Home Fertilizers How to clean a long pile rug. How to clean a long pile rug. Use of household chemicals

How to clean a long pile rug. How to clean a long pile rug. Use of household chemicals

Haven't you got yourself a shaggy yet? Have not even heard what it is? Then you should find out what are the rules and features of caring for long-pile carpets - and we are talking about them - and how to clean carpets this type.

Shaggy in the house: pros and cons

Here's a really controversial thing - shaggy carpets. Those who do have such have a contradictory response, and those who do not have them, still dream of buying.

An indisputable plus of this carpet product is its beauty. An excellent thing for interior decor. It is made from natural and artificial threads by hand or machine. You can choose a product with different pile lengths - from 3 to 8 cm.

Other Shaggy Pros:

  • these carpets are hypoallergenic;
  • they are soft and pleasant to the touch, walking on them barefoot is a sheer pleasure;
  • keep warm, absorb moisture.

This is where the cons begin. Shaggy also actively absorbs dust, and every garbage gets stuck in its depths. So the main headache for owners of such good is how to clean carpets at home.

Nobody canceled professional cleaning, but you will not call a specialist every other day. Carpets require regular maintenance and careful handling. Throwing off light summer slippers at the threshold, walking on the soft surface with dusty feet is unacceptable.

Small children and pets can leave traces of their vital activity on it. Removing stains from such material is troublesome and takes a long time.

If the constant problem of how to clean shaggy carpets scares you, consider whether to start them.

Care and cleaning of long pile carpets

Synthetic products are easier to clean, but more environmentally friendly and more durable - natural. How to properly care for such a thing?

It doesn't matter what your rug is made of, you should regularly:

  • sweep it with a broom, you can use a soft brush;
  • vacuum no more than 3 times a week so as not to damage the hairs. You will need a no-brush attachment. Vacuuming is best done on both sides. A brush is used to fluff the fibers;
  • knocking out and shaking out garbage on the street, which the carpet actively collects. To do this, we hang the product on the crossbar with the wrong side up and briskly slap it with a beater;
  • in winter, clean the carpet in the snow. First, all the same, you should knock out the product in a suspended state, and then put it inside out on the snow cover, sprinkle it with snow and sweep it with a broom. The thing will noticeably freshen up. But after such cleaning it must be dried. We place the carpet so that circulating air has access to it (it can be laid out on chairs);
  • dry cleaning - owners of long-pile carpets cannot do without it. Once a year and a half, such things will need professional care. But before that, the carpet must be knocked out properly in order to get rid of any debris. True, if you accidentally planted a stain on your carpet product, then it is better to use the help of specialists right away.

Some connoisseurs apply their own stain removal methods, which you can see in this video:

You should not get involved in cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner. First, you need a high-quality and modern household appliance, the function of which is to clean shaggy carpets.

Products with medium thread length are optimally cleaned every six months. In this case, it is better to use special means - purchase them in advance, after consulting with the sellers. Any household chemical can damage carpets, so they should be used less frequently.

How do I clean white long-pile carpets? Better with dry cleaning - the same table salt. Or entrust this business to a dry cleaner. There are also firms that specialize in cleaning carpets. They have worked out the technique, the equipment is suitable, and the cleaning agents are special.

How to clean carpets with folk remedies

There are housewives who, in principle, do not use chemical cleaning agents.

What can be borrowed from their arsenal, how to clean carpets in the old proven ways:

  • Common coarse salt cleans dirt well - sprinkle it on a carpet product and, wetting a hard broom in a soapy solution, sweep it to the edges.
  • They also use sawdust, bran, used tea leaves - but not for white things. The carpet is then knocked out well.
  • A proven remedy is ammonia. For a small product, prepare a solution: stir 1.5-2 tablespoons of washing powder in 3 liters of water, half or three quarters of a spoonful of ammonia. Apply the liquid with a soft brush, wipe the surface with a damp sponge, then with a dry cloth. The product must then be dried.

