs disappear.

Exercise "Sky by the river"
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface. The whole body is relaxed, legs are extended.

Throw your hands behind your head and clasp in a lock at the top of your head. Now begin to slowly raise your torso so that you are in a sitting position. Continue to bend your torso as close to your legs as possible without stopping. When the torso bows to the legs as low as possible (try to touch the knees with your forehead), freeze and imagine that you are near the river.

Your inclination is the inclination towards the river; you look into the water of the river and seem to dissolve in it. Begin to straighten up, gradually unbending the spine and returning first to a sitting position, then to a lying position. At the same time, do not lose the feeling of dissolution in the river, and, raising your eyes, imagine that you see the sky. Turning to the sky, also feel the dissolution in the sky.

Do the exercise every morning and every evening.

Exercise "Sky by the river"
It also allows you to establish the necessary balance of body and spirit, not only favorably influencing the circulatory system and spine, but also allowing you to develop imagination and intuition.

As you do all these exercises, mentally tell yourself that you are feeling better and better every day. If you do the exercises, not believing in success and being pessimistic, then success is not to be expected. If you believe that you will be healthy, that you will overcome the disease, then it will be so.

This book is not a medical textbook. All recommendations must be agreed with the attending physician.

Nishi and his health system

The Nishi system is not just a set of rules and exercises, but rather a way of life that develops the habit of living according to the laws of nature. It is no coincidence that it is called the System, because in it one cannot give preference to one thing, everything in it is interconnected – just like in the human body. The Nishi system does not cure diseases, it forms health, considering a person as a whole, inextricably linked with the outside world and the Universe. However, those who have embarked on the path of health will have to show perseverance, will and ruthlessness towards their own inertia, since these three qualities are at the source of all our diseases. You can't wait for someone to come and help you. Only you can make yourself healthy and happy.

The creation of the System was preceded by a long and painstaking work on the study of a huge amount of various literature related to health. Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Chinese, Tibetan, Filipino practice, yoga, research of modern specialists in the field of prevention of various diseases, dietetics, bioenergetics, breathing, fasting, hydrotherapy  - this is the scope of the scientist's interests.

Nisha's merit lies in the fact that he chose the most important from a huge number of materials and combined them into a system that everyone can use, regardless of age and gender. This system was published in 1927, and in 1936 Nisha's first book in English was published.

About how he came to create the System and why he decided to devote his life to healing, Katsuzo Nishi himself best of all tells.

I was born a weak child, all my childhood I was very often and very sick. The doctors diagnosed me with intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung, and a well-known doctor sentenced me to death.

And indeed, among my peers, I was the most sickly, but nevertheless I felt more capable, smart and purposeful than other children of my age. The more I suffered from the fact that morbidity did not allow me to realize all my abilities and aspirations. More than anything, I wanted what was not available to me: I passionately thirsted for health. I practiced swordsmanship and visited the temple for religious meditation. But nevertheless, the diseases did not leave me, I suffered greatly both physically and spiritually, and more and more lost weight.

When it came time to choose a profession, I decided to go to the General Technical School. My family reasoned that the profession of a civil engineer was most suitable for a person with such fragile health. I agreed. But here, too, illness proved to be an obstacle for me. I realized that I could not achieve anything in life if I did not strengthen my health. This task has become a matter of life and death for me. It was then that I began to collect knowledge in which I was looking for the answer to the question: how to become healthy?

I started trying all sorts of tips and tricks. The first thing I did, following the advice of experts, became more attentive to my diet and chewing food. I did not eat indigestible foods, peeling even fruits. But soon I became prone to gluttony, and I was tormented by constipation, accompanied by a severe headache.

I continued to study the literature and soon realized why I suffer from my diseases: any undigested food accumulates in the large intestine, creating a breeding ground for bacteria that release toxins. These substances, getting into the blood, are carried throughout the body and lead to diseases. And I concluded that food can not only build the body, but also destroy it.

The next thing I read was writings on hunger cures. Then I first had the idea of ​​a connection between the intestines and the brain, which was later developed in my theory. In dealing with this issue, I drew attention to the works of scientists on the circulation of blood. From the work of Professor Sepp of Moscow University “Dynamics of blood circulation in the brain”, I learned that cerebral hemorrhage occurs, as a rule, as a result of inflammation of the ears, and inflammation of the ears is due to diseases of the throat. The throat begins to hurt when the kidneys do not perform their functions. Violation of the functions of the kidneys and skin leads to liver disease. The beginning of this whole chain of misfortunes is the poor functioning of the intestines.

