Home fertilizers Social and communicative development in the 1st junior. Abstract of the lesson in the I junior group, educational area "Social and communicative development", "Family". lesson plan (junior group) on the topic. The main goals and objectives of the socio-communicative

Social and communicative development in the 1st junior. Abstract of the lesson in the I junior group, educational area "Social and communicative development", "Family". lesson plan (junior group) on the topic. The main goals and objectives of the socio-communicative

Synopsis of GCD

for social and communicative development

children in the first junior group

gold autumn

Purpose of the lesson: To develop in children the moral foundations of a joyful and life-affirming worldview, to help notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature (admire the beauty of nature, observe plants and animals without harming them). To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire it. Form the foundations of ecological culture. To form the readiness of children for joint activities. Develop children's imagination.

Integration with educational areas:

Social and communicative development: Continue to cultivate love for the native land, tell children about the beautiful places of the native land. Cultivate friendships between children. The habit of playing together. Cultivate organization, collectivism.

Cognitive development: Teach children to notice changes in nature.

Speech development: Improve speech as a means of communication. Continue work to enrich the household, natural history vocabulary. Continue to teach children to listen to poems, to correctly perceive the content of the work. To teach children to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text. Draw the attention of children to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work; to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Artistic and aesthetic development: Development of emotional susceptibility, emotional response to literary and musical works. To form a musical culture based on acquaintance with classical music. Raising the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating teamwork.

Physical development: Ensure the implementation of the biological needs of children in motor activity.

Preliminary work: Creation of the poster "Protect the forest!". Suggest at home, together with the elders, to discuss the rules of behavior in the forest, then hold a round table in the group on this topic. Arrange an exhibition of drawings "Autumn Forest".

Equipment and materials: A projector for displaying photographs and illustrations, a music center with recording of musical works “Autumn” (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky) and “Autumn Song” (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, cycle “The Seasons” , October), a bright large umbrella, an easel with a sheet for teamwork, paints, brushes.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys. Today I want to show you how amazing the world we live in is. We will see photos taken in our city and near it. And you will see how beautiful our native land is, especially in the golden autumn.”

Reading with illustrations of the poem by Ivan Alexandrovich Bunin “Forest, like a painted tower ...»

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in azure blue;

As the Christmas tree towers darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows ...

The teacher asks the children what the poet compares the forest with in golden autumn. Why does he call the forest not yellow and red, but gold and crimson (the leaves are illuminated by the sun). In the discussion, the teacher leads the children to the fact that this beauty must be protected.

Game exercise "Yes - No". How to behave in the forest. We play, we talk.

Educator: “To preserve the beauty of the forest, you must follow the rules of behavior in nature. Let's make sure you know them. I will name the behaviors, and you only clap your hands when you agree. And so, in the forest it is necessary:

Light a fire anywhere. Don't make a fire.

Throw trash, break glass. Don't leave trash in the forest.

Break trees. Cover the wound on the tree with special mastic or clay.

Do not make noise in the forest, do not disturb the forest dwellers. Make noise, destroy bird nests, anthills, carry forest dwellers to the city.

Tear plants listed in the Red Book. Collect fallen leaves for an autumn bouquet, fallen twigs, cones, acorns for crafts, edible mushrooms and berries, without damaging plants and mycelium.

Game "Rain and Umbrella".

Educator: “Now that we have remembered the rules of behavior in nature, I invite you for a walk in the forest. But first solve the riddles.

Above me, above you

A bag of water flew by.

Ran into a distant forest

Lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud, cloud.)

If the rain starts -

As the flower blooms.

If the rain stops -

It will shrink and wither. (Umbrella.)

What will we take with us to hide from the rain? Look what a bright and big umbrella I have. Let's play with him.

As soon as I say: "Oh, it's raining!" - Run to me under the umbrella.

Autumn walks along the path

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light.

Summer is lost somewhere. (Children walk quietly along the paths, look around. On a signal, they run under an umbrella.)

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.

The wind dropped the maple leaves.

New carpet underfoot

Yellow-pink maple. (Children play with fallen leaves. They hook them with their feet, throw them up with their hands. On a signal, they run under an umbrella.)