And more advice from experienced housewives - start with simple ways to tidy up the carpet. And if they are not doing their job, try more radical methods.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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Many people like long-pile carpets, their appearance and softness, but not everyone decides to buy a product because of the possible difficulties in cleaning.Long-pile carpet, like any other, is constantly getting dirty. The difficulty of cleaning it lies precisely in the high villi, in which small particles of dust and dirt accumulate faster.

It should be noted that caring for synthetic carpets is relatively simple compared to natural products.

Untimely or insufficiently thorough cleaning leads to damage to the pile and deterioration of the carpet: the pile is nailed, matted and hard fibers appear, scuffs form, the color fades and the carpet becomes untidy in appearance.

Of course, cleaning such bulky items is best done with the help of professional cleaning. But if you have to do this more often than you would like, you do not have a specialized dry cleaner nearby or out of elementary savings, you can use simple methods to return your carpet to a presentable look at home.

1. For a carpet with a long pile, a vacuum cleaner is a mandatory cleaning option, this method should be used at least a couple of times a week. The vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job with a small amount of dust and small debris. But as the carpet gets dirty, it becomes more difficult for a vacuum cleaner to cope with this task, so you should resort to the help of other cleaning procedures.

2. If the carpet is not very large, then more often take it outside and knock it out, and in winter use snow cleaning.

3. Steam is the most effective and gentle method of cleaning long pile carpets without the use of cleaning agents. Steam generators are usually supplied with special nozzles for carpets. However, this cleaning is not suitable for all types of carpets (the material of the pile, the base, the presence of an adhesive base, etc.) is taken into account, so it is better to consult a specialist before starting cleaning.

4. For a more thorough cleaning of long pile carpets, you can use synthetic detergents. You need to carefully pay attention to their composition and use, if possible, as harmless as possible. Products containing caustic substances can affect the color and brightness of the carpet.

5. Ammonia is an effective carpet cleaner. To prepare a solution for five liters of water, take 1 spoonful of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of washing powder. This product is applied to the pile with a soft brush, removed with a damp and then dry cloth.

6. Always dry your carpet thoroughly after cleaning at home. A humid environment - ideal for the growth of bacteria and foul-smelling molds.

7. If you just decided to refresh the carpet, give the pile an airy effect, sprinkle a dry or slightly damp carpet with table salt. After allowing the salt to absorb moisture, comb through the pile with a broom or stiff brush. Remove the remaining salt when knocking the carpet outside.

8. Freezing of carpets is recommended during the winter months. We hang a dry and clean product in the cold (for example, an open balcony) for a day. It is then recommended to clean the carpet at home. This method of processing will get rid of dust mites and fleas.

Long pile carpets bring warmth and comfort to your home. These carpets can be used to decorate a bedroom, living room or children's room. But in order for the product to look presentable for a long time, it needs careful care.

Prepared by Mariana Chornovil

Long-pile carpets have long occupied a significant share of the carpet and carpet products market. Many people really like their appearance, softness and variety in their choice, but one of the main fears when buying such carpets is cleaning them, so in this article we will try to figure out if it is possible and how to clean a long pile carpet at home.

How to clean long pile carpets made from different materials

Long-pile carpets are more demanding to clean than lint-free or low-pile carpets, so this should be considered when buying. Another important point to pay attention to is the type of long-piled carpet, if it is a woolen carpet (all the more so), then it will be more difficult to care for it than a carpet made of artificial materials. Natural materials are more susceptible to various carpet cleaning chemicals and water, constant wet cleaning or washing long-pile woolen carpets can ruin the product.

If it is heavily soiled, there are stains that are difficult to remove, and every six months - a year for preventive cleaning and disinfection, take it to a specialized dry cleaner, where it can be properly cleaned and dried.