I also learned that inside the dilated blood vessels of the brain, even in healthy people, there are at least 23 groups of various harmful bacteria, but they do not cause damage to the body. But this means that the body must also have some kind of defenses that can withstand attacks from outside!

I began to look for information about these protective forces of the body. I studied the effect of constipation on brain function and as a result came to the idea of ​​a new method of treating the mentally ill.

After a long study of the problems of blood circulation, I created my own concept of blood flow in the human body, which is fundamentally different from the generally accepted one. Superficial veins in the skin form what can be called the peripheral heart, what is necessary for blood circulation, what keeps us healthy. And since it is the blood vessels that are responsible for our health and for blood circulation, it means that they need to be strengthened, updated and restored. To do this, I offer special exercises and contrast air baths.

Fasting treatment has also entered my system. What happens in the body during fasting? The immediate result of fasting is that there is a vacuum in the part where the venule meets the capillaries. And capillary vacuum, after all, is the driving force of blood circulation. Since a vacuum is a force, and starving means creating a vacuum, by fasting we revive the motor power of the entire human body. However, I never considered fasting a panacea, I followed the path of creating a health system that includes such a method as fasting.

Step by step, I followed my own path to health. I began to understand how my body works and what needs to be done to feel healthy. Gradually, people suffering from various diseases began to come to me for advice. Trying to understand the causes of certain diseases, I came to the conclusion that there are no separate diseases. It is impossible to treat a separate organ, because the body is a single whole. I began to create the principles of a new medicine based on the use of the healing powers inherent in the body of nature itself.

Having seriously studied medicine, anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, psychology, philosophy, the practice of various religions, I can say that for the health of the whole organism it is necessary to put in order first of all the physical state, then chemical and bacteriological indicators, and then the mental state.

Lesson 1
Health and disease

In its fullest sense, the word "health" means completeness, perfection of organization, that is, vitality, freedom of action, harmony of functions, energy and freedom from any tension and constraint. Health is based on the principle of interaction and interdependence of organs. Health depends on the harmony or balance between the conflicting, opposing forces of the body: movement and rest, action and reaction, acid and alkali, heat and cold, absorption and excretion.

These forces operate in the body constantly, and we are called upon to maintain a balance between them. The more effectively we act, the stronger our health will be. To be in good health   means not to experience the discomfort caused by an imbalance between these opposing forces (and if it occurs   to be able to quickly eliminate it).

However, very often we not only do not help our body, but also interfere with it, violating the laws of nature. Knowing the basic laws of nature and following them is the principle of the Health System. Unfortunately, our world today is the world of people who are well educated in the field of knowledge that is not related to man and nature. You can be superbly versed in technology and suffer from chronic indigestion. With all his education, a person takes an aspirin or an antacid to get rid of discomfort, and behaves as if there is no reason for this discomfort.

Any disease (excluding injuries and genetic diseases) – is the result of a violation of the laws of the vital activity of the human body, the laws of nature. Therefore, it is necessary to treat, restoring the work of biological laws, and this is possible only with a correct understanding of their action. It is possible to restore health to a person only by knowing what health is and what laws it obeys. In order to defeat the disease, you need to know the causes of its occurrence, and in order to understand these causes - again, you need to know the basic laws that this organism is subject to. The health system provides this knowledge, fills in the gaps that have arisen due to a one-sided view of health - a view from the side of the disease.

Since the disease is a violation of the integrity of the body, then when eliminating this individual violation, it is necessary to use a systematic approach. The over-specialization of modern medicine is a real assault on the dignity of man, for it subdivides man so scrupulously into parts that there is nothing left in these fragments that can reproduce the real picture of the human being as a whole. A modern doctor is like a person studying under a magnifying glass a tiny fragment of a great picture, examining the smallest cracks in paint and pinpoint touches of an artist's brush, but, alas, not seeing the whole image. But even in ancient times, the Japanese doctor Kan Funayama in his Essays on Medicine said: "If you do not consider that a person is an indivisible whole, the path to success is closed to you."

In order for the objective laws of self-regulation and self-healing that do not depend on our will to work, it is necessary to create conditions that will allow the body to cope with its problems, restore its integrity. This can be done only by natural methods and complex effects.

Indeed, the cure for a cold or other abnormal condition, which we call a disease, depends only on the self-healing work of the body. With the help of medicines, we only suppress the symptoms of the disease, thereby driving the disease itself deeper. Without eliminating the causes that gave rise to the disease, we force it to lie low, and it will wait for a new opportunity to come out. To get rid of the causes that caused the disease, you must first cleanse your body. This is what we will focus on in the next lesson.