Joint drawing "Golden Autumn". Muses. accompaniment: "Autumn" (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky). Educator: “So we walked through the autumn forest. We looked at how beautiful, bright trees stand. And our birch outside the window is just wonderful. Look at her. What is she? (Beautiful, bright, golden, fluffy.) And on the easel the picture is not finished. She is boring. I started drawing her and didn't have time to finish. Will you help me? What do you think is missing? What paints are needed? In the course of drawing, the educator reminds of the ability to yield, to agree. Helps to establish the order, draws attention to the fact that everyone wants to draw, praises for patience, the ability to wait. In conclusion, the teacher says: “Look how our picture played with colors. She became completely different. Which? What do you like about her?"

andactic exercise "What does a cloud look like?".
Educator: “And what is drawn in the sky in our picture? Yes, the clouds that tried to interfere with our walk. Listen to the poem." After reading the poem, the teacher shows the children photographs of the autumn sky with clouds and offers to say what they look like.

A cloud of a cat, a tail with a pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud horse, cloud beetle ...

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below shout:

"Run, it's raining!" (“It's raining”, D. Lukich.)

Game exercise "A beautiful autumn leaf is spinning in the wind." Muses. accompaniment: "Autumn Song" (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, cycle "The Seasons", October). Educator: “What sad music. I just want to spin smoothly under it like an autumn leaf falling from a tree. It almost fell, then the breeze picked it up again ... I turn you into autumn leaves. Let's show how they spin in the wind.

Outcome. Educator: “It’s sad that all the leaves will fall off, but the world is always beautiful, and there is a fun winter ahead with snow and various fun. We just need to think about who might need our help in the winter. Be sure to make additional bird feeders.” At the end, the teacher thanks the children for the lesson and tells the topic of the next meeting.


    Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

    Smirnova E.O. "Communication of preschoolers with adults and peers", M., 2012.

    Shevchenko L.L. GOOD WORLD. Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. - M .: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.

    “1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.

    Pavlova L. Yu. “Collection of didactic games to get acquainted with the outside world. For work with children 4 - 7 years old. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2011.

    "Seasons. Poems and stories about nature, riddles. - M.: Det. lit., 1999

Used materials and Internet resources

    The world of positive / what clouds look like. http://mirpozitiva.ru/topics/topics70.html.

    Musical work "Autumn Song" (music by P. I. Tchaikovsky, cycle "The Seasons", October).

    Musical work "Autumn" (lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

    Photos of the autumn forest were made personally by the author of this abstract.

Synopsis of OOD in the first junior group.

Educational area - Socio-communicative development

Clean palms

Task 1. To form the ability of children to soap their hands until foam forms, wash off the soap, wash their face, use an individual towel.

Task 2. Create conditions for the formation of personal hygiene skills.

Integration of educational areas:

    Speech development: Enrich children's vocabulary : lather, dry dry, fragrant, soft, fresh.

    Cognitive development: Form an idea about soap. (round, slippery) On the formation of foam.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the formation of the habit of washing hands. Show illustrations. Reading nursery rhymes on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Materials and equipment: Soap, warm water, towel.

Visual materials: Doll Lucy, illustrations on the formation of the KGN

Organization: Children stand in a semicircle opposite the teacher in the washing room.

Progress OOD: 1 part


- Guys, we came from a walk, look who meets us (Lucya Doll). Lucy wants to look at your hands, show her. (Children show their hands)


Oh guys, how dirty you are, what dirty hands you have. What needs to be done to make them clean? (children's answers)

Part 2


- That's right, they need to be washed. Lucy will sit on a chair and see how we can do it.

I invite the children to the washroom and remind them to roll up their sleeves before washing their hands.

Who does not roll up his sleeve,

He won't get water.

(I help the children roll up their sleeves)


- We open the tap, put our hands under water, wet them, then take soap and lather our hands so that foam appears, put the soap in the soap dish, and wash the handles, make “Soap Gloves”, three palms from the outside and inside.

Wash my hands with warm water

I'll take a piece of soap and rub my hands with it.