For all types of long-pile carpets, there are universal care and cleaning tips that can come in handy in everyday life:

  • Frequently vacuum dry long-pile carpet to remove dust and debris from the surface. It is especially important to vacuum the long pile carpet before damp cleaning or removing stains using special detergents and cleaners.
  • If the carpet is not very large, then more often take it outside and knock it out, and in winter use snow cleaning.
  • If you are planning a damp cleaning or washing a long-pile carpet, then consider in advance how to dry the carpet well after that. A damp carpet, especially with a long pile, can become a place for bacteria to accumulate, an unpleasant smell can appear from the carpet, and the product will deteriorate faster (especially the base of the carpet).
  • When cleaning stains, try to first use more gentle chemical carpet cleaning agents, or natural ones, and if this does not work, then try stronger ones (first on an inconspicuous place of the carpet to check so as not to spoil the entire product).

These are the basic guidelines how to clean a long pile carpet at home, each carpet needs an individual approach, so do not forget to be interested in how best to clean and clean this carpet when buying a carpet from a seller.

How do I clean a white long pile carpet?

It is better to vacuum white long-piled carpets more often so that small debris does not eat into the structure of the fibers. Products of this color are more delicate in service and constantly require your attention.

For white carpets made from natural materials, it is better to use only dry cleaning, and if serious contamination appears, then it will be safer to contact a specialist in carpet cleaning.

Long-pile white carpets made of artificial materials can be periodically cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner, but gently, without using a lot of cleaning agents, and for heavy soiling, use a dry cleaner.

These tips, how to clean a long pile carpet, will help to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of your carpets so that they serve you for a long time. If you have good experience and tips for cleaning and cleaning long pile carpets, then advise and share them in the comments to the article.

Long pile carpet has always been popular. They look quite beautiful in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. A long pile carpet creates comfort and extra coziness in the room. Hanging the carpet on the wall will provide additional sound insulation from neighbors. But more often than not, carpets are used to decorate the floor, which becomes much warmer, not to mention the fact that walking on it barefoot is a sheer pleasure!

Why carpets get dirty even when the house is perfectly clean

When purchasing such a carpet, not everyone realizes, in whatever conditions it is used, it will be so difficult to take care of it. The attractive appearance of the warm and soft product makes you forget about how it will be contained. Even in a room that is constantly cleaned, such products will become more dirty than those with short nap.

Long-pile carpet, like any other, is constantly getting dirty. The difficulty of cleaning lies precisely in its long villi, in which small particles of dust and dirt accumulate faster. It is worth noting that the synthetic look is relatively easy to remove.

Regular cleaning of the carpet is necessary not only to get rid of dust harmful to humans. Continuous vacuuming also helps to extend the life of the product and to prevent the build-up of particles that cut off the lint.

Depending on how dirty the long-pile carpet is, to clean it at home, use:

  • foam;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • various household products.

Foam for cleaning carpets

To clean carpets, the easiest and fastest way to get rid of stains, streaks and other dirt is with foam. This method is ideal for carpets where small areas need to be cleaned. For this purpose, a special aerosol with dry foam is used. Now in stores there is a very wide selection of such products, all of them are developed according to special formulas that allow you to easily and quickly deal with dirt and give the product its original appearance: brightness and refresh the color.

The procedure is quite simple: the can is shaken and the foam is sprayed immediately after the fleecy carpet is cleared of dust and debris. Apply it evenly, then leave the foam for 20 - 30 minutes. Only after it is completely absorbed into the pile, you need to go through the vacuum cleaner again in order to pull all the dirt to the surface.

Do not forget to brush the carpet with an "iron"

The carpet brush is a simple but very effective tool for cleaning long pile carpets. A simple hand-held ironing brush is often used by housewives for self-cleaning.

Modern manufacturers produce brushes with fibers of various hardness and length. They are often made of a plastic material that is durable. Therefore, it is recommended to buy products with different fibers and different hardness, depending on which carpet it will be used to clean: natural or synthetic.

The advantages of the cleaning brush are as follows:

  • copes well with all kinds of stains and regular cleaning if special cleaning agents are used;
  • perfect for cleaning all sorts of debris, cleansing hair and animal hair, liquid stains;
  • it is easy to use and does not take up much space;
  • the cheapness of such products makes it possible to freely buy them and regularly change them to new ones.