Lesson 2
Cleansing the body

Most children are born healthy. Growing up, a person acquires not only experience and knowledge, but, unfortunately, various diseases. Many diseases come to us because the body is polluted with unnecessary substances. It can be compared to a new house – at first everything is clean and beautiful, but gradually more and more old things settle there, they are forgotten, they gather dust and take away living space. Over time, the house becomes cluttered, and if you do not throw away unnecessary things, then there will soon be nowhere to live in it. Throughout life, our body is also clogged. Can this be avoided? Can! Therefore, we will begin our journey with a complete cleansing of the body. After all, before re-furnishing a house, you must first make repairs, throw away the rubbish accumulated over the years, and only then proceed to create the home of your dreams. Also with the body.

Cleansing is a necessary step in the transition from illness to health.

The human body is a perfect self-organizing system designed for many years of active life. If you are healthy – the body itself will take care of its cleanliness, remove toxins and toxins in a timely manner. In our time, when water, air and land are systematically polluted by man, who invents and produces more and more artificial substances that remain in nature for a very long time, it is difficult for the body to cope with the increased load. It is necessary to help him cleanse himself of harmful and unnecessary substances.

To begin with, I will formulate three simple rules:

Cleansing should not cause an overload of the excretory systems of the body.

Purification should be carried out in stages, with breaks for recovery and rest of the body.

It is most rational to start cleansing the body with cleansing and restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and then move on to cleansing the liver and gallbladder, blood, kidneys, and tidying up the joints.

No need to strive to carry out the purification of toxins in one or two times. To maintain health, it is advisable to choose more gentle methods so that the body does not overstrain. A large amount of waste thrown into the blood can poison the body, causing damage to the liver and kidneys, which will be forced to work with overload.

The body can also be compared to a river, along the banks of which there are many houses. One negligent owner will pour slop into the river, it will dissolve them in itself and flow further, pure and beautiful. And if all the villagers pour slop into the river, it will become dirty and fetid, and it will take a lot of fresh water to clean it. But the body is not a river, its fresh blood flow is rather weak, so a quick cleansing of the body can poison it.

It is not recommended to carry out a quick cleansing of the body (as well as cleaning with potent methods, drugs, enemas, etc.) with diabetes, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, with severe hypertension, heart and kidney diseases. Such cleansing of the body can exacerbate these diseases.

It is extremely important to combine nutritional treatment with exercise. We are pleased with the waterfall, from the contemplation of its crystal splashes we get a charge of vivacity and real pleasure. We enjoy the memory of the beauty of a waterfall, but who will bring joy to the memory of stagnant water in a swamp? Moving water is pure and joyful, while stagnant water makes us depressed. Similarly, to cleanse the body, movement - walking, feasible physical activity, special exercises are necessary.

It is most effective to cleanse the body in spring and autumn, at this time natural cleaners appear.

spring young plants will help you in this, in the cells of which various disturbances have not yet had time to occur. Plants saturated with the power of melt water are extremely useful. In spring, nature wakes up from sleep, this is the time of natural cleansing, when our body is sensitive to natural rhythms, so you must definitely listen to it. Spring cleaning is a cleansing with freshness, giving youth, joy and energy. This is the time of rejuvenation and cell renewal.

autumn nature is preparing for winter, discarding everything unnecessary and used, but doing it very beautifully. Autumn cleansing – more heavy and serious. The cells of the body are saturated with strength and strengthened, creating a reserve for life in adverse conditions.

Cleansing the body in spring and autumn can be compared with a major cleaning or even repair, and a softer cleansing  during the year  with daily cleaning of the house.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract

Fiber cleansing

The constant use of pureed food clogs the stomach and disrupts the normal functioning of digestion. The body needs fiber to stay healthy. It is partially absorbed, and partially mechanically affects the intestines, stimulating the motor function of the digestive organs and enhancing the secretion of juices necessary for it, improves it, and increases the biological value of most foods. Fiber helps cleanse the digestive tract. Foods that are low in fiber can cause constipation.

Fiber-rich foods (mushrooms, algae, fruits, vegetables) should be eaten regularly, preferably every day. Wild herbs rich in biologically active elements are considered especially useful. Cabbage is very useful, and a salad of fresh cabbage and fresh carrots, dressed with olive oil, very well cleanses the digestive tract from the “remnants of previous dinners” that have settled on the walls.