Sasha, what did you lather your hands with? (soap). Guys, smell how it smells, okay? (yes) You can say about it - it is fragrant. Which? 9children's answers)

After that, we substitute the palms under the water and wash off all the foam. (I make sure that all the children wash the foam off their hands well, then I suggest washing their faces)

Oh okay, okay, okay

We are not afraid of water

We cleanly wash ourselves, smile at our mother.

Who washed, wring out the handles over the sink, so as not to splash on the floor. We find our towel, remove it, unfold it, wipe our face and hands dry dry. Lena how do we wipe it? (dry dry) Each towel is soft, fluffy, fresh. What towel does Seryozha have? (soft, fluffy)

3 Part


- You and I have washed the pens, let's show Lucy how clean they are.

Cleaner wash, do not spare the water,

There will be palms of snow whiter.


Well done guys, everyone washed their hands cleanly, but what did you wash them with? (with water, soap) Did you wipe it? (towel)

Organization of activities in the first junior group of the kindergarten in the educational area "Social and communicative development" (children 2-3 years old)


  • To educate children in a kind, caring attitude towards adults and peers;

  • Form the concept of "boy-girl".

  • To promote the development of speech as a means of communication with peers and adults;

  • Replenish the vocabulary of children and activate it in speech.

  • To form an idea of ​​the surrounding space, the ability to navigate in it.

  • Introduce some types of transport (ambulance, fire truck, truck, bus).

  • To form an idea of ​​what is good and what is bad for people's health.

  • To form in children the ability to self-service themselves;

  • To form primary ideas about the work of adults;

  • Learn to follow the verbal instructions of adults.
Implementation of educational work on the social and communicative development of children aged 2-3 years

Socialization, communication development, moral education

To form in children the experience of behavior among peers, to cultivate a sense of sympathy for them.

To contribute to the accumulation of experience in friendly relationships with peers, to cultivate emotional responsiveness (to draw the attention of children to a child who has shown concern for a friend, to encourage the ability to regret, sympathize).

To cultivate a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed; develop the ability to play

quarreling, helping each other and enjoying success together, beautiful toys, etc.

To cultivate elementary skills of polite treatment: to say hello, to say goodbye, to make a request calmly, using the words “thank you” and “please”. To form the ability to calmly behave indoors and outdoors: do not make noise, do not run, fulfill the request of an adult.

Cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and loved ones.

To teach children not to interrupt a speaking adult, to form the ability to wait if an adult is busy.

Child in family and community

The image of I. To form in children elementary ideas about themselves, about changing their

social status (growing up) in connection with the beginning of attending kindergarten; fix

the ability to say your name.

To form in each child the confidence that he, like all children, is loved about him

care; show respect for the interests of the child, his needs, desires, opportunities.

A family. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards parents, close people. Encourage the ability to name family members.

Kindergarten. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of the kindergarten, its commonality with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

Draw the children's attention to what a clean, bright room they play in, how many bright, beautiful toys it contains, how neatly the beds are made. On a walk, turn

children's attention to beautiful plants, site equipment, convenient for games and recreation.

To develop the ability to navigate in the room of the group, on the site.

Self-service, independence, labor education

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Form a habit (first under

adult supervision, and then independently) wash hands as they become soiled and before eating, dry face and hands with a personal towel.

To teach with the help of an adult to put oneself in order; enjoy individual

objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

Develop the ability to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Self-service. Teach children to dress and undress in a certain order; at

a little help from an adult to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front,

Velcro fasteners); neatly fold the removed clothes in a certain order.

Teach neatness.

Socially useful work. Involve children in performing the simplest labor activities: together with an adult and under his control, arrange bread bins (without bread), napkin holders, lay out spoons, etc.

To teach to maintain order in the game room, at the end of the games to arrange the game material in its place.

Respect for the work of adults . Encourage children's interest in adult activities. Pay attention to what and how an adult does (how he takes care of plants (waters) and animals (feeds); how a janitor sweeps the yard, removes snow; how a carpenter repairs a gazebo, etc.), why he performs certain actions .

Building the foundations of security

Safe behavior in nature. Familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules

behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not stroke them, do not tease; do not tear or take plants in your mouth, etc.).