Due to the presence of a special handle on top, it is convenient and easy to use such a brush. For long-haired items made from cotton, lye, wool and other natural materials, it is best to use brushes with medium-hardness and soft bristles. During operation, such brushes will not harm the structure of the pile of the carpet itself and will carefully clean it.

How long does it take to wait for the effect after cleaning

If a carpet with a small pile is easy and quick to clean, then a long-pile carpet needs to be looked after more carefully. After wet cleaning, approximately 10% moisture remains. Drying work begins immediately after cleaning is completed.

There are certain rules for drying long pile carpets that need to be followed:

1. Drying time . It will take more time to dry it due to the presence of long villi: it will dry for about a day.

2. You cannot walk on the carpet. It is strictly forbidden to walk on it until it dries, otherwise the pile will wrinkle.

3. Do not roll up. Also, you can not fold it, and even bend the corners. Otherwise, he will "suffocate", an unpleasant smell will appear. This is due to the lack of oxygen to evaporate excess moisture.

4. Dry properly. Natural long fiber carpets are best dried naturally, as visible streaks may form after the procedure.

The final chord is to vacuum well

As you understand, any carpets, especially long-piled ones, need regular maintenance. Carpets should be cleaned every week. This is best done with powerful vacuum cleaners with different attachments. In this case, it is especially necessary to process areas with heavy dirt. These primarily include:

  • areas of intense movement,
  • exits to the balcony and entrances to the premises,
  • next to the workplace.

In order to clean the carpet completely and not miss anything, it is better to conditionally divide it into sectors and scrupulously vacuum them one by one.

Take your time when working with a vacuum cleaner. Just passing a vacuum cleaner, even a super-powerful one, is clearly not enough. It is necessary to walk slowly with the nozzle over the catching sector several times. This will make it possible to eliminate all accumulated dust and dirt. It is especially worth paying attention to areas where people often sit or walk. These places need a more careful approach and are vacuumed crosswise. Thus, a product with a long pile can be kept in good condition for a long time. After cleaning this way, your carpet will be as attractive and clean as it was when you bought it.

Stage 1. Training

First, you need to prepare the carpet itself for cleaning. The procedure is simple - you need to remove all excess dirt, for example, use a vacuum cleaner for carpets with long pile. You can also use a broom and a steam cleaner.

After preparing the surface, I advise you to stock up on all the necessary cleaning materials.

We need:

  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • a bowl;
  • Cup;
  • bucket;
  • spray bottle;
  • coarse grater;
  • hard brush;
  • kitchen sponge;
  • clean cloth (rag);
  • broom;
  • beater;
  • vacuum cleaner.

Stage 2. Cleaning - 10 proven products

There are many ways to clean carpets, both with the help of improvised products and with the help of household chemicals. Some are suitable for removing stains, others for removing dust. But there is a universal tool that can clean a long pile carpet - this is soda:

Photo Procedure

Step 1

Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of water.

The water must be cool, otherwise the soda will lose its beneficial properties.

Step 2

Pour the liquid into a spray bottle with a spray bottle and shake well.

Step 3

Spray the mixture evenly over the carpet and let sit for 30 minutes.

Step 4

Scrub the carpet thoroughly with a stiff brush or knock it out outside.

Cleaning with folk remedies - 4 methods

When buying a fluffy carpet, especially a light one, we rarely think about the fact that the care and cleaning of the pile will require increased attention. There is no escape from the dust ... Dry cleaning every time is not a very attractive idea.

I suggest trying proven techniques based on the use of scrap materials that will save you money and time:

Image Recommendations
Method 1. Soda + vinegar

This is the simplest cleaning solution for lightly soiled carpets:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of 9% vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water.
  2. Use a brush to apply the product to the carpet.

Work the surface in one direction.

  1. Leave the carpet to dry.

Method 2. Ammonia + washing powder

This is a great way to get rid of old dust:

  1. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 1 ammonia in 5 liters of water.

Use a powder without bleach.

  1. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the surface of the carpet.
  2. Remove any remaining detergent with a damp cloth.