Fiber improves the body's metabolism – immediately there is a surge of energy, after a while the appearance becomes more attractive, the skin – smoother, the hair – silky, there is a shine in the eyes.

In addition, fiber creates the necessary environment for the vital activity of beneficial microbes, removes cholesterol and harmful substances. In addition to foods containing fiber, it is sometimes desirable to eat a few apple or grape seeds. Four to five pieces a week is enough, – it improves the colon cleansing process. For the same purpose, apple and pear peels are used. Thus, it is more beneficial to eat an apple or pear with the skin on.

It is very useful to use starch to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. The well-known jelly gently cleanses the digestive tract, helps with colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and some poisoning. Starch accelerates the metabolism of bile acids and their excretion, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body.

The healthiest food, leaving a minimum of waste in the body, is prepared from fresh products and eaten almost immediately. Wild plants should be included in the diet as a source of vitamins and other useful substances; besides, they cleanse the gastrointestinal tract well.

Purification with agar-agar

I consider agar-agar an indispensable component of proper nutrition. It was in the East that they first noticed that if you boil and dry brown seaweed, you get an unusual transparent substance without smell, taste and color. If this substance is moistened again, a thick, dense jelly is formed. The jelly-like mass absorbs well all the toxins in the stomach and digestive tract, removes harmful substances from the liver, improving its functioning.

Desserts from agar-agar are very tasty and healthy. In Japan, a wide variety of marmalades, jelly cubes, jelly figurines, which children love so much, or fruit aspic, which girls love so much, are prepared from it.

Everything prepared from agar-agar is very useful. It absorbs and removes harmful substances and decay products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body. You don't want them to place their graveyard inside of you?! This means that they must be removed from the body, and this is best obtained with agar-agar and pectin substances. Agar-agar can help you lose weight – it is absolutely not digestible and, by swelling in the intestines, creates a feeling of satiety, while the stomach works more actively. By playing a cleansing role, pectins can also help cure disease, sometimes even faster than all recognized medicines.

Cleansing the digestive tract with melt water

Water is life. And melt water gives us a "second" life. It perfectly cleanses the body, rejuvenates it and saturates all cells with energy. Many birds fly north in spring in order to catch the time of melting water and bring healthy offspring. Melt water revives life.

I want to recommend you a method of cleansing the digestive tract with melt water. Water   universal, but slow-acting (and most importantly, accessible to everyone) solvent   cleans the body very well, washing away toxins and toxins. Most people see results within ten days. Strength appears, mood rises. Seems to be a few years younger. You can do more and get tired less. I like that cleansing with melt water does not require significant effort and expense, and the result is just great! The method is very simple.

Drink twenty milliliters of melt water once a day for seven days in a row, then take a break for seven days. Then drink melt water for another seven days. Take a break for one or two months. The result is a gentle cleansing of the body. If you have an upset stomach – try drinking water every other day.

Liver cleanse

The liver is one of the five main organs in the human body. Our mood and vital activity depend on the health of the liver. It produces bile (up to one and a half liters per day), which is necessary for normal digestion. The liver filters the blood, neutralizes toxins and microbes, and returns purified blood to the general circulation. In order to increase the capabilities of the liver, blood enters it through two types of vessels: the hepatic artery and portal vein, and exits through a single hepatic vein. Blood circulation in the liver is very intense - about one and a half liters of blood passes through it in one minute, so it is so important to keep this organ healthy. The liver protects the body from harmful substances, helps to remove waste from the body, participates in all types of metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, pigment, as well as in the metabolism of minerals, microelements; water exchange. Without it, our life is impossible – the body will be poisoned. It is necessary to constantly support the liver, help it recover, arrange “days of rest” for it, drink enough fluids, otherwise it will be difficult for the liver to work.

In case of violation of the correct functioning of the liver, changes in the psyche and digestion appear. Blood clotting worsens, pain in the ribs and sternum, dizziness. In women, menstrual irregularities are possible. The risk of causeless irritability, anger (even falling into a rage), the appearance of bloody vomiting increases.

When the liver is weakened, a person is prone to insomnia, often sees a lot of dreams, his mood deteriorates, up to depression. Trembling of hands and feet appears. The nails become thin and brittle, their pale, dull color also indicates a violation of the liver.

The liver is closely connected with vision, its weakening can cause visual impairment, reddening of the eyes, rupture of small vessels, pain in the eyes may appear in the evening, the white of the eyes becomes yellow.