Road safety. To form primary ideas about cars, the street, the road.

Familiarize yourself with some types of vehicles.

Safety of own life. To acquaint with the subject world and the rules for the safe handling of objects.

To acquaint with the concepts of "possible - impossible", "dangerous".

To form ideas about the rules of safe behavior in games with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand, etc.).

Labor activities (assistant educator washes dishes, brings food, changes towels).

Development of gaming activities

A special area of ​​pedagogical work with young children is

formation of game activity.

The game as a form of children's activity permeates the various activities of young children. In modern pedagogy, various types of children's games are distinguished: fun games, didactic games, games with plot toys, dramatization games.

In the pedagogical process of the game, special attention should be paid to:

Elements of the game should be included in all types of interaction between the teacher and children;

The game should be the main form of organization of various types of children's activities;

During the day, special time should be allocated for a variety of games.

An exemplary model for organizing activities in the educational area “socio-communicative development in the first junior group.



Team work

with a teacher

Independent activity of children

Joint activities with family

Examination of objects and communication with the teacher.

Examination of illustrations, posters.

Looking at scene pictures

Reading jokes.

Reading works of fiction

Children's games with objects.

Situation Games

Didactic games

Role-playing games

Teacher's stories

Board games

Builder games.

Supervision of the work of a nanny, a janitor.


Labor assignments.

Introduction to literature.

Looking at illustrations and pictures.

looking at pictures

Communication with the teacher.

Examining the illustrations

Situation Games

Didactic games

Supervision of the work of a nanny, educator, music worker.

Watching older children play.

Kindergarten travel.

Role-playing games

Consideration of algorithms for the sequence of dressing for a walk, undressing after a walk, washing.

The story of the educator about the dangerous objects that people use

Reviewing books.

Examining illustrations, photographs, albums Examining subject pictures.

Cut pictures.

Games with objects.

Board games.

Construction games: games - liners, rolling balls.

Plot - role-playing games


Assistance in the production of attributes for games.

Conversations with parents



Joint activities with children.

2.1.2. cognitive development.

Target cognitive development is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education - the formation of cognitive motivation in children.

Directions of cognitive development of children:

Sensory development of children (color, shape, size);

Formation of ideas about Russian folk culture and traditions.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations,

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

Organization of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old


Introduce children to sensory standards;

Exercise in establishing the color, shape, size of objects, their properties and qualities;

To improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use touch, sight, hearing in cognitive research activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical representations: many - few, one - many, one or two;

To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment and actions with them, to expand the horizons of a holistic picture of the world.

Remind children of the names of the city they live in.
Organization and implementation of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old in the educational field "Cognitive Development"

Subject activity and cognitive abilities

At an early age, the cognitive development of the child is carried out within the framework of the subject

activities. Objective activity at an early age determines, i.e. "leads" mental development, that's why it is called leading. It is in the course of objective activity that the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the most important abilities, skills and personal qualities of the child - speech, thinking, cognitive activity, purposefulness and independence. Therefore, the creation of optimal conditions for the enrichment and development of various actions with objects is the first task of the educational process at an early age.

There are several directions in this area of ​​development.

First of all, this is the development of culturally normalized, practical and instrumental actions.

A special task facing the teacher in the framework of subject activity is mastering

household skills and self-care skills. Gun action kid

masters not only in everyday life, but also in the process of individual and joint games and activities with an adult.

Joint activities should not be imposed on the child. The teacher responds to the child's request for help, connects to his game, helps to overcome difficulties. It can help the child to properly coordinate and distribute their actions. At the same time, actions should not be performed for the baby, it is important that the child learns to highlight the necessary properties of objects, for example, select and connect parts of a pyramid or nesting doll in the right order. The tips of the educator should not be directive. It is necessary to problematize the child, to give him the opportunity of his own attempts, freedom of action. The adult encourages the actions of the child, praises him. It should be reasonable to combine the joint activities of the child with an adult and the independent activity of the baby. The teacher should offer the child activities that correspond to his skills, identify the “zone of proximal development” and create conditions for mastering more complex actions. When organizing joint activities, first of all, it is necessary to interest the baby, to support his desire to act with the object, without forcing him to accurately reproduce the pattern of actions.