Method 3. Salt

This is a great way to freshen up the lint and restore its brightness:

  1. Moisten the pile slightly.
  2. Sprinkle generously with salt.
  3. After 30 minutes, sweep the salt with a broom soaked in mild soapy water.

Method 4. Laundry soap + turpentine
  1. Rub a bar of laundry soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water.
  2. Add a tablespoon of turpentine.
  3. After half an hour, remove the product with a soft brush.

Repeat the procedure several times so that no soap remains in the lint.

Cleaning with household chemicals - top 5 products

Many people are afraid to clean a long-pile carpet at home, fearing to stain everything around or ruin the carpet, getting to the dirt hidden in the depths of the pile. Don't panic! You can use special products designed to maintain and clean these types of coatings.

Adopt 5 tools that are available in many stores:

Image Description

Shampoo 5+ Carpets

Price: from 120 rubles

Properties: cleaner for carpets made of natural and artificial materials. Removes stains, kills germs, refreshes color, neutralizes odors, reduces electrification.

VOX drop

Price: from 60 rubles

Properties: effective modern product for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture at home. It reliably removes dirt while preserving the color and texture of the coating.

Foams well, has a pleasant smell, does not require rinsing with water.


Price: from 70 rubles

Properties: the preparation restores the original color and brightness of carpets, has an antistatic effect and dirt-repellent properties.

It gives the carpets a fresh look, has a pleasant smell - aromas the room. Does not harm the lint, even if used several times in a row.


Price: from 400 rubles

Properties: The manual carpet cleaner is designed for removing stains and general cleaning of carpets, carpet, upholstered furniture, car interiors.

Its active components penetrate deep into the fibers and quickly remove all dirt and dust, pushing them out of the pile to the surface.

Eliminates unpleasant odors from pets, tobacco, food, and leaves behind a fresh cleanliness. Cope even with stubborn dirt on long-pile carpets.

Udalix Ultra

Price: from 70 rubles

Properties: It is a versatile, multi-purpose cleaning solution for the whole house. It is successfully used for cleaning carpets, rugs, products with short and medium pile length.

Step 3. Removing stains - 5 products for different surfaces

Not only dust sometimes gets on the pile. Something was spilled or ... well, anything can happen. What to do, how to wash the carpet when there was no stain remover at hand:

Image Instructions
Water-soluble stains

Vinegar will easily remove substances such as alcohol, traces of berries, urine, milk and its derivatives, sauces, jellies, lemonade, juice and even latex paint:

  1. Mix 1/3 teaspoon of vinegar with 1 liter of room temperature water.
  2. Pour liquid into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the mixture evenly over the stain.
  4. Wipe the area with a paper towel or dry rag.

You can use dish detergent instead of vinegar.

Biological stains

Ammonia or ammonia removes traces of blood, feces and vomit, as well as coffee, tea, wine, mustard, chocolate.

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia with a glass of water.
  2. Use a spray bottle to spray the liquid evenly onto the stain.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, blot the area with a sponge and wipe dry.

Oil stains

Grease, wax, oil - heat can be used to remove traces of them:

  1. Place a paper towel or piece of paper over the stain.
  2. Heat the stain with an iron until it completely adheres to the paper.
  3. Remove residues with warm water.

Glue stains

The structure of the glue will be easily destroyed by ethyl alcohol:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol.
  2. Press the swab onto the stain for 5 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove any glue residue.
  4. Blot the area with a damp sponge, then dry.

Tar stain

When plant secretions - resin, juice, etc. - get on the fleecy area, there is no better remedy than ice.

  1. Freeze contamination.
  2. Use a sharp object to scrape off the frozen resin.
  3. Remove residual dirt with soapy water.


Do not rush to sound the alarm and spend a lot of money on dry cleaning your carpet. I am sure that from now on you can easily cope with any dirt with your own hands. I will be glad to see all your questions and additions in the comments.

When asked how to care for a long pile carpet, the expert answered. You can read his opinion yourself by watching the video in this article.

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