The intracranial pressure also depends on the condition of the liver. It can be treated with the most modern methods, but a complete cure cannot be achieved until the liver is healthy.

Katsuzo Nishi managed to create 6 health rules. According to him, only a person's own efforts make him healthy. As a child, doctors diagnosed Nishi with a terrible diagnosis and, according to their assumptions, that he should have lived for more than twenty years. As a result, he managed not only to refute the forecast of specialists and live much longer, but also to create a unique healing system that has become popular all over the world. The exercises developed by Katsuzo Nishi help the spine become more flexible, and nutrition will serve as a building material to a certain extent, contributing to the strengthening and formation of correct posture. In the article we will talk about the six golden rules of health Katsuzo Nishi.

Golden Rules of Health by Katsuzo Nishi

The Japanese health system helps to form the correct posture with the help of special effective exercises, swimming, and the right diet. As well as rest and sleep on the right, hard bed, the same goes for pillows.

As for nutrition, the diet must necessarily contain foods rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, the body must receive daily vitamins, in particular, A, C and D.

6 golden rules of health from Katsuzo Nishi

Rule number 1. hard bed

The slightest curvature of the spine provokes a violation of the activity of various organs. Most people prefer to sleep on a soft bed, but they don’t even know what it is fraught with for their backs. For this reason, the spine is in tension throughout the night and eventually bends.

Katsuzo Nishi argued that it is sleep on a hard bed that helps to correct the constantly occurring disorders in the spinal column. A lover of sleeping in a soft bed thereby allows his nerves to atrophy, which provokes the development of various diseases.

Rule number 2. Hard pillow or cushion

By sleeping on a firm pillow, you can achieve a natural alignment of the vertebrae. Due to sleeping on an ordinary soft pillow, the cervical vertebrae bend, which naturally provokes the occurrence of pain in the back and neck, and also affects the functioning of internal organs in a bad way.

This golden rule of Katsuzo Nishi's health affects, in particular, the nasal septum, the poor condition of which provokes the development of various ailments, which results in diseases, excessive irritability and dizziness. Nishi himself recommended using a firm roll pillow for sleeping.

Rule number 3. Exercise "Goldfish"

To perform this exercise, lie on a flat bed, pull your toes in the direction of the body, while placing your hands under your neck. Having taken this position, begin to squirm (vibrate) with your whole body, trying to imitate the movements of a fish in the water. This exercise should be performed every day in the morning and evening for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks to this exercise, it is possible to cure scoliosis, correct the curvature of the spine, eliminate excessive tension of the vertebral nerves, and also normalize blood circulation.

Rule number 4. "Exercise for capillaries"

You need to lie on your back, while putting your head on a hard pillow, stretch your limbs up vertically to the body and vibrate them easily. With the help of this exercise, capillaries in the organs are stimulated, blood circulation throughout the body improves, and lymphatic fluid is renewed. Repeat this exercise should be performed in the morning and evening for 1-2 minutes.

Rule number 5. "Closing hands and feet"

Lie on your back with a firm pillow under your head. Press the fingertips of one hand on the fingertips of the other, then relax, repeat several times. Then move your hands back and forth, closing your fingertips. Then close your palms over your chest. This is the first part of the exercise.

The second part of the exercise is to raise your legs above your body and connect your knees. Close your feet and at the same time raise and lower your arms and legs 10-60 times. After that, you should rest, meditating for 1-2 minutes. The closing of the palms and feet should be done in the morning and evening.

Rule number 6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen


  • sit on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders 10 times;
  • tilt your head 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right;
  • tilt your head left-back and right-back 10 times;
  • lower your arms to shoulder level, while bending them at the same time;
  • keeping your hands in the same position, fold them back as much as possible, pull your chin up.

Main part:

  • relax, put your hands on your knees;
  • the body is straightened, the balance is maintained in the coccyx area;
  • start swinging left and right, connecting the stomach. This exercise should be repeated every day after jogging and in the evening for 10 minutes.

As you can see, it is not difficult to follow the golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi's health. Exercise will take a little time, but will bring maximum benefit to the whole body.

Katsuzo Nishi was the lead technical engineer for Japan's first subway project. At a certain stage, life forced this man to come to grips with his health and fight for it. Through the study of aikido and many preventive and healing theories, in 1927 Nishi formulated his 6 "golden" rules of health. His system is based on actions and exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back. As a result of his search, Nishi came to the conclusion that a healthy spine is the basis of a healthy body. According to this Japanese, good posture is the key to the correct functioning of all major human systems and organs.