The next task of educators in the framework of subject activities is the development of children

cognitive activity. Teachers create conditions for familiarizing children with the world around them, enriching children with impressions and for children's experimentation. Educators should support the curiosity of children, encourage any manifestation of interest

The most important direction of cognitive development at an early age is

improvement of all cognitive processes - perception, attention, memory and

visual action thinking.

The next pedagogical task of this direction of child development is

formation of purposefulness and independence in objective activity.

The cognitive development of young children covers various aspects of the subject

activities and includes the following 4 sections:

Games and activities aimed at the development of practical and instrumental actions

Games and activities aimed at developing cognitive activity

Games and activities aimed at developing perception and thinking

Games and activities aimed at developing purposefulness and independence in

subject activity.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of homogeneous objects. Learn

distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

Value. Draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (big house - small house, big nesting doll - small nesting doll, big balls - small balls, etc.).

The form. Learn to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball, etc.).

Orientation in space. To continue to accumulate practical experience in children

development of the surrounding space (premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Expand the experience of orientation in parts of your own body (head, face, arms, legs, back).

Learn to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Development of cognitive research activities

Cognitive research activity. To acquaint children with generalized ways of studying various objects of the surrounding life. Stimulate curiosity. Include children in joint practical cognitive activities of an experimental nature with adults.

sensory development. Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various types of activities, gradually including all types of perception. Help to examine objects, highlighting their color, size, shape; encourage hand movements

on the subject in the process of getting to know it (circle the parts of the object with your hands, stroke them, etc.).

Didactic games. Enrich in games with didactic material the sensory experience of children (pyramids (turrets) of 5–8 rings of different sizes; “Geometric mosaic” (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); split pictures (from 2–4 parts), folding cubes (4 -6 pcs.), etc.); develop analytical abilities (the ability to compare, correlate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory features - color, shape, size).

Conduct didactic games for the development of attention and memory (“What is missing?” Etc.);

auditory differentiation (“What sounds?” etc.); tactile sensations, temperature

differences ("Wonderful bag", "Warm - cold", "Light - heavy", etc.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Acquaintance with the subject environment

Arouse children's interest in objects of the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, vehicles.

Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made

(paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity (find the same one, pick up a pair), group them according to the method of use (drink from a cup, etc.). Explore a variety of ways to use items.

Contribute to the realization of the child's need to master actions with objects.

Exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (same shoulder blades; red ball - blue ball; big cube - small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft, fluffy, etc.

To promote the appearance in the dictionary of children of generalizing concepts (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.).

Introduction to the social world

Remind children of the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Arouse interest in the work of close adults. Encourage to recognize and name some

labor activities (assistant educator washes dishes, cleans the room, brings food,

changes towels, etc.). To tell that adults show industriousness, it helps them to successfully perform labor actions.

Introduction to the natural world

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

To teach to recognize in kind, in pictures, in toys pets (cat, dog,

cow, chicken, etc.) and their cubs and name them. Recognize some wild animals in the picture (bear, hare, fox, etc.) and name them.

Together with children, observe the birds and insects in the area, feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish between vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.) in appearance.

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Cultivate respect for animals. Learn the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather).

Seasonal observations




MBDOU №239

Educator: Grinkovskaya T.M.


View: the game

Topic: " Moidodyr"

Target: to form elementary ideas about cultural and hygienic skills.

Program content:

to develop in children the skill of using individual personal hygiene items;

develop thinking, ability to analyze, compare;

cultivate a culture of behavior, a good attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work: reading the book by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Equipment: toys bunny and hedgehog, wonderful bag, soap, towel.

Lesson progress:


Oh, guys, you know, today I went to the kindergarten and on the way right next to our bush I met a bunny. He sat all grimy and wept. I asked him what happened, what are you so upset about, and what are you all dirty with. And here, guys, what the bunny told me.