The site also offers its readers to get acquainted with the healthy lifestyle system of Katsuzo Nishi and the 6 "golden" rules that it consists of.

Rule 1. Hard bed.

Nishi urged all his followers to precede going to bed with a walk in the fresh air, and to indulge in sleep itself only lying on a hard bed. Thanks to this approach, the spine will get the opportunity to get rid of the clamps and completely relax overnight. Today, following this advice from the Japanese, it is not at all necessary to sleep on the boards; for the health of the spine, it is quite enough to purchase a good orthopedic mattress.

Rule 2. A roller instead of a pillow.

Roller Nishi recommended putting instead of a pillow during rest and sleep in the area between the head and neck. Thanks to such a simple measure, the quality of sleep will improve significantly and the tightness of the nerve endings in the cervical spine will completely go away.

Rule 3. Exercise "Goldfish" in the morning and in the evening.

This amazingly simple yet powerful exercise is based on vibrating movements. First, a little warm-up. We lie down on our back, we place straight arms along the head. We press the popliteal space to the floor, we feed the feet on ourselves and alternately pull the right and left heels forward, stretching the spine. Make several of these movements.

After such a preliminary stretch, we proceed to the “Goldfish” exercise itself. To perform it, it is recommended to place a small roller wound from a bath towel under the neck. Bend your arms at the elbows and place your palms under the lower occipital part of the head, move your feet towards yourself and start vibrating movements left and right from your toes. Vibration is instantly transmitted to the whole body. You seem to be shaking, making movements of small amplitude in a horizontal plane left and right. The main mistake during the performance of the "Goldfish" is that some try to make vibrations with the body up and down. It is not right! You need to swing right and left. Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration of your oscillations up to 2 minutes. Exercise perfectly relaxes the spine, eliminating all spasms and clamps.

After that, rest for 10 minutes, bending your knees and connecting your feet together. Bend your arms at the elbows and join your palms at the solar plexus.

It is very important that the Goldfish exercise is performed in warm temperatures and without drafts, otherwise, when you are cold, the muscles will not be able to relax properly. "Goldfish" is recommended to be performed both in the morning and in the evening. However, keep in mind that after sleep it is easier to achieve maximum muscle relaxation and the effect of the practice will be better. In the evening, before the Goldfish classes, it is recommended to take a warm shower, lie down with your eyes closed, relax and disconnect from the daily chores, and only then proceed to the exercise.
The vibrations of the "Goldfish" are suitable for any age and help to recover from injuries as soon as possible, release nerve clamps, normalize blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, stabilize the nervous system, improve the functioning of internal organs, improve digestion, the activity of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system .

Rule 4. Exercise to activate capillary circulation.

This exercise, like the "Goldfish", is based on vibrating movements. It is performed in the same way, lying on your back with a roller under your neck. This time you have to raise your arms and legs up, slightly bending them at the elbows and knees, respectively. Vibration to the right-left again start with the toes. Shaking is easily transmitted to all other parts of the body. Make oscillatory movements for 1 minute. In total, we have 3 approaches to this exercise.

Exercise is an active prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular varicose veins.

Rest in the position we took after doing the Goldfish exercise and do two more sets.
Finally, rest for 3-5 minutes in Savasana with arms and legs straight on the floor.

Don't stand up too fast. First roll over to your right side, bend your knees and pull them to your chest, place your head on the lower arm extended along the head.

After this, slowly sit on the floor and cross your legs in front of you in Turkish Pose or Lotus Pose.

Rule 5. Exercise for closing the feet and hands.

As a warm-up before doing this exercise, lie down on the floor, bend your knees and knead your feet. Bend your arms at the elbows, close the pads of the fingers of the same name in the solar plexus area, point your fingers up. Press them against each other 10 times.

Now alternate straightening your arms at the elbows with bending them 10 times. Lift your shoulders off the floor and return them to the starting position.

Then stretch your arms above your head, touching the floor with fingers closed to each other and return to the level of the solar plexus, bending at the elbows. 10 reps.

Now we will make a “pendulum” with our hands - alternate the movement of straight arms up and lowering them down to the legs.

It's time to turn on the footwork. They can slide on the floor, slightly straightening at the knees, or they can be lifted off the floor.

The latter option is only suitable if the lower back is completely healthy.

We connect the movements of the arms and legs: we straighten the arms up, and the legs simultaneously move down.

Then we lower our palms to the area of ​​​​the solar plexus and at the same time bend our legs more at the knees.

Start with 4-5 repetitions, gradually increase to 10 repetitions.

Then gently bring your knees together and pull them towards your chest. Rest in this position for half a minute.

The exercise for closing the feet and hands improves the coordination of the left and right parts of the body. In alternative medicine, such practices are often recommended as part of a rehabilitation program for injuries and neurological disorders.

Rule 6. A set of exercises for the spine and abdomen.

This complex can be performed sitting on a chair, or you can sit on the floor, cross-legged in the Turkish pose or Lotus Pose. Keep your back straight, pull in your stomach, stretch the top of your head up, you can close your eyes.

1. Raise your shoulders up, then down. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we will do an intermediate exercise. Straighten your arms in front of you, palms "look" forward. Turn your head to one side - look over your shoulder down. Then turn your head to the other side and look down over the other shoulder.

Now we raise our hands up, slightly bending at the elbows and again perform similar head turns, as in the previous exercise.

2. Gently tilt your head to the right shoulder, then to the left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Perform an intermediate exercise with head turns, as after lifting the shoulders.

3. Tilt your head forward, then tilt back. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Repeat the intermediate exercise described above.

If you feel that your back is tired, stretch forward, taking an emphasis on the floor with straight arms.

Straighten up and turn the body to the right, look over the right shoulder. Straighten up. Perform the same turn of the body and head to the left.

4. Turn your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we spread straight arms to the sides, bend at the elbows, palms look forward.

On the exhale, we connect the elbows, round the lower back, tilt the head forward.

On inspiration, we spread our elbows to the sides, throw our head back, stretch our chin up. We fix the pose for 7 seconds. We repeat the whole bunch 10 times.

That's all.

Using these 6 "golden" rules of health, Nishi and his followers achieved healing from many diseases, found the joy of life and felt it again. Many of Nishi's principles, including his "Goldfish" exercise, were included in the aikido training program, which this Japanese teacher was at one time. It remains for us to simply take this valuable work into service and make sure from our own experience of the effectiveness of the proposed program.

In the photo - Tatyana Kisil


Japanese popularizer of healing methods Katsuzo Nishi believes that cancer is formed as a result of the accumulation of carbon monoxide (CO2) in the human body due to lack of oxygen. Indeed, cancer cells are fueled by a fermentation process that takes place in the absence of oxygen.

The accumulation in the body of carbon monoxide, which has strong toxic properties, can occur for two reasons. The first is that a lot of food is consumed and the body does not have enough energy to fully digest it to end products, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, which are easily excreted by the body. As a result, oxidation "gets stuck" at the intermediate stages, where the formation of carbon monoxide occurs.

The second reason is related to the violation of skin respiration. Wearing clothes disrupts skin respiration. Moreover, it is assumed that this leads to difficulty in the entry of half of the oxygen into the body!

Lack of magnesium in the body leads to the formation of carbon monoxide.

The use of sugar and alcohol leads to the destruction of blood vessels, which enhances the formation of carbon monoxide.

These reasons mainly point to improper, malnutrition.

Vitamin C deficiency and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Due to the fact that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and it comes from food, human health is largely determined by the quality of food. If the food is boiled, depleted, then the body receives less vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency leads to subcutaneous hemorrhages. The concept of "subcutaneous" should be considered more broadly. This is not only a hemorrhage under the skin, but also under any mucous membrane (intestines, uterus, etc.). The combination of hemorrhage with trauma can lead to oncology.

K. Nishi believes that constipation should mean the expansion of the pylorus (from the stomach to the duodenum 12) as a result of the weakening of the fifth cervical vertebra. As a result of this expansion, acid enters the intestines, neutralizes bile (has an alkaline pH), which leads to a weakening of bowel function - constipation. Constipation, in turn, leads not only to slagging of the body, but also to the formation of carbon monoxide.

In cancer patients, a change in the cell membrane is observed - weakening. Due to the fact that this shell consists of a special substance renin, special attention is paid to it. When pigmented (senile) spots appear on the skin, this indicates that the cell membranes are worn out, and carbon monoxide accumulates in the body.


K. Nishi offers three main directions in the treatment of cancer: removal of carbon monoxide, providing the body with vitamin C and restoration of blood vessels.

In order to implement these three directions in practice, it is necessary:

1) restore skin function;

2) remove toxins from the intestines;

3) get rid of constipation;

4) restore the normal circulation of liquid media in the body (blood, lymph), and at the same time purify them;

5) restore the normal posture of a person.