It turns out that our bunny was invited to a birthday party by a hedgehog. Bunny thought for a long time what to give the hedgehog and finally came up with: “What if I give my friend a drawing that I draw myself?” He took a large sheet of paper, paint with a brush and began to draw. The bunny tried so hard to draw something interesting that he did not notice how he was all dirty in paint. He began to wash the paint with dew, but he did not succeed. So an upset bunny walked through the forest and cried, and at that time a squirrel ran past and asked him: “Bunny, what happened to you?” He told the squirrel everything.

Oh, you know what the squirrel said: “Today I walked through the forest and found some kind of bag, maybe it will come in handy for you? It’s just that it’s in it, I don’t know. ” “Thank you,” said the bunny to the squirrel, and then he came to us to ask for help. Well, guys, help the bunny?

Children: Yes

2. The game "Magic bag".


So don’t worry, the bunny, the guys will definitely help you. Come on, give your bag here, maybe the guys know what's in it.

Slowly I take out a wonderful bag and take out soap from it.


Come on, children, look what it is?

Children: Soap.


Why do we need soap?

Children: To wash, lather your hands.


Well done guys. Oh, is there anything else in the bag here? (pulls out towel)

What's this?

Children: Towel.


Why do we need a towel?

Children: To wipe off.


Well done. Guys, now let's show our bunny how to properly wash and dry with a towel, and also help our bunny wash off the paint.

We go to the washroom.


Look, bunny, now we will show you how to wash yourself properly, and you remember everything and wash yourself with the guys.

Artistic word usage:

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water hiding?

Come out, vodica, we've come to wash.

Ladushki, patties with soap, wash my patties.


Well done, guys, I see that you all washed your hands well with soap and dried them with a towel. Oh, look, our bunny is completely unrecognizable.

While the children are washing, wash the bunny with them or replace it with another equally clean bunny.


Bunny also washed up with you, and look how clean and tidy he has become, it’s nice to look at.

I invite the children to return to the playroom.

3. Physical education.


Guys, let's play with our bunny.

Gray bunny washes

Apparently going to visit:

I washed my mouth, I washed my nose,

I washed my eyes, I washed my forehead,

I washed my hands, I washed my feet,

He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

(action is performed by text)

3. The plot game "On a visit to the hedgehog"


Is there something the bunny wants to tell me?

And the hare says thank you and offers to go with him to the hedgehog. Well let's go?

Children: Yes

Outcome: This lesson contributes to the development of cultural and hygienic skills of children of the first younger group (2-3 years old).

The social and communicative development of preschool children is not just an important component of education, but also a necessary element without which it is impossible to form a full-fledged personality of a child in the future.

Every kid is a discoverer of the world by nature and his curiosity knows no bounds, especially at an early stage of development. As he grows up and under the influence of such factors as family, environment, kindergarten, he either retains his childish spontaneity and continues to happily make contact, learning about the world, or becomes unable to build even the simplest relationships with peers and loses the ability to communicate.

This problem is especially clearly seen in the modern world, when a child already at the age of 2-3 years prefers computer games to communication, and watching TV to a collective game. Thus, he deprives himself of the opportunity to develop communication skills, which ultimately leads not only to a lack of communication as such, but also to significant difficulties and problems in the process of socialization.

The result is a situation where a child, for example, going to grade 1, does not know how to communicate with peers. They seem to him some kind of strangers, he does not know what to talk about with them, how to play with them, and if, God forbid, someone offends him, he immediately closes up and moves away even more. As a rule, teachers in this case have no time to understand the essence of the conflict that has arisen and everything comes down to a simple conclusion - since the child cannot make friends and communicate, it means that he is “bad and ill-mannered”.

In fact, the problem is not that something is wrong with the child, but that they simply have not been taught how to properly build their relationships with peers and how to communicate with them. He simply does not know how to do this and, as a result, either avoids everyone or provokes a conflict.

Such situations at an early age leave a big imprint on his psyche and the formation of the personality as a whole. And it is unlikely that such a child will grow up to be a sociable, cheerful, purposeful and self-confident person. And this is a direct road to failure in work and personal life.

So what is the social and communicative development of children, and most importantly - how to properly prepare for it and give the child all the necessary foundations and communication skills?

What is the social and communicative development of the child

The social and communicative development of a child is a complex process, as a result of which he learns to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with the outside world and people.