K. Nishi proposes to restore the function of the skin by exposure (air baths) from 6 to 11 times a day. It is best to perform exposure sessions in the morning before sunrise, and in the evening after sunset. The person must completely remove all clothing. During the session, you can rub the body, or you can perform one of its exercises (better for capillaries or "Goldfish"). After the session, dress warmly and be at rest. As soon as you warm up, perform the next session, and so on 6-11 times.

1st day. Start with 20 seconds of exposure and continue up to 70.

2nd day. Start with 20 seconds of exposure and continue up to 80.

So add 10 seconds, until on the 6th day you reach 120 seconds. Now it is not necessary to add time, but simply to fulfill this norm of exposure.

Fasting is recommended to remove toxins from the intestines, cure constipation and cleanse the fluid environment of the body.

It is recommended to restore the normal circulation of liquid media with the help of contrasting water procedures. For this purpose, K. Nishi recommends taking baths with hot (41-43 °C) and cold (14-15 °C) water. One minute hot bath and the same cold. Always finish with cold water. It is recommended to perform eleven such combinations (cold-heat - one contrast procedure).

It is recommended to eat food rich in natural mineral salts (raw vegetables), easily digestible foods that acidify the body: rice, fish, chicken, along with five types of vegetables. In our conditions, Maya Gogulan, a follower and propagandist of the K. Nishi system, recommends the following five types of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, parsley, beets, and potatoes.

To improve posture, increase capillary circulation, follow the "six rules of Nisha's health."

1. Sleep on a flat hard bed. K. Nishi recommends sleeping on a hard, flat bed (spring bed is not suitable). In this case, the body weight is distributed evenly and the muscles are completely relaxed. On a flat bed, the curvature of the spinal column is corrected. After all, displaced vertebrae put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the intervertebral spaces. This leads to diseases of those organs that are served by these nerves and blood vessels.

2. A small firm pillow under the neck. K. Nishi advises to put the neck on a hard pillow and make sure that the third or fourth cervical vertebra is on top of the pillow. If it hurts, put a towel on first. Such a pillow corrects the position of the cervical vertebrae, and therefore, prevents a lot of all kinds of diseases caused by this.

3. Exercise "Goldfish". Lie down on a flat bed; without bending your legs, pull the tips of your toes towards you so that you feel a stretch in your calves. Place both hands under your neck, crossing them at the fourth or fifth cervical vertebrae. In this position, swing the whole body from side to side, like a fish swimming in water. Do the exercise twice a day for 1-2 minutes.

4. Exercise for capillaries. Lie on your back with your head on a hard pillow, stretch your arms and legs up vertically to the body and then shake (vibrate) them.

5. Exercise "Closing the palms and feet." First part. Lie on your back, put your hands on your chest. Open your palms, connect the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax; repeat several times. Then move your hands back and forth with closed fingertips, as if cutting the body. The second part. Continuing to lie on your back, raise your legs up above the body, connecting your knees. Having closed the feet, move the legs forward and backward ten times for a distance, one and a half times the length of the leg. Then, with your palms and feet together, remain still for 5-10 minutes.

6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen. Preparatory part:

a) sitting on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders (10 times);

b) tilt your head to the right and left (10 times in each direction);

c) tilt your head forward and backward (10 times in each direction);

d) tilt your head to the right - back (10 times) and to the left - back (10 times);

e) stretch your arms forward to a horizontal position and turn your head to the left and right (1 time each);

f) raise both hands up in parallel and turn your head to the right and left (once);

g) lower your arms to shoulder level, bending them at the elbows;

h) keeping the hands in this position (g), throw them back as far as possible, stretching the chin strongly up.

Main part. After the preparatory part, relax, put your palms on your knees and after a while begin the main part of the exercise: straighten the body, maintaining balance on the coccyx; then swing it to the left and right, while making movements with the stomach (for 10 minutes in the morning and evening). Performing this exercise, inspire yourself that every day your health is improving.

It is emphasized that during treatment, crisis phenomena should occur - the separation of the dead pathology of the most diverse type and through the most diverse organs of excretion. Abundant bleeding, prolapse of dead tissue are phenomena that indicate successful treatment. Nishi believes that until the crisis appears, the disease has not disappeared. In a crisis, he recommends, in order to avoid deterioration, soberly analyze your state of health, show self-control and determination. Nishi recommends going on a complete fast during a crisis while avoiding arousal. After passing it, start eating. After the crisis comes improvement.

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