It is he who underlies the formation of the communicative competence of the individual in the future, which is the whole set of skills, abilities and knowledge that allow to adequately perceive and respond to the surrounding reality in the process of communication.

To put it in ordinary language, a child needs social and communicative development so that in the future, when he goes to school, enters a university or gets a job, he does not experience difficulties in communicating with other people and becomes a full-fledged member of society.

It can be said with full confidence that the process of acquiring communicative competence is long and difficult, and therefore it is necessary to start developing a child in this direction from an early age.

The main goals and objectives of the socio-communicative development of preschoolers

The main goal of social and communicative development in preschool age is the painless and timely socialization of the child, by introducing him to the accepted norms of communication, the relationship between peers and elders, as well as to the accepted general cultural traditions in the family and the state as a whole.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, each preschool educational institution has a special program, following which all the goals set in the development of the child are achieved. And in this case, the ultimate goal - the socialization of the child - can be successfully achieved thanks to the right tasks, the main of which will be the following:

  • Mastering the basic moral norms and values ​​accepted in society.
  • Help the child learn the basic rules of communication with peers and senior members of society.
  • The formation of the child's independence and the ability to make decisions.
  • Helping the child to master the basic emotional components of communication - empathy, responsiveness, mercy.
  • The formation in each child of respect for his family, peers, elders and society as a whole.
  • Assistance in the formation of positive attitudes towards work and creativity in the child.
  • Formation in the child of readiness for joint work and rest.
  • Formation in a preschooler of the foundations of safe behavior for his own life and the lives of others, and in all spheres of life - at home, in society, in nature.

The successful solution of the given tasks allows us to express the hope that the main goal of the social and communicative development of the child of the younger, middle and older groups will be achieved, and the child will be prepared for the transition to a qualitatively new environment - school, which will not cause he has difficulties and significant problems.

Game as the best way of social and communicative development of a child of any age

Another educator and innovator V. A. Sukhomlinsky said:"Through a fairy tale, a game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to the heart of a child."

It is the game that can become a faithful assistant to both educators and parents in the process of the child's social and communicative development. After all, even for older children, not to mention the kids, the game has been and remains the leading activity, and communication during the game, its integral part.

A large role of play activity and its importance in the life of a child was also assigned by a psychologist L. S. Rubinstein, who noted that only during the game the child not only plays someone else's role and imitates someone else's personality, but also expands, deepens and enriches his own. And as a result, it makes it easier for him to understand the world around him and the events taking place in it.

However, the game is different, and what is interesting to the baby may not interest a child of 4-5 years old at all. Therefore, play activities should not only correspond to the age of the child, but also give him a sense of control over ongoing events. Only in this case, he will not only comprehend the meaning and all the importance of human relations, but also realize his place in them. And this will already form the necessary skills and communication experience, which will be useful to him both at this stage and in the future.

So, for young children (2 - 3 years old), ordinary role-playing games on any topic "Playing in the store", "Playing doctor", "Playing mothers and daughters", etc. At the same time, it is important that an adult takes part in the game - dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, educator - because it is the adult who, by his example, should show the child how to greet, start a conversation, have a conversation, get what he wants or vice versa, refuse what -then.

A middle-aged child may be interested in the game "Emotion", when he gains invaluable experience in expressing not only his own emotions, but also learns to recognize them in other children and respond appropriately to this. In this case, the child can be asked to draw their emotions or depict them, while the rest of the participants in the game (children or adults) will have to guess what the child feels.

Children of older preschool age can be offered to play the "Situation", when an adult participant in the game invites the child to simulate this or that situation. For example, you were given 10 apples and you came into the garden with them - what will you do with them? Eat yourself, share with friends or give to the teacher. At the same time, it is important that the child explains aloud his actions and the motivation for the act.

Or, you won the competition, but your friend (girlfriend) did not, and he is very upset. What will you do?

Such games give the child not only a wonderful communication experience, thereby developing his social and communicative skills and forming communicative competence in the future, but also prepare him for painless socialization. When he will have to independently, without mom, dad and educator, having crossed the threshold of adulthood, make decisions, respond to current events and participate in them.